Monday, August 30, 2010
Ticking Of Time
Time is precious. Use it wisely.
Ticking Of Time
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Kaizen - Constant Improvement.
Kaizen - Constant Improvement.
My Tribe - Facebook Application Guide
My Tribe - Facebook Application Guide
Generate income with your HubPages URL Tracker Code
Generate income with your HubPages URL Tracker Code:
Google Street View Dead Body Mystery And Some More Strange And Funny Captures!
Google Street View Dead Body Mystery And Some More Strange And Funny Captures!:
Famous and Best Mexican Actors and Actresses
Famous and Best Mexican Actors and Actresses
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Swollen Feet: Is Poor Circulation ruining your Life? Get relief from pain and swelling
Poor Circulation and pain
Poor circulation in the legs is caused by a number of different things, but they all have one thing in common. Puffy ankles, joint pain and occasionally, numbness. I have recently discovered how inconvenient and disrupting it is to suffer from painful ankles and swelling.
Get 13 Instant Backlinks To Your Hubpages
Build Backlinks Instantly
Today I want to introduce you to getting 13 back links from high page rank sites, ranging from Page Rank 5 to Page Rank 9, for free and automatically . This is extremely powerful stuff and comes straight off the top shelf of my backlinking program.
Who need miracles
miracle is a gift from God out of love and not a merit. If something given you as a merit, it is not a miracle. You earned it. You deserve it and you inherit it. But when you do not deserve it, and given as a gift out of love, then you can call it a miracle.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Managerial Functions
Managerial Functions
The functions which describe managerial job, when put together, make up the management process. This process is analyzed into key functions of management viz., planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Planning, organizing and controlling which deal mostly with non-human aspects are known as mechanics of management, whereas staffing and direction which are primarily concerned with human aspects constitute dynamics of management. In the conceptual scheme, though the functions are listed out in a sequence, I practice they are interlocked as a system. As all functions are not equally important for all managers, time spent by them for each of these functions varies according to their levels in the organization. These functions has been discussed below:
Planning: Planning refers to anticipate the opportunity, problems and conditions and choosing from among the alternative future courses of action. The planning process generally includes the following activities.
Forecasting is looking ahead to anticipate the opportunity, problems and conditions in a future period of time.
Establishing objectives means setting the end results to be accomplished by directing organizational efforts.
Programming is establishing sequence and priority of actions to be followed in the attainment of the objectives.
Scheduling is deciding on time sequence for program steps.
Budgeting is allocation of resources to minimize costs.
Establishing procedures means developing and applying standardized methods of performing a specific work.
Developing policies involve establishment and interpretation of standing decisions that apply to repetitive questions and problems of significance to be organization as a whole.
Organizing function: The organizing function of management is the process of defining and grouping of activities and creating authority relationship among them. It consists of
Developing the organization structure which involves identification of task and grouping them into units or departments for performance.
Delegating authority to the managers and making him responsible for group performance.
Establishing relations creating conditions necessary for mutually fooperative efforts of people in the organization.
Staffing: Planning the organization with suitable personnel constitutes the staffing function. It involves selection, training and development, compensation, and appraisal of subordinates by the manager. Manpower planning and manpower management looks after these activities and try to ensure suitable methods of remuneration and performance appraisal of the employees.
Directing Function: involves managing people and the work through the means of motivation, proper leadership, effective communication and coordination. A manager must develop ability to command. He should issue orders and instructions without arousing any resentment among the subordinates. He must be able to secure willing obedience from his subordinates without destroying their initiative and creativity. Moreover, it requires a sound communication system to enable exchange of ideas and information for common understanding.
Controlling Function: enables management to ensure that achievement is in accordance with the established plans it involves:
Establishing performance standards for evaluating results.
Performance on the basis of records and reports on the progress of work.
Performance evaluation against the standards set.
Corrective action to regulate operations, remove deficiencies and improve performance
Thoughts that you will cherish to have
Thoughts that you will cherish to have
What are the memories you will cherish to have while lying on your death bed. Is it the days you put on high healed Shoes and wearing shining clothes or garments and walked through the streets of your neighborhood and people peeped out to look at you and admired you. Do you cherish on the thought of having that expensive fancy dress. Or will you cherish the thought of wearing that branded jeans and T-shirt and strolling around your neighborhood. Or will you cherish the thought of driving that SUV or Branded Luxury car. Will you cherish at the thought of living a luxury life. Will you cherish at the thought of things you possess, the thing you bought for yourself. Will you cherish at the bank balance you have at the time you are about to die. Think about it. No. No one will cherish at the thought of having many material things or bank balance you made for yourself.
You might cherish at the thought of the good deeds you done in your life. The time you spend with your dear ones. The helping hand you extended to your friends or relatives. You will cherish the thought of the time when you helped your friend when he was in dire need of financial and morel help and wiped out his tears at that critical moment. The day your friend thanked you with the tears of joy and gratitude for the help you extended to him. They are the thoughts that you will cherish to have at your death bed.
But the question is how we are spending our days now? Are we spending it the way we want? Would you be happy when you look at the path you traveled? Would you be satisfied at the end your life for the things you done? That are the questions we need to ask now. If you find the answers to these questions, I am sure there would be a shift in the way of your life. Hope you would not spend your energy, time and money to things which would not bring meaning and satisfaction. You will spend your time, money and energy for things which are more meaningful and satisfying.
If you raise your head and look at people and their deeds, it seems that at the end of their life they will be satisfied and cherished at the bank balance and possessions they made for themselves. They don't have time for their family. They don't have time for their friends. They have time only to make money and protect their money and possession. Nothing else. How long we continue a meaningless life? For whom we are amassing wealth? You don't know your successor will be wise enough to protect your wealth properly.
It is the time to raise your head and look at your own work. Are you doing a worthy job or wasting your time and energy?
When you reach Heaven, God would not ask you about your bank balance or how much wealth you created for yourself. Do you think when you reach heaven God would ask: Sam, How much you earned?.
Sam: Oh my God you know how much I made. You know life was very tough their. As soon as I completed my studies, I started to work. I saved some money. But when I got married, I spend almost everything I earned in my bachelor life for the marriage. You know how difficult it is to maintain a wife. Then we saved some money to buy a home. Before we bought that dream home we had children too. Still we managed to buy that dream home with the help of bank loan. You know the expenses of the children at school. It was difficult to manage the children's studies and home mortgage and living expenses by myself. So I forced my wife to take up a job so that she can support the family. However we manged children's studies, home loan, car loan, vacation etc. After that we had a little time to earn something for our retirement and for ourselves. Still we manage to make some money and we were about to become millionaires. But you called us to heaven. If you granted few more years, we could have come here as millionaires. But you called us to here at the young age age of 85. We couldn't enjoy our hard earned money too.
God: Stupid Sam, what are you talking? Look at Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. They have made not one or two millions, but hundreds of millions of dollars. Look at Oprah Winfrey. She made millions in her young age from nothing. And you, after 75 years not able to make a single million? Nonsense. Go away from here.
No. God will not say so. Don't think in your wildest dreams that God would ask such a question or compare you with other millionaires. He would not look at your net worth and judge accordingly.
A possible chance of the seen which can happen to you at the heaven is mentioned below:
God: My dear Sam, I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. I never expect such act from you, My dear Sam... You see, how much I loved you and how much I blessed you.
Sam: What nonsense you are talking about my Lord? When you were hungry. If you told me, I could have arrange dinner for you in a five star hotel!. When you were thirsty. We had kept branded wine in our refrigerator throughout my life. If you just informed me, we could have a grand party at my residence along with my friends. When you were a stranger? We are happy to have you as our gust and make every arrangements for you. We are willing to build a guest house for you to stay as long as you want to stay with us. When you came to us, you never informed us. If you have told us, we could arrange insurance for you to take care of you at a good hospital when you were sick. We could have buy you branded suits or tailor made cloth for you. And obviously we never expect you at the prison. You know good people will not go to prison. You know how much we loved you and your blessings. Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
God: 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
Sam: That....... My dear God..... ..... but...... ..... I left my wealth with my son...... Hope he would spend some money out of it for the poor....
God: Foolish Sam, how can you expect your sons will spent some money on poor when you never showed kindness to poor in front of them. Then how do you you expect them to do that? You heard about helping the needy in the church many times that: Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
God continued: You heard many preachers preaching on the above matter but never heed. You slept over many messages when comes to giving. You were only interested in listening messages about blessings, material blessings and nothing else.
Sam: Oh.... My.... God.... that... but....
While living in this world make sure you would not reach such a position.
Have a great life.
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