When you think of abundance, what is coming in your mind. A nice house to live and enough money to have car and another facilities offered to a human being. There is limit for our abundance. But for God there is no limit. When He give abundance, He give everything. Imagine, Noah is coming out of the ark. The ark is rested on the Mount Ararat. Noah stepped down from the ark and saw the entire earth and the wealth of the world in front of him. He is the only person along with his sons to possess the entire earth. No boundary walls, no limits. Sea shores and river banks, mountains and valleys, Gold and Silver and all the riches of this world is lying in front of him. God did not set limit when he decided to bless Noah. I think when Noah saw all that is before him, he lifted his hands and praised God. We read that Noah build an ark and worshiped God. When you get the blessings, you will start worshiping God.
But one thing you need to know that before all this abundance Noah had to gone through some hard times. He had to build a massive ark. He had to separate with the world and stay in the ark for about one year. He had to serve all his relationships with his in-laws, his children's in-laws, His brothers and sisters and friends. When he became obedient, He got a new world for himself and for his decedents.
As per Bible Noah spent around one year inside the Ark. It was a difficult time for Noah and his family. There was no friends, there was no the splendor and happiness of this world. No party, No hangouts. No enjoyments of the world. Noah got separated from this world and there was no communication or relationships between Noah's family and the rest of the world.
Noah had to undergo this separation from the world to be blessed. You know why I am saying Noah was enjoyed the abundance? Imagine when Noah came out of the Ark, the entire earth was before him. No boundary. No gates or fences. The entire earth was before him to enjoy with his kids. The whole earth was given to Noah and his kids.