the Spirits By Smith Wigglesworth
day I met a friend of mine in the street, and I said, “Fred, where
are you going?”
am going—. Oh, I don’t feel I ought to tell you,” he said. “It
is a secret between me and the Lord.”
we have prayed together, we have had nights of communication, we have
been living together in the Spirit,” I said. “Surely there is no
secret that could be hidden between you and me.”
will tell you,” he said. “I am going to a spiritualism meeting.”
you think it is dangerous? I don’t think it is wise for believers
to go to these places,” I said.
am led to go to test it according to Scripture,” he replied. “They
are having some special mediums from London.”
meant that they were having some people from London who were more
filled with the Devil than the Spiritualists we had in our city of
Bradford. They were special devils.
am going,” he continued, “and I am going with the clear knowledge
that I am under the blood of Jesus.”
me the results, will you?”
I will.”
beloved, I advise none of you to go to these places. My friend went
and sat down in the midst of the satanic meeting, and the medium
began to take control. The lights went low; everything was in a
dismal state. My friend did not speak, but just kept himself under
the blood, whispering the preciousness of the blood of Jesus. These
more possessed devils were on the platform. They tried every possible
thing they could to get under control for more than an hour, and then
the lights went up. The leader said, “We can do nothing tonight;
there is somebody here who believes in the blood of Christ.”
Do you all believe in the blood, beloved?
has never changed His mind concerning His promises. They are “Yes”
and “Amen” (2 Cor. 1:20) to those who believe. God is the same
yesterday and forever (Heb. 13:8). To doubt Him is sin. All unbelief
is sin. So we have to believe He can heal, save, fill with the Holy
Spirit, and transform us altogether.
you ready? What for? To be so chastened by the Lord, so corrected by
Him that, as you pass through the fire, as you pass through all
temptations, you may come out as Jesus came out of the wilderness,
filled with the Spirit.
you ready? What for? To be so brought in touch with the Father’s
will that you may know that whatever you ask, believing, you will
receive (Matt. 21:22). This is the promise; this is the reality God
brings to us.
you ready? What for? To no longer know yourself according to the
flesh, to no longer yield to the flesh, but to be quickened by the
Spirit, living in the Spirit without condemnation, your testimony
bright, cheerful, and full of life. This is the inheritance for you
Not Believe Every Spirit
message the Lord wants me to speak to you about is in the fourth
chapter of 1 John. I would like the day to come in which we would
never come to a meeting without having the Word of God with us. The
great need today is to have more of the Word. There is no foundation
apart from the Word. The Word not only gives you a foundation, but it
also puts you in a place where you can stand and, after the battle,
keep on standing. Nothing else will do it. When the Word is in your
heart, it will preserve you from desiring sin. The Word is the living
presence of that divine power that overcomes the world. You need the
Word of God in your hearts so that you might be able to overcome the
do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are
of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By
this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that
Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that
does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of
God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard
was coming, and is now already in the world. (1 John 4:1–3)
this passage were honeycombed right through our own circumstances,
there would be no room for fear. We are dealing with a subject
concerning satanic power so that we may be able to discern evil
can so live in this divine communion with Christ that we can sense
evil in any part of the world. In this present world, powers of evil
are rampant. The man who lives in God is afraid of nothing. The plan
of God is that we might be so in Him that we will be equal to any
(1 John 4:1). That is a good word. It means that we are now in a
place where God has set His love upon us. He wants us to listen to
what He has to say to us because when His beloved are hearing His
voice, then they understand what He has for them.
passage continues:
are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who
is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are of the
world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears
them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God
does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit
of error. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and
everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love
does not know God, for God is love. In this the love of God was
manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into
the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that
we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the
propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought
to love one another. No one has seen God at any time. If we love one
another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By
this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given
us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has
sent the Son as Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is
the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. And we have known
and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who
abides in love abides in God, and God in him. Love has been perfected
among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment;
because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love;
but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But
he who fears has not
made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us.(1 John
is an inexhaustible subject. We should get a great deal out of this
message that will serve us for an evil day and the day of temptation.
is dealing with us as sons; He calls us “beloved.” We are in the
truth, but we want to know the truth in a way that will keep us free.
(See John 8:32.) I want to help the people who have been so troubled
with voices and with things that have happened that they have felt
they had no control over them. And I want to help those people who
are bound in many ways and have been trying in every way to get free.
I believe the Lord wants me very definitely to deal with things that
will be of an important nature to you as long as you live.
fourth chapter of 1 John tells us specifically how to deal with evil
powers, with evil voices. It tells us how we may be able to dethrone
them and be in a place where we are over them. It shows us how we may
live in the world not subject to fear, not subject to bondage, not
subject to pain, but in a place where we are defeating evil powers,
ruling over them, reigning in the world by this life of Christ. In
this way, we will be from above, and we will know it. We will not be
subject to the world, but we will reign over the world so that
disease, sin, and death will not have dominion.
keynote that runs through the entire Scriptures is that Jesus has
vanquished and overcome all of the powers of the Devil and has
destroyed his power, even the power of death. Whether we are going to
believe it or not, this is for us. God sends out the challenge, and
He says, “If you believe it, it will be so.”
will hinder us? Our human nature will. This has a lot to do with
hindering God: when the human will is not wholly surrendered, when
there is some mixture, part spirit and part flesh, when there is a
division in your own heart.
a house where there are two children, one may desire to obey his
father and mother, and he is loved and is very well treated. The
other is loved just the same, but the difficulty is this: the wayward
boy who wants his own way does many things to grieve his parents, and
he gets the whip. They are both children in the house; one is getting
the whip, the other is getting the blessing without the whip.
are any number of God’s children who are getting the whip who know
better than they are doing. So I want you to wake up to do what you
know ought to be done, because there is a whipping for those who
won’t obey. Sin is never covered by your appearance, your presence,
your prayers, or your tears. Sin can only be removed by repentance.
When you repent deeply enough, you will find that the thing goes away
forever. Never cover up sin. Sins must be judged. Sins must be
brought to the blood of Christ. When you have a perfect confidence
between you and God, it is amazing how your prayers rise. You catch
fire, you are filled with zeal, your inspiration is tremendous, you
find out that the Spirit prays through you, and you live in a place
of blessing.
with Evil Powers
are many people living today who are called Spiritualists. I call
them “Devilists.” I never give any quarter to them. If I see a
spiritualism meeting advertised, I say, “There is a Devilpossessed
meeting.” I never encounter a Christian Scientist without knowing
he is also working the powers of darkness and that he is on the
Devil’s side. I never meet a Jehovah’s Witness without knowing
that he has changed the Word of God, and I know that God has removed
him from the blessing.
the housetop things will be declared. God will bring everything to
light that has been in darkness. There is not one thing but what will
have to be judged, and in the present time the believer in Christ is
in the position of judging the Devil. The Prince of this World is
judged, and God is fulfilling His divine power when He is bringing us
into perfect order through the Spirit, so that we voice the power of
the Word of God, so that we deal with satanic influences, satanic
power. In this world we are to overcome until we deal with every
demon power, so that Christ comes at the top and reigns over us,
because He has given us power and authority over all the power of the
God, by the power of the Spirit, has given us a revelation of our
position in Christ. Whatever happens in the world, we must see that
every demon power must be dislodged, cast into the pit forever. We
must recognize that God’s Son is placed in power over the power of
the Enemy; we must understand that anybody who deals falsely with the
Word of God nullifies the position of authority that Christ has given
him over Satan.
did Christ say? In a very definite way, He said: If your hand causes
you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life
maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire
that shall never be quenched; where “their worm does not die, and
the fire is not quenched.” And if your foot causes you to sin, cut
it off. It is better for you to enter life lame, rather than having
two feet, to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be
quenched; where “their worm does not die, and the fire is not
quenched.” And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is
better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than
having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire; where “their worm does
not die, and the fire is not quenched.” (Mark 9:43–48)
is better to go into the presence of God with half your faculties
than to go into hell with all your faculties. Jesus knew that hell
was a reality, and He gave no quarter to it. And when He was dealing
with demons, they were referred to as “unclean spirit[s],” (Mark
9:25 kjv), meaning that there is no clean demon power. All demon
powers are unclean.
wants a clean people. He is cleansing us from all the filthiness of
the flesh so that when the Devil comes, he will find nothing in us.
(See John 14:30.)
Yourself by God’s Word
are two ways of being in the place where God wants you to be. One is
to see that you obey. The next is to examine yourself to see that
“you are in the faith” (2 Cor. 13:5). If you do not judge
yourself, you will be judged (1 Cor. 11:31). But if you judge
yourself by the Word of God, you will not be condemned with the
present evil world (v. 32).
day we were having a meeting after the Holy Spirit came upon us, and
the word got around that we had received the baptism of the Spirit,
as we called it, and were speaking in tongues. Many people said we
had received satanic power and were speaking in tongues through the
power of the Devil. So the whole city was awakened. At this meeting
there were two rows of Spiritualists—these demon-possessed people.
The power of the Spirit was upon me, and I began speaking in tongues,
and these demon powers began muttering, shaking, rolling, and all
kinds of things.
went off the platform, stood at the end of the two rows, and said,
“Come out, you demons, in the name of Jesus!” The two rows of
people filed out of their seats and went down the aisle and outside.
When they got outside, they cursed and blasphemed and said all kinds
of evil things. But thank God they were outside!
day I met a friend of mine in the street, and I said, “Fred, where
are you going?”
am going—. Oh, I don’t feel I ought to tell you,” he said. “It
is a secret between me and the Lord.”
we have prayed together, we have had nights of communication, we have
been living together in the Spirit,” I said. “Surely there is no
secret that could be hidden between you and me.”
will tell you,” he said. “I am going to a spiritualism meeting.”
you think it is dangerous? I don’t think it is wise for believers
to go to these places,” I said.
am led to go to test it according to Scripture,” he replied. “They
are having some special mediums from London.”
meant that they were having some people from London who were more
filled with the Devil than the Spiritualists we had in our city of
Bradford. They were special devils.
am going,” he continued, “and I am going with the clear knowledge
that I am under the blood of Jesus.”
me the results, will you?”
I will.”
beloved, I advise none of you to go to these places. My friend went
and sat down in the midst of the satanic meeting, and the medium
began to take control. The lights went low; everything was in a
dismal state. My friend did not speak, but just kept himself under
the blood, whispering the preciousness of the blood of Jesus. These
more possessed devils were on the platform. They tried every possible
thing they could to get under control for more than an hour, and then
the lights went up. The leader said, “We can do nothing tonight;
there is somebody here who believes in the blood of Christ.”
Do you all believe in the blood, beloved?
that you keep your heart in a place where the blood is covering you,
where the wicked one does not touch you, for has He not given “charge
over you to keep you in all your ways”? He will send His angels,
and “they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a
stone.” It is the Lord your God who overshadows; it is the Lord
your God who protects, for He “will not slumber or sleep,” but He
keeps you in the perfect place, like “the apple of His eye,” in
Is He Who Is in You
the spirits, whether they are of God” (1 John 4:1). Be ready to
challenge the Devil. Don’t be afraid. You will be delivered from
fear if you believe. You can have “ears to hear” (Matt. 11:15) or
ears that do not hear. Ears that hear are the ears of faith, and your
ears will be so open to what is spiritual that they will lay hold of
the Word of God becomes the life and nature of you, you will find
that the minute you open it, it becomes life to you; you will find
that you have to be joined up with the Word. You are to be the
epistles of Christ (2 Cor. 3:3). This means that Christ is the Word,
and He will be known in us by our fruits. (See Matthew 7:16–20.) He
is the life and the nature of you. It is a new nature: a new life, a
new breath, a new spiritual atmosphere. There is no limitation in
this standard, but in everything else you are limited. “He who is
in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). When
the Word of Life is lived out in you because it is your life, then it
is enacted, and it brings forth what God has desired. When we quote
something from the Scriptures, we must be careful that we are living
according to it. The Word of God has to abide in you, for the Word is
life and it brings forth life, and this is the life that makes you
“free from the law of sin and death” (Rom. 8:2).
to Test the Spirits
are evil thoughts, and there are thoughts of evil. Evil thoughts are
suggestive of the Evil One. We must be able to understand what the
evil is and how to deal with it. The Word of God makes us strong. All
evil powers are weak. There is nothing strong in the Devil; the
weakest believer dethrones the Enemy when he mentions Jesus. “Young
men, you are strong because you know the Word.” (See 1 John 2:14.)
are evil thoughts and thoughts of evil. Where do thoughts of evil
come from? They come from the unclean believer, the man who is not
entirely sanctified. Remember that the Devil does not know your
thoughts; that is where the Devil is held. But God knows your
thoughts; God knows all things. Satan can only suggest evil thoughts
to try to arouse your carnal nature. Yet if you are disturbed, if you
are weak, if you are troubled or depressed, then you are in a
wonderful place. If you never tell anybody about your evil thoughts,
and you are not disturbed about them, the carnal powers have never
been destroyed in you. But if you tell anybody, then it is proof that
you are clean; it is because you are clean that you weep. If you are
not disturbed, if you have no conviction, it is because of your
uncleansed heart; you have let sin come in.
Evil Powers
can the believer believe so that he will not be tormented? The
question is: How can we be master of the situation? We must know this
Scripture: “Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come
in the flesh is of God” (1 John 4:2). Did Jesus come in the flesh?
Mary produced a Son in the likeness of God. In a similar way, the
eternal seed that came into us when we believed produces a life, a
person, which is “Christ in [us]” (Col. 1:27) and which rises up
in us until the reflection of the Son of God is in everything we do.
Mary produced a Son for redemption. God’s seed in us produces a son
of perfect redemption, until we live in Him and move by Him, and our
whole nature becomes a perfect Son of God in us (Acts 17:28). In the
name of Jesus, cast self out, and you will be instantly free.
Holy Spirit has all power and all language. If you won’t tell
anybody when these suggestive evil powers come, it is proof that you
are not sanctified. A Spiritualist will never say that Jesus came in
the flesh. The Lord wants us to understand that spiritualistic
evidences, and the like, are of the Devil.
Place of Discernment
must be in a place where we can discern evil things and evil spirits.
There is a place where we can bind these evil powers and, loosing the
people, set them free. Read the ninth chapter of Mark. There is an
exchange of life, of power, until it is absolutely as the Word says:
“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John
4:4). God can change you until you will not be afraid of anything.
comes after you have been filled with the Holy Spirit. Get down and
pray for power. You ask, “What is the problem when I come away from
prayer and nothing changes?” There are two reasons for this. First,
when you go into your place, lock the door. Should you pray silently?
No—pray loudly. The Devil has never disturbed anybody who prayed
aloud. There the Holy Spirit’s power is a proof.
if you will, you can rebuke, you can cast out, satanic powers. Rebuke
Satan. Never cast a demon out twice, or he will run about and laugh
at you. He will know you did not believe it the first time. “Ask,
and you will receive” (John 16:24). The moment you ask, believe you
will receive, and you will have it.
I am going to pray, “Father, in the name of Jesus, increase my
compassion.” Thank You, Lord, I have it. I know I have it.
Smith Wigglesworth