Monday, October 14, 2024

The Challenges of Owning an Electric Two-Wheeler in India: Range Anxiety, Charging Woes, and Battery Costs

Owning an electric two-wheeler in India comes with several challenges that can make the experience less convenient compared to traditional petrol vehicles.

1. Range Anxiety:
The most common issue faced by EV owners is range anxiety—the constant worry about running out of charge before reaching the destination. Electric two-wheelers typically offer a limited range on a single charge, and this range can be drastically affected by real-world conditions like traffic jams. For instance, I've personally experienced this problem multiple times, where my scooter ran out of charge before I could reach my destination. On two occasions, I had to pay around ₹100 to charge my vehicle from a roadside garden owner's outlet. This uncertainty creates a lot of stress, as you are always trying to estimate whether your vehicle has enough power to complete the trip.

2. Lack of EV Charging Infrastructure:
Another major issue is the lack of charging stations along the roads, especially outside major urban areas. Even in cities like Delhi, there are very few places that offer EV charging facilities. If you're stuck with a low battery, finding a place to charge your two-wheeler is often a challenge. Moreover, many people are hesitant to allow EV owners to use their electrical outlets for charging, and those who do allow it often charge exorbitant fees. In areas like Delhi and Noida, it's not uncommon to encounter people asking for very high prices for a simple charge, which adds to the frustration of owning an EV.

3. Declining Battery Life and High Replacement Costs:
Battery degradation is another serious concern. When I first bought my scooter, it offered a range of 120 km per charge. However, after just a few months, the range dropped to 100 km. By the end of the first year, it was down to 80 km, and now, after two years, I’m only getting 40-50 km on a single charge. The decline in battery performance makes it harder to rely on the scooter for longer trips. On top of that, the cost of replacing the battery is almost prohibitive. When I initially bought the bike for ₹82,000, it seemed like a good deal, but now, after two years, a new battery costs around ₹45,000.

Considering the high cost of battery replacement, limited mobility, and constant range anxiety, the benefits of owning an electric scooter over a petrol one become questionable. With petrol bikes, you can refuel easily and ride without stress, knowing you won’t be stranded due to lack of charging options or declining battery capacity. The convenience and ease of use still favor traditional petrol-powered vehicles over EVs, at least until these issues are addressed.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Redesigning Delhi: Addressing the Chronic Waterlogging Crisis

A few hours of rain on 28th June 2024 Morning in Delhi brought the city to a standstill due to waterlogging in various locations and roads. This recurring issue raises several critical questions and highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive redesign of the city's infrastructure. Proper drainage of rainwater should be a top priority for the Delhi Government.

Every monsoon season, Minto Bridge makes headlines due to severe waterlogging. This notorious spot requires a lasting solution—either by installing an effective drainage system or by constructing an overpass to replace the problematic underpass. The persistent issue at Minto Bridge is a glaring example of inadequate planning and maintenance.

In contrast, most roads in Noida are designed with proper drainage systems, which efficiently manage rainwater, except for a few underpasses. This should serve as an eye-opener for the Delhi Government. The under-construction flyover between Dilshad Garden and Anand Vihar also experienced significant waterlogging, leading to massive traffic jams. This situation is a clear example of poor design and a lack of foresight regarding rainwater drainage.

To prevent future occurrences, the Delhi Government must prioritize the implementation of efficient rainwater drainage systems in all new and existing infrastructure projects. By learning from these challenges, we can build a more resilient and functional urban environment.

Friday, June 7, 2024

From Specks to Stewards: Embracing Our Cosmic Authority with Humor and Humility

 Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow travelers in this wild adventure called life,

Today, I have the distinct honor and dubious pleasure of speaking to you about "the authority of man" based on the poetic brilliance of Psalms 8. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Authority? Man? Psalms? Is this going to be a lecture or a sermon?" Fear not! I promise to deliver this message with a touch of humor, a sprinkle of information, and maybe even a dash of wisdom. So, buckle up and prepare for a journey through the divine comedy of human existence!

Psalms 8 is a hymn of praise, a beautiful ode where King David looks up at the night sky and marvels at the majesty of God’s creation. It begins with the line, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Right off the bat, David is in awe of the Almighty, and who can blame him? He’s staring at the stars, the moon, the vast cosmos, and he’s probably thinking, “Wow, I’m so tiny, and yet here I am!”

David goes on to ask, “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” This is the ancient equivalent of an existential crisis. Imagine David, lying on a hillside, looking at the sky, and suddenly realizing he's a speck in the universe. It’s the same feeling we get today when our WiFi goes down, and we’re left alone with our thoughts for five minutes.

But then, David flips the script. He says, “You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.” Whoa, talk about a plot twist! One minute, we’re tiny specks, and the next, we’re just a smidge below angels. That’s a glow-up if I ever saw one!

David continues, "You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet." That’s right, folks. According to Psalms 8, we’re in charge of everything – birds, fish, beasts of the field. We’ve got the whole zoo, the entire aquarium, and the complete aviary under our authority. It's like God handed us the keys to the world and said, “Don’t mess it up!”

Now, let’s talk about this authority for a moment. Being given dominion over the earth is like being given a new car by your parents at 16. It’s a huge responsibility, and there’s a good chance you’ll end up with a few dents and scratches. Humans, with all our wisdom and innovation, have achieved incredible things. We’ve built skyscrapers that kiss the sky, created technology that connects the world, and even sent people to the moon. But we’ve also managed to create traffic jams, reality TV, and pineapple on pizza. So, you win some, you lose some.

Our authority, as Psalms 8 puts it, is both an honor and a responsibility. It’s like being given the remote control to the universe’s most epic Netflix series. Sure, we get to choose the episodes, but we also have to make sure we don’t accidentally delete the whole season. And let’s be honest, with great power comes great potential to binge-watch and procrastinate.

David’s hymn reminds us that our place in creation is both humbling and exalted. We’re tiny but mighty, small but significant. It’s like being the world’s most important ant – we might be tiny, but our work is crucial.

So, what can we take away from Psalms 8 about the authority of man? First, it’s a reminder to stay humble. Just because we have authority doesn’t mean we have all the answers. Sometimes we need to look up at the stars and remember just how vast and mysterious the universe is.

Second, it’s a call to responsibility. We’ve been given a beautiful world to care for, and it’s up to us to steward it wisely. Whether it’s protecting the environment, caring for one another, or just making sure the remote doesn’t get lost in the couch cushions, every little act of responsibility counts.

And finally, it’s a celebration of our potential. We might be just a little lower than the angels, but that means we’re capable of angelic things. We can love, create, inspire, and make a difference in the world.

So, as we navigate our lives, let's embrace the majesty of Psalms 8. Let’s marvel at the stars, take pride in our unique place in creation, and most importantly, let’s not take ourselves too seriously. After all, life is a divine comedy, and we are the stars of the show.

To sum it all up: we are the stewards of this planet, the custodians of its beauty, and the occasional creators of bizarre food combinations. We have the power to shape the future, to care for the Earth, and to make each other laugh along the way.

So go forth, fellow humans, with the authority of a being just a smidge lower than the angels. Be kind, be responsible, and remember to look up at the stars every now and then – because in the grand scheme of things, we’re all just tiny specks with a big job to do.

Thank you, and may your days be filled with wonder, your nights with starlight, and your hearts with joy. Amen!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Embracing Free Will: Navigating Temptation and Choice

I questioned God why I was born without the inclination to sin. His response was clear: the choice to sin or not lies with me. Adam, too, was granted free will to make this choice. Satan tempted him, and unfortunately, Adam succumbed to that temptation. Jesus, facing similar trials, resisted temptation and emerged victorious. The power to resist or yield to temptation rests within each of us, as we were endowed with free will. Should we triumph over temptation, heavenly rewards await us; yet, if we falter and sin, we must face the consequences fitting for our actions. Therefore, it is imperative to make wise decisions when temptation arises.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Ascending Through Crisis: Preparing for a New Era of Manifestation and Ascension Life

We've all been living in what a lot of people in the world are calling a time of crisis. Actually, the crisis that we're enduring at the present moment is a small thing compared to some of the things that the Lord is about ready to release in the earth. One of the definitive things that the Lord commissioned me to do is to get the people ready because at this present moment, we think we're ready, but we're really, really not ready.

If we're not living from our position in the Heavenly Realms and viewing things from the heavens downward, we're going to be very frustrated and a little bit upset by some of the things that we see happening because we're not actually going to believe it is God. But the truth of the matter is, it's all Him. He is still sovereign; He is still doing a very, very magnificent and huge thing on Earth at this present moment. Therefore, it's really important for us to come to a place where we can begin to see things from the heavens down and not only see things but also decree and declare things in the earthly realm, but to actually function and live from a heavenly position.

So, I'm going to talk a little bit today about how to respond in times of crisis because, like I said, there's a crisis coming, and what we've experienced to this present moment is a very small thing compared to what the Lord is going to do.

So, how then are we going to live above and not below the darkness that is coming to the Earth? We're now in a very strategic movement that is moving us through this crisis towards the finish. Our purpose in the age of the church was to make God relevant to humanity, but our purpose during the age of the kingdom is to make ourselves relevant to Him. This is a very, very important difference because the current move of God is not about us, not about our business, not about our finances, not about our health, not about all the things that we consistently lift up to God, which are all very self-centric in their applications.

So, if our purpose then is not about what God is going to do for us but what are we going to do with Him and for Him, why then are we going to be operating through a crisis? Why does God choose this pathway to get us to the end, and how are we going to prepare for it?

Crisis is the new normal in our lives through the coming crisis, and part of the reason is, and I've been prophesying this forever, that we're going to do things that have never been done before. We're going to see things that have never been seen before; we're going to hear things that have never been heard before. We're going to do the undoable and become what we are not currently. That means the revelation of the mystery of God that has been hidden in Christ since the very beginning is about ready to be revealed.

I want to clarify because a lot of people in the body of Christ believe that we're not going to endure anything during this coming crisis. It's true that we are going to be protected and provided for in the midst of it, but we are going to go through some stuff. So why does God choose this pathway to get us to the end, and how do we prepare for it through the coming crisis?

We're supposed to do what we cannot do and become what we are not, which is the revealing of the sons of the living God. Our total dependence then has to be upon Him for our provision, and there is going to come a day when He is actually going to provide through us — through us water from rocks, quail from the sky, and manna from heaven.

When I talk about getting ready for the coming crisis, there are people who can prepare in a measure. We can store up food; we can store up munitions; we can store up building materials; we can do all of those kinds of things. But those are only temporary fixes for the ultimate shifting out of this age of the Earth and into the final creation, which is the coming down from heaven of the kingdom of God and its establishment here on the earth with its center in Jerusalem.

We're going to begin to do what no other generation has ever done. We're actually co-creating together with Him, and the day is going to come — and this is a word from heaven, so you can take it to the bank — the day is going to come when we are actually going to be empowered by God to create enough food to feed the entire Earth.

That seems like a preposterous statement, but we're already being reconfigured for that level of creativity. So when the Lord says in 2 Corinthians 6 that we're called to be co-workers and co-creators together with Him, that co-creation goes way above and beyond anything that humanity has ever experienced before this time.

Number one, we have to be the same in the days of crisis as we are in the days of peace because Jesus is our peace, and Jesus lives in us. Therefore, when crises or times of crisis come, we cannot be moved by the crisis; we have to remain in love, joy, peace because He gives peace not as the world gives but as only He can give peace that passes all understanding to keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

So how ready are we then, and what can we do to be even more prepared? Establishing the kingdom within has to come first, and when I talk about the difference between ascending and descending and ascension life, ascension life emanates from within. He cannot trust us to govern our nation, our planet, our galaxy, our universe if we can't first govern ourselves.

So, what does that mean? The governments and the kingdoms of this Earth will not be put into the hands of a church whose government is skewed and whose foundations are inaccurately built. Nor will it be put into the hands of individuals who lack sufficient internal government to govern themselves, their families, their churches, their businesses, and every other sphere of influence under their domain.

In order for us to bring accurate alignment to our lives, in order to become the visible, tangible lights in the midst of the darkness, we first have to deal with the kingdom within. So, I'm going to talk about the difference between ascending and descending and living an ascended life. We're going to go into more detail about that later, but these are just some thoughts that you might want to jot down.

A true ascended human being is one who is incarnated by the kingdom. In the beginning was the word; the word was with God, the word was God, and the word was made manifest in mortal flesh. So, the desire of the Lord is to manifest His word, which is Jesus, in our mortal flesh. That's going to produce transfiguration.

Ascension life is an external expression of an internal position; therefore, it is much less locational than it is positional. There are many different positions of ascension, one of those being manifested from the kingdom within. There's a direct link then between the quality of your internal life and the quality of your external life. If your internal life becomes the perfect reflection of God's glory, which is what we were created to be in the earth — the perfect reflection of His glory — then our external life will also produce that manifestation in a visible form.

There is coming a time when the Lord says in the end time the kings of the earth and the rulers of nations will come to us, saying, 'Show us your ways.' The reason why they're going to come to us is that in the midst of chaos, in the midst of trial, in the midst of tribulation, we maintain ourselves on a platform of peace that comes only from Him.

The ascended life emerges then from within you. Success is not an outward appearance; it's the degree to which you are conformed to the image of Christ. These are just a few thoughts that I want to talk about when I talk about creating the platform to actually live in the Heavenly Realms and walk in the Earthly realm.

Ascension life is not a new doctrine; it is a way of life and a lifestyle. Therefore, your lifestyle must begin to reflect the light that came to light the whole earth and the light that lights the heart of every man.

It's a way of life that manifests the complete unhindered government of the kingdom of the person called Christ. That means we have to become stable, we have to become predictable, we have to come to a place where we're no longer ruled by our thoughts, our will, our emotions, or anything else other than our ascended life in Christ.

The word became flesh. So, everybody tap your chest and say, 'The word became flesh.' I'm watching; nobody's tapping their chest. Tap your chest and say, 'The word became flesh.' What's happening right now is the word Christ in us, the hope of glory, is now going to begin to manifest in our flesh.

In John 1:1, it says, 'In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.'

Actually, when Jesus says in John 14:12 that the things that he did, we will do also. I'm here to tell you that the life inside of us is going to soon become the light of men. 'And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.' There was a man sent from God whose name was John. I'm just reading through these because I'm coming to a point. The same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Unseen Realms Unveiled: Navigating Spiritual Encounters and Confirming Faith through Experience

If you find yourself inexplicably irritated, not attributable to your diet, there might be unseen forces at play. I've encountered instances where demons manifested their presence by screaming loudly when I felt an unexplained irritation. Initially unaware of their influence, I sensed something in the room without a visible presence. Upon confronting and commanding it to leave, the disturbance ceased, and I regained composure.

During the transition between wakefulness and sleep, I entered a state where I could hear the spirit realm. Similarly, our eyes, shaped differently post-fall, once allowed us to perceive the spiritual realm visually and auditorily. While science confirms that we only perceive one-sixth of light (rainbow colors), there are five-sixths that technology can capture, as evidenced by infrared cameras and other sensors.

In my headquarters, equipped with such technology, we captured images of demonic entities that had to be expelled from the premises. Although invisible to the naked eye, infrared and other cameras revealed their presence. Even while overseas, I could remotely observe these entities entering my office or headquarters, corroborated by hours of recorded footage.

These encounters are not mere anecdotes; they are substantiated by tangible evidence. The Bible, for me, isn't solely a matter of belief through reading; it's validated through firsthand experiences. The functionality of spiritual principles in real-life situations has fortified my conviction in the authenticity of biblical teachings.

Spiritual Realms Unveiled: Navigating the Influence of Demonic Entities and Embracing Divine Purpose

There exist numerous malevolent entities often referred to as water spirits, mermaids, and the like. However, it is crucial to recognize them as spiritual beings that were once devoid of water influence. Their presence extends beyond Atlantis or other enigmatic cities, perplexing those who fail to comprehend their existence in a distinct realm.

Indulge in a beverage, for I am yet to delve into the intriguing aspects. Your sandwich can wait, as today holds revelations you cannot ignore. Resist the quivering lip and the puzzled gaze; your journey awaits, transcending the boundaries of conventional understanding.

These spiritual entities have intricately sealed their operations, confining even ministries due to a narrative acceptance rooted in a lack of understanding. Their demonic nature drives a relentless pursuit to re-enter a corporeal form, craving expression and manifestation through the appropriation of a human vessel. The key lies in manipulating the individual's will.

Engaging in blood rituals and satanic sacrifices opens the door for possession, allowing these entities to wield influence over musicians, actors, and actresses, promising wealth and success as long as compliance is maintained. However, any defiance in revealing the truth to the public results in a swift disappearance.

Let us not dismiss these occurrences; instead, let us be astute observers. Consider the instances when Jesus engaged in disputes with demons who sought to delay their torment, aware that their time for judgment had not yet arrived. Their infiltration extended to governments, elected officials, monetary systems, healthcare, and every facet of human life, influencing minds and actions.

While the demonic may not fully possess a Christian, they adeptly manipulate thoughts and emotions. Recall Peter's momentary alignment with Satan's thoughts, emphasizing the susceptibility of even the faithful. The onslaught of demonic influence often manifests as feelings of rejection, inadequacy, and an insurmountable sense of not measuring up.

Counteract these challenges with the reassurance that your worth is intrinsic, stemming from God's love. Embrace your unique placement on Earth, understanding that your spirit, the essence of your being, originates from a divine source. Regardless of the circumstances of your conception, you are a deliberate creation with a purpose to fulfill during your earthly sojourn.

In essence, your earthly form is a mere costume, and upon shedding it, you won't yearn for its return. Its value is eclipsed, resembling a Halloween costume compared to your true essence. Recognize the profound significance of your spirit and the predetermined role you play in fulfilling God's purpose.

The Challenges of Owning an Electric Two-Wheeler in India: Range Anxiety, Charging Woes, and Battery Costs

Owning an electric two-wheeler in India comes with several challenges that can make the experience less convenient compared to traditional p...