Monday, December 13, 2010


Ever heard someone say: "Just Do It"?

It sounds like a great idea.

Hard to argue with - seems positive, empowering - yeah!


But - has "Just Do it" worked for you?


Have you ever tried to:

Just... stop procrastinating

Just... be confident

Just... quit your job and follow your bliss

Just... attract a passionate romance

Just... make more money

Just... quit smoking

Just... eat healthier

Just... exercise more

Just... stop happy...let go of the
past...stop being depressed...

Think for a moment - what would make YOU happier,
richer, healthier?

Are you doing it?

If not - why not?

How come when we try to "just do it" it in some 
areas of our life - it seems so stinking hard?

How many New Years resolutions have to suffer a 
quick, anonymous death...

How many diets need to fail... How many goals have 
to be set and not come true...

How many dreams have to DIE unrealized...

Until the struggle ENDS and the joy and abundance 
and passion for life begins?

What does it TAKE for "Just do it" to become...


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