Friday, December 7, 2012

Chart of comparative doctrines of traditional Christian, Seventh day Adventist, Jehovah's witnesses, Mormonism and Christian Science

Chart of comparative doctrines of traditional Christian,
Seventh day Adventist, Jehovah's witnesses,
Mormonism and Christian Science

Chart of Comparative Doctrines

Seventh day Adventist
Jehovah's Witness
Christian Science
Verbally Inspired
Reluctant to affirm verbal inspiration; vague about status of Mrs. White
Verbally Inspired
Inspired Bible and Book of Mormon
Bible inspired and Science and Health is its inspired interpretation
Three persons in one Essence
Approximately traditional Christian View
Impersonal and pantheistic
Body-soul created good
Body-soul creature, created neutral or with inclination to evil
Body. Soul not distinguishable from body
Pre-existent soul takes body at birth in the world.
Soul only; body is an illusion.
Result of Adam's disobedience; corruption of nature and action
No clear doctrine of imputation of Adam's sin; man now polluted
Adam's sin brought liability to temporal death
It was necessary for Adam to sin. This brought morality with out guilt
There is no sin” - it is illusion.
One divine person in two distinct natures (Divine human)
Like traditional view but represents human nature as having tendency to sin
First-born creature; changed into man at birth in this world
Called creator but pre-existent spirit who took body at incarnation
Christ is a divine idea; Jesus is mere human
Faith in atonement as expressed by holy life
Believing in atonement made in heaven plus holy living including observance of Saturday Sabbath.
Christ's ransom gives man chance to earn salvation
Atonement gives man chance to earn salvation
Salvation by casting out idea of sin
Mystical union of all true believers, visible union of all professed believers
Seems to regard itself as true remnant church
Traditional church rejected 144000 witnesses make up church
Other churches apostate; efficient hierarchical organization
A denomination like protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish
Eternal heaven, eternal hell, temporary purgatory (R.C)
Annihilation of wicked; millennium in heaven and eternity on new earth
Earthly millennium during which final probation leading to annihilation or eternal life
Pre-millennial reign at Independence, Mo. Tends toward universal salvation
Universal salvation in future when idea of sin gradually dies.

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