Friday, September 4, 2020

My conversation with Jesus - Sermon Transcription


Some of the things that you don’t know can hurt you right and I was told by my dad that asking questions won’t cost you something but if you don’t it might. It’s very expensive when you find yourself isolated and you need help. It becomes very very expensive and but if you have people around you that can help you and if you ask for help you know you can actually avoid a lot of things like I i have situations that I’ve been told you know you’re not going to work today, you’re not going this way, you’re not going to do this, you’re not going to do that and it sounds like you know the lord’s being bossy but he’s being a loving father and he’s protected me so many times so many times.

I’ve had my flight crew call me in the hospital in the hospital because another plane hit them was they were taxiing out to take off. They were getting de-iced and another airline hit and knocked a tail off and my crew that I was supposed to be with them the lord told me you’re not going into work today they wanted to know how did you know not to come to work the pilot the captain called me how did you know and so this this way of life it works and the spirit school is so that you can do this and you can walk like this.

This isn’t for just people to go to heaven this is for you. There’s two subjects I’ll start with the one and if I can find my notes here just go ahead and soak in that glory man oh man hallelujah

Well I think I’ve memorized the whole thing so I don’t even worry about it I can’t find it right now okay what it is when I first got saved and I went to bible college in 1981 I got saved in 1980-81 went to school my first year I had to make “a-b” average or I was I lost my scholarship so I had to study all the time because I wasn’t that good and it was quite a load so I studied a lot but I was given this music it was a christian band but it was different it was celtic and they had on the back of the album they had I think it was 75 different instruments that used it most of them don’t even they’re not even common instruments from the celtic type of culture all these little flutes and all kinds of crazy looking stuff.

But I remember just being handed that and I thought well you know that’s not you know that wasn’t what I was introduced to when I got saved into the you know because we sang hymns in the presbyterian church but they didn’t believe in the born-again experience but I liked the hymns but then I was introduced to more modern type of music and you know it was all those maranatha albums or whatever. They Maranatha was it that 100 there was 130 of them I think albums that were made and I really liked all that music so I got used to that after a year and then it’s really really weird how religious spirit sets in when you’re trying not to be religious and now you think well that’s of God and then you know the hymns aren’t and they of course they are but when you’re a young guy a guy you know you just form your own opinions then when I heard this celtic music it was different and then I thought well that’s not a God because it’s not like maranatha you know or whatever you know and it’s really weird how we do that and then you know we have Hillsong.

We think that’s never going to end but then bethel comes and then then you know there’s something else coming next and I want to be part of that but here’s the thing I listened to that album and there was such a presence and these guys look crazy you know these band members but I there was something to it I cannot find that album I couldn’t afford the album when I was in college I couldn’t afford anything I had to believe for my next meal I had no support from anybody even my parents they couldn’t even afford to send me to college

So I had to go my own here’s my point though when I listened to that music it it opened up another world to me there was such an anointing on these instruments and I remember there was one point in the album where this guy mentioned some things as he was speaking at the beginning of a song he was just kind of narrating and he was reading hebrew text but he mentioned the word that is really not in the text but it’s implied and see there’s in the text in genesis it says that God created the heavens and the earth and in Hebrew there’s a couple words that are used there and one of them can be translated as the idea that there was existing matter and it was formed from the existing matter however there is another word ex nihilo which is something out of nothing and that’s the last I heard of that word but recently the lord brought it up to me again and I started doing this study and the reason I’m telling you this is because essentially the other realm is the real realm you know that right it’s more real than this realm so when I was out of my body like if I would pass away here you would come up and run up here and try to give me cpr and I’ll be yelling no don’t and I’d be beside you saying hey I’m right here that’s what happened you don’t feel any pain or anything you just you.

It takes you a minute to figure out what happened because you don’t discern that you’re dead because you never die you just go to the next realm and then you realize that your body was just like a suit it’s just a cheap costume that you can buy at big lots for five bucks it’s really just for here.

You’ll need it here but you don’t need it for the rest of your life, you have a robe of righteousness on and then you’ll be given back at the resurrection your glorified body which is in the image of God it’s actually you’ll look like adam and eve again which is really cool but it’s in a glorified state so it’s even better so I saw all this I was taken and saw everything.

It would take all night just to explain all that but you don’t have to worry if you’re cremated or if you’re a statue somewhere it doesn’t matter if you went to a taxidermist it wouldn’t matter in a twinkling of an eye everything comes back together God doesn’t need your help it’s an amazing process so we all get our body back but it’s glorified and until that time if you pass away then you have a spiritual body your spirit is a real you and so you’re clothed in light but it’s you have a robe

It’s really cool and I felt no different than I did here except for a lot of the things that was not really me stayed here and I was realized that I was returning to my father where I started and this might be too freaky for a lot of people but I was part of God from the beginning

I was part of him I came from him but see I got to be careful but since I’m not in church they can’t kick me out because we rented this place you know so but I saw that I had a father in heaven that I came from and that this world has fallen so in the flesh I experienced a fallen man but when I got born again I realized that this body is what’s limiting me and my organic brain is only taking data and processing it and whatever data you give it that’s what you get out but there is a sole part of you that that goes with you that’s redeemed so whatever you’ve done to redeem your soul your mind will and emotions which is kind of like a spiritual part of you but it’s a different type it’s where the the demonic actually operates in the soul realm

But I can’t get into that because that just causes more confusion but there’s different dimensions in different realms and so a demon doesn’t have to take you and throw you down and spin your head around to be possessed a demon it’s about proximity it’s about how much of your domain you’ve given him okay so God determines the boundaries beforehand so this world has fallen so it’s hard to understand what God originally did and unless you are in Christ and you have the spirit of God to show you through the word of God how things really are if not you’re going to be puzzled all the time about what’s going on so you have to have well-defined understanding about spiritual things in order to operate down here because it’s going to be very confusing because Satan and his demons they take advantage of the fact that you can’t see everything in the spirit that’s going on.

But you can, you have been given the ability to do it but you have to develop it and that’s why it was satan doesn’t want man to live very long because the longer you live down here the chance of you finding God and walking with him become greater and as you grow in God if you walk with God 300 years you’re just going to disappear be raptured you know you’re going to grow and be a giant in this in the faith.

Can you imagine somebody living that long walking with God that many years I mean you would just be able to go to a country and just take it over for God and I mean that so satan doesn’t want Christians to live very long but if he can get into a person that’s in the senate or something you know and get them you know to stay in there for 47 years well then he can start to shift the direction you get it and then you’re like you don’t know when to jump out of the pot.

It’s 110 degrees and it’s 170 not boiling yet when do I jump out well you you know 220 is coming but we just sit there and wait well maybe it’ll turn around because we’re optimists we’re may be it’ll turn around you know maybe it won’t may be you need to step in or step out okay so there’s defined boundaries in the spirit but there’s not in this flesh okay so God took something that was so the word bara I’m discovering now there are two words that that can be used and one’s assa and one’s bhara and one has to dowith something out of nothing which is ex nihilo in in latin okay.

But there’s another one where you take existing matter and you can form it and make something so you can go and make a cake a cake doesn’t just come out of the bowl you have to make it but you put all the ingredients in so a cake doesn’t just appear it’s something you make.

A blanket you know a quilt something that you sew or or knit you create it but it’s out of existing matter okay so God did both he takes things from the other realm yanks him into this realm and then he taught us how to do it so there’s two types of creation there’s taking something from the other realm that already exists and you bring it in and then it’s evident in the flesh or you take existing ingredients and God causes you to create and you can create a sculpture out of a block of rock or you can take a bunch of material and make a quilt or you can knit all these different colors of yarn together which are all separate but when you’re done you’ve got thisy beautiful knitted blanket or whatever you’re gonna make so they’re both creation but one is out of existing material in this realm one is from something out of nothing.

So God calls the things that are not in this realm as though they were because they are so he created the heavens and earth but then he formed man he created him out of the earth that was already in existence okay so here’s where we don’t understand this realm and I just feel like tonight it’s time to release this you see you have to understand these two things in order to understand your life.

There are things that are just going to pop into this realm because you will not let go until God does it okay but then there are other things where he tells you here’s what you do you take this and you create it you make it you form a business you form a church you assemble it you create it we have that ability to take what we sawin the spirit and draw it we can recreate it on film we can do all these different things there’s people that can do things they can replicate anything they can take and see it and do it there’s people that I meet I want to make a 5 000 of them because they’re rare people they actually do what you say and they do more than you ask and they show up for work early you can trust them you don’t have to worry about them

And then there’s people that are in the senate you just want one of them to where you have to have an attorney general that has to stop it see that’s what happened at babel because fallen man was very powerful still and if they agreed on anything there’s nothing they wouldn’t be able to do even what they imagined the word imagination is used there by God he said everything they imagine they’re going to be able to do if we don’t stop them so he had to come down and stop them.

So the way he stopped them was separate them so they couldn’t communicate together then in the days of plague that the continent’s actually separated so like in the united states I’ve done some studies I’ve found places where there’s burial mounds from indians that have hebrew artifacts and and 17-foot giants bones but don’t tell the smithsonian because they’ll come and they’ll just disappear but this has already happened.

So you have hebrew artifacts in burial mounds with people that are twice as tall as you are but when the government comes in they go nothing here just keep walking right okay so what happened it was the days of plague that’s why you have this commonality with different temples pagan temples and different things you see on the earth and how they all line up and things like that there’s a lot of mysteries on the earth but that’s because of this these things we’re dealing with that we can’t see however if you learn how to develop your personality to understand these two things that there are some things you gotta yank into this realm and it’s ex nihilo in other words it’s something out of nothing it’s a total miracle it is just as valid as you taking the ingredients and God saying create this and then you get a patent on it.

It’s something that existed on the other side on the books of heaven but God designated the patent number for you to invent and he tells you to take the ingredients and design it and don’t talk about it until you get the patent number and then it’s yours and God will tell you what need is coming up like I mentioned this morning and then you take from your existing ingredients that you have around you and you make this so that it will meet a need.

It’s just like the guy and I’ve told you this before it’s like the guy you know you open the bag of chips but no you can’t eat the whole bag I mean the three pounder but you try so the guy was just like these things are going to get stale so he just took his wife’s hair clip and he clippedp it shut and bingo now he got the chip clip that’s where he got it.

Did you know that well he ain’t working no more right why because he met a need but it was really his wife so I hope he have to with her since it was her chip her hair clip you know what I’m talking about the banana clips and stuff okay.

So this is what God will do for you he you just meet the need of something you see around you like right now with the trouble I’ve had with a air conditioning people I’m asking people I’ll send you to school I just need a good air conditioner person I’ll send you to school you would be busy the rest of your life you would have to say no you’d have to stand in the mirror and practice saying no I can’t do that because you’d have so much work there’s certain things there’s such a demand right now for electricians and plumbing and especially ac guys and girls so you anticipate the need and and God will do that for you however you have to understand that in these two realms there are two things that you do.

You pray and you call those things that are not as though they were because the substance of your faith is you have it you have the substance of your faith.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for so you literally have it okay so God brings into this realm something from nothing but it’s really there it’s just not here and it appears to be supernatural but to God this is normal but then he also created us from the existing soil the dust of the earth he formed us and made us so then when we die our body returns back to that because it was made from that and that part of us came from the earth but our spirit goes right to God so there’s two types of creation that God used right now I’ve never heard this talk before but it’s evident right in the in scripture okay.

So that is why we have a creative side of us there’s a part of us that wants to yank those things that are not seen into this realm because we have it because we know it’s there that God can do anything but it is violent it is a violent force that we have to drive we have to get real deep within our spirit and we have to say I am not going to be denied and you have to just bite down on it like a bulldog and you got to yank it into this room and I’ve done that for years I had to get a loan all the time because I would be forceful I would not let go and I told jesus I said jesus I said you can I’m going to wrap my arms around your legs you can drag me around heaven but I am not letting go until you bless me because I need help and I did this all the time.

I do this all the time I did this before I came out here I wrapped my arms around his ankles like this and I say you know what you can drag me around heaven you can tell everybody what’s with him oh he’s not going to let go until I give it to him he’s like well give it to him you know it’s dragging me around heaven you know but I’m not going to let go you know I’m putting him in a place where you’ve got to bless me now what it is this wrestling with it’s like wrestling with the angel.

I’m not letting go until you bless me in other words I don’t have anything on my list that I’m asking for when I do that I want him and this is what I told him I said lord all these ministers they want all these different people’s mantles you know like as I was growing up in christianity it’s like well what mammal do you have I go what I’m a christian he goes well you know I have the Elijah mantle and you know I have this you know I’m like william brannon and all these people I’m like okay.

So when I met jesus I told him I wanted his mantle and he just smiled he goes he was just so touched that I would say that I go I said why would I want any other mantle and I can have the head of the universe amen now let’s not be little because you know there are ministry gifts that are you know I understand all that and you know the whole story of Elijah and Elisha but let’s get real jesus wasn’t a part of that scenario back then in the old testament he came even though he’s pre-existent he showed up every now and then but in the new testament we have him so jesus should be allowed to borrow your body and do his ministry through you.

I want the mantle of jesus and he just smiled he was so touched that I would say that and then I realized that if I have him I have everything because he’s with me so I get around people like that have that type of mentality that they’re after jesus and then they get everything okay so remember that when you pray you’re yanking those things that are not but you’re calling them that they call them that they’re acting like they are.

It’s your substance it’s the title deed of what you have you might not have the house but if you get the title deed you do have the house and he will hand you the title before you get the house so it’s yours but you haven’t touched it yet but you have touched it because it’s a document this is how God works if you change your personality in the way you think like God he’s a covenant God if you start thinking like he does it won’t be long before things start appearing they start popping in because you’re not relying on your own ability here okay.

But once you do that in prayer and things start popping through and you start seeing people getting healed and delivered okay then also let him talk to you about creating things from existing matter creating whatever it is that God wants you to create to meet a need israel is doing it every day they take a couple liters of water and put it into a car and drive off because they can separate the hydrogen from the oxygen and becomes clean energy but see don’t tell the oil companies that because you can get it out of your sink and don’t talk about buying something on amazon they’ll do the same thing as pharmaca because all you do is click and it’s at your door in two days with no paperwork no doctor I mean isn’t there healing in the leaves of the tree of life okay.

What else is there that we don’t know about I’m just I’m just showing you something there are things around you that you can take and God made us creative beings we can create life you’re not afraid of that are you no you create life you created somebody in your image you have a child that sounds like that sounds like God to me that God gave you the ability to create life in your image and they grow up and it’s like oh my God they look just like you right after it’s kind they reproduce they multiply but see there’s seed but if you don’t plant that seed you would never know the harvest that you would have so if you want a field you have to plant the seed that you want and then it comes up but you don’t eat it all you take it and you keep replanting it but see that’s your part but see you’re creating but God created the seed but it doesn’t end up being a field unless you plant it right okay.

Do you understand what I’m trying to say here so there’s two types there’s two types of creation so there’s two ways that you do things on this earth you yank things from the other realm but then you also are instructed as part of the solution to take what’s around you and create something out of something that’s in existence already the in other words you take the ingredients and you make something do you understand yourself a little better now that you need both of these things in your life everybody needs to have a creative side of them but see people think that we can’t do both people think that they’re either right-handed or left-handed but Jesus clearly told me that we were made to use all of our brain and even our feet and our toes and our both hands we’re supposed to be operating on both sides of our brain and using both of our hands.

I saw that we had fallen and that we just accepted it but what about the resurrection power that paul talked about that’s going to quicken your mortal body and give life to you what about illumination into real truth where possibly you have more abilities than you think you have your iq is not locked in when I went to college I was 106. when I came back from heaven I was 159.

What happened I started using all more my brain so you can’t just accept your limitations as being the end of it there’s more to it than that okay so is that clear okay.

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