Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Voter Fraud In US Election

There is massive voter fraud happening in the US Election. In India the postal ballot is available only for people who are in Government duty and cannot leave their place of posting for the election. In such cases Postal vote is allowed and it should be properly recorded and accounted for.  It should come before the election date. And they will be prohibited from casting a physical vote on the day of the election.

In America it is not the case. There are chances that all these votes are cast by one person without even getting permission for doing so. Even after the election date the votes were coming. There are chances that all these votes are cast by one person without even getting permission for doing so. Every individual has the right to vote. At the same time he holds the right to not to vote. Political parties and their workers are voting for their candidates is an unethical practice that happened in the history of America.

There was a time when there was no fraudulent means of voting that never happened. People are prudent and hold high self-esteem. In such scenarios postal ballots were allowed. People are prudent and hold high self-esteem.

The America is a free country. Because this type of act is undermining the truth. This is a grave mistake that needs to be considered and thoroughly investigated. This is a grave mistake that needs to be considered and thoroughly investigated. They are undermining the election without a uniform procedure.

A centralized election commission is now must for US Elections. If you arrange a re-election with stipulated law and procedure, the final outcome will be different.  
China is behind this election fraud. Trump wanted to make America Great again. Trump wanted to make America Great again.
In the coming days we are going to see the ugly picture of Democrats and there is 100% possibility of reinstating Trump for a second term.

The Democrats are now crying that there is no fraud, no fraud. But some insiders are aware of how and what is being done to undermine the 2020 election.

Democrats is using their power to control face book and twitter and other social media by way of terming voter fraud as misinformation. There is an organized racket behind these social media sites, which is working for Democrats.

As a citizen and being us Election Faught, Trump has the right to question the way of the election conducted in US. As a citizen and being us Election Faught, Trump has the right to question the way of the election conducted in US.   

Monday, November 9, 2020

​The Church Lost its Holiness

God said I am Holy so ye be holy. God cannot change his status. Even though Jesus came to this world he did not sin. Because God cannot change His position and status. God is a holy God.

God set apart a people for himself in the old testament. And God asked them to be holy. In order for Him to live among them, they need to become holy. That is God's standard and He cannot change.  

In this New Testament time, God wants his Church to be Holy.  If God wants to live in the Church, the Church needs to be a place where he can dwell without compromising His standards. Kathryn Kuhlman repeatedly said that do not grieve the Holy Spirit.  

Holiness is something that we need to treasure and keep in our hearts. It is the most important requirement of God. God will not compromise with Holiness. So do not think that you can do whatever you want to do and get what you want from God. You need to be holy. When God gave commandments to Moses, There were a lot of commandments that were designed to keep the people and the tent of meeting holy. Priests are also required to keep themselves from unholy things as well as asked to not leave the tent of meeting without any valid reason. We have the record of many people who died because they come near the holy things without ceremoniously purifying themselves.

When God came down to Mount Sinai, God gave clear instructions not to touch the bottom of the mountain. They were asked to keep a specific distance from the mountain. Not an animal cannot come near God.  

Moses went up the mountain. Even Moses had to wait 7 days at the top of the mountain to purify himself before he listened to God.

If coming near to God takes so much holiness, how much more we need to be holy to listen from God. We take our life for granted and want to listen to God as soon as we finish our prayer. We do not have the patience to wait. Moses waited patiently for 40 days on the top of the mountain.  

There is a price to pay. Our God is not an ordinary God. He is the creator of this universe. He can do miracles and wonders. Just speaking a word can change your life.  

We need people who are willing to wait for God for 40 days or more. We need committed and devoted people. I am giving my life to God. I want to devote my life to God. I want to become a history maker. I want to keep the standard of God in the area of Holiness.

What Are You Waiting For?

There is nothing to wait for. Everything is put into motion. God did His part. God made a way of salvation. God has made atonement for your sins. He has already forgiven your sins.  

Now it is our part to take the next step. To receive that forgiveness of sins and receive healing. Yes, our God is a Healing God. Jesus loves me and you. There is no doubt. He sent his angels to protect us. He is with us.

Our God is a loving, good God. This world misrepresented his kindness and grace. Many refined to understand the healing power of God. Many wanted to get the healing and forgiveness of their sins through their own works. They are working with whatever they can to get the remission of sin.  

You can only believe to receive the forgiveness of sin. Except your faith in Jesus, everything else is useless. You don't have to pay money for your healing or forgiveness of sin. The one who created the Sun does not require your candles.  

God is just looking for your heart. Are you willing to give your heart to God? If you give your heart to God then everything you have belongs to Him. He wants to be called to be your savior.

God is love and in him, there is no darkness.

Now, what are you waiting for?  Give yourself to Him. And be a part of His mission in this universe.  

May God bless you.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Conversion and Anti Conversion vs. Transformation.

Religious conversion is one of the hot topics here in India. Recently the government is trying to bring new laws to prevent conversion from one religion to another. I always wonder what these people are doing? How to determine who was born into which religion? Since we are not able to determine the religion of a person then how can a law prevent one person from choosing his religion?  

By mistake of the nurse, a child born to Muslim parents goes to a Hindu family and at the same time, a child born to Hindu parents goes to the house of Muslim parents. In this case, the Hindu child ends up in a Muslim family adopts the Muslim faith, and the Muslim child ends up in a Hindu family adopts the Hindu faith. This has happened in India. At a later date, the family discovered the mistake after many years and through DNA tests the children got back their original parents. Hindu boy was on a non-vegetarian diet and the Muslim boy has adopted a vegetarian diet. They were taught their parent's religion and rituals. If unnoticed, these boys could lead a different faith and religion till the end of their life.

Adoption is happening in India. Parents who do not have children adopt a child without knowing whether the parents of that child are Hindu, Christian, or a Muslim. A Hindu boy could end up in a Muslim family or a Christian family. His faith is formulated in the family atmosphere and adopts the parent's faith as their religion.

In most cases, the faith of a person is formulated according to his experience and the circumstances around him. One person prays to a god and his wish is fulfilled so irrespective of his religion he is tempted to believe the god who answered him. His faith is in his heart. I wonder how law can change his faith?  Going into his heart and transforming his heart is not possible. Even with the help of human or religious or political or authorities like a court of law or a government cannot change his heart. For example. I believe in Jesus Christ. Whoever comes and asked me to forget about Jesus is not acceptable to me. They cannot change my faith. It is impossible for someone even to try.  My faith is in my heart. I am ready to die for my faith. A court of law can put me in jail. Can torcher me to change my faith.  Inject others' beliefs in my ears. Can teach other religious beliefs and rituals. But I am the one who decides and takes action. That is my fundamental right. Outside sources can put pressure on me. Even if in some extreme circumstances I can act differently. But in my innermost being, still, I can have faith in Jesus. Since they cannot change my innermost being, what is the use of the law?   

In the Nazi camp, Hitler tried to brainwash the Jews and tried to convert them to atheism.  Almost all Jews died holding their faith. The powerful audio messages for many years repeatedly made to listen by the prisoners did nothing to change the heart of Jews. Then how come a law can change the human heart.

Logically thinking, the law of anti-conversion is total stupidity. A lady I know who was born and brought up in a pious Hindu family one day diagnosed with cancer. Doctors washed their hands and said that they are helpless and only God can do a miracle in her life. She was left to die and was in pain and sorrow. She started to pray to the almighty God for help. One evangelist visited her and shared about Jesus and the forgiveness of sin and the healing power of Jesus Christ.  She believed the message and prayed and got healed miraculously. Now she is a transformed person. She believes in Jesus and has full faith in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ and salvation. Now she goes around and prays for the sick and many come to the faith in Jesus Christ. They sing Christian songs. They study the Bible together and spread the good news with others. They forget and denounce the old way of life. At the same time as per the government records, she is a Hindu. When asked about it she told me that it is a label that cannot change her heart. See here officially she is a Hindu and in her heart, she is a Christian.

The Bible clearly says that mankind is the children of one family. All those who are alive in this world are from one family. As the generations go by they choose different religions and faiths. Parents taught their faith to their children. Atheist parents who do not believe in any god taught their children atheism. We all are born on this earth as male or female or a transgender. We do not possess any religious belief by birth. As we grow old we adopt different religions and faiths.  

So it is a fundamental right of a human being to choose his religion or faith. Finding the true god is our life purpose and we need to seek divine intervention to find the true God.

Considering the above fact, enacting an anti-conversion law is a foolish endeavor because you cannot change the mind of a person in whatsoever manner.  

Recently people received money to convert to a different religion. "Ghar Wapsi" (returning to home) was done in India by religious and political organizations to convert other religious people into Hinduism. By giving money you can change the label of that person from Christian to Hindu or Muslim to Hindu. But are they converted to Hinduism in their mind? Who knows what faith they are having? Conversion cannot accomplish the transformation of the mind. Conversion can only change your name or identity or religion.  

True converts are transformed into their mind. No one can change them. They are transformed. They are not labeled. Their actions and speech and life will be different.            

Why Christianity is Not Prevalent in India?

We made Christianity A Religion

Several facts need to be considered while you answer the question: Why Christianity is not prevalent in India?

One of the main reasons is that Christianity is treated as a religion in India. If you study Jesus and his teachings, it is not a religion. It is a way of life. Christianity is not a ritual that is performed on a particular day or date. But the Church made it a religion by introducing Church Building and the priesthood and the ornamental dress and religious rituals performed every now and then.

Actually true Christianity has nothing to do with religion or rituals. It is based on the Bible and the way of life. As per the Bible, a believer is treated as the temple of God where the spirit of God dwells. Holiness is the most important part of the Christian life. God tells in the Bible; "Be holy as I am Holy." This is the true identity of Christianity.

By living a wayward life, the priests and the believers watered down the quality and holiness of the Christian life. By doing so, it lost its power. The power of miracles. Healing miracles, Driving out demons, raising the dead are some of the expressions of power that are evident in the early Church. The Church in India lost that power.

There is only one way for the Church to come back to its position is it should get back to its original intent. That is the Church needs to go back to its original intention for which purpose God designated Church in this world.

Some of the reasons why Christianity is not prevalent in India is as follows:

The Church Lost its Holiness
The Church Lost its Power
The Church Lost its Purpose
The Church Lost its Authority
The Church Lost its Value

When the Church regains its Holiness, power, purpose, authority, and Value then only it can grow in this land of religion.

India is already a religious county with lots of diverse religions. This country is already fed up with different religions. It needs a powerful and authoritative way of life that can change people and situations.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Principles of Delegation


Delegation is one of the important elements in an organizational function. Through delegation, interrelations are created in an organization. There are certain principles that can be followed as guidelines for effective delegation. They are:

The principle of Delegation by Results: The purpose of delegation is to get the work done more effectively and efficiently by someone else. To get the desired result is the objective of Delegation. For that, the goals are already set and properly communicated to the subordinates and it must be understood by him. If the subordinate is not able to perform and accomplish the desired objective, there is no point in assigning the task to him. Delegation should be result oriented.

The principle of Competence: It should be secured that the subordinate should be competent enough to fulfill the assigned task. Before delegating the authority, we should examine the person to whom the power is transferred. If he is not competent enough to exercise his authority, it could be waste of time and resources.

The principle of Trust and confidence: superior should trust in a subordinate. Also the superior must have confidence in the ability of subordinates to perform the duty. As an organization, there must be trust and confidence between the subordinates/co-workers. Trust will bring drive and initiative in the work. It is possible only if the subordinate is mentally free to exercise his authority.

The principle of Adequate authority for the Responsibilities: There must be enough authority granted to the subordinate in relation to the responsibility. An imbalance of authority and responsibility could damage the objective of delegation.


The principle of Unity of Command: There must be unity in command. If you obtain different command from numerous bosses, there will be confusion and conflict which result in the inefficiency of the subordinate. The subordinate should report to one boss and accept the command from one boss will help him to concentrate on his duty and it also helps him perform very well. If there is more than one boss, there must be unity in command.

The principle of Absolute Responsibility: Responsibility represents an obligation that can neither be delegated nor be transferred temporarily. Superior cannot escape the responsibility for the activities of his subordinates through delegation because it is the superior who has delegated the authority and has distributed duties. At the same time, the responsibility of a subordinate to the superior also cannot be shifted or transferred. The duties allocated to the subordinates by the superior is absolute and cannot be shifted and are bound to perform the assigned duties.

The principle of Adequate Communication: Free flow of information between the superior and his subordinates is a necessity. It will support the superior, to take the necessary decision on time. Also, it will assist the subordinate to understand the nature of the assigned duty and the degree of his authority and perform accordingly.

The principle of Effective control: Superior delegates his authority to his subordinate, not the responsibility and should ensure that the transferred authority is exercised properly.

The principle of reward: An appropriate reward system to reward the subordinates will help the subordinates to take more responsibility and assume more authority which will create a healthy environment and the growth of the organization. Effective delegation and utilization of the proper authority should be rewarded.

The principle of receptiveness: The superior who delegates authority should listen and accept the suggestions made by his subordinates to influence a sound decision. Therefore, delegation requires an understanding between the superior and his subordinates.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Lord Help Me to Understand Myself: How to Avid Depression and Discouragement - part 2


God is not in control of this world. It clearly says that the God of this world is a small g. His name is Satan. He is the God of this world. Paul says it in Ephesians. He is the god of this world so this is what we’re dealing with a small g god named Satan who’s in charge of this world. He took it from Adam and Eve and Paul said that we used to be in that kingdom of darkness until God rescued us. And we came into the kingdom of life but we used to do the desires of that spirit of the air until we were born again. We could not withhold. We could not fight against that spirit so Paul clearly said that. So as born again believers we can.

So if you are struggling with depression or disappointment or discouragement remember that eventually if you do not put a stop to it. It will become a medical thing that you’re going to need to be treated for and we don’t want that to happen. If you are already there and you’re being treated you can walk out of it and your doctor will confirm that you don’t need to be on those antidepressants anymore. But you have to work through this by seeing that in the word of God. That Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and that he has caused a triumphing over them and he’s made a public spectacle of them just like we mentioned in Colossians 2 15.


So when I seek God he’s not far away. Even if he feels far away I actually start to laugh. So this is another thing is people say okay. I’m gonna go pray. But they’re like I hope I feel God today because I really need to feel him and they’re like they’re thinking okay.

I wonder if God’s gonna hear me and answer me when I go to pray today. So they think about it and it’s like when you’re going for a test. I hope I pass. Wow, well, when I study for a test I know I’m going to pass it or I don’t go in and take it. I study until I know the answers to all the questions and then I go in and I don’t think about Oh I hope I don’t fail. I don’t. I’m not gonna go take a test that I’m not ready for okay. It’s the same thing when you go to pray. Let’s just forget about any false ideas that we have about prayer right now. Let’s forget about them let’s concentrate on what Jesus said about what all the apostles taught about prayer.

And Jesus said it the best. He said when you go when you stand praying believe that you receive it. And he’s saying this before you pray. Believe that you receive it and you shall have it. So who talks like that but Jesus. But see Jesus said that when you speak to a mountain you believe in your heart that what you say with your mouth shall come to pass and it shall be done for you.

That mountain will be removed if you don’t doubt. But you believe in your heart to what you say with your mouth. Jesus said that. It’s in red. Kenneth Hagin didn’t say that. Kenneth Copeland didn’t say that. No word of faith person said that. Jesus said that. And Jesus said that because this is how we push back the darkness. This is how we get rid of discouragement and disappointment. Anything that’s in our way. But we don’t go in the prayer thinking we’re going to fail. And this is the problem that why people don’t understand themselves is they don’t understand that the bar has been placed higher in our lives. That we don’t sin but if we do okay.

So we’re not thinking about sinning because as a believer it’s not like we just read here and at first John, it says we don’t sin. But if we do you know it says my dear children I’m writing to you so that you will not sin. But if you do okay. So it’s the same way with prayer. You’re going to get your answer but even if you don’t you just keep asking. Yeah, come on you just keep praying.

You keep knocking. You keep asking. You keep commanding the door to open. You keep asking which is the word demand and you know a lot of people don’t know that. But Jesus said this. He said ask and you shall receive the word. There is a very strong tense which is the word demand so it’s not really asking. It’s knowing that God is going to give it to you and you’re placing a demand on the covenant that he’s already made. It’s the known will of God so what is it that you know about God.

You know a lot of things about him so when you go to prayer you don’t ask for things that you already know. You already know that is going to be given to you. So you know that he’s going to lead you by besides still waters. You know that God is going to lead you into green pastures and cause you to lie down. You know that he’s going to provide for you exceedingly above what you could ever ask or think. That he has more for you than has ever entered your mind. He has more and exceedingly abundantly above. So whatever we could ask or think.

So when you come to prayer you think God’s gonna really blow me away today. Because I’m gonna come and I’m gonna sit in his presence and worship him and I’m going to thank him. Because he’s God. And I’m going to thank him that he’s leading me and I’m going to listen to what he says and it’s amazing. He’ll start to say here’s what you’re going to do. Here’s what you’re going to say. Here’s what’s going to happen. I want you to get ready for this and he tells me the next 11 years. He tells me the next 11 years is though no bad thing is going to happen in the world because that’s the way he calls things. That are not as though they were. He doesn’t concentrate on the judgment. He concentrates on building up his people. He loves his children and so he talks to me as though this is what you’re going to do for the next 11 years. He never said a word about the rapture. He never said but word about the end time. The antichrist or the seventh seal or the sixth bowl of wrath or the red dragon or any of these things. What he was doing was he’s saying Kevin here’s what I want warrior notes to do for the next 11 years. He didn’t say anything about the end-time events. So I’m not concentrating on the rapture right now or concentrating on the antichrist or the seventh seal or anything else.

I’m concentrating on the fact that God has already set in motion certain things. He wants to have this end-time move of God where people repent. They turn to him and they receive salvation. He wants the whole world to come in. So we have seven and a half billion people on the earth and we’ve got so many people that are born again. But I’m guaranteeing you. I don’t even know that if it might be close to a billion people were saved on the earth. I’d like to think that one-seventh of the earth is saved. But I don’t know that. But I’d like to see everybody get saved. So when God speaks to me he talks to me as though the end isn’t coming.

He doesn’t mention it because he can’t tell me when Jesus is coming. He’s not going to do that. Nobody knows so what he says is here’s the plan for the next 11 years. And then people would automatically assume well we got 11 more years. I’ve even had people say well I thought it was 11 more minutes and you’re saying 11 years. I want to get out of here. I’m like well you know we all want to get out of here. Are we going to prayer to hear what God is saying? Because everything he’s saying to me is like I want you to take back your country. I want you to pray and have justice reign in your country and then he says I want you to pray for the economy because it’s going to recover. And he starts saying I want you to pray for your president.

I want you to pray for and he’s talking to me as though the end isn’t coming. So people automatically assume well you can’t know that it’s like. Well, Jesus said when the spirit comes he’s going to reveal the things that are to come. The future. It says the future. That’s the spirit of God will reveal things that are to come and remind you of things that Jesus had spoken. So the past is being revealed and then the future is being revealed and this is to get you out of depression. This is like the Lord’s gonna say here’s what we’re gonna do together.

You’re gonna pray and I’m going to send the finances so you can start your own business. Because that’s what the Lord’s talking to me right now. Everybody’s like well the economy is in shambles. Everything is all messed up. All the stock markets are at a really high right now. And they’re about to crash and you know everybody’s like what’s gonna happen to our currency. And the whole time the spirit is saying no you prophesy to the people that if they hear my voice they’re gonna do what I say. I’m saying get ready to start businesses. Get ready to start a new business. I’m like okay so the people’s mindset right now is they’re not in there. They’re wanting to conserve their beans and rice and their water and get ready for the antichrist to come. And the Lord’s not saying that to me at all.

So this is how you get out of your depression. You let the Lord walk you out of it to get out of your disappointment your discouragement. You let him come in through waiting on him in prayer and you don’t let the devil talk you out of the great things that God has. He’s going to speak mighty things to you. So I don’t feel far away from God because he’s near. And it does. It doesn’t matter if what I feel like. I don’t always feel God. I don’t always feel the holy spirit. Sometimes I feel myself. Sometimes I don’t want to get up. Sometimes I don’t want to pray. Sometimes I don’t want to go to work. I don’t want to do these things. But it only lasts a second. Because I tell myself. My life is not my own. It’s good that I’ve been bought with a price and that now I glorify God in my body. So I get up. I get up and pray. I and my wife get up and pray. We press the brew button and we get our tea or our coffee and we start to pray and eat and it’s not long before we start to sense the holy spirit come in inside. Within us. So it’s a decision that you make. So enough about that. But when you seek him you will find him because he’s not far away.

He’s actually inside of you. What you’re feeling is the chemicals in your body or you’re feeling depressed. You’re feeling a deficit of something in your body. Listen I can tell you this. I have a pastor friend who jokes with me. He said that when he feels bad in any way and he says I’ll drink some caffeine and all of a sudden I can feel God. And he’s joking with me but what he’s trying to show you is that it’s amazing how we can make our bodies feel better by just giving it energy or something that isn’t really even good for you like caffeine. But yet he said he’s joking. Because he’s a pastor and he notices that if people get certain things in their body and they start to fill up that then they’re like oh I can feel God. But then when they feel depressed they don’t feel God. But see God isn’t, his visitation with you isn’t dictated by feelings.

So anyway the Lord is never far away. He is inside of you. So you yield to the spirit and you stay connected with him. No matter what and remember this. That even with our heavenly father even though sometimes you feel like God is not with you. Your heavenly father loves you and he will hear your cry and this is the most effective prayer that I pray.

I understand myself and the reason I understand myself is because I’m always in need. I’m gonna always be in need. I always need help so just get over yourself. Draw that line where you end and where God begins and honor that boundary. That you’re not all of that. You’re not able to be a superhuman that you need God’s help. So my favorite prayer is help.

I asked the father to help me. I asked the father God in Jesus name to help me every day. I say I tell him I can’t go on without you. I always am telling him that. That’s how I understand myself. I understand my limitations. I understand that there’s a certain point where I can’t go any further. I know I’m laughing. A lot of people out there they think certain things about people. And then when you tell them no. I ask for help all the time. That I can’t do. I mean I don’t even know how I do what I do. I mean nobody does. But I don’t understand myself. When it comes to how I can go further except that I ask for help all the time and it seems like I keep going further than what I could go. But I know that if God would lift his hand off of me that if he would not help me anymore that I’d be left stuck.

Because his grace is carrying me. And so I understand myself because I know how to ask for help and if you want to get over some of the situations in your life right now stop trying to do it on your own and just ask for help. And just say Lord you know I’m not going anywhere anymore unless you go with me. I’m not gonna be able to do this life if you don’t help me. And really mean it sincerely and I’m telling you the Lord comes through for me every day and this is how you understand yourself.

And this is what the Lord would want you to know. Because he told me this. He said the father loves it when you wake up every morning and before you go out inside your house. If you just say father I want you to go with me because it’s going to be miserable without you. He loves that Jesus told me that. He told me that the father loves to hear that every day. And also I don’t know if you know this but Jesus told me that the father like will be sitting on the throne and he’ll go and call an angel up and go do this for so and so and the angel go and do it and then God will sit there on his throne to watch to see how the person reacts when it happens and then he waits secretly he waits to see if that person will acknowledge that was him and thank him for it.

That’s big. I know it happens all the time. The father God is always doing secret things underlying things through angels to help you. And if you start to acknowledge that you build your relationship with him so every time something happens that’s good. Just thank God for it and acknowledge it even if it’s just finding something small even you know like every time that I find money laying around or whatever I always thank him for you know because that’s God’s money. Now because it’s in my possession you know so I thank him for everything. I see God working all the time and I think that this is a way to understand yourself is that you’re gonna feel disconnected from God.

While you’re here on the earth because this is a fallen world and the God of this world is not going to let you feel comfortable down here because he doesn’t want you here. In fact, he doesn’t want you to live. that’s why I’m encouraging everybody to build your immune system up and cause your body to start fighting disease so that you can live to be 120 or more. And the reason why is because I found out that the devil doesn’t want anyone to live a long time because if they find God and they start walking with God they’ll become like Enoch and start doing real damage to the kingdom of darkness down here. Is everybody hearing me?

I’m telling you that the devil doesn’t want us to live past a certain amount of years because we start to get in tune and in synchronization with God. We start to walk with him like Enoch did and then it gets off on other people. If you have a bunch of people walking like Enoch did on the earth can you imagine I mean our governments would be coming to us for advice. They’d be coming to have us pray for them because we would be almost like Moses was with his face. His face was shining and they were like please cover your face. I can’t sleep at night you’re so bright.

People are like "can you turn your face down." Think about it. It’s like you know why doesn’t more of us talk like this. I’m not backing off. I’m going forward. I understand myself because I understand my creator. I understand that he wants us to be imitators of God as dearly loved children and this is what God desires for you.

I feel like the spirit of God’s taking me in another direction now. So I’m gonna get in some things here. There’s something that has happened to me. I used to look at people. Now listen to me really carefully I felt like there were certain people that God had as favorites. And I saw that they could do that whatever they did. It just succeeded and but I saw other people that they failed all the time but they were just so diligent and then they made it. But then everybody wanted to be their friend after they succeeded.

But no one would help them while they were like kept failing and Abraham Lincoln was one of those guys. I mean a lot of people that we will really think like creators. You know people that invented things and they created different technology and things like that. If we find out how diligent how many times they failed and kept going and then eventually they became who they are today. But they failed a lot you know and a lot of our leaders were very diligent and were not elected as officials. The first several times that they ran for office or whatever.

When I found this out that when I was in heaven. I saw that God favors those who seek him who love him and adopt his ways. So they want to be true children. I just want to make you a happy father. What is it that you want me to do? Can you help me with this? And the father God just his heart just melts toward people like that and so he starts to favor people. What he’s doing is he’s found someone that he can work with. That’s good and he starts to side with them.

Then those people end up like, "how did you do that." I’ve been doing that for you. I’ve had people say that how did you do that yeah. I did that for years and it never worked and you just do it and bam and I heard from God and I wasn’t like into that whole thing of like having to try it 20 times to get it right I just won’t do it unless the Lord told me to but then all of a sudden that appeared to be favor but what they didn’t know was I was just waiting on God I was seeking God until the proper time came and everything was lined up the way it was supposed to and then it happened.

So you think that certain people are favored and that’s why they get their prayers answered. That’s why they have all these things happening in their life. But when I was in heaven I’m telling you the truth I’m telling things that I’ve never said before but I’m telling you no one on this earth is at a disadvantage at all. There is no one on this earth there every person can encounter the supernatural resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Every person can overcome sin. Overcome defeat. Overcome disease. Every person has the ability to do that.

That there’s not one thing that God cannot do for somebody. There’s not one thing on his list that he cannot do. You know there’s a couple of things that he doesn’t do.

He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t renege on his word. He doesn’t change. He changes not. He doesn’t go back on his word. He keeps his word okay. So he’s not a liar. There are certain things that God cannot do but other than that he has already voted for you. He has already planned a wonderful life for you to encounter his glory to share in his glory that’s what Jesus prayed in John 17.

So we know where this is going. It’s going to John 17 where Jesus prayed for all those who would believe that they would be one as he and the father were one. That they would encounter the same unity the same glory. Read it. This is why you don’t understand yourself is you don’t see where you’re going. We’re going to unity with the father. We’re going to oneness with the father. We’re going to a place where we have a favor. The favor is my father owns everything. Your father God has the last say-so in your life because you’ve permitted him to. So this is something that you have to get over. God is not really playing favorites. He’s just playing with those that will play with him. In other words Lord I’m in. Put me in the game. I want to play. God puts you in. But then you’re not on your own. He puts you in because you’re going to cooperate. And so I’ve seen this where a person goes in. But what they’re really doing.

A person goes into the game. They’re really giving the quarterback the next play. They’re giving them a strategy so that guy goes in then somebody comes out. And they just keep going like what they’re doing is okay. Here’s what we’re gonna do. And they’re changing against the opponent and that’s what the Lord wants to do with us. He’s constantly whispering in our ear hey don’t say this out loud. Because the devil doesn’t know what’s about to hit him.

You’re going to do this and this and you’re thinking well that’s in the opposite direction of where we’re going. And the Lord goes exactly so. The enemy’s going to follow you that way. But I’m over here. I’m taking care of this. And then where you’re it’s going to meet up. It’s going to be exactly where you’re supposed to end up. And it’ll appear to be a favor. But it’s because it’s rigged.

It’s rigged in your favor okay. So I feel like that’s pretty good for tonight. But I have a burden on my heart to pray for people with healing. And so with that being said, there’s a couple of things that I got to talk to you about. There is an onslaught against the body of Christ right now. In the area of sickness and disease and really Jesus has taken stripes upon his back according to Isaiah 53 and what peter said quoting Isaiah 53. He said by his stripes we were healed. And it’s interesting that in the old covenant the people of Israel were taken out of Egypt and the Lord said I’m going to take sickness away from the midst of you, period.

No more sickness and so when they left Egypt the psalmist said they left Egypt with the gold and silver and there was not one weak one or sickly among them. He said it says their shoes and their clothes never wore out. They went all those years with the provision of water and food every day supernaturally.

This is an old covenant. This is the old testament. Now in the new testament, the bible says that the new covenant is based on better promises. It’s a better covenant with better promises right. So what could be better than taking sickness away from the midst of his people? Well, if there is something even better then I want that. But let’s just get to the works of Jesus. Not even the greater work. So we’re supposed to be laying hands on the sick and they’re supposed to be recovering that’s the works of Jesus.

That Jesus said everyone that believes these signs shall follow. So with that all being said, we’re in the new covenant. I feel the power of the Lord on me and I have faith in my heart the gift of faith. And I have the gift of I feel like there are miracles working in the spirit. So I have this faith to just pronounce over you the wellness of the Lord. The healthy will of God for your life.

That your body responds at the word. It says the word of God says I sent my word and I healed you. And I’m telling you by the spirit of God that I’m not letting up on this. I am going to believe for your healing every single person. I’m believing for you right now to be healed in the name of Jesus. And you believe for me because I’m believing for healing and I can still pray for you and be believing for healing myself. Because I am just at the same place you are.

I’m a child of God and I’m in the new covenant and I believe. I believe right now that I receive my healing and you receive your healing. So father we were told to come to you in Jesus name and we were to ask anything in the name of Jesus. And it shall be done for us. Ask that you may receive and that your joy may be full and that you receive glory from this father.

So father we ask for healing all over the world. Right now all over this earth right now. The whole way around the earth right now in the name of Jesus. Let the healing flow. I pronounce the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ and I send that word out that by his stripes you were healed. Receive your healing right now. I break the power of the enemy. I break the power of satan over your life right now. I command sickness and disease to go in Jesus name.

I drive out every evil spirit enforcing these sicknesses and diseases. I break every curse. I break every curse of a witch and I say Lord God bring the witches in. Bring all the warlocks in. Break and bring all the Satanists into the kingdom father. Cause them to repent right now and I command all those evil spirits to assist in your maneuvers. Father, I call all witches and warlocks and Satanists to repentance right now. That they may receive you father. That you love them. That you will love them. Lord in the name of Jesus all you witches and warlocks just give your life over to Jesus Christ right now. Oh, you say this the Lord loves you. He created you for it to do good works and he needs you. He loves you. He wants you to come into his kingdom of light. And we just call all these people to repentance.

We thank you father that you’re healing your body right now. Healing the body of Christ right now on the earth. I command all sickness to leave your body right now. Thank you father that many people will write into our ministry and say how the Lord healed them supernaturally. Because of this broadcast and we thank you for it in the name of Jesus we thank you, Lord. Because you’re going to get glorified.

You’re going to get glorified Father that you love your children and you want the healing is the children’s bread. I thank you in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Oh God bless you all. Thank you. All over the world for joining us at this spirit school and remember that tomorrow evening at the same time we’re going to be here again and talking about how the Lord wants us to understand ourselves. He’s giving you these tools in the word of God.

God bless you all and remember to believe God because he is closer than you would ever imagine right now. And he’s reaching out his hand to help you. God bless.


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