Friday, November 6, 2020

Conversion and Anti Conversion vs. Transformation.

Religious conversion is one of the hot topics here in India. Recently the government is trying to bring new laws to prevent conversion from one religion to another. I always wonder what these people are doing? How to determine who was born into which religion? Since we are not able to determine the religion of a person then how can a law prevent one person from choosing his religion?  

By mistake of the nurse, a child born to Muslim parents goes to a Hindu family and at the same time, a child born to Hindu parents goes to the house of Muslim parents. In this case, the Hindu child ends up in a Muslim family adopts the Muslim faith, and the Muslim child ends up in a Hindu family adopts the Hindu faith. This has happened in India. At a later date, the family discovered the mistake after many years and through DNA tests the children got back their original parents. Hindu boy was on a non-vegetarian diet and the Muslim boy has adopted a vegetarian diet. They were taught their parent's religion and rituals. If unnoticed, these boys could lead a different faith and religion till the end of their life.

Adoption is happening in India. Parents who do not have children adopt a child without knowing whether the parents of that child are Hindu, Christian, or a Muslim. A Hindu boy could end up in a Muslim family or a Christian family. His faith is formulated in the family atmosphere and adopts the parent's faith as their religion.

In most cases, the faith of a person is formulated according to his experience and the circumstances around him. One person prays to a god and his wish is fulfilled so irrespective of his religion he is tempted to believe the god who answered him. His faith is in his heart. I wonder how law can change his faith?  Going into his heart and transforming his heart is not possible. Even with the help of human or religious or political or authorities like a court of law or a government cannot change his heart. For example. I believe in Jesus Christ. Whoever comes and asked me to forget about Jesus is not acceptable to me. They cannot change my faith. It is impossible for someone even to try.  My faith is in my heart. I am ready to die for my faith. A court of law can put me in jail. Can torcher me to change my faith.  Inject others' beliefs in my ears. Can teach other religious beliefs and rituals. But I am the one who decides and takes action. That is my fundamental right. Outside sources can put pressure on me. Even if in some extreme circumstances I can act differently. But in my innermost being, still, I can have faith in Jesus. Since they cannot change my innermost being, what is the use of the law?   

In the Nazi camp, Hitler tried to brainwash the Jews and tried to convert them to atheism.  Almost all Jews died holding their faith. The powerful audio messages for many years repeatedly made to listen by the prisoners did nothing to change the heart of Jews. Then how come a law can change the human heart.

Logically thinking, the law of anti-conversion is total stupidity. A lady I know who was born and brought up in a pious Hindu family one day diagnosed with cancer. Doctors washed their hands and said that they are helpless and only God can do a miracle in her life. She was left to die and was in pain and sorrow. She started to pray to the almighty God for help. One evangelist visited her and shared about Jesus and the forgiveness of sin and the healing power of Jesus Christ.  She believed the message and prayed and got healed miraculously. Now she is a transformed person. She believes in Jesus and has full faith in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ and salvation. Now she goes around and prays for the sick and many come to the faith in Jesus Christ. They sing Christian songs. They study the Bible together and spread the good news with others. They forget and denounce the old way of life. At the same time as per the government records, she is a Hindu. When asked about it she told me that it is a label that cannot change her heart. See here officially she is a Hindu and in her heart, she is a Christian.

The Bible clearly says that mankind is the children of one family. All those who are alive in this world are from one family. As the generations go by they choose different religions and faiths. Parents taught their faith to their children. Atheist parents who do not believe in any god taught their children atheism. We all are born on this earth as male or female or a transgender. We do not possess any religious belief by birth. As we grow old we adopt different religions and faiths.  

So it is a fundamental right of a human being to choose his religion or faith. Finding the true god is our life purpose and we need to seek divine intervention to find the true God.

Considering the above fact, enacting an anti-conversion law is a foolish endeavor because you cannot change the mind of a person in whatsoever manner.  

Recently people received money to convert to a different religion. "Ghar Wapsi" (returning to home) was done in India by religious and political organizations to convert other religious people into Hinduism. By giving money you can change the label of that person from Christian to Hindu or Muslim to Hindu. But are they converted to Hinduism in their mind? Who knows what faith they are having? Conversion cannot accomplish the transformation of the mind. Conversion can only change your name or identity or religion.  

True converts are transformed into their mind. No one can change them. They are transformed. They are not labeled. Their actions and speech and life will be different.            

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