Saturday, June 17, 2023

What Is the Difference Between the Holy Spirit and the Seven Spirits of God?

The difference between the Holy Spirit and the seven spirits of God is as follows:

 Firstly, the Holy Spirit is a person of God who acts as your comforter and guide, leading you into all truth. He is currently present with you on Earth. 

The mandate given to the seven spirits of God is to teach and train you about heavenly and kingdom matters. While the Holy Spirit operates within you on Earth, the seven spirits operate in the heavenly realms. Although you may have encounters with them, they are unlikely to be within you and alongside you, revealing all truths of God. Such encounters are established through Ascension experiences, driven by a desire to deeply know God and understand the various dimensions of His character and purposes. 

When your mandate from God is to explore His multi-dimensional character and purposes, you will have encounters with the seven spirits of the Lord. The Holy Spirit operates on Earth, while the seven spirits operate in the heavens, with their purpose being to show you how to manifest heavenly things on Earth. 

The Holy Spirit also dwells on the throne due to His omnipresence and unity with the Father and the Son. Hence, they can operate in different realms simultaneously. As you are created in God's image, you can also operate in multiple realms. This understanding supports the concept of bilocation. 

If we consider the operation of the Trinity, God is omnipresent, yet the manifestation of His presence differs in each realm. For illustrative purposes, let's examine how the Trinity functions. They are three beings in one, operating with a unified mind and purpose, unity of spirit. However, they can function in different realms simultaneously. 

For example, if we say that God's presence is manifested in heaven, we can envision the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in heaven. At one point, the Father observes the sin problem on Earth and decides to send the Son to address it. Consequently, you have the Father and the Holy Spirit in heaven, with Jesus descending to Earth. After dealing with the sin problem, Jesus informs His disciples that He will return to the Father but assures them that He will send the Holy Spirit to guide them in all truth. 

Jesus ascends to the Father, and the Holy Spirit descends to Earth. This configuration results in the Father and the Son in heaven and the Holy Spirit on Earth. Although they are one being with three distinct parts, each part fulfills a different function. 

Similarly, we can operate in the spirit realm while our soul and body function on Earth. The Holy Spirit resides on the throne due to His unity with the Father and the Son, and we also partake in that unity. As stated in John 17, Jesus desires that we be one with Him, just as He is one with the Father, so that we may be perfected and share in His glory. Consequently, we can be united with Him and with one another. 

The seven spirits are not on the throne like the Holy Spirit, but they are positioned before the throne. Their purpose is to prepare us for our future role of ruling and reigning with God. It is important to note that we cannot engage with the seven spirits of God without the Holy Spirit. He is the one who presents us to Jesus, and Jesus, in turn, presents us to the Father as kings. 

The seven spirits of God authorize this presentation made by Jesus to the Father, enabling the Father to present us to the world as glorified children of God. As Jesus stated, He is the firstborn among many brethren, and the many brethren of Jesus are the ones reading this teaching right now, sitting in your seats. 

The purpose of the seven spirits before the throne is to confirm and establish our participation in the same glory we had with the Father before the creation of the Earth. None of this can be accomplished without the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person, while the seven spirits are spirits. 

Jesus fully manifested the complete function, operation, and characteristics of all seven spirits so that he could be made manifest in mortal flesh, allowing us to witness the glory of the Father. The nature of these seven spirits is meant to be demonstrated on Earth through the kingdom living within each of us. 

The kingdom can only be established on Earth as it emanates from within us. In the age of the church, everything transitioned from external to internal, but in the age of the kingdom, it moves from internal to external. Consequently, we can only operate in the level of authority that the Lord grants us if we first establish the kingdom within ourselves. 

So, how do we engage with the seven spirits of God? People often ask, "How can I engage with these seven spirits?" The answer is quite simple: the Word says, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). 

This principle applies to every aspect of our spiritual growth. How do we engage with the Spirit of God? We just need to ask. I remember the first time I asked, I cried out to the Lord, saying, "Lord, I need your counsel." I spent hours and hours in prayer, pleading for God's counsel. One day, the Spirit of Counsel walked right up and tapped me on the shoulder. There is a classroom in heaven where I can go. It's inside the Father. He gathers books, pushes them together, and downloads them into my mind. Engage the Father to bring that heavenly realm into the Earth. These beings are awe-inspiring and should be respected. We should respond to them with reverence. However, they are also marvelous. They possess vast knowledge about the kingdom realm. 

The Spirit of Wisdom, in particular, is incredibly beautiful. She carries a large golden staff and wears magnificent purple robes, exuding majesty and femininity. She is one of the most stunning beings I have ever encountered. I encourage you to engage with the Spirit of Wisdom. All you have to do is ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. Pursue the Spirit of Wisdom intentionally. 

You have been engaging with her all along, but you may not have been aware of it. Each aspect and characteristic of the seven spirits of God reflects the nature of God Almighty, especially the Holy Spirit. They are training you to manifest the image of the Son of God on Earth. Therefore, they must bear the image of the Father, as Jesus said, "I did not come to speak on my own authority, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it" (John 12:49). 

These created beings have a deliberate intentionality and purpose ordained by God. They form the first layer of the government of the Kingdom of Heaven and bear testimony to Heaven in the house of God. They are subject to the bench of three and are part of the bench of ten. Their role is to prepare us for rulership and establish the shadow and image of everything that comes from Heaven to Earth. They sit before the throne, and their purpose is to equip us for rulership. Therefore, I want to encourage you to ask, seek, and knock. When you knock, the door will be opened. Many of you will have encounters with the seven spirits of God in the days ahead. Embrace those encounters and be grateful. 

I really want to encourage you to continue encounter them. The more you encourage them, the more encounters you will have with them. And the more you yield yourself to the things they have prepared for you, the more they will invest in you. They are just like us, earthly parents. When we have obedient children who are eager to learn and desirous to follow the path we set before them, we invest a greater amount of time in them and guide them towards the place that has been sovereignly ordained for them, as written in their scrolls from the beginning. 

Let us pray. Father, I thank and praise you for the seven spirits of God. I thank you, Lord, for their role in preparing, equipping, mandating, authorizing, and holding us accountable for all that you are pouring into us in this hour. As we yield ourselves to the fulfillment of your sovereign and divine purposes in our lives, we desire to partner with these seven spirits of God. Together, we want to bring down every precept from heaven in a way that is authorized by your throne. We long to be those who have been ordained as co-workers and co-creators with you for the establishment of your kingdom and righteousness on Earth. 

Lord, we also give thanks for all the angelic hosts, the hosts of heaven, and the great cloud of witnesses who work alongside us to fulfill and perfect your sovereign design and will for the Earth and all mankind. Your word is sure, true, and perfect. Therefore, we declare, "Let it be done unto us according to your word." In the most holy, strong, and magnificent name of Jesus, we pray. Amen. 

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