Sunday, November 25, 2018

George Muller on Stewardship - Part 3

5 The Lord lastly adds; “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Where should the heart of the disciple of the Lord Jesus be, but in heaven? Our calling is a heavenly calling, our inheritance is a heavenly inheritance, and reserved for us in heaven; our citizenship is in heaven; but if we believers in the Lord Jesus lay up treasures on earth, the necessary result of it is, that our hearts will be upon earth; nay, the very fact of our doing so proves that they are there! Nor will it be otherwise, till there be a ceasing to lay up treasures upon earth. The believer who lays up treasures upon earth may, at first, not live openly in sin, he in a measure may yet bring some honor to the Lord in certain things; but the injurious tendencies of this habit will show themselves more and more, whilst the habit of laying up treasures in heaven would draw the heart more and more heavenward; would be continually strengthening his new, his divine nature, his spiritual faculties, because it would call his spiritual faculties into use, and thus they would be strengthened; and he would more and more, whilst yet in the body, have his heart in heaven, and set upon heavenly things; and thus the laying up treasures in heaven would bring along with it, even in this life, precious spiritual blessings as a reward of obedience to the commandment of our Lord.
II The next passage, on which I desire to make a few remarks, is Matt. 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” After our Lord, in the previous verse, had been pointing his disciples “to the fowls of the air,” and “the lilies of the field,” in order that they should be without carefulness about the necessaries of life, he adds: “Therefore take no thought (literally, be not anxious), saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (for after all these things do the Gentiles seek;) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.” Observe here particularly that we, the children of God, should be different from the nations of the earth, from those who have no Father in heaven, and who therefore make it their great business, their first anxious concern, what they shall eat, and what they shall drink, and wherewithal they shall be clothed. We, the Children of God, should, as in every other respect, so in this particular also, be different from the world, and prove to the world that we believe that we have a Father in heaven who knoweth that we have need of all these things. The fact that our Almighty Father, who is full of infinite love to us his children, and who has proved to us his love in the gift of his only-begotten Son, and his almighty power in raising him from the dead, knows that we have need of these things, should remove all anxiety from our minds. There is, however, one thing that we have to attend to, and which we ought to attend to, with reference to our temporal necessities; it is mentioned in our verse: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” The great business which the disciple of the Lord Jesus has to be concerned about (for this word was spoken to disciples, to professed believers) is, to seek the kingdom of God, i. e., to seek as I view it, after the external and internal prosperity of the church of Christ. If, according to our ability and according to the opportunity which the Lord gives us, we seek to win souls for the Lord Jesus, that appears to me to be seeking the external prosperity of the kingdom of God; and if we, as members of the body of Christ, seek to benefit our fellow-members in the body, helping them on in grace and truth, or caring for them in any way to their edification, that would be seeking the internal prosperity of the kingdom of God. But in connection with this we have also “to seek his righteousness,” which means (as it was spoken to disciples, to those who have a Father in heaven, and not to those who were without), to seek to be more and more like God, to seek to be inwardly conformed to the mind of God. If these two things are attended to (and they imply also that we are not slothful in business), then do we come under that precious promise: “And all these things (that is, food raiment, or anything else that is needful for this present life) shall be added unto you.” It is not for attending to these two things that we obtain the blessing, but in attending to them.
I now ask you, my dear reader, a few questions in all love, because I do seek your welfare, and I do not wish to put these questions to you without putting them first to my own heart. Do you make it your primary business, your first great concern, to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness? Are the things of God, the honor of his name, the welfare of his church, the conversion of sinners, and the profit of your own soul, your chief aim? Or does your business, or your family, or your own temporal concerns, in some shape or other primarily occupy your attention? If the latter be the case, then, though you may have all the necessaries of life, yet could you be surprised if you had them not? Remember that the world passeth away, but that the things of God endure forever.

I never knew a child of God, who acted according to the above passage, in whose experience the Lord did not fulfill his word of promise, “All these things shall be added unto you.”

George Muller on Stewardship - part 2

3.   Our Lord says about the earth that it is a place where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal.” All that is of the earth, and in any way connected with it, is subject to corruption, to change, to dissolution. There is no reality, or substance, in anything else but in heavenly things. Often the careful amassing of earthly possessions ends in losing them in a moment by fire, by robbery, by a change of mercantile concerns, by loss of work, etc.; but suppose all this were not the case, still, yet a little while and thy soul shall be required of thee; or yet a little while, and the Lord Jesus will return; and what profit shalt thou then have, dear reader, if thou hast carefully sought to increase thy earthly possessions?
4.  Our Lord, however, does not merely bid us not to lay up treasure upon earth; for if he had said no more, this his commandment might be abused, and persons might find in it an encouragement for their extravagant habits, for their love of pleasure, for their habit of spending everything they have or can obtain, upon themselves. It does not mean, them, as is the common phrase, that we should “live up to our income;” for he adds, “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” There is such a thing as laying up as truly in heaven as there is laying upon earth; if it were not so, our Lord would not have said so. Just as persons put one sum after another into the bank, and it is put down to their credit, and they may use the money afterward: so truly the penny, the shilling, the pound, the hundred pounds, then the thousand pounds, given for the Lord's sake, and constrained by the love of Jesus, to poor brethren, or in any way spent in the work of God, he marks down in the book of remembrance, he considers as laid up in heaven. The money is not lost, it is laid up in the bank of heaven; yet so, that whilst an earthly bank may break, or through earthly circumstances, we may lose our earthly possessions, the money which is thus secured in heaven cannot be lost. 
But this is by no means the only difference. I notice a few more points: Treasures laid up on earth bring along with them many cares; treasures laid up in heaven never give care. Treasures laid up on earth never can afford spiritual joy; treasures laid up in heaven bring along with them peace and joy in the Holy Ghost even now. Treasures laid upon earth, in a dying hour cannot afford peace and comfort, and when life is over they are taken from us; treasures laid up in heaven draw forth thanksgiving that we were permitted and counted worthy to serve the Lord with the means with which he was pleased to entrust us as stewards, and when this life is over we are not deprived of what was laid up there, but when we go to heave we go to the place where our treasures are, and we shall find them there. Often we hear it said, when a person has died, he died worth so much. But whatever be the phrase common in the world, it is certain that a person may die worth fifty thousand pounds sterling, as the world reckons, and yet that individual may not possess, in the sight of God, one thousand pounds sterling, because he was not rich towards God, he did not lay up treasure in heaven. And so, on the other hand, we can suppose a man of God falling asleep in Jesus, and his surviving widow finding scarcely enough left behind him to suffice for the funeral, who was nevertheless rich towards God: in the sight of God he may possess five thousand pounds sterling; he may have laid up that sum in heaven. Dear reader, does your soul long to be right towards God, to lay up treasures in heaven? The world passes away, and the lust thereof. Yet a little while and our stewardship will be taken from us. At present we have the opportunity of serving the Lord with our time, our talents, our bodily strength, our gifts, and also with our property; but shortly this opportunity may cease. Oh, how shortly may it cease! Before ever this is read by anyone, I may have fallen asleep; and the very next day after you have read this, dear reader, you may fall asleep; and, therefore, whilst we have the opportunity, let us serve the Lord.

George Muller on Stewardship 1

In concluding this portion of my narrative, I would add some hits on a few passages of the word of God, both because I have so very frequently found them little regarded by Christians, and also because I have proved their preciousness, in some measure, In my own experience; and therefore wish that all my fellow-saints may share the blessing with me.

  1. In Matt. 6:19-21, it is written: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Observer, dear reader, the following points concerning this part of the divine testimony:

  1. It is the Lord Jesus, our Lord and Master, who speaks this as the lawgiver of his people, - he who has infinite wisdom and unfathomable love to us, who therefore both knows what is for our real welfare and happiness, and who cannot exact from us any requirement inconsistent with that love which led him to lay down his life for us.
  2. His counsel, his affectionate entreaty, and his commandment to us his disciples is, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth.” The meaning obviously is, that the disciples of the Lord Jesus, being strangers and pilgrims on earth, i. e., neither belonging to the earth nor expecting to remain in it, should not seek to increase their earthly possessions, in whatever these possessions may consist. This is a word for poor believers as well as for rich believers; it has much a reference to putting shillings into the savings-bank as to putting thousands of pounds into the funds or purchasing one house or one farm after another. It may be said, but does not every prudent and provident person seek to increase his means, that he may have a goodly portion to leave to his children, or to have something for old age or for the time of sickness, etc.? My reply is, it is quite true that this is the custom of the world. But whilst thus it is in the world, and we have every reason to believe ever will be so among those that are of the world, and who therefore have their portion on earth, we disciples of the Lord Jesus, being born again, being the children of God, not nominally, but really, being truly partakers of the divine nature, being in fellowship with the Father and the Son, and having in prospect “an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away” (1 Peter 1:4), ought in every respect to act differently from the world, and so in this particular also. If we disciples of the Lord Jesus seek, like the people of the world, after an increase of our possessions, may not those who are of the world justly question whether we believer what we say, when we speak about our inheritance, our heavenly calling, our being the children of God, etc.? Often it must be a sad stumbling-block to the unbeliever to see a professed believer in the Lord Jesus acting in this particular just like himself. Consider this, dear brethren in the Lord, should this remark apply to you.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Dave Ramsey Wealth, Wisdom and the World

Proven Biblical Money Principles - Dave Ramsey


For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first
and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it? Luke 14:28


The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender. Proverbs 22:7


Do not be deceived: evil company corrupts good habits. 1 Corinthians 15:33


In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil. Proverbs 21:20


... for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Reference and introduction: Write a letter acknowledging first order and ask for reference

Reference and introduction

Write a letter acknowledging first order and ask for reference

Danish & sons
84, new market road

6th June 20___

M/s sham & sons
11,Srinivas puram
Thirupathi, A.P

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your order 1st June 20___

The order being valued for us, is receiving our best attention.

However, since this is your first order we shall appreciate if you favour us with at least two references.

Your faithfully

Danish & sons


Sample Letter: Write a letter seeking reference from a former employer.

Roshan & bothers
3, old market

18th July

Danish & sons
84, new market road


Dear Sir,

Mr._________ has applied for the post of Assistant in our office and has

submitted a service certificate of four years from your office.

We shall feel highly obliged if you can give us your candid opinion whether

we should offer him a job he applied for.

Any information furnished to us by you, shall be treated strictly


If an opportunity arises, we shall be glad to reciprocate

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Roshan & bothers



Danish & sons
84, new market road

25th July

Roshan & bothers
3, old market


Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter dated 18th July 20__.

Mr._________ had been in our employment for four years, He was 

compelled to leave the job due to unavoidable circumstances as his family

had to shift from this place.

We strongly recommend him for any responsible post

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Danish & sons


Introduction letter

Introduction letter

Chinnu & Associates
36,Lavella Road,

28th March 20_

M/s Devandra & sons,
111, High road
Thumkur, Karnataka

Dear sir,

We wish to introduce, Mr. Ravi, our new sales representative and the bearer of this letter.

Mr. Ravi replaces Mr. Gaurav, who services have been terminated due to his habits of unpunctuality, indiscipline and rude behavior towards our clients.

Mr. Ravi has over a decade experience and is well conversant with our trade activities.

We hope that we shall be able to serve you better through Mr. Ravi who should be cooperation.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Chinnu & Associated


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Annexure “A” Signature & Photo Verification Letter

Annexure “A”

Signature & Photo Verification Letter


This is to certify that _____________ is maintaining a bank account No._____________ with our Bank___________ and operating that account in the normal course. His/Her signature and photo as appearing below is duly attested (as per the records available with the bank)

Paste latest passport
size photo here and
should be attested
by Bank through
Bank seal

(Signature of the Account Holder)   (Signature of the Branch Manager with seal)

Name: _______________                        Name: _____________

                                                            Designation: ________

Date: _______________

Annexure B Affidavit required in case of No Loan Taken

Annexure “B”
Affidavit required in case of No Loan Taken

To be prepared on stamp paper for Rs. 10/- and should be notarized


I, ___________W/o Mr. _______________aged about ___ year R/o. _______________ respectively, do hereby solemnly declare and affirm herein under:

  1. That I am the allotted Space/Flat Flat No.____ at (project Name & Add) ___________ (hereinafter referred to as “Said Property”) constructed by M/s. Supertech Limited, having its Registered office at 1114, 11th Floor, Hemkunt Chambers, 89, Nehru Place, Delhi-110019 also having its Corporate Office at SUPERTECH HOUSE B-28-29, SECTOR -58, NOIDA, Noida (hereinafter referred to as “Developer”)
  2. That till date I had not taken loan in any manner, whatsoever, from any bank nor I had mortgaged the Said Property.
  3. That in case any bank raises any charge/title/claim over the said property I shall solely be responsible for the same.
  4. That I request the Developer to kindly execute the registry of the Said Property in my favour and hand over the Original Papers relating to Registry along with physical possession to me.
  5. That on the Developer acceding to my request and accordingly executing the registry and handing over the original papers relating to the registry alongwith the possession to me in respect of the Said property. I hereby indemnify the Developer for any loss(s), damage(s) and consequence(s) that may arise as a result thereof, and I hereby undertake that I will make good any loss or damage suffered by the Developer arising therefrom

Verified at Noida, on this the dated_____ that I am swearing the present affidavit with my own free will without any undue influence, correction or force, in any manner, whatsoever and that the contents of all the paragraphs of my above affidavit are true and correct and nothing material has been concealed therefrom and no part of it is false.

Annexure C, Affidavit for purchasing property

Annexure “C

I, ___________W/o/S/o. Sh. _______________R/o. _______________ aged about ___ year respectively, do hereby solemnly declare and affirm herein under:

  1. That I am the Main-Allottee of Shop/Unit No.____ at (project Name & Add) ___________ (hereinafter referred to as “Said Property”) constructed by M/s. Supertech Limited, having its Registered office at 1114, 11th Floor, Hemkunt Chambers, 89, Nehru Place, Delhi-110019 also having its Corporate Office at Plot No. B-28/29, Sector -58, Noida -201307, U.P., India (hereinafter referred to as “Developer”)
  2. That I have no outstanding for the loan avail by me on said property on ____ for Rs. ______ through ______ Bank and the same has been fully satisfied/closed by the Allottee on ____ nor I had mortgaged the said property to any of the bank/financial institution. The Allottee has received the NOC in respect of the above said loan from the ___ bank too.
  3. That No loan has been taken by the Allottee except the above said loan and presently no loan is going on or avail by the Allottee in respect to the said property nor has the said property been mortgage to any bank or financial institution.
  4. That in case any bank/financial institution raises any charge, title, claim, right over the said property in any manner, whatsoever, I will solely be responsible for the same.
  5. That I request the Developer to kindly execute the registry of the Said Property in my favour and hand over the original papers relating to Registry alongwith physical possession to me.
  6. That on the Developer acceding to my request and accordingly executing the registry and handing over the original papers relating to the registry alongwith the possession to me in respect of the Said Property. I hereby indemnify the Developer for any loss(s), damage(s) and consequence(s) that may arise as a result thereof, and I hereby undertake that I will make good any loss(s) or damage(s) suffered by the Developer arising therefrom.
Verified at _____ on dated_____ that we are swearing the present affidavit with our own free will without any undue influence, correction or force, in any manner, whatsoever and that the contents of all the paragraphs of my above affidavit are true and correct and nothing material has been concealed therefrom and no part of it is false.

Annexure D, Affidavit for Cost Declaration

Annexure “D”

Affidavit for Cost Declaration

(To be prepared on stamp paper for Rs. 10/- and should be notarized)


I/We, ___________S/o. Sh. _______________aged about ___ & Mrs. _____________ W/o Sh ____ _______________ aged about ______ R/o. _______________ the deponent herein, do herein do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

  1. That the Deponents are the original allottees of Flat No. ______ in (Project Name & Add) ___________
  2. That the Deponent have paid the cost of the Flat as per Allotment letter/Agreement Amounting to Rs.___________/-
  3. That the Deponent have taken possession of the above Flat from M/s. Supertech Limited in the year____
  4. That the Deponents have no objection in case of cancellation of allotment/determination of sub-lease deed exercised by Noida Authority, if the contents of this Affidavit are false.
  5. That there is no non resident activity in the said flat.
  6. That is any non residential activity is found there by Noida Authority further the authority has right to cancel Sub- Lease Deed & right to take action as per regulation in force.


We, the above named deponent _____________, do hereby verify that the content of paras 1 to 6 of this Affidavit are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and nothing has been concealed.

Verified on this the ___ day of _______ at____________


List of top 10 Most-viewed YouTube Videos

List of top 10 Most-viewed YouTube Videos

What Jesus Did to Me in Heaven Made Me Weep! | Ana Werner

Seer Ana Werner has gone to heaven many times, and she’s learned how the
spirit world operates. Can you imagine seeing the unseen cause of
trouble? Now imagine how much victory is yours!

Your routine is calling. So is your personal invitation to step behind
the veil and encounter the Holy Spirit. Will you answer?

From her unique experiences, seer, prophet and missionary Ana Werner
shares insights she has received through prophetic encounters, visions
and angelic visitations. Her first angelic encounter came at age five!

Seeing Behind the Veil (book). This in-depth look at Ana’s personal
history of God encounters is meant to change your perspective! Then she
adds more powerful teaching on her 3-CD series, A Lifestyle of Seer
Encounters. From both Scripture and prophetic words, Ana offers seasoned
insights on:

• Dwelling in God’s Presence: living with a consistent awareness of the
Holy Spirit’s nearness.
• Spiritual warfare: how winning spiritual battles impacts your everyday
• Amplifying God’s voice: positioning yourself to hear God’s words.
• Comfort, strength and courage: for your daily challenges.
• Angelic activity: how to partner with the Heavenly hosts to release
God’s plans for you.

Ana says we can choose to live exclusively in the physical realm. But
good things await those who do not! You only get to do today once. Will
you answer?

Ana Werner and her husband Sam are associate directors of the Heartland
Healing Rooms in Lees Summit, Missouri, and also founders of Acacia
Ministries International. Ana travels and equips people internationally
on seeing in the Spirit, healing and moving in the prophetic.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife

In this intimate and powerful re-examination of his best-selling book
"Proof of Heaven," Dr. Alexander looks at the past two and a half years
of his life spent in trying to reconcile his rich spiritual experience
with contemporary physics and cosmology. He is convinced that his
remarkable near-death journey is totally consistent with the leading
edges of scientific understanding today. 2014.

This presentation was part of the 128th Summer Convention of the
Theosophical Society in America. The theme for the conference was
"Science and the Experience of Consciousness," which brought together
such distinguished scientists as physicist Amit Goswami, consciousness
researcher and psychologist Dean Radin, physicist and psychic researcher
Russell Targ, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, and more. 2014.

Do you Believe in Heaven? Atheist Neurosurgeon have Proof of Heaven! Mus...

Meet a brain surgeon whose near-death experience convinced him Heaven is real.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Henry Gruver Saw Fallen Angels Chained Beneath Rome!

Henry Gruver Saw Fallen Angels Chained Beneath Rome! Henry is a friend
of God. He’s circled the globe and walked in supernatural power and the
presence of God for five decades. What can you learn from Henry? A lot!

Who did God send to Korea to deal with current events? Henry Gruver.

Henry Gruver has spent over five decades experiencing a lifestyle of
supernatural power and the presence of God in his life. In this
exclusive 5-CD set, Henry mentors you to see and do the same.

You will learn how to commune with God and plead the Blood of Jesus.
Walking in the supernatural starts there. And Henry brings understanding
to your authority as a believer. You will raise your faith to new
levels as you prepare for the Glory that is coming on the Church.

This exclusive CD series helps you learn:

• How to operate in your authority as a believer

• How to apply the power of the Blood of Jesus

• How to prepare for the coming Glory

• How to commune with God

• Keys to victorious spiritual warfare

It is God who wants to give you authority and power. Henry Gruver says
you need it!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj "The Power Of The HOLY SPIRIT" SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

Holy Spirit and Fire by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj PART 3

Holy Spirit and Fire by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj PART 3

Holy Spirit and Fire by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj PART 2

Holy Spirit and Fire by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj PART 2

Holy Spirit and Fire by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj PART 1

Judgement of God to the Churches | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

Midean Women Prophetic Conference October 24, 2018
Arusha, Tanzania

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such
material is made available for educational purposes only. This
constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided
for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

Bro. Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj | SEP 17, 2018: Prophetic Conference 2018 Ses...

Bro. Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj | NOV 07, 2018:Different Weapons of God Part 2

Henry Gruver Saw Fallen Angels Chained Beneath Rome!

Henry Gruver Saw Fallen Angels Chained Beneath Rome! Henry is a friend
of God. He’s circled the globe and walked in supernatural power and the
presence of God for five decades. What can you learn from Henry? A lot!

Who did God send to Korea to deal with current events? Henry Gruver.

Henry Gruver has spent over five decades experiencing a lifestyle of
supernatural power and the presence of God in his life. In this
exclusive 5-CD set, Henry mentors you to see and do the same.

You will learn how to commune with God and plead the Blood of Jesus.
Walking in the supernatural starts there. And Henry brings understanding
to your authority as a believer. You will raise your faith to new
levels as you prepare for the Glory that is coming on the Church.

This exclusive CD series helps you learn:

• How to operate in your authority as a believer

• How to apply the power of the Blood of Jesus

• How to prepare for the coming Glory

• How to commune with God

• Keys to victorious spiritual warfare

It is God who wants to give you authority and power. Henry Gruver says
you need it!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

List of most-viewed YouTube videos in Christian worship song

Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee (Official Music Video) Most viewed vedeo on Youtube

rise to the top of this list in 2018, demonstrates two essential points
about YouTube. Firstly, it shows that YouTube’s popularity is forever
increasing. There was a time when nobody thought that anybody would
Gangnam Style.

It also demonstrates how YouTube is now a global phenomenon. Despacito,
which is Spanish for “Slowly,” is sung in Spanish by Puerto Rican
singer Luis Fonsi and also features Puerto Rican rapper Daddy Yankee.
The music video shows both artists performing the song in La Perla
neighborhood of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico and the local bar La Factoría.

The song topped the charts of 47
countries and entered the Top 10 in ten others. It was the first song to
top the Billboard 100 in Spanish in 20 years.

Interestingly, Justin Bieber released
a remix version a few months later, where he sang some lines in
English. While this probably helped the original’s YouTube performance,
it didn’t overtake it or enter the YouTube Most Viewed charts.

Despacito became the first video on YouTube to achieve the milestones of both three and four billion views. It overtook See You Again to take YouTube’s All-time Number 1 spot in August 2018.

Monday, November 5, 2018

आदतें जो आपके जीवन को बदल देंगी - Habits That Will Change Your Life (Pt-...

Joel Osteen in Hindi... एक Baad आ रही है....

Feed Your Destiny

What are you allowing in your spirit? The people you’re spending time
with, what you’re dwelling on all day, the memories you’re allowing to
replay— it is either inspiring you, building your faith, pushing you
toward your destiny and dreams, or it’s limiting you.

Joel wants to show you how to stay on course and keep your faith fed.
Even in the middle of difficulties or after trauma and great trials, you
can choose to feed your faith. The seeds of greatness waiting to spring
forth will come out as you feed your destiny with the right things!

Joel Osteen - How Bad Do You Want It

God has placed His seeds of greatness in you. He has placed everything
within you to fulfill every purpose He's placed inside of you. But James
2 teaches us that there is action we have to take on our part, that our
faith without works is dead. Discover in this empowering message how we
have to go after the things in our heart with an unrelenting passion.
Learn about different heroes in the Bible who pressed past obstacles and
found their healing and breakthroughs.

Your will is one of the most powerful things you have. When you make up
your mind that you're going to do something, and take the steps and do
everything you can, God will breathe on your efforts and give you
strength that goes beyond your natural ability.

Joel Osteen - Empty Out The Negative

It’s easy to go through life holding on to things that are weighing us
down—guilt, resentment, worry and doubt. These things naturally come.
The problem is that when we allow them in, they take up space for the
good things that should be there.

In this message, Joel will show you how your life is like a container
that God created to be filled with joy, peace, confidence, creativity
and much more! But if you allow worry in, it pushes out peace and all
the good things God longs to deposit in you. Learn how to apply David’s
prayer in Psalm 103:5 in your life—“God fills my life with good things.
So that I stay young and strong.” Discover the condemnation and guilt
tactics the enemy tries to launch at us and how to stay on the offense.

As you empty out the negative in your life, God can fill your life with
good things. He’ll give you beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and you
will have peace in the midst of any storm.

Healing scriptures Full Length updated version "Read by John Hagee"

For all those who are in need of a healing. Also to my friends and
family. My grandma gave me this audio CD when I was battling an illness
in 2006. I still listen to it often. Happy that so many people have
been touched by it.

Learn To Live The Life God Has Called You To With Nick Vujicic at Saddle...

In this message, special guest Nick Vujicic talks about how we live the
life God has given us. Regardless of your limitations, you will find
everything you need in Jesus. Satan wants to take your joy and distract
your focus, but God's love for you never changes.

Transformed: Change Your Life By Changing Your Mind with Pastor Rick Warren

Learn how to change your life by changing the way you think in this
message from our weekend series: 50 Days of Transformation. This series
is centered around our Transformed study with Pastor Rick Warren at
Saddleback Church.

This message will teach you how to change the way you think by the
renewing of your mind. God is far more interested in changing your mind
than in changing your circumstances. There's a battle for your mind and
it's going on every day. Your mind is your greatest asset and satan
wants to control your mind. Learn the three daily choices for a healthy
mind and find the key to peace and happiness. God didn't bring you here
to watch everyone else's life be transformed--Join in at

Learn How To Recognize God's Voice with Rick Warren

God wants to speak to you — but how do you know whether an idea you get
in your mind is from him? Pastor Rick Warren teaches seven ways to test
your ideas, impressions, and thoughts to know with absolute certainty
you are hearing the voice of God. Ask yourself these questions: Does it
agree with the bible? Does it make me more like Christ? Does my church
family confirm it? Is it consistent with how God shaped me? Does it
concern my responsibility? It is convicting rather than condemning? Do I
sense God's peace about it? Pastor Rick explains all of these questions
and more in this message.

Hearing the Voice of God in Visions and Dreams - Apostle Renny McLean

Dr. Renny and Dr. Marina McLean - The NOW- The Dimensions of Faith

Fatherhood and Sonship - Apostle Renny McLean | June 10, 2018

What Happens When the Presence of God is Removed? - Apostle Renny McLean...

Dr. Renny McLean - What is your Reality?

Dr. Renny McLean "The Purpose of Receiving the Power of Holy Spirit" Jun...

Dr. Renny McLean - Renewal of the Mind (Renovación de la Mente)

The Blessings of God | Apostle Renny McLean

Apóstol Renny McLean Guerra Espiritual y Autoridad Espiritual Encuen...

Dr. Renny McLean - Death to Self (Muerte al Yo)

Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone (Live)

Kari Jobe Bethel Church Music- Forever Live (lyrics)

Even When It Hurts Praise Song - Hillsong Conference 2015 (legendado)

Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) - Hillsong Worship

All these pieces
Broken and scattered
In mercy gathered
Mended and whole
Empty handed
But not forsaken
I've been set free
I've been set free

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

Oh I can see it now
Oh I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

You take our failure
You take our weakness
You set Your treasure
In jars of clay
So take this heart Lord
I'll be Your vessel
The world to see
Your life in me

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

CCLI: 7019974
Words & Music by Joel Houston and Jonas Myrin
© 2014 Hillsong Music Publishing

Who You Say I Am - Hillsong Worship

Who am I that the highest King
Would welcome me
I was lost but He brought me in
Oh His love for me
Oh His love for me

Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I’m a child of God
Yes I am

Free at last
He has ransomed me
His grace runs deep
While I was a slave to sin
Jesus died for me
Yes He died for me

Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I’m a child of God
Yes I am
In my Father’s house
There’s a place for me
I’m a child of God
Yes I am

I am chosen
Not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me
Not against me
I am who You say I am

Words and Music by Ben Fielding & Reuben Morgan
© 2017 Hillsong Music Publishing
CCLI: 7102401

Grace To Grace - Hillsong Worship

If love endured that ancient cross
How precious is my Saviour’s blood
The beauty of heaven wrapped in my shame
The image of love upon death’s frame

If having my heart was worth the pain
What joy could You see beyond the grave
If love found my soul worth dying for

How wonderful
How glorious
My Saviour’s scars
My chains are gone
My debt is paid
From death to life
And grace to grace

If heaven now owns that vacant tomb
How great is the hope that lives in You
The passion that tore
Through hell like a rose
The promise that rolled back
Death and its stone

If freedom is worth the life You raised
Oh where is my sin where is my shame
If love paid it all to have my heart

When I see that cross I see freedom
When I see that grave I’ll see Jesus
And from death to life
I will sing Your praise
In the wonder of Your grace

How my soul will sing Your praise
In the wonder of Your grace
How my soul will sing Your praise

Vertical Worship - Spirit of the Living God (Music Video)

All Sons & Daughters - Great Are You Lord (Official Live Concert)


You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore
Every heart that is broken
Great are You, Lord

It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only

You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore
Every heart that is broken
Great are You, Lord

All the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing
Great are You, Lord

© 2013 Integrity's Praise! Music/BMI & Integrity's Alleluia!
Music/SESAC (both adm at & Sony/ATV Timber
Publishing/West Main Music/Winsor Hill Music/SESAC

This I Believe (The Creed) - Hillsong Worship

Recorded Live at Hillsong Conference in Sydney 2014. This song is based
on the Apostles Creed and is a unifying bold declaration of our faith
in Jesus Christ. We pray this song encourages you and your Church.


Our Father everlasting
The all creating One
God Almighty
Through Your Holy Spirit
Conceiving Christ the Son
Jesus our Saviour

I believe in God our Father
I believe in Christ the Son
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Our God is three in One
I believe in the resurrection
That we will rise again
For I believe
In the Name of Jesus

Our Judge and our Defender
Suffered and crucified
Forgiveness is in You
Descended into darkness
You rose in glorious life
Forever seated high

I believe in You
I believe You rose again
I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord

I believe in life eternal
I believe in the virgin birth
I believe in the saints’ communion
And in Your holy Church
I believe in the resurrection
When Jesus comes again
For I believe in the Name of Jesus

CCLI: 7018338
Words And Music By Matt Crocker & Ben Fielding
© 2014 Hillsong Music Publishing

Kim Walker Smith - Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here

Beethoven's 5 Secrets - OneRepublic - The Piano Guys

Story behind the song:
The American Heritage Lyceum Philharmonic (Youth Orchestra) and its
director, Kayson Brown, approached us with this idea. We loved it. It
combined two of the things we are working to accomplish -- inviting
people to classical music and inspiring young musicians. Steven Sharp
Nelson had soloed with the orchestra the previous year and loved the
spirit and the talent that the orchestra showed at such young ages (ages
13-18!) Together we developed the concept of "Beethoven's 5 Secrets,"
combining OneRepublic's tune "Secrets" with melodies and moments from
all four movements of Beethoven's 5th Symphony.

We used 5 different melodies from the 4 movements of Beethoven's 5th
Symphony (not including the "bridge" the orchestra plays in the middle).
Try to guess where they are and where they come from!

What are Beethoven's secrets? He had many. His most prominent secret
that he desperately tried to keep from the public and that caused him to
be considered extremely eccentric, irritable, and hermit-like was his
"weakness." He was deaf during most of his life. Imagine of
the greatest composers that ever lived could hardly hear. And yet, he
wrote his life's greatest works after becoming deaf. He believed that
art itself had "secrets" that had to be "forced into" in order to obtain
art's highest level. There is no doubt Beethoven discovered many of the
"secrets" of art -- people all over the world enjoy them every day. He
was a true master of music, blessed by God. This piece and video are
dedicated to him.

Filming locations:
The Mountains of St. George Utah
American Heritage School
TPG Studios
MetCom Studio (Behind the Scenes footage)


Arrangement written and produced by Al van der Beek & Steven Sharp
Orchestrated by Kayson Brown & Steven Sharp Nelson
Performed by
American Heritage Lyceum Philharmonic, under the direction of Kayson
Additional violin work by Julie Ann Nelson (Steven's wife!) &
Matthew John Nelson (Steven's brother!)
Steven Sharp Nelson: Acoustic cello, electric cellos, percussion, vocal
Al van der Beek: Vocal textures, percussion
Secrets originally written by Ryan Tedder, published by SONY/ATV TUNES
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Opus 67 written by Ludwig van Beethoven in
1804-1808 and debuted in Vienna's Theater an der Wien in 1808
Orchestra recorded at MetCom Studios 
All other instruments recorded by Al van der Beek at TPG Studios
Mixed and Mastered by Al van der Beek at TPG Studio
Video produced by Paul Anderson & Tel Stewart

Dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (Piano/Cello Cover)

Story behind the song:
Our kids give us great inspiration for our music. When Jon's 17-year-old
daughter said how much she loved this song, Jon decided to try it. He
experienced a flood of inspiration. "Never has a piano part come
together this fast," Jon says. Steve experienced similar inspiration
while composing the cello parts. Since the lyrics suggest a bride
walking towards the groom in a ceremony we thought we would include a
quote from the Bridal Chorus by Wagner in the climax of the song. (It is
carefully disguised).

As it seems to always go, Paul and Tel didn't find the spot until they
spent 9 hours driving around southern Utah the day before the shoot
looking. After getting a little discouraged by not finding anything that
great, they just happened to check out a little-hidden spot right near
Baker Dam and thought it was perfect for the song. The next morning we
all loaded up the piano and headed out there to film, but after getting
the Truck and Trailer stuck and waiting for the sun to move, we didn't
get started filming until that evening having about 3 hours of light. It
was so fun to film and play in the middle of the trees!

A Thousand Years written by CHRISTINA PERRI, DAVID HODGES
Arrangement produced by Jon Schmidt
Arrangement written by Al van der Beek, Jon Schmidt, & Steven Sharp
Performed by Jon Schmidt: piano
Steven Sharp Nelson: acoustic cello, & cello-percussion
Music recorded, mixed & mastered by Al van der Beek at TPG Studio
Piano was recorded and edited at big idea studios by Jake Bowen
Video produced by Paul Anderson & Tel Stewart

I Surrender - Hillsong Worship


Verse 1
Here I am
Down on my knees again
Surrendering all
Surrendering all

Find me here
Lord as You draw me near
Desperate for You
Desperate for You

Chorus 1
I surrender

Verse 2
Drench my soul
As mercy and grace unfold
I hunger and thirst
I hunger and thirst

With arms stretched wide
I know You hear my cry
Speak to me now
Speak to me now

Chorus 2
I surrender
I surrender
I want to know You more
I want to know You more

Like a rushing wind
Jesus breathe within
Lord have Your way
Lord have Your way in me

Like a mighty storm
Stir within my soul
Lord have Your way
Lord have Your way in me

CCLI #: 6177317
© Hillsong Music 2012
Words & Music by Matt Crocker

Peaceful & Relaxing Hymns - Timeless & Best Loved Hymns | Prayer Music |...

Peaceful & Relaxing Hymns: Best Piano Instrumental Music for
Meditation, Stress Relief, Prayer, Worship, Deep Healing, Study, Rest,
Reflection, Background music & Relaxation. May the peace of God
which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind as you
listen. This was played in the key of E-flat.

Download "Peaceful "& Relaxing Hymns" Ephesians 5:19
"Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord".

PianoWorshipMusic DappyTKeysPianoMusic Soaking Music Worship Music
Prayer Music PropheticMusic Meditation Relaxation PianoWorship
PianoCovers SoakingWorshipMusic ChristianPianoMusic
ChristianPianoInstrumental PianoHymns QuietTime ChristianKaraoke

Instrumental Prayer Worship Music
Instrumental Prayer Music, Instrumental Worship Music, Prayer Music,
Worship Music, Soaking Music, Prayer and Soaking Music, Instrumental
Soaking Music, Prayer Time, Quiet Time, Christian Karaoke Tim Oladeru
Holy Spirit musica para dios musica para orar piano de culto

What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship

You were the Word at the beginning
One with God the Lord Most High
Your hidden glory in creation
Now revealed in You our Christ

What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

You didn’t want heaven without us
So Jesus You brought heaven down
My sin was great Your love was greater
What could separate us now

What a wonderful Name it is
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a wonderful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

Death could not hold You
The veil tore before You
You silence the boast of sin and grave
The heavens are roaring
The praise of Your glory
For You are raised to life again
You have no rival
You have no equal
Now and forever God You reign
Yours is the kingdom
Yours is the glory
Yours is the Name above all names

What a powerful Name it is
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a powerful Name it is
Nothing can stand against
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

Words and Music by
Ben Fielding & Brooke Ligertwood
© 2016 Hillsong Music Publishing.
CCLI Song No. 7068424

Sounds Of Healing/Julie True

Soak in his healing power

Pure Peace-Julie True

Fire Fall (Spontaneous Worship) - Jenn Johnson | Bethel Music

Revival - Soulfire Revolution (Worship Song with Lyrics)

Soulfire Revolution - Revival, Feat. Kim Walker-Smith, Album: Soulfire Revolution, Year: 2013

[Revival Lyrics]

We watch, we pray
We're here to seek your face
We know you're close
Let your presence fill this place

The world is a desert dry and thirsty
Your love is the answer full of mercy
Give us Your eyes to see the hurting
Bring us back to life

Hearts on fire
Holy spirit rain down
Change us from the inside
Oh eh oh oh

Shine Your light
Bring healing to the blind
You break the chains
Let Your glory fill the sky

The world is a desert dry and thirsty
Your love is the answer full of mercy
Give us your eyes to see the hurting
Bring us back to life

Hearts on fire
Holy spirit rain down
Change us from the inside
Oh eh oh oh

Hands up higher
Holy spirit rain down
Change us from the inside
Oh eh oh oh
We need revival

Send revival fire
Send revival fire
Fill this place
Fill this place

Hearts on fire
Holy spirit rain down
Change us from the inside
Oh eh oh oh

Hands up higher
Holy spirit rain down
Change us from the inside
Oh eh oh oh
We need revival

Sanctus Real - On Fire (Lyric Video)

Medley: Our Father/Set A Fire/All Consuming Fire - Lydia Shaw - Bethel M...

I See Heaven - Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger - Bethel Music Worship

I See Heaven (Eu Vejo o Céu)
Bethel Church
Bryan & Katie Torwalt

I see heaven invading this place
I see angels praising Your holy name
And I sing praises, I sing praises
I give you honor, worthy Jesus

I see glory falling in this place
I see hope restored healing of all disease
And I sing praises, I sing praises
I give you honor, worthy Jesus

We give You praise and all of the honor
You are our God, The one we live for
We give You praise, and all of the glory, God

Let Your presence fill this place
Let heaven come
Let Your angels be released
Let heaven come
We will worship at Your feet
Let heaven come
Face to face we want to meet
Let heaven come

"Fire in My Bones" by Steve Swanson

"Fire in My Bones" by Steve Swanson

Chris Tomlin - Our God (Live)

Music video by Chris Tomlin performing Our God. (C) 2013 sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records

Chris Tomlin - Whom Shall I Fear [God of Angel Armies] [Lyrics]

Music video by Chris Tomlin performing Whom Shall I Fear [God of Angel
Armies] [Lyrics]. (P) (C) 2012 sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records. All
rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable
laws. Manufactured by EMI Christian Music Group,

Misty Edwards God Is A flame

I Need You God // Misty Edwards, Bethany Hostetter // Prayer Room Worshi...

Misty Edwards and team sing about thirsting for the Lord from Psalm 42
in this clip from this Worship with the Word set in the Global Prayer

Misty Edwards - You're Beautiful, You're Worth it All

No matter how small my all may be
I'm giving you all there is to me
No matter how small my all may be
I gladly waste it at your feet

You're beautiful,
You're worth it all.
You're Beautiful,
Worth it all,

Worthy is the Lamb,
Worthy is the Lamb...

Misty Edwards - I Won't Be Moved (The Solid Rock)

Stir up the Flame - Misty Edwards

All Consuming Fire by Misty Edwards Lyrics

Video copyright Youtube User ID bobf72450.
All Consuming Fire sung by Misty Edwards, worship leader at IHOPU in
Kansas City. This song speaks of God being an all consuming fire
filling our hearts with love, as in Shavuot or Pentecost.

"SOAKING" with Katie Souza Part 2

Katie Souza bathes "soaks" the listener in scripture and healing words
of prophecy in order to walk us through the process of cleansing our
souls of sin and trauma that open the door to both physical and mental
affliction. This video is part 2 of 2

SOAKING with Katie Souza part 1

Katie Souza bathes "soaks" the listener in scripture and healing words
of prophecy in order to walk us through the process of cleansing our
souls of sin and trauma that open the door to both physical and mental
affliction. this video is part 1 of 2

Ep. 1 – Your Soul is Sabotaging Your Life!

Healing Your Soul: Real Keys to the Miraculous
So many of our problems and issues can be directly connected to the
condition of our souls--from family and relationship troubles to all
kinds of physical ailments and diseases. Watch as Katie Souza opens up
the scriptures and walks you through the steps to receiving your

Ep. 2 – Two Simple Steps To Healing!

Healing Your Soul: Real Keys to the Miraculous
So many of our problems and issues can be directly connected to the
condition of our souls--from family and relationship troubles to all
kinds of physical ailments and diseases. Watch as Katie Souza opens up
the scriptures and walks you through the steps to receiving your

Reclaiming Dominion: Humanity’s Role in Spiritual Authority and Creation

The concept of dominion is deeply rooted in the idea of spiritual authority and the role of humanity in God’s creation. This essay explores ...