Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Love Yourself, That is the Only Way to Grow

Love yourself

You love many things in your life. There are people around you whom you love. You love your wife, your children, your parents, your girlfriend, your classmates, your colleagues, your brothers, and sisters, the list goes on.

You love things like your mobile phone, your house, your laptop, your watch, your Bluetooth, your iPhone, etc.

But I just wanted to ask you how much you love yourself? You may ask "How can I love myself? I don't have the things that I enjoy like money, property, laptop, iPhone, etc.

Let me tell you the reason you don't have the things which give you joy is that you are not loving yourself enough to get all that makes you happy.

If you have many things in your life at your disposal and still you are not happy, the reason for your unhappiness is that you do not know how to love yourself.

To be happy and successful, you need to know how to love yourself. Love yourself, the way you are. If you are not happy with the way you are, it's time to change. You need to change your habits, thoughts, and behavior in that way you love yourself. Think of a happy person. Change your thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, deeds, and dealings like that happy person. Then you will be able to love yourself. Once you start to love yourself, it will improve your self-esteem. You will be confident about yourself. You won't have to hide behind the scene. You can present yourself in front of your peers and friends.

Why should I love myself?

Why should you love yourself? You are the person who will be with you from birth to death. You will share it with yourself. The happy moments. The embarrassing situation. The heights and the depths. All the special occasions like birthdays, marriage, the birth of your child, the death of your loved ones. All these moments you share with yourself.

You will be with you in the darkest moments of your life. No one can take that position. So you must love yourself.

The other reason for loving yourself is just because, when you love someone, you wish very best for him. You want him to have the best share. You want to give the most expensive gifts. You want to give whatever you can.​ It could be the position in society, ... it could be the best food, it could be the best time, ... In short whatever you can you will try to give the very best.

Unless you are not loving yourself, you cannot have the very best in life. Hope now you understand the key reason for loving yourself. If you want the best education, if you want the best job, if you want best friends, if you want the best car, if you want the best girl/boy with you, you must love yourself. You will dream big for yourself. Work hard to get the very best in your life.

When you start to love yourself, you will become a person to whom others can love. That means, people start to love you. That doesn't mean that you need to be arrogant and boastful about yourself. People hate that kind of person. Those who love themselves are humble and honest. Inwardly they feel good about themselves.

When you feel good about yourself, you will be confident, outgoing, and make friends. You will have positive thoughts about yourself and others. You see good things in others.

Don't want you to feel good about yourself? Don't want you to make friends? Don't want you to have self-esteem? Don't want you to think positively?

Love yourself. That is the only way to grow.

Love yourself.​


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