Mormonism |
Christian Science |
Bible |
Inspired Bible and Book of Mormon |
Bible inspired and Science and Health is its
inspired interpretation |
God |
Polytheism |
Impersonal and pantheistic |
Man |
Pre-existent soul takes body at birth in the
world. |
Soul only; body is an illusion. |
Sin |
It was necessary for Adam to sin. This brought
morality with out guilt |
“There is no sin” - it is illusion. |
Christ |
Called creator but pre-existent spirit who took
body at incarnation |
Christ is a divine idea; Jesus is mere human |
Redemption |
Atonement gives man chance to earn salvation |
Salvation by casting out idea of sin
Church |
Other churches apostate; efficient hierarchical
organization |
A denomination like protestant, Roman Catholic
and Jewish |
Future |
Pre-millennial reign at Independence, Mo. Tends
toward universal salvation |
Universal salvation in future when idea of sin
gradually dies. |
Friday, December 7, 2012
Chart of comparative doctrines of traditional Christian, Seventh day Adventist, Jehovah's witnesses, Mormonism and Christian Science
Chart of comparative doctrines of traditional Christian, Seventh day Adventist, Jehovah's witnesses, Mormonism and Christian Science
Traditional Christian |
Seventh day Adventist
Jehovah's Witness |
Mormonism |
Christian Science |
Bible |
Verbally Inspired |
Reluctant to affirm verbal inspiration; vague
about status of Mrs. White |
Verbally Inspired |
Inspired Bible and Book of Mormon |
Bible inspired and Science and Health is its
inspired interpretation |
God |
Three persons in one Essence |
Approximately traditional Christian View |
Uni-personal |
Polytheism |
Impersonal and pantheistic |
Man |
Body-soul created good |
Body-soul creature, created neutral or with
inclination to evil
Body. Soul not distinguishable from body |
Pre-existent soul takes body at birth in the
world. |
Soul only; body is an illusion. |
Sin |
Result of Adam's disobedience; corruption of
nature and action |
No clear doctrine of imputation of Adam's sin;
man now polluted |
Adam's sin brought liability to temporal death |
It was necessary for Adam to sin. This brought
morality with out guilt |
“There is no sin” - it is illusion. |
Christ |
One divine person in two distinct natures (Divine
human) |
Like traditional view but represents human nature
as having tendency to sin |
First-born creature; changed into man at birth in
this world |
Called creator but pre-existent spirit who took
body at incarnation |
Christ is a divine idea; Jesus is mere human |
Redemption |
Faith in atonement as expressed by holy life |
Believing in atonement made in heaven plus holy
living including observance of Saturday Sabbath. |
Christ's ransom gives man chance to earn
salvation |
Atonement gives man chance to earn salvation |
Salvation by casting out idea of sin
Church |
Mystical union of all true believers, visible
union of all professed believers |
Seems to regard itself as true remnant church |
Traditional church rejected 144000 witnesses make
up church |
Other churches apostate; efficient hierarchical
organization |
A denomination like protestant, Roman Catholic
and Jewish |
Future |
Eternal heaven, eternal hell, temporary purgatory
(R.C) |
Annihilation of wicked; millennium in heaven and
eternity on new earth
Earthly millennium during which final probation
leading to annihilation or eternal life |
Pre-millennial reign at Independence, Mo. Tends
toward universal salvation |
Universal salvation in future when idea of sin
gradually dies. |
What is cult and why do people join cults?
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Long term commitment.
People grossly underestimate how far they can get in 6 years, but normally overestimate how far they can get in 6 months. If you desire for results, make a long term commitment to a particular path. A 5 year plan for a particular project. It could be developing a blog, building an online business, becoming a trainer, learning a skill, developing your social skills, becoming a writer, etc.
A lesser commitment is a waste of time and effort. When I started to learn pitman shorthand in 1994, I expected to be a stenographer in the long run. After learning shorthand for 6 months, I found it very difficult as I am nowhere in taking dictations. I quit for a short while. Then I restarted and continued for 5 years. Many of my friends quit with with the first few months, which is largely a wast of time and effort.
If you are going to quit within such a short time, it means you are not serious about it to begin it. The best results comes after the first year. If you can't make it more than one year, why bother about it at all? Surely you will get some experience from short term commitment. By changing frequently you will have many experiences to talk about. That experiences will not make any money for you.
Many bloggers quit within their first year, which is largely a waste of effort. It shows that they are not serious about their blogging activity. If you have quality blogs, it can make some money for you. By inserting ads in your blog, you can promote goods and services. But for that you need a good traffic to your blogs. Online business are some good option for making money online. If you are not going to continue for a long period of time, why you are wasting your time? Stop it at once.
If you start a shop in your neighborhood, on the first month you will not have many customers. You have to build relationships with you customers. After a few months people will be aware of the fact that there is a shop near to their residence. But they are not sure whether the good they need are available in that shop. Over a period of time, all the people in your area will be aware of the existence of the shop. You need to build a longterm relationship with the customers. Then you can sell goods repeatedly. Your customers would love to build personal relationship with you. It will increase your sales. You need to be polite and gentile to your customers. After 4-5 years, you will be having a lot of customers. Those who are traveling around your neighborhood also will be aware of your shop over a long period. So if you want succeed in your business, you need to have a long term commitment to your business.
It is same with the personal relationship. Family life is build up on a long term relationship with the husband and wife. In this modern era, people are not committed for a long term. That is the reason for the increasing divorce rate. People prefer live in relationship as they are not interested in long term relationship. They don't like marriage. Because marriage demand a long term relationship. If you want to lead a good family life, you need to look for people interested in a married life. Live in partner relationship is a temporary arrangement and very soon you will find that your partner move on to another live in partner. Long term relationship demand patience and perseverance. It have it's own benefits and joy as well as its own drawbacks.
You may gain some experience and pleasure from your short term commitments. But will not last for long. If you are only interested in a bunch of short term experience, then go for it. That's fine. You will be a "Jack of all trades, master of none".
To build a commercially competitive skill set, to build strong new relationships, to build a fulfilling career path or some strong income streams, then you need a strong and long term commitment in what you do. You need to forget about short term experiences.
Noncommittal people start a new project every 6 months. Before reaching the transition into a moderate result territory, you are switching the project and deleting the progress. You could be just about the transition point into a moderate result when your switching on to another project. That is dangerous and a waste of time and effort.
In the first year, your new blog will just begin to get some links, social networking recognition, search engine placement, and some moderate traffic. The seed has grown to a sapling. Then the owners look at the sapling with disappointment because they wanted a full-grown tree by that point, so they uproot it and start another project from scratch. After five years of this pattern, they have little to show for their efforts. This is something we need to avoid.
After a single year on a new path, it may look like you’re barely getting anywhere. Transformation often looks that way at first. But fast forward five years and look back, and the total transformation can be profound.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Italian Family Recipe
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Recently the government made it mandatory for all motorcycle riders to wear helmet in India. It is mandatory to wear helmets in many countries to protect people from head injury. Now people are looking for helmet so that they won't get fined by the traffic police. In the market there are good as well as cheap helmets are available.
The basic purpose of a helmet is to protect the rider's head from injury during an accident. Motorcyclists are at high risk in road accidents. Some other benefit of using a helmet is keep the head from sun rays and the eyes are protected from dust or other bugs and wind which may cause discomfort to eyes while riding. Additional conveniences like face shields, ventilation, ear protection etc are some other features of a good helmet.
Helmets not only reduce head injuries but also protect against facial injury. Neurosurgeon Dr. Hugh Cairns who attended a road accident victim with head injury started his research to avoid unnecessary loss of life by motorcycle riders led to the use of crash helmets by civilian and military motorcyclists. All types of helmets are secured by a chin strap. Without the chin strap the protective benefits are greatly reduced, if not eliminated. Chin strap securely fasted will maintain a snug fit.
Full face Helmet
Full face helmet covers the entire head and a protective section over the front of the chin. The rear covers the base of the skull. It has an open cutout in a band across the eyes and nose with a transparent or tinted plastic face shield known as a visor. It swivels up and down to allow access to the face. Some models of full face helmets include vents to increase the air flow to the rider. This model is very protective as compared to other models. Very few dislike this type of helmets due to its reduced hearing, lack of wind, increased heat and the sense of isolation. Chin cover of this type of helmet increase the protection.
Open face Helmet
Open face helmet covers the cheeks, ears and the back of the head. It does not have the lower chin bar of the full face helmet. An open face helmet provides the same rear protection just like the full face helmet. Dust, bugs and wind to the face and eyes can cause discomfort or injury to the rider. People use sun glass or goggles to supplement eye protection with these helmets. Some of the models of open face helmet comes with a built in face shield which reduce the dust or bugs enter the eyes.
Modular (flip-up) helmet, closed and open
Monday, June 25, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Things Your Dog Would Tell You....
1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful: remember that before you get me.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me- it is crucial to my well being.
4. Do not be angry at me for long, and do not lock me up as punishment.
5. You have your work, your entertainment,and your friends. I only have you.
6. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understands your words, I understand your voice when it is speaking to me.
7. Be aware that how ever you treat me, I will never forget.
8. Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily hurt you, but I choose not to bite you because I love you.
9. Before you scold me for being uncooperative,obstinate,or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I might not be getting the right food, or I have been out too long, or my heart is getting to old and weak.
10. Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say: "I cannot bear to watch" or "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there, even my death"
Remember that I Love You!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
My School Library.
We have a very good Library in our School. There are thousand and
thousands of books available on different subjects. Besides books,
there are News Papers and Periodicals in Hindi and English are available
in our School Library. There are chairs and tables in our school
library to comfortably sit and read books and news papers. We can
borrow books from our school library and take it to home for a week.
After one week we have to return the books to the library. There is a
librarian in our school. He is the in charge of our school library. I
like to read story books as well as books related to general knowledge.
There are encyclopedias available in our school library which has full
of information on different subjects. I love my school library.
Green Manufacturing Practices
According to Mr. Kalothia, "Some of the important parameters that highlight the performance of companies in Green Manufacturing Practices are Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Water and Waste Management, Emission Control, Material Conservation and Recycling, Impact on Bio-diversity and Society, Occupational Health and Safety, and a Green Supply Chain. The insight is a compilation of the best practices based on the parameters above followed by few of the Indian companies that have been the front runners in adoption of Green Manufacturing Practices."
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Angelica Zambrano's 2nd experience in Heaven and Hell
Jan. 4th, 2010, 23:50pm, Empalme, Ecuador. The Lord took Angelica for the 2nd time. This text is taken from the Spanish Video Testimony
Angelica: At 12:00 midnight, some brother's from church arrived at my house, then the media arrived, and everything was recorded.
As I was on the bed, suddenly, I saw two angels. Like before, they took my hands and said, "Get up, because the King of kings and Lord of lords is waiting for you." As I got up, I saw my body lying there, and the other people that were in the room. I began walking. I stretched my hands out to the angels and we started heading upwards.
We were going up very quickly, and in just a matter of seconds we arrived before the Lord. I heard the Angels worshiping, "Hallelujah...Holy, Holy." I was so happy.
In the Kingdom of God was the most beautiful garden. I saw the Lord approaching me. He said, "Daughter, I have been waiting for you, because I have many things to tell you", "Lord, here I am, I want to stay with You. I
don't want to return to Earth, please let me stay with You."
The Lord replied, "My child, you have many things to do. You have to work,
you have to carry out My work. I will show you something for your life, something for My people, and something special for mankind, because I want to save humanity and do not want anyone to perish."
Then, I saw two angels, Michael and Gabriel holding huge scrolls; these scrolls were very beautiful and glittering. As I was looking at those scrolls, I asked, "What is this?" and Jesus said, "Do you want to know what is in the scrolls?" I replied, "Yes Lord." He said, "Michael, open it."
As the Angel Michael began to open the scroll, I could see gold lettering, like numbers, but I didn't understand it. I thought, "what's is this?", and the Angel Michael replied, "All these letters and numbers you see written here are those people on Earth that have accepted our Lord as their only Saviour, through the experience that you have had with Him." I was so excited and asked him, "How many are there?" He gave me the total number of souls in
the thousands.
I was heart broken and began to cry, saying, "Lord those are many souls that have converted", He responded, "You see, this angel, Angel Gabriel has the total number of those people who were alienated from My ways and have now come to Me, they have come to Me My child." I glanced at the number and noticed it was a great amount.
I said, "Lord that means my crown is full of pearls and that you are going to leave me here in Your Kingdom?" The Lord responded, "No My child, your time is not yet, you have to return to Earth. Would you like to see your
Very excited I replied, "Oh yes Lord, I would like to see my crown," He said, "Angel Gabriel, bring her crown." I saw Gabriel carrying a very large tray, with a beautiful crown, but with few pearls on it. I asked, "Lord, whose crown is this? He replied,"That is your crown My child." I asked, "But Lord, why is my crown not full of pearls, if many souls have come to You Lord?" He replied, "Daughter, yet a long path awaits for you, only 3,500 souls have come to My presence, but you have to go and preach My Word because there are still many souls that have to come to Me." But Lord, why can't I stay? He told me, "Daughter, because the Crown of Life has to be full of pearls. I said, Fine Lord, I will carry out your work." Then He said, "I have something to show you My child."
The Lord took me, and we rapidly descended from heaven into a tunnel of hell, just like the first time when I experienced Hell. I said, "Oh! Lord, what is happening?" Jesus said, "I have something to show you in hell," "But Lord I don't want to be here. Lord, remember our first experience, you already showed me many things", He said, "Yes My child, but now different things I will show you."
We went down among flames once more, and I started to cry. It was not easy to be there. I said, "Lord, I want to get out of here, please help me, help me". I heard millions of people, some were saying, "Oh Lord, have mercy on me, help me please, Lord, give me another chance."
Among all those people, I heard someone saying, "I ask for your forgiveness now Lord, because I have stolen from you, forgive me for stealing, I stole from You Lord and I do not want to do it again." I asked, "Lord, who is he and why does he say he stole from You?"
"My child I will show you who he is." We entered his cell and I saw a disfigured man. The flames opened up and I could see that he was being tormented.
All those people who are in hell have a plaque on their chest, and 666 on their forehead. This man extended his hand and said, "Lord forgive me." I asked, "Why are you here, why are you asking for forgiveness from the Lord, why? You say you have stolen from God, but nobody can steal from God? This is impossible, why do you say you have stolen from Him?"
He replied, "I'll tell you my story...I was a Christian leader, for 20 years I had known Christ, but during the 20 years I said: all that money from my tithing and offerings were just going to sustain the pastors, but I regret it because I now know that it wasn't for them, it was for the Lord, and that is why I say I have stolen from God ...
At this very moment there are many people on Earth that are robbing the Lord like I did. When you return to Earth, tell all those people who don't want to give their tithes and offerings, not to steal from the Lord, otherwise, they'll wind up in Hell, and no thief will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I knew the Holy Word, now I regret it and realize I robbed the Lord. (Malachi 3:8) Tell the people when they give to God, give the Lord with true love." (2 Cor 9:7)
This man kept pleading, "Lord forgive me", and the Lord replied, "It is too late, there is no opportunity for you."
I asked the man, "But why did you rob God, why? You knew very well we cannot steal God's tithes and offerings." He answered, "Yes, I knew very well, but never did follow it, I never did because I was a very proud man."
Don't ever steal from the Lord, give your tithes and offerings to God because what we give the Lord on Earth it is not for men. When we give to God with all our heart, it is for the King of kings and Lord of lords.
The Bible says that the Lord tests us, it is clearly written in Malachi 3:8-10 You are cursed with the curse, for you are robbing Me, even this whole nation.
Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. If you want God to greatly bless your life and your family, then don't ever steal from God. It's time to bless God, so He can bless our lives.
The Lord said, "I will now show you something different." After leaving that place, the Lord reminded me of something that He showed me before my second experience, around November.
At that time, I was shown Cells in Hell, and a specific Word.The word 'ARVIERD' was shown to Angelica. Research shows it to be old Italian, or Latin. In research we found a 400 page ancient manuscript regarding this word, that spoke of a real Hell.
I didn't know the meaning of it, but I understood that it meant something of religiosity.
Jesus took me back to that same place, to see those cells again. When we entered in, I saw thousands of people. There were two women dressed in black. I asked Jesus "Who are they?"
I was shocked to see a nun, and in her hands were huge snakes, that were forming something like a crucifix and a rosary.
I said, "what is this, why are they here?" One of them spoke in a sad voice saying, "I was a nun on Earth, but now I'm in this place."
I saw how she began to pray and a snake was squeezing her hands. From her hands there were thousands of worms. The Lord said, "Look and listen to these words." She began weeping, "Oh Lord! I can't take it any longer, I want to get out of this place, I don't want to be here, please Lord Help me, help me!"
Then I saw the other woman; and portions of their lives were revealed to me on some type of screen. I saw who the nuns really were, and their secret lives.
I saw how these nuns had sexual relationships with priests, and how some of these nuns were also lesbians. I saw much more, and now they were so repentant. But unfortunately, there was no longer any opportunity for them to repent; it was too late. Those nuns said, "Go and tell all those on Earth, not to come to this place, please go and tell them not to come here."
Sometimes nuns and priest say that they will pray to have God release souls from Purgatory. But I tell you the truth, whether you believe me or not.
There is NO such place as Purgatory. Purgatory was invented by men, it was invented by the Popes.
The Bible clearly says that there is a Heaven and a real Hell. Jesus took me to both places, but never purgatory. He clearly told me, "Purgatory does not exist, go and tell people to make their decision while on Earth, because while there is life, there is opportunity to repent."
Many people say, "let's pray, so our relatives may leave purgatory." Stop it! Because if they are without Christ in Hell, they will NEVER get out. It's unfortunate but true, they are in Hell.
But if they died with Christ in their heart, then they are in the presence of our Heavenly Father. My heart aches knowing how many souls are deceived by the devil into believing in purgatory.
My friend it's time for you to know the truth, purgatory does NOT exist, it just does NOT exist. You have to make a decision now, where and with who do you want to spend eternity? You make your own decision, whether it's the Kingdom of Heaven with Jesus Christ or Hell with satan. The Lord commanded me to be very direct when I tell you this, whether you believe it or not. I am obeying the Lord command because one day you and I will stand before God, and testify for all the good and bad we did on Earth. If you do not repent of your sinning and your worshiping idols, you will end up in Hell. Turn to Christ; He will give you eternal life.
I don't want to frighten you, but it's the truth. The Lord's Word is very clear and it says that NO thief will enter Heaven.
The Lord showed me that within each image/statue there is a demon. That is why people come to the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Virgin of the Cinema, the Virgin Mary statues and so many other Even statues with the 'Divine Child' (the jesus baby). Please believe me, all these statues have demons behind them.
Many people claim that they went to the Virgin of Guadalupe or Divine Child and received a healing. But among each of these images is a demon. The devil listens and with his false power, he sometimes makes it look like a miracle has happened, so you will keep believing and continue worshiping him.
Listen to me, the devil is going to repay you badly and he will give you eternal death. So stop worshiping images and seek Christ, because He will give you eternal life and life in abundance (John 10:10).
The Lord showed me those nuns, and they were crying, "I want to get out of here, I regret worshiped idols, and sinning on Earth, now I cannot leave this place." I asked one of them, "But you knew the truth? You knew God's Holy Word?" She replied, "Yes, I knew the Holy Word, but I never repented, I never searched for Christ.
There are many nuns in convents for many reasons. I was in the convent because I suffered a painful disappointment in a love relationship. There are many nuns in convents because they have suffered disappointments in love. In many cases, their fiancé's left them at the wedding altar, or their boyfriends have betrayed them, many nuns are unfortunately in convents because their lives are full of problems and the convent is an excuse. The only truth is they are serving Satan."
The Lord's Holy Word says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 "do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. "
His Holy Word is clear, Revelation 21:8 "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death."
All the people in Hell have no way to get out, it is too late for them. But you who are on still alive on Earth, you can still be reconciled to God. Don't miss this chance, perhaps now you are watching this, and it might be your last opportunity that God is giving you to repent. Escape from Hell, because Christ is extending His hand of mercy towards you.
When we left the cell I began weeping and said, "Lord take me out of here, Lord, I don't want to be here." He took me out and said, "I want to show you more..." As we were walking away, I heard the screams of a young girl, "Help! Help!" "Who are you? Why are you here?" I asked.
The girl responded, "I'm a teenager, I was only 15 when I died, and came to this place." "But why are you here? What brought you here?" I asked. She said, "I thought I had a lifetime ahead of me, because I was very young. People always talked to me about Christ and salvation, but I always said that Evangelical Christians were crazy, I always rejected the Holy Word. I did not want to accept the Lord. Every time they spoke to me, I just laughed and mocked them.
Now I see that I made the worst mistake of my life. Look at me, I'm here burning in flames. I died in a car accident and now I regret it so much. I've taken so many paths through this place searching for a way out, and when I find it, I cannot leave because the demons that torment me approach me saying, 'You cannot leave this place, you're here for eternity.' I don't want to be here, oh please help me, help me!" I said, "I can't do anything for you, I wish I could help all these people."
The Lord said, "There is no opportunity for those who are here, but only for those on Earth." The girl said, "Oh please go tell people, and even my family not to come to this place. Go talk to the youth who still have an opportunity to seek for Christ, tell them to turn away from sin.
Back on Earth, I was living a dreadful life, a life full of sin, I was very proud, I enjoyed going to party after party, I never obeyed my parents, I had always been rebellious. Now I regret it so much, and want them to forgive me, I want to get out of here, tell everyone on Earth not to come here, not to come, please. Tell them to obey their parents, to accept Christ, because He truly saves, He truly saves, the devil deceived me, now I know I can't ever leave this place, how I regret it."
She cried and extended out her hands, I wanted to help her but when I reached out my hand, she began to shout and was pulled back into the flames. I cried out, "Lord, how terrible is to be in this place" He responded, "Yes Daughter, remember this, go back to Earth and obey My order, so mankind can believe that Hell is real and eternal, because there are still many who do not believe in Hell yet, there are many who scoff and say that Hell is a fable."
Days before my first experience in Hell the Lord gave me a vision and said, "Look, this person went to hell." I am talking of the famous man known as MJ (Michael Jackson), he's also known for his white glove. He was in Hell for the reason I stated on my previous video. While I was recording that video, the Lord told me, "Talk about him." That's why I am telling you about him being in Hell's flames.
While approaching that place of flames, I noticed many demons in a circle, and within that circle there was somebody being tormented. He extended his burning hands and was yelling, "Help! Help!" I could understand the language he was speaking.
I wanted to help him so badly, and I could see how the demons would raise him up and force him to dance and sing as he did on Earth. The demons mocked him and threw him into the flames. They would pick him up and whip him. He screamed in terrible pain. Oh, how horribly he was being tormented.
It broke my heart to see this and I said, "Lord, please do something, oh! Lord help him." As I extended my hand to help him, my hand suddenly burst into flames, and filled with worms. I said, "Lord Look! What's happening?" Then demons began to laugh and mock me, saying "You're going to stay in this place."
I then noticed I could not see or feel the Lord next to me, it seemed I was alone. I cried, "Lord, You left, why am I still here?" The demons said, "We are going to torment you, you are staying here." Then I heard a terrifying laugh, it was so horrible, "Ha ha ha, you are going to stay here. I finally trapped you, right where I want you. I wanted you here because you have stolen many souls from me and I will destroy you, here is where you belong." He gave orders to the demons, "Take her away, take her where she belongs."
I responded, "No, no, I am not staying here because the Lord is with me. He said He would not leave me here." Then I heard satan's voice "You are staying here, you are staying here because the Lord is not with you.
Look around, He is not with you." I looked, but could not see the Lord. I felt so lonely, and I began to doubt. I began weeping and cried out, "Lord, why did you leave me? Why Lord, why?"
Instantly the Lord said, "Daughter, I am here." I heard His voice in my ear. Looking straight at satan, I replied, "The Lord is here with me." But he responded, "No He's not, take a look." I couldn't see Jesus, but I could hear his voice. I began to doubt again because the demons were getting so close to me. I felt a rope tied around my waist that kept pulling me towards that freaky voice. It said, "You damn fool, that's
what you are, a damn fool.
I will destroy you because you have encouraged many souls not to come to hell, many souls are lead out of hell because you are preaching. Don't do it anymore, keep your mouth shut, just shut your mouth, I will destroy you, I will kill you."
I kept crying as he accused me. Suddenly I responded, "NO satan, you will not destroy me, because the Lord said He was with me. I cannot see Him, but I truly know He is here." satan kept laughing at me.
I was being pulled to some place, closer to that evil voice. I shouted, "the Blood of Jesus has Power and I'm cover in His blood, it covers me now and satan will run away because the Blood of Jesus is on me. Greater is He that is with me than you. Greater is He that is with me." I kept repeating these words. Then I felt something loosen from me; like something came off, it was the rope that was wrapped around my waist.
Finally, I was out of Hell, and back in the presence of God. The Lord said, "I want to give you this message for when you go back to Earth, go and tell My people to seek Me in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). Go tell My people to live in holiness. Go and tell My people it is the time, it is time to meditate on the Holy Word.
I not only want My people to read, but to scrutinize My Holy Word. Because Daughter, this is what is happening on Earth, on Earth day after day apostasy is multiplying, yet there are many of My children, many of My chosen ones that will be deceived. Daughter, tell My people to scrutinize My Holy Word so they cannot be deceived and to seek My presence in spirit and truth."
I said, "Oh! Yes Lord. I will obey. But Lord, I need your help, please help me Lord." He responded, "Daughter, when you return, you shall not fear because I will stand by you. I will speak through your mouth what I have to say to My people. I have seen many rise up against you, but remember I will always be with you as I promised, and I am your faithful witness."
Then I saw angels around me. I recognized the Angel Michael, because I met him before. The Lord said, "Listen, angel Michael is going to show you something". The angel Gabriel was also at my side. Then the angel Michael took my hand, and the Lord commanded him, "Take her and let her see what you have to show her."
As we walked, we soon began to climb up the most beautiful staircase. It seemed like a Ball Room. And in a high place in the room there was an altar, with a most beautiful golden pulpit. When we got to the pulpit, I saw a huge book and I asked Michael, "this book, what is it?"
While Michael was on the right side of the pulpit, he put his hand on the book and raised his voice saying, "Angelica, this book you see here is the Book of Life". I opened it and looked at it, page by page. I said, "What does this book mean, what is written on it?" Michael said, "Open it, upon this book is written all the names of those whom on Earth have repented and turned their lives to our Heavenly Father".
As I was looking through the book, I asked Michael, "Is my name written here?" "Yes, look it up and you'll find it." I looked, but couldn't find it. A little worried, I asked, "It is not here, my name is not here, I can't find it, where is it?" He responded, "Look, here is your name." I was glad to see my name, but I could not understand it because it was written in another language. I noticed that many names were sparkling, so I asked him, "Why are those names bright and tingling?"
He responded, "These names you see sparkling in the Book of Life, are those people on Earth, at this very moment are repenting from their sins and seeking for God's presence. Look, these other names are hardly seen and some are being deleted as many have already been, are those people on Earth that are turning away from God's ways. You have to do something, do something!"
Once again, he put his hand over the Book of Life and said to me, "Go and tell mankind that if their name is not written in this Book, they cannot enter the Kingdom of My Heavenly Father, they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven." I responded, "Alright, I will do so." It is written in Revelation 20:15 "if anyone's name was not found recorded in the Book of Life, he was hurled into the lake of fire." We walked out and went back to Jesus, he said, "It is time for you to return to Earth."
Do you think your name is written in the Book of Life? If you do not think so, go seek of God. If you've turned your back on God, reconcile with Him, because He is willing to forgive you, no matter what you have done. Remember, He came to save sinners; He came to forgive all mankind's sins on Earth.
Just open your heart and ask Him for forgiveness. He is willing to cleanse us from unrighteousness, as it clearly says in 1 John 1:9 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.'"
While returning back to Earth, I saw my body lying there. It was early in the morning; around 7:00am. In my house, I could see my family and some members from church. The Lord said, "Daughter, enter your body, enter your body, do it now", "alright Lord," I responded.
"Remember this, you will have many experiences with Me, and soon there will be a third one regarding what is happening within My people. Just remember I am with you." I suddenly saw a light and angels began singing. After many hours, I was finally able to open my eyes. It took me many days to recover.
I want you to know that everything you've heard on this video is NOT a fairy tale story, the Lord allowed me to experience this. I want you to know that if you need God to forgive you, then close your eyes and put your right hand over your heart and pray, say to Him,"Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins, I repent because I have sinned against you; I ask You Lord to forgive my sins and cleanse me with Your Precious Blood, I ask that You to write my name in the Book of Life.
Seal me with Your Holy Spirit, enter and dwell in my life and free me of all wickedness. I renounce the desires of my flesh; I renounce my former life, and all that is unpleasing to you, I declare today, that all chains that bind me be released, I am free, because You have freed me. In the name of Jesus, Amen"
May God's peace be within our hearts, and remember that it's the Holy Spirit, and only the Holy Spirit whom convicts us of our sins. May God bless you.
Angelica Zambrano Mora
If you wish to be part of this ministry you my contact us at the following e-mails. esdios@hotmail.com
palabraderevelaciondivina@hotmail.com (If possible, use Spanish)
**This version is Minimally Abridged, Polished and Illustrated. The original video is in Spanish.
Monday, April 16, 2012
What is life?
As per me, life starts when fusion of an ovum with a sperm occurs. Normally it takes place inside the body of a women. The first nine months it grows. Then the life come out in the form of a baby. (baby boy or girl). As you know there are normal or abnormal (through operation) birth. Then the life goes through different stages like childhood, youth, manhood, and old age. At death, the life in this world, of a person ends.
But one thing is sure that life of each person born on this earth is unique. You cannot say the life of x is just like the life of y. The place of birth, situations of life, eating habits, interests all areas are in one way or other different for each person.
In this different stages of life people go through different situations. Some of the emotions we go through this life are: love, awe, remorse, contempt, aggressiveness, optimism, joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, anticipation, acceptance, submission, apprehension, distraction, disapproval, pensiveness, boredom, remorse, annoyance, interest, serenity, ecstasy, vigilance, admiration, rage, terror, loathing, grief, amazement etc. These emotions are part of life. Health, sickness, unhealthiness, pain, tiredness are some of the physical stages of human life.
Life after death is another mystery. Near Death Experience (NDE) gives us a glimpses of life after death. Pastor Yong Doo Kim, the writer of the book “Baptize by Blazing fire" giving us some information about his life experience in his book. As per his experience, there exists the hell and heaven after death.
There is girl named Angelica Zambrano who died for a period of 23 hours, a young Ecuadorian girl claims that she was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell.
If that is true, life on this earth will be a stepping stone to the eternal life, just like life inside the womb of a mother is a stepping stone to the life on earth.
The question is that "Where will you spend your eternity.
Our life on this earth is not a joke. Many people treat life as a joke. Life is precious. We need to do whatever we can to save it. In eternity, we will have all the above mentioned emotions. But the difference is that some would be enjoying the positive emotions at the same time the others would be enjoying the negative emotions.
As per Angelica, there is a book called "Book of life is there in heaven. The names of all those who are saved will be written on that book. The interesting thing is that the name those who receive Jesus are entered in the book at the same time the names of those who leave Jesus will be deleted from that book.
See what she says" As we walked, we soon began to climb up the most beautiful staircase. It seemed like a Ball Room. And in a high place in the room there was an altar, with a most beautiful golden pulpit. When we got to the pulpit, I saw a huge book and I asked Michael, "this book, what is it?"
While Michael was on the right side of the pulpit, he put his hand on the book and raised his voice saying, "Angelica, this book you see here is the Book of Life". I opened it and looked at it, page by page. I said, "What does this book mean, what is written on it?" Michael said, "Open it, upon this book is written all the names of those whom on Earth have repented and turned their lives to our Heavenly Father".
As I was looking through the book, I asked Michael, "Is my name written here?" "Yes, look it up and you’ll find it." I looked, but couldn’t find it. A little worried, I asked, "It is not here, my name is not here, I can’t find it, where is it?" He responded, "Look, here is your name." I was glad to see my name, but I could not understand it because it was written in another language. I noticed that many names were sparkling, so I asked him, "Why are those names bright and tingling?" He responded, "These names you see sparkling in the Book of Life, are those people on Earth, at this very moment are repenting from their sins and seeking for God’s presence. Look, these other names are hardly seen and some are being deleted as many have already been, are those people on Earth that are turning away from God’s ways. You have to do something, do something!"
Once again, he put his hand over the Book of Life and said to me, "Go and tell mankind that if their name is not written in this Book, they cannot enter the Kingdom of My Heavenly Father, they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven." I responded, "Alright, I will do so." It is written in Revelation 20:15 "if anyone's name was not found recorded in the Book of Life, he was hurled into the lake of fire." We walked out and went back to Jesus, he said, "It is time for you to return to Earth."
Do you think your name is written in the Book of Life? If you do not think so, go seek of God. If you've turned your back on God, reconcile with Him, because He is willing to forgive you, no matter what you have done. Remember, He came to save sinners; He came to forgive all mankind’s sins on Earth. Just open your heart and ask Him for forgiveness. He is willing to cleanse us from unrighteousness, as it clearly says in 1 John 1:9 ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’"
This is the right time to reconcile with God. This is the right time to get forgiveness of your sins. Now, if you want to reconcile with God then close your eyes and put your right hand over your heart and pray, say to Him,
"Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins, I repent because I have sinned against you; I ask You Lord to forgive my sins and cleanse me with Your Precious Blood, I ask that You to write my name in the Book of Life. Seal me with Your Holy Spirit, enter and dwell in my life and free me of all wickedness. I renounce the desires of my flesh; I renounce my former life, and all that is unpleasing to you, I declare today, that all chains that bind me be released, I am free, because You have freed me. In the name of Jesus, Amen"
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Chico Xavier's remark about the incidents of life...
remember the difficult times, but think of the joy of having gone
through that phase in life.
When you escape a serious accident, do not be thinking about the trauma
it may have caused, but of the miracle that helped you get away.
When walking away from a health scare, do not think of the suffering
that was faced, but the blessing of God that allowed the cure.
Make sure you put in your memories of life the good things that emerged
in the midst of difficulties.
They are a testament to your ability to win races and will give you
confidence… which will help in any situation, at any time, before any
Elegance as per Gabrielle Bonheur
There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And
time for love. That leaves no other time!
Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress.
Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from
adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future.
Elegance is refusal.
Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the
sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what
is happening.
Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress.
Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is
the opposite of vulgarity. Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is
not luxury.
Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.
Since everything is in our heads, we had better not lose them
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
There are people who have money and people who are rich.
by Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971), a
pioneering French fashion designer
Khalil Gibran and the Art of Giving:
that, nor do the flocks. They give so they can continue living; to
retain is to die.
He who is worthy to win God's day and night is also worthy of getting
everything he needs. He who deserves to drink from the ocean of life
deserves to fill his bowl from the little stream…
Why demand that a man expose his heart and reveal his pride, so that you
can decide whether he deserves help?
Seek, rather, see if you deserve to. And you, who receives these things,
do not assume any debt of gratitude, lest they create a loop domain with
their benefactors. If we become too concerned with these debts, we will
end up doubting the end of the generosity of the earth and the Father —
and that was really where these donations came from."
Love Convention...
Paul – Whereas for war we have the Geneva Convention, approved on 22
August 1864, which provides for those wounded in the battlefield, but
until now no convention has been signed concerning those wounded in
love, who are far greater in number;
True warrior...
attitude of a warrior. There is no use in being sad, complaining,
feeling unjustly treated, and believing someone is doing something
negative. No one is doing anything, and certainly not to a warrior.
It matters not how we were brought up. What determines our way of acting
is the manner in which we administrate our will.
The will is a sentiment, a talent, something which lends us enthusiasm.
The will is something which is acquired – but it is necessary to fight
for it one's whole life.
The humility of a warrior is not the same humility as that of a servile
man. The warrior does not lower his head to anyone, and nor does he
allow anyone to bow before him. The servile man, on the other hand,
kneels before anyone he believes to be more powerful, and demands that
the people under his command behave in a similar fashion before him.
The bad thing about words is that they make us feel as if we were
illuminated and understanding everything. But, when we turn and face the
world, we see that reality is completely different from that which we
discussed or heard. A warrior seeks to act, and not waste time in
useless conversation.
The ordinary man thinks that yielding to doubts and worries is a sign of
sensibility, of spirituality. Acting thus, he remains distant from the
true meaning of life. This type of person loves being told what he
should do.
Only a warrior can endure the path of knowledge. A warrior does not
complain or lament anything, and sees challenges as neither good nor
bad. Challenges are simply challenges.
The world is unfathomable and mysterious, just as we all are. The art of
the warrior consists of reconciling the terror of being a man with the
wonder of being a man.
Blessing the Tree
when he came upon a tree bearing luscious fruit and affording plenty of
shade, underneath which ran a spring of water. He ate of the fruit,
drank of the water, and rested beneath the shade.
When he was about to leave he turned to the tree and said:
'Tree, oh, tree, with what should I bless you?
"Should I bless you that your fruit be sweet? Your fruit is already sweet.
"Should I bless you that your shade be plentiful? Your shade is
plentiful. That a spring of water should run beneath you? A spring of
water runs beneath you."
"There is one thing with which I can bless you: May it be G-d's will
that all the trees planted from your seed should be like you…"
Friday, March 2, 2012
Scattered thoughts
Respect means admiration from others. We all seek admiration from
others. We often think that doing works of low class employees will
fetch disrespect from others. Especially in India people are overly
concerned about respect than anything else. This feeling of earning
respect is mostly present in educated and semi-educated people as well
as uneducated people. Respect is a feeling. It is expressed in words
and deeds.
The cast system present in India was a good example for this type of
thoughts. Low cast people do low class work like sweeping, washing,
etc. Higher class peoples do important works like leading worship
services in the temples or fighting for the country etc. Priests
(Brahmins) stand in the upper side of the cast system and then
Kshatriyas (Fighters and rulers), Vaisyas (farmers and business men,
then Sudras (semi skilled workers) and the last comes Pariah the
untouchables and outcast in the society.
This cast system is changing now a days. People are more concerned
about their employment. Still there are people who would not do the
works like cleaning the streets or washing the dishes because they think
that this kind of works will fall them short of respect. But our
national father Mahatma Gandhi said that, we should be proud of the work
we do, whether is cleaning the streets or ruling the country.
Opposite of respect is disrespect. Which means there is no respect at
all. The state of disrespect can be expressed in another word "shame".
Feelings of respected by others is an important emotion of a human
being. Almost all animals do not have this emotion or feeling. That is
what the difference between man and animal. There are people who do not
respect others or do not have the feeling of shamefulness. Shameless
people do things that cannot be expressed or talked about in public.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
What is the meaning of "poda pulle" In Malayalam?
"Nee Poda pulle" means "You go grass"
"Poda Pulle" means "Go grass" (It is a phrase which means "you are not worthy" or "your value is equal to grass in the field"
It is an insulting phrase used by Malayalees.
"Enikku Ariyilla" means "I don't know"
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?
Here we can see three women who were going to the tomb of Jesus. Today they are not going to Jesus for healing. Not to listen his sermons. They do not have a thought that they will get something to eat after the sermon as he fed 5000 with five bread. Not for the deliverance from the evil spirit. No, this was not their intention of going to the tomb of Jesus. Today they are going to the tomb of Jesus to do something for him. Out of love they are going to embalming the body of Jesus with spices. They were eagerly waiting for this day. That is worship. Out of love they got up in the morning, while it was still dark, three women went out to the Tomb of Jesus.
When everything is ok, we forget to worship God. Often we go to church to worship God for deliverance from different difficulties. When financial crisis arise, we call up on the Lord. When we suffer from sickness, we go to Church and pray. When our children disobey, we pray earnestly. Then we go to church and worship God.
Now look at these women. Out of love they are going to the tomb. This is worship. Let us praise the Lord. Can you praise God for nothing? Can you remember the things God has done for you in our life and praise the Lord. Mary Magdalene remembers her early days when she was suffered by 7 evil spirits. No force can never hold her back from going to the tomb of Jesus. She has a thankful heart. So they went out.
But the question is "who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?" I think they may not aware of the Roman seal which was put on the stone and the soldiers guarding the tomb. They ware only concerned about the big stone which was kept on the mouth of the tomb. No one answered that question. Even those who asked the question has no answer. Still they continued their journey towards the tomb. That question also did not prevent them from going to the tomb. They took the first step. When questions like this arise in our life, what will we do? Will it prevent us from taking the next step?
Let us be like this women. Take the first steps of faith. God will make the impossible possible. Trust in God. He can move heavy stones which is preventing you from going forward. God will break open the royal seal of the Roman government. God can break the laws of your government, if you take the first steps towards the will of God.
Matthew: 28: 2 -7 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
Yes, the stone was removed from their way. Before they reached the spot. What an amazing God we have. Notice one thing. The angel who came down to roll back the stone sat on the stone. Why he sat on the stone? There is a reason for it. The guards who were guarding the tomb may arrest them by accusing that they removed the stone. Now the angel is sitting on it and the guards cannot arrest the women.
See the protection of God here. God not only opened the stone at the mouth of the tomb, but also protecting the women from the guards. John 20: 11-18 we read that Jesus also appeared to Mary Magdalene. Every one left the place, but she was there crying and looking for Jesus. But Jesus stopped for here and revealed himself to her. What a Lord she has.
He will not leave you without speaking to you, if you love him wholeheartedly. For the first time she received the message of resurrection. And Jesus Asked her to share it with the disciples.Yes today you have received the message of resurrection. Share it with your friends and relatives and neighbors. May God Bless you
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