Friday, February 26, 2016

सब से बड़ा प्रेम है।

यदि मैं मनुष्यों, और सवर्गदूतों की बोलियां बोलूं, और प्रेम न रखूं, तो मैं ठनठनाता हुआ पीतल, और झंझनाती हुई झांझ हूं। 

 और यदि मैं भविष्यद्वाणी कर सकूं, और सब भेदों और सब प्रकार के ज्ञान को समझूं, और मुझे यहां तक पूरा विश्वास हो, कि मैं पहाड़ों को हटा दूं, परन्तु प्रेम न रखूं, तो मैं कुछ भी नहीं। 

और यदि मैं अपनी सम्पूर्ण संपत्ति कंगालों को खिला दूं, या अपनी देह जलाने के लिये दे दूं, और प्रेम न रखूं, तो मुझे कुछ भी लाभ नहीं। 

प्रेम धीरजवन्त है, और कृपाल है; प्रेम डाह नहीं करता; प्रेम अपनी बड़ाई नहीं करता, और फूलता नहीं। 

 वह अनरीति नहीं चलता, वह अपनी भलाई नहीं चाहता, झुंझलाता नहीं, बुरा नहीं मानता। 

कुकर्म से आनन्दित नहीं होता, परन्तु सत्य से आनन्दित होता है। 

वह सब बातें सह लेता है, सब बातों की प्रतीति करता है, सब बातों की आशा रखता है, सब बातों में धीरज धरता है। 

प्रेम कभी टलता नहीं; भविष्यद्वाणियां हों, तो समाप्त हो जाएंगी, भाषाएं हो तो जाती रहेंगी; ज्ञान हो, तो मिट जाएगा। 

क्योंकि हमारा ज्ञान अधूरा है, और हमारी भविष्यद्वाणी अधूरी। 

परन्तु जब सवर्सिद्ध आएगा, तो अधूरा मिट जाएगा। 

जब मैं बालक था, तो मैं बालकों की नाईं बोलता था, बालकों का सा मन था बालकों की सी समझ थी; परन्तु सियाना हो गया, तो बालकों की बातें छोड़ दी। 

अब हमें दर्पण में धुंधला सा दिखाई देता है; परन्तु उस समय आमने साम्हने देखेंगे, इस समय मेरा ज्ञान अधूरा है; परन्तु उस समय ऐसी पूरी रीति से पहिचानूंगा, जैसा मैं पहिचाना गया हूं। 

पर अब विश्वास, आशा, प्रेम थे तीनों स्थाई है, पर इन में सब से बड़ा प्रेम है।

I am on fire for God.

God is Good.  I was listing worship song.  I saw some saints worship by singing and praying.  They are on their knees.  They sing.  They worship.  They are on Fire.  The heat transferred to me.  I get hot and started to sing.  Spoke in other tongues.  Worship Him in spirit.  Complete union with Christ.  How sweet it is to worship my Lord and Savior.  I call him as my father.  Jesus teach us to call our God as Father.  People call God  the King of Kings.  They have to have a relationship the king and his subjects have.  Some call Master or Teacher.  They enjoy the relationship like a master and his servant has.  But I would like to call my father, daddy or papa.  Because the Father and Son has an intimate relationship.  It is better than a king and his subject relationship.  It is better than a master and his server relationship.  Father and Son relationship.  

O My dad, O my father, I love you.  You gave me the authority to become your son.  You open a way for me.  That way is Jesus.  Through Jesus I can came to you.  The blood of Jesus make me clean and pure.  I am cleansed by the blood of Jesus.  My elder brother. Who died for me.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you father for sending your son for my salvation.  Thanks for this new way.  Jesus, you are my way and truth and life. I love you.  I adore you.  I worship you.    You are worthy to receive glory, honor and worship.

How can I be on Fire for God Always.

Motivation or Fire for God is the most important aspect of a Christian Life.  Often, we found ourselves on fire for God.  Then after that we find ourselves not having fire for God.  How can we be on Fire for God always?  If we are on fire for God every day, every moment, then our Christian life will be different and fulfilling.  I was searching on the internet for myself to keep on fire.  But I could not find any.  But last few days I am constantly listening fire messages from YouTube.  Different people, different subjects.  It made me on fire for the week.   I would like to list some of the ways to be on fire.

1.  Read Bible
2. Listen Audio Bible
3. Listen youtube videos on fire messages
4. Pray in the Midnight (Pray all through the day)
5. Worship God in Spirit
6. Listen worship Songs and worship
7. Attend meetings with worshipers who worship in spirit.
8. Share the Gospal
9. Pray for the Sick whenever you get an opportunity.
10. Constantly focus on God and worship while you are attending other duties.
11. Make your workplace a place of your ministry.
12. Be in union with Holy spirit and obey the leading of Holy Spirit.

These are some ways we can be on fire for God always.  Look at the strength of God.  Our aim is to be like Jesus.  Who went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil.  Act 10:38 says "how God anointed 

Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he

 went around doing good and healing all who were under the

power of the devil, because God was with him."

That is what we need to do in order to be on fire.  Doing good.  Heal the sick and deliver those who are oppressed by the devil and raise the dead.  Be like Jesus.  Surrender our priorities to God.  He will keep us on fire for all day long.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sacrifice of Jesus for me

I love you Jesus. You are mighty in power and deed. Your love endures forever. I worship you. You give us daily our bread. You are awesome. When we stretch out our hand, you stretch out your hand to heal, deliver and cure. We take courage in you. You are with me in my deepest darkness. You are with me always. You walk with me side by side. You take care of all my needs. You love me so much. Jesus, you gave your life for me. You shed your blood for myself. You gave your life for me. I remember that great sacrifice. You loved this world. You loved the people of this world. Your kindness is great.

Friday, February 19, 2016

My worship using blogger

You are my Lord.  In my deepest darkness, you lead me.  God you increase me.  You increase my wisdom.  Fearing you is the wisdom.  I love you Lord.  You are the Lord of Lords and God of Gods.  I adore you.  I worship you.  You are worthy to receive praise, honor, glory and worship.  You sits in the most high place.  Your name is above all names.  You are alpha and omega.  You does my business in such a way that I do not have to worry about it.  You do it in a great way.  You protect my work.  You make it fruitful.  You makes everything happen.  Your hands are with me.  I rejoice in you.

When I am sleeping, he gives us orders.  When I am reading bible, you give me orders.  When I am praising you, you blessing me in my work.  My God's hand is not limited.  It is limitless.  O, How wonderful is your work O Lord.  You are mighty in you deeds.  You are awesome. 

God is good and awesome

I love you Jesus.  I want to be with you.  I have to live with you.  Thank you father for this awesome day.  Thank you father for this website.  Thank you very much for this platform.  I can express my deep adoration through this website.  You are wonderful.  You are great.  I find peace in you.  You are peace.  You live in me.  Your love is in me.  Your life is in me.  You are the most desirable thing in this world.   Your greatness is unfathomable.  Through Jesus we can come to me.  Jesus died for us.  Jesus take all the sins we have done in his body.  He paid the price.  He made us sinless.  Me made us clean.  He made us pure.  Through Him we live.

You made us alive.  Thank you father for your son who died on the cross.  Thank you for this wonderful day.  Thank you very much.  I love you.  I am in love with my father.  He calls me in the morning.  I can hear your sound.  I hear your voice.  You are mighty.  You have great plans for us.  You made us with a plan.  Your plans are greater than our thoughts.  Help us to go as per your plan God.

Google is full of your word.  There are bible all over the net.  There are your commandments in the internet.  You are using it for saving your children.  You are using it to heal the sick.  You are delivering though the internet.  Jesus, in your name evil spirits come out.  Jesus, you heals the eye.  You heal the stomach. You heal the ear.  You heal cancer.  You heal diabetics.  You heal arthritis.   You heal piles.  You heal cold and cough.  You heal all kinds of diseases.  You heal asthma. You are awesome.  You come to heal.  You give life.  Enemy try to take our life and make us sick.  But you come to give us life.  Not only life in this world, but also eternal life.

 Lord live in me.  Let me experience you.   Let me soak in you.  Let me immerse in you.  You are awesome.  You are fire.  You are cleansing fire.  You made us clean.  Burn my uncleanness. With your fire.  Burn me completely.  Burn my impurity.  Make me super clean.  I want to pray.  I want to worship you.  I want to meditate on your words.  I want to be in constant relationship with you.  Uninterrupted relationship.  Le us be connected.  Let us live together.  In this life we are together.  We are united.  You are in me and I am in you.  Our relationship is unbreakable. 

Thanks for the Holy Spirit.  Thanks for his companionship.  I respect Holy spirit.  I worship and adore him.  He is with me always.  He is in me.  He is manifesting in me.  His love endures for ever.  He never leave me.  He never forsake me.  He is my God and Lord.  Nothing can separate me from by God.  He is my everything.   I love you Jesus.  I want to see you.  I know you know me.  You know my heart's desire.  You know my thoughts.  You know my actions.  You know my desires.  You know my ways.  You protect me.  You comfort me.  You console me.  You are my redeemer.  You are my hope.  You are my life.  You are my love.  You fills my heart with complete and perfect satisfaction.  In you I find life.  In you I find meaning of my life.  You are awesome.  You are powerful.  You are almighty. 

Reclaiming Dominion: Humanity’s Role in Spiritual Authority and Creation

The concept of dominion is deeply rooted in the idea of spiritual authority and the role of humanity in God’s creation. This essay explores ...