Saturday, April 30, 2016

George Muller on Stewardship

In concluding this portion of my narrative, I would add some hits on a few passages of the word of God, both because I have so very frequently found them little regarded by Christians, and also because I have proved their preciousness, in some measure, In my own experience; and therefore wish that all my fellow-saints may share the blessing with me.

  1. In Matt. 6:19-21, it is written: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Observe, dear reader, the following points concerning this part of the divine testimony:

  1. It is the Lord Jesus, our Lord and Master, who speaks this as the lawgiver of his people, - he who has infinite wisdom and unfathomable love to us, who therefore both knows what is for our real welfare and happiness, and who cannot exact from us any requirement inconsistent with that love which led him to lay down his life for us.

  1. His counsel, his affectionate entreaty, and his commandment to us his disciples is, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth.” The meaning obviously is, that the disciples of the Lord Jesus, being strangers and pilgrims on earth, i. e., neither belonging to the earth nor expecting to remain in it, should not seek to increase their earthly possessions, in whatever these possessions may consist. This is a word for poor believers as well as for rich believers; it has much a reference to putting shillings into the savings-bank as to putting thousands of pounds into the funds, or purchasing one house or one farm after another. It may be said, but does not every prudent and provident person seek to increase his means, that he may have a goodly portion to leave to his children, or to have something for old age or for the time of sickness, etc.? My reply is, it is quite true that this is the custom of the world. But whilst thus it is in the world, and we have every reason to believe ever will be so among those that are of the world, and who therefore have their portion on earth, we disciples of the Lord Jesus, being born again, being the children of God, not nominally, but really, being truly partakers of the divine nature, being in fellowship with the Father and the Son, and having in prospect “an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away” (1 Peter 1:4), ought in every respect to act differently from the world, and so in this particular also. If we disciples of the Lord Jesus seek, like the people of the world, after an increase of our possessions, may not those who are of the world justly question whether we believer what we say, when we speak about our inheritance, our heavenly calling, our being the children of God, etc.? Often it must be a sad stumbling-block to the unbeliever to see a professed believer in the Lord Jesus acting in this particular just like himself. Consider this, dear brethren in the Lord, should this remark apply to you.

  1. Our Lord says about the earth that it is a place where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal.” All that is of the earth, and in any way connected with it, is subject to corruption, to change, to dissolution. There is no reality, or substance, in anything else but in heavenly things. Often the careful amassing of earthly possessions ends in losing them in a moment by fire, by robbery, by a change of mercantile concerns, by loss of work, etc.; but suppose all this were not the case, still, yet a little while, and thy soul shall be required of thee; or yet a little while, and the Lord Jesus will return; and what profit shalt thou then have, dear reader, if thou hast carefully sought to increase thy earthly possessions?

  1. Our Lord, however, does not merely bid us not to lay up treasure upon earth; for if he had said no more, this this his commandment might be abused, and persons might find in it an encouragement for their extravagant habits, for their love of pleasure, for their habit of spending everything they have, or can obtain, upon themselves. It does not mean, them, as is the common phrase, that we should “live up to our income;” for he adds, “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” There is such a thing as laying up as truly in heaven as there is laying up on earth; if it were not so, our Lord would not have said so. Just as persons put one sum after another into the bank, and it is put down to their credit, and they may use the money afterwards: so truly the penny, the shilling, the pound, the hundred pounds, the the thousand pounds, given for the Lord's sake, and constrained by the love of Jesus, to poor brethren, or in any way spent in the work of God, he marks down in the book of remembrance, he considers as laid up in heaven. The money is not lost, it is laid up in the bank of heaven; yet so, that whilst an earthly bank may break, or through earthly circumstances we may lose our earthly possessions, the money which is thus secured in heaven cannot be lost. But this is by no means the only difference. I notice a few more points: Treasures laid up on earth bring along with them many cares; treasures laid up in heaven never give care. Treasures laid up on earth never can afford spiritual joy; treasures laid up in heaven bring along with them peace and joy in the Holy Ghost even now. Treasures laid up on earth, in a dying hour cannot afford peace and comfort, and when life is over they are taken from us; treasures laid up in heaven draw forth thanksgiving that we were permitted and counted worthy to serve the Lord with the means with which he was pleased to intrust us as stewards, and when this life is over we are not deprived of what was laid up there, but when we go to heave we go to the place where our treasures are, and we shall find them there. Often we hear it said, when a person has died, he died worth so much. But whatever be the phrase common in the world, it is certain that a person may die worth fifty thousand pounds sterling, as the world reckons, and yet that individual may not possess, in the sight of God, one thousand pounds sterling, because he was not rich towards God, he did not lay up treasure in heaven. And so, on the other hand, we can suppose a man of God falling asleep in Jesus, and his surviving widow finding scarcely enough left behind him to suffice for the funeral, who was nevertheless rich towards God: in the sight of God he may possess five thousand pounds sterling; he may have laid up that sum in heaven. Dear reader, does your soul long to be righ towards God, to lay up treasures in heaven? The world passes away, and the lust thereof. Yet a little while and our stewardship will be taken from us. At present we have the opportunity of serving the Lord with our time, our talents, our bodily strength, our gifts, and also with our property; but shortly this opportunity may cease. Oh, how shortly may it cease! Before ever this is read by any one, I may have fallen asleep; and the very next day after you have read this, dear reader, you may fall asleep; and, therefore, whilst we have the opportunity, let us serve the Lord.

  2. The Lord lastly adds; “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Where should the heart of the disciple of the Lord Jesus be, but in heaven? Our calling is a heavenly calling, our inheritance is a heavenly inheritance, and reserved for us in heaven; our citizenship is in heaven; but if we believers in the Lord Jesus lay up treasures on earth, the necessary result of it is, that our hearts will be upon earth; nay, the very fact of our doing so proves that they are there! Nor will it be otherwise, till there be a ceasing to lay up treasures upon earth. The believer who lays up treasures upon earth may, at first, not live openly in sin, he in a measure may yet bring some honor to the Lord in certain things; but the injurious tendencies of this habit will show themselves more and more, whilst the habit of laying up treasures in heaven would draw the heart more and more heavenward; would be continually strengthening his new, his divine nature, his spiritual faculties, because it would call his spiritual faculties into use, and thus they would be strengthened; and he would more and more, whilst yet in the body, have his heart in heaven, and set upon heavenly things; and thus the laying up treasures in heaven would bring along with it, even in this life, precious spiritual blessings as a reward of obedience to the commandment of our Lord.

  1. II The next passage, on which I desire to make a few remarks, is Matt. 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” After our Lord, in the previous verse, had been pointing his disciples “to the fowls of the air,” and “the lilies of the field,” in order that they should be without carefulness about the necessaries of life, he adds: “Therefore take no thought (literally, be not anxious), saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (for after all these things do the Gentiles seek;) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these thing.” Observe here particularly that we, the children of God, should be different from the nations of the earth, from those who have no Father in heaven, and who therefore make it their great business, their first anxious concern, what they shall eat, and what they shall drink, and where withal they shall be clothed. We, the Children of God, should, as in every other respect, so in this particular also, be different from the world, and prove to the world that we believe that we have a Father in heaven who knoweth that we have need of all these things. The fact that our Almighty Father, who is full of infinite love to us his children, and who has proved to us his love in the gift of his only-begotten Son, and his almighty power in raising him from the dead, knows that we have need of these things, should remove all anxiety from our minds. There is, however, one thing that we have to attend to, and which we ought to attend to, with reference to our temporal necessities; it is mentioned in our verse: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” The great business which the disciple of the Lord Jesus has to be concerned about (for this word was spoken to disciples, to professed believers) is, to seek the kingdom of God, i. e., to seek as I view it, after the external and internal prosperity of the church of Christ. If, according to our ability and according to the opportunity which the Lord gives us, we seek to win souls for the Lord Jesus, that appears to me to be seeking the external prosperity of the kingdom of God; and if we, as members of the body of Christ, seek to benefit our fellow-members in the body, helping them on in grace and truth, or caring for them in any way to their edification, that would be seeking the internal prosperity of the kingdom of God. But in connection with this we have also “to seek his righteousness,” which means (as it was spoken to disciples, to those who have a Father in heaven, and not to those who were without), to seek to be more and more like God, to seek to be inwardly conformed to the mind of God. If these two things are attended to (and they imply also that we are not slothful in business), then do we come under that precious promise: “And all these things (that is, food raiment, or anything else that is needful for this present life) shall be added unto you.” It is not for attending to these two things that we obtain the blessing, but in attending to them.

  2. I now ask you, my dear reader, a few questions in all love, because I do seek your welfare, and I do not wish to put these questions to you without putting them first to my own heart. Do you make it your primary business, your first great concern, to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness? Are the things of God, the honor of his name, the welfare of his church, the conversion of sinners, and the profit of your own soul, your chief aim? Or does your business, or your family, or your own temporal concerns, in some shape or other primarily occupy your attention? If the latter be the case, then, though you may have all the necessaries of life, yet could you be surprised if you had them not? Remember that the world passeth away, but that the things of God endure forever.

I never knew a child of God, who acted according to the above passage, in whose experience the Lord did not fulfill his word of promise, “All these things shall be added unto you.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

George Muller and his faith

Dear Lord Jesus,

I am reading the life and work of your beloved servant Mr. George Muller. It inspires me to put all my faith in you. You are the mighty savior and faithful Lord. You never fail those who trust in you. The greatest gift is you, our Saviour. The second most beautiful gift to us is that the Trust In You.

Father I thank you for your gifts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

New post at church

Dear Lord,

I have been elected as the Secretary of the Dilshad Garden Church on 10.04.2016. I have never expected this position. But you appointed me to this position. Hence I assure you that I will do what ever you want me to do. Not for my glory, but for your glory. I prayer fully presented my desire for this year on the first committee meeting held on 24.04.2016:

Goal for the year 2016-17: 10 souls and spiritual growth of the church.

For that I suggested the following action plan:

1 Appoint a team for the Tract distribution: They will select a day and arrange tracts and select area and we should conduct tract distribution regularly.

2 Visit sick people in and around our area and pray for them.

3 Pray one hour every believer for the goals set for this year.

4 Corporate prayer for the goals set, on every Sunday's.

5 Christmas Program: Arrange a invitation service on Christmas day as that day we can spread the gospel freely and PYPA can present a skit on that day.

Charitable work to be done: Visit orphanage and give food or visit old age home and spend some time with elderly people.

Dear Loard,

But to my surprise, most of the activities turned down, but I believe in you. In the due time you will make it happen. I trust in you.

Also I am started praying for expand the work is being done in Karkadooma area. Please Lord give us a permanent place for gathering together freely and worship you. Help us to meet some sick people and pray for them. We visited Rakesh Bhai and prayed for him. He is having pain due to the stones in his body. Dear Lord please answer our prayer and help him to believe in you and his family to worship you.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Brokeness ~ Smith Wigglesworth

There is a divine revelation within you, that came in when you were born from above, and this is a real faith to be born into the new kingdom is to be born into a new faith. Plaul speaks of two classes of brethren, one of whom are obedient and the other disobedient. The obedient always obey God when He first speaks. It is the people of God that He will use to make the world know that there is a God. The just shall live by faith. You cannot talk about things which you have never experienced. It seems to me that God has a process of training us. You cannot take people into the depths of God unless you have been broken yourself. I have been broken and broken and broken. Praise God that he is near to them that are of a broken heart. You must have a brokenness to get into the depths of God.

~Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wigglesworth about Faith

Once while we were talking in his home about the ministry of  healing, Wigglesworth made these observations:

 “I can see that  the ministry of healing is going to get more difficult. It is always  more difficult when you have to contend with unbelief. There  are already too many remedies in which people put their trust.  But I can see that it will get worse, until it will be hard to get  people to believe at all. We have become such a drug-conscious  society that, in many cases, the aspirin bottle is more important  than the anointing bottle.” 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Protecting our Boday - Wigglesworth

Wigglesworth was very practical. I remember one occasion when I was about to  leave his home after visiting on a cold, wet evening. He put his hands upon me in  blessing, then counseled, “Keep that coat well buttoned, and get that collar up.  Look after that body. It does not belong to you; it belongs to the Lord. And you will  be answerable for it at the judgment.”  

Wigglesworth absolutely opposed the thinking of those who expected their Lord  to heal them after doing as they liked with their bodies. He had no sympathy for  those who were sick as a result of their own folly. 

Reclaiming Dominion: Humanity’s Role in Spiritual Authority and Creation

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