Jesus wants to Fulfill in Us
verse is so massive that it would take a lifetime to explain it. So
it is, of course, Colossians 1:10. So if you would turn to that at
least we can start with the words. It is remarkable. It reads, "To
lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit
in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." And
you remember that follows the verse 9, "And so, from the day we
heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you." And then, of
course we think, "O yeah, you are very good. You are praying
what we all ought to pray," "Asking that you may be filled
with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and
understanding." "Oh yes. We are all for that. We hope
that you will help everybody to understand your will and that is what
you want and that is what we want." And of course what we have
begun to realize is, it is not just the knowledge of his will in,
"What am I going to do tomorrow?" or "What am I going
to do next week?"
is a much more complex thing than that. And you remember how we have
tried to describe it. We've tried to remind each other, "Does
God know everything?" Of course he knows everything.
he know everything in the present?"
in the past?"
in the future?"
Yes, I suppose he does. If he doesn't who does?"
he know the people who will have accidents today?"
he knows all the protons and neutrons. He knows where every detailed
particle is in the universe. He knows their tendency and their
movements. He knows the laws that our astrophysicists aren't
absolutely sure of, when they come to quantum. He knows all that.
Yes, yes. I suppose he does know the future. Yes, he does know what
will happen."
knows every young man in New York that will fall this day?"
child that will trip?"
person that will get knocked down by a taxi?"
fire that will explode in China?"
difficulty that I will meet today?"
yet he can sleep at night?"
I suppose."
come he can sleep at night?"
because he has set the thing up so that we have free wills, and he,
himself knows what those free wills will do. And so he knows how it
is going to go."
he just lets it go?"
Yes, he lets it go because we have to see that we are responsible
for our actions and for our lives."
that is all he does?"
no. I can't see how he will do that. He certainly didn't do it when
he came to earth in the person of his Son. When his Son saw somebody
who was sick he laid his hands on them and healed him."
what about God? How does he operate? If he knows everyone that will
fall, everybody that will trip, everybody that will have an accident,
everybody that will do something wrong, does he pass by on the other
no. If Jesus said, 'He that hath seen me hath seen the Father, and
the works that I do, my Father does, or the works that my Father does
I do also.' No, he must be like Jesus."
what about all these things?"
obviously he has acted upon them, in whatever way he believes is best
for the person to grow up in him into a full person; enables the
person to achieve the things that he has planned for him in his life.
He obviously acts. He takes that wrong action or that unexpected
event and he works it into the counsel of his will. I mean, that is
what it means that, 'He was in Christ reconciling the world to
himself.' He was reconciling all the things that the world does into
his own will and his own plan, so that it will all come together."
that is what God does day by day?"
that is what he must do day by day."
the things that I will hit tomorrow, that will work to pull my life
apart or to run me off the rails, he will act on that?"
'will act'! He 'has' acted already, because he sees everything. He
sees the end from the beginning. 'A thousand years is like one day
in his courts.' He sees everything in a present moment. So he 'has'
done it all. I mean that is why he said to them, 'Behold, I 'have'
given Jericho into your hands. All you have to do is march around
it. The marching around hasn't a thing to do with powers that bring
down the walls. I have already brought down the walls. I just want
you to march around in obedience to me. I will do the work of -- I
have already done the work. I foresaw this about Jericho millions of
years ago, I saw it. And I dealt with it then.'"
I think that is what we have begun to see. But you really have to
run it through your head, because we are not used to it at all.
We're just so 'woman centered?' so 'man centered'. We are so 'human
centered' that we look at everything from our point of view. And we
have to remind ourselves, "Now, wait a minute. The truth is God
knows all this. And he sleeps well at night because he has fixed it
all. And he is simply allowing these things to take place so that
we'll see what life without him is like and how impossible it is.
And we'll see the difference between what is not him and what is him.
And that is why he allows all these things to happen. He has
already dealt with them all. How else could he sleep at night when
he sees all the agonies of the little babies that are dying this
morning, unless he has affected it all to bring it all into the
council of his will?
that complicates things considerably. That gives meaning to this.
Then we can't read that with the old 'cliché ridden' interpretation.
"And so from the day we have heard of it we have not ceased to
pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his
that is why he goes on to the next bit, because we might say, "Oh
the knowledge of his will!" I'll just ask my father what he did
in this situation or ask my pastor what he would do in it. Or I'll
look up some book and I find, "What would God do in this
situation?" Or I think the thing through myself. It is not that
at all. So that I will know his will. I'll know his will in the
light of what he has done already. I'll know his will in all
spiritual wisdom and understanding. I'll know in a spiritually wise
way what God is after here and what he has done, and I'll understand
So that I can walk around the walls of Jericho, because that is
probably the most bewildering part to us. We are always looking at,
"Oh! I wonder if there was something in their hands when they
touched the man with leprosy." Was there was something in their
hands that went from their hands into the man who was paralyzed, so
that hey touched him and it actually was a physical transfer of power
of some kind?
course the Father is trying to get home to us, "They do that act
because I tell them to act, but that act doesn't cause anything. The
work is already done in my Son on Calvary a million years ago. That
man has already been dealt with. I foresaw that. I've set that
thing all in motion. I am telling you to lay your hand on him as
much for your benefit and the benefit of those who are watching as it
is for the man himself. The sick man is already made well. I'm
simply revealing what has happened in eternity, revealing it in time
at this moment, and because I tell you to put your hand upon it, it
seems that you have caused it. But actually it is just that the two
things have come together at the same moment, the moment that I have
released the power from the risen Son of God at the right hand,
released that power down into the man's body at the same time as you
touch it. They are concomitant acts. They are not causally
of course it is a whole understanding of our work and our service to
God that is utterly different form the normal. But that is what is
at the back of this. It is not just, “I’m going to pray for you
so that you will know God’s will. I’m going to pray for you that
somehow you’ll come across a passage somewhere in a book and you
will know what you should do.” Or, “I’m going to hope that
somebody that you counsel with, they will tell you.” It is not
that kind of prayer. It is a prayer that you may deeply understand
that God has already fixed all these things. He is in control. And
he has the right moment when he will reveal this in time. And he may
use you to signify it. And that is why at times in the Bible they
call miracles, “signs”. At times Jesus said, “You will see
signs,” because it is a sign of the power of God, rather more than
just an overcoming of natural laws.
of course that is why we are here. But we get all mixed up. We say,
“Oh, no. We’re here to do some good for God.” Or, “We’re
here to do what the non-Christians do anyway.” No, no. You can
end up doing, apparently the same thing as a person who doesn’t
know God. But if you do it by God’s revelation and insight and the
work of his Spirit within you, it is an entirely different operation.
And it is a different glory to a different person.
so it is in that spirit that he says, “Pray for that you may be
filled with the knowledge of his will.” And then I would say that
the word “filled” is far more important than we think of it,
because the works that men and women of God apparently do – and I
say “apparently” because the work is already done by him. They
just signify it as God tells them he is going to manifest it in time.
But those works are under God’s control and they come from his
will and they come from his power. And they are different from the
works that are done by ordinary human beings.
when it comes to being filled, it is being filled with him and his
mind and his heart. Any work that a child of God appears to do comes
from a fullness within of God. So first you have to be filled with
him and filled with his heart and his love, and then out of that come
works. But the filling is important, “That you may be filled…
That you may be filled with the knowledge of his will.” That that
will preoccupy you above everything else. That will occupy your mind
more than everything else. Then out of that will comes action that
is the action of God, himself.
in a way, there is no work done by a child of God without a filling.
You are filled from the inside and then that spills out through you.
So it is not a preoccupation: “O Lord, help me with this problem
that I have. Help me with this money difficulty,” with a whole
concentration on the problem, the problem, the problem. It is being
so filled with the assurance of God’s presence in you and of his
complete ability to supply everything. That is what brings forth the
action then.
then the action is entirely different. And that is why there are two
actions that go on in the world all the time. There are the guys who
are drilling for oil, because they have used their machines to find
the oil. And then there is the guy who drills for oil because God
has actually implied that he should do it at that spot. So there are
actually miracles going on all the time even though we don’t know
them. But there are people that – it isn’t people, both those
who are known as God’s people and those who aren’t, receive all
kinds of little intuitions from God, himself, who do things that turn
out wonderfully. And you say, “Oh, how could they know that?”
I’m not saying that the “twig” guy [water divining with a tree
branch] is part of that, because that seems more connected with the
elemental spirits of the universe than anything else. But there are
many other actions that are taken that do not seem practically the
appropriate ones. And there does not seem to be obvious reason for
doing them. And you cannot, at times, even justify them. But they
come from God to his people, and they come from that fullness that
takes place in his people that enables them to know, to have a
knowledge of his will, and a spiritual understanding.
can see the importance of it, not only in business, but you can see
it in human relationships. As we joke, Sellers [Peter Sellers,
1925-1980, British film actor, comedian and singer] said, “There is
a time to laugh and a time to cry, and this is not one of them,”
you remember; Peter Sellers in one of his funny movies. There is a
time to laugh and a time to cry. And there is a time that is right
to do a thing and a time that is wrong to do a thing. And God’s
ways are often very different from man’s ways. So working by God’s
direction and out of God’s fullness is entirely different from
working from man’s own emptiness and his best perception of what is
in the world. God allows both to go together, because in a way they
do the same job as all his works, “The left hand of God are the
things that he permits, and the right hand the things that he
definitely desires. Some of the theologians use that distinction.
And so there are many things in his left hand that God allows to
happen. And so he allows many people to do things by natural powers,
because that again sets forth the difference between his work and
their work. Because there is a tendency of men to spell God with 2
o’s [good], that ‘goodness’ is the same as God. Well, no. It
isn’t always. There are many good things that are not necessarily
of God. And the Father is always involved in giving us discernment
and understanding about that. So he allows, often, very good things
to be done by power that is not his. Yet it originally comes from
him for he has made human beings, but they are not directly a work
that he has done on Calvary.
then there are Calvary works. And that is what we are involved in.
That is what God has called us to. That is why it is important that
we come to a fullness of knowledge and wisdom and spiritual
understanding, because that is how you do the things that God himself
has done. So there needs to be a closeness between us and our Father
so that we see things from his view point and are preoccupied with
him and not with the problem itself. And that is what he [Paul] is
praying for, “That we would have that knowledge, a knowledge of his
will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”
I hoped to be further on with that than I am, so I’d better move to
verse 10.
1:10] "To lead a life worthy of the Lord.” Now, normally, you
see, we think, “Oh it is a much humbler thing to say, ‘Oh, I
couldn’t do it like Jesus would do it. Oh no. ‘To lead a life
worthy of the Lord?’ Who could do that? Who? Who could live…?”
We can get uppity and quite pious about it. “Who? Who would dare
to say he is living a life worthy of the Lord? I mean, the Lord
alone could lead that…that… Um, wait a minute. The Lord alone
could lead that? Oh, yes, I see. Oh…” There is only one way to
live a life worthy of the Lord, and that is the Lord leading it.
“Not I, but Christ.”
that is what he prays, “That we would lead a life worthy of the
Lord.’ [says it emotionally] I cry because of our ridiculous
stupidity and proud stubbornness in this regard. Because we can be
so humble about our own failings. “Well, I’m just trying to be
the best Christian I can.”
yes. How about stepping aside and letting him do it himself?
we are called to lead a life worthy of the Lord. And I think where
we get into trouble is, we decide, “Well, we can’t obviously do
that. So we’ll do our best.” We’ll do an imitation. We’ll
do a close copy. “Well, you know, I couldn’t do it like Jesus
would do it.”
then it is not far from that to slipping into an apologetic excuse
for our failings. “Well, you know, I can’t do it the way Jesus
would do it. I’m just a foot soldier. I’m just doing my best."
But that is not what the Father says here. He says that you are to
live a life worthy of the Lord. “Your life is to remind people of
the Savior, not remind people that you are a good person, not to draw
their attention to you and your faithfulness or your religiosity, or
your Christianity, or your ethics, or even your faithfulness to your
Lord. Because that is all still concentrating on you. You’re here
so that a person may see right through you and see something divine,
something above the norm, something that comes from another world.
You’re here to live a life worthy of the Lord.
is actually worthwhile even to change our minds about that. It is
worth our while. You cannot produce it by your own right thinking,
but you at least can assist it. At least you can stop opposing it by
thinking, “I am not just, even the representative of Jesus. I am
the only glimpse of him they will get today.
of course it lifts everything away from your obedience and what you
think of this situation and whether you are comfortable with it or
not, or whether you are happy with it or not or whether it is an easy
thing for you or not. It lifts it all up. You think, “Hey, that
is unimportant. The Savior, Lord, it’s you. This is your act.
This is your situation. Here, here’s my hand. You do it the way
you do it, the way you want it done.”
it is part of that selflessness. It is part of that abandonment of
self. It is part of that indifference to self that enables you to
lift right above your own little preoccupation with your comfort or
what you’d like or what you prefer. And it lifts you out of that
miserable, crawling, self-centered, ego-centric existence. And you
realize, “I’m just the expression of Jesus here. It is what he
wants that counts.”
that is why he says that. “I pray that you may live a life worthy
of the Lord,” because no other life is worth living, because it is
your own only, but to “live a life worthy of the Lord.”
that is why it goes on. You know it is ridiculous, “Pleasing to
him.” “Fully pleasing to him!” “Fully pleasing.” You know
yourself, you’ve had it if you’ve ever tried to describe the
victorious life. “Well, now. You don’t mean you have to be
perfect.” “Fully pleasing to the…” “Fully pleasing…”
“Fully pleasing to the Lord?” “To lead a life worthy of the
Lord? Fully pleasing to him?”
It’s impossible to be fully pleasing to God. We’re imperfect
beings. We do our best, but we cannot live a life fully pleasing to
this is what he says. But I think that is what it is. It is that
God would look down upon us and he’d see his Son in all his beauty.
That is it. That is the plan.
each of us are pathetic little creatures, I agree with you. And I
think we’re nothing. But God looks upon us as his Son. And he
looks to see his Son’s actions and his Son’s attitude, and his
Son’s feelings, and his Son’s will. And that is why this man
prays, “That we may lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing
to him, a life where Jesus is not uncomfortable, where he does not
feel embarrassed, where he does not feel ashamed, where he does not
feel pain, but a life that he is pleased with, where his Father looks
upon him and he is well pleased.
agree with any of you. We are all brought up in the same society. I
agree with any of you who say, “This is ridiculous! This is not
possible. You always need his blood to cover you sins.”
we always need his blood, but our sins are what he took away. And we
are meant to be fully pleasing to him. So it is very strong. “Fully
pleasing to him.”
then of course, you can see where it all comes to. “Bearing fruit
in every good work.” And of course it reminds you, “You are
God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which he
has prepared before hand that you should walk in them.” [Ephesians
2:10] It is all there; all these things have been done in Jesus.
These things have been done in Jesus. These works are prepared
beforehand; only “that you should walk in them.” You don’t
need to do them. You lay a hand on the person, but that is not what
does the work. The work was done on Calvary. It is a work that has
been done already, a work that has already been achieved. It is part
of the perfect world that God has already built in another part of
this universe. It is the new Jerusalem that is already in existence.
It is the heaven that is already real and alive. All the works have
been done there. They are already accomplished. And all you have to
do is walk in them.
“Bearing fruit in every good work;” every good work that God has
already done and he is expressing and revealing it through you. So
it's more than just the usual interpretation. And of course you can
see an increasing in the knowledge of God every time understanding
God more and more. Every time you do his will, every time you act in
a situation according to his intuition within you, you understand him
better; you know him better; you know more the kind of person he
really is. You more and more bow lower and lower because of the love
and grace that is in his heart.
of course as you see -- well it is the same you see anything. I
remember the dear guy that built the hole in the wall for a certain
person to put their books in, you remember, as a Christmas present.
And you had to be touched by that fellow's thoughtfulness. Terrible!
Ridiculous, but thoughtfulness as he did that. And so it is with
God. Every time you take part with him in something you have a
greater knowledge of him; you understand more how dear a God he is.
Every time you see a Yorkshire terrier beg, who could make a little
creature like that? He must be very loving and very kindly.
so it is with God. You grow in the knowledge of God every time you
take part with him in something that he has done and you see its
effect here on earth, you realize how detailed he is, how tender he
is, and how understanding, and how real is his practical concern for
us human beings.
so it is a life that is fully pleasing to him, and that bears fruit
in the good works that you walk in. And of course that gets the
heart of it, doesn't it? Because that's what we all are concerned
about. "By their fruits you shall know them." And bearing
fruit means of course, seeing the life of God spreading to others and
seeding them and creating the symptoms of Jesus in the world itself.
that is why we are here. We want to bear fruit. We want to see
others come into Jesus and come into his reality. And that you can
see is the difference between a work that God has already done on
Calvary and that we are simply manifesting and an ordinary good work
of human effort that is done. So two people can be the cause of
healing in somebody's life, but one bears fruit as he does it and the
other simply creates gratitude to the person for his help, because
one comes from the power of God that did the real work and therefore
glorifies God. And the other takes advantage of that and appears to
take the glory of it to himself, and therefore does not bear fruit.
there is a difference between fruit-bearing work and work that isn't
fruit-bearing. And it seems to me that ties up with our own work
particularly, because they can be impressed with your honesty; they
can be impressed with your good business acumen; they can be
impressed even with your kindly voice or your understanding ways;
they can be impressed by your helpfulness. But then it is a
different thing for them to bear fruit, to come into touch with the
Savior within you. And that is a different matter. And that is
determined, not by the act or the word that you spoke to them, but by
where it came from. And that ties up with your fullness of Jesus or
your fullness of yourself.
it is interesting. Anyway, God is good. Let us pray.
Father we thank you for your goodness and your light. And we thank
you that you have called us into such a life, so full, so thorough
and so detailed and extensive, and then, we can see, so genuine and
real. And so we thank you for calling us to this. And we thank you
for the opportunity we have through these days to touch other lives.
And we see that the only reason for it and the only purpose is so
that you, yourself can touch them, and that your life can flow from
what you have already done through us and into them.
Lord, we give ourselves again to you today and trust you to lead us
into such a preoccupation with you that we do become fully pleasing
to you, living a life that is worthy of you, and bearing fruit in
every good work. Lord we thank you that that is your will for us,
and we would trust you to bring it about in this coming week, for
your glory.
now the grace of our Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each one of us, now and
evermore. Amen.
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