Doctrine of Salvation 5
us pray. Jesus, we forward to this time when we can look into you.
Oh Father, we thank you for the Holy Spirit. And thank you Holy
Spirit. I thank you again that you reveal things to us in accordance
with our obedience and our submission. Father, thank you for that.
Thank you Lord. Thank you that if we don’t understand you it’s
because we don’t obey you, not because we don’t have a clear mind
or have not read enough scripture. Thank you Father, that as we obey
you, you enable us to know you personally, and really, and vividly.
Thank you Lord. So we come to you with our minds today and we bring
you our obedient hearts and we lay both on the altar and ask you to
make yourself real to us so that Jesus may be satisfied with what his
death has achieved. Amen.
ones, I thought I’d comment first of all on the assignments and try
to clarify the answers for all of us by reference to some of your own
papers. Do you remember that the questions occurred on page 124, and
it might be good just to open the book there. Page 124 and which are
the three points emphasized by our church as to common grace? And
obviously, Berkof must be talking about the reformed church and of
course they’re the points he emphasizes and we understand that
we’re trying to look at it through his eyes as far as we’re able
to. And Mary for instance, has the nature of common grace, and the
general operations of the Holy Spirit, or the general blessings which
God imparts to all man.
first of all the nature of common grace. Secondly, the means of
common grace and the light of God’s general revelation which serves
to guide the conscience of the natural mind. Human governments and
public opinion are two means. So the means of common grace. Then
thirdly, the effects of common grace gives man time for repentance.
All men receive numerous undeserved blessings from God and some of
you had more or less elaborated on that. But I think most of us
found that fairly simple to outline.
the second question how do Matthew 21:26 & 46, Mark 14:2 show the
restraining influence of public opinion? And I think you could
probably have taken it from anyone. I’ve taken Don’s here just
because it had a slight slant to it. Mark 14:2, but they said, “Know
on the feast day lest here be an uproar of the people.” You
remember it was the public opinion business. “One of the ways that
the Holy Spirit operates to restrain sin in the world is through
public opinion. While this is true throughout the whole world it is
especially true where God’s word is known and understood. It is in
this reference that the three examples stated above appear. In each
case Jesus was under attack from the Pharisees and other members of
the non-believing establishment. Jesus spoke of these men as being
of their father the devil; John 8:42 & 47. As such they, in
serving Satan, wanted to kill Jesus but the Holy Spirit, operating
through the common grace principle of public opinion, made these men
fear taking action to kill Jesus.”
would just comment the pretty obvious application that was that was
what we were all afraid of in Watergate, that we were beginning to
lose the value of public opinion in a nation that even nominally has
“in God we trust on its coins”. And I think most of us
understand that that’s just a phrase that we use but most of us
have felt that even though it isn’t a Christian nation, yet it’s
a nation with some kind of Christian principle underlying everything.
And I think that’s what we feared, that you remember, when old
John Ehrlichman when I think old Sam, uncle Sam said, “I thought
that every man’s house was his castle,” and Ehrlichman said, “Oh,
don’t you think that’s a bit old fashioned now?” And I think
all of us rose against that because we felt, “No, you’re throwing
away something that is a precious molder of our children and that is
precious to restrain evil among us,” you know. And so public
opinion it can be used to the good, loved ones.
I think the problem question was number “c”, and I don’t think
there was a great difficulty in the first part Romans 1:24, 26, 28.
It seemed to all of us that that was a pretty obvious expression of
common grace there where the consequences of sin act to express God’s
common grace to all people. So, a person is promiscuous so they
experience gonorrhea or venereal disease. That is God’s common
grace that expresses itself to everybody. You worry continually, you
get ulcers. That is God expressing common grace to all men to show
them that this is wrong or that this is not the way you should live.
I think we had no trouble with Romans 1:26, “For this reason God
gave them up to dishonorable passions.” The consequences of sin
are common grace that God expresses to everyone. The problem area, I
think, was the second one, Hebrews 6:4-6 and maybe you’d look at
it. And I think I have it right loved ones, but some of you might
see more light than I have on it. But maybe you’d turn to the
passage since it was a twisted thing for us. Hebrews 6:4-6 runs,
“For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who have
once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have
become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of
the word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they then
commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own
account and hold him up to content.”
I think most of us would feel, “But look, if you’ve tasted the
heavenly gift, if you’ve become partakers of the Holy Spirit, if
you’ve tasted the goodness of the word of God, surely those are all
expressions of special grace. That’s all part of God’s special
revelation through the Bible and surely that is not an expression of
common grace.” But loved, if you try to twist over in the bed kind
of thing and try to imagine old Berkof’s viewpoint then isn’t it
true that he would say that if these people are committing apostasy
then these people are not of the elect. Because one of his beliefs
is that a certain number of people are predestined to accept Jesus
and these are the elect and so they cannot commit apostasy.
would he not say, “Here’s a group of people that have experienced
these things but they’re not of the elect and so they are not
saved. So they’re ordinary unsaved sinners who will go to hell,
yet they have experienced something of the goodness of God’s word,
and it has had some ameliorating effect on their lives.” And would
he not argue that a person who perhaps receives morality even from
God’s word, but does not receive the salvation of their souls, that
person is experiencing God’s word from the point of view of common
grace? It is common grace to them. It acts upon them in the same
restraining way as law and government does, it does not convert them.
And so is he not trying to say that the word of God is an expression
of special grace to those who believe and are saved. But, to those
who do not believe and reject, it still is a kind of restraining
influence on them.
would you like to play back to me on that because I think I’m
pretty confident of that interpretation? Now Don seemed to almost do
better in the explanation of harmonizing both. He said, “God, in
operating through common grace must seek to bring all men to
repentance and salvation; 2 Peter 3:9. The above passages illustrate
this by stating that God gave them up to their own lusts only after
through common grace attempting to bring them to repentance.” And
all I would push on that there Don is I think you have to elaborate a
little that in this case what is special grace to those who would
believe that God’s word is in fact just common grace, you see.
I think special grace would be God’s revelation in his word.
Common grace would normally be God’s restraining power coming
through government, and police, and conscience, and even the
suppose – well, it would be – so you’re saying it’s that so
is kind of the position I think, that Berkof would take Don, the
position that you’re taking that that these people therefore cannot
have been of the elect because he does believe in eternal security.
Just so we clarify the thing, I would not – but I’m happy – I
think there are two viewpoints on the thing, but yes Berkof would
feel the same way I think and would say therefore, that these people
were never really saved. Isn’t that it?
think Don, that secretly, he is in favor of the Arminians and he’s
trying to destroy all of you who are Catholic. I know it. I know
it. That’s why I like the fella because it comes out especially,
if we do have time to get onto to today’s business. I think he
brings up the difficult areas for his own viewpoint as well. I think
he’s very fair about that. I cannot go further on “Attacas.”
but I think we’re in danger of misunderstanding the difference
between common grace and special grace, or the difference between
general revelation which comes through conscience, nature, and
history and special revelation which comes through the Bible. I
think you have to keep that distinction clear, that this is creation
and this is the Bible, and certainly all Christians experience this
up here, we experience the benefit of law, conscience, the laws of
nature, the laws of the land, it still restricts us and helps us obey
God, in a sense, or to counteract the effects of evil, or restrain
the effects over evil. But this is normally the Bible and it seems
to me what you have to face there -- is he’s talking about the
Bible revelation here.
think in Hebrews 6:4-6, I think it’s this one he’s talking about,
you see. I don’t think you can say normally that Hebrews 6:4-6 is
an expression of this kind of common grace here because this is
composed of conscience, the nature, that is the laws of nature and
history, providence and past examples of other people. And I think
that this is …..... different thing and this is the one he’s
referring to in Hebrews 6:4-6. And I think the difficulty is to show
is there a way in which the special grace that comes through the
Bible is only special when it effectually saves people? Now, when it
doesn’t effectually save them does it then fall into the category
of common grace in the same way that these books, the Bible as
literature, you know, that reading the Bible as literature would have
the same restraining effect on a fellow who is going to steal as
maybe a novel about a fellow who is going to steal?
was the only way I could see it falling and I think Don is saying the
same thing except he’s bringing up the difficulty in his own
viewpoint that this means if they’re a partaker of the Holy Spirit,
how can you be a partaker of the Holy Spirit if you haven’t
received? Truly it means at least receiving the Holy Spirit. And
truly receiving the Holy Spirit is what it means to be born of God.
And of course, your whole position on the eternal security is the
person must not have been really saved, otherwise if they were they
I don’t want to try to save you because I’m against you but I
wondered, just as Berkof has been fair, I wondered to be fair can you
not – now I think maybe it’s a wee bit weak, but can you not say
that this is a hypothetical statement? Is that not the way dear
ones, who deal with these difficult verses from the point of view of
eternal security deal with them, they say, “Yes, but these are
hypothetical instances.” For instance, the warnings that come in
Hebrews, you remember, where he has other warnings in Hebrews that if
you fail to enter into the rest you know, yes in 4:7, “Again he
sets a certain day, ‘Today,’ saying through David so long
afterward, in the words already quoted, ‘Today, when you hear his
voice, do not harden your hearts.’ For if Joshua had given them
rest, God would not speak later of another. So then, there remains a
sabbath rest for the people of God; for whoever enters God’s rest
also ceases from his labors as God did from his. Let us therefore
strive to enter that rest.” That these are just warnings and
hypothetical statements, you see, that if this were ever to happen,
Hebrews 6:4, “For it is impossible to restore again to repentance
those who have,” but we’re not saying anybody has, you know.
tricky, but I wonder. But you’re saying that an alternative is to
say that a partaker of the Holy Spirit could be one who has
experienced the Holy Spirit expressing the beauty of God through
nature or the restraining hand of God through love. Yeah. I’m
sorry I didn’t want to steamroll you.
maybe pushing back, do you see the distinction, Joyce, that we’re
trying to make between – because I think that’s the important
thing from the point of view of the particular subject we’re
dealing with, there is a distinction between common and special
grace, you see.
Well, probably what I was saying is I was taking it for granted that
in Verse 5 for instance, “And have tasted the goodness of the word
of God,” I was assuming then that that is special – that what he
is describing there would normally be regarded by all of us as
special grace. When we talk about special grace we’re normally
talking about that revelation of God that comes through God’s word
and through the Holy Spirit working repentance and conversion in us.
And so normally, when we read those verses we’d say, “Those are
special grace.” But I think old Berkof is implying, “No, if
these people committed apostasy, then I believe in internal security
and I believe they were never really Christians in the first place.
so what Berkof is saying here is, and that’s Don’s difficultly,
the extreme sense of his words. What Berkof thinks is being said
here is it’s impossible to restore again to repentance people who
have seen some truth and reality in God’s word and have seen some
of God’s restraining grace as common grace coming through the
Bible, they haven’t really entered into true conversion and
regeneration. And if you say, “Why haven’t they?” He’ll
say, “Well, they’ve committed apostasy and they couldn’t have
because I don’t believe anybody can be a Christian and fall from
grace. So they obviously didn’t enter into the truth of God’s
word and yet they seemed to have gotten something from it.” And so
is he not saying they’ve got from it some of the example maybe that
people would get from a good book, or from philosophy, you see?
but I’m pushing on the difficulty, the logical difficulty of what
you just stated because then the question should read, “How does
Hebrews 4:4-6 prove the withdrawal of common grace?”
Moreover, you get into some difficulties with yours because then you
might say, “Well, then do you really mean that God withdrew common
grace from them? Do you mean that God really gave up on them?”
And we would probably say that God keeps on and on as long as they
are willing to hear. But still you could say, of course, “Yeah,
but they’ve stopped. That’s what apostasy means, they’ve
stopped, they’ve blasphemed against the Holy Spirit and they’ve
But again, in respect to this question, all you’re saying is this
passage proves the withdrawal of common grace it doesn’t prove
common grace. Yes. I think you have to take it from Berkof’s
viewpoint and see that for him there is a sense in which people can
appear to really understand and really take part in God’s word and
yet it never really has touched their spirits and they really never
are saved. And so for them, the Bible is primarily of value as a
moral book and therefore it’s an expression of God’s common
grace. I would hold that at all but I would see why one would hold
really think loved ones, I think you know, some of you may think, “Oh
we’re twisting around to see old Berkof’s viewpoint,” but I
really think it’s good. I think it’ll be good as Don shares and
we go back and forward to when we come to the eternal security
viewpoint. I think it’ll be good to just – it makes you think and
I think we should all be open. I would say Don, to make you feel
comfortable, I would say more our eternal security. Well, I don’t
know but I would say a number of us have been brought up to believe
in eternal security and I’m probably just a miserable Wesleyan but
I’m going to be in the minority.
loved ones, does anyone else have anything to share on the questions?
Then I did try to – it seems to me, I think I’ve found what I’m
supposed to do with the assignments now because I thought for a while
am I supposed to tell everybody what good writers they are. I’m
obviously not. My job is to share your insights with the class. It
seems to me that’s my value instead of passing all the papers
around, I’m supposed to choose the ones that have something that
may be of value to you.
can’t get out of a British habit. In Britain, that is not a bad
mark, but it’s I’m with you and I can’t get out of it. I know
it’s a checkmark in American education, but it means I’m with
you. Yeah. Carol, I suggest you look at Kathy’s elaboration of
the first point because the first question, the first answer was
right, but I suggest you …........ There was a misunderstanding,
Mary Jean, on the Arminian viewpoint and Berkof’s viewpoint and I
don’t blame you too much if you don’t understand my comment, I’ll
readily explain it afterwards and Al ….... and Marianne, and Brian.
we spent quite a bit on discussing it loved ones, I won’t comment
on the papers any further than that. I think that I could deal in
the 15 minutes in some effective way with the subject which is
calling in general and external calling. And I think that we are all
probably in the same viewpoint here because probably though we will
differ on other things, I think on that problem we are all in the
same boat. That is, we would not take Berkof’s position. I don’t
know if we’re all in the same position in regard to the elect, but
I think we maybe are. And of course, it’s this question here that
I’ll explain more fully. Predestination is that some are
predestined to be saved and will be saved because God has determined
it and some will not. But the elect is what we come up against in
this whole business of calling in general and external calling.
I would just highlight the problem and the difference between – I
would think, it’s the difference between all of us and Berkof. If
I say to you that, you remember the three points that we began with,
that God’s will was that we would receive the Holy Spirit, that we
refuse to receive him, as a result of that we developed a selfish
will that made it impossible for us to obey God even though we wanted
to and then God put us into Jesus and crucified us with him and
destroyed that selfish will so that we could be free to obey him. As
a result of that, we had the opportunity to accept.
Berkof of course, would not believe that we have the opportunity to
accept or reject. Berkof would say that this I agree with. What you
say here I agree with but, I tell you that this was all done not for
all but was done only for the elect. That is, it was done only for
those people whom God predestined would accept this provision that he
has made. And that’s where you see, he gets into this business of
the importance of calling. Because he would say, “How are people
going to know about this and how are the elect going to be led to
accept it?” Well he would say, “All people are going to know
about it through calling in general. God calls to all men and tells
them about this provision he has made. That is what calling in
general and external calling is about. God calls to all men.” But
then he would say, “There is an effectual calling,” which he
deals with next day, “There is an effectual calling. That is there
is a special calling that comes to the elect and it is a calling that
cannot be resisted. And so he gives to the elect and effectual
calling that they cannot help accepting.”
so that you understand what Berkof is trying, I think, to defend and
the attribute of God that he derives this kind of theology from, is
the emphasis on God’s sovereignty, you see. He is anxious to show
that you cannot frustrate God’s will, that God is sovereign of the
universe, and God is all powerful and he can bring about what he
wants. And so Berkof wants to try to avoid the position that
whatever we want to call ourselves, or whatever I want to call
myself, but people like me would say, “Yes, you can frustrate God’s
will.” Berkof would say, “No, that takes away from the
sovereignty of God.” I think our job here is to respect and see
what truth there is in his view and come to a point of truth
ourselves and see that probably in his extreme emphasis there is a
truth that we need to hold onto, and maybe in my extreme emphasis,
there is a truth that we ought to hold onto.
that’s the problem. Now, would anybody like to question me on the
problem, because I think you need to understand the problem if we’re
to do this in any kind of efficient way in the few minutes we have
left. Alright loved ones, I will, if I have time, go through the
different conceptions that he talks about. It might be good to go
through those first and then – well, no loved ones, I’d like to
share some of the scriptures so that you have something to study
of course, points out that there is “calling”. Acts 16:14, and
we could look it up later, but it’s in Lydia, you know, that there
is a call to her when she first hears of the provision that God has
made, and then she accepts it. So there’s a calling that I think
we all would agree precedes conversion. And then, he comes to what
he talks about as “external calling”. That he puts under calling
in general then he talks about external calling. There’s a calling
that comes to everybody and that is not accepted. He gives various
instances and this is I think, where he is just very fair even
though, as Don pointed out, brings up problems I think for his own
are all instances which kind of, of course, if I was dirty enough to
say it and I’m dirty enough to say it, which kind of backs the
argument for man’s free, will you see, “Go ye into all the world
and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He that believeth and
is baptized shall be saved but he that disbelieveth shall be
condemned.” And he would say here’s a general calling that goes
to everybody and yet it is implied that some will be saved and some
will not and that’s an example of external calling. Now he’s not
dealing with anything but man’s freewill in this situation.
22:2-14. I’d point out again, just to keep it in your mind, that
his viewpoint is you see, that this kind of thing would not be
possible. It’s not possible for God to call somebody and really
want them to come and them not be able to come. He says, “No, God
must have an external calling that comes to many people who are not
predestined to accept him.” Whereas of course, I would say, no
this is just proof that God calls all men but not all men answer.
14:16-24 is another example of God calling, some accepting, some
rejecting. John 3:36, he introduces this so you know his exact
words. Other passages speak explicitly of a rejection of the gospel:
John 3:36, Act 13:46. Still others speak of the terrible sin of
unbelief in a way that clearly shows it was committed by some. Then
he gives these examples, Matthew 10:15. All of which show that some
people have the gospel presented to them but they rejected it.
I personally would have no trouble with it, I’d just say, “Yes,
they have free will. That proves they have free will.” Now he
would on the other hand say, “No, God is a sovereign God. Man
cannot frustrate God’s will so this, you see, is purely an external
calling. What God does is he gives to some an external calling and
to some he gives an effectual calling.”
he is a dear fellow you know, because he does bring up the issues
himself. Here are some of the problems that he comes into. He says,
“Even in the present day we occasionally meet with opposition on
this point,” that is opposition in his own reformed church. “It
is said that such a general invitation and offer is inconsistent with
the doctrine of predestination and of particular atonement.
Doctrines in which it is thought the preachers should take a starting
point.” So he puts the difficulty you see, “Why does God call
these people at all if actually he has already predestined some to
accept and some to reject?” And he says, “Some people oppose
this even inside the reform church.” And he says, “Moreover, it
is,” – well that’s his point and then he goes on to one of the
says, “You must see that this external calling is real,” and this
is what he says, “It is a bonafide calling. The external calling
is a calling in good faith. A calling that is seriously meant.”
You see, that’s the difficulty that we would all have, “Well, how
can God seriously mean it if he really knows some of these people are
not going to accept it? Why does he bother wasting his breath as it
were?” “It is not an invitation coupled with the hope that it
will not be accepted.” And of course, we tend to say, “Well now,
how can you say that? If God knows that these people will not accept
it why does he do it at all?” Then he goes on, “When God calls
the sinner to accept Christ by faith he earnestly desires this.”
Well, I think we can kind of see that. “And when he promises those
who repent and believe eternal life, his promise is dependable.”
yet you see in …............ he would say, “But he knows they’re
not going to repent and believe.” “This follows from the very
nature, from the veracity of God. It is blasphemous to think that
God would be guilty of equivocation and deception. That he would say
one thing and mean another. That he would earnestly plead with a
sinner to repent and to believe unto salvation and at the same time
not desire it in any sense of the word.” Well you see, I don’t
think we question that. I think we would say, “Yes, we can see
what you’re saying, that God is calling all men to repent and he
really wants them to repent and if they would repent then he would
offer them salvation.” But we say, “God knows fine well they’re
not going to repent so is he not mocking them, you see?” Well, of
course, that’s the problem he gets into.
he comes into the objections. “One objection from what I just said
about a bonafide calling, is derived from the veracity of God. It is
said that according to this doctrine he offers the forgiveness of
sins and eternal life to those for whom he has not intended these
gifts.” You see, he puts the objection himself, “It is said that
here God is offering eternal life for the people for whom he has not
intended them. It need not be denied that there is a real difficulty
at this point, but this is the difficulty with which we are always
confronted when we seek to harmonize the decretive and perceptive
will of God. A difficulty which even the objectors cannot solve and
often simply ….......... Well dear love him. He’s just saying,
“This is a difficult and I don’t see a way out.” Of course I,
as a happy free-willer would say, “Well, why not believe in free
will?” But you know, he is a wise man and obviously he has other
number two, “A second objection is derived from the spiritual
inability of man. Man as he is by nature cannot believe and repent
and therefore it looks like mockery to ask this often. But in
connection with this objection we should remember that in the last
analysis,” and dear love him, he seems to back off there, “In the
last analysis man’s inability in spiritual things is rooted in his
unwillingness to serve God.” And he seems to be saying, you know,
he seems to back into free will.
I think we can see loved ones, that his belief in external calling is
made necessary by the fact that he believes God has already chosen
out the elect, And so, he has to start out this business of, “Then
there is in the New Testament a calling that man rejects. But that’s
not possible in my theology,” he says so he has to make a
distinction between external calling and effectual calling and that’s
where the problem comes from.
loved ones, it’s six o’clock -- that’s been hard for you
because it’s a heavy subject, but does anyone want to ask any
questions that would enable me to maybe clarify
right Ken. He would say that common grace is just external calling.
It is the Bible coming to people and being rejected, so it is common
grace. It would be that issue that we were on in Hebrews, that
external calling is a calling that isn’t effective and therefore
comes to people that are not of the elect and yet the external
calling, it’s still calling. It means the proclamation of the
truths of the gospel and that kind of thing. But it’s coming and
it’s being rejected so therefore in that case it is common grace.
the word of God, when it comes to a person and actually saves them
and they are of the elect, he would say that’s effectual calling
and that’s special grace. But when the word of God comes to a
person and they’re not of the elect and they’re not saved then
that’s external calling and is an example of common grace.
loved ones, I think probably all of us, probably including Don, I
think all of us would believe that we are all called and it is up to
man’s freewill to decide whether he will accept or reject. So just
to help you so that we may not – we don’t end up branding us all,
these things are all different you see. I mean, one can believe in
eternal security without believing in predestination or the elect. I
think we would all probably here, indeed as you see Billy Graham
would be a Calvinist and would reckon by many people to be probably,
well a strong Calvinist as the word goes here in 20th Century western
civilization and yet obviously he does not believe that here is just
the elect that will accept. He again and again offers, you know, to
all whosoever will may come.
loved ones, is there anyone who doesn’t see – we of course, have
no trouble – for us calling is essential because it’s a free will
matter, you see. And if you say to us, “Well how is this applied?
How is this made known to people?” It’s made known to people by
the proclamation of the gospel and by general calling to all people
and those who receive are accepted and are saved, and those who
reject are not accepted and are condemned. So for us there’s no
big problem in calling but for a person who does believe in
predestination and the elect, then there is a problem and you have to
make this distinction here.
it’s good for us to bend around, you may say, “Oh why bother?
Why bother taking us through this?” We wouldn’t see the issue at
all. I would just present it in my happy free will way and would
say, “Well obviously, how are people going to find out about Jesus’
death for them?” Well it’s going to come through preaching and
that’s what happens. We preach and those who receive by their free
wills are saved, those who reject are not.
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