Modern View of the Gospel 3
start at Colossians Chapter 1 verse 6. It runs in a continuation of
verse 3, “We always thank God” for you Colossians, and then in
verse 5 to 6, “because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of
this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel
(which is the subject) which has come to you, as indeed in the whole
world it is bearing fruit and growing -- so among yourselves, from
the day you heard and understood the grace of God in truth.”
he’s talking there about the gospel. You can see that’s the
purpose of that whole verse: “the gospel which has come to you, as
indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and growing -- so among
yourselves, from the day you heard and understood the grace of God in
it sounds like a wonderful thing. Oh, that’s great! It’s in the
whole world, and it’s bearing fruit, and it’s growing among them
– right from the day they first heard it and understood the grace
of God in truth. It’s all growing, and bearing fruit.
just think that today people don’t think that way! They don’t
think that, “Oh, the gospel! Oh, yes, it’s so wonderful.” Now
maybe they do in some places, but I think in the West, they think
this: “That sounds wonderful. ‘The gospel which has come to you,
as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and growing -- so
among yourselves, from the day you heard and understood the grace of
God in truth.’”
think here in the West, people think, “Oh, the gospel! Oh, yeah,
that’s that, ‘Jesus died for our sins.’ Oh yeah, and you have
to get forgiveness for your sins.” Then immediately their dear
minds go to the churches that exist, and all the activities of
religion – Christianity. I’m afraid I don’t think they think of
it that way!
think of it a conglomeration of beliefs, ideas, ethics, behavior, and
social groupings -- that somehow mean Christianity! They don’t
think of it as the gospel that in the whole world is bearing fruit
and growing, so among yourselves.
maybe in China they do. But I would suggest that in our Western
world, it’s kind of complex what they think of it. I think some of
them may think of it as abortion. Others may think of it as our
attitude to ISIS. Others may think of it as daycare at church. Others
of us may think of it as the noisy, charismatic churches. Others as
the staid respected churches where people go with all their
prejudices. But I don’t think people think of the gospel in that
joyful wonderful way!
think part of the reason is what Fromke pointed out in his book, The
Ultimate Intention. He was one of those writers that we all got to
know during the 60’s and 70’s. He made the point that the story
of the gospel in our 20th century was a bit like somebody who had set
out on the journey that had a plain and obvious ultimate intention to
it -- but somehow lost its way.
you remember, he had the famous diagram that he drew. I don’t have
a board for writing on, but it’s easy to explain to you that the
ultimate intention was here {pointing, and the starting point was
here {pointing, and the journey stayed about there {pointing}. Then
it was heading for something to do with God’s image and growing
into God’s image. Then here it hit sin.
began to be preoccupied with its own problems and ideas, and the road
bent down from this straight road, and began to twist and turn among
all the versions of the gospel, and the forgiveness of sins, and
Christ dying for our sins, and what we had to do in repentance to get
back to him. Then it slowly began to try to find its way back to the
road that lead to the ultimate intention.
suggestion was that in these days, it hadn’t found its way back. It
was still on the detour, and that Christianity and the Christian
churches were preoccupied with them being lost and trying to get
saved from their lost condition – rather than ever getting up to
what the ultimate intention was -- which of course was the image of
God, and his fulfillment of his plan for us all in the universe.
the ultimate intention was never reached. He pointed out that this
was the great tragedy of Christianity. It was in the 60’s 70’s
and 80’s that it lost its way! It forgot about the ultimate
intention that God had, which is the one that is outlined in Genesis
1:26 – that we would be made in his image, like him.
elaborate it rather more than is there in that verse: we would be
made in his image. I always think of him turning around to his Son,
and saying, “Let us make man in our image – so that they can live
with us forever in love – in the love that we have – and that you
can make the universe through them what I had planned it to be, and
develop it.” That was the simple gospel.
course, I think I’ve shared with you before – it seems to me
there is something in that that speaks to man’s lost condition
today. Because if anybody has any doubt about mankind in these days –
it’s certainly not about their feeling that they don’t know where
they’re going. There’s just a general feeling in the world today:
“I don’t know what this thing is about! I don’t know where
we’re heading!” The ISIS thing is only an obvious terror and
panic for us. But the world itself is full of panic, disparate
opinions, opposing views, and directions that are colliding with each
other almost every day in life.
people have that attitude to life. There’s nothing very joyful or
simply wonderful or delightful about it. I would suggest to you that
quite apart from the difficulty in America that young men and women
have in financing their education – I think most of them don’t
know what they want to do! They’re not really clear in what they
should be doing in life. Everything seems to be up for grabs.
Everything seems to be going in all directions, and mostly in the
directions that will bring you whatever money will get you through to
the next week.
it seems to me that today we have a picture of a Christian gospel
that has lost itself in an emergency salvation detour that has
forgotten completely why we were created in the first place. So
there’s great vagueness about the gospel, and about what it is. I
think that’s the great need.
would suggest again to those of us who are concerned with the
Internet – I think there is a crying need for a plain simple
explanation such as we have shared repeatedly. I’m sure I bore you
with it! – that we are here because we have a loving Father who
wants to live with us forever in love, and he wants us to live with
his Son. For that reason he has actually made us part of his own Son.
said to you before, “I do not think for a moment that most people
think that at all.” I think they would laugh at us. You know that
we are God’s workmanship. You! You and I – God’s workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus for good works that he, our Father, has
prepared beforehand, that you should walk in them. {This is a slight
paraphrase of Ephesians 2:10.}
think that’s a wonderful fairy tale. I have no notion – no idea
at all – that the maker even knows me. In fact, I think he exists
somewhere – but I don’t think he knows me. And I certainly don’t
think he’s made me in his own Son, as you say. I’m in Jesus
Christ? I, who use that name as a curse word – I’m in Jesus
Christ? No. Don’t be stupid!” I don’t think they have any idea.
I would suggest yet again to us that this outline of the gospel that
we have in verse 6 is not a glorious thing for people nowadays. It
may be talked about joyfully here. But I don’t think of the gospel
as a wonderful joyful thing. I frankly think it would be refreshing
if they thought the Maker of the world turned around to his Son and
said, “Let’s make people like ourselves who can live together
with us in love, and can develop this whole universe along with us.”
I think people would go, “That’s a great idea! I’d love to be
part of that.” But they don’t even know that it exists in the
Bible. But even if they did, they have no notion that’s the truth.
I would actually go the other way. I would say to you: if you forget
what the gospel seems to me to most people to be these days – then
actually the real gospel is just as wonderful as what is described
here in verse 6. It’s a wonderful idea.
think it would bring great relief – much the same as we were saying
to each other – about the idea of everybody eventually getting the
opportunity to come to God, even after this life. We thought --
that’s interesting. The normal attitude even at a Christian funeral
is kind of bleak! People aren’t really absolutely enraptured about
the idea of death. They think, “We really don’t know what’s
there.” I think it’s very much like that with the gospel.
don’t think they think of the gospel as a wonderful, joyful,
delightful thing – because I think we have buried it under what
Fromke said. I think we’ve buried it under the detour. I think that
most people would say, “Oh, the gospel! Oh, yes, your sins can be
forgiven because Jesus died for me, instead of me dying. Oh yes – I
know that.”
I think it’s kind of a concept that they have – what John Wesley
would have said, “a train of ideas in the head.” It’s not the
disposition of the heart. The heart does not rise in joy to it. The
mind kind of agrees with it, or considers it as a possibility – but
not as a wonderful, uplifting thing.
the reality is tremendous! It’s very exciting when you read the
Great Commission there – have dominion over the birds of the air,
over the fish of the sea, over everything! {This is Genesis 1:26.} It
seems so exciting! It looks so exciting when you see that European
probe riding on the back of that comet (as happened in 2014). You
feel, “Boy! That is a wonderful universe! Wouldn’t it be
wonderful to be part of the people that develop that?”
seems to me that’s uplifting. Of course, that’s the truth of it.
But I don’t think they even know Ephesians 2:10. And if they know
it, they do not for a moment believe it.
I’m enthusiastic about this verse today, to be able to say to you
who are listening to this is: That’s what we need to get over to
them! We need to have wonderful images that transmit to them the
whole wonder and joy of what God has really called us to.
think it would do the same for people as we were talking about in
regard to: “Is there a second probation {after death}?” as one
man suggested. Is there a second opportunity after death to
eventually be conformed to Jesus’ image, and eventually because of
God’s love, his steadfast love that never ends, and his mercies
that never cease – is it possible that there would be that kind of
lightness of heart for us in reality?
think undoubtedly that is the lightness of heart that exists. I think
that God is describing a party. I think he’s saying, “My Son, let
us make man in our image, and let him have dominion over the fish of
the sea, over all the planets, over all the solar systems, and enable
you through them to develop this universe in the way I have planned.”
The Ephesians 2:10 verse follows from that, that “We are (God’s)
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them,” and that that
was what God was describing in Genesis 1:26 -- that they would have
dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air.
has planned all that. He has it all laid out already. He knows
exactly what you will be doing forty years hence. He knows exactly
what you’ll be doing seventy or eighty years hence. He has it all
planned, and it’s ready for us. Of course that’s the gospel. But
the world has no notion of that. So it’s left with this rather
gray, bleak view of life after death.
we have a feeling that the people whose faith and life we’ve come
to respect through the years – undoubtedly had only joy in their
minds as they thought of heaven. I think of my grandmother –
Salvation Army lady. Oh – they just looked forward to it. They were
anxious to get there! Those who know God are people who are always
looking forward to it. It’s not by any means a second best. It’s
what we were looking forward to. It’s the purpose of life.
would dare to say I look at it that way. I think it will be great!! I
think this present life will be nothing compared with what is there
for us. It seems to me that’s the gospel, and that’s the gospel
that this dear guy {Paul} is describing here. That’s why he says
it’s bearing fruit. It’s blossoming. It’s going everywhere!
People are anxious to know it, are fired up by it, and are lifted and
elevated by it. That’s what we have to put on the web.
thought so strongly about it that we should each commit ourselves to
writing an email to somebody every day, saying, “Send somebody a
flower today. Do something creative today. Create order today. Put
something right today.” We should actually take action, and take
positive action to encourage other people and ourselves to do
something beautiful today, to stop saying, “Stop ISIS,” and start
saying, “Start joy. Start order. Start beauty. Start peace. Start
generosity, and do something definite.” Because it is possible for
man to be gripped by the negative, and to be gripped by the unreal
and the untrue. It takes strong action to resist this.
you say to me, “Where do all those ideas come from?” I thought --
we have to do something. We have to make a start on the Internet.
It’s as if we’re gripped in the present situation. It’s gripped
us! And each of us has the little things we’ve done on the
Internet, and we think they are quite good and not bad. But we’re
in a paralysis in a sense, and we need to break out of it, and tell
people what the gospel really is. It’s utterly different from what
is being shared.
all probably know as well as I do: Arrrggh! It’s ordered all right
– but dead order. There is a deadness to the Christian sites.
There’s not a liveliness about them. I think our job is to express
the joy and delight and the reality of what God has saved us for and
created us for.
undoubtedly what the world needs. It’s interesting, isn’t it? At
a time when the world is full of new things – full of fiber optic
communications that are faster than ever. Full of new gadgets – new
smart phones -- it’s also a time where there’s kind of a
tiredness in the air. Maybe not the malaise that President Carter
talked about some years ago. But if not a malaise, there’s a
weariness in the world that runs through many things. There’s a
great need for the life of God.
I think we should pray about it, and ourselves consider seriously
doing something, and especially maybe sending an email to somebody
every day. “Do something creative today,” or, “Create order
today,” or, “Send a flower to somebody today.” But –
something that would contain that fountain that is talked about in
the song, “The peace of Christ makes glad my heart, a fountain ever
is God’s norm as you see when you hear that bird welcoming you once
more with his song in the morning. Or the birds that you see soaring
in the air. Obviously his heart is that.
we should pray that our websites will be that – they would stand
out in what is a not too exciting scene, as you look around these
days. Let us pray.
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