Ephesians 6:1-5
What I’d like to
talk about this evening is the authority of the body, and last Sunday
evening you remember, we dealt with – in the third of the series on
authority and subjection we dealt with the purpose of authority. We
established that the purpose of authority really is to establish the
principle of obedience to God. That’s the purpose of God’s
appointing any authorities in the world at all -- to establish the
principle of obedience to him.
Many of us know the
need for that through our own experience in the early days of the
body here, because the body started in the midst of all the rebellion
and protest of the 1960’s. Many of us came into the body true but
we didn’t want anything to do with any authority at all, and you’d
throw everything over. Many of us found that we came in with ways
and minds that were utterly undisciplined. And many of us know for
instance, old Bruce and the battle that he had. Bruce was just a
free swinging Californian, and boy it was rough for Bruce to kind of
begin to come under some kind of order or discipline, and many of us
found that.
That we had been
used to this spirit of wild license that had gone through society.
There was great justification for it, mind you, society itself is in
a pretty poor state, and needs a great deal certainly, of protest and
a great deal of correction. But you remember two or three years ago
you could protest almost against anything in the world, and there was
a general spirit of chaos and anarchy in our society. And many of us
found that living in that situation, as a group it was quite a
struggle to come into any kind of obedience at all.
Now that’s why God
has appointed authority here. He’s establishing the principle of
authorities in the world to begin to establish the principle of
obedience to himself, so that we would begin to come into obedience.
Almost into obedience to anyone, just in order to come into
obedience. Now that is the principle that you have right through the
Old Testament. You can see it in Genesis 1:28, if you look at it. I
won’t give you all references, but Genesis 1:28 right at the
beginning of God’s creation there is that principle of authority
and principle of obedience established. Genesis 1:28, “And God
blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and
fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the
sea and over the birds of the air.’” You see there was his
command to be fruitful and multiply, and to fill the earth and then
there was the authority that men and women had as the result of that,
“Subdue it; and have dominion.” So you have that world dominion
coming in right at the beginning of the Bible and that runs right
through the Old Testament.
God tried to
establish the authority and obedience in the Garden of Eden, and they
rebelled against him. He tried to do it again with Noah, his sons
rebelled. He tried to do it again with Abraham, his people rebelled.
He tried to do it again with Moses, the people rebelled in the
wilderness. He tried to do it again in the land of Canaan through
the kings, the people eventually rebelled or the kings were
disobedient. He tried to do it again as the people wandered over
through Persia, and through Assyria, and through various exiles
continually God was trying to bring people into obedience to himself.
That’s really the reason for authority, and you find it – it’s
the purpose of the gospel.
You find it in
Romans 2:8, the purpose of the gospel is to bring men and women into
obedience to God. God is just so wise and he knows that real trust
is expressed in perfect obedience. And Romans 2:8, you see, “But
for those who are factious and do not obey the truth, but obey
wickedness, there will be wrath and fury.” It’s not, “Those
who do not believe the truth,” but those who do not obey the truth.
You find that constantly emphasized in the apostolic preaching, that
you have not just to believe the gospel, you’ve not just to have
faith in Jesus, but you’ve to obey him.
Now that’s why we
should respect delegated authorities. It doesn’t matter whether
it’s Nixon. It doesn’t matter – I suppose a lot of us would
hope that it won’t be, but it doesn’t matter if it’s Kennedy.
It doesn’t matter who the fellow is as president. The reason for
obeying delegated authority and respecting it is to establish the
principle of obedience to God. That’s why God has delegated these
authorities to us.
You know that he has
delegated authorities in the world, first of all, and we’re
expected to obey those delegated authorities in the world. You can
see it Romans 13:1. It is that verse that we have read before.
Romans 13:1, “Let every person be subject to the governing
authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those
that exist have been instituted by God.” Really what God is
saying is that, “I have appointed these authorities.” It’s the
authority that is important.
Maybe Nixon is not a
perfect man, maybe in fact, almost certainly Bob Holdeman [President
Nixon’s chief of staff and involved in the Watergate scandal] is
not a perfect man, or John Dean is not a perfect man. These men
stand for authority. I’m not asking you to obey these men, I’m
asking you to respect the principle of authority in your world. I
think the Father would say to us this evening, because you brothers
and sisters know what happens when we ignored the principle of
authority two or three years ago.
Brothers and
sisters, I don’t say that the government is very much better than
it was in Lyndon Johnson’s time, but at least there is a little
more order. I don’t know that Nixon has brought it, but there is
just a little more respect for authority than there was. Now I’m
not a Nixon man, I’m not republican do or die. I’m probably if
anything a wild socialist! Coming from England, when our own
conservative government is even more tending towards a welfare state
than you would be here. I don’t want to antagonize people but I
want you to see that I’m not a Nixon man do or die, but I do think
that there’s more order than there was maybe three or four years
Now what God is
saying is, “Will you respect the authorities? I don’t ask you to
agree with them, I gave it to you many times that they are not
honorable men, but the authority is what I want you to respect,
because if you keep respecting authority and law your continuing to
respect something that I have appointed.”
Now brothers and
sisters, do you see that the principle of man ruling men is in the
Bible away back at the beginning? If you look there Genesis 9:6
there’s the principle of men being entrusted with authority. Why?
In order to hold the world back from chaos while Gods redeeming grace
is working, you see. Genesis 9:6, “Whoever sheds the blood of man,
by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image.”
Now we believe that
God is taking us deeper into an understanding of that verse, but
certainly at the beginning God was saying, “Look I give you
authority to destroy those who destroy your brothers and sisters.”
Or, Exodus 22:28 is the same kind of responsibility that God gave to
men to govern themselves. Exodus 22:28, “You shall not revile God,
nor curse a ruler of you people.” In other words, God appointed
rulers over us to express his prevailing grace -- to hold back sin
from utterly destroying our world.
Now brothers and
sisters, the authorities may not be perfect people themselves, they
may even as we can see in some of the Supreme Court judges, they may
even disobey the laws themselves, but do you see it’s the principle
of authority that God is trying to build? He’s saying, “Nothing
will come about unless you build up a respect for law and authority,
because all authority takes its power from my laws.”
So, dear ones, when
we’re respecting authority we’re respecting God’s principle of
order, and really he asks us to do that. You may say, “What if the
authority is wrong?” Dear ones, God doesn’t deal with that, he
says, “Look I’ve entrusted the authority into these man’s
hands, whatever they do I allow that to stand, now your place is to
obey them.”
Unless in that
instance you remember, in Acts 5:29 I think it is, unless you come
into that situation. That’s the one occasion when a son or
daughter of God is justified in refusing to obey the authorities over
them politically. Acts 5:29, you remember, verse 28 is the actual
command of the authorities, “’We strictly charged you not to
teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your
teaching and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.’”
And you see that’s the authority’s saying, “He strictly charged
you not to teach,” and then the verse 29, “But Peter and the
apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than men.’”
That’s the only
instance, if the authority commands you to disobey God than your
justified in saying unto them, “No we must obey God rather than
men.” But in all other situations, unless they command you to do
something that is immoral or illegal, or that is against God’s
direct will for you, then we’re expected to respect that authority.
I’m afraid, whatever they’re like because it’s not the man
we’re respecting it’s the position.
That’s, I suppose,
what they’re trying to get at with Mr. President. That’s really
what they’re trying to get at. That’s why they insist on calling
him that, because it’s not him that we’re respecting it’s the
principle of the presidency, or the principle of some kind of order
in our civil world, and that’s why the Father commands us to
respect authorities.
That’s why then
the speed limit is an issue that we have to deal with. I’ve just
been forced to deal with it. We need to see the speed limit as not a
frustrating nuisance to our freedom, but it’s something that has
been set up by God through his delegated authority. In other words,
there ought to be a real joy in this, and peace at being able to
travel 30 miles an hour knowing that we’re glorifying God by doing
that. Just an entirely different attitude to the one where we
Christians feel, “Oh yeah, well the speed limit, it isn’t
important. It isn’t really the law.”
But it is, and if
you say to me, “Oh nobody would notice.” Brothers and sisters,
there’s a whole spiritual world that is shattered every time we
break the speed limit. I’m preaching to myself too, but there is,
there’s a whole spiritual world of order and peace that is
shattered whenever we refuse to obey the authorities. Maybe some of
us are so insensitive that we feel, “Oh no, that couldn’t be.”
But really loved ones, it is.
If we could see the
spiritual world visibly tonight we would see that on countless
occasions we violate God’s commands because we reject the authority
of those who are put over us. If you don’t respect the delegated
authorities, it’s probable that you half the time are violating
God, and his commandments. It’s only about half the time that you
obey God by obeying his direct commands through the Bible. Half the
rest of the time you’re obeying him by obeying and respecting these
delegated authorities. That’s why there so important because
they’re set there by the Father.
Now loved ones, I
appeal to you again, I am against Watergate -- I’m with you. I
think that we have to change the thing, but we ought to get into
politics ourselves and change them. We ought not to break down in
order to try to build up. You can’t build anything in the world by
disobeying God about respecting the authorities. In other words,
vehement criticism of the government on the whole doesn’t do too
much good. Unless you get the names on the petition and forward them
in a legal way to the congressmen, really all you did was ranting,
and raving, and creating an atmosphere of disorder. Half the reason
why I would object to the marches of protest is, it’s just an
inefficient system. It’s an inefficient way of doing it. You
waste a lot of breath and a lot of energy, and all you do is create
an atmosphere of disorder.
I’m with you, I
think we should pray for the people. We should pray that the Holy
Spirit will convict them. We should pray that the Watergate thing
will be out, utterly exposed, and put right, and rectified, and we
should have oppose all attempts to whitewash Nixon or whitewash
anyone else.
But we ourselves
should have an attitude of respect and love for government and for
order, for police even. The poor souls they have a miserable time,
haven’t they? They should love freedom and right to protest. I
agree with you about the ones that are taking money, and taking
bribes for protection in Chicago, and presumably in Minneapolis, and
New York. I agree there are bad policemen but don’t you think our
place is to respect, and love them, and pray for them, and build up
the order in authority that they stand for?
Now that’s the
delegated authorities, dear ones, in the government. We should obey
the delegated authorities in the home. You can see that in Ephesians
5:22-24. Why? Because it’s just the principle of obedience to
the Father. When we obey these authorities whether they’re right
or wrong we’re saying to God, “Alright we trust you, Lord, with
the consequences. We simply are responsible for obeying. You’re
responsible for changing consequences, or for convicting people.”
Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the
Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head
of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. As the church is
subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to
their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the
church and gave himself up for her.”
I think that God may
be able to clarify that a little for us later when we talk about the
authority of the body. But, would you look at Ephesians 6:1-3,
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
‘Honor your father and mother’ (this is the first commandment
with a promise), ‘that it may be well with you and that you may
live long on the earth.’” It’s interesting that that’s the
only commandment that has a definite promise of a long life attached
to it. Verse 4, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger,
but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
Then you can see the limits to which God carried this obedience to
delegated authority. “Slaves, be obedient to those who are your
earthly masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of heart, as
to Christ; not in the way of eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as
servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.”
It’s amazing isn’t
it, that God told them to even submit to a militaristic dictatorship,
which no doubt was continuing to spread pain and cruelty throughout
the world at that time. Yet God said, “Your place is to submit.
My place is to deal with them.” As in fact he did as you know when
the barbarians overran the Roman Empire. But do you see, dear ones,
that the authority in the home is something that God has established?
Now I’m sure we
have to discuss among ourselves and ask Jesus to show us what the
relationships of husbands and wives ought to be? But you can see
that certainly God is not backing Dr. Benjamin Spock [American
Pediatrician, May 2, 1903 – March 15, 1998] anyway. He’s not
backing the idea that you let the child express himself, or let him
do whatever he wants. Certainly God is saying, “There is an order
in the chain of authority in the family, and you have to obey the
delegated authority.” An alcoholic father, well a bit the same, I
suppose, as a dishonest congressmen, God expects us to love that
person, and give submission to them unless they command us to do
something that is illegal or immoral, or against God’s will for us.
But obviously God is saying, “My grace will work in them as you
obey me, but if you disobey me you just increased the anarchy and the
disorder.” But God expects us to obey those delegated authorities
from the home.
And then he expects
us to obey the delegated authorities in the church, and you have that
in 1 Thessalonians 5, if you will look at it. 1 Thessalonians
5:12-13, “But we beseech you, brethren, to respect those who labor
among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to
esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace
among yourselves.” And then in 1 Timothy 5:17, “Let the elders
who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those
who labor in preaching and teaching.” Then in 1 Corinthians
16:15-16, “Now, brethren, you know that the household of Stephanas
were the first converts in Achaia, and they have devoted themselves
to the service of the saints; I urge you to be subject to such men
and to every fellow worker and laborer.” God tells us that in the
body of Christ the younger are to be subject to the older, both
spiritually and in age. That’s why I think – now they’ll
forgive me referring to them again, but I think brothers and sister
like Mr. and Mrs. Halverson would feel comfortable among us. No,
he’s not officially an elder here, but we all think of his as an
elder, and there’s just an attitude to the older ones among us that
is one of love, and respect, and submission.
Now it seems to me
wherever the Holy Spirit has freedom in a body, that kind of
relationship comes about. I think that’s why some of the brothers
and sisters who are older than college age do feel strangely at home,
because in a real body of Christ there is that kind of love and
respect for those who are older chronologically and those who are
older spiritually.
Now maybe, brothers
and sisters, we could just look at that in a little more detail and
then I’d really open it for questions. Do you see that the church
is the perfect place for God to establish authority and obedience?
There are two reasons for this. One is that often authority and
obedience in the secular sphere, whether in politics, or in the home,
authority there or submission is often just an appearance experience.
It’s not a real heartfelt thing. In other words, often in
politics, or in government, or in law you find the submission but
it’s primarily an outward thing, it isn’t a heartfelt submission,
and so there isn’t that perfect presentation of authority and
subjection in the civil field. As well as that in the political
field or in the family area, often the authority does in fact hurt
those who are under it. There are often parents who are not wise
about their children, and who in fact often hurt their children.
There are many governments who though they don’t want apparently to
hurt their citizens, will hurt them.
Now in the church
neither of those things occur. One of the big reasons is that in the
body of Christ, authority and obedience are both found in Jesus. The
authority of the body comes from the head of the body, Jesus, but the
obedience of the body to that head, is Jesus in each member of the
body. So in the church you get a perfect marriage of authority in
subjection, because the only way of exercising the authority is the
head, Jesus, and the spirit that is bringing about submission and
subjection to that authority is the Spirit of Jesus in each member.
In the church
particularly, you can see that authority and subjection is a life
situation. It’s not a command situation, it’s a real authority
of the body. Now my eyes look and see the book, and they give the
message to my head, and the head doesn’t really give a command to
the hands, the hands just go out and lift the book. It’s all a
beautiful unconscious action because of the life that flows through
my body. The head doesn’t suddenly command the hands, “Hands
lift the Bible.” No, the head just gently and naturally tells the
hand to lift the Bible, and it lifts it, and it’s a life
experience, it’s a flowing spontaneous thing.
Now do you see that
this works in the body of Jesus, and this works in the husband-wife
thing, you see? In the husband wife thing, it’s something to argue
about if there isn’t the life of Jesus in both of you. But if
there’s the life in Jesus in both of you, it’s a loving
relationship of both of you to the head. You see, it’s not the
hand obeying the eyes. No, the eyes just give the information to the
head, and the head moves out through the hands. So both of them act
because their related to the head, and that’s the same in the body
of Jesus.
The body of Jesus is
not concerned with just obeying God’s commands, but the body of
Jesus is concerned with obeying the life of Jesus that is flowing on
among us. That’s why in a body that is really filled with the
Spirit of Jesus, authority and subjection is not a hard thing to
experience. It’s not a shattering thing, it’s not a battle to
get people to obey. It’s just a natural thing, it’s a natural
flow. It’s the eyes seeing something to be done, giving the
information to the head, and the head, Jesus, tells the hand what to
do. And so suddenly the hands and the eyes find themselves being
used miraculously in cooperation, and they’re amazed. They don’t
know why it is because the hand has not been very conscious of
obeying the eyes, it’s only been conscious of obeying the head, and
receiving the life that flows from the head.
So really, brothers
and sisters, the body of Jesus is a beautiful, perfect example of
authority and subjection working because of the same life and nature
that flows through everybody. Now then do you see that if you’re
having trouble with subjection, or I’m having trouble with
subjection, it’s a problem of life? Do you see that? It’s a
problem of life. It isn’t a problem of you not respecting me, or
me not respecting you, it’s a problem of life. It’s something
wrong about our relationship to the head, and therefore the life is
not flowing through us as it should, and so we’re not experiencing
that light spontaneous relationship.
But in the body of
Christ is not a matter of command. There are two ways in which you
can receive – do God’s work, either by receiving a command from
him or just by sensing his will, and the authority and subjection to
the experience in the body is the second of those two.
Sometimes some
people have asked me how do you get guidance. Well honestly most of
the time I’m not conscious of walking this way and then hearing God
saying, “Turn right. Turn right okay, turn left.” It’s not
that kind of deal. It’s just I’m walking and the life of Jesus
is, you don’t know it, oh yeah you turn left. It’s the life of
Jesus just moving through you, and guiding you to do the right thing
spontaneously. There are times when you seek direct guidance, but
most of the time it’s just a natural spontaneous flow. Now that’s
the same in the body of Jesus. Authority in subjection is a loving
spontaneous thing, when the life of Jesus is flowing through.
Now I think we have
to learn a lot about it ourselves. For instance, one of the things
we brothers and sisters are learning is the whole business of fears
of authority. It’s so important it seems to me, for you to be
able to be to be an authority in your sphere, and yet when you come
in relationship to me, or to the elders then okay, there’s an
attitude of submission and love. It seems to me important when I go
home not to run things at home as God guides me to run things here,
otherwise my wife and my dog might have a hard time. It seems very
important to be able to go into different spheres and have the
relationship that is appropriate in that situation.
One example of it
that I can think of is, Scott Columb just knows the leather machines
far better than I do. I don’t know what is the best edge cutter,
or what is the best dye for it to cut out the bag, or what is the
best clicker, he knows all that. So he is the eye, and if I refuse
his ministry there then the body and I am poorer for it. If I tried
to do what he can do then the body and I suffer, but then when he has
placed all that information before me than he has to stand back and
say, “Oh right, now the next move is yours. God is giving you the
vision for the next move in the body, now you decide when to buy the
machines or not.” And there’s a lovely relationship there.
There’s a thing in which we administer authority in our sphere but
then when we come into another sphere we know submission.
So some of the older
brothers and sisters here, I know will just go with my authority and
they will submit and they will build me up, but I will know in my own
heart that they know many things through experience and through years
better than me. So I’ll go to them at times and will say, “Okay,
what do you think of this?” And I’ll have that attitude of
honoring them and respecting them. Brothers and sisters, it is
something that it seems only the life of Jesus can teach us. Of
course, one of the real problems I think with us all here, since we
all are of this particular generation, is that we have come up in a
society that has been chaotic. You’re going to find a few moments
when we’re just stumbling on the thing before we find the right
level. But it seems that if we let the life of Jesus, the head of
the body, flow through us then will come into a loving relationship
where authority and submission is just right.
And I think I should
stop there, there’s a lot more to say but, would anyone like to ask
questions that might push us a bit deeper or give a different view
point, or different insight?
What happens in the
situation that often comes up in the workplace where you’re
commanded to do things almost in order to harass you and make life
tough for you, and there not necessarily things at all and what is to
be your attitude in that situation?
I can only say what
Jesus’ Spirit seems to be revealing to me, but I have to say I’ve
never been in that situation and so every man in that situation has
to get God’s mind on the thing there. But I would think that the
Father’s will would be for us not to question, or to argue, but to
submit and that there would be more a flow of life through us
ourselves in our own experience. If we turned our back on any
resentment, or any sense of a criticism and in fact, bless the person
by our actual obedience trusting that the Father knew that we were
spending our time doing something that would be undone an hour later.
It would seem to me that the attitude would be submission unless the
thing was certainly illegal or immoral.
But brother I offer
that, you know, lovingly and humbly because you’re the one in the
situation, but I would imagine that God would pour more life through
us if we took that attitude than if we took the attitude standing up
on our hind legs and said, “Look at this stupid thing there’s no
sense in it.” In a way few of the things have any sense, really,
and what counts as obedience to the Father? Not the good sense of
the thing itself. Yeah.
Is there a place for
quiet correction of authority?
I can see that
situation working often in the body in relationship to myself. I hope
I don’t suggestion to brothers and sisters that they do stupid
things, but I know that the Holy Spirit gets through to me a lot
faster if they say, “Okay, I’m not sure that’s the best, and
maybe do you not think maybe this is a possibility, and this a
possibility?” But they do the thing and then I quietly get
together with the Holy Spirit and he sorts me out. But it seems to
be that the affect it has on authority, I think. Anyone in authority
should avoid defending it for us. Now in the body authority should
never defend its decisions. It should take the attitude of Moses,
which was to express and act on faith before the Father, and I think
that and that’s what I think I’m learning to do.
Some people argue
that they should not – they do not need to submit to the
authorities of the government because the constitution states they
are public servants.
I think that’s a
semantics fix, you know, I think it is, because I would think that in
this case the servanthood has the same humility as Jesus’ servant
hood when he kneeled down and washed the disciple’s feet and said,
“You tell your master and lord, you see that I am here washing your
feet.” So it would seem to me there that servanthood is meant to
qualify them for authority.
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