The Christian’s
Will you turn please
to Romans 1:9 in your Bibles? Romans 1:9 reads, “For God is my
witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son.”
This is the third Sunday that we’ve talked about the ministry of
the Christian and the third Sunday that we’ve spent on this verse
and I think God has insisted on us doing this now because there is so
much bewilderment today about the ministry of Christians. Even
Pastors are having difficulty distinguishing between their ministry
and the ministry of a social worker, or their ministry and the
ministry of a psychiatrist.
I think many Priests
and many Sisters in the Catholic Church are having the same problem,
so there has been a great falling away into what we call secular
occupations because of this failure to distinguish what is
significant in the ministry of a Christian. I think it has entered
even the lives of those of us who are lay people because we have
begun to wonder, “Well, what makes me different in my Christian
ministry as a doctor?” “What makes me different in my Christian
ministry as a nurse?” ‘What makes my ministry as a teacher
significantly different from other non-Christian teachers?” I
think throughout all Christendom there is this bewilderment about
what is significant and what is special about the ministry of the
Let’s look briefly
at the three significant characteristics that we find about the
ministry of a Christian and we’ll find some examples in the life of
Philip. Perhaps you’d turn to Acts 6:2-5. I think it’s first of
all important to see that Philip was a layman, he was not a full time
minister as we think he was, “And the twelve summoned the body of
the disciples and said, ‘It is not right that we should give up
preaching the word of God to serve tables. Therefore, brethren, pick
out from you among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit
and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this duty. But we will devote
ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.’ And what
they said pleased the whole multitude, and they chose Stephen, a man
full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip.” They also chose
five others and appointed them deacons.
God saw how anxious
they were to have a clerical class on one side and deacons on the
other and he upset their plans because he started to use Philip
mightily. So Philip was a layman. Then will you look at how he was
used in Acts 8:6-7, “And the multitudes with one accord gave heed
to what was said by Philip, when they heard him and saw the signs
which he did. For unclean spirits came out of many who were
possessed, crying with a loud voice; and many who were paralyzed or
lame were healed.” The center of Philip’s ministry as a
Christian was the work that God was doing among the people.
In other words, they
didn’t listen to him just because of the things he said but because
of the signs that were done among them, “For unclean spirits came
out of many who were possessed, crying with a loud voice; and many
were healed.” In other words, the central feature of the ministry
of a Christian is the work that God is doing in other people’s
hearts. You remember that we emphasized that a Christian is not
called to do God’s work, God alone can do God’s work. God alone
can heal, God alone can convert, but the ministry of the Christian is
based on the work that God is doing in people’s hearts.
Would you look at
Acts 8:8, “So there was much joy in that city.” And no doubt
many people said, “Philip, you must stay on and we’ll have a
mighty revival here. We thank God for all that he has done through
you, so stay on because there’s much joy in the city and there can
be greater joy still.” And then in verse 26, “But an angel of
the Lord said to Philip, ‘Rise and go toward the south to the road
that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ This is a desert road.”
A Christian serves God not people. Philip was not so bound to the
people among whom he had ministered that he stayed with them even
though they probably pleaded with him to do that, but he served God.
The ministry of a
Christian is service to God first and foremost, not service to man.
It’s service to God; their desire is to obey God and to please God,
the things they incidentally do for other people are really side
issues. They’re simply side shoots of the service that they are
performing to God. But they’re not serving men, they’re serving
The third
characteristic that I think we should know is in Acts 8:29, “And
the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go up and join this chariot.’” And
then I think again in verse 39, you can see the same thing repeated,
“And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord
caught up Philip.” Philip ministered with the spirit. He served
God with the spirit. That’s what Paul says back in Romans 1, “For
God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit.”
Now those are the
characteristics of your ministry as a Christian. So if you’re a
nurse, you are, in our terminology, a lay woman, but you’re asked
to do nothing less than Philip did because he was a layman. Now
first of all, your ministry as a Christian nurse depends on the work
that God is doing in the hearts of the nurses and doctors and
patients with whom you work. In other words, you can have no
ministry as a Christian unless God is either awakening them to their
unlikeness to Jesus, or convicting them of certain things that are
wrong in their own lives, or regenerating them and making them new
Christians, or he’s cleansing their hearts by the Holy Spirit, or
he’s moving them on out in the power of the Spirit. Unless God is
working in some way in the hearts of your patients, your doctors, or
your nurses, then you have no ministry. So you depend on the work
that God is doing in the hearts of the people with whom you come in
contact day-by-day.
Now be assured dear
ones, the spirit of man is in an arena where something always
happens. Either a person is giving more and more to God, or a person
is giving more and more to the power of evil in the world. Something
is happening in the hearts of your patients; they’re either going a
little more towards their complacency and a little away from God, or
they’re becoming more aware of God and his reality and they’re
drawing towards him, but something is happening in the hearts of
those with whom you are dealing. That is the central feature of your
ministry as a Christian; that God is doing some work in those
people’s hearts.
The second feature
is that you’re serving God; you’re not serving that dreadful head
nurse that tears you apart. You’re not serving the hospital that
has dealt nicely with you therefore you think you’ll stay with them
next year. You’re serving God and you do what God tells you to do
in that hospital. You stay as long as God tells you to stay. You do
what God tells you to do with the patients. You say what God tells
you to say, but you’re serving God and your desire is to please him
by what you do, not to please the head nurse, not to please the
doctor or the patient, but to please God and therefore to do the best
for all these other dear ones. Thirdly you serve God with the spirit
and we’re going to try to talk about that today, what it means to
serve God with the spirit, but suffice it to say that you don’t
serve him with your own cleverness, you serve him with the spirit
that he has implanted in you.
I think it’s
important to see that those three things apply to those of us who try
to perform a specifically Christian ministry in our ordinary job.
Now you may say, “Well, why serve him with the spirit?” Because
every work that God does in a person’s heart is like an operation.
He brings them into the operating room and he decides what is needed:
maybe it’s a mother and it’s the birth of a new Christian, so
he’s bringing a new Christian into life. Or it’s a Christian
that needs some part of him amputated; maybe some jealousy that needs
to be cast away or maybe it’s a car of which they’re too fond.
Maybe it’s a certain job that they won’t give up even though God
is asking them. It’s an amputation that God has to perform in the
operating room of their spirit. Or maybe it’s a heart transplant,
maybe they need a new heart given to them by the Holy Spirit and God
wants to do this operation at once.
Now he has lots of
assistants -- all of us. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:9 that it is
God’s work that counts, but in verse 9, “For we are God’s
fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.” Or you
are the sphere in which God is operating, but we are fellow workers
for God. In other words, gathered around every heart that God is
trying to operate on are many people like you and me; we are his
fellow workers.
Now how do you know
when he wants a swab or when he wants scissors? How do you know when
he wants you to hold this at this time -- only because his Spirit
directs you to do the right thing at the right time for his dear
ones. This is why we have to serve God according to the spirit.
Now, you can stand there and while the surgeon is operating you can
use your own mind and say, “Now, what about this? Do you want to
do something with this? No?” You can imagine the chaos and
disorder if that happened. When we try to serve God with the mind or
the intellect that’s what we’re doing; we’re only suggesting to
him something else that he should be doing with this dear one.
Instead, we should be guided by his Spirit to do the right thing with
this dear one at the right time.
You may be called
upon to speak a certain word to a Doctor on your floor. You may be
called upon to say a certain thing to someone in your classroom. You
must be in touch with God’s Spirit so he can tell you this. You
say, “Why?” Well, it’s stated in I Corinthians 2:11b that this
is the way God directs his fellow workers. In other words you may
say, “Ah, but sometimes I don’t know what the surgeon wants;
sometimes I don’t know what God wants me to do.” Well, here’s
the answer, “So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except
the Spirit of God.”
The Spirit of God
knows what God wants done at that moment; look at verse 10a, “God
has revealed to us through the Spirit. “ In other words, God tells
you what to do in your Christian ministry through your spirit. His
Spirit communicates with your spirit. That’s why it’s so vital
to serve God with the spirit. I think it’s important to see that
there is a distinction made in the Bible between God’s Spirit and
our spirits. Would you like to look at it in Romans 8:16, I think
many people feel that there’s just one spirit. Well, no there
isn’t. There’s a distinction made in our English language by the
capital letter S. Romans 8:16, “It is the Spirit himself bearing
witness with our spirit,” our spirit has a small s and God’s
Spirit has a capital S. In other words, it’s through God’s
Spirit impressing our spirits that we know what to do in our
Christian ministry, and it’s only that way, dear ones.
Now I think many of
us are a bit glib about this word spirit. We say, “You just serve
God with the spirit, that means serve God with your soul.” But the
Bible emphasizes this word spirit very often. In several places, as
we noticed last Sunday, you’re urged to pray with the spirit. Now,
why is he saying, “Pray with the spirit?” Is he is just saying
pray religiously? No, every word in the Bible has a meaning. He
says, “Pray with the spirit.” In another place he says, “God
is a Spirit and you must worship him in spirit.” And in this place
in Romans it says, “You must serve him with the spirit.”
Now what does it
mean to serve God with the spirit? Well, do you see the spirit is
different from the soul? 1 Thessalonians 5:23, “May the God of
peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and
body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ.” The Bible sometimes mentions those three parts of us: the
body, the soul, and the spirit. In other words, it’s vital to
distinguish between the soul and the spirit in our Christian
Many of us are
falling back into self-centeredness in our ministry as Christians
because we’re not distinguishing between the soul and the spirit.
Many of us are having failure in our Christian witnessing because we
have no idea of the difference between the soul and the spirit. Will
you look with me at one verse in the Bible that states categorically
that it is essential to distinguish between the soul and the spirit,
it’s Hebrews 4:12-13, “For the word of God is living and active,
sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul
and spirit.”
Now it wouldn’t
pierce to the division of soul and spirit unless it was necessary to
make a distinction between the soul and the spirit. But in the
Christian life it’s not enough to be forgiven your sins. It’s
not enough to have your heart and your inward jealousy and envy and
irritability cleansed by the Holy Spirit, it’s not enough to be
filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, but you must have your soul
divided from your spirit so that you serve with the spirit and not
with the soul.
Let’s get down to
deciding just what the soul is. Most of us think about it in terms
of Revelation 20:4. We think of the soul as the part of us that will
live after the body dies, “Then I saw thrones, and seated on them
were those to whom judgment was committed. Also I saw the souls of
those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the
word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had
not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands.”
In other words, we
normally think of our soul as the part of us that lives after the
body dies, but the Bible says more about the soul than that. Let me
show you what I mean; would you turn to 2 Peter 2:7-8, “And if he
rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the licentiousness of
the wicked (for by what that righteous man saw and heard as he lived
among them, he was vexed in his righteous soul day after day with
their lawless deeds).” The soul was the part of Lot that felt
distressed. In other words, when the Bible uses soul it means your
emotions, for one thing, your emotional nature -- that’s one of the
vital parts of the soul.
Another reference
that will take us to another part of the soul is Psalms 119:167. “My
soul keeps thy testimonies; I love them exceedingly.” “My soul
keeps thy testimonies.” God’s testimonies are his commandments
and it really means I am keeping your commandments. The part of you
that keeps God’s commandments is your will. So part of the soul as
it’s talked about in the Bible is your will. Whenever the Bible
talks about soul, one of the things it’s talking about is your own
human will. So the soul consists of the emotions and it consists of
the will.
Then if you’ll
look at the third reference in Deuteronomy 11:18 there is revealed to
us another part of the soul, “You shall therefore lay up these
words of mine in your heart and in your soul; and you shall bind them
as a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your
eyes.” “You shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and
in your soul.” Now, you can’t lay up words anywhere but in your
memory and your mind. That is where you remember things and where
you remember the things that you have to do.
In other words dear
ones, the soul consists of the mind, the will, and the emotions;
those three things; the Bible divides us into three parts. In 1
Thessalonians 5:3, the spirit wears the soul and the soul wears the
body and God commands us to serve not with the soul but with the
spirit. He commands us not to worship with our emotions, or our
minds, or our will, but to worship with our spirits.
Now this is what
distinguishes a lot of what we call emotional Christianity from real
Christianity. When God begins to get you to deal with your spirit
and serve with your spirit, then you enter into spiritual
Christianity. Many of us are serving God all the time with our minds
or our emotions or our wills, but not with our spirits. So we get
into some situation and we start working out with our minds what
should happen here. “The walls of Jericho -- ah, dynamite is a
possibility!” And we decide, “Well no, we’ll try something
else” and we try to serve God with our minds. Or we get into a
certain situation where we need to witness to someone and we decide
we must reveal to them how joyful Christianity is so we generate a
lot of emotional enthusiasm and we give them all that and a whole
spiel about what life is like in Christ, but we give it with the
power of our emotion and not with our spirit and it comes over to
them as a hard sell; it does not come over to them as Christ.
It’s vital, in
other words, to realize that we need to start serving God with our
spirit and not with our mind or our emotions. Many of us are eager
to serve him with our minds. We’re eager to work out what he needs
to do in this church so we think “You need, first of all, a good
visitation campaign going and you need a bigger building. Let’s
tear all this down and get a bigger building. Then you need an
attractive frontage there so that people will be attracted to it”
and the mind starts to serve God. But we’re called upon in our
Christian ministry to serve God with our spirits, not with our minds.
Could I just give
you three illustrations and then we’ll finish and next Sunday I’ll
try and show how God distinguishes for you between your soul and your
spirit and he can. God is anxious to show you when you’re serving
him with your soul and when you’re serving him with your spirit,
there is a way in which he does it and I’d like to try to explain
it to you as God gives me light in his word.
I went to my first
church and decided that what we needed was Bible study groups. I
thought that people weren’t studying the Bible enough, that they
needed to know more Christian doctrine. So I organized six Bible
study groups and had 10 people in each and handed out question sheets
such as we use as a rough guide in our Sunday morning Bible study.
So I had six Bible study groups going every week and I led each one
of them myself for an hour each week and nothing was happening.
Everybody thought the Bible study group was good, but nobody’s life
was changing. There was no spiritual work being done in anybody’s
heart, because I had worked that out with my own mind.
I had not done what
God’s Spirit had told me to do; I had tried to work out what is
best for this church. Again and again I was guilty of what I
explained to you; I was so eager for people to enter into the glory
of life in Jesus that I would generate my own emotional enthusiasm,
instead of serving him with my spirit and it kept them from seeing
Jesus. Again and again I got into situations where I wasn’t too
keen to preach a certain sermon but I went forward and said, “Well,
I’ll will myself to preach that sermon and I’ll do it.” I
didn’t serve God with my spirit; I served him with my will, so
there was no blessing that came to anyone else.
Now do you see dear
ones, there’s a real difference between serving God with what is
the human part of you, your soul, and serving him with your spirit?
Next Sunday I hope that God will show us why psychology is so limited
in its effect on personality, because psychology deals with the soul,
whereas God deals with the spirit. But meanwhile dear ones, in this
coming week, will you ask God to help you to see where you’re
serving him with your soul; with your mind, with your emotions and
with your will instead of with your spirit?
Let us pray.
Holy Spirit, will
you implant the truths of these words in our hearts and in our
spirits so that we ourselves may become effective Christian
witnesses, something beyond church goers, something beyond just good
people so that we’ll become co-workers for you. We ask you this in
the name, and for the sake of, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now the grace of our
Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit be with each one of us now and ever more. Amen.
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