More Excellent Way
the Lord! The Word of God is very clear regarding this: “Let
everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” (Ps.
150:6). If you ever get to the place where you cannot praise the
Lord, it is a calamity in your life and it is a calamity to the
people who are around you. If you want to take blessing into homes
and make all the people around you know that you have something more
than an ordinary life, you must know that God has come to supplant
you and put within you a perfect praise. God has a great place for
us, so that His will may be done and we may be subject to His perfect
will. When that comes to pass, no one can tell what may happen, for
Jesus reached the highest place when He said, “For I have come down
from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me”
(John 6:38). So there is something in a place of yielding where God
can have us for His own.
has a choice for us all so that we might lose ourselves in God in a
way we have never done before. I want to provoke you to love so that
you will come into a place of blessing, for God wants you to be
blessed so that you will be a blessing.
believe today that God has a way for you. Perhaps you have never come
that way before. God has a way beyond all your ways of thought. He
has a choice and a plan for you.
is a great need today. People are hungry for truth. People are
thirsting, wanting to know God better. There are thousands “in the
valley of decision” (Joel 3:14), wanting someone to take them
right into the depths of God.
you ready to pray? You say, “What should I ask for?”
may not know what to ask for, but if you begin, the Spirit knows the
desire of your heart, and He will pray according to the mind of God.
You do not know, but God knows everything, and He is acquainted with
you altogether and desires to promote you.
I say, “Are you ready?” You say, “What for?” Are you ready to
come promptly into the presence of God so that you may ask this day
as you have never asked before? Ask in faith, nothing doubting,
believing that God is on the throne waiting to anoint you afresh
you ready? What for? Are you ready to be brought into the banquet
house of God, even as Esther came in before King Ahasuerus? God will
put out the scepter, and all that your heart desires He will give to
you. (See Esther 5–7.)
in Jesus’ name we come before You believing in Your almightiness,
that the power of Your hand does move us, chasten us. Build us. Let
the Word of God sink into our hearts this day. Make us, O God, worthy
of the name we bear, that we may go about as real, holy saints of
God. Just as if You were on the earth, fill us with Your anointing,
Your power, and Your grace. Amen.
and Compassion
is very important to minister in the gifts of the Spirit in the
proper way. What a serious thing it would be, after waiting for the
enduement of power for months and months and months, to fail God
because we turned to some human desire just because we liked it.
want to say at the beginning that there is no anointing like the
unction that comes out of death, when we are dead with Christ. It is
that position that makes us live with Him. If we have been conformed
to His death, then, in that same death, like Paul, we will be made
like Him in His resurrection power (Phil. 3:10–11).
do not forget that Jesus was coequal with the Father and that He made
Himself of no reputation when he became man and came to earth (Phil.
2:6–7). He did not come out and say that He was this, that, or the
other. No, that was not His position. Jesus had all the gifts. He
could have stood up and said to Peter and John and James and the rest
of them, when the dead son was being carried through the gate of the
city of Nain (see Luke 7:11–15), “Stand to one side, Peter. Clear
out of the way, John. Make room for Me, Thomas. Don’t you know who
I am? I am coequal with the Father. I have all power, I have all
gifts, I have all graces. Stand to one side; I will show you how to
raise the dead!”
that how He did it? No! Never. Then what made it come to pass?
was observant. The disciples were there, but they did not have the
same observance. Observance comes from an inward holy flame kindled
by God.
did He see? He saw the widow and knew that she was carrying to burial
that day all her help, all her life. Her love was bound up in that
son. There she was, broken and bent over with sorrow, all her hopes
blighted. Jesus had compassion upon her, and the compassion of Jesus
was greater than death. His compassion was so marvelous that it went
beyond the powers of death and all the powers of demons.
the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” (Ps. 103:2).
Isn’t He a lovely Jesus! Isn’t He a precious Savior! Don’t you
see that if we bear in our body the marks of Jesus (Gal. 6:17) or the
life of the manifestation of Jesus, if we live only as Jesus is
manifested, if people realize that we have “been with Jesus”
(Acts 4:13), as they realized it of Peter and John, then that would
pay for everything? Oh, it would surely be beautiful!
meetings are not ordinary meetings. The Holy Spirit is among us;
Jesus is being glorified. We are not seeking our own in these
meetings, but we are seeking to provoke one another to holiness and
character (Heb. 10:24) so that we may be of the same mind as Jesus.
The same manifestation that was in Him has to be in us. I must never,
under any circumstances, as long as I live, take advantage of God or
Jesus or the Holy Spirit. I have to be subservient to the power of
God. Let me give you a little illustration that will help you in
thinking about this.
day a young man got very elated because he had received the baptism
in the Holy Spirit, and he got into a place that most people seemed
to fail to see was the wrong place. This young man was on the
platform during a meeting, and he said, “I am baptized with the
Holy Spirit. I can cast out devils. Come, I can cast them out!”
There was a poor man there who had been bound by the Devil for many,
many years, so bound that he was helpless. He could not help himself;
he was bound in every way. He had never heard such words before, and
when he heard them he was so moved that he struggled out of his seat,
took hold of the chairs, and went down among the people in the aisle.
He was a poor helpless man who was seeking relief the first time he
heard that he could be delivered.
went up and stood before the preacher and cried out, “Cast them
out! Please cast them out! Help me; please cast them out!”
young man did all he could, but he could not do it. The church was
broken, the whole place was brought into travail. Oh, they wept and
they cried because it was not done.
Perfect Way
never will be done that way. That isn’t the way to do it. But there
is a way to minister in all the gifts of the Spirit, and it is the
way that is in the Scriptures. Let us look into this perfect way that
is found in 1 Corinthians 13, starting with the first verse:
I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I
have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
you ever read a verse like this? It is the state of being brought
into a treasury. Do you know what a treasury is? A treasury holds or
handles priceless things. God puts you into the treasury to hold or
handle the precious gifts of the Spirit. Therefore, so that you may
not fail to handle them correctly, He gives you a picture of how you
may handle them.
a high position of authority, of grace, the Lord speaks about in this
verse! “Speak with the tongues of men and of angels.” Oh, isn’t
that wonderful! There are men who have such wonderful qualifications
for speaking. Their knowledge in the natural realm is so surpassing
that many people go to hear their eloquent addresses because the
language in them is so beautiful. Yet, through the baptism in the
Holy Spirit, God puts you right in the midst of them and says that He
has given you the capability to speak like men, with power of thought
and language at your disposal, so that you can say anything.
are failing God all the time all over the world because they are
taken up with their own eloquence, and God is not in it. They are
lost with the pretentiousness of their great authority over language,
and they use it on purpose to tickle the ears and the sensations of
the people, and it profits nothing. It is nothing. It will wither up,
and the people who use it will wither up. Yet God has said there is a
way. Now, how would language “of men and of angels” (1 Cor. 13:1)
come to prosper?
you wept through to victory before, you were able to do anything. You
were so undone that unless God helped you to do it, you couldn’t do
it. You were so broken in spirit that your whole body seemed to be at
an end unless God reinstated you. Then the unction came, and every
word was glorifying Jesus. Every sentence lifted the people, and they
felt as they listened, “Surely God is in this place! He has sent
His Word and healed us” (see Psalm 107:20). They saw no man there
except Jesus. Jesus was so manifested that they all said, “Oh,
wasn’t Jesus speaking to our hearts this morning!”
you minister in this way, you will never become nothing. Tongues of
men and angels alone will come to nothing. Yet if you speak with
tongues of men and angels that are bathed in the love of God until it
is to Him alone that you speak, then it will be written down forever
in the history of the glory.
think for a moment that the Acts of the Apostles has been completed.
It is an incomplete book. When you read Revelation, it is complete.
You cannot add to nor take from this wonderful truth of prophecy. It
is complete. And so, when you are used only for and desire only the
glory of God, your acts and life, ministry, and power will be an
endless recording in the glory of heaven—for the Acts of the
Apostles are being recorded in the glory. So let the Lord help us to
know how to act in the Holy Spirit.
your house in order, for unless you die, you cannot live. For God is
coming today and taking us—others may be left, but we are
taken—taken on with God, taken into God, moved by the power of
God, until we live and move in God and God has us as His channel,
breathing through, divinely fixing, bringing forth words new and old.
And God is moving in the midst, and His people are being fed with the
finest of the wheat.
have a great salvation, but some people limit it. I believe in
eternal salvation. The question has been asked me, “Do you believe
that after you are saved, you are forever saved?” The Scriptures
are very clear on this, and they are the words of Jesus. What does He
say? “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me”
(John 10:27).
do not believe that you are a sheep if you do not follow. But if you
follow, you are all right; if you do not follow, it shows you were
never right. So if you are all right, you will remain right and you
will end up right. Do not forget that it is only those who hear His
voice who belong to the fold. And so, if you are acting indiscreetly,
carelessly, frivolously, and sinfully, you have never been in it; you
are a stranger to it. “My sheep hear
voice…and they follow Me.” They will not listen to the voice of a
stranger, and they have not turned aside to everything else. They
live—and, oh, it is a lovely life—they live in the will of God.
and Goodness
us look at the second verse from 1 Corinthians 13: And though I have
the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge,
and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but
have not love, I am nothing.
second verse is like the first, only the Word of God is very
remarkable. It starts like this, brings you to a place where there is
no condemnation, and then fills you up where there is no separation.
That is God’s plan. Lots of people desire to have faith; lots of
people desire to have prophecy; lots of people long to know
mysteries. Who knows mysteries? “The secret of the Lord is with
those who fear Him” (Ps. 25:14). Don’t change the Scriptures.
“The just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). Do not alter the
Scriptures. It takes a just man to live by faith. Do not forget that
prophecy is beautiful when you understand the principle of it.
Prophecy is the sixth gift mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. What fruit
or grace do you think would coincide with prophecy? Why, goodness, of
goodness? Because if you are living in holiness, entire
sanctification, perfection, you would never take advantage of the
Holy Spirit and would speak only as the Spirit gave prophecy. You
would never say human things just because you had the gift of
prophecy. You would speak according to the Spirit, giving prophecy
because you had been holy.
you speak in the natural after you have received the gift of
prophecy, it is because you have come to be nothing; you are nothing;
you are not counted in the great plan of the great purpose of God.
But if you are hidden in Christ and your whole heart is perfected in
God, and you will prophesy only when the Spirit of the Lord is upon
you, then it will be something that lasts forever. People will be
blessed forever and God will be glorified forever.
without Love
that I have all faith so that I could move mountains. Now, suppose
that I also have a big farm, but that some of my farmland is not very
profitable. It is stony; it has many rocks on it as well as some
little mountains that are absolutely untillable and do no good. But
because I have faith without love, I say, “I will use my faith and
I will move this land. I do not care where it goes as long as my land
is clean.”
I use my faith to clear my land. The next day, my poor next-door
neighbor comes and says, “I am in great trouble. All your wasteland
and stony, rocky land has been tipped onto mine, and my good land is
ruined.” And I, who have faith without love, say to him, “You get
faith and move it back!”
profits nothing. If God brings you into a place of faith, let it be
for the glory of God. Then, when you pray, God will wonderfully
answer you; nothing will hinder your being used for God, for God
delights to use us. Gifts are not only given; they are also increased
to those who can be used, who can keep in a place of useableness. God
keeps these yielded ones in a place of being continually supplanted—a
new place that is deeper, higher, holier, richer, more heavenly.
addition, gifts are not only useable, but God is also glorified in
Jesus when you pray the prayer of faith. Jesus Himself said, “When
you pray believing, the Father will be glorified in the Son.” (See
John 14:12–13.) Sacrifice Nothing without Love
will move on now to the third verse: And though I bestow all my goods
to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have
not love, it profits me nothing. (1 Cor. 13:3)
I have such means that I can lay my hands on millions of dollars,
though I can do all kinds of things with the money, and though, after
I have given it all, I show the people more by giving my body to be
burned, saying, “I will show the people what kind of material I am
made of!”
is nothing, nothing! Your gifts will perish unless the gifts are used
for the glory of Jesus. Five dollars given in the name of the Lord is
of more value than thousands without acknowledging Him.
man came to me, and we had long talks about the workings of the Lord.
He told me, “I was in a very difficult place. I had been working
very hard in the church and had given all my strength….”
I see such godly, holy people doing more than they ought to, thereby
giving themselves away. Don’t you know that your body belongs to
God (1 Cor. 6:19–20), and that, if you overtax your body, God says
He will judge you for it? We have to be careful because the body that
is given to us is to exhibit His power and His glory, and we cannot
do this if we give ourselves all the time to work, work, work, work,
work and think that that is the only way. It is not the way.
Scriptures teach us that Jesus had to go and renew His spiritual
vision and power in solitude with His Father (Mark 1:35), and it was
also necessary for the disciples to draw aside and rest awhile
(6:30–31). Couldn’t Jesus give them all they needed? My dear
brother, whatever God gives you, He will never take away your common
sense. Suppose I unwisely overextended my body and knew that I had
done so? How could I ask anyone to pray for me unless I repented? We
must be careful. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, and
He has to dwell in them, and they have to be for His purpose in the
world. We are not working for ourselves; God is to be glorified in
our bodies. Lots of people today are absolutely withered up, years
before their time, because they went beyond their knowledge. But dare
to believe.
me tell you a personal story to illustrate this. In 1914 the Lord
moved upon me in England to tell the people that I was going to
America, coming in through Canada.
Lord,” I said, “You know You will have to do a miracle, and You
must do it sharp if You mean business, because I want to be in haste
about this if it is Your plan. The first thing is that, as you
know, I have a bad memory. You will have to work a miracle there. The
next thing is
You will have to find me all the money because I cannot leave my
children without money, and I have no money to go, so You will have
to find a lot.”
was amazing how the Lord began to provide it. It was coming so fast
that I said to the people, “Oh, the Lord has sent so much money
that I am sure I am going!”
He stopped. There was no more money. “Lord! Lord!” I said, “I
know I have grieved You, and I repent. If You begin again to show me
it is Your will, I won’t tell anybody.”
it commenced again, falling as gently as rain. My boy said to me,
“Father, Mother has gone to heaven. If you go on this trip, it will
be very lonely for me without you.”
front doorbell rang. I said to him, “George, go answer the front
door, and let the Lord speak to you through this ring at the door
whether I have to go or not.”
was a letter. “Now, George,” I said, “open that letter, and
whatever is in the letter, read it, and let that suffice you whether
I have to go or not.”
opened the letter. That letter had been traveling for six weeks; it
began coming just about the time I repented. In it was a check for
twentyfive pounds.
about it, George?” I asked.
he said. “Father, I won’t say anything else.”
was rushing onto the ship one day not long afterward, when a poor
woman who was dressed very shabbily, and whom I didn’t know, came
and gave me a big red sugar bag. I was packed with things, and I
couldn’t say a word to her because there were so many people to see
me off and everything, so I just put the bag on one side. When the
ship began moving, I thought, “Well, I will look in the sugar bag.”
there were twentyfive gold coins! Can’t He provide it!
let the Lord do things. He knows how to do them.
I felt that my coming to America and Canada was all the Lord’s
doing, I said, “Lord, I will never let an opportunity slip.” I
traveled at night to preach at day, took advantage of every
opportunity, went so far that I got to the point that I could not
one meeting, the people said, “You have lifted the meeting, lifted
the meeting.”
I said, “God is with us.”
went to eat, but I could not. Then they said to me, “Wigglesworth,
you do not understand your body. You are helping everybody in the
Spirit, but your body has gotten so run down that if you do not go
home, you may never be able to come back.”
I had zeal without knowledge (Rom. 10:2); I had a love for God, but
there was no wisdom in it. God showed me that if I would take care of
my body, He could use me for years and years to come, and I find
today that I am stronger and better and more ready for action than I
was thirty years ago.
it is the Lord your God “who opens and no man shuts.” When He
blesses, it will surely tend to blessing. And remember this, God has
not called you in to keep your face down; He has called you in to
laden you with the treasures and then pass you out to scatter the
good things. God is at the right hand of those people who are seeking
diligently only to follow Him, for God has set His heart upon you.
David says, “When I was poor and needy, then the Lord thought about
me.” It is in the poverty of our weaknesses that God becomes the
refreshing and strength of our human nature and spiritual quality and
keeps us in the earth, fresh and ready.
Father, we do thank you for this! Beloved, make sure that you see to
these things. God will give you faith. God will give you prophecies.
God will give gifts. And remember this, God will enrich you. Did you
ever know a time in your life when you were poorer after you began to
serve the Lord? No. God blesses in basket and store, and He blesses
in the body. It pays to serve the Lord in holiness, for God has a
purpose in it. It is when you get out of the will of God that you
have a hard time. Let God’s will be done. There is money that
“leads to poverty” (Prov. 11:24), and there are gifts of God that
bring you into riches. So I implore you to serve God with all your
had hoped to go deeper into this thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians,
but if we had gone deeper, we would not have come out again. There
are many things to say about this chapter. For instance, how
beautiful it would be to know what this really means: “Love suffers
long and is kind” (1 Cor. 13:4).
do not have time for any more, except this: the time is not past for
much more. It is past for any more from me, but you are on the
threshold of much more from God. May the Lord bless you in such a way
that you will be in a place where God will be at your right hand (Ps.
16:8). Faith is an act; faith is a leap; faith jumps in; faith
claims. Faith has an author, and faith’s author is Jesus. He is the
Author and the Finisher of faith (Heb. 12:2). Now, how much do you
dare to ask for? How much do you dare to imagine? How much do you
dare to expect will come? How much? May I move you to this banquet,
this place of treasure, this “much more,” this “abundant,”
this “abounding,” this “exceeding”? (See Ephesians 3:20.)
Jump up into God. Dare to believe. Faith is enough; ask and believe.
Give me grace, Lord—anyhow, any way—only have Your way.
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