Spiritual Gifts By Smith Wigglesworth
wants us to enter into the rest of faith. He desires us to have all
confidence in Him. He purposes that His Word will be established in
our hearts; and, as we believe His Word, we will see that “all
things are possible” (Matt. 19:26).
1 Corinthians 12:1 we read, “Now concerning spiritual gifts,
brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.” There is a great
weakness in the church of Christ because of an awful ignorance
concerning the Spirit of God and the gifts He has come to bring. God
wants us to be powerful in every way because of the revelation of the
knowledge of His will concerning the power and manifestation of His
Spirit. He desires us to be continually hungry to receive more and
more of His Spirit.
the past, I have organized many conferences, and I have found that it
is better to have a man on my platform who has not received the
baptism but who is hungry for all that God has for him, than a man
who has received the baptism and is satisfied and has settled down
and become stationary and stagnant. But of course I would prefer a
man who is baptized with the Holy Spirit and is still hungry for more
of God. A man who is not hungry to receive more of God is out of
order in any Christian conference.
Importance of Being Filled
is impossible to overestimate the importance of being filled with the
Spirit. It is impossible for us to meet the conditions of the day, to
“walk in the light as He is in the light” (1 John 1:7), to subdue
kingdoms and work righteousness and bind the power of Satan, unless
we are filled with the Holy Spirit.
read that, in the early church, “they continued steadfastly in the
apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in
prayers” (Acts 2:42). It is important for us also to continue
steadfastly in these same things.
some years I was associated with the Plymouth Brethren. They are very
strong on the Word and are sound on water baptism. They do not
neglect the communion service; rather, they have it on the morning of
every Lord’s Day, as the early church did. These people seem to
have the wood and the kindling, but not the match. If they had the
fire, then they would be all ablaze.
they lack the fire of the Holy Spirit, there is no life in their
meetings. One young man who attended their meetings received the
baptism with the speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave
utterance (Acts 2:4). The brethren were very upset about this, and
they came to the young man’s father and said to him, “You must
take your son aside and tell him to cease.” They did not want any
disturbance. The father told the son, “My boy, I have been
attending this church for twenty years and have never seen anything
of this kind. We are established in the truth and do not want
anything new. We won’t have it.” The son replied, “If that is
God’s plan, I will obey, but somehow or other I don’t think it
is.” As they were going home, the horse stood still; the wheels of
their carriage were in deep ruts. The father pulled at the reins, but
the horse did not move. He asked, “What do you think is up?” The
son answered, “It has gotten established.” God save us from
becoming stationary.
wants us to understand spiritual gifts and to “earnestly desire the
best gifts” (1 Cor. 12:31). He also wants us to enter into the
“more excellent way” (v. 31) of the fruit of the Spirit. We must
implore God for these gifts. It is a serious thing to have the
baptism and yet be stationary. To live two days in succession on the
same spiritual plane is a tragedy. We must be willing to deny
ourselves everything to receive the revelation of God’s truth and
to receive the fullness of the Spirit. Only that will satisfy God,
and nothing less must satisfy us. A young Russian received the Holy
Spirit and was mightily clothed with power from on high. The secret
of his power was a continuous waiting upon God. As the Holy Spirit
filled him, it seemed as though every breath became a prayer, and so
his entire ministry was continually increasing.
knew a man who was full of the Holy Spirit and would only preach when
he knew that he was mightily anointed by the power of God. He was
once asked to preach at a Methodist church. He was staying at the
minister’s house and he said, “You go on to church and I will
follow.” The place was packed with people, but this man did not
show up. The Methodist minister, becoming anxious, sent his little
girl to inquire why he did not come. As she came to the bedroom door,
she heard him crying out three times, “I will not go.” She went
back and reported that she had heard the man say three times that he
would not go. The minister was troubled about it, but almost
immediately afterward the man came in. As he preached that night, the
power of God was tremendously manifested. The preacher later asked
him, “Why did you tell my daughter that you were not coming?” He
answered, “I know when I am filled. I am an ordinary man, and I
told the Lord that I did not dare to go and would not go until He
gave me a fresh filling of the Spirit. The moment the glory filled me
and overflowed, I came to the meeting.”
there is a power, a blessing, an assurance, a rest in the presence of
the Holy Spirit. You can feel His presence and know that He is with
you. You do not need to spend an hour without this inner knowledge of
His holy presence. With His power upon you, there can be no failure.
You are above par all the time.
know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols,
however you were led” (1 Cor. 12:2). This is the age of the
Gentiles. When the Jews refused the blessings of God, He scattered
them, and He has grafted the Gentiles into the olive tree where many
of the Jews were broken off. (See Romans 11:17–25.) There has never
been a time when God has been so favorable to a people who were not a
people. (See 1 Peter 2:9–10.) He has brought in the Gentiles to
carry out His purpose of preaching the Gospel to all nations and
receiving the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish this task. It is
because of the mercy of God that He has turned to the Gentiles and
made us partakers of all the blessings that belong to the Jews. Here,
under this canopy of glory, because we believe, we get all the
blessings of faithful Abraham.
against Error
I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls
Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the
Holy Spirit.(1 Cor. 12:3) Many evil, deceiving spirits have been sent
forth in these last days who endeavor to rob Jesus of His lordship
and of His rightful place. Many people are opening the doors to these
latest devils, such as New Theology and New Thought and Christian
Science. These evil cults deny the fundamental truths of God’s
Word. They all deny eternal punishment and the deity of Jesus Christ.
You will never see the baptism of the Holy Spirit come upon a man who
accepts these errors. Nor will you see anyone receive the baptism who
puts Mary in the place of the Holy Spirit. No one can know he is
saved by works. If you ever speak to someone who believes this, you
will know that he is not definite on the matter of the new birth. He
cannot be. And there is another thing: you will never find a
Jehovah’s Witness baptized in the Holy Spirit. The same is true for
a member of any other cult who does not believe that the Lord Jesus
Christ is preeminent.
all-important thing is to make Jesus Lord of your life. Men can
become lopsided by emphasizing the truth of divine healing. Men can
get into error by preaching on water baptism all the time. But we
never go wrong in exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, in giving Him the
preeminent place and glorifying Him as both Lord and Christ, yes, as
“very God of very God.” As we are filled with the Holy Spirit,
our one desire is to glorify Him. We need to be filled with the
Spirit to get the full revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
command is for us to “be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). We
are no good if we only have a full cup. We need to have an
overflowing cup all the time. It is a tragedy not to live in the
fullness of overflowing. See that you never live below the
overflowing tide.
the Gifts Properly
are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit” (1 Cor. 12:4). Every
manifestation of the Spirit is given “for the profit of all” (v.
7). When the Holy Spirit is moving in an assembly of believers and
His gifts are in operation, everyone will profit.
have seen some people who have been terribly off track. They believe
in gifts—prophecy, in particular—and they use these gifts apart
from the power of the Holy Spirit. We must look to the Holy Spirit to
show us how to use the gifts, what they are for, and when to use
them, so that we may never use them without the power of the Holy
Spirit. I do not know of anything that is so awful today as people
using a gift without the power. Never do it. God save us from doing
a man who is filled with the Holy Spirit may not be conscious of
having any gift of the Spirit, the gifts can be made manifest through
him. I have gone to many places to minister, and I have found that,
under the unction, or anointing, of the Holy Spirit, many wonderful
things have happened in the midst of the assembly when the glory of
the Lord was upon the people. Any man who is filled with God and
filled with His Spirit might at any moment have any of the nine gifts
listed in 1 Corinthians 12 made manifest through him, without knowing
that he has a gift.
I have wondered whether it is better to be always full of the Holy
Spirit and to see signs and wonders and miracles without any
consciousness of possessing a gift or whether it is better to know
one has a gift. If you have received the gifts of the Spirit and they
have been blessed, you should never under any circumstances use them
without the power of God upon you pressing the gift through. Some
have used the prophetic gift without the holy touch, and they have
come into the realm of the natural. It has brought ruin, caused
dissatisfaction, broken hearts, and upset assemblies. Do not seek the
gifts unless you have purposed to abide in the Holy Spirit. They
should be manifested only in the power of the Holy Spirit.
the Gifts with Wisdom
Lord will allow you to be very drunk in the Spirit in His presence,
but sober among people. I like to see people so filled with the
Spirit that they are drunk in the Spirit like the 120 disciples were
on the Day of Pentecost, but I don’t like to see people drunk in
the Spirit in the wrong place. That is what troubles us: somebody
being drunk in the Spirit in a place of worship where a lot of people
come in who know nothing about the Word. If you allow yourself to be
drunk there, you send people away; they look at you instead of seeing
God. They condemn the whole thing because you have not been sober at
the right time. Paul wrote, “For if we are beside ourselves, it is
for God; or if we are of sound mind, it is for you” (2 Cor. 5:13).
You can be beside yourself. You can go a bit further than being
drunk; you can dance, if you will do it at the right time. So many
things are commendable when all the people are in the Spirit. Many
things are very foolish if the people around you are not in the
Spirit. We must be careful not to have a good time in the Lord at the
expense of somebody else. When you have a good time, you must see
that the spiritual conditions in the place lend themselves to it and
that the people are falling in line with you. Then you will always
find it a blessing.
it is right to earnestly desire the best gifts, you must recognize
that the all-important thing is to be filled with the power of the
Holy Spirit Himself. You will never have trouble with people who are
filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, but you will have a lot of
trouble with people who have the gifts but no power. The Lord does
not want us to “come short” in any gift (1 Cor. 1:7). But at the
same time, He wants us to be so filled with the Holy Spirit that it
will be the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself through the gifts. Where
the glory of God alone is desired, you can expect that every gift
that is needed will be made manifest. To glorify God is better than
to idolize gifts. We prefer the Spirit of God to any gift; but we can
see the manifestation of the Trinity in the gifts: different gifts
but the same Spirit, different administrations but the same Lord,
diversities of operation but the same God working all in all (1 Cor.
12:4–6). Can you conceive of what it will mean for our triune God
to be manifesting Himself in His fullness in our assemblies?
a large locomotive boiler that is being filled with steam. You can
see the engine letting off some of the steam as it remains
stationary. It looks as though the whole thing might burst. You can
see believers who are like that. They start to scream, but that does
not edify anyone. However, when the locomotive moves on, it serves
the purpose for which it was built and pulls along many cars with
goods in them. It is the same way with believers when they are
operating in the gifts of the Spirit properly.
Power Manifested Outwardly
is wonderful to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and for
Him to serve His own purposes through us. Through our lips, divine
utterances flow, our hearts rejoice, and our tongues are glad. It is
an inward power that is manifested in outward expression. Jesus
Christ is glorified. As your faith in Him is quickened, from within
you there “will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). The
Holy Spirit will pour through you like a great river of life, and
thousands will be blessed because you are a yielded channel through
whom the Spirit may flow.
the Gifts
us review the twelfth chapter of 1 Corinthians. The first verse
reads, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you
to be ignorant.” When the Holy Spirit says that, He expects us to
understand what the gifts are, and He wants us to understand that the
church may be able to profit by them.
let us examine the nature of those who are led by the Spirit. “No
one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor.
12:3). Whenever I have come in contact with people who have
acknowledged the Lord Jesus, I have known whether they knew anything
about the Spirit of God. For every spirit that is of God testifies of
Jesus, and you will always be able to tell people’s spiritual
condition by that. If they do not confess that Jesus was manifested
in the flesh, you may know that they do not have the Spirit of God
(v. 3). Beloved, on the contrary, we find that every spirit that
confesses that Jesus is Lord does so by the Holy Spirit.
who has received the Holy Spirit has within him great possibilities
and unlimited power. He also has great possessions, not only of
things that are present but also of things that are to come (1 Cor.
3:22). The Holy Spirit has power to equip you for every emergency.
The reason people are not thus equipped is that they do not receive
Him and do not yield to Him. They are timid and they doubt, and in
the measure that they doubt, they go down. But if you will yield to
His leading and not doubt, it will lead you to success and victory.
You will grow in grace, and you will have not only a controlling
power but also a power that reveals the mind of God and the purposes
He has for you. I see that all things are in the power of the Holy
Spirit, and I must not fail to give you the same truth.
the Glory of God
must remember that we have entered into the manifestation of the
glory of God, and there is great power and strength in that. Many
believers might be far ahead of where they are now spiritually, but
they have doubted. If by any means the Enemy can come in and make
you believe a lie, he will do so. We have had to struggle to maintain
our standing in our salvation, for the Enemy would beat us out of it,
if possible. It is in the closeness of the association and oneness
with Christ that there is no fear, but perfect confidence all the
time. The child of God does not need to go back a day for his
experience, for the presence of the Lord is with him and the Holy
Spirit is in him, in mighty power, if he will believe. I see that we
should stir one another up and provoke one another to good works
(Heb. 10:24).
Pentecostal people have a “know” in their experience. We know
that we have the Spirit abiding within, and if we are not moved upon
by the Spirit, we move the Spirit; that is what we mean by “stirring
up the Spirit.” And yet it is not we but the living faith within
us—it is the Spirit who stirs Himself up.
should ask ourselves, “Where are we living?” I do not mean in the
natural. We are a spiritual people, “a royal priesthood,” a holy
people (1 Pet. 2:9). If we find that there is unbelief in us, we must
search our hearts to see why it is there. Where there is a living
faith, there is no unbelief, and we go on from faith to faith until
it becomes as natural to live there as can be. But if you try to live
by faith before you have been justified in Christ, you will fail, for
“the just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). When you are
justified, it is a natural consequence for you to live by faith. It
is easy; it is joyful. It is more than that: it is our life and
spiritual inheritance.
the Spirit can stir you up, you will not “come short” (1 Cor.
1:7) in any gift. God wants you to see that we do not need to come
short in any gift, and He wants to bring us to a place where we will
be on fire because of what He has called us to. We should always move
the tent every night; we cannot stay in one place. The land is before
us; there are wonderful possessions to be had. God says, “They are
yours; go in and claim them.”
prayed that we might “be able to comprehend with all the saints”
(Eph. 3:18). I see the place where Paul was in the Holy Spirit, and I
believe that God is calling us today to comprehend as much as Paul
comprehended. It is in the perfect will of God that we should possess
the needed gifts, but there must be unity between God and you. When
the gifts are in evidence, the whole church is built up, Christ being
the Head.
are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all
in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for
the profit of all.(1 Cor. 12:6–7)
Power of Yielding to God
said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God!” (Heb. 10:9),
and as we surrender in that way, God will be delighted to hand to us
the gift that is necessary. The more we realize that God has
furnished us with a gift, the more completely we will be united with
Jesus, so that people will be conscious of Him rather than of His
gift. Oh, beloved, if everything is not of the Holy Spirit, and if we
are not so lost and controlled in the ministry of the gift that it is
only to be Jesus, it will all be a failure and come to nothing. There
were none so selfconscious as those who said, “In Your name, [we
have] cast out demons” (Matt. 7:22). They were so controlled by the
natural and the thought that they had done it all, that God was not
in it. But when He comes forth and does it, it is all right. There is
a place in the Holy Spirit where we will not allow unbelief to affect
us, for God has all power in heaven and earth. And now that I am in
the secret knowledge of this power, I stand in a place where my faith
is not to be limited because I have the knowledge that He is in me
and I in Him.
of you have come from your homes with broken hearts; you have a
longing for something to strengthen you in the midst of the
conditions that exist there, and a power to make these conditions
different. You say you are “unequally yoked together with
unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6:14). You have a mighty power that is greater
than all natural power. You can take victory over your homes and your
spouses and children, and you must do it in the Lord’s way. Suppose
you do see many things that ought to be different; if it is your
cross, you must take it and win the victory for God. It can be done,
for He who is in you is greater than all the power of hell (1 John
4:4). I believe that anyone filled with the Holy Spirit is equal to a
legion of demons any day.
a meeting in Glasgow, a man got up and said, “I have power to cast
out demons.” A man full of demons got up and came to him, and this
man did everything he could, but he could not cast out the demons. Do
you want to cast out demons? You be sure it is the Holy Spirit who
does it. Recall that a slave girl who had a spirit of divination
followed Paul around for many days (Acts 16:16–18) before he cast
the demon out.
Holy Spirit has His dwelling place within me and is stirring up my
heart and life to adore Jesus. Other things must be left behind; I
must adore Him.
Is Your Motive?
says, “Everyone who asks receives” (Matt. 7:8). What are you
asking for? What is your motive? In the Scriptures we read, “You
ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it
on your pleasures” (James 4:3). There is a need for the gifts, and
God will reveal to you what you ought to have, and you should never
be satisfied until you receive it. It is important that we know we
can do nothing in ourselves. However, we may know that we are clothed
with the power of God so that, in a sense, we are not in the natural
man. As we go forth in this power, things will take place as they
took place in the days of the disciples. When I received the new
birth at eight years of age, it was so precious and lovely. Since
that time, I have never lost the knowledge of my acceptance with God.
Then, brothers and sisters, God did a wonderful work in me when I
waited for the baptism.
was in a strange position. For sixteen years I had testified to
having received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but I had really only
received the anointing of the Spirit. In fact, I could not preach
unless I had the anointing. My wife would come to me and say, “They
are waiting for you to come out and speak to the people.” I would
say, “I cannot and will not come without the anointing of the
Spirit.” I can see now that I was calling the anointing the
baptism. But when the Holy Spirit came into my body until I could not
give satisfaction to the glory that was in me, God took this tongue,
and I spoke as the Spirit gave utterance, which brought perfect
satisfaction to me. When He comes in, He abides. I then began to
reach out as the Holy Spirit showed me.
and You Will Receive
the call of the prophet Elisha, God saw the young man’s willingness
to obey. The twelve yoke of oxen, the plow, and all soon came to
nothing; all bridges had to be burned behind him (1 Kings 19:19–21).
Friend, the Lord has called you, too. Are you separated from the old
things? You cannot go on unless you are.
Elisha went on with the prophet Elijah, the young man heard wonderful
things about Elijah’s ministry, and he longed for the time when he
would take his master’s place. Now the time was getting close. His
master said to him, “I am going to Gilgal today. I want you to
remain here.” “Master,” he replied, “I must go with you.” I
see that other people also knew something about it, for they said to
Elisha, “Do you know that your master is going to be taken away
from you today?” He said, “Hold your peace; I know it.” Later
on, Elijah said, “I want to go on to Bethel. You stay here.” But
Elisha said, “No, I will not leave you.” Something had been
revealed to Elisha. Perhaps, in a similar way, God is drawing you to
do something; you feel it.
Elijah said, “The Lord has sent me to Jordan. You stay here.” It
was the spirit of the old man that was stirring up the young man. If
you see zeal in somebody else, reach out for it; it is for you. I am
coming to realize that God wants all the members of His body joined
together. In these days He is making us feel that when a person is
failing to go on with God, we must restore that member.
they came to the Jordan, Elijah struck his cloak on it and they
crossed. No doubt Elisha said, “I must follow his steps.” And
when they had gone over, the old man said, “You have done well; you
would not stay back. What is the real desire of your heart? I feel I
am going to leave you. Ask what you like now, before I leave you.”
“Master,” he said, “I have seen all that you have done. Master,
I want twice as much as you have.”
believe it is the fainthearted who do not get much. As they went on
up the hill, down came the chariot of fire, nearer and nearer, and
when it landed, the old man jumped in and the young man said,
“Father, Father, Father,” and down came the cloak.
have you asked for? Are you satisfied to continue on in the old way
now that the Holy Spirit has come to give you an unlimited supply of
power and says, “What will you have?” Why, we see that Peter was
so filled with the Holy Spirit that his shadow falling on sick people
healed them (Acts 5:15).
do you want? Elisha asked, and he got it. He came down and said, “I
don’t feel any differently.” However, he had the knowledge that
feelings are not to be counted as anything; some of you are looking
at your feelings all the time. He came to the waters of the Jordan as
an ordinary man. Then, in the knowledge in which he possessed the
cloak (not in any feelings about it), he said, “Where is the God of
Elijah?” and he struck the water with the cloak. The waters parted
and Elisha put his feet down in the river and crossed to the other
side. When you put your feet down and say you are going to have a
double portion, you will get it. After he had crossed, there were the
young men again (they always come where there is power), and they
said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” (See 2 Kings
are to have the gifts and to claim them. The Lord will certainly
change your lives, and you will be new men and women. Are you asking
for a double portion? I trust that no one will “come short” in
any gift (1 Cor. 1:7). You say, “I have asked. Do you think God
will be pleased if I ask again?” Yes, do so before Him. Ask again,
and we may go forth in the Spirit of the cloak. Then we will no
longer be working in our own strength but in the Holy Spirit’s
strength, and we will see and know His power because we believe.
Treasure House
inexhaustible is the treasure house of the Most High! How near God is
to us when we are willing to draw near to Him! And how He comes and
refreshes us when our hearts are attuned to Him and desire Him alone,
for “the desire of the righteous will be granted” (Prov. 10:24).
God has for us today a divine experience that quickens, a divine life
flowing through our beings that will be sufficient for us in all
times of need. When God is for you, who can be against you (Rom.
8:31)? What a blessed assurance this is to the hungry heart. How it
thrills one to the very depths of one’s soul!
heart’s desire is to bring you again to a banquet, that wonderful
spiritual reserve, that great blessed day of appointment for us with
the King, so that you may believe that all the precious promises are
“Yes” and “Amen” (2 Cor. 1:20) to us as we dare to believe.
to believe God! Oh, to rest upon what He says, for there is not one
“jot” or “tittle” of the Word that will fail until all is
fulfilled (Matt. 5:18)! Has He not promised, and will He not also
perform (Rom. 4:21)? Our blessed Lord of
and glory impressed upon us before He left that He would send the
Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and that, when the Spirit came, He would
take of the words of Jesus and declare them to us (John 16:14–15).
The Holy Spirit would
through us, and whatever we would ask, the Lord would hear us (1 John
I want you to get in a definite place, daring to ask God for
something that will be the means of stimulating your life forever.
you ready? You say, “What for?” To have some of the promises
you ready? What for? For God to so clothe you with the Spirit this
day that there will be nothing within you that will war against the
Spirit. Are you ready? Search your heart diligently.
you ready? What for? For you to know the Word of God. For you to know
that they who dwell and live in the Spirit of God are kept in a
perfect state in which there is no condemnation. (See Romans 8:1.)
want very much for you to get stirred up with the prospect of this
state and then to come into the experience of this state, because
that is what God wants you to have. He wants you to get so moved by
the power of God that you believe that the things you are hearing
about will be yours.
many people miss a great many things because they are always thinking
that they are for someone else. I want you to know that God’s Word
is for you and that you are to make a personal application of all
there is in the Scriptures.
do not believe that the Scriptures are only for pastors, teachers,
evangelists, prophets, or apostles. They are for the whole body of
Christ, for it is the body that has to be the epistle of Christ. So
the Word of God has to abound in
until you are absolutely built and fixed upon the living Word.
Gifts Are for Edification
am going to remind you of 1 Corinthians 14:12, because I want to make
it the keynote of everything I am presenting to you here on the topic
of spiritual gifts: Even so you, since you are zealous for spiritual
gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to
that definitely in mind because, whatever gifts are manifested in a
service, they mean nothing to me unless they edify or comfort or
wants to make you worthy of His wonderful name. You must always
understand that all the gifts and graces of the Spirit are most
helpful to you when you are a blessing to others. The Holy Spirit did
not come to exalt you; He came so that you could exalt the Lord.
Before these services are over, I will be able to tell you definitely
how to receive a gift and then how to use a gift or how to be in a
place where the gift can be used. We should cover much ground because
the Spirit is going to speak. If I were to use my own reasoning, you
wouldn’t be edified. There is only one edification that is going to
last, and it is the spiritual, inward revelation of Christ. What is
in the mind is no good unless it is spiritually quickened through the
heart affections. So let us remember that it is more important that
we are filled with the Holy Spirit, that the Spirit has His perfect
control and way, than that we be filled with knowledge to no profit.
“Knowledge puffs up” (1 Cor. 8:1). As the saying goes, “A
little knowledge is dangerous.” In fact, all knowledge is very
dangerous unless it is balanced in a perfect place where God has the
controlling position.
the first few verses of 1 Corinthians 12, we find that the Holy
Spirit is speaking through the apostle Paul. Paul’s initial comment
is that he does not want you to be ignorant concerning spiritual
gifts. You are not to be ignorant of the best gift God has arranged
for you. You are to come into possession. It is a will that has been
left by God’s Son. He rose to carry it out, and He is on the throne
to carry out His own will. His will is that you should be filled with
all the fullness of God. What a wonderful will!
next thought is that, because we are Gentiles, God has entrusted to
us the proclamation of the Gospel in the power and demonstration of
the Spirit, so that we may not speak with man’s wisdom but by the
revelation of the operation
of God.
the Holy Spirit is to make us ready for every perfect work, ready in
such a way that opportunities are taken advantage of. Just as much as
if the Lord Jesus were in the world, we must be in the world, ready
for the glorious, blessed anointing and equipping for service. In
this way, the powers of hell will not prevail (Matt. 16:18); we will
bind the powers of Satan. We will be in a great position to engage in
spiritual battle.
of Tongues
Spirit Himself brings forth light and truth to edify and build up the
church in the most holy faith, that we might be ready for all
activity in God. For the Spirit of the Lord is upon us to bring forth
what God has declared and ordained, that we should go forth bearing
precious fruit and come forth rejoicing, singing, and harvesting
together. Oh, to keep in the covenant place where you are hidden in
Christ, where He alone is superseding, controlling, leading,
directing, and causing you to live only for the glory of God!
Unchangeable Word of God
us move on to 1 Corinthians 12:3: “No one speaking by the Spirit of
God calls Jesus accursed.” Don’t forget that you are entrusted
with the Word of Life, which speaks to you as the Truth. Jesus was
the Way, the Truth, and the Life
(John 14:6), and He declared eternal life by the operation of the
Gospel. For we receive immortality and life by the Gospel. Seeing
these things are so, you can understand that those who receive the
life of Christ move out of condemnation into eternal life.
what about those who do not? They are still under condemnation,
“having no hope and without God in the world” (Eph. 2:12) and in
danger of eternal destruction. God save them!
get away from the fact that Jesus is the personality of eternal death
and eternal life. Hellfire will never be changed by what men say
about it. Hellfire will be the same forever. You will never change
the Word of God by men’s opinions. The Word of God is fixed forever
(Isa. 40:8).
Lord wants you to be in a significant place in which the Holy Spirit
has such control of your inner eyes that He may reveal the fullness
of the Lord of life until Jesus is glorified tremendously by the
revelation of the Holy Spirit, until He becomes Lord over all things:
your affections, your will, your purposes, your plans, and your
wishes forever. Let Him be Lord.
of Tongues
when the Lord changes the situation, then you come out of the hiding
of captivity into the fullness of the revelation of the blaze of His
glory, for when He has molded you, then He can build you and change
you until He is having His way.
Your Crown of Glory
has a great purpose for us in that we can be changed, and you are in
a great place when you are willing to have this change take place.
You are in a greater place when you are willing to drop everything
that has brought you to where you thought you could not be changed;
and when you have dropped all things that have hindered you, you have
leaped forth and been tremendously changed.
you have held anything from a human standpoint, no matter how it has
come, that is not according to the biblical standard of the Word of
God, let it be weeded out. If you do not get it weeded out, be
warned: there is a time coming in which wood, hay, and stubble will
be burned, but the gold, the silver, and the precious stones will
stand the fire (1 Cor. 3:12–13).
of people would like to know what kind of crown they will have when
they get to glory. Well, the Lord will take everything that could not
be burned by the fire and make your personal crown. So everybody is
forming his own crown. Be careful not to be all wood, hay, and
stubble. Have something left for the crown. There is a “crown of
glory that does not fade away” (1 Pet. 5:4), which I am trying to
help you build today.
Gift Specifically for You
has a special way of meeting the needs of individual people today. We
all vary so much in our appearances, in how we are made. Yet God has
a way of particularizing a gift so that it fits you perfectly, so
that you will not be lopsided. I am trusting the Lord to help me to
build you up so that you are not lopsided.
of people have good things—but. Lots of people might be very
remarkably used—but. Lots of people might soar into wonderful
places of divine positions with God— but. And it is the “but”
that spoils it.
people have very good gifts—all the gifts of God are good—but
because the gifts have been made a blessing, these people transgress
with the same gift and speak in tongues longer than they ought to. So
it is the “but” that is in the way and that is spoiling the best.
Some people have prophecy, very wonderful prophecy, but there is a
“but.” They have prophesied, and the Lord has been with them in
the prophecy, but because the people have applauded them, they have
gone beyond divine prophecy and used their own human minds. The “but”
has spoiled them until they do not want the hidden prophecy.
SoandSo has a wonderful testimony, and we all like to hear her for
three minutes, but we are all sick of it if she goes on for five
minutes. Why is this so? There is a “but” about it.
SoandSo ignites fire in every prayer meeting when he begins to speak,
but after about five minutes, all the people say, “I wish he would
stop.” There is a “but” there.
is because of the lopsidedness of people that I want to advise you so
that you do not transgress. Do not use divine liberty to spoil God’s
position; rather, be wise, and the Lord will cause you to understand
what it means. Be wise.
you say that you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit, people look
and say, “Well, if that is so, there ought to be something very
beautiful about you.” Yes, it is true, and if there is something
that is shady, something that is uncanny, something that does not
express the glory or grace, the meekness or love of Christ, there is
a “but” about it. The “but” is that you have not really
gotten your own human spirit under control by the divine Spirit; the
human is mingled with it, and it is spoiling the divine.
a word to the wise is sufficient, and if you are not wise after you
have heard it, it shows that you are foolish. Do not be foolish; be
not let your good be spoken of as evil” (Rom. 14:16). God wants
people in these days who are so fortified, so built in Christ, that
they do not need to be ashamed.
of Tongues
it is God who has called you for His own purpose. It is Christ who
ordained you, and being ordained by Christ we go forth to bring forth
much fruit. God is being glorified when our anointing or our covenant
with Christ is being reserved for God only, and we live and move for
the glory of the exhibition of Christ. Then that is the place where
Jesus is highly honored, and when you pray, God is glorified in the
Son, and when you preach, the unction abides, and the Lord brings
forth blessing upon the hearers.
of Gifts
1 Corinthians 12:4–7, you notice very remarkable words. In these
verses we are dealing with the Spirit, with the Lord, and with
God—each One of them in cooperation with this position: There are
diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of
ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of
activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the
manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of
all. (1 Cor. 12:4–7)
are diversities, varieties of gifts that truly are to be in the
believer. There are nine gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12, and I
would like you to notice that they never interfere with the gifts
that Jesus gave. If you will turn to Ephesians 4, you will find that
Jesus gave gifts: But to each one of us grace was given according to
the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore He says: “When He
ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.”
little later in the chapter, these gifts are listed: And He Himself
gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some
pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of
ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. (vv. 11–12) Let
us look at the gifts Jesus has. How beautifully He arranges things.
“When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts
to men” (Eph. 4:8). Now, the apostle Paul was in captivity. How do
we know? He described his position as the chief of sinners (1 Tim.
1:15). By the way, as long as we know that the chief of sinners has
been saved, every man that ever lives can be saved. Paul was the
chief of sinners, and he was led captive when he was enraged with
indignation against the disciples; he was rushing everywhere to
apprehend them and put them in prison and make them blaspheme (Acts
8:3; 9:1–2; 26:9–11).
Paul was in captivity. Yet Jesus took him out of captivity; then He
took him into His captivity and gave him gifts.
has already made disciples; He has gone up on high leading captivity
captive; now He is giving gifts. This is the divine position of our
Lord, giving gifts to those He has in captivity.
who do you think is most likely to be in captivity? It is the people
who are lost in God, who are hidden in Him. Baptizing in water is an
emblem of death, and the moment a person is immersed in the water, he
is lifted out. But this is not the case with the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. To be baptized in the Holy Spirit is to be in deeper every
day, never lifted out, never coming out; it is to be in captivity,
ready for gifts.
is a person made a prophet or an apostle or a teacher before the
baptism of the Spirit or after? I want to speak to you very
definitely, and I want you to keep in mind what the Spirit will say
to us at this time.
I went to New Zealand, the power of God was very present, and God
wonderfully worked miracles and wonders there. The gifts that laid
hold of the whole place were the gifts of tongues and interpretation.
That entire city was moved until the place that held 3,500 was often
overcrowded, and we had 2,000 and 3,000 people who could not get in.
when the Plymouth Brethren, who knew the Word of God, saw the grace
of God upon me, they wanted to have some conversation with me. So I
gave them an audience, and eighteen of them came.
soon as they began they said, “Well, we know God is with you; it is
ten days we had 2,000 people saved, and we had 1,500 of those young
converts sit down to communion; and it was the Plymouth Brethren who
served us the wine and the bread.)
they said, “we want to examine the truth with you to see where
things stand.”
said, “All right, brethren.”
a moment or two, they were quoting Ephesians to me.
beloved,” I said, “you know better than anybody that the man who
climbs up some other way is a thief and a robber, don’t you? How
many times have you preached that? Jesus is the Door, and everyone
entering that way will be saved. What does it mean? Jesus is Truth.”
They continued quoting Ephesians to me.
brethren,” I said, “you have no right to Ephesians; you have no
right to the epistles. The epistles are not for you. You are climbing
up some other way.” Without fear of contradiction, on the authority
of God, I say today that there is no person who has a right to the
epistles until he has gone through the Acts of the Apostles and
received the Holy Spirit.
said I could not prove it. I said, “I can prove it very easily.”
And I read, “For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men
but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he
speaks mysteries” (1 Cor. 14:2).
brethren,” I said, “tell me if you understand that.”
said, “No.”
is simply because you have never received the Holy Spirit. Every
person who receives the Holy Spirit receives that—speaking unto God
by the Spirit. The Gospels are the Gospel of the kingdom of God. It
is in the Acts of the Apostles that people see water baptism,
sanctification, and also the receiving of the Holy Spirit fulfilled.
So the moment you pass through the Acts of the Apostles, you are
ready for the epistles, for the epistles were written to baptized
will prove it another way,” I continued, and I read Romans 8:26–27:
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know
what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes
intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He
who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because
He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
Here is another distinct condition of a man filled with the Holy
of Tongues
the Lord Himself is the chief director of all truth, for He is the
Way and the Truth; therefore, the Spirit takes the Word, which is
Christ, and reveals it unto us, for He is the life by the Word. “He
that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath
everlasting life.” Jesus is the Way, Jesus is the Truth, Jesus is
the Life. The Holy Spirit is jealous over you. The Holy Spirit has a
godly jealousy over you. Why? Lest you turn to yourself. He wants you
to exhibit the Lord entirely. Therefore, He girds you. He sees to you
in every way so that you will not be drawn aside by human desires but
that, instead, Jesus will become the Alpha and Omega in all your
desires. Now, to this end the Spirit knows the great hunger of the
heart. Hunger for what? For gifts, graces, beatitudes. Oh, it is
lovely when we are at a point at which we can only pray in the Holy
in the Spirit
am going to give you a very important word about the usefulness of
praying in the Spirit. Lots of people are still without an
understanding of what it is to pray in the Spirit. In 1 Corinthians
14:15 we read, “I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray
with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also
sing with the understanding.” I am going to tell you a story that
will help you to see how necessary it is that you be so lost in the
order of the Holy Spirit that you will pray in the Holy Spirit. Our
missionary work in the center of Africa was opened by Brothers Burton
and Salter, the latter being my daughter’s husband. He is now there
in the Congo. When they went there, there were four of them: Brothers
Burton and Salter, an old man who wanted to go to help them build,
and a young man who believed he was called to go. The old man died
on the road and the young man turned back, so there were only two
worked and labored. God was with them in a wonderful way. But Burton
took sick, and all hopes were gone. Fevers are dreadful there;
mosquitoes swarm; great evils are there. There he was, laid out;
there was no hope. They covered him over and went outside very
sorrowfully, because he truly was a pioneer missionary. They were in
great distress and uttered words like this: “He has preached his
last sermon.”
they were in that state, without any prompting whatever, Brother
Burton stood right in the midst of them. He had arisen from his bed
and had walked outside, and he now stood in the midst of them. They
were astonished and asked how and what had happened.
he could say was that he had been awakened out of a deep sleep with a
warm thrill that went over his head, right down his body, and out
through his toes.
feel so well,” he said. “I don’t know anything about my
remained a mystery. Later, when he was over in England visiting, a
lady said to him, “Brother Burton, do you keep a diary?”
he said.
open the diary,” she said, “until I talk with you.”
is the story she told. “At a certain time on a certain day, the
Spirit of the Lord moved upon me. I was so moved by the power of the
Spirit that I went alone into a place to pray. As I went there,
believing that, just as usual, I was going to open my mouth and pray,
the Spirit laid hold of me and I was praying in the Spirit—not with
understanding, but praying in the Spirit.
I prayed, I saw right into Africa; I saw you laid out helpless and,
to all appearances, apparently dead. I prayed on until the Spirit
lifted me, I knew I was in victory, and I saw you had risen up from
that bed. “Look at your diary, will you?”
looked in the diary and found that it was exactly the same day.
there are revivals to come; there are wonderful things to be done,
when we can be lost in the Spirit until the Spirit prays through to
of Tongues
is only He; it is He who rolls away the cloud. He alone is the One
who lifts the fallen, cheers the faint, brings fresh oil, and changes
the countenance. It is the Lord your God. He has seen your misery, He
has known your brokenheartedness, and He has known how near you seem
to be to despair.
beloved, God is in the midst of us to help us into these wonderful
divine places of appointment! Are you ready? You say, “What for?”
To let all differences cease and to have the same evidence the
disciples had in the Upper Room.
you ready? What for? To be so in the place in which God’s Son will
be pleased that He gives you all the desires of your heart.
you ready? What for? So that God can fill you with new life,
stimulate you with new fire. He can inflame you with great desire. We
are in the midst of blessing; I want you to be blessed.
has the greatest ability to position us. Faith is what will lift you
into every place, if you do not interfere with it.
forget you are in the presence of God. This day has to be covered
with a greater day. It is not what you are; it is what you are
intending to be.
you have ever spoken in tongues, believe it is your right and your
privilege to have anything in the Bible. Don’t let your human mind
interfere with the great plan of God. Submit yourself to God.
the divine likeness of Him who is the express image of the Father
dwell in you richly, abounding through all, supplying every need,
bringing you into a place where you know the hand of God is leading
you from treasure to treasure, from grace to grace, from victory to
victory, from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord.
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