Acts 4 Today we praise God for the fact that our glorious Jesus is
the risen Christ. Those of us who have tasted the power of the
indwelling Spirit know something of the manner in which the hearts of
those two disciples burned as they walked to Emmaus with their risen
Lord as their companion. Note the words of verse 30, "And when
they had prayed, the place was shaken." There are many kinds of
prayer that you read of here. A church that does not know how to pray
and to shout will never be shaken. If you live in a place like that
you may as well write, "Ichabod--the glory of the Lord has
departed" --over the threshold. It is only when men have learned
the secret of prayer, of power, and of praise, that God comes forth.
Some people say, "Well, I praise God inwardly," but if
there is an abundance of praise in your heart, your mouth cannot help
speaking it.
was a man who had a large business in London who was a great
church-goer. The church he attended was beautifully decorated, and
his pew was delightfully cushioned- -just about enough to make it
easy to sleep through the sermons. He was a prosperous man in
business, but he had no peace in his heart. But there was a boy at
his business that always looked happy. He was always jumping and
day he said to this boy, "I want to see you in my office."
When the boy was in his office he asked him, "How is it that you
can always whistle and be happy?" "I cannot help it,"
answered the boy. "Where did you get it?" asked the master.
"I got it at the Pentecostal mission." "Where is
that?" The boy told him, and the next thing was, that the man
was attending. The Lord broke him up there, and in a short while he
was entirely changed. One day, shortly after this, he found that,
instead of being distracted by his business as he formerly had been,
he was actually whistling and jumping. His whole position and his
whole life had been changed.
shout cannot come out unless it is in. There must first be the inner
working of the power of God. It is He who changes the heart, and
transforms the life, and before there is any real outward evidence
there must be the inflow of divine life. Sometimes I say to people,
"You weren't at meeting the other night." They reply, "Oh
yes, I was there in spirit." I say to them, "Well, come
next time with your body also. We don't want a lot of spirit here and
no bodies. We want you to come and get filled with God." When
all the people will come and pray and praise, as did these early
disciples there will be something doing. People who come will catch
fire and they will want to come again. But they will have no use for
a place where everything has become formal, dry, and dead.
power of Pentecost as it came at first came to loose men. God wants
us free on every line. Men and women are tired of imitations; they
want reality; they want to see people who have the living Christ
within, and are filled with Holy Ghost power.
received several letters and telegrams about a certain case, but when
I arrived I was told I was too late. I said, "That cannot be.
God has never sent me too late anywhere." God showed me when I
went that something different would happen to anything I had seen
previously. The people I went to were all strangers. I was introduced
to a young man who lay helpless, and for whom there was no hope. The
doctor had been to see him that morning and had declared that he
would not live through the day. He lay with his face to the wall, and
when I spoke to him he whispered, "I cannot turn over." His
mother said that they had had to lift him out of bed on sheets for
weeks, and that he was so weak and helpless that he had to stay in
one position.
young man said, "My heart is very weak." I assured him,
"God is the strength of the heart and thy portion forever. If
you will believe God, it shall be so today." Our Christ is
risen. He is a living Christ who indwells us. We must not have this
truth merely as a theory; Christ must be risen in us by the power of
the Spirit. The power that raised Him from the dead must animate us,
and as this glorious resurrection power surges through your being,
you will be freed from all your weaknesses and you will become strong
in the Lord and in the power of His might. There is a resurrection
power that God wants you to have and to have it today. Why not?
Receive your portion here and now.
said to these people, "I believe your son will rise today."
They only laughed. People do not expect to see signs and wonders
today as the disciples saw them of old. Has God changed? Or has our
faith waned so that we are not expecting the greater works that Jesus
promised? We must not harp on any minor key. Our message must rise to
concert pitch, and there must be nothing left out of it that is in
the Book.
was wintertime, and I said to the parents, "Will you get the
boy's suit and bring it here?" They would not listen to the
request, for they were expecting the boy to die. But I had gone to
that place believing God. In Romans 4:17, we read of Abraham, "(I
have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he
believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things
which be not as though they were." God help us to understand
this. It is time people knew how to shout in faith as they
contemplate the eternal power of our God to whom it is nothing to
quicken and raise the dead. I come across some who would be giants in
the power of God but they have no shout of faith. I find everywhere
people who go down even when they are praying simply because they are
just breathing sentences without uttering speech, and you cannot get
victory that way. You must learn to take the victory and shout in the
face of the devil. "It is done!" There is no man who can
doubt if he learns to shout. When we know how to shout properly,
things will be different, and tremendous things will happen. In verse
24 we read, "They lifted up their voice with one accord."
It surely must have been a loud prayer. We must know that God means
us to have life. If there is anything in the world that has life in
it, it is this Pentecostal revival we are in. I believe in the
baptism of the Holy Ghost with the speaking of tongues, and I believe
that every man who is baptized in the Holy Ghost will speak in other
tongues as the Spirit gives him utterance. I believe in the Holy
Ghost. And if you are filled with the Spirit you will be super
abounding in life-- living waters will flow from you.
last I persuaded the parents to bring the boy's clothes and lay them
on the bed. From the natural viewpoint, the young man lay dying. I
spoke to the afflicted one, "God has revealed to me that, as I
lay my hands upon you, the place will be filled with the Holy Ghost,
the bed will be shaken, you will be shaken and thrown out of bed by
the power of the Holy Ghost, you will dress yourself and be strong."
I said this to him in faith. I laid hands on him in the name of Jesus
and instantly the power of God fell and filled the place. I felt
helpless and fell flat on the floor. I knew nothing except that a
short while after the place was shaken; I heard the young man walking
over me and saying, "For Thy glory, Lord! For Thy glory, Lord!"
dressed himself and cried, "God has healed me." The father
fell, the mother fell, and another who was present fell also. God
manifested His power that day in saving the whole household and
healing the young man. It is the power of the risen Christ we need.
That young man is today preaching the gospel.
years we have been longing for God to come forth, and, praise Him, He
is coming forth. The tide is rising everywhere. I was in Switzerland
not long ago, preaching in many places where the Pentecostal message
had not been heard, and today there are nine new Pentecostal
assemblies in different places going on blessedly for God. All over
the world it is the same, this great Pentecostal work is in motion.
You can hardly get to a place now where God is not pouring out His
Spirit on hungry hearts. God has promised to pour out His Spirit upon
all flesh, and His promises never fail. Our Christ is risen. His
salvation was not a thing done in a corner. Truly He was a man of
glory who went to Calvary for us, in order that He might free us from
all that would mar and hinder, that He might transform us by His
grace, and bring us out from under the power of Satan into the
glorious power of God. One touch of our risen Christ will raise the
dead. Hallelujah!
this wonderful Jesus of ours! He comes and indwells us. He comes to
abide. He it is who baptizes us with the Holy Ghost, and makes
everything different. We are to be a kind of first fruits unto God
and are to be like Christ who is the first fruit, walking in His
footsteps, living in His power. What a salvation this is, having this
risen Christ in us. I feel that everything else must go to
nothingness, helplessness and ruin.
thought of advantage for ourselves must be on the decrease in order
that Christ may increase, that we may live in another state, where
all things are under the power of the Spirit.
you take your inheritance from God? Dare you believe God? Dare you
stand on the record of His Word? What is the record? If thou shalt
believe thou shalt see the glory of God. You will be sifted as wheat.
You will be tried as though some strange thing tried you. You will be
put in places where you will have to put your whole trust in God.
There is no such thing as anyone being tried beyond what God will
allow. There is no temptation that will come, but that God will be
with you right in the temptation to deliver you, and when you have
been tried, He will bring you forth as gold. Every trial is to bring
you to a greater position in God. The trial that tries your faith
will take you on to the place where you will know that the faith of
God will be forthcoming in the next test. No man is able to win any
victory save through the power of the risen Christ within him. You
will never be able to say, "I did this or that." You will
desire to give God the glory for everything.
you are sure of your ground, if you are counting on the presence of
the living Christ within, you can laugh when you see things getting
worse. God would have you settled and grounded in Christ, and it is
only as you are filled with the Holy Ghost that you become steadfast
and unmovable in Him.
Lord Jesus said, "I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how
am I straitened till it be accomplished." He was assuredly
straitened in the way, at Gethsemane, at the judgment hall, and,
after that, at the cross, where He, through the eternal Spirit,
offered Himself without spot to God. God will take us right on in
like manner, and the Holy Spirit will lead every step of the way. God
led him right through to the empty tomb, to the ascension glory, to
a place on the throne; and the Son of God will never be satisfied
until He has us with Himself, sharing His glory and sharing His
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