Thursday, May 24, 2018

Questions and Answers on Testing Spirits By Smith Wigglesworth

Questions and Answers on Testing Spirits

Q: Do you claim that there is no shaking of the body after the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

A: I maintain that after anyone has received the Holy Spirit, there is no shaking and no falling on the ground. Shaking and falling on the ground is a very limited position, instead of an unlimited position. There may be a manifestation, but it is not edifying, and the manifestation you are to have is to be for edification. (See 1 Corinthians 14:12.)

If somebody were to stand up now and shake and shake until her hair came down, no one in the place would be edified, and no one would want it. If the person knew it was not edifying, she would seek a place that is better.

What is that better place? To seek a gift. I declare to you that no one can shake and do all these things and speak in tongues. The Spirit has a way out. And no one when giving an interpretation has these manifestations, because the Holy Spirit has a way out. You need to seek so that you may excel and not be doing things that bring discord and discredit to your position.

Q: Is it true that tongues and interpretation are not for personal guidance at any time?

A: Tongues and interpretation are never for guidance. There is no such thing in the Scriptures. Tongues and interpretation are similar to prophecy; they are to edify the church.

Q: Can satanic influences come to us in thought as well as audibly, in word?

A: Any number of people are troubled with thoughts. There are two kinds of thoughts: evil thoughts and thoughts of evil. Evil thoughts are suggestive powers that the Devil gives to see if he can arouse your carnal nature. If he can, it shows you have never been changed from your corruption and sin. If he cannot, it shows you are pure; the blood has cleansed you, and carnality is defeated. This is what Jesus meant when He said that when the Devil comes, he finds nothing in you. (See John 14:30.)

The Devil does not know your thoughts; he does not know the desire of your hearts; he does not know your language. Therefore, the Devil always suggests something in order to get something from you. If we would only realize that fact, we could come into meetings and bind this power so that Satan would have no chance at all. Jesus said, “I give you the authority…over all the power of the enemy” (Luke 10:19). We have a right to bind his power. If a person is troubled by evil thoughts, he is safe; if he is not troubled, he is in danger. If you are troubled by evil thoughts, test them and say, “Did Jesus come in the flesh?” That demon will go. You have a right to know these things because they will keep you in a place of real victory. If you are not troubled by evil thoughts, you need to repent and ask God to purify your hearts.

Until you voice anything, the Devil does not know it. You have desired to have converts, you have desired to have a glorious time in your meetings, and you have voiced it, and then you have had to fight as if for life and death to get it. Why? Because all the Adversary’s power came. Why? Because you declared it. He would not have known if you had not declared it.

Q: Should you ask God for inspirations in secret, so that the Devil cannot know?

A: No. Always pray aloud so the Devil will clear out. When Jesus said to pray in secret (Matt. 6:6), He did not mean that you are to pray silently. He meant that you are to go in your prayer closet and shout aloud. If you do not, you will find that the Devil will battle you in every way; you will fall asleep, for example. Pray aloud.

Q: If a person has made the mistake of declaring his position against the Devil so that the forces of hell are arrayed against him, what will be effective in destroying Satan’s power?

A: It is no mistake to declare yourself against the Devil. We are talking about two different situations here. Suppose you declare something such as this: “We are going to have the greatest time on earth. We will have a revival. We will have a time of fasting,” or something similar. You have guaranteed that those will be difficult times, because Satan will assail himself against you. He cannot dethrone you, he cannot hinder you, but he will do all he can to do it. He will hinder you from having the blessing sooner. If you are fighting demon powers, there is not the same liberty as if there were no demon powers fighting you. Nevertheless, it is a good thing to have them to fight. Don’t be afraid of demon powers; don’t be afraid of being in temptation, because the Scriptures are clear that if you are not worthy to be tempted, you are no good. (See 2 Thessalonians 1:4–5.)

Now, suppose I came into this meeting and I said, “Jesus, in Your name I bind the powers of darkness”? It is finished. Satan won’t come here. But if I declare such and such a thing without guarding myself, I will have to fight to get it.

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