Word of Wisdom By Smith Wigglesworth
to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit. —1
Corinthians 12:8
bless you! When He blesses, no one can curse. When God is with you,
it is impossible for anyone to be against you (Rom. 8:31). When God
has put His hand upon you, every way will open with blessing to
others. The greatest thing that God has allowed us to come into is
the plan of distributing His blessing to others.
will bless you and…you shall be a blessing” (Gen. 12:2). When we
know the power of almighty God, we never need to be afraid of any
weapon that is formed against us (Isa. 54:17), believing that the
Lord of Hosts will rise up and stand against the enemy. “The Lord
will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before
your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before
you seven ways” (Deut. 28:7).
power upon us, His wonderful blessing of us, His providential promise
written down for us are to make us ready, every day and under all
circumstances, to know that He who promised will surely fulfill. What
a wonderful Christ! God has chosen a blessing for us in the midst of
anything we encounter. The power of the Highest overshadows us, the
glory of the Lord is behind us and before us. Who is able to
withstand that almightiness!
breathe upon us so that we may be “endued with power from on high”
(Luke 24:49), enriched with all the enrichment of heaven, crowned
with blessing. The Lord will lead us forth from victory to victory as
His people. Oh, what a blessing to know that we are the fruit of the
Lord! His people are the precious fruit of the earth. I am not afraid
to say these things to you because I know God wants to bless you. Why
should you go away without blessing when God has promised that you
will have a portion that cannot be measured (John 3:34)? Why should
you fear when God wants to remove fear? Are you ready? You say, “What
for?” Oh, for His blessing that will fill your life, overflow you,
change you.
you ready? Ready for what? To get a childlike simplicity and to look
into the face of the Father and believe that all His promises are
“Yes” and “Amen” (2 Cor. 1:20) to you.
you ready? Ready for what? To be awakened into that “Spirit of
adoption” (Rom. 8:15) that believes all things and dares to ask the
Father. Spiritual Gifts
have carefully gone through a few verses in the twelfth chapter of 1
Corinthians, so I hope you are well established in the thought that
you are not to be ignorant about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God
does not intend for you to be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts:
gifts that have revelation, that have divine knowledge, that have
within them the power to deliver others and the power to pray
gift of intercession, the gift of laying hands on the sick, the gift
of prophecy, the gift of the word of wisdom, the gift of the word of
knowledge, the gift of discerning spirits, the gift of tongues, and
the gift of interpretation— all these are included in this one
verse: “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you
to be ignorant” (1 Cor. 12:1).
I implore you to think seriously in your heart— because you have to
be in the world but not of it—that you need to be a personal
manifestation of the living Christ. Just as Christ walked about the
earth, you have to walk about as a child of God, with power and
manifestation. People do not take time to read the Bible, so you
have to be a walking epistle, “known and read by all men” (2 Cor.
that this is so and that you have to correctly comprehend that Jesus
is the Word and that you have to believe the Word of God and not
change it because of people who have other opinions, take the Word of
God. Yes, take the Word of God; it will furnish you as you stand
strong in the Lord. It is there that you will find out that you do
not need anything better; there is nothing better. It is there that
you will find all you need: food for hunger, light for darkness,
largeness of heart, conceptions of thought, and inspiration.
like the words of Paul. They are beautiful, and they come forth so
often by the power of the Spirit, such as this word: “Strengthened
with might through His Spirit in the inner man” (Eph. 3:16). This
might of the Spirit can fill everybody, and it brings forth the
revelation of the Word. The Giver, Then Gifts
have clearly seen, I believe, why gifts were particularized, why
there are varieties of gifts and varieties of positions in which to
hold gifts. We must not forget that the Giver is to be received
before the gifts. Salvation always precedes sanctification, and
sanctification will always precede the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Sanctification prepares the body for the Holy Spirit, and when the
body is rightly prepared for the Spirit, then it is the work of Jesus
to baptize with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit then makes Jesus
King in your life; you regard Him as Lord and Master over all things,
and you become submissive to Him in all things. You are not afraid to
say, “You are mine! I love You!”
love Him. He is so beautiful; He is so sweet; He is so loving; He is
so kind! He never turns a deaf ear; He never leaves you in distress.
He heals brokenheartedness; He liberates the captive; and for those
who are down and out, He comes right into that place and lifts the
burden. It is truly said of Him, “He came to His own and His own
had no room for Him; but to as many as had room for Him, He gave them
power to become the sons of God.” (See John 1:11–12.)
I bring you again to the nature of sonship: it is grace bestowed,
poured out, pressed through, or covering you, preserving you from all
evil. It is boundless grace, grace that brings capability for your
lack of ability, until God has you in His own mind and purpose.
Gift of the Word of Wisdom
1 Corinthians 12:8, the Word of God tells us about the word of
wisdom: “For to one is given the word of wisdom through the
Spirit.” It does not say—and you must clearly understand it—it
does not say “the gift of wisdom” but the gift of “the word of
wisdom.” You have to “rightly [handle] the word of truth” (2
Tim. 2:15) because it will mean so much to us.
gift of the word of wisdom is necessary in many instances. For
example, when you want to build another church building, maybe larger
than the one you are in, so that everybody can speak and be heard
without any trouble, a word of wisdom is needed regarding how to
build the place for God’s service.
word of wisdom is necessary when you are faced with a choice and it
is difficult for you to know in what direction to go. That word can
come to you in a moment and prepare you for the right way.
gift of the word of wisdom is meant for a needy hour when you are
under great stress concerning some business transaction; provided it
is a godly transaction, you can ask God what to do and you will
receive wisdom along two lines.
may come through the gift of the word of wisdom, or it may come forth
just because the power of the Holy Spirit is upon you. I have been
trying to show you that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the
Holy Spirit can manifest any gift. At the same time, you are not to
forget that the Word of God urges you to desire earnestly the best
gifts; so while the best gift might be to you the word of wisdom, or
some other gift, you should not be lacking in any gift.
is a remarkable statement for me to make, but I declare to you that
Scripture lends itself to me to be extravagant. When God speaks to me
He says, “Anything you ask.” (See John 15:7.) When God is
speaking of the world’s salvation He says, “Whosoever believes.”
(See John 3:16.) So I have an extravagant God with extravagant
language to make me an extravagant person—in wisdom. If you have
extravagance without wisdom, you will know very well that it is going
to be of no profit. You have to learn not to be extravagant in this
way so that you will not waste anything, and you have to learn above
all things that you have to be out and God has to be in. The trouble
with so many people is that they have never gotten out so He could
get in. But if God ever gets in, you will first have gotten out,
never to come in anymore.
this end, we pray that God will show us now why we really need the
word of wisdom and how we may be in a place in which we will surely
know it is of God. I am going to give you an example of the word of
wisdom through an experience I had, and it will help you more than
anything else.
Questionable Word and a Word of Wisdom
day I went out of my house and saw a friend of mine named John who
lived opposite me. He crossed the road, came up to me, and said,
“Now, Smith, how are you?”
well, John,” I said.
he said, “my wife and I have been thinking and praying and talking
together about selling our house, and every time we think about it in
any way, your name is the only one we think about.”
was a strange thing to me.
you buy it?” he asked.
if you remember, when David went wrong he only went wrong because he
violated the holy communion and knowledge of what kept him. What was
it? What was the word that would have saved him? “You shall not
covet your neighbor’s wife” (Exod. 20:17). He had to break that
law to commit sin.
was not dealing with a sin; however, looking back, I see that there
were many questionable things about the situation, so that if I had
thought about it for a moment, I would have been saved from many
weeks of brokenheartedness and sorrow.
was the first thing that I should have asked myself? “Can I live in
two houses? No. Well, then, one is sufficient.”
next thing was, “Do I have the money to buy the house? No.”
is sufficient in itself, for God does not want any person to be in
debt, and when you learn that secret, it will save you from thousands
of sleepless nights. But I was like many people; we are all learning,
and none of us is perfect. However, I do thank God that we are called
to perfection, whether we come into it at once or not. If you miss
the mark of holiness ten times a day, fortify yourself to believe
that God intends for you to be holy, and then stand again. Do not
give in when you miss the mark. There is a saying that goes
something like this: “No man fails to succeed in life because he
makes a blunder; it is when he makes the blunder twice.” No person
who fails once loses his “high calling” (Phil. 3:14 kjv).
Therefore, the Word of God says that when you repent with godly
repentance, you will never do the same thing again. (See 2
Corinthians 7:9–11.)
is not for you to give in; you have to fortify yourself. The day is
young; the opportunities are tremendously large. May God help you not
to give in. Believe that God can make you new and turn you into
another person. Now, what was the trouble with me? It was that I
didn’t discuss this transaction with God. Many of you are in the
same place. What do we do afterward? We begin working our way out. So
I began working this thing out. “How much will you take for it?”
I asked.
named the price. I thought to myself—this was a human thought—“Now,
the banking society will give me all I want. They are well acquainted
with me; that will be no trouble.”
the loan officer came to look over the house. “It is a beautiful
house,” he said. “It is very reasonable. You will lose nothing on
this if you ever sell it. It is well worth the money. But I cannot
give you within five hundred dollars of what you need.”
did not have five hundred dollars; I couldn’t get it out of the
business I had at that time, so I still tried a human way. I did not
go to God. If I had, I could have gotten out of it. But I tried to
work my way out. Why? Because I knew
was wrong from the beginning.
first thing I did was to try my relatives. Have you ever done that?
What was wrong? They were all so pleased to see me, but I was either
a bit too soon or a little bit too late; I absolutely just missed it.
They all wanted to lend me the money, but I was there at the wrong
time. I tell you, every time I saw a relative, I had a Turkish bath
without paying for it.
had another human plan then: I tried my friends. The same thing
I went to my lovely wife. Oh, she was a darling! She was holy! I went
to her and I said, “Oh, Mother, I am in a hard place.”
know,” she said. “I will tell you what you have never done, my
have never gone to God once about this thing.” That is the secret.
When you get out of the will of God, then you try your own way.
then I knew she knew, and I knew what I would get if I went to
right, my dear, I will go pray.”
is lovely to have a place to go in which to pray—those places where
you open your eyes to see if you can see Him in reality because He is
so near. Ah, to walk with God! “Father,” I said, “You know all
about it. If you will forgive me this time, I will never trouble you
again as long as I live with anything like this.”
then came the word of wisdom. He has it. And yet it was the most
ridiculous word I ever heard in all my life. The Lord said, “Go see
Brother Webster.”
came downstairs. I said, “He has spoken.”
knew He would.”
but you see He said such a ridiculous thing.”
it,” she said. “It will be all right. When God speaks, you know
it means it is all right.”
Mother, you could hardly think it could be right. He has told me to
go see Brother Webster.”
she said.
Webster was a man who kilned lime. The most he ever got per week, to
my knowledge, was $3.50. He wore corduroy trousers and a pair of big
work boots. But he was a godly man.
in the morning, I jumped onto my bicycle and went to his house. I got
there at eight o’clock.
Brother Wigglesworth, what brings you so early?” he asked.
was speaking to the Lord last night about a little trouble,” I
said, “and He told me to come and see you.”
that is the case,” he said, “we will go down to my house and talk
to the Lord.”
went to the house and he locked the door.
tell me,” he said.
three weeks ago I arranged to buy a house. I found out I was short
five hundred dollars. I have tried everything I know and have failed.
My wife told me last night to go to God, and while I was there God
said, ‘Go see Brother Webster,’ so here I am.”
long have you needed it?”
you have never come to see me before?”
God never told me.”
could have been able to know the next day if I had gone to God, but I
tried my way and went to every man possible without going straight to
God. I hope you won’t do that now that you are to have the word of
wisdom God is going to give you.
Webster said to me, “For twenty years I have been putting aside a
little more than half a dollar a week into a cooperative society.
Three weeks ago they told me that I had five hundred dollars and that
I must take it out because I was not doing business with them. I
brought it home. I put it under the mattresses, under the floor
boards, in the ceiling, everywhere. Oh, I have been so troubled by
it! If it will do you any good, you can have it.”
knows it all, He knows it all,
Father knows it all;
bitter tears, how oft they flow,
knows, my Father knows it all.
would like to change that verse somewhat. I will sing it
way God changed it for me:
knows it all, He knows it all,
Father knows it all;
joy that comes and overflows,
knows, my Father sends it all.
He knows. Glory to God!
had so much trouble,” Brother Webster said, “that I took it to
the bank yesterday to get rid of it. If I can get it out today, you
can have it.”
went to the bank and asked, “How much can I have?”
it is your own,” they said. “You can have it all.” He came out,
gave it to me, and said, “There it is! If it is as much blessing to
you as it has been trouble to me, you will have a lot of blessing.”
beloved, He knows just what you need. Don’t you know that if I had
gone to the right place right away, I would never have been in
trouble? What I ought to have known was this: there was no need for
the house at all. I could not rest. I got rid of the house and took
the money back to Brother Webster and said, “Take it back; take
the money back. It will be trouble to me if I keep that money; take
to be in the will of God! Don’t you see, beloved, there is the
word, the word of wisdom. One word is sufficient; you don’t need a
lot. One little word from God is all you require. You can count on
it; it will never fail. It will bring forth what God has desired. May
the Lord give wisdom to you so that you may “rightly [handle] the
word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15), walk in the “fear of the Lord” (2
Chron. 19:7), and be an example to other believers (1 Tim. 4:12).
Never take advantage of the Holy Spirit, but allow the Holy Spirit to
take advantage of you.
have come to a conclusion that is very beautiful, in my estimation. I
once thought I possessed the Holy Spirit, but I have come to the
conclusion that He has to be entirely the Possessor of me.
can tame your tongue. God can so reserve you for Himself that your
entire body will be operating in the Spirit.
Lord of Hosts is in the place, waiting to change the human race and
fit it for a heavenly place.
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