Saturday, October 31, 2020
Lord Help Me to Understand Myself; How to Avoid Unrealistic Expectation and Disappointment
I see the disconnect. You have to understand something. If you had it happened to you what has happened to me. You were exposed to the heavenly kingdom too. I was with Jesus. I was in the river of life. I was in the throne room. I was in these secret rooms that were in the throne building. Then Jesus took me down the hallway to all these beautiful places and explain things to me. Well, you would be different too.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Thursday, October 29, 2020
A Love for God's Word Part 5- Kevin
What I said was that the spirit of God will give you glimpses of the future. And when he does you have inside information on what is going on. And I used to have this. Not as a prophet just as a believer. I used to have the spirit of God to show me things. So I know that it’s for everybody. And I know because the angels told me. The angels told me when they came to me in Washington DC across from the pentagon. They came to me and they told me about this move of God. They told me about the books that I would write.
I had nothing. They told me exactly when the move of God would happen. And this was years ago they told me that January 1st of this year. It would happen. They told me that while I was still working with Southwest. I came home and told my wife. To me to have what just happened I know exactly what just happened. The devil wanted to stop the move but those angels told me. They said in three years and it happened. Just in three.
January first is the move of God will become evident to the people. But he said they told me you move in it now. So for three years, I did and everybody was like oh I don’t understand how this. I had inside information that the water was already over my waist with the move. Now it’s full-blown like right now. If you would all yield you would not be able to walk to your car.
You would not be able to. You’d be laughing so hard and you would not remember what you were worrying about. And you’d have to ask somebody to tell you because you wouldn’t remember. You’d have to look at your driver’s license to see who you are. I'm serious it would. The Lord could just take you into that realm where you’re already experiencing heaven.
And you’re still here. I know this but this is what the angels told me. I said I just want to be in the center of God’s will and they said to me you are in the center of God’s will. Wherever we are you are in the center of God’s will. And I go wait a minute. I go no I gotta like you know do my thing and be in God. They said if we’re sent to you wherever we go and you are in the center of God’s will right now. Kevin, you are in the perfect will of God. They’re all surrounding me. Smiling at me and they said don’t wait to jump in.
They said the move of God has begun. So I've been announcing it for three years. So guess what happens in February. Guess what happens in China in December, January. So I see things a little differently. So that’s why I am the way I am. I am not going to give the devil any satisfaction. Whatsoever hey buddy. Anyway, those angels are here tonight. The angels come because they’ve been sent. Which means you’re in a perfect will of God.
But you need to spend some time with the Lord. And I want you to worship. I want the band to come and play and then I want you to meditate. Let the Lord speak to you a little bit before you go home.
I will teach on those questions that you give me and then I’ll develop the book so that it really helps people. Because I am told what to write but the Lord asked me to do this. This is one of my special works I have eight best sellers out. But I have a whole bunch more. I gotta write and I want every book to count so that if you would have that book in your hand you would feel like God was really talking to you. I know that I do that already. But I really want to start to be in touch with you if you have questions. So I appreciate it if you would do that and put those questions back there on the book table. I don’t feel like the Lord’s done but it might be because you just are holding me.
This is what happens in these. So I like it when I'm in the studio doing these. Because there’s nobody pulling on me. It’s so much easier. I go right down the list and close her up and go home. I live two minutes from the studio. It’s easy but this is hard. Because I love you all and I can feel your hunger and then it ends up. We have three o’clock am and then breakfast is served. I've already called the band up so I can’t make them stand.
The spirit of the Lord is a person. If he was here I would give him the mic but he is here and he has the mic. If you yield we can heal it. And do that in Azusa Street. You know what happened with William Seymour. He would get in a crate there and put his head in there and start praying. And then sometimes they would have. They didn’t know who the speaker was going to be. So someone that felt led by the spirit to get up and speak. Would be the speaker for the night. So whoever they waited on God until someone was led up here.
But when they started speaking if it wasn’t God they would yell sit down and shut up. And I feel as though you need to become friends with him. The Holy Spirit and don’t think of him as a bird. That wants birdseed. He is a beautiful being like Jesus. He’s one just like Jesus. That’s what Jesus said is one just like me who is going to be a friend. Just like I am to you.
I'm going to send him. He’s going to be with you forever. He’s going to be your counselor. He’s going to be your lawyer. Your standby. He’s going to tell you what to say. He’s going to show you the future. He’s going to remind you of what I've said. All these different beautiful things. That he does and I don’t feel like people relate to him. And I feel like religion has made him a dove. Because it says that he descended on Jesus like a dove.
Well, it’s just like Melchizedek. Jesus was one likened unto Melchizedek. It doesn’t say he was Melchizedek. But you got a huge amount of people that believe. That it’s the same with the spirit of God and I'm telling you this final move starts in your home. It starts with your children. It starts in your home and you bring it to church. And it’ll get to where you don’t leave. You’ll just want to stay together. When you get together you won’t want to say goodbye to people. I'm telling you this is what’s going to start happening. It’s already happening around you. But it needs to manifest. Don’t wait. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you.
Start doing bible studies and start meeting with people and helping people. Make sure they have everything they need. That’s why we’re doing what we’re doing is. So that we can have contacts all over the world. Where people if they need anything they’ll be somewhere in the proximity of their country or their city that they can go to. If they need food or water whatever they need and encouragement you know and I feel like I'm not waiting for the institution to do this. Because see I'm four churches. I and my wife were assistant pastors. They wanted to transfer me several different times to be the pastor. I said no I don’t want to be the pastor. I want to be second in command. Then I don’t get shot at.
I just hide behind the pastor I don’t want to be the music leader. Just put me on the banjo behind the leader. Let me hide. I always want to be second in command. I just want to help someone else look good okay. But it’s come to this point where we’ve got to make God look good. And I think that we should start in our homes. And then pray that God shows you someone who’s appointed as a pastor that will let God do his thing with his church. And pray even if it’s someone new that needs to come in and start a church. And that’s why I tie myself with the people.
I do. I'm with people and that’s where I go. I don’t go. I mean I have invited. I mean I've been invited to churches that have 31000 in them. But I'm not going back. I'm called to certain people to build so that the move of God will never be forwarded. I'm sowing the seed of the word to build people up so that we don’t make the mistakes that have already been made. These moves should have never stopped. So I just feel like I should tell you this that the Holy Spirit is the one who is in charge of this movie. And it starts with your home. It starts with your kids.
You create an atmosphere at home and it doesn’t matter how bad it is. I'm telling you. I saw angels visiting people at night standing beside it don’t be surprised if it happens tonight. It happens at every meeting. People come back and they say it happened last night. I said well yeah of course it did such expectancy in this room. I'm just going to tell you what the Lord just told me. You can’t lose. I'm not saying that to make you feel better. That’s what he said. If God can’t lose. If you’re more than a conqueror and he can’t lose then you can’t lose. Well, then why do I lose. It’s just maturity. Just take out the lion and the bear and then one day you’re going to take out the giant amen.
I'm going to pray for you. Father in the name of Jesus thank you for your people. Thank you for my family here Lord. You love them just visit us right now with your love. It’s time the spirit of God saying it’s time for you to be loved. So let’s just let the Lord love us. He wants to love us right now. Precious Jesus, you’re fairest of all. There’s no one like you and you walk amongst us.
You’re here can I tell you what the Lord just told me. He said I'm going to grab a hold of you. I'm not going to ever let go. That’s what he just told me. You see to live in this high life. You have to be willing to hear exceedingly abundantly and great things that you cannot imagine. I hear these amazing things that don’t originate from men. But he told me to tell you he’s going to grab ahold of you and he’s not letting go. He loves you.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
A Love For God's Word Part 4
You didn’t come to see a reed bending in the wind. John the Baptist was not that way. Jesus was not that way. He was solid. He didn’t give in and he said that. You fall upon the rock lest it falls upon you. You kiss the son lest he is angry. You get it right with your accuser on the way to court. Those are all indications of what we’re supposed to do with the Lord. But with the enemy no mercy. No mercy. We need a whole group of people to speak like this. I don’t need ministry I need warriors. I'm done with the carnival amen.
I don’t need a fire tunnel. I need the fire from the altar the flame that never goes out. I don’t need a ride please don’t write to me. I'm serious. I get unfriended because I'm against fire tunnels. I never said that. I want the real thing if that’s the real thing then that’s fine. But if it’s a carnival ride I can go to Epcot center or something. At least they’ve inspected that fire tunnel. I don’t know about this one up here. Might not be past inspection okay. I am not against all these things. What I'm against is if it changes you or not. If it doesn’t change you then it’s really worthless. Because it’s mocking God and God’s not mocked by the way you reap what you sow.
So if you say you know I keep planting corn and I get celery every year. Well, that’s mocking God you can’t say listen. I read the word. I get it all the time and I love you. When you write and you say I've done everything. I'm fast, I prayed I read the word every day. I've done everything I can do and I've never heard God’s voice. I'm not baptized in the holy spirit nothing happens well see God is not mocked. A man reaps what he saw. It’s like the friends we had.
This lady had dieted for seven years. At the end of the seven years, she was exactly the same weight. But she’s always dieting. Well, God is not mocked. Now there could be a chemical problem. I'm not speaking against that. If you have a chemical problem if there’s a biological thing going on. What I'm saying is that there are reaping and sowing. And you can’t blame God because something ain’t right. If you’re sowing into the spirit you’re going to reap the spirit. If I see flesh then I know what you’re. We’re sowing into is that. Fair okay. So you can’t say well, God hasn’t moved or God’s not answering me or whatever. Because you sow into your spiritual life and you get that. So if you are mean to the devil if you are ruthless to him what you’re doing is you’re establishing your authority.
So that he gets the message and he knows that you’re not going to back off and at that point, he will leave you to seek someone else. That he can devour. This is the truth. If there is a devil present he must be cast out. I don’t care who he’s around. Besides, I don’t care if it’s a reverend. If there’s a devil he must go. You got it. A snake’s not messing around. This is not the petting zoo. If a snake goes up he doesn’t want to pet.
He’s giving you one last warning. If a Devil comes up like that you start laughing. You got to be kidding me. I say oh God took them away. Oh God took them away. Every morning when I wake up I'm praying in tongues. And I say to the devil yeah I heard that lake of fire is getting hot. I do people tell me oh you can’t talk to the devil like that. Well, he talks to you like that. He tells you you’re worthless. You’re not going to heaven. So that’s okay. Talking smack to you.
I'm serious if you just stick your fingers in your ears and just start saying liar liar he’s going to shake his head and leave. He’s going to think you’re crazier than he is. We laugh about these things but this is the character that you have to develop. I do the same with false doctrine. I do the same thing with false doctrine. I mean if it isn’t there I don’t care how good it sounds. But you know there are certain things that I don’t need to do. That you can take courses and books and everything and it’s not true. I can’t say what I want to say.
So I'm going to back off and go to my car. But I will tell you this there’s so much out there which is redoing what’s already available. Somebody is constantly trying to re-establish a new ministry and a new angle. But the thing that is preaching the gospel is not old-fashioned. And it’s never going to wear out. It’s good news. But I will tell you this. Because there are certain things that are being said that is absolutely not true. And they’re bigger than me but that’s not true at all. You can go to God yourself. Kevin do you have a word for me. Yeah, repent because you don’t need a word for me. I can confirm something you already know. But the Lord told me to back off of that because people were not using it as warfare.
They were not using that prophecy as warfare. They were thinking that it’s in stone and then it doesn’t happen. And then they say well you know that never happened. I had that happen. I had people complaining they wanted. It’s like they wanted their money back but they didn’t pay anything for it. But they wanted a refund. It’s like well, it didn’t come to pass it was no good. And I go what have you done with it. Well, I was waiting on God while he’s waiting on you.
So if you want another word it’s going to be the same one. I just gave you but I might be a little rougher with it. So that you remember it. It has to become part of you all right. So everyone here has a ministry. A ministry of reconciliation. You go out and you tell people that the price has been paid. It’s in chapter five. Second grade needs you to tell the people the price has been paid. Your sins are forgiven. But you must acknowledge Jesus as the way and you will be saved. If you acknowledge him and confess him as Lord you shall be saved. And it’s interesting immediately after the people get saved. We line them up here and we go. Now you’re going to get baptized in the holy spirit. I don’t even give him a choice. And we start praying with them. They all after getting saved get filled.
But if you wait then they’re waiting, they’re waiting for years for the holy spirit to make them speak in tongues. But if you get them right there they’re like oh my gosh they’re crying. They’re like God’s so real to them okay. Now the holy spirit wants to baptize you okay.
In this atmosphere tonight you cannot leave this room without getting your package from heaven. You cannot allow yourself to be robbed tonight. This atmosphere has no limitations in it. And it comes at a great price. My wife and my staff know what a great price it takes to feel what you feel.
There are many burgers that I have not eaten. There are many fun things that I want to do that I don’t do. Because when I show up I want to have the goods. I have to be able to be a distribution center. I have to let myself go and let him come okay. But you have to learn that this is your life. Your reward is really not down here. Your reward is with him. And you have no idea how much you’re going to be honored. If you stay in there.
Monday, October 26, 2020
A Love for God's Word Part-3 Continune.
The whole idea of Jesus saying be as innocent as a dove but as shrewd as a snake is that a snake always rises up to strike when you approach it. He doesn’t strike. He warns you. You be as innocent as a dove about it. You always go up everywhere. I know exactly what I'm going to do in a situation. I was trained that way. I know exactly what to do. I’d never go anywhere. I always have my keys ready before I get to my car. I always check my tires. I check if there’s someone under it. I do when I pull up to a gas station. I look everywhere I go over to the pump and I pull on the slot where the credit card goes to see if it’s the fake one, where they’re stealing our data. If it is I go to another one.
Then I don’t have to change my credit cards the next day. I look for the bulge of people that are armed. I know where to look. Looking everywhere for suspicious people. Why? Because I don’t trust anybody with my bag. I have everything I need to last months with me all the time. I know where my wallet is. I know where my passport is. I know where my weapon is. It’s in the same place all the time. So it never gets lost. Jesus taught me to be this way because he said that’s what that parable was about.
You’re as innocent as a dove but you’re shrewd as a snake. In other words, a snake doesn’t trust anybody because he’s at a disadvantage. When you’re being stalked by a wild animal they take the high ground. Mountain lion, they’re not down here. You look they’re up here. They’re tracking you. You’re being followed. High ground. Looking down on you. It’s just the way it is so I don’t listen and believe everything is told to me. You’ve been to heaven. Well, congratulations but how are you walking. It’ll change you. You have angel visitations every week. Well, then I'm going to want to know what God is doing through you.
Because the angels aren’t coming to play cards. I'm trying to show you the carnival that this has turned into. God is not our entertainment. God is to be known. He’s to be known in his ways not known by his acts. Israel knew God’s acts but Moses knew his ways. You know his ways by getting off milk and changing your diet to the meat of the word.
I know this is kind of hard. But I have to do this because I don’t know. You know my schedule is really really going to change. I don’t know exactly how many cities I’ll be able to go to. So I'm doing it. Come every week now to get this out. But I have to get you to a certain point. So that when I see you again if it’s a longer period of time at least you have this been given to. You can watch the youtube videos and you know you can study and rehearse. That you were already prepared. You were told that if you’re going to spend time at your house. A lot of time in your house then you’re going to do what you can. You’re going to take it as a time to study. You’re going to take it as a time to prepare for what the greatest move of God. That’s ever hit this earth and the harvest is going to come in okay. So the giant that David killed came after.
He had killed the bear and the lion and so you know the story. It’s in first Samuel 17:34-37 and David went to feed his brothers. And he couldn’t believe what he was seeing that the king and all the army was hiding as this giant was just railing. And he was started to inquire and so when they found that somebody ran to Saul. King Saul and said hey someone’s inquiring because they were just trying to find some numb skull that would make a throw out there. They want to throw somebody under the bus you know. So he said well who’s his father. Go find out who his father is and so anyway this is what David said to Saul. Your servant used to keep sheep. Used to keep sheep. He was sent to give them meals and come back to the sheep right.
He said your servant used to keep his father’s sheep. Am I right? Is it up there. David saw his day of the promotion so he wasn’t going back. Was he okay? So he said when the lion and the bear came and took a lamb out of the sheep. I went out after it struck it delivered the lamb from its mouth. And when it rose against me I caught it by its beard. Wow, and struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear.
And this uncircumcised will be one of them. Seeing he has defied the armies of the living God. See that was a mature seed. That was a response being as shrewd as a snake. He said I can take this guy outright. So he gives his brothers the happy meals that he delivered. And then he goes through that whole thing the Lord who delivered me from the pile of the lion and the bear. He will deliver me from the hands of philistines okay. So we can have a great discussion about this but see this is exactly where you’re at. You’re being trained in the situation. You are and Jesus told me that I was to tell everyone that whatever battle you are in right now with whatever it is that is the giant that you’re going to take out. And that’s your promotion into your next level. whatever it is that you’re encountering your assignment is to take it out. And I remember this because when I was in high school at junior high. I ran miles a day. I mean I don’t think I ran. I don’t. I always ran two miles a day. Since I was nine years old I never missed a day. But I got up too sometimes.
I do 20 miles a day. Not all the time. You can’t but I would at least do a 20-mile run a week. That’s after training on others too and I remember I was so thin because I wanted to set all these records. But I would get beat up by the bullies. So I thought well, you know I thought well, Bruce Jenner. You know he used to be muscular. But now he’s somebody else. But I thought you know I don’t want to be like him now. But at that time he was my idol and so I thought well he was muscular and he lost weight so I can do that. So I’ll just lift some weights and you know I’ll keep it. So I started lifting weights well.
What happened was that I started to get muscular and big and then I grew and I still did my running and everything but then what happened was is everybody started to leave me alone except for the guys who were the ones who are. Now they’re challenged. It’s just weird. It’s like a pack of wolves. I hate being a guy you know but I don’t want to be a woman either. Because it takes me 33 seconds to get ready.
So I really like being a guy. But my wife remembers this that I told her. I said you know then the biggest guys the biggest muscular guys in the school wanted to challenge me now. Because of the girls which you know. I don’t know if there was anybody worth fighting for in my school or not get the car ready. I would have these bullies show up. These big guys show up to fight me. And I didn’t want to fight. And I remember this the head guy he showed up and I was walking home. And there’s this little triangle right there where the roads where our neighborhood was. And it’s in the country in farmland.
Please don’t leave. He challenged me there and he just started. He had bought a bunch of guys with them to make sure that I fought. So I was really fighting like four or five guys because they were all you know. I hadn’t watched enough Texas ranger movies in the William Shatner fight scenes were lame but I remember that guy he just went back and threw a punch at me and he was at least a foot taller than me. But when he went back to throw it. I went into a vision and I had already dreamed. Dreamt this so I knew exactly what he’s going to do.
So I just moved my head and he missed it. And I came up and knocked him out. And I turned around. I said anybody else wants to die. And they all left. And I walked away shaking. And I said God what just happened I'm not kidding you. The triangle yeah. You were doing your notes or something like okay. She’s trying to help me but I'm way ahead of the triangle. Yes Oh yes of course. You’re right of course you’re right. So I would have all these dreams for years. No one bothered me again and I ended up my wife won’t let me show anybody. I was in a muscle builder magazine. I was a bot I became a bodybuilder.
But I did the drug-free. So I got tested and that was in those kinds of contests. My wife let me show because I had a speedo on so sure. You hit him somewhere there. Hanging on to that washboard belly. Thought of that, Yeah, Jesse said he used to have a six-pack down here. But now he’s got a keg. But that’s Jesse you know. Anyway, I would have this dream. I would have this dream, a recurring dream all the time. And I would be in this, on that road, on the road and I started asking the Lord and this is going to help you. Because when you have recurring dreams you should ask the holy spirit what’s going on.
Because your spirit is trying to tell your soul something. But your soul is not up to speed. Because you need to have it transformed. So you have to renew it by the word of God. As you do that you will start to synchronize with your spirit and then your dreams will be clear. I'm not kidding you. Essentially you have an old commodore 64 in your spirits like some supercomputer. And they don’t like to, they don’t communicate right.
So what happened is that that same spirit that would possess these people to do this to me it couldn’t do it that way anymore. But that spirit was still after me and I realized one morning I woke up in New Orleans. I got up and as I turned to my nightstand and started praying in tongues which means if I wake up first I say yes really loud and then my wife wakes up and she says yes and we start praying in warfare tongues. And that’s how we start our day every morning. And so I did that and as I turned all of a sudden I saw that triangle. That place where I would get has fought. Where people would fight me. And I’d get beat up and I saw that I was no longer a victim. And I saw the devil was the victim.
This just happened a few years ago and that I never had the dream again. It flipped so whatever is bothering you whatever is harassing you it’s a devil that’s assigned to you. You need to take them out. That’s your assignment. But that will be your ministry. That’s true, isn’t it? What did David do after this he took out all the giants with his might. He trained 30 men to do exactly what he did to hit with. It says to hit within a hair’s breadth. With accuracy. With a sling, he trained 30 men to do it. That’s what I'm doing.
I'm training you to do this. So whatever is bothering you that’s the devil that you’ve taken out. That will be your promotion. And that will be your ministry, is everybody understands what I'm saying. Whatever it is you’re going through you need to take it out. I don’t care if you’re five or 105.
If you’re still breathing, you can swing. Remember what I told you last night about the granny in Texas. If you all are coming to my city please hurry up. I got a pie in the oven. She’s talking to the rioters with her ar-15 in her hand. Did you see the picture? Did you all see that you all hurry up? You got a pie in the oven. I can’t be out here on this porch all night. I'm not kidding you. I wish I had it. I put it up for you okay.
Oh, it’s still early. Cheer so what is this that’s bothering you? You need to take it out. Maybe it’s a traumatic event that happened. That you don’t understand. Why God let it happen? But you’ll find out that. He didn’t have anything to do with it. And when you get to heaven you’ll see that. You weren’t in a place where you could discern good and evil. And you didn’t know how to discern. How to move and live and have your being in him. Or you would have never found yourself in that situation. But there are situations that happen. This is a fallen world. There are crazy people. There are crazy squirrels in my yard too.
They’re crazy. I've spent six thousand dollars to keep them out of my house went through three different people until they just gave up. But we won. I found a spirit-filled contractor with praise in tongues. I'm telling you what he fortified our house and there you could see them. They’re having meetings in my yard. And they’re like worried. She’s in our house and they’re running through the walls and they’re laughing at us. I know they were okay. So just like the devil, we lock him out of our house 6000.
Later our car starts acting up. So the guy comes out pulls open some of the caps for the plugs and everything and there’s a whole hotel in there with a year’s supply of nuts. Am I kidding? But we got him out of there too. But they’re still in the yard they come right up to the window and look in at me. They do so. You know what I did. We have an expert in our church who has had 123 confirmed kills. That’s how many there are.
So he said okay. Here’s the pellet rifle you get. I go does it hold a scope? He goes, you want a scope. I go I'm telling you I'm done with these things. So I got a mount for it for my rail. I got a mount so I can put it on my porch. I got their long-range sight. I got the most powerful pellet gun and amazon asks you. Do you want it hidden or do you want it just in the box that comes and I said send it visible? I kid you not and she can confirm it.
The FedEx guy left. It has a picture of it with the rifle. With the rifle and the scope sitting there. And no more squirrels. I'm not kidding you. No more squirrels. So I just left it out there for a little bit. I've never used it once. I've never used it and now they bring us nuts you know. But here’s the thing. They’ll take all of that and relate it. The devils know when you mean business. The devils know that you’re called. They know that you’ve been chosen. They know that you’re being prepared for. Something they don’t know exactly what’s going on. But they can see the activity.
The devils know because you light up. See like right now because you’re being visited. You’re lit up in the spirit and they can see that and so when the breath of God comes upon you. Wen the word of God ignites in you all these different activities. Angels come. They stand beside you. They see all this activity and then they reverse engineer and they draw to the conclusion that something’s about to happen.
And they’re going to have to fortify or they’re going to get driven out because they’ll come to a point where your eyes in the spirit start to see these entities. And then they’re found out. Then they can’t operate. So I mean like I've numerous times as I've been up here. Speaking the last couple of days I've seen out of the corner of my eye movement to where I thought somebody was standing beside me. But see in the spirit you’ll start to get sensitive and your physical eyes will also start to see things. And sense movements. So right now I feel the favor of the Lord.
He’s so happy my angel is behind me and I feel so happy. But see this is the way you are too. This is you as well. I'm no more special than you are. I saw that in heaven. Everybody is equal but for some reason, it’s become a carnival down here to where we only honor certain people.
But see the five-fold are supposed to be building us up. And I’d rather just be a businessman that prays in tongues than be known as a prophet. Where you look to me I’d rather just go back to being a businessman then no one would get mad at me. If I got a jet, I can’t get off of this the spirit. Lord still tell me you got to take your giant out and you’re being prepared for this and you’re getting all the tools. Now I feel the movement in the spirit. The water is being stirred right now. And it’s swirling above you and God’s favor is in this room.
And you don’t worry about what’s going to happen. Once you leave this place you take advantage of what’s being placed before you. Tonight the angels are here now. I know when those angels come. I know that they have an agenda and I sense in my spirit that God has given you weapons. How many of you have received words that have not come to pass. You can raise your hand now that would be a good time. Thank you. Look at all these. Well, see paul said those are weapons the prophecies you wage war with. Those prophecies.
Use them as weapons of warfare okay. So you use those and you tell the devil until he leaves you. Talk about what the spirit is saying about you. You say that and they don’t want to hear that. And they’re not interested in you. If you’re weak, what does this say? What’s the scripture say? He seeks. He’s like a lion that seeks who he may devour. So like I said in Dalton don’t be edible. I was told when I moved down there. You got alligators in your backyard. You’re gonna have alligators everywhere. I'm like well, we’ll be going. We’ll be leaving.
No, I just wanna. I like you gotta be kidding me. God sent me there but I gotta deal with this. Well, I was told you know when you come up upon one if they can take you they’ll come toward you. Oh, thanks a lot okay. But if they back off, if they back off they’ve determined that they can’t take you. So it happened to me. We were looking for houses and we went to the backyard. And my wife of course loves every house we looked at until I saw that alligator peeking up in my back in that backyard. And he started backing up.
I go, I got you. I got you and sure enough, he’s just turned around and swim away. So I told my wife you know we’re not. This is in our house. But anyway we did find the house. But I started to see that when you look at the devil. When you look at these evil spirits they start freaking out. If you’re not afraid they don’t know what to do. Because they don’t. Are you all listening? They don’t have a plan b. They totally bank on you being afraid and to tell you the truth. I was told that they don’t encounter a lot of Christians that will stand up to them. And they freak out when a Christian stands up to him.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
A Love For God's Word Part 2
So when God says something, it’s absolutely true. You need to reinforce what he says. Even though the facts say that you’re sick the absolute truth is that you were healed. It’s already been done. It needs to manifest so you need to drink and eat from the heavenly realm. This is your life. Why would Jesus say do this until I come? This is my body broken for you. This is my blood take and eat and drink. Paul did the same thing in Corinthians and he said you do this as often as you like until I come. You honor that it’s a holy time. It’s not make-believe or a children’s program.
This is something that is very sacred and you remember the Lord that night when he was betrayed and you honor him. It’s a spiritual communion that you use physical emblems to represent it. But when you take that something spiritually happens. Something happens inside of you. I'm more a part of him than I ever have been. But I might only be halfway there. We were just in Dalton and I told that crowd of 750. I said listen you’ll know when I have fully given myself over because the whole place will be on the floor and will not be able to get back in their chair. I already know that I was in the future when I turn myself over completely. I already know what’s going to happen in a meeting. You’ll be in a sitting position and fall. You won’t need a word that has been spoken. This is something he wants to do to get the bride ready. As soon as they get inside people were getting saved. After they were getting healed people, I heard people Christians were meeting. Because the glory of the father had come in. So like right now. My angel’s right behind me and he’s on fire. I'm cooking. I mean I'm burning to where I feel like my jacket is burning. My hair I still have hair and it’s burning. But see you’re looking at me but there’s somebody greater than me. I mean these angels if you see an angel you’ll pray. You’ll never see another one because they’re so beautiful.
You have to look away and then I saw my glorified state. Because Jesus took me to my resurrection on the other side. When we all get the resurrection body and I had to look away. I couldn’t look at myself. When I yield fully to the spirit I can hear the spirit saying things about me. That you all be jealous about. But see he’s doing the same thing with you. He’s talking you up. He’s telling about who you really are. That people don’t know. He’s talking about where you’re going. He’s calling the things that are not as though they were. The spirit is doing that so right now in your spirit the holy spirit is calling you faithful. Calling you transformed. Calling you a prophetic voice for this nation. For this generation. Holy Spirit’s talking about what’s going to happen tomorrow and the next day. And the next year. All the plans he has for you. I am not kidding you. I've had people translate my tongues that knew the language told me exactly what I was saying. Within 24 hours the times and places and people that they named happened in clockwork. But it didn’t look like it was going to happen. The holy spirit knew tomorrow before I did and he’s inside of you. It’s a local call. So right now you’re burning inside because the holy spirit has enough fuel from the word. That you’ve heard to burn and you’re ignited. And you can do anything you just have to learn to walk like this all the time. Now when you get up can you walk out there and stay in step with the holy spirit. But this is a key to encountering God’s normal is framing your world by the word of God and then eating it okay, So can we go on okay.
One moment, the chapter moved. It’s not where it was before. Can’t be my fault okay. So it’s time now to advance into deeper spiritual truths which means you’ve got to go to the book of Hebrews and live there. And what I did was I listened to Hebrews over and over again for years. In fact for years. All the years you didn’t know me. And some of them that you did before I would go out to speak. I had in my earbuds the book of Hebrews and I was quoting it out loud which I do every time I speak. But now I've shifted a little bit. But I always listen to the book of Hebrews because the Lord told me it’s a supernatural book just like they are. But especially Genesis is supernatural because it was given to Moses. Moses wrote Genesis but he didn’t live in Genesis so it was given to him on the mountain by angels. So it’s a supernatural book. Genesis is a profound book there’s a lot of hidden things in there.
That you might even see played out in the next year. It’s a crazy book okay. Hebrews is like that too. Because it doesn’t have an author that they know of. It doesn’t have an author but I'm sure the author had a belly button. I'm sure that he had a birth certificate too. So he could be president okay.
All right so we’re going to advance into spiritual truths and I'm giving you secrets here. I don’t know if you hear. It’s like hello come on now, listen Hebrews is a supernatural book. If you read Hebrews and you eat this as bread. You’re going to go deeper into spiritual truths than you ever thought possible. I mean don’t you want to know what I saw on the other side. I gave you hints in John 14, 15, 16, and 17.
First Corinthians chapter two. Ephesians all of it and Hebrews. You eat this like bread. It becomes part of you and then what happens is you start to know God. And you go into this mature state which I want everyone to be and I want to be in it okay. So Hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 says for though by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God. And you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness. For he is a babe but solid food belongs to those who are of full age. That is those by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. So you can see why people get deceived. He’s telling you right here why and I saw this. I saw this we’re supposed to be the sharpest people on earth. I mean how many in here like fake news. No, but how do you know it’s fake news. Because you know the truth okay.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
A Love For God's Word Sermon Tanslation
With that being said it’s so important to love his word. Because you’re loving God. It’s the same thing but it’s not a system to get what you want. Jesus said don’t be like the pharisees and come with many words. Repetitive words. Jesus said just ask and you’re going to receive. Seek and you will find knock and the door shall be open to you. I know that everybody falls on that parable of the man that they kept bothering for bread. They use that one you got to keep bothering until you get it. But it was an unjust person. Remember the unjust judge. You got that. You got the person. They’re bothering at night and they use those. But see you don’t have to do that with God. It might take you a while.
In class, in 1986 brother Hagin said this. He said I'm going to offend a bunch of people right now. But it probably takes so many years. But you’ll come to this conclusion he said. I'm going to tell you. He said if you know the word of God and you get it down in your heart. He said you can cut your prayer time down 85 percent. Yeah. He said busting down the gates of heaven is not needed. You don’t have to storm the gates of heaven.
You storm the gates of hell. But everybody’s afraid of the devil in hell you don’t have to break down the gates of heaven. You don’t have to bother God. He wants you to bother him. You’re not bothering him. You’re a child that he loves. So he said and I didn’t agree with him. So I fasted and prayed hours and hours. I fasted 21 days several different times. Prayed in tongues all the time.
What I mean all the time I mean all the time just two years ago I prayed. I prayed three days in tongues 24 hours a day without eating with my wife there watching. She knew that. She could tell you that I did this and then an angel came on the third day. It changed my life forever. But now the same anointing the same power of a 21 day fast is on me. I ate twice today. Can you believe that what happened. I matured. How did I mature. I learned God’s character by his word. I went directly to him in Jesus name I talked to the father directly. That’s what Jesus said. He said there’s coming a day where you won’t have to come to me and ask me.
You can go directly to the father did he not say that. When I go directly to the father I don’t say you know. I've got to pray in tongues about 12 hours and then I’ll get with you. I don’t have to go through any of the saints or any of Jesus’s relatives. I can go directly to the ceo. Please don’t write me. They will anyway. All right.
So when I met Jesus he was exactly like his word. And when I was in the throne room I didn’t get to see the face of our father but what was there was so amazing. And though even the beings that are around the throne and up above the throne everything is going on there there’s so much authority that you don’t want to talk. But if God does talk everyone knows it and he gets what he says. Jesus gets what he says. He gets what he wants. But he gets what he wants down here through his body. It says that they are waiting for his enemies to become his footstool through the church.
So if we permit things down here they will be permitted. If we forbid them they are forbidden which is one of the translations on that verse. So when I encounter God’s normal I'm encountering his word. And it’s absolute. And this is a big problem that I run into. When I talk to people because I talk to people. I ask them. That’s I have the the 54 titles that I still have to write. Are all based on the things that people are dealing with. I did a study. Asked people what are they dealing with. They gave me 75 different subjects. So I still have 50. 50 some more books to write. I have those subjects on my laptop because I'm filling in the ditches of people’s lives.
So there’s no ditches and that’s what God does. He preemptively fixes things for you. Preemptively he hides them in his word. Because this is foreign. We don’t know how to relate to God.
But if we understood that he says. What he means his intent as it says in Isaiah 55. He speaks and He sends his word out. He and his intention is fulfilled. It comes back not void. Whatever was intended it is accomplished. Period. This is the way he is. You think, you like certain people until you meet them. And then you realize that who they are might not fit your personality. Jesus could be that way to you. Because you think he’s going to have tea with you and watch HBO. The wise thing to do if Jesus shows up is let him talk. Turn everything off and cancel your schedule. But because we’re so busy it’s really hard. Because you have that show that’s on at seven and he shows up at 6 45.
Now I've had this happen. I've prayed. I prayed for God to speak to me and help me and I remember asking him to pay my school bills. So I wouldn’t get kicked outand. I remember the night when I woke up to someone invisibly kicking me to wake me up and calling my name and I rolled over and fell back to sleep. I couldn’t believe that I did that. Well, it was years before I had another visitation. Well, what would cause me to be that way. I was getting lukewarm. I was allowing my troubles to consume me. I wasn’t being sober minded knowing that at any moment Jesus or heaven in some way could come and visit and speak with me. And help me. Now everything still worked out. But I missed a visitation and then later on I found out what that was. And I go, Lord if I would have known this I would have never been involved in that. And he go, he reminded me. Well, that’s why that angel was there that night. He was to warn me. So it’s kind of sobering to me.
So I asked the students to read psalms 119. And then in this workbook. I have them write out some of the things that the Lord speaks to you whileyou read Psalm 119. Because it’ll bring correction to you and that’s what we need. We need correction. We need course correction so that we end up at our destination. Oh it’s going to be glorious tonight. I can’t Oh dear Lord, you know that okay.
Jesus said this about himself John 6:2 of skipped over some of the scriptures. 6:32 John. Then Jesus said to them most assuredly I say to you. Moses did not give you the bread from heaven but my father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world okay. So tie with this. What I'm talking about is God’s word is Jesus. He’s the word of God. But he’s also the bread that came down from heaven. So he’s bread. So you can eat the word. So it’s bread. Healing is the children’s bread. So you can do this study and just tie this all in and this is why Jesus said you have to eat my flesh. Because it represents the bread. The bread is his flesh. The blood is the grape juice or whatever you want to call it. I call it grape juice but it was wine. But that’s no excuse for getting drunk. You see before the flood I don’t even want to go into that. But maybe I should okay. Yeast you see. When the fall came after a while things starts to deteriorate. But see they didn’t have yeast. See the whole thing about.
This invisible world that’s in your body. These little creatures that are in your body all kinds of stuff is causing sickness. Microscopic stuff. Those things could not exist in the atmosphere that was before the flood because it was so oxygen rich. Nothing bad can live in pure oxygen. Which is why your PH level needs to be higher. Because that makes it oxygenated to the place where you cannot get the certain sicknesses that you do otherwise. Do I have to wait six seconds. I'm sure they’re just really mad now. I heard Zinc works too. But everything everything lived longer okay. So after the flood the Lord had put underneath. In caverns underneath water. And he told me that was an extra move. Because he knew man would fall and he knew they would interbreed. And he knew he’d have to destroy the earth. When he created the earth he put water underneath because he never loses. Are you listening to me. He put water underneath it. Never rained because there was no pollution and you need condensation. Nuclei in the air. Dust particles that are charged in order to collect water to make clouds. That have drops. But if you don’t have that condensation nuclei, because there is no pollution then you don’t have clouds and rain. Do you understand.
So had never rained. So God released the water from underneath and flooded the earth but when it burst forth it was so strong. It shot up thousands of feet. It took dirt with it and bingo. We’ve got clouds. Now so then it rains for 40 days and that ends my science class. Well, the magnetic field of the earth changed everything shifted and the fruit of the vine had yeast in it. When it was kept it fermented. When it used to not it. Do you remember that the world was perfect. Nothing deteriorated. Well, fermentation is deterioration. Alcohol is formed from the yeast. So alcohol has to do with the fall. Sin has to do with the fall. That’s why they had unleavened bread. To represent bread without sin. Yeast. That’s why Jesus said beware of the leaven of the pharisees. The yeast in their teaching. No one’s brave enough to do this. I just thought about it. You’re like looking at me like you are a brave man.
I really don’t care. They’re all, pastors are like oh man let’s throw him a rope. We’re gonna have to drag him out. No, I don’t care. I really don’t care what people see. So when noah got drunk he drank more. He didn’t drink a whole bunch. It had deteriorated so you’re fighting. If you can drink or not. That’s not the problem. The problem is the fallen world that we have now and according to scientists they actually have a statistics. Which I'm not going to quote. These statistics because people write me say that’s not right. Then I don’t care. But I read too. And I do a lot of research. But the magnetic field of the earth is deteriorating every 1400 years. There is a certain measurement that I won’t say. So I can just save the emails from coming.
But they’ve determined that light is slowing down. So Einstein was wrong and I saw this. When I was in heaven. But you know because I'm a flight attendant I can’t. You know, I have no authority. But E equals MC squared. The C in there is supposed to be a constant, the speed of light. But it’s not a constant. So the whole formula is flawed. Because Einstein thought that light was a constant.
But see the light that’s mentioned in the bible is the revelation wisdom knowledge of God. Not physical light. So they have measurements from the early 1900s till now. With a plus and minus of three that shows that light is slowing down. The earth’s deteriorating and with that we have plants that people will tell you it must be all right to smoke. It because God gave it to us. Oh sure why don’t you just go pet an alligator too. And ride the lion too on the way home. We’ll pick you up in pieces. There’s no problem there. But I don’t want that person flying my jet. And passengers used to get on all the time say hey can I fly today. I go yeah, but I'm going home if you’re flying. I'm going home and I’ll just watch the news okay. So noah got drunk and very bad things happened.
So that’s why it says that don’t be drunk with wine which is excess. But be filled with the Holy Spirit. So the idea here is the spiritual representation of wine is the blood of Jesus. And the spirit see in the blood. And the water they agree so the blood washes you. The water washes you. So the representation of bread and wine. You have to understand that wine wasn’t what it is today. And it keeps getting to the place where everything’s deteriorating except a big mac. It’ll stay for 200 years between those are the mysteries. I haven’t resolved those yet. A big mac will live forever and so will some senators. Didn’t you ever want to know like how those displays they just say they stay healthy. Every day you have the display of what the special is. It’s like a big mac. I mean 200 years from now. They’re going to find it. They go, what is this which I want to ask the next question if a big mac can last 200 years why can’t we. But getting back on the subject. God’s word is bread. Jesus’s blood is wine. But it has nothing to do with sin in its content which is the yeast. Which is the alcohol but see how we focus on things. Well, Jesus drank wine. You know drink a little wine for your stomach. You know quote that verse too. And yet this is so sacred that Paul said many of you die early because you don’t discern the Lord’s body. When you sit at the table and take communion. So it’s a representation. So Jesus told me to eat his word like bread. And he told me not to eat the whole loaf. Eat one slice at a time. So he told me it was better for me to study a sentence. One verse and eat it until I felt it go down. And hit the bottom of my spirit. And it might take a couple minutes to do that. It might take an hour. But I've had more visitations by myself in my room with nobody there. Nobody blowing into a mic. Throwing their jacket on me. No offering plate being passed. I've been healed.
God healed my eyes. All I was doing was meditating on one verse. And I had the glory come in and I was healed. My eyes were healed. Your eyes don’t get healed at 60.
But I sat there and meditated on one verse. And so I meditate through John 14, 15, 16, and 17. That’s that’s about all I do. Then I go to Ephesians. And I go to Corinthians, first Corinthians and I meditate on chapter two of first Corinthians and may be someday I’ll get it. And I can go on. That’s what he told me. You got enough to run on right there for the rest of your life. So Jesus is the word. He’s the bread that came down from heaven. Jesus said man does not live on bread alone. But on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
The freedom that I feel that the spirit of God gives me to by being upon me. Right now the freedom that I have. I wouldn’t trade it for anything because he is the referee of peace. He commands peace. He really does. He speaks peace. He’s the commander of peace. He’s an enforcer of the covenant. He’s an enforcer of the blessing. He’s more like Jesus than you think. He’s not a bird that hovers over you. He’s a person that’s like Jesus and he has all authority. He wants to speak through you and manifest through you. But I found that meditating on God’s word is where it is.
It’s the cool thing that’s coming back and one day you’re gonna realize what I'm saying is correct. Because we’ve turned this whole thing into a carnival. When it’s actually very simple we eat and we drink of the Lord. And he becomes part of us and then he becomes all of us and then we start to change our environment around us. We start to to change history. We we make things right because of God’s compassion through us. We reach out and we heal the sick. We drive out devils and we preach good news. It shifts because God has got his home in you. But every word that comes from his mouth is what we live off of.
We drink of the spirit. We literally drink of him. I drink of him. I literally feel the river of life. I drink of the spirit. I'm getting drunk every time I say it. He is raining in my life. He’s raining inside of you. But he wants to come out and affect your world. I have so many times been taken to the future and then brought back and watched it play out. But I jimmied with the knobs. I'm jimmying with your knobs right now. Because I'm not going to let you continue in a wrong direction.
When Jesus christ has sent himself and healed you he sent himself. He is the word. He’s been sent and the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit. It’s the only thing that can separate the soul in the spirit, joints and marrow. Marrows inside now as I'm talking to you you can sense the fire burning inside your spirit. What’s happening is the Lord showing you your spirit. You see all your spirits lighting up right now. And you can see the difference between your psyche, your soul, the psychological part of you. And your spirit.
Your spirit doesn’t know any defeat. Doesn’t doubt. Doesn’t fear. I am not kidding you. There’s a part of you that knows everything’s going to be fine. In fact when stuff starts tearing apart me and my wife start laughing. Because we have inside information. It’s down here. There’s a witness of the spirit no matter what happens. That’s because the word of God dwells richly in you okay. It’s a person okay. So your father in heaven will not lie to you. He’s not a man that he should lie.
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