Friday, October 23, 2020

God is Faithful That is Why I Love the Word Of God, God Wants You to Prosper, Men Steal Money From You

I won’t have to go through what I went through already with Jesus. When he showed me what I could have done he didn’t say a word to me he said well done and when he said well-done bam I saw me operating at 35 percent down here of what I could have done. I had remorse. I should have done more. I could have done more and I saw the truth like that. It was like flashes like flash drives of terabytes of information downloaded to me.

Terabytes and I saw all the truth that was in the bible that was hidden. That I had the opportunity to walk in the supernatural and change history. I said to the Lord I could have done so much more and now I know why he grinned at me. Because for the next 45 minutes he taught me not about how to live in heaven but how to live down here and by the end I started to get the idea this is not good. I'm going back because I am not making any of this up and I don’t want you to have to go through that. So I'm telling you to let the Lord prosper you so that you can give to others and you can help people and be a good witness.

This is what God has for us. He wants us to prosper so that we can help others. It’s okay to prosper. The devil is upset. The Lord told me that the devil is upset. If you find a dime in the parking lot of the church and you put it in your pocket because he sees all money as his. He doesn’t want a Christian to have a dime because he knows you’re going to tithe off of it and then it’s all Gods. Moving on nothing here okay. We’re going to talk about the love of God’s word and this is in chapter 5 in the study guide that you don’t have. I will delight myself in Your commandments which I love and this is king David talking in psalms 1, 19, 47.

And I will go down past the discussion part and I'm going to say in Psalms 119:167 it says my soul keeps your testimonies and I love them exceedingly. One of the traits that I've noticed about David as he was a worshiper. But he loved God’s word too as well and even though he made mistakes which none of you have right. But he loved God he was known as a friend of God and there is something to be said about psalms 119 which I go through a lot because it kind of gets you in the flow of loving God’s word and honoring God’s word.

The thing about God’s word is it’s not the word in the word of faith movement. That’s focusing on the word of God. It’s the idea that when God says something he means it. There’s no difference between him and what he says. So if you know his word you know his personality. That’s what I found out in heaven is that Jesus was exactly like the red letters.

Exactly and it shouldn’t have been a surprise to me. But it was and as he’s quoting himself for 45 minutes. I noticed that some of the verses I didn’t know but I was a scholar. I thought when he talked he talked with authority and every word he said that’s recorded he meant. This is why it’s important to listen to what I'm saying. Because it’s not the word of faith movement. That was a system where you could just wear God out. With his word to where he would just do it. Just to get you to shut up. That’s not a relationship. That’s manipulation. That’s a five-year-old. That’s a two-year-old. So people do this to me too. They ask me the same question two or three times. I go it’s the same answer as the first time. Then they rephrase it. But they don’t trick me. But see God.

The thing is foreign in our mindset. Because of the way we live down here is that people don’t keep their word. Because of that, we’re conditioned to not really take it seriously. When somebody says they love you or you know while they’re still in your wallet. We’ve had that. We’ve had to block whole countries. Whole countries that are stealing from the people that follow me. They’re taking and building websites. We’ve had to shut down two countries. Drop them to where they can’t because they are misrepresenting what I'm doing. They’re claiming to be me and they’re for a thousand dollars. I’ll give you a word there was one it was a really good deal only 500.

It’s like a half-off sale or something. But this is ridiculous. I don’t even ask for money so when people say we just love your mystery thing and then I see that these so-called ministers are like hacking me. They’re hacking well. Then after a while you just know nobody really loves you. They just want what you have. So people will do these things and I remember I got a kid saved. I was eating at Denny's one night after work and I was talking to him about the Lord and the power God hit him and he got saved. Then I let him in the baptism of the holy spirit. He started praying in tongues and then he asked if he could stay overnight. One night you know and I said well I gotta get up and go to school in the morning. So you have to be out before I go. So what he did was before he left he unlocked one of the windows Came back in and stole all my money. Which was my tuition. Which I needed to in order to go back to school. Because they were so strict. You had to have the money ahead of time and the police came.

Of course, I already could identify him but they got his print outside the window. His sneakers and police said we’ll just go pick him up. If he pressed charges and I said no. I go, no I got him saved see in Tulsa. The police officers at that time were mostly Christians. You could say that they understood what you’re saying. But I said I didn’t feel right about it. But I was upset. So I worked extra. I had three jobs so I increased like I was working for a guy that built pools and things like that. So I was able to make it all up somehow. And a couple of days later I was at a light and here he comes in his brand new motorcycle.

It was my motorcycle really but see I’ll see him in heaven probably I'm going to take his motorcycle back. So there might be like a little squabble over there by the gates. But we’ll work it out. You guys just keep going and go to the marriage supper. I’ll be there. But you see do people really love you and appreciate you. The guy’s not going to hell but now he’s working to go to hell anyway. Why because see he’s not transformed in his mind. The spirit’s saved but words are cheap. He was so thankful that I prayed with him. But I remember giving him a bunch of money that night. To get a bus because he didn’t have a ride. And I went to my bag and he saw that. He saw where was. So he stole. He stole it all from me. Well, when these kinds of things happen to you over and over again then what happens is you just don’t trust anybody anymore.

Which actually isn’t a bad idea but what it does is. It bleeds over into our relationship with Father God. Because we relate to someone that we’ve never met. He’s invisible but he’s the only true God and he really exists. But we don’t have much data. Positive data. Except if we read the bible. Because not everybody’s like that. I meet people sometimes. They don’t even know it. But I just start crying because they don’t make people like that anymore.

When I meet people that are true and you can trust them. I almost start crying and I don’t want to say goodbye to them. And I tell the Lord you know they don’t make people like that anymore. I noticed that when I was over with Jesus that every word he said he meant.

It’s who he is as a person is not just his traits. His name is faithful. He’s not just faithful as an adjective. He’s a noun. He’s faithful and true. That’s his name. It’s written on his leg. You’ll see it when he comes back on his horse says it faithful and true okay.


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