Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Love for God's Word Part 5- Kevin

What I said was that the spirit of God will give you glimpses of the future. And when he does you have inside information on what is going on. And I used to have this. Not as a prophet just as a believer. I used to have the spirit of God to show me things. So I know that it’s for everybody. And I know because the angels told me. The angels told me when they came to me in Washington DC across from the pentagon. They came to me and they told me about this move of God. They told me about the books that I would write.

I had nothing. They told me exactly when the move of God would happen. And this was years ago they told me that January 1st of this year. It would happen. They told me that while I was still working with Southwest. I came home and told my wife. To me to have what just happened I know exactly what just happened. The devil wanted to stop the move but those angels told me. They said in three years and it happened. Just in three.

January first is the move of God will become evident to the people. But he said they told me you move in it now. So for three years, I did and everybody was like oh I don’t understand how this. I had inside information that the water was already over my waist with the move. Now it’s full-blown like right now. If you would all yield you would not be able to walk to your car.

You would not be able to. You’d be laughing so hard and you would not remember what you were worrying about. And you’d have to ask somebody to tell you because you wouldn’t remember. You’d have to look at your driver’s license to see who you are. I'm serious it would. The Lord could just take you into that realm where you’re already experiencing heaven.

And you’re still here. I know this but this is what the angels told me. I said I just want to be in the center of God’s will and they said to me you are in the center of God’s will. Wherever we are you are in the center of God’s will. And I go wait a minute. I go no I gotta like you know do my thing and be in God. They said if we’re sent to you wherever we go and you are in the center of God’s will right now. Kevin, you are in the perfect will of God. They’re all surrounding me. Smiling at me and they said don’t wait to jump in.

They said the move of God has begun. So I've been announcing it for three years. So guess what happens in February. Guess what happens in China in December, January. So I see things a little differently. So that’s why I am the way I am. I am not going to give the devil any satisfaction. Whatsoever hey buddy. Anyway, those angels are here tonight. The angels come because they’ve been sent. Which means you’re in a perfect will of God.

But you need to spend some time with the Lord. And I want you to worship. I want the band to come and play and then I want you to meditate. Let the Lord speak to you a little bit before you go home.

I will teach on those questions that you give me and then I’ll develop the book so that it really helps people. Because I am told what to write but the Lord asked me to do this. This is one of my special works I have eight best sellers out. But I have a whole bunch more. I gotta write and I want every book to count so that if you would have that book in your hand you would feel like God was really talking to you. I know that I do that already. But I really want to start to be in touch with you if you have questions. So I appreciate it if you would do that and put those questions back there on the book table. I don’t feel like the Lord’s done but it might be because you just are holding me.

This is what happens in these. So I like it when I'm in the studio doing these. Because there’s nobody pulling on me. It’s so much easier. I go right down the list and close her up and go home. I live two minutes from the studio. It’s easy but this is hard. Because I love you all and I can feel your hunger and then it ends up. We have three o’clock am and then breakfast is served. I've already called the band up so I can’t make them stand.

The spirit of the Lord is a person. If he was here I would give him the mic but he is here and he has the mic. If you yield we can heal it. And do that in Azusa Street. You know what happened with William Seymour. He would get in a crate there and put his head in there and start praying. And then sometimes they would have. They didn’t know who the speaker was going to be. So someone that felt led by the spirit to get up and speak. Would be the speaker for the night. So whoever they waited on God until someone was led up here.

But when they started speaking if it wasn’t God they would yell sit down and shut up. And I feel as though you need to become friends with him. The Holy Spirit and don’t think of him as a bird. That wants birdseed. He is a beautiful being like Jesus. He’s one just like Jesus. That’s what Jesus said is one just like me who is going to be a friend. Just like I am to you.

I'm going to send him. He’s going to be with you forever. He’s going to be your counselor. He’s going to be your lawyer. Your standby. He’s going to tell you what to say. He’s going to show you the future. He’s going to remind you of what I've said. All these different beautiful things. That he does and I don’t feel like people relate to him. And I feel like religion has made him a dove. Because it says that he descended on Jesus like a dove.

Well, it’s just like Melchizedek. Jesus was one likened unto Melchizedek. It doesn’t say he was Melchizedek. But you got a huge amount of people that believe. That it’s the same with the spirit of God and I'm telling you this final move starts in your home. It starts with your children. It starts in your home and you bring it to church. And it’ll get to where you don’t leave. You’ll just want to stay together. When you get together you won’t want to say goodbye to people. I'm telling you this is what’s going to start happening. It’s already happening around you. But it needs to manifest. Don’t wait. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

Start doing bible studies and start meeting with people and helping people. Make sure they have everything they need. That’s why we’re doing what we’re doing is. So that we can have contacts all over the world. Where people if they need anything they’ll be somewhere in the proximity of their country or their city that they can go to. If they need food or water whatever they need and encouragement you know and I feel like I'm not waiting for the institution to do this. Because see I'm four churches. I and my wife were assistant pastors. They wanted to transfer me several different times to be the pastor. I said no I don’t want to be the pastor. I want to be second in command. Then I don’t get shot at.

I just hide behind the pastor I don’t want to be the music leader. Just put me on the banjo behind the leader. Let me hide. I always want to be second in command. I just want to help someone else look good okay. But it’s come to this point where we’ve got to make God look good. And I think that we should start in our homes. And then pray that God shows you someone who’s appointed as a pastor that will let God do his thing with his church. And pray even if it’s someone new that needs to come in and start a church. And that’s why I tie myself with the people.

I do. I'm with people and that’s where I go. I don’t go. I mean I have invited. I mean I've been invited to churches that have 31000 in them. But I'm not going back. I'm called to certain people to build so that the move of God will never be forwarded. I'm sowing the seed of the word to build people up so that we don’t make the mistakes that have already been made. These moves should have never stopped. So I just feel like I should tell you this that the Holy Spirit is the one who is in charge of this movie. And it starts with your home. It starts with your kids.

You create an atmosphere at home and it doesn’t matter how bad it is. I'm telling you. I saw angels visiting people at night standing beside it don’t be surprised if it happens tonight. It happens at every meeting. People come back and they say it happened last night. I said well yeah of course it did such expectancy in this room. I'm just going to tell you what the Lord just told me. You can’t lose. I'm not saying that to make you feel better. That’s what he said. If God can’t lose. If you’re more than a conqueror and he can’t lose then you can’t lose. Well, then why do I lose. It’s just maturity. Just take out the lion and the bear and then one day you’re going to take out the giant amen.

I'm going to pray for you. Father in the name of Jesus thank you for your people. Thank you for my family here Lord. You love them just visit us right now with your love. It’s time the spirit of God saying it’s time for you to be loved. So let’s just let the Lord love us. He wants to love us right now. Precious Jesus, you’re fairest of all. There’s no one like you and you walk amongst us.

You’re here can I tell you what the Lord just told me. He said I'm going to grab a hold of you. I'm not going to ever let go. That’s what he just told me. You see to live in this high life. You have to be willing to hear exceedingly abundantly and great things that you cannot imagine. I hear these amazing things that don’t originate from men. But he told me to tell you he’s going to grab ahold of you and he’s not letting go. He loves you.

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