Hello everyone, Dr Kevin Zadai with you with warrior notes and welcome to our spirit school. This is session number two and we are believing God with you for a miracle in your life. We’re believing God to speak to us and encourage us and build us up. That’s why we’re doing these spirit schools because we want people to have an environment where they can grow spiritually. We love you all and I’ve got all my familiar friends here.
We got our pastors from charlotte and also got my wife and Kathy. This is gonna be an amazing time that we have with the Lord tonight and so I’m going to get right into it. but I have a couple things that I want to go over with you. First number one is this the Lord has really strengthened me to go forth and to proclaim what is about to happen in this nation. So I have these prayer points that I feel like I’m supposed to go over with you before we do the spirit schools. Up until christmas I will be always mentioning these prayer points and even though the elections are in November the Lord has already shown me that we need to pray the whole way through the new year because of the things that are going to happen after the elections.
So in our country it’s very important that we cover ourselves our family our church and then our nation in prayer. All our leaders. So I want to get right into. That’s number one that I want to go over with you and then also I want to talk to you a little bit about something else because the Lord is really laid on my heart and there’s so many people that need healing in this world.
It’s really really burning me down, so I want to also include a little bit about healing as well in my spirit school just for a couple of minutes and pray for your healing as well. I just feel like this is what the Lord would do if he was here. He would pray for people to be healed. He would teach us how to pray and pray with us about certain things whatever it is that he has on his heart from his father.
He would want us to do that and so if Jesus was doing this he’d want us to join in prayer and we would pray for each other. He would tell us of things to come and then he would say you know you need to stand against this and I’ve given you authority. So we’re just going to do that here at warrior notes tonight. So first of all though one of the prayer points in the book that I wrote recently and just came out actually it’s just been out about 24 hours.
It’s time to take back our country and these are prayer points to help you to be a history maker and what I thought was is if I could just talk about some of the things that Jesus had put on my heart and what he had told me is coming upon the nation. The things that we can do to change that. So that they don’t come to pass. All the satan’s plans don’t come to pass because God shows his plans and then we enforce those plans and agree with God and that’s what it really is with prayer essentially where the will of God is known. Then really your prayer changes right because you kind of have leverage in the spirit. You know what God wants. So it’s not like you’re pleading with God about certain things anymore because you know that he’s already revealed that he wants it done. So you side with him so you actually get in line with God and that’s what we’re going to do right now.
He told me that he wanted people’s words, and this is in the prayer point number four in that book. It says words anointed with fire and he talked to me at length about how the environment of heaven needs to come to this earth and that it really did through the holy spirit on the day of pentecost. I often talk about this in our meetings. We talk about how on the day of pentecost the holy spirit came. He introduced himself to us. He introduced himself in the upper room in that place where he came to the 120 that were there.
There was a mighty rushing wind and then there was tons of fire. They saw tons of fire. They heard and felt a mighty rushing wind then people began to speak in tongues. They began to speak in languages that they didn’t know. But people that were there in Jerusalem at the time had come from all over to present their sacrifice they had to present themselves in Jerusalem a couple of times a year and so the people heard them talking in their language.
But they knew that the people that were in that room were locals and that they did not speak that language right. So that’s why it’s supernatural. So we have in the day of pentecost when the holy spirit came he came with mighty rushing wind. He came in with fire. He came with utterance so where he caused people to speak languages that they didn’t know and that’s where we get speaking in tongues and then also there was a visible sign that the people appeared to be drunk.
They appeared to be intoxicated because he said these are not drunk as you suppose but this is a fulfillment of what was spoken by the prophet Joel. And you know it is wrong doctrine, it is wrong to say that the reason why they acted drunk was because they were speaking in tongues and it sounded like Babel. It sounded like a language. You know it sounded like they were just slurred speech or something that is wrong to say that. Because when I hear someone at the mall from another country talking in another language I don’t think they’re drunk. I never think they’re drunk. I think well that’s because they’re from another country.
So why would you say that. That’s why they thought they were drunk. No they were drunk because the holy spirit is the new wine and the new wine causes you to be full of joy. I have never been a drinker. In fact I’ve never tasted even a beer you know. I’ve never been that way but I’ve watched people be intoxicated and I know what it looks like. But I don’t know exactly what it would feel like but, however, when I have had the holy spirit come upon me in such a strong way I have.
It’s hard for me to speak. It’s hard for me to walk. I haven’t had anything to drink you know but the spirit of God causes me to be so full of joy. So this is how the holy spirit was introduced okay. This is something that happened 2000 years ago and has never stopped. So it is wrong for people to say that the holy spirit has stopped manifesting himself when we haven’t reached perfection yet. We still need prophecy. We still need speaking in tongues, we haven’t been perfected in love.
So all these things have not ceased yet and they won’t cease until Jesus comes back when the church is taken out of this world and taken to the marriage supper table. Then these things will not be needed anymore but until we reach perfection we need the manifestation of the spirit. My point is this the Lord told me that we need to speak from the fire just like in heaven. There’s fire just like the holy spirit introduced himself on the day of pentecost with all this. What has happened to us in 2000 years that now we have become lukewarm like I was talking about last night.
That we’re supposed to be anointed with fire we’re supposed to be speaking from the spirit, the wind of the spirit, the fire of the spirit, the utterance of the spirit and the manifestation of joy of the spirit to where they’re. So it’s so strong that you feel like you’re in the heavenly realm okay. So when you pray you must pray from the fire. You must pray from the altar of God which is holy and is absolute everything in heaven. When I was there is absolute there was nothing that needed to be changed or done. Everything is established and God has his way.
He built everything the way he likes it. He’s not really into people suggesting what he should do. He really likes things the way he likes him. But he’s excellent. He’s above and beyond. When I was walking on the floor, I thought if I could just have Sapphire in my house like to think that three foot thick sapphire was the flooring. You know, and it was such a purity that you could see. I don’t know how it look. It was flames were going through and coming up out of the sapphire and it was so holy that I didn’t know if I was going to be able to handle it or not.
I felt that fire. I felt this fire coming up through my legs and it was I looked down and it was white flames of the holy spirit. So the proximity of the Lord in your life, the proximity of spiritual things in your life it really does count and it really does make a difference now. If you really have the holy spirit inside of you then the holy spirit should be very close to you right.
I mean because he’s inside okay. So if he’s upon you that should be something that you use. Not only sense but it should be evident and these people on the day of pentecost felt that. So I want to start out this spirit school by just telling you that when we pray from the altar from the fire, from the sapphire floor, from the throne of God we’re praying absolute truth because we’re pronouncing what God has already ordained.
Now one of the things that says in psalms 89 is he rules, and he reigns from his throne with righteousness and that there was layers of different attributes that are in the throne. It’s layers of justice and righteousness. There’s truth and faithfulness. There’s all these different attributes, and he built his throne and everything around it supports who he is. So this is the way. It is in heaven so Jesus said I’ll teach you how to pray okay.
So the disciples sat down and he said okay. Here’s how you pray. Our father holy be your name and he said. This thy kingdom come, thy will be done on the earth. Did I say on the earth. On the earth as it is in heaven. And we know it is in heaven because he likes stuff the way he likes it. But on the day of pentecost what was in the throne room came down on people and the church was formed.
That’s good and now Jesus has a body on the earth and it’s us okay. All right so when we’re anointed with fire, when we ignited with fire, when we produce fruit in keeping with repentance, when we speak from the fire, when we quote the word of God. But it’s not just a mental thing. We’re speaking from our spirit. Then we’re speaking from the holy spirit.
We’re speaking from the throne of God then things are going to start to move. I mean I don’t know a mountain that’s going to argue with God. I don’t know anything that’s going to argue with God. Now this is the God that I serve. This is a God that I met. Jesus, that I met. He was the exact representation of the father, and whatever he says goes okay. But when I got back to this world in this earth, it was like a circus down here. And it’s like nobody believes anything anymore you know, and it’s like everybody has their opinion. But yet the thing is that all the people that are unrepentant, that are in the world, that want to go to hell you know. They’re like they don’t even want to hear the gospel. It’s interesting is they have no fruit.
They have no fruit in their life. They’re not encountering the victory. They’re not encountering the everlasting God of peace you know. Think about peace you know. These people don’t have peace they create an environment and they’re still afraid. Most people that are successful they live in fear every day.
That they’re either going to lose their riches. They’re going to lose their control. Their power, their influence you know so I would rather live in peace and inherit the kingdom of God. Then own the world. I would rather just be in the kingdom with God and know that down here if I keep in repentance and I produce fruit that I’m doing the will of the father. So my point is that in this country and in this nation of the United States that we’re praying for right now. And believing God for that we would stand for. What has already been established in heaven.
But see the temperature needs to rise in our lives so that we start to influence others. Now there’s a news alert and that a lot of this that has been allowed to come into our nation. It was allowed to come in because I believe that we as believers backed off and I know this is a fact and I’ve never said this before on the earth.
But I’m going to say it to you right now I know that there are 20 percent more of you out there that are going to vote in November for at the election. 20 percent more are going to vote and it’s going to determine the election. There are 20 percent that don’t vote that should be voting. If you don’t vote for a certain individual, would you vote for the unborn child that’s being killed. Would you vote for them. Would you vote for justice where people are not being taken care of. Would you vote for someone who would stand up and cause the elderly to be taken care of with their health care and everything like that. Like my parents you know to have them taken care of.
You know what about people that have stood up for righteousness in this country to get us to where we are and then we’ve let it like slip. Well, see I would vote for someone just to hold on to what we have. There’s a lot of liberties being taken away from us and they’re going to affect our lifestyle as even as Christians. If we don’t. Aren’t careful so there are 20 percent more people that will vote this time and that will turn the election. Just to 20 that don’t vote are going to go out and vote. This is because the fire is getting hotter not in heaven but on the earth.
All of you out there you need to pray from the fire but we need to pray that 20 that they would go out and vote. So this is what the Lord told me and I didn’t know that. I was going to share this ever, and I’ve held it till tonight. But I’m doing. I’m doing these prayer times for our nation because the Lord Jesus asked me to get the believers to stand up and to pray so that justice and righteousness would reign in this nation. And the only way it’s going to do that is if the people that are in place that God has ordained are allowed to go forth and unveil the wickedness in this country. And to come to bring to justice in Hollywood, in our government, in our congress, all of those people who have all these years been doing evil things against the people.
That it is exposed and these needs to happen. This needs to happen so that is why I’m telling you when we pray we need to pray from the fire and we need to let the kingdom of God that’s in heaven come down to this earth and we need Jesus to rule and reign in our lives. You know he is coming back for churches without spot or wrinkle. He’s not coming back to push out the government that exists now. He’s coming back for his own to take us and then the antichrist will rule and reign on this earth.
But we’re not going to be here we’re going to be with him at the marriage supper of the lamb. But I’m not going to be part of anything that is supporting people. That say it’s okay to kill babies, that say it’s okay to do to let these things that to not let people meet and sing and worship God together. It’s wrong to say that we cannot get together and worship God. It’s illegal to do that.
That we need to pray and allow the spirit of God to touch our leaders and strengthen them so let me pray. We’re all going to pray. Father we just thank you that we have made it through September and we thank you father that that we have seen so much change. But now we’re in October Father and we just pray against the evil in this. That’s underlying in this country, and we push it back we push it back out of our cities we push it back out of everyone’s life. Lord we ask for mercy. We ask Lord God for a confirmation of your love to us and we repent Lord God. We repent for the murder of innocent children. We repent for injustice for people that have been punished unjustly Lord we ask for retribution Lord.
We ask that you come into our justice system. We thank you Lord that attorney general Barr will have his way and that he will be able to bring forth. Give him the strength to bring forth all the indictments and that all the crooked people all of the heads of state. Anyone in that is high up that has done evil and wickedness against the people that they would be found out and that we would see this land cleansed in the name of Jesus. And I thank you father you give the strength father to every believer to vote for life. To vote at the polls that the 20 that did not show up the polls in the previous elections that they would show up and they would vote for life.
That they would vote for for the right care for the elderly and they would vote for the life of the children and that sex trafficking would be exposed in the name of Jesus and that Hollywood would be exposed in the name of Jesus. Thank you father, thank you father, yes thank you father okay.
Well thank you for staying with me for that 10 minutes I needed to do that because the Lord asked me to do it. He means business with this country because he loves this country and he loves all of us as believers. But he wants everyone to come in. He doesn’t want anyone to go to hell so we need to be strengthened and be allowed to preach the gospel. And we should not be restricted in this country and we should not be allowing these things. These unjust things to happen so thank you for praying from the fire. Thank you that that the Lord has given us this opportunity to change history and remember this we are to be imitators of God as dearly loved children.
This is what it says in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 1.This is what it says in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 1. The scripture says that he sits in heaven and laughs because his enemies are coming to nothing. He’s laughing right now so that’s what we do. We laugh at our enemies. Yes it’s not wrong to do that. We’re just imitating our father. In Psalms 2:4 it says this he who sits in the heavens shall laugh.
The Lord shall hold them in derision so that’s what we’re seeing right now. You are going to see such derision, such confusion in the enemy’s camp. The people that are working wickedness that are taking away all of the rights of the people of the United States and in other governments. God is going to bring them into confusion and derision and I think the Lord that he has disarmed the enemy.
Did you know that in Colossians chapter 2 verse 15 it says having disarmed principalities and powers he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it. That means he is embarrassing them a public spectacle means he’s parading them around embarrassing them.
So don’t you think it’s about time that God starts to come in and make an embarrassment of our enemy instead of the enemy making embarrassment of you. Isn’t it about time that when you go to work people start to ask you to pray for them because you’re a man or a woman of God instead of making fun of you. Isn’t about time that your boss has happened to me. My boss would call me in and he says you’re not in trouble. He said I needed you to pray for me. I heard that you met Jesus, and he wanted to hear about Jesus. My boss so I’ve done that a number of times with my bosses. So when is it time where it flips to where you are. The one that’s being honored because you are walking with God.
See those days are coming when people are going to take a hold of you and say please pray for me. That is coming very soon that is the revival. That I saw happening.
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