Monday, October 26, 2020

A Love for God's Word Part-3 Continune.


The whole idea of Jesus saying be as innocent as a dove but as shrewd as a snake is that a snake always rises up to strike when you approach it. He doesn’t strike. He warns you. You be as innocent as a dove about it. You always go up everywhere. I know exactly what I'm going to do in a situation. I was trained that way. I know exactly what to do. I’d never go anywhere. I always have my keys ready before I get to my car. I always check my tires. I check if there’s someone under it. I do when I pull up to a gas station. I look everywhere I go over to the pump and I pull on the slot where the credit card goes to see if it’s the fake one, where they’re stealing our data. If it is I go to another one.

Then I don’t have to change my credit cards the next day. I look for the bulge of people that are armed. I know where to look. Looking everywhere for suspicious people. Why? Because I don’t trust anybody with my bag. I have everything I need to last months with me all the time. I know where my wallet is. I know where my passport is. I know where my weapon is. It’s in the same place all the time. So it never gets lost. Jesus taught me to be this way because he said that’s what that parable was about. 


You’re as innocent as a dove but you’re shrewd as a snake. In other words, a snake doesn’t trust anybody because he’s at a disadvantage. When you’re being stalked by a wild animal they take the high ground. Mountain lion, they’re not down here. You look they’re up here. They’re tracking you. You’re being followed. High ground. Looking down on you. It’s just the way it is so I don’t listen and believe everything is told to me. You’ve been to heaven. Well, congratulations but how are you walking. It’ll change you. You have angel visitations every week. Well, then I'm going to want to know what God is doing through you.

Because the angels aren’t coming to play cards. I'm trying to show you the carnival that this has turned into. God is not our entertainment. God is to be known. He’s to be known in his ways not known by his acts. Israel knew God’s acts but Moses knew his ways. You know his ways by getting off milk and changing your diet to the meat of the word.

I know this is kind of hard. But I have to do this because I don’t know. You know my schedule is really really going to change. I don’t know exactly how many cities I’ll be able to go to. So I'm doing it. Come every week now to get this out. But I have to get you to a certain point. So that when I see you again if it’s a longer period of time at least you have this been given to. You can watch the youtube videos and you know you can study and rehearse. That you were already prepared. You were told that if you’re going to spend time at your house.  A lot of time in your house then you’re going to do what you can. You’re going to take it as a time to study. You’re going to take it as a time to prepare for what the greatest move of God. That’s ever hit this earth and the harvest is going to come in okay. So the giant that David killed came after.

He had killed the bear and the lion and so you know the story. It’s in first Samuel 17:34-37 and David went to feed his brothers. And he couldn’t believe what he was seeing that the king and all the army was hiding as this giant was just railing. And he was started to inquire and so when they found that somebody ran to Saul. King Saul and said hey someone’s inquiring because they were just trying to find some numb skull that would make a throw out there. They want to throw somebody under the bus you know. So he said well who’s his father. Go find out who his father is and so anyway this is what David said to Saul. Your servant used to keep sheep. Used to keep sheep. He was sent to give them meals and come back to the sheep right.

He said your servant used to keep his father’s sheep. Am I right? Is it up there. David saw his day of the promotion so he wasn’t going back. Was he okay? So he said when the lion and the bear came and took a lamb out of the sheep. I went out after it struck it delivered the lamb from its mouth. And when it rose against me I caught it by its beard. Wow, and struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear.

And this uncircumcised will be one of them. Seeing he has defied the armies of the living God. See that was a mature seed. That was a response being as shrewd as a snake. He said I can take this guy outright. So he gives his brothers the happy meals that he delivered. And then he goes through that whole thing the Lord who delivered me from the pile of the lion and the bear. He will deliver me from the hands of philistines okay. So we can have a great discussion about this but see this is exactly where you’re at. You’re being trained in the situation. You are and Jesus told me that I was to tell everyone that whatever battle you are in right now with whatever it is that is the giant that you’re going to take out. And that’s your promotion into your next level. whatever it is that you’re encountering your assignment is to take it out. And I remember this because when I was in high school at junior high. I ran miles a day. I mean I don’t think I ran. I don’t. I always ran two miles a day. Since I was nine years old I never missed a day. But I got up too sometimes. 


I do 20 miles a day. Not all the time. You can’t but I would at least do a 20-mile run a week. That’s after training on others too and I remember I was so thin because I wanted to set all these records. But I would get beat up by the bullies. So I thought well, you know I thought well, Bruce Jenner. You know he used to be muscular. But now he’s somebody else. But I thought you know I don’t want to be like him now. But at that time he was my idol and so I thought well he was muscular and he lost weight so I can do that. So I’ll just lift some weights and you know I’ll keep it. So I started lifting weights well.

What happened was that I started to get muscular and big and then I grew and I still did my running and everything but then what happened was is everybody started to leave me alone except for the guys who were the ones who are.  Now they’re challenged. It’s just weird. It’s like a pack of wolves. I hate being a guy you know but I don’t want to be a woman either. Because it takes me 33 seconds to get ready. 


So I really like being a guy. But my wife remembers this that I told her. I said you know then the biggest guys the biggest muscular guys in the school wanted to challenge me now. Because of the girls which you know. I don’t know if there was anybody worth fighting for in my school or not get the car ready. I would have these bullies show up. These big guys show up to fight me. And I didn’t want to fight. And I remember this the head guy he showed up and I was walking home. And there’s this little triangle right there where the roads where our neighborhood was. And it’s in the country in farmland.

Please don’t leave. He challenged me there and he just started. He had bought a bunch of guys with them to make sure that I fought. So I was really fighting like four or five guys because they were all you know. I hadn’t watched enough Texas ranger movies in the William Shatner fight scenes were lame but I remember that guy he just went back and threw a punch at me and he was at least a foot taller than me. But when he went back to throw it. I went into a vision and I had already dreamed. Dreamt this so I knew exactly what he’s going to do.

So I just moved my head and he missed it. And I came up and knocked him out. And I turned around. I said anybody else wants to die. And they all left. And I walked away shaking. And I said God what just happened I'm not kidding you. The triangle yeah. You were doing your notes or something like okay. She’s trying to help me but I'm way ahead of the triangle. Yes Oh yes of course. You’re right of course you’re right. So I would have all these dreams for years. No one bothered me again and I ended up my wife won’t let me show anybody. I was in a muscle builder magazine. I was a bot I became a bodybuilder. 

But I did the drug-free. So I got tested and that was in those kinds of contests. My wife let me show because I had a speedo on so sure. You hit him somewhere there. Hanging on to that washboard belly. Thought of that, Yeah, Jesse said he used to have a six-pack down here. But now he’s got a keg. But that’s Jesse you know. Anyway, I would have this dream. I would have this dream, a recurring dream all the time. And I would be in this, on that road, on the road and I started asking the Lord and this is going to help you. Because when you have recurring dreams you should ask the holy spirit what’s going on. 

Because your spirit is trying to tell your soul something. But your soul is not up to speed. Because you need to have it transformed. So you have to renew it by the word of God. As you do that you will start to synchronize with your spirit and then your dreams will be clear. I'm not kidding you. Essentially you have an old commodore 64 in your spirits like some supercomputer. And they don’t like to, they don’t communicate right.

So what happened is that that same spirit that would possess these people to do this to me it couldn’t do it that way anymore. But that spirit was still after me and I realized one morning I woke up in New Orleans. I got up and as I turned to my nightstand and started praying in tongues which means if I wake up first I say yes really loud and then my wife wakes up and she says yes and we start praying in warfare tongues. And that’s how we start our day every morning. And so I did that and as I turned all of a sudden I saw that triangle. That place where I would get has fought. Where people would fight me. And I’d get beat up and I saw that I was no longer a victim. And I saw the devil was the victim.

This just happened a few years ago and that I never had the dream again. It flipped so whatever is bothering you whatever is harassing you it’s a devil that’s assigned to you. You need to take them out. That’s your assignment. But that will be your ministry. That’s true, isn’t it? What did David do after this he took out all the giants with his might. He trained 30 men to do exactly what he did to hit with. It says to hit within a hair’s breadth. With accuracy. With a sling, he trained 30 men to do it. That’s what I'm doing.

I'm training you to do this. So whatever is bothering you that’s the devil that you’ve taken out. That will be your promotion. And that will be your ministry, is everybody understands what I'm saying. Whatever it is you’re going through you need to take it out. I don’t care if you’re five or 105.

If you’re still breathing, you can swing. Remember what I told you last night about the granny in Texas. If you all are coming to my city please hurry up. I got a pie in the oven. She’s talking to the rioters with her ar-15 in her hand. Did you see the picture? Did you all see that you all hurry up? You got a pie in the oven. I can’t be out here on this porch all night. I'm not kidding you. I wish I had it. I put it up for you okay.

Oh, it’s still early. Cheer so what is this that’s bothering you? You need to take it out. Maybe it’s a traumatic event that happened. That you don’t understand. Why God let it happen? But you’ll find out that. He didn’t have anything to do with it. And when you get to heaven you’ll see that. You weren’t in a place where you could discern good and evil. And you didn’t know how to discern. How to move and live and have your being in him. Or you would have never found yourself in that situation. But there are situations that happen. This is a fallen world. There are crazy people. There are crazy squirrels in my yard too.

They’re crazy. I've spent six thousand dollars to keep them out of my house went through three different people until they just gave up. But we won. I found a spirit-filled contractor with praise in tongues. I'm telling you what he fortified our house and there you could see them. They’re having meetings in my yard. And they’re like worried. She’s in our house and they’re running through the walls and they’re laughing at us. I know they were okay. So just like the devil, we lock him out of our house 6000. 


Later our car starts acting up. So the guy comes out pulls open some of the caps for the plugs and everything and there’s a whole hotel in there with a year’s supply of nuts. Am I kidding? But we got him out of there too. But they’re still in the yard they come right up to the window and look in at me. They do so. You know what I did. We have an expert in our church who has had 123 confirmed kills. That’s how many there are.

So he said okay. Here’s the pellet rifle you get. I go does it hold a scope? He goes, you want a scope. I go I'm telling you I'm done with these things. So I got a mount for it for my rail. I got a mount so I can put it on my porch. I got their long-range sight. I got the most powerful pellet gun and amazon asks you. Do you want it hidden or do you want it just in the box that comes and I said send it visible? I kid you not and she can confirm it. 


The FedEx guy left. It has a picture of it with the rifle. With the rifle and the scope sitting there. And no more squirrels. I'm not kidding you. No more squirrels. So I just left it out there for a little bit. I've never used it once. I've never used it and now they bring us nuts you know. But here’s the thing. They’ll take all of that and relate it. The devils know when you mean business. The devils know that you’re called. They know that you’ve been chosen. They know that you’re being prepared for. Something they don’t know exactly what’s going on. But they can see the activity.

The devils know because you light up. See like right now because you’re being visited. You’re lit up in the spirit and they can see that and so when the breath of God comes upon you. Wen the word of God ignites in you all these different activities. Angels come. They stand beside you. They see all this activity and then they reverse engineer and they draw to the conclusion that something’s about to happen. 


And they’re going to have to fortify or they’re going to get driven out because they’ll come to a point where your eyes in the spirit start to see these entities. And then they’re found out. Then they can’t operate. So I mean like I've numerous times as I've been up here. Speaking the last couple of days I've seen out of the corner of my eye movement to where I thought somebody was standing beside me. But see in the spirit you’ll start to get sensitive and your physical eyes will also start to see things. And sense movements. So right now I feel the favor of the Lord.

He’s so happy my angel is behind me and I feel so happy. But see this is the way you are too. This is you as well. I'm no more special than you are. I saw that in heaven. Everybody is equal but for some reason, it’s become a carnival down here to where we only honor certain people. 


But see the five-fold are supposed to be building us up. And I’d rather just be a businessman that prays in tongues than be known as a prophet. Where you look to me I’d rather just go back to being a businessman then no one would get mad at me. If I got a jet, I can’t get off of this the spirit. Lord still tell me you got to take your giant out and you’re being prepared for this and you’re getting all the tools. Now I feel the movement in the spirit. The water is being stirred right now. And it’s swirling above you and God’s favor is in this room. 


And you don’t worry about what’s going to happen. Once you leave this place you take advantage of what’s being placed before you. Tonight the angels are here now. I know when those angels come. I know that they have an agenda and I sense in my spirit that God has given you weapons. How many of you have received words that have not come to pass. You can raise your hand now that would be a good time. Thank you. Look at all these. Well, see paul said those are weapons the prophecies you wage war with. Those prophecies. 


Use them as weapons of warfare okay. So you use those and you tell the devil until he leaves you. Talk about what the spirit is saying about you. You say that and they don’t want to hear that. And they’re not interested in you. If you’re weak, what does this say? What’s the scripture say? He seeks. He’s like a lion that seeks who he may devour. So like I said in Dalton don’t be edible. I was told when I moved down there. You got alligators in your backyard. You’re gonna have alligators everywhere. I'm like well, we’ll be going. We’ll be leaving. 


No, I just wanna. I like you gotta be kidding me. God sent me there but I gotta deal with this. Well, I was told you know when you come up upon one if they can take you they’ll come toward you. Oh, thanks a lot okay. But if they back off, if they back off they’ve determined that they can’t take you. So it happened to me. We were looking for houses and we went to the backyard. And my wife of course loves every house we looked at until I saw that alligator peeking up in my back in that backyard. And he started backing up. 


I go, I got you. I got you and sure enough, he’s just turned around and swim away. So I told my wife you know we’re not. This is in our house. But anyway we did find the house. But I started to see that when you look at the devil. When you look at these evil spirits they start freaking out. If you’re not afraid they don’t know what to do. Because they don’t. Are you all listening? They don’t have a plan b. They totally bank on you being afraid and to tell you the truth. I was told that they don’t encounter a lot of Christians that will stand up to them. And they freak out when a Christian stands up to him.

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