Thursday, October 22, 2020

How to turn India into a Christian Nation.


We Christians want to turn this great country India into a Christian Nation.  Why?  Because the Bible says and Jesus taught us to pray that "Your Kingdom Come"  Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  The first and the foremost thing we need to do is the prayer.  Pray every day.  We need to see the changes in our life time.  Not after we passed away from this earth.  Regularly we need to pray for our nation.

Why do we need to pray for our nation?  Because around  97.7 % people out of 130 Crores of the population of this land is non-Christians.  We need to pray for them.  Some of them are living around us and we know and we socialize with them every day.  We work with them.  And we know that they are going to hell.  Eternal hell.  We are supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves.  As a loving person, we cannot allow a single person to go to hell.  Hell is eternal.  No escape from there. So it is important for us to pray for them.  Those who experienced hell never wanted even their enemies to go there. Because it is worse than we can imagine. 

Our God is a loving God and we need to network with our fellow Christians and pray for our Nation.  We are history makers.  We need to change this nation in a positive way.  We need to establish a Christian Government in India.  We need revival and mass conversion in this Land. 

People should come and wait in que to enter our Church from 4.00 am in the morning for a 9.00 am service.  Our Churches need to be changed and filled with the presence of our Lord.  It happened in the beginning of the last century.  It can happen even today.  Let us pray for it.

Let us love our neighbor as ourselves.  Let us prey for the Children.  The New Generation. Satan is there to lead astray.  Our children, the children of this nation should turn to the living God.  

Let us pray for our Justice System. That they pronounce justice to all without considering their position, or power or wealth.  
Let us pray for our Army, Navy and Air-force.  Let God protect them while they protect the country from invaders.  Let us pray for the peace of Ladakh.  Let the Chinese army voluntarily withdraw from our land.   

Let us pray for our Educational System.  There are wrong ideas that are taught in our schools and colleges. Let the teachers turn to God and teach the truth.  Let us pray for the internet.  It is turning youngsters into criminals.  Unwanted information needs to be deleted from the internet.  Immoral and sexual contents need to be removed.  It is affecting the behavioral pattern of our youngsters. 

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