Before we discuss how we could turn India into a Christian Land, we
should have a valid reason for turning India into a Christian country.
First and foremost reason for the transformation of India is concerned
with the souls of Indians. Out of 1352.6 million souls only 2.3% of the
people are Christians as per the 2011 census of India.
majority of the population are Hindus. 79.80% and Muslims come behind
that 14.23% and the balance from other religions like Sikh, Jains, etc.
But the Christians are very insignificant in India. These are some
facts. It means 97.7% of Indian population is unsaved. As per Bible they
are going to hell. They don't believe in the true God. We need to get
our fellow citizens to get saved. Imagine your loved ones; some of them
are your neighbors and co-workers are going to hell eternally. I am
concerned about that. Most of the Christians are concerned about it and
praying to God Save India. The Bible is the sole book that teaches that
the world is one family. Act 17:26 says, "From one man he made all the
nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out
their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands." See
we all are one family. Brothers and sisters. But we drift away from our
true god and now believe in different Gods and religions. A true
Christian treats each and every one equal. In Hindu religion there are
upper caste and lower caste. Some religions are extremists and not
afraid to kill and destroy others. Christians valued each soul and
wanted to protect souls from the evil one.
Fighting evil starts
in our mind. Jesus clearly taught this to his disciples. Do not keep bad
feelings about our neighbor or brother in our heart. Disputes and
quarrels arise in our life. We need to learn to forgive and forget sins.
Jesus taught how to forgive others. The foremost and the important
commandment is this. And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You
shall love your neighbor as yourself. Again Paul says, Gal. 5:14 Love
your neighbor as yourselves. For love completes the laws of God. All of
the law can be summarized in one grand statement: “Demonstrate love to
your neighbor, even as you care for and love yourself.”
By now
you may have understood why we should turn India into a Christian
country. In India religious extremists never value the souls and do not
even treat them better. Animals are getting more respect and value than
human beings sometimes. We need to understand that all created things
like animals and trees are for the use of men. Not to be worshiped or
treated above human beings.
The second reason for India to
turn to God is to prevent crime prevalent in India. Communal riots and
criminal activities are considerably high in India that is 44.42 percent
against the population as per Recently the
crime against women is increasing. Domestic violence, rape murder is
increasing in an alarming rate. To become a true follower of Christ who
taught Love your neighbor as yourself can only transform India. Merely
becoming a namesake Christian is not the solution. Becoming a true
ardent practicing follower of Jesus Christ is the only answer for these
social evils.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Why to Turn India Into a Christian Country.
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