Lord Help Me to Understand Myself; How to Avoid Unrealistic Expectation and Disappointment
There is freedom in Christ
I see the disconnect. You have to understand something. If you had it happened to you what has happened to me. You were exposed to the heavenly kingdom too. I was with Jesus. I was in the river of life. I was in the throne room. I was in these secret rooms that were in the throne building. Then Jesus took me down the hallway to all these beautiful places and explain things to me. Well, you would be different too.
If you were sent back and you would want people to know about it and that’s all I’m doing. I’m doing this to help people. I and Kathy are in retirement. We’re fine with just resting all day. Drinking tea and throwing rocks at the alligators in our backyard. But see the Lord has us saying this and telling you this. Because you need to know this. You need to know that Jesus has done everything that you will ever need for life and Godliness. He’s done that so there’s something that’s troubling me. That I want to talk about tonight. And as we get into this another aspect of understanding yourself okay.
Lord help me understand myself and the idea of this Spirit School is the Lord wants to answer some questions. And let you understand why you are the way you are. But I have to show you something tonight. That I’ve never done before. I have never talked like this before. This is a historical night. And I haven’t even told my staff or my wife what I’m about to do. But I’m going to show you something. That’s going to show you that we’re supposed to be walking at a higher standard. And it’s about time that someone starts to talk about this.
Listen to me. I’ve never heard a sermon where they stayed in the book of first John. Like I’ve not remembered ever having anybody teach or preach from the book of first John. Now I’m not saying that no one has but I’m telling you when is the last time you hear first John spoke. Well, I can tell you why because first John is written at a higher standard. That is really puzzling and because of that people stay away from it. Because it’s kind of hard to handle.
If you are a lightweight in the spirit but you know we’re not lightweights here. You know there are thousands of you watching all over the world. You all are lightweights. I mean warriors are not lightweights. Warriors are special forces. That will do things that they never get honored for. Because it’s done in secret. All the special forces you know the mighty. The mighty warriors they go and they do things clandestine. You know we do things in the spirit. Like while people are sleeping I’m praying for them. I’m believing God while they’re eating. I’m missing meals for people.
Because I’m a warrior. I don’t need compliments. I don’t need that kind of encouragement. I just get it done yeah. And then I go home to be with the Lord. We all do our thing down here whatever that is we do that here’s the introduction to tonight. And this is the personality of God versus the personality of you and me. Where that falls like when you set the personality of God down on the table and we already mentioned that. We’re supposed to be imitators of God as dearly loved children. But if we set ourselves down and we put God’s personality down and then we look at that we have to try to find something in common. Well, a lot of times we’re at a loss to where we feel disappointed. So we have these. Instead of feeling courage, we feel discouraged. If instead of feeling filling appointments having appointments where we connect. We have disappointments so we’re disconnected instead of connecting.
So there are all these words with "dis" and the Lord showed me when I first met him back in this division in 1992. He told me that the distance between you and your appointment is distant, is "dis." So if you have an appointment and you have distance between you. Where you’re at and where you’re going. It’s called a disappointment. Because there are distance and the same with courage. If you see courage but you can’t get to it there’s a distance between you and courage then you have discouragement. Because you have this separation. So there are all these separations where we don’t connect and meet. And so we have these times in our lives where we’re discouraged, depressed.
We can’t seem to. We circle around things. We get close and then something happens and we never connect with our destiny. I want to proclaim something to you tonight that I have the answer for you. But it’s the secret to getting to the place in your life where you understand yourself. See if you understand God your creator and he’s your heavenly father and we’re supposed to be like him. We’re supposed to imitate him. If we understand him the way he is I guarantee you it’s time for us to move in a direction toward where we should be. The disconnect, the discouragement is that we don’t feel like we need to meet up to the standards of our creator.
But see Jesus fixed that. As we talked about last night he fixed us inside okay. But Jesus came he said this in first John chapter 1 I’m just going to read through the first chapter and a little bit of chapter 2 as well. And just bear with me I’m reading from the new living translation which is a really good translation. We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the word of life. The one who is life itself was revealed to us.
And we have seen him and now we testify and proclaim to you that he is the one who is eternal life. He was with the father and then he was revealed to us. We proclaim to you that we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the father and with the son Jesus Christ.
We are writing these things so that you may be full and share in our joy okay. So these men witnessed him and they beheld they touched him and they’re saying. Listen this Jesus was real and he is eternal life. He is everything. He said he was okay. Now John goes on to say this in verse 5.
This is the message that we heard so we’re all ears now right. We want to hear what they heard. Now they’re just going to repeat what Jesus was talking about. He said we declare this to you God is light and there is no darkness in him at all. So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but we go on living in spiritual darkness. Wow, that’s let’s just stop right there okay. So number one John is getting pretty rough here. Isn’t he? He’s saying listen to you we are lying.
If we say we have fellowship with God but we go on living in darkness so in other words as a believer someone who has touched and heard of him and heard what he’s proclaimed. If we adopt him into our lives. If we allow him into our lives and we call ourselves Christians. He said we cannot keep living in darkness if we claim to be in the light so if God is light and we’re in God.
God is in us then we are not supposed to live in spiritual darkness any longer. So it’s really - they’re saying it’s impossible to live in darkness and be a Christian that’s what he’s saying. I mean that’s what you know and it doesn’t matter how you twist it. Because let’s just read it for face value here. If we are lying - if we say we have fellowship with God but we go on living in spiritual darkness - we are not practicing the truth. In other words, the truth sets you free, and then from then on, you live in that truth okay. This is going to change your life and this is going to help you understand yourself. This is what the problem is. There’s a disconnect because we need to come to the table. Let God reveal himself to us but then we have to make the adjustment to know that we are made in the image of God and that we need to move toward him okay.
So we don’t live in the darkness anymore if we are in fellowship with God because he is light and darkness does not have fellowship with light. So God doesn’t have anything in common with the darkness but he has something in common with you. Because you are born again of the spirit and you have light in you okay. So you live in that. This causes all that distance to be taken out of your appointment. So you have appointments instead of disappointments. So that you have courage instead of discouragement. I’m telling you the truth and I’ve never shared this before but see no one teaches out of first John because it seems really black and white right okay. So this is the truth okay. But if we are living in the light as God is in the light then we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. From how much sin all sin. So if you are living in the light as God is in light and you have fellowship with each other then the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses you from all sin. So that means that sin is taken care of period okay.
So that’s what Paul said too. If you remember he said in the first verse of Romans 8. He said there’s therefore now no condemnation. Or no accusing voice against you that your case is closed. There’s - no that sin has been taken care of okay. That is the absolute truth. Verse 8 says if we claim we don’t have sin we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But if we confess our sins to him he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness okay. If we claim we have not sinned we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts okay. So we repent of our sin. We choose to repent and confess our sins to him and he forgives us. And we’re cleansed okay.
If we continue to sin if we would sin again if we confess that he’s faithful and just to forgive us of our sins right it’s so. It’s a relationship so there are things that we do through omission that are sins. There are sins of commission where we commit things but then there are things that we don’t do that we should do. They’re just as much sin and we can be enlightened about these things as we walk with God and I immediately confess them. I immediately take care of it so if you say that you don’t sin then you’re a liar that’s what it’s saying. Here he says but if you do sin we have a way through confession to get rid of that trespass or that sin of omission or that sin of commission okay.
So if we claim we have not sinned we are calling God a liar because God doesn’t sin but you know I haven’t met any perfect person yet. So I know that everyone has sinned since they were born again. I have never met anybody. You’re not perfect either am I okay. But are we really supposed to even think about sinning no? We’re not supposed to look at what it says here in this is amazing because in chapter two of first John and you know I’m laughing at myself. Because I’m like there’s no brave man. Brave enough to do this. But I’m like laughing because this is what John says now. This isn’t any translation so don’t try to get rid of the power of this by choosing your own translation of this. This is a good translation but I can get ones that are even harder if you don’t. If you don’t think this is hard enough my dear children I am writing to you okay.
He’s calling them children that means they’re disciples they’re believers right okay. This to you so that you will not sin okay. but if anyone does sin we have an advocate who pleads our case before the father. He is Jesus Christ the righteous one. He himself is the sacrifice that atones for sins and not only for our sins but the sins of the world. And we can be sure that if we know him we obey his commands.
If someone claims that they know God but they don’t obey his commands that person is a liar okay. So this is where no one will go but think about this. He’s not living by the truth. It says here those who obey God’s word show how completely they love him. That’s good all right. So that is in verse five okay. But those who obey God’s word truly show that he completely loves him. Because he obeys him. This is how we know. We are living in him. Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did okay. So I say this because a lot of what is happening in our lives that we don’t understand ourselves is because we don’t understand the requirements that Jesus set up in John 14 and John 15 where he said.
Listen I’m going to tell you what really gets to the father’s heart and what gets to my heart. He said you say you love me. If you love me you obey my commands okay. He said this is how you show that you love God. You obey my commands and if you do me and my father are going to come and live with you and like I say as if you do the word studies the idea is that they bring their furniture and move in okay.
So Jesus said this is what John who was there with Jesus says he says listen if but those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him, okay so he’s repeating what Jesus said in John in John 14 in John 15 okay. This is how we know we are living for him. And living in him is we obey his commands. So John is saying we don’t sin but if we do we have an advocate. We have one who is going to go. We can go to the father in Jesus's name and confess our sins and we’re forgiven.
It says here that we have an advocate that pleads our case before the father. He is Jesus Christ okay. So if you want to understand yourself a little better you have to take care of your understanding of what has happened with the sin problem. The sin problem has been resolved now. This doesn’t mean that you are perfect anymore. What it means is that you are humble and
you rely on Jesus’s blood to cleanse you. Not only of your past sins but any sins that you commit. You’re in fellowship with him. So because you have fellowship with him the blood of Jesus cleanses you continually.
So you just repent and you go on. You don’t walk in condemnation and this is why a lot of people are depressed. This is why they feel discouraged all the time is because they feel unforgiven. They feel condemnation. They feel as though they’re not able to connect with God. See they think oh you know God’s so big. He’s so powerful. He’s so holy you know yeah. But he’s also so compassionate. He’s so loving and kind. He went to Cain as we talked about last night. Cain was ready to kill his brother. He’d already decided not to do what God asked him to do. And yet God came and talked to him face to face outside the garden in sin and tried to coach Cain into doing the right thing. And Cain still did the wrong thing.
This is what I see all the time the Lord’s compassion reaching out to people wanting to help them. But they do not accept forgiveness they go by their feelings. They go by the fact that they’re not perfect. Well, you know join the crowd there’s a whole bunch of us in line. In that line that we’re not perfect because we have not reached perfection yet. That’s why we have the Holy Spirit. That’s why we have the gifts of the spirit. That’s why we have the body of Christ, the fivefold ministry of the church everything is to build us up until we reach perfection. Until we reach maturity so we are always being worked on by the word of God. By the spirit of God in these areas.
But we need to let go of condemnation. So if you want to understand yourself in that guilty feeling - I’ve had people very close to me come to me even people my family and say you know I feel guilty - but I don’t even know why and I go, well, you know I prayed with you. You accepted the Lord. You’re forgiven yeah. But I was such a bad person. It’s like not anymore you’re a new creature in Christ. And I found that there’s this disconnect with what the Lord has established in heaven as the truth versus what you’re feeling. What you might be encountering in your life okay.
So this issue leads me to talk about disappointment. Because if you are going to live off of your emotions and if you’re like a person, if Jesus tells them this is going to happen and everything turns sour and looks like it’s going to be the opposite. Well, then you have a decision to make. Are you going to believe what Jesus told you or are you going to go? But you know your perception or your feelings or your whatever your mind concocts like a lot of people. They’re already figuring out plan b and plan c if it doesn’t work out. If God isn’t big enough to put you over are you going to go to plan b or c just in case you know he’s having a bad day. God’s having a bad day and he can’t do it okay.
With his word, he’s established everything. That’s why it’s so important. That’s why the warrior knows ministry is all about the word of God. But the warrior knows ministry is also about the spirit of God. Because it’s the word and the spirit together that caused this amazing supernatural resurrection power to come into your life where you’re an overcomer. In fact, you’re more than an overcomer. You’re more than an overcomer you are more than a conqueror. You are above and beyond what is registered as a conqueror and that’s what the Lord Jesus sent me back for was to give this message out okay.
So with that being said then with your disappointments, there’s something I need to talk to you about and this is going to be I’m enjoying this. I’m enjoying this one this the disappointment is. Are you ready for this? You’re not going to believe what the number one problem is with relationships. The number one problem with relationships between a man and a woman between friends between God and man, woman and man, woman and God all the relationships. All the relationships you know it might even be your pets is unrealistic expectations. When you perceive as something that is not correct and you expect it and you push for that and a person doesn’t live up to that. Then you are ready to bail and this is what happened with Jesus.
All the disciples not like well, you know most of them had seen these insurrections because there were people being crucified before Jesus came. In fact, during Jesus's day, there were people being crucified. But it was because they tried to rise up and get a following to push out Rome. To push out the government of Rome and so people they knew that God had sent them out of Egypt through the patriarchs and had put them in the promised land. But they were trying to figure out like well why did this country Rome come in and take over. When this is God’s country this is God’s city this is God’s government you know. We have a theocracy you know. We have God as our king. And we saw king David and we saw Saul. But if you remember God was actually hurt that they asked for a king. Because he wanted to be their king. It says that in the bible okay. But he gave them a king Saul. Didn’t work out obviously and then David took his place and then we have all the successions of kings. But when we get to Jesus’s time everyone was waiting for someone to come and push Rome out.
This was unrealistic expectations so when Jesus was put under that pressure he didn’t succumb to it. So one day he came in on a donkey and they started laying down the palm branches and yelling hosanna blessed he is he who comes in the name of the Lord. They were proclaiming the verbiage of the announcement of the messiah coming. See but the messiah in their mind was a deliverer from Rome that was going to set himself up as king. So they fully expected Jesus to get to the center there at the temple and get off that donkey and set himself up as king that day and announce that Rome needs to leave preferably by noon. And he didn’t do that so the next day they took him to the bravo hill to throw him off and kill him. Why unrealistic expectations okay.
I can continue to go on here Judas's unrealistic expectations. Jesus wasn’t working out. It wasn’t working out the way it was planned. Judas was one of those zealots that in fact there were. Two zealots that we know of on the staff of Jesus ministry. Two people were zealots. Zealots were really secretly assassinating roman soldiers. Did you know that if you check it out zealots had and were carried a weapon? And they would isolate a soldier and kill them secretly. And they were doing this clandestine to try to rid that of the Roman government. And if you study this about the zealots you’ll understand why Judas did what he did. Judas did what he did because he had unrealistic expectations of what Jesus was to do.
Because of that, it didn’t work out in Judas’s mind so he sold him out. Thinking I’ll make a couple of bucks out of it. Because this guy is not going to set himself up as king and I’ve already seen him walk on water. I’ve seen him walk through crowds so he’s not going to. He’s not gonna fall under their hands. He’s gonna land on his feet like a cat. So he thought Jesus would just deliver himself and keep going. So Judas was seeing if he could make some money off of this deal and he thought well this guy is not going to sell himself off a king.
I’m just going to push it to that boundary so you saw how that worked for him okay. So Jesus doesn’t do what they expected as the messiah for Israel. He gets crucified so everybody leaves him. Everybody leaves him because it didn’t turn out the way that they thought. But see it Jesus announced that he was going to die. That he was going to be crucified. He told them on the third day after he was crucified. This is why he’s living. He tells them I’m going to rose from the dead on the third day. How many people were waiting at the tomb three days after he was crucified? Zero. No one was okay. So you can see where unrealistic expectations got people not to perceive what was happening in the spirit realm okay.
So Jesus came back and he walked around the countryside for 40 days ministering about the kingdom of God. That’s what it says in the book of acts chapter 1. Preached on the kingdom of God for 40 days, not one soldier not pilot, not Rome no one stopped him. All the people that were risen out of their graves because at that when Jesus died many rose from the dead. When people but people came out of their graves it says they wandered around the cities.
So you know this God around and you know that all these individuals it got to Caesar. It got to caesar you know. It got to pilate you know that everyone was really worried about what had happened okay. That is Jesus trying to show us that he usurps all authority. That he goes beyond and he always succeeds at God’s intention.
So it is with your life. Unrealistic expectations placed on individuals will cause disappointment. Every single time you know one of the things that I can tell you that though you know that doesn’t always go over well. But I enjoy it anyway. But the Lord showed me in psalms 23 that David wrote you know this is an unrealistic expectation. Because they treat a pastor as though they’re paying him a salary to do a job and they have this job description of what a pastor is supposed to do. But see really honestly the job description is in psalms 23.
David said the Lord is my shepherd or my pastor. I shall lack nothing okay. All right, he leads me beside still waters right. And he makes me lie down in green pastures okay. Where and there does it say he makes me drink and he makes me eat. Come on. He doesn’t say that. He says, he leads me to still waters and he makes me lay down in green pastures. In other words, the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he leads me to the place to drink. He causes me to lie down in green pastures. But he doesn’t shove it down your throat. He doesn’t make you drink or eat okay.
So unrealistic expectations would cause you to think well you know my pastor’s not doing his job or that. Prophet’s not doing his job or that apostle you know. And you start blaming it on the five-fold ministry of the church. Well, what is the five-fold ministry of the church called to do? Build you up so that you come into maturity which means that you get out of diapers. You hand your bottle in and you get a fork and a knife and you start eating meat. And you start to mature and you don’t cry every time. You don’t have your way okay. I feel better now but anyway and I’m not even a pastor you know but what I’m telling you is that these unrealistic expectations will go into every area of your life.
Your pastor is supposed to provide a place for you where you’re safe where he watches for wolves so that false doctrine doesn’t get in and he causes you he gives you a place to sit that you can eat that you can drink. You can drink of the spirit you can eat of the word of God that’s what he’s supposed to do and if you don’t eat it and you don’t drink it you can’t blame him or her for doing that yeah. I said to her but this is the process that God established okay. So getting into this with marriage you can’t say okay this is what I expect of my spouse. That they’re going to do this, this and this for me. And you know that’s not the same. The idea is you don’t place those kinds of demands on people. and I’ve heard even people that were presidents of the schools that I went to. They would say you know this is what I expected my wife and they would tell us in class when we were being trained. And I’m thinking well you know what does she think about that. And I was thinking you know what you need is a maid. I thought that. I hope I don’t get in trouble for this but I thought. Well, what you need is a maid. You don’t need a wife.
You need a mate you know in other words like they’re supposed to fix your meals and you know do your sewing and do the gardening and all that. It’s like you know those days are over. Those days are over I mean today most of us have to - both of us we both had the work you know. So unrealistic expectations about relationships will cause you to be disappointed okay.
So you get my point. I’m being extra tough here because I’m making a point. The idea here is that in your life the spirit of God will lead you into to place where there are still waters and in a place where there is a place to eat. Where you have good food and the shepherd is to guard you while you go down and drink. While you go down and eat so that while you’re eating and drinking no ravenous wolf any bear no lion can come and grab you. That is what he’s supposed to do and this in a marriage. In marriage, we’re supposed to watch out for each other. I and Kathy watch out for each other so when I’m not watching or thinking then she’ll say something or she’ll help me with something. When I forgot to do something she’ll do it for me. The same with me like if I notice something’s not done I’ll just go and do it and then we work together to get it done.
But we don’t put that unrealistic expectation because this is the problem when you do this you’re saying well that person doesn’t meet my needs. It’s like God’s supposed to meet your needs according to his riches in glory. He’s going to meet all your needs. He’s exceedingly above and you can’t put this expectation on a certain person. Because it, listen to the Lord has many ways of helping you. But he gave the woman to a man as a helpmate. Because he saw that wasn’t good for a man to be alone. So he gave the man a woman.
He didn’t give a man another man he gave the man a woman. And that woman was a help me to help him. And this was part of God’s plan okay. But if that person’s not able to help in a certain way then you’ve got to understand that you can’t be unrealistic and expect something when sometimes maybe you just need to do it yourself.
Maybe you just need to step it up and help each other out. It’s the same way when I was at work. When I was at work I saw that people didn’t do what they were supposed to do. Well, I didn’t say anything. I just went and I did it. So I was doing other people’s jobs all the time but yet there were times where people I was working with they saw that I hadn’t done something they covered for me and they did it. And we helped each other and we ran the airline that way. We ran the whole corporation by watching each other’s back and helping each other and we didn’t place unrealistic expectations on different departments. Because we wanted the overall unity to cause this company to go to the top. And Southwest airlines went from a very small airline to a very large airline very quickly. And you know I spent 29 years of my life learning about what it was like to have a team and work as a team to get a company profitable and effective and productive.
So it is with all your relationships. If you are putting unrealistic expectations on Jesus. So if you’re making your will his will then what you’ve done is you haven’t checked in with him. You have no relationship with him. You’re placing a demand on him and you don’t even know what he has to say about it. It may be that he doesn’t plan on pushing Rome out.
So to speak maybe he has another plan and so in your life. He may have you stay single when you want to be married. But what if he doesn’t trust the person that you want to marry. What if he doesn’t trust that person. What if he knows that person isn’t ready for marriage. What if you’re waiting to meet this person and you don’t meet him. Well, maybe it’s because God knows that person’s not ready yet. Maybe he knows that you’re not ready yet and did you ever think of that. That the other person is probably wanting just as much as you do in a maid and so God will do this if you rely on him as your shepherd.
But don’t put unrealistic expectations on God and I hope I’m not being too hard here because what’s going to happen is you’re going to find out the hard way. And you know after living on this earth for 60 years I do not want you to go through anything that you don’t have to go through. And many people that are our age will tell you the same thing. They will want to help you to not have to go through certain things. If I was able to stop you from getting hurt getting into trouble getting into situations that would change your life forever and have you end up in a different way than what you’re supposed to. I would want to tell you this tonight I would want to inject this in here. So disappointment is when we do not reach our appointments. But if you eliminate the distance that distance between you and your appointment then you will meet all your appointments.
You won’t have any distance. You won’t have any disappointments. You’ll reach your courage. You’ll be encouraged not discouraged. Because you won’t have any distance between you and courage. God is your courage God is your appointments God is everything that you ever need. To eliminate the distance and I’m telling you all you pastors say amen.
But these unrealistic expectations when you counsel people when you talk to people the biggest deal is the unrealistic expectations that we place on each other and situations like we think that like I used to think. Like I can’t believe that the president of my company. He says he appreciates me. He remembers my name. But you know I can’t believe that I haven’t got a raise. It’s been five years since I haven’t got a raise. Well, you know he’s not even thinking about that. He’s put people in charge of that and then we have negotiations we have contracts and so really to be mad at him. He was a lawyer. He was just saying, you guys negotiate it and we’ll sign off on it. When you guys all come to an agreement. So it would take years when I wanted it right now. But it was silly for me to get mad at him. Because he was like no, let the process happen. And so it is with you. Let God work with you. He wants you to work with you and get rid of disappointment. He wants to get rid of this discouragement.
And I feel by the spirit while I’m at it. I’m going to talk about something that is another subject. That I want to get into right now about why we don’t understand ourselves. We don’t understand ourselves in the area where we are depressed. So you have discouragement and then you feel depressed. You’ve heard that word you know you encounter people that say I’m depressed. Well, see what’s happening is you’re being pushed down. You’re feeling pressure and the pressure is that you can’t perform. You don’t feel like you can make decisions to feel the freedom to be set free. You feel like you’re confined and this depression is where discouragement and disappointment work into a chemical problem in your body.
So you work yourself into it to a place where it becomes chronic and then it’s something that can be diagnosed by a doctor okay. And a psychiatrist will have to give you anti-depressants and the reason why is you’ve worked yourself into this by allowing the thought processes of what we’ve just talked about to get to the place where it becomes medical. It becomes a biological problem where your chemicals in your body are just following your thought processes.
So you’ve convinced yourself that you’re a failure. You’ve convinced yourself that you can’t do anything right but see there are people on this earth that don’t even believe that about you. They believe that you can do anything. I believe that you can do anything. I believe that if God intervenes in your life we’re going to have story after story where you can even be on our program and tell your story about what God has done for you.
That’s why we have warriors because we want to have testimonies of what God is doing. We want everyone to hear and see the results of the word of God working in your life okay. So depression is real because it becomes a chemical thing but I know the root of depression is an evil spirit that attacks people and at first it seems like just thoughts but then it becomes feelings and then the feelings if you don’t address them and you don’t address the thoughts they become biological. They become chemical in your body. Actually, it’s real. You are depressed, you feel depressed you have to stop that because if you go to a doctor they’re going to diagnose you with depression and it’s going to show up in all your tests. But it’s because it starts with your thought life and it starts with you’re judging your situation by your feelings and being in a negative environment and then your body kind of coincides with your thought process.
Now I know what I’m talking about but it starts with an attack of the enemy and so that’s why we need each other. I found that if people have a support group around them if they have the body of Christ around them and if they have a good church that they can go to and meet with people that are of like faith and they can be built up by the fivefold ministry of the church that depression cannot take hold. That you can address it so that it doesn’t become chronic okay. When it becomes chronic it becomes something that is could be tested and it becomes shown in your blood. It could be shown as evidence that you are. This is how a lot of diseases start. They start in the fact that you could have something happening in your body but your thought processes and your chemicals in your body will feed that thing to where it will actually come in the manifestation.
Now I know this because even cancer starts with just cells that have decided not to do the right thing and if your body has the right immune system cancer can’t live in your body. Did you know that even if your blood has certain elements in it that you can do on your own that you can do and you can build your immune system up that you don’t need to ever suffer these diseases? Did you know that your body is built by God to fight every disease and that even if the doctor says well, you know your mom had this your grandma had this and so this is in your genetics? Well, you can say well, not this time. It’s going to stop right here and you can do things with your mouth. With your way, you eat and you drink and you build up your immune system by speaking the word of God. And you also eat the right things that your body will want to heal itself.
It will want to protect against this so it’s the same thing with depression. Whenever you have those feelings where the chemicals in your body you feel depressed. You feel like a dark cloud has just come over you and you can’t see three feet in front of you. You feel like there’s no hope there’s nothing. Well, you have to reach deep down in your spirit and say no I’m not going to have this. I’ve had friends call me friends that are fellow ministers of the gospel. Who has said the Lord told me to call you because I’m feeling like I’m slipping into depression and I don’t want to go there. No Lord Jesus told me to call you and I said well in the name of Jesus you’re not going into that and they’re in tears. They’re saying I just don’t want to go back to my old ways. But I’m being attacked right now and the Lord’s telling me not to go back there and so this is why we need each other. We need. So to understand yourself you have to understand that there’s an enemy that is going to insert feelings and thoughts that. Then he’s going to confirm by your environment. He will have things happen to you to kind of confirm what you’re feeling and seeing and hearing and thinking and it’s not even true.
It’s a complete setup and I know this to be the fact. So I just feel like I’m supposed to talk about this stuff and if you want to understand yourself you have to realize that you are not made to be in this broken world you are made to live in the garden of Eden. We are in a fallen state now the world around us is in a fallen state.
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