Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Love For God's Word Part 2


So when God says something, it’s absolutely true. You need to reinforce what he says. Even though the facts say that you’re sick the absolute truth is that you were healed. It’s already been done. It needs to manifest so you need to drink and eat from the heavenly realm. This is your life. Why would Jesus say do this until I come? This is my body broken for you. This is my blood take and eat and drink. Paul did the same thing in Corinthians and he said you do this as often as you like until I come. You honor that it’s a holy time. It’s not make-believe or a children’s program.

This is something that is very sacred and you remember the Lord that night when he was betrayed and you honor him. It’s a spiritual communion that you use physical emblems to represent it. But when you take that something spiritually happens. Something happens inside of you. I'm more a part of him than I ever have been. But I might only be halfway there. We were just in Dalton and I told that crowd of 750. I said listen you’ll know when I have fully given myself over because the whole place will be on the floor and will not be able to get back in their chair. I already know that I was in the future when I turn myself over completely. I already know what’s going to happen in a meeting. You’ll be in a sitting position and fall. You won’t need a word that has been spoken. This is something he wants to do to get the bride ready. As soon as they get inside people were getting saved. After they were getting healed people, I heard people Christians were meeting. Because the glory of the father had come in. So like right now. My angel’s right behind me and he’s on fire. I'm cooking. I mean I'm burning to where I feel like my jacket is burning. My hair I still have hair and it’s burning. But see you’re looking at me but there’s somebody greater than me. I mean these angels if you see an angel you’ll pray. You’ll never see another one because they’re so beautiful.

You have to look away and then I saw my glorified state. Because Jesus took me to my resurrection on the other side. When we all get the resurrection body and I had to look away. I couldn’t look at myself. When I yield fully to the spirit I can hear the spirit saying things about me. That you all be jealous about. But see he’s doing the same thing with you. He’s talking you up. He’s telling about who you really are. That people don’t know. He’s talking about where you’re going. He’s calling the things that are not as though they were. The spirit is doing that so right now in your spirit the holy spirit is calling you faithful. Calling you transformed. Calling you a prophetic voice for this nation. For this generation. Holy Spirit’s talking about what’s going to happen tomorrow and the next day. And the next year. All the plans he has for you. I am not kidding you. I've had people translate my tongues that knew the language told me exactly what I was saying. Within 24 hours the times and places and people that they named happened in clockwork. But it didn’t look like it was going to happen. The holy spirit knew tomorrow before I did and he’s inside of you. It’s a local call. So right now you’re burning inside because the holy spirit has enough fuel from the word. That you’ve heard to burn and you’re ignited. And you can do anything you just have to learn to walk like this all the time. Now when you get up can you walk out there and stay in step with the holy spirit. But this is a key to encountering God’s normal is framing your world by the word of God and then eating it okay, So can we go on okay.

One moment, the chapter moved. It’s not where it was before. Can’t be my fault okay. So it’s time now to advance into deeper spiritual truths which means you’ve got to go to the book of Hebrews and live there. And what I did was I listened to Hebrews over and over again for years. In fact for years. All the years you didn’t know me. And some of them that you did before I would go out to speak. I had in my earbuds the book of Hebrews and I was quoting it out loud which I do every time I speak. But now I've shifted a little bit. But I always listen to the book of Hebrews because the Lord told me it’s a supernatural book just like they are. But especially Genesis is supernatural because it was given to Moses. Moses wrote Genesis but he didn’t live in Genesis so it was given to him on the mountain by angels. So it’s a supernatural book. Genesis is a profound book there’s a lot of hidden things in there.

That you might even see played out in the next year. It’s a crazy book okay. Hebrews is like that too. Because it doesn’t have an author that they know of. It doesn’t have an author but I'm sure the author had a belly button. I'm sure that he had a birth certificate too. So he could be president okay.

All right so we’re going to advance into spiritual truths and I'm giving you secrets here. I don’t know if you hear. It’s like hello come on now, listen Hebrews is a supernatural book. If you read Hebrews and you eat this as bread. You’re going to go deeper into spiritual truths than you ever thought possible. I mean don’t you want to know what I saw on the other side. I gave you hints in John 14, 15, 16, and 17.

First Corinthians chapter two. Ephesians all of it and Hebrews. You eat this like bread. It becomes part of you and then what happens is you start to know God. And you go into this mature state which I want everyone to be and I want to be in it okay. So Hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 says for though by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God. And you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness. For he is a babe but solid food belongs to those who are of full age. That is those by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. So you can see why people get deceived. He’s telling you right here why and I saw this. I saw this we’re supposed to be the sharpest people on earth. I mean how many in here like fake news. No, but how do you know it’s fake news. Because you know the truth okay.

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