The Laws of the
Spirit Summary
What we’re
studying loved ones, especially for those of you who might be here
for the first time this evening, in these evening sermons, and what
we’ve been studying for probably 10 and some of us 13 years here in
the evenings, is the deeper Christian life, the life of the spirit,
the inner life. And we have been following a series that we go
through every three years usually. And we’ve been so long on this
particular one that I don’t know which year we’re in now, but
we’re trying to deal at this time, with our spirit.
I could illustrate
to you what your spirit is or something of what it is, if I ask you
to think for a moment, of what happens in your personality when you
sing, maybe a little more on tune that I sing, but you sing, “Amazing
grace how sweet the sound.” Sarah, I was on tune. Your tongue is
singing, your voice, your body, so your body is involved. Your mind
is involved too because you’re thinking of the words, and it’s
your mind, or your intellect that thinks and remembers, and judges,
and reasons. And I think you’d agree that your emotions are
involved too, because you can think of the old bagpipers, if you
think of nothing else, you can think of that old Scottish bagpipe
music in the background and all the influence, and the emotion of the
But you can also
think of many old saints that have sung that down through the years.
You can think perhaps of moments in your own life when you say,
“Through many dangers toils and snares I have already come.” And
so your emotions can be involved. Now, that’s your body, and your
mind, and emotions are what the Bible calls your soul. But deep,
deep down loved ones, there’s the real you and that’s your
spirit. Now, the real test is after you’ve stopped singing that
song, and after your home in your own bed tonight, what is your
spirit doing?
That’s the real
test. Is your spirit filled with that same elation, and that same
sense of thanksgiving to God? In fact, could you almost burst out
singing that tonight in bed? Or, is your spirit kind of blah? Now,
that’s that real you loved ones. That’s what you’re really
like. That’s why that dear guy, you remember he’s involved in
Gospel Light publications and he wrote the book “Sometimes I feel
Like a Blob”. Because, I think a lot of us at certain times at
home on our own, or in the middle of the day in our office, we feel
like a blob because inside, deep down where the real us is, there’s
nothingness. There’s just often emptiness.
Now, that’s your
spirit. Your spirit is the real you. And it’s your spirit that
people really eventually touch. You can do a whole lot of things
with your face, you can do a whole lot of smiles, a whole lot of
sunny faces and everything, a whole lot of handshaking, a whole lot
of backslapping, and loving, and embracing. You can do a whole lot
of things with your mind, saying a whole lot of clever little things,
all of the good, intelligent, diplomatic little things. With your
emotions you can show a whole lot of love, a whole lot of excitement,
but a person is really looking for what is at the center of you, the
real you.
As a man or a woman
is when they’re alone, that they are and nothing more. That’s
your spirit. And of course, that’s why Jesus, you remember, once
took a little child and maybe you’d look at the situation, its
Matthew 18:2. He took a little child and put him in the middle of
the crowd you remember, so I’m sure he was holding his hand tight
so that he’d feel okay. Matthew 18:2, “And calling to him a
child, he put him in the midst of them, and said, “Truly, I say to
you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter
the kingdom of heaven.””
And Jesus said that
because, most of us remember, what our spirits were like when we were
little children. And most of us remember the freedom and the liberty
that we sensed inside. We didn’t have to be told to laugh, and to
enjoy ourselves. We did laugh and we did enjoy ourselves. We just
had a great sense that our fathers loved us, our mums loved us, that
the people who cared for us were taking care of things, and all we
had to do was delight in this dear world around us. And that’s
what Jesus meant when he said, “We’ve to be as little children.”
Our spirits are
meant to be like that, light, and joyful, and airy, and free. And
when your spirit is like that, of course, you can be a blessing to
everybody around you. And of course you can meet all the problems of
life with ease. You hardly pause in your stride. That isn’t the
case with most human beings in the world. Most human beings in the
world, soon after they’re seven, eight, or nine years of age begin
to get concerned about who cares for them. And that’s because they
lack the sense that there’s a great Father who cares for them and
they begin to wonder does anybody care for them?
And they begin to be
concerned about their own welfare. And most human beings from nine
or 10 on begin to try to find love, and find the attributes, and the
qualities that love gives you. Love gives you a great sense, we’ve
shared before, of security, and it’s not long before all of us
become little gibbering neurotics as far as security are concerned,
really. After we miss our first lunch at school we begin to be
concerned, “How do you make sure you don’t miss your lunch?”
And after we find ourselves without enough money to buy the ice cream
that we want, we begin to wonder, “How do you make sure you have
enough money?” And after we begin to feel that we would like the
clothes that somebody else has, we begin to work out, “How could
we? Maybe a paper route, we could do that and we could get the
And it’s not long
before we begin go to be concerned with getting the things that love
used to give us, and that we felt we could depend on love for. So
it’s not long before we begin to be little snatchers after our
security. And it really isn’t long before, oh this old world
begins to find that this is you, believe it or not, and me. And it
begins to find that it’s got ties. We put a peg in there and we
tie ourselves to the world for our security. We tie ourselves to the
paper route, and then we tie ourselves to our first job, and then we
tie ourselves to our first employer. Then we tie ourselves to the
stocks and shares that we buy. It’s not long before in order to
get the love that we need we find we’re tying ourselves to this
It’s the same with
the sense of identity and we’ve shared that before. It used to be,
did a little child care about his identity? No, his dad thought the
world of him that was okay for him. He didn’t care, as long as his
dad smiled that was everything. That’s the way God wanted us to
live in his regard and in his love. But it wasn’t long before we
forgot him and we wanted other people’s love, and other people’s
approval. And we tied ourselves to our friends. One friend praised
us, we accepted the praise and then we found we were addicts to the
praise. Then, we had to praise them back, and then they praised us.
And they scratched our backs and we scratched theirs.
It wasn’t long
before we found ourselves with a tent peg in the world as far as our
significance and our identity is concerned. It was the same with
emotion; God meant that we should enjoy the world. Walk through it
and enjoy the trees, and the sunshine, and the rivers with the Father
in our hand right beside us, walking through his world. That was joy
and delight, that’s all we needed. But it wasn’t long before we
weren’t satisfied with that and we wanted the excitement, and the
thrill of other things, the exhilaration of certain relationships,
the excitement of certain experiences. And it wasn’t long before
we tied ourselves.
It’s strange,
really the inside started to dry up. The spirit inside started to
dry up. The body was pretty active, the soul was pretty active, but
the spirit was dried up inside and we depended on these crude things,
and we found ourselves bound to the world. That’s the situation
with most of us. That’s why the Bibles says “We’re dead, we’re
dead. Our spirits are dead towards God.” That’s why many of us
say that we feel like a blob, because we are governed by all these
outside things for the real love that we’re meant to get from God.
Now loved ones, what
is the problem? The problem is that our personalities are now so
enslaved to these things that we can’t get clear of them. How many
of you feel that? How many of you want to be free but you think,
“How’s the economy doing?” You think, “They’re taking away
my MasterCard.” You think, “They’re putting up the interest
rates.” You think, “I want to be free, I want to be happy as you
say, but my job. What about my job?” “I want to be joyful about
the future but what about my future?” “ I want to be happy
whether I have anybody or nobody except God, but what about my
marriage?” Isn’t it true that we find our dear old personalities
make it impossible for us to live with a light spirit?
Our personalities
seem tied to these things. And isn’t it true that often many of us
go out on a Monday morning with heavy hearts. And many of us live
through the week with heavy hearts, worried about this, anxious about
that. And the truth is that the world is our God. We may say we’re
Christians, you know, I understand that and we have our words that we
use with each other, and we say we’re children of God. But really,
the world is our God. Not in that we’re gambling, or drinking, or
running out with prostitutes, or all kinds of big worldly things that
we think are worldly things, but just the world itself. The security
that the world gives us, the recognition that the world gives us, the
happiness and enjoyment that the world gives us the world is our God.
Loved ones that’s why we’re so heavy in our spirits. That’s
why our spirits are so dead. That’s why they don’t rise with joy
and with lightness.
Now, there’s only
one person that can change that. There’s only one person that can
cut those bonds, and that person is God. And that’s what he did in
Jesus. And that’s the basis of any victory that we can have, that
God took you, alive to the world and bound to the world, and he
crucified you with his Son Jesus. He crucified you with Christ. And
that’s the basis, Romans 6:6, our old self was crucified with
Christ. If that hasn’t happened, if you weren’t separated from
the world by God, if he has not been able to change your personality
in a mighty eternal act in Christ, there’s nothing you can do.
But loved ones that
has happened, that’s a fact. That’s what the Bible says, when
Jesus died you and I died. Our old self that is bound to the world
was crucified with Christ. Loved ones, you’ll never get free from
that worrying about the Master charge, you’ll never get free from
being anxious about your marriage and your future, you’ll never get
free from being concerned about your security, unless God has done
something to cut that dear old bound personality off from the world.
That’s what the Bible means when it says, “We were crucified to
the world and the world was crucified to us.”
Loved ones that has
happened; that has happened. And not only that has happened but
Ephesians 2:6 has happened. God has raised us up who were dead in our
trespasses and sins and has made us sit with him in the heavenly
places in Christ Jesus. That’s the truth, that’s reality. Look
at it, if you would, it’s Ephesians 2:6, and you can see the past
tense in the Greek. Ephesians 2:6, “And raised us up with him, and
made us sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” God
has done that in eternity, beyond time and space, God has severed the
chains that attach you to your boss. That’s right.
There are unseen
spiritual chains that attach you to your boss. That’s true. So
that he comes into the room and your wee eyes go up to see if he’s
smiling at you. God in Jesus has severed the spiritual chains that
bind you to your bank account. That’s right you’re bound to your
bank account. If it’s up, you’re free and light. If it’s
down, you’re depressed and insecure. God has severed in Jesus
those chains. Loved ones believe it, believe it. It’s not your
bank account, that’s the strange thing it’s not your bank
account. It’s not the boss, it’s not the experiences either of
vacation, or of sadness, or of death, or of loneliness. It’s not.
It’s a whole
spiritual shackle system that binds you to those things. Those
things have no power actually. Those things will die in a moment.
But there’s a whole spiritual imprisonment that you’re evolved in
and that’s what God destroyed in Jesus. That’s why you’ve such
trouble getting rid of those things. You know, with the books on the
power of positive thinking, “Oh well, don’t think about your bank
account.” “Okay, I won’t think about my bank account. I won’t
think about my bank account.” And you think about your bank
account. Or, “No I won’t care what people think of me. I won’t
care what people think of me.” And you care what people think of
You keep trying to
overcome those things but do you see it’s a whole spiritual
imprisonment. It’s not the things that are the problem, it’s not
the people, it’s not the experiences, it’s the spiritual
enslavement that your personality has become involved in, and that’s
what God destroyed in Jesus. He did it. It’s done. Oh, a dear
guy came up here four or five weeks ago and said, “You know what I
suddenly realized? I have been crucified in Christ whether I feel it
or not. I don’t have to get crucified with Christ, I have been.
It has been done. God has raised me up and made me sit with him in
the heavenly places.” And loved ones, that’s the basis of
victory, believing that and submitting to the Holy Spirit is the
basis of victory.
Believing that you
have been raised with Jesus and that you sit at the moment with God
in the heavenly places far above every rule, and authority, and
dominion, and power not only in this world but in that which is to
come, that’s the basis of victory. And that’s how your spirit
can be maintained light, and joyous, and victorious. But loved ones,
first of all it is believe, believe Ephesians 2:6, that you have been
raised up and made to sit with God in the heavenly places. Then
second one is, James 4:7, submit to God you remember. In fact, you
might want to look at it, it’s James 4:7. Because, the basis of
all victory is trust and obey and the first part of trusting is the
believing Ephesians 2:6, and the second part is the obeying which is
James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil
and he will flee from you.” “Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Loved ones that’s
the basis of a light spirit.
Now, what we’re
talking about in these evening services is the laws of the spirit.
And loved ones, as long as you will hold to that position your spirit
will remain that of a little child. But as you go along, you
remember, we shared in these past Sundays that Satan is able and
other people are able to put weights on your spirit. So you waken up
in the morning, and your spirit is not light, and it is not rising up
to God in joy and delight. And many of us accept those weights and
we say, “Well, that’s normal.” No, that isn’t normal.
The normal life of a
spirit, of a man or a woman under control of the Holy Spirit, is that
that spirit is lifting with the trinity. That’s where the Holy
Spirit is. The Holy Spirit is with God the Father and God the Son,
and believe me they are having a ball in heaven. Really, that’s
what the teaching is, that God the Father, and God the Son, and God
the Holy Spirit are rejoicing at this moment. The beautiful things
we see in the world, the birds singing, the sun shining, the breezes
in the springtime, those are just little signs of the rejoicing, and
the delight that is in heaven and we are in heaven by faith. And we
are able to experience the joy of heaven; our condition can be made
to match our position by the Holy Spirit, if we believe that we have
been raised with God, and with Jesus, and if we submit ourselves to
Loved ones, when you
get up in the morning and there are weights on your spirit, resist
them. Ask the Holy Spirit, “Holy Spirit, why is this? I know it’s
not normal, why is it? Show me why there are heavy weights on my
spirit.” Often, it’s a matter of resisting Satan. Sometimes
it’s a matter of submitting to God. Sometimes, you have resisted
God in some area of your life and that’s why Satan has been able to
put a weight on your spirit. But loved ones weight on your spirit
that is not normal. That’s one of the things, you remember, that
we dealt with. We’ve been dealing with some other things. You
remember we dealt with the whole truth of blockage of the spirit.
Pointed out, you remember, oh it’s the verse in John 7:38 and you
might want to look at that. John 7:38, some people think that it’s
a matter of the spirit being present in you and of course, that’s
not true. John 7:38 is the truth. Jesus, you remember, speaks about
the Holy Spirit. John 7:38, “He who believes in me, as the
scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living
water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who
believed in him were to receive.”
And you see what
Jesus says, “Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.”
And you remember we shared how it’s the flow of the spirit that
enables us to experience God’s presence. In other words, God is
there and Jesus is there at his right hand, and Jesus – here are
you, here and me, and Jesus instead of loving God directly loves God
through the Holy Spirit, through us. And we take part in the flow of
love that goes in the trinity family and God gives back the glory to
You remember we
shared how you experience the joy and the delight of God’s love by
the spirit flowing through you. That of course stays you from the
whole idea of getting something for yourself. It’s the flow of
Jesus love through the Father that you experience. And some of us at
times experience blockage; that is our minds or emotions are out of
sorts, or our body is sick, and the Holy Spirit within us wants to
show joy or delight to somebody, but our body is kind of heavy and we
can’t do it. Or, our emotions are out of sorts and we know we
sense within us the Spirit wants to express something to somebody
else, but we don’t do it. Or, the Spirit wants to express delight
to God in song and we don’t do it, and we block the Spirit.
Now what you do you
see, is when you block the spirit coming out of you, you block the
spirit coming into you. So loved ones it is important to be sure
that there is no blockage taking place inside you. That’s why you
remember, we shared that your body should be in good shape. Often,
many of us let our bodies get badly out of shape and the physical
body presses down upon our spirits and suppresses or spirits. It’s
important for our bodies, and our minds. That’s why you should
exercise your mind, do you see that? That’s why you should come to
classes, and you should read, and stimulate your mind so that it is a
lively, submissive servant to your spirit. Otherwise, you’ll begin
to block your spirit.
And I do think a lot
of us find deadness coming into our lives because we block our
spirits, really. There is a deep way in which the spirit of a
prophet is subject to the prophet. In other words, there’s a deep
way in which you can control your spirit but there is also a deep way
in which the spirit possesses you and if you don’t allow him to
posses you, and you don’t allow him to do freely in you what he
wants, you’ll in fact grieve him and you’ll block him in your
life. So you remember we talked blockage.
And then loved ones,
you remember, we talked about the truth, that the Holy Spirit brings
you close to God. That’s of course, what he does. Takes the
things of Jesus and he imparts them to you. He reveals to you the
mind of God. You remember, who knows the mind of God but the spirit,
and the spirit reveals to you the mind of God, and he enables you to
see things as God sees them. He enables you to see your father, and
your mother, and your relatives, and your colleagues at work, and at
school, as he sees them. And then gradually he shows you what he
wants for them.
And you remember we
shared that those are called burdens of the spirit. They are
delightful things because they are given often to provoke you to pray
for a person, sometimes, to provoke you to speak to a person,
sometimes to provoke you to do something for a person. But the
burdens of the spirit are the reflections of God’s care and
concern. And you remember we shared how that was the way our lives
were meant to be lived. Our lives are not meant to be lived looking
out with our binochs to see, “Who should we help? Ah, there is
somebody caught in a thicket. I will help them.” No, that’s not
the way God’s children work, they are preoccupied with their
father, and with his dear son. They’re talking things over and
they sense what the concern of the Father is. So the Father says,
“I’m concerned about that person.” And it just rises up in
your heart.
And it’s vital you
remember to pray according to the burdens that God puts on your
heart. Usually, a natural thing, usually not a sensational thunder
striking thing but a natural concern that comes up in your heart
because you care about the same things as your Father. So you
remember, we talked about burdens and then loved ones, you remember
after that we talked about a miserable experience that many of us
have when we allow a false spirit of Satan to come into us. And you
remember, we shared how some of us become concerned about, “Well,
we must be honest you know. We must be honest with this person. I
must speak the truth in love.”
And somehow we let
come in to our tender yielding spirits, a spirit of judgmentalism and
criticism. And we begin to concentrate on putting everybody right.
And we let a satanic spirit begin to poison our spirits. It’s
important loved ones, to know where you’re receiving spirits from.
A loved one shared with me, oh a few Sundays ago I think, that she
found that in certain situations she went into her spirit became
tainted with the spirit of those with whom she was present. And she
was asking me, “Well, should I keep clear of them?” And I said,
“Well, really if you find you can’t retain your position in Jesus
above that poison, yes you should keep clear of them.”
And you should watch
that you don’t let your spirit become poisoned with other spirits.
The way to do it of course is always to be in touch with the Holy
Spirit. “Holy Spirit, am I what you want me to be? Am I doing
what you want me to be? Am I praising God and loving him the way you
want me to?” So we talked loved ones about the poisoning of the
spirit. And then you remember, we shared also about the thinking of
the spirit, how many of us by beginning to concentrate on our own
personal experience, found that our spirits instead of rising up to
God in joy and delight, began to sink down.
And usually, that
comes when we begin to do what you remember, C.S. Lewis talked about,
we begin to try to examine our own prayers. See, are we praying
right? Are we praising right? Are we loving God right? Are we
experiencing victory right? And C. S. Lewis points out that the
moment you turn your eyes in upon yourself, that moment you’re no
longer experiencing a spiritual reality of worship. The worship has
now ceased and all you’re examining is the mental track left in
your own mind and emotions of the worship that was formerly going on.
And so, when you
begin to look into yourself, and feel, “Do I feel Jesus presence?
Do I feel like Jesus? Do I feel the love I should feel for these
people?” That moment you’ve ceased to feel that love because
you’ve become preoccupied with yourself and your spirit will sink.
And really, the truth is, the Holy Spirit moves your spirit up. He
is a good friend; he is a good protector of your spirit. If you
concentrate on believing Ephesians 2:6, and submitting to God and
resisting the devil, the Holy Spirit will take care of your spirit.
Your spirit is the
lamp of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit will keep that lamp bright and
shining if you preoccupy yourself with God. But loved ones, as soon
as you look into yourself, the spirit begins to sink. And then you
remember, we talked a little, well in fact we didn’t touch much
upon it, but we talked about how many of us experience not a sudden
depression which is sheer emotionalism. You know things that happen
sudden like that, that’s just emotion and that’s something to be
simply ignored. So sudden changes are just emotion, but some of us
don’t experience sudden changes, we experience the fullness of the
Holy Spirit and then we experience a gradual withdrawal of the full
fervor and enthusiasm of our first love.
And then we meet
somebody and we tell them that and they say, “Oh, yeah that’s
just the ebbing of the spirit. That’s natural.” No, I mean,
I’ll show you that it’s unnatural if you look at James 1:17,
because you can be sure that heaven is constant. In heaven they’re
not up and down. James 1:17, “Every good endowment and every
perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,”
then these great words, “With whom there is no variation or shadow
due to change.” God has no variation. The sunlight that comes
from God does not shine periodically, or off and on, or inconstantly,
it shines continually.
The flow of Jesus’
Spirit is continuous. There is no ebbing of the spirit. And loved
ones resist that belief that Satan would thrust upon you that, “Oh,
it’s very natural to experience an ebbing of the spirit.” No it
isn’t. The spirit continues to flow all the time. So if ever you
sense an ebbing of the spirit, ask the Holy Spirit to show you, “Holy
Spirit am I failing to submit to God in some way? Am I failing to
cooperate with him in some way? Or, have I yielded ground to Satan
through some deception?” And the Holy Spirit will show you. You
don’t need to get all caught up in yourself, just ask him and he is
your counselor and he will lead you into all truth.
And the last thing
loved ones, that really we need to just mention, is irresponsibility
of the spirit. Where some of us find our spirit acting outside the
control of the Holy Spirit, and acting without really the constancy
and the sense of discipline of the Holy Spirit. And here’s the way
Nee puts it. He says, “Now these phenomena cause the spirit to
fail in its responsibility of cooperating with the Holy Spirit. As
long as it is irresponsible, victory remains impossible.”
Suppose a person
rising in the morning feels as though he has lost his spirit. The
enemy will perhaps induce him to think it is due to physical
weariness lingering from yesterday’s overwork. Sometimes we do
that, waken up, we don’t sense the spirit within us rising to
glorify God and we think, “Oh yes, yes, it’s due to purely a
natural cause, and of course, by doing that we accept it. If he
takes the enemy’s suggestion without question, and allows his
spirit to become irresponsible, he shall be stripped of all his
strength to repel that day’s temptations as well as to accomplish
that day’s work. He should search right away for the real cause
for the spirit ought to be active and powerful enough to regulate the
body and not be adversely affected by it. He should acknowledge that
the spirit, having been assaulted by the enemy has become
irresponsible. He must seek immediate recovery or else he shall be
defeated the moment he meets anyone. Never permit the early
irresponsible state of this spirit to continue until mid day for this
is a sure way to defeat.”
And you know it’s
just good, it’s good to see that God’s word teaches us that we
are at the right hand of God and there is constancy. And if our
spirits are in cooperation with the Holy Spirit we are experiencing
the constancy of heaven. And if we ever fail to experience it don’t
let’s get all worried, don’t let’s start charging and accusing
ourselves, that’s what Satan wants us to do. Let’s simply go to
the Holy Spirit and say, “Holy Spirit, have I failed either to
believe my position at the right hand of God? Am I in some way not
doing that? Is there some way in which I have not allowed myself to
be crucified with Christ? Is there something of Christ’s death and
resurrection that I’m not willing for? Show me that. Or, am I not
believing this? Am I taken up with my own experience and not
believing the fact of my crucifixion and resurrection and ascension
with Jesus? Or, Holy Spirit is there some way in which I’m not
cooperating with God, not submitting to God? Is there some way in
which I have yielded ground to Satan, and deception, or lies?” And
the Holy Spirit will show you loved ones. It is possible to have
victory, it really is.
Now, questions loved
ones because what I wanted to do was try to summarize what we’ve
been talking about for maybe five or six weeks and then give you an
opportunity to ask questions. You cannot change your spirit, only
the Holy Spirit can, but you can fulfill the conditions for him to
change it which is belief and obedience.
Question from the
When you are with
another person, and you sense Jesus’ Spirit moving within you in
love, or even in words to the other person, but they are not willing
to receive, their spirit is resisting what do you do?
Response from Pastor:
Well, it seems to me
you do what Jesus himself did in different situations, you minister
what is appropriate to the person at that time and you minister what
they are able to receive. Sometimes, we bring in an overdrive over
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit often, in a situation like that,
just wants to express love to the other person, wants to ask them how
their job is going, or how their family are, wants to be interested
in them. But, we often let our mind come in with an overdrive
thinking we ought to witness to them in some way and so sometimes
what we’re feeling is the pressure of our mind, or our soulishness
on top of the spirit of Jesus. Jesus’ Spirit himself is always as
Jesus was in physical body. He came to the woman, “Do you want
water?” That’s what you want. He talked to her about water and
then he went on to deeper things.
So usually Jesus’
spirit within us guides us to minister, to minister what we’re able
to receive. Now, you are right, I think there are times when the
spirit of Jesus will meet the repelling and the withdrawal that his
own spirit met in the Pharisees and in others. And that is part of
what we have to do, and that is part of what the spirit is able to
bear in us. But I would say loved ones, more often than not we are
not free enough about witnessing, we’re not free enough. We don’t
see that often it’s enough just to be with another person. Often
it’s enough just to be with them in joy and delight.
And many times we’re
so burdened with what are we going to say to them, that our spirit is
suppressed under the worry, and the anxiety that we feel. And so the
very thing that we would witness to them, a joyous, liberated spirit
is suppressed under a heavy, anxious soulishness. So really, there’s
a lot to be said for being free and seeing, “Even if I never
mention Jesus to them, if I am at this moment in the flow of God’s
Spirit, if I’m loving God, if I’m conscious of my position in
him, probably some of that is getting through.” And of course it
is. That’s what loved ones want to see.
Question from the
Often we have a
something in our own spirit that doesn’t allow any freedom when we
are with others.
Response from Pastor:
Because you
remember, he said, “I notice you have a statute to an unknown God.”
And then he went in on that issue. Often in our offices, if we were
just abiding in Jesus, if we were just enjoying him, often the loved
ones in our offices that’s what they want to see. They cannot
believe that happiness is possible. The dear souls can’t, not
constant happiness. They can believe that there are periodic
moments, but they cannot believe that peace, and rest is possible.
And there nothing witnesses like a person at peace and rest, really.
There’s a great
line in a poem by Rupert Brooke and he says, “And gentleness in
hearts at peace under an English heaven.” And gentleness in hearts
at peace, there’s no witness like that, you know. People are so
anxious for rest and peace, yeah. Anything else loved ones?
Question from the
How do we prevent
the heaviness of other people’s spirits from affecting us?
Response from Pastor:
Well it seems
brother that, you remember, the teaching of Jesus wiping the
disciples feet, washing the disciples feet? The teaching there is
not that he was washing them from sin, but he was washing them from
some of the dirt, and some of the taint of the world that they got as
they walked along the world’s roads. And it seems we can do that,
as we walk through the day in the office, or we walk through the day
at school we’re meeting all kinds of spirits, and often the
heaviness in another person’s spirit can come in. Because we have
an empathy and a love for people, it can come in and we can let it in
upon us and that’s why you often have to guard your spirit
actually, because it’s good to empathize with people but there’s
a sense in which you can empathize with them soulishly and then in
that case you open what should be a check valve, or a one way valve
which allows your spirit to come out but doesn’t allow other
spirits to come in.
But at times we are
not at that place of discipline, or of wisdom and we allow something
to come in from another person and so we come home and we wonder what
this weight is. And it’s interesting sorrow can often be like
that. It’s very important when you go to a funeral to go to it
filled with Jesus, to go to it with a high pressure system inside not
a low pressure system. If your spirit is at a low pressure, the high
pressure from the other people’s grieving unto death will come in
upon you and you can often walk away from your funeral with a sinful
heaviness in your heart.
But, oh you know,
what we all need to see is it is possible, victory is possible. It
is possible to live in peace and joy. And of course, one of Satan’s
tricks that I’ve noticed him playing upon us is, when some of you
hear that you take it as a burden and you say, “Oh, oh, I’m not
living that way.” Well, that is not meant for that. If you’re
not then see that it’s possible, see that the Holy Spirit can bring
you into it but don’t get all uptight about it. Just go to him and
say, “Holy Spirit, I’m glad that there’s joy and delight there
for me and oh, I want it. I want you to show me how to live in it
day-by-day.” And he will. He wants you to be in it, and that’s
what heaven is. Let us pray.
Dear Father, we
thank you for the position you have given us at your right hand.
Lord, we thank you that it’s in your word, solid, solidly in your
word in black and white, then welded into history in the death of
Jesus and his resurrection. That those of us who are dead in our
trespasses and sins have been raised up and made to sit with you in
the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord. And thank you,
dear Holy Spirit, that you are able to make us live in the reality
and the actuality of that day-by-day as we submit to you, and we
resist this devil. Thank you, thank you Lord.
Pray for each other
Lord, pray for tonight down in restaurant, there’ll be a good time.
Pray for the musicians, that there’ll be cleanliness in the air,
delight, and joy that is coming from your presence. Pray that you’ll
use us to give somebody else delight and joy, and touching you
through our lives tonight. And then pray for those who are going
home tonight. Pray Lord, that we’ll be a delight and a blessing to
our loved ones, and that we’ll live above the world tomorrow
morning. That we’ll go out a foot off the ground, because of our
position in you and throughout this week that we’ll meet Satan in
you far above every rule, and authority, and dominion, and power.
Lord, that you’ll use us this week to reveal to others what heaven
is like. And we ask this, because you’ve put us there. That’s
where we are at this moment. We only appear to be here on earth.
This appears to be the truth, but real truth is we are in heaven with
you at your right hand. Thank you Lord. Now the grace of our Lord
Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be
with each us now and throughout this coming week. Amen.
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