The Normal State of
the Spirit No. 1
I don’t know if
you’ve thought ever about how alike we all become in our society,
and we really do. I mean, the old commercials don’t help the
matter much, but our schools probably don’t help the matter much
either. We learn to recognize the kind of behavior, and the kind of
character that is appreciated, and we learn it seems to me, even in
circles like our own circle here tonight, we learn the kinds of
things that other people approve of. And it’s not long before
we’re really not only a ‘mutual adulation society’ but we’re
a ‘mutual please each other society’.
I don’t know if
you’ve ever thought in some clear moments what little actors we can
all become. And I wonder have you ever sat back at certain moments
of clarity and realized, “Really I’m not being myself at all in
this situation. I’m kind of reacting as they expect me to react,”
or, “I’m even responding the way people I respect expect me to
respond.” And I think that’s a very subtle danger too, isn’t
it? It’s easy for us all to love each other a lot here, but to get
the idea that therefore what somebody that we love praises, or the
way that somebody else is, that’s exactly the way we are to be.
I don’t think any
of us would quarrel that imitation is a very vital principle in
education and without imitation none of us would be here. We
wouldn’t have been able to learn to ride bicycles or drive cars if
we hadn’t followed through that principle of imitation. But it
does seem loved ones, that there comes a time in your life when
imitation becomes a real bind and really brings about almost your own
death. And sometimes I think many of us here talk so
enthusiastically about spiritual regeneration, and about coming alive
and being born again, and sometimes I think we haven’t a clue what
we’re talking about. Because often we’re talking about being
born again in that we start doing the things that a whole group of
supposedly born again people do. And we start reading our Bible, and
we start praying, and we start going to meetings, and we start
talking the way they talk, and we tend to call that at times, being
born again. All it really is is joining another club whose character
we begin to take on.
Really, the truth is
to be born again is to discover yourself as you really are in God for
the first time ever. I wonder how many of you see it as that. How
many of you see it as a release into what you really are rather than
an enslavement into certain patterns of behavior that other people
praise, and laud, and even preach? Loved ones, yet that’s what it
is really. Being born again is you being what you really are in God.
And I think some of you even now, think, “Oh yeah, that’s the
out for me, in God. Yes, you mean, yes I’m going to be a praying
kind of animal, and I’m going to be a praising kind of animal, and
a Bible reading kind of animal. That’s what you mean in God.”
No, I just said in God because it’s only in his Spirit that we can
escape from the conformity that we fall into here in society. Truly,
it is.
If you try to get
out of brushing your teeth with sex appeal, or if you try to get rid
of the shakiness by drinking a certain kind of brand of non-caffeine
coffee, if you live in that kind of conformed world and you try to
get out of that by your own effort, well it was the kind of thing,
you remember, we found in the days of the hippie movement. You
remember, we all decided we’d be different so we all grew beards,
and we all wore jeans, and all the girls wore certain kinds of gypsy
dresses, but we all did the same thing and we all grew our hair long.
And really, we all just continued to look the same just different
from what we used to be.
That’s what
happens when you try to burst into what you really are under your own
steam and by your own power. It seems impossible for us to discover
who we really are, or to discover the original people that we are
made by our own power. It does loved ones. All the attempts that
you and I have made of it are usually pretty ugly. I remember one
dear soul, he became unbearable to live with but he was being his
real self you see, he was just letting it all hang out. When you let
all hang out that is in there instead of having it transformed, and
changed, and renewed, and rearranged as it was meant to be by God’s
Spirit then you just let hang out all your ugliness, and all your
But loved ones, in
God through his Spirit, through the free Spirit of his dear son who
is alive in this world and is alive here in this room, it is possible
for you to discover the real person that you are. It is. It’s
possible for you to be yourself at last, and to be the fresh, new,
free person that you are. And I would pray that all of us in this
room would realize that that’s what we’re talking about when
we’re talking about any of those terms: being born of the Spirit,
or being filled with the Spirit, or being renewed, or regenerated, or
being released, or being baptized with the Spirit, honestly loved
ones, what we’re talking about is you as you really are inside your
very heart at last being able to show yourself. That’s what it is,
that’s why God talks about your spirit because that’s the real
Inside all of us,
everyone, the person sitting next to you, the person sitting behind
you, me, everyone of us are interesting, original persons full of
life, and full of new ideas, and full of creative life. That’s
true, you are. Really it’s just that we don’t grasp that in our
hearts but we’ve been dominated by trying to please everybody else
in the outside world that has made all our minds so boring. Really,
if you look at all our little souls, our psychological parts, our
minds, and emotions, and our wills, they’ve all been triggered to
react to certain reflex responses like old Pavlov’s dogs.
Really, inside us
there is a real person that is different from everybody else in this
room, but our souls have been trained by our bodies so that all our
minds are brainwashed to think the same thing. All people who
believe the Bible think this way about politics. All people who
believe the Bible think this way about art. All the people who claim
to be filled with the Spirit worship this way. Really, I think, the
angel’s go to sleep with boredom. Really, because heaven itself is
not at all like that but I think many of us have failed to realize
how freeing the new birth is in our whole lives and our
Loved ones, that’s
our whole purpose here in Jesus. It’s for you, and for me, to be
our real selves in God, the people that we were made to be. I know
I’ve often shared with you that when I came into the place where I
was at last ready to die to all the things that I thought I had to
have, and where I was ready to join my dear Savior on the cross, I at
last became myself. I really did. And I know a lot of you wonder,
“Oh will you lose your personality?” You gain it. You lose your
life and you find your life. You at last find out the real
personality you are.
I know with me, I
was brought up in Northern Ireland. In Northern Ireland I don’t
know why it is whether it’s the siege mentality or what it is, but
we are very, very, in turned reserved people, more so, much more so
than the English, or the Scotts, or the Welsh. We’re just quiet
little mice that don’t want to be seen by anybody, we really are.
My wife and I were in Dublin, oh I think four or five years ago, but
we went into a restaurant and she tapped me on the shoulder to look
across and there I saw (I had a brother who was two years younger
than me) and there we saw two little fellows 11 and 9, little Irish
guys with their mum and dad in the restaurant, and really they were
just like I was. They were like little mice just – they didn’t
want to do anything wrong that would offend anybody else and they
didn’t want anybody to look at them. And that’s really the way
we were brought up.
And you can see what
a change comes over you in Jesus, because I could never imagine being
what I am now in the light of my upbringing. And I think that many
of us are like that, many of us have personalities that are filled
with life and filled with creativity that God has planned will come
forth and will delight and enrich his world. But, we ourselves are
still held down by all kinds of things that we think other people
want from us.
Oh I would encourage
you with all my heart, just as I saw John here playing, I would
encourage you when I think of the early days when we first started as
a body, I would encourage you to see that Jesus’ Spirit is a free
spirit and that his desire is that we burst out in all the newness,
and in all the difference, and in all the many faceted characters
that we have. I would encourage you to do that. One of the
beautiful things about a strong body is don’t be afraid you won’t
wreck the place, you won’t. You won’t wreck it, you won’t pull
the place down, and you won’t disturb everybody but you can have
the confidence that there’s a strong enough body of lovers of Jesus
here who are themselves so that you can afford to be yourself.
It’s so good I
suppose, to know that you have people who will love you and who will
not take advantage of you when you fall on your face trying to be
yourself. And you have loved ones that will encourage you and not
hold you back. Loved ones, I would encourage you to do that, to see
that the new birth and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a glorious
pilgrimage into what you yourself really are. And oh, if you’re
sitting there tonight with all kinds of feelings, “Well yes, but I
don’t – I’m afraid to do this. And I know that you expect us
to do that, and my friend sitting beside me hopes I’ll be this
way.” Forget it! Blow it out of the water. I’d just ignore it.
Really, I’d just say to it, “Get thee behind me Satan.” I
would. I would just treat it as Satan because that’s a lot of
stupid lies and deception and I would instead start dealing with your
dear Father and start saying to him, “Dear Father, I want to know
the real person I am, and I want to know the person you’ve made me
to be. And I know I’m starting back a bit now, I have 15, 20, 30,
40 years over me and it will take a bit of doing, but Father I want
to before I die, find out what it’s like to be me, and to be my
real self as you made me to be.”
Loved ones; honestly
if you say that to your dear Father he will help you by his Holy
Spirit, He will begin to deal with you and will begin to guide you
and move in you. And I would encourage you to respond to it. I
would. Even when he prompts you to do things that are very unusual
for you, I would do them. And so what if you fall on your face, you
get up again and you go again. But I would encourage you to move out
as God’s Spirit guides you. I want you to understand I’m not
just talking about doing things because not all of us are singers,
not all of us are artists, not all of us are writers, but just in
your ordinary everyday life to start breathing deep breaths in the
morning when you get out into that dear world and start enjoying that
world, and seeing that you’re a unique person in it and that the
Father has made it for you and that he has unique things for you to
do in it each day.
Oh loved ones,
there’ll come just a depth of freedom and liberty in you that will
begin honestly, to make your relationship with your Father the
dearest one. Because actually, here’s the interesting thing, there
isn’t one of us in this room however kind we are, or however much
we want for you, there isn’t one of us who can release you. And
there isn’t one of you that can release us. We can’t. We can’t
release each other. It’s such a fine thing that only the dear
original Father that made us can actually release us. In fact, he’s
the only one who knows what we are to be.
So I would ask you
to spend time with him. Really, some of it should be on our knees
but a lot of it can be just walking along talking with him. A lot of
it is in those moments of reality when we suddenly realize he’s
there. Something like what Scott was talking about earlier on, there
comes moments, maybe in a prayer time, maybe on a bus, maybe just
before you’re going to have supper, there become moments you know,
moments of revelation, moments of reality, moments of truth when
suddenly you realize, “He’s there.” Well, that’s a good
moment. The supper might get a bit cold, but wait for a minute and
have a little talk with him at that moment. But don’t rush on,
don’t become a little machine that has to brush its teeth at a
certain time, get its supper at a certain time, and get up to bed at
a certain time. No, don’t be that.
But when those
moments of reality or truth come, then spend time with your dear
Creator and listen to him, and think through what he is saying, and
be brave. Begin to move out on those things. Do, be brave, and
begin to move out on them. And it doesn’t matter if you tumble,
and it doesn’t matter if at times you’re awkward in it, but at
least you’re beginning to be yourself as God really made you. And
that’s part of what it means to walk after the Spirit. It really
does. That’s what it is. It’s walking according to that part of
you inside that is the real you, that’s your spirit. What God
wants you to discover is what your real spirit is like, and he wants
that spirit to come out and to change your soul, and your mind, and
your emotions, and to start touching your friends.
I don’t know how
many husbands and wives here get bored with each other. I think we
get bored with each other or roommates, or colleagues at work, I
think we get bored with each other because we don’t do this. We’re
not being renewed day-by-day in this dear Spirit of God but we’re
getting old, and worn. I don’t know if you feel that at times, but
if you feel, “Ah it’s the same old day, the same person, the same
office, the same job, the same thing.” Loved ones, see that unless
we’re being renewed every day, unless we’re discovering new bits
of ourselves every day, it’s going to be like that and you’re
going to get middle aged before you’re 30, and you’ll be worn out
before you’re 40, and you’ll be ready for the grave before you’re
Really, that’s how
people die, do you know that? Do you know how people die? People
die before they die, did you know that? They do. People die long
before they die. Oh, there are countless older loved ones that I
know that have lived way beyond what they should have been living
physically because they wanted to live, and life was exciting, and
there was plenty to be done. But I’ve seen other loved ones, who
weren’t nearly as ill at all die before they were 60 because they
was nothing more that they much wanted to do. And to tell you the
truth they were just – well, it’s interesting, George Sanders was
a well known film actor if you remember him, fairly smooth, suave
Englishman. I always like to tell my wife that’s what I’m like,
but I’m not I’m afraid so we joke about being George Sanders.
But George Sanders
was that kind of suave sophisticated Englishman and yet his death was
tragic. Do you know why? Somebody asked him what he was thinking
and he said, “I’m just terribly bored with it all.” That’s
what kills people, when life ceases to have any interest. And I
think that happens loved ones when you bury the real person that you
are. That’s true. You bury the real person that you are under all
kinds of conformities that you have learned from your very earliest
school teacher who dear love her, or dear love him, was trying to
give you guidelines but all he meant was it would be a guideline.
But what we became was little stereotype robots that did nothing but
fit into the guidelines.
That’s why, I
think, many of us find our daily jobs and our daily lives very boring
and very uninteresting. Actually, do you know that no job is
interesting? Do you know that? Do you know that it doesn’t matter
what job you are in, there is no capacity inherent in any job to keep
us interested, there isn’t. It doesn’t matter how interesting
the job is, eventually the job itself is just a job, and it’s just
actions that you go through. The interest in life is coming from
within you. If you are becoming the person that God made you to be,
which is infinitely varied and infinitely interesting, if you’re
becoming that person your job is interesting.
I don’t know if
many of you have met happy old comedians that do the most miserably
boring jobs day after day, and you meet them there and they’re
putting on the same old tires, and the same old wheels, but they’re
full of life, and full of joking, and full of activity and interest
in their own mental life. Now loved ones, that’s what God wants us
to be and that’s what you can be. I think, often what happens with
many of us is we get so used to conforming to what everybody thinks
we should do, and we get so caught up with what everybody thinks we
ought to do, that we actually lose the sense that we have come from
the same hand as Jerry Lewis (American comedian). That we have come
from the same hand as Schweitzer (French missionary doctor), that we
have come from the same hand as Jesus and we begin to get the idea,
“Well, I’m just not a very interesting person. I’m kind of
boring really. That’s about how you’d describe my character, I’m
kind of a boring character.” We kind of get that idea and we
feel, “Oh yeah, well if I was interesting, I mean, I could see this
happening but I’m just not. I mean, there are some people who are
interesting and some people who aren’t.”
But loved ones, it’s
not true. You came from the same dear Father and he hadn’t a down
on you. He made you with the same capabilities and the same interest
as he made his own son Jesus, but it is a matter of beginning to be
acquainted with your dear Father, really, being acquainted with him.
I don’t know how many of you say your prayers. Maybe that’s what
you do, you say your prayers, but you don’t really ever touch the
heart of God. You don’t ever really converse with your Father.
You don’t ever get any new thoughts from your Father.
Could I ask you
that? Your new ideas that you get, the new little inspirations that
you get, do you usually find they come from books like Oswald
Chambers, or from sermons, or from somebody else? Or, do you find
that they’re coming from somewhere else? And do you know that you
can get new thoughts, and new ideas, and new lights from your Father
from conversing with him? I think a lot of us make a mistake here.
I understand what we all mean when we say that certain ones of us
have gift of prophecy or gift of preaching God’s word. I see that,
I understand that God gives to some of us sufficient light to do it
every Sunday for instance, or to do it every day; I see that.
But loved ones, do
you not think you’re pushing that rather far when you imply that
those are the only people that get new light directly from God? Do
you not think that they are just the men or the women that are
appointed by God to maybe preach in a body, or to maybe teach? But
that all of us are meant to experience, to some extent, the gift of
prophecy, that is the gift of being able to speak God’s word, or
the gift of knowledge, the gift of knowing what God is saying in his
heart to us. Is that not the normal life of a Christian?
Loved ones, I think
it is true that if you’re getting your new ideas only from the
books, or only from other people, it’s possible that all you’re
doing is saying your prayers. It is. It’s possible that all
you’re doing is not very different from the little guy with his
prayer wheel just whipping it around and then jumping into bed,
instead of beginning to get to know the heart of your Father. And I
would encourage you to do that. I don’t know it’s interesting
that Scott shared that earlier on because that is what God wants for
us. God wants us to receive revelation in our own hearts so that we
see ourselves more clearly, so that we see things in which we can be
freer than we are, and we respond to them and move into new territory
of liberty. That’s God’s will for us. And that’s his plan for
the normal prayer life of a child of his. And I would encourage you
to do that, really.
Now, your spirit,
your spirit is the part of you that will bring that renewal. Your
spirit is the part of you that will bring that renewal. And all I’d
like to share with you is the Holy Spirit will keep your spirit
bubbling if you simply believe that you have been buried with Christ
and have been raised with him and sit at the right hand of the
Father. You fix your mind on that. You submit your will to the
things that God reveals to you are normal in that position. And as
you walk in belief and obedience or trust and obey, or you walk in
faith, the Holy Spirit will keep your spirit inside you being renewed
day-by-day, and being freshened, and being changed. And he’ll keep
your personality growing, and he’ll keep revealing to you more and
more things about yourself that you never knew. That’s true.
If you do those
things, if you walk in faith, and I just want you to see clearly that
faith is not just the believing you have been crucified with Christ
and raised together with him and sit at the right hand of God but, it
is also the will submitting to what he shows you is normal behavior
for a person in that position. So if you believe and you obey, or
your trust and obey, then the Holy Spirit will work on your spirit.
Now you see, that’s what makes it different from the sensitivity
group approach, or the psychoanalytical approach, or the manage
yourself kind of approach. See, many people today know that they
should try to be individuals so we fall into that trap of all growing
beards, all wearing certain kinds of clothes. That’s what happens
when you try a do it yourself job because, in fact, all you can do is
change your mind, and emotions, and your will, and make them follow
certain habits but you can’t actually change and freshen the inner
spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can do that so you have to trust him to
do that, you see. You have to have faith that the Holy Spirit will
begin to renew your spirit.
So you know, maybe
you’re sitting here tonight and you’re saying, “Well, yeah I
see some of it and I think it sounds good, and I would like to go
into it a bit but I don’t really see – I feel so dead inside and
I feel so bound inside the prison that I am that I can’t really see
how I’ll get out of it.” Well loved ones, you don’t really
need to work out how to get out of it, you simply have to believe and
obey, and the Holy Spirit will begin to stir up your spirit within
you, and he’ll begin to renew it, and he’ll begin to give you
light about it.
Don’t be afraid if
you say, “Oh well, how do I know I’m not just way out there in
left field?” Because of course it is true that there are evil
spirits and there are all kinds of deceptive spirits that can get in
and say, “Oh yes, this is what you should do to be your real self.”
And that’s what that loved one did, you remember, that I told you
about. I mean, it was unbearable to live with him but he was letting
everything hang out. You know, if he thought of a thing he’d just
say it whether it tore a person apart or not.
Now, how can you be
sure that you’re not involving yourself in that kind of thing?
Well, basically by faith. Basically, by the belief in obedience
that’s the first thing. Basically, by believing and being willing
to be in Jesus and be raised with him to God’s right hand and
basically, by submitting your will to what God shows you is normal
for a person in that position. But, it’s also true loved ones that
the Bible does tell us what a normal spirit will be like.
Now, what’s very
important for you to remember as we begin just a few of these studies
tonight is don’t read these things and say, “That’s what I
would be if I were a good boy and a good girl.” Don’t do that,
that’s killing you every time, you know. Stop that stuff where you
take the free dear word of God and you beat yourself over the head
with it as a kind of how to be good book. Don’t do that, just
listen to these things that his dear word says and commit them to the
Holy Spirit. You can commit them to your memory, the actual verses,
but then just look to the Holy Spirit and say, “Holy Spirit, as I
walk through this week will you just reveal these things to me? If
this is something that has something to do with me then will you
bring it to my mind at the right moment so that I can see it, and I
can know that it’s from you, and I can begin to submit my will to
you in this area?”
So do that loved
ones, please. Don’t take these dear words of God and make them a
law unto yourself. The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus,
that’s the only law we live under. The law of the spirit of life
in Christ Jesus means the act of the spirit that is in Jesus bringing
life to us as we dwell in him by faith. That’s the law of the
spirit of life in Christ Jesus. But, there is no other law needed.
Indeed, if you abide in that law you’ll be free and able to fulfill
all other law without effort.
So loved ones, let’s
look just at a few. We’ll only be able to look at a few of these,
but maybe you’d look at Isaiah 57:15. The normal state of a spirit
that is healthy in God, or of a person you could say who is healthy
in God. Isaiah 57:15, “For thus says the high and lofty One who
inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and
holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit,
to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the
contrite.’” Normal healthy spirit is contrite.
I don’t know if
you’ve got the clear distinction between conscious sin and
unconscious sin. God frees us through our crucifixion with Christ
from the need to disobey him consciously. Now, I’m not laying that
on you as a law, I’m saying that’s a great privilege. We can
come to the point in Jesus where we are free from conscious knowing
sin. That is we can come to the place in our crucifixion or our
resurrection in Jesus where we see and know that we should not lose
our temper and we don’t lose our temper. That’s it. We’re
able to avoid sins that we know are sins and that’s what we mean by
conscious sin.
Now, that doesn’t
mean that we don’t at times do things involuntary and the moment
after they’re done, oh we know we’ve done it. “I’m sorry.”
And you didn’t determine to do them, it wasn’t through bad
temper, it wasn’t through lack of control, the thing was done
almost in a moment almost by an oversight and you know, “Well it’s
an involuntary sin it’s not something that I willed. I didn’t
rebel against God and determine, ‘No, if I’m going to lose
comfort by not doing this thing then I’m going to do it.’”
It’s not that kind of thing, it’s something you’ve done it,
it’s done, it’s an involuntary thing.
There are also
things that you do that you don’t know are sins. You do them –
there was a brother this morning was asking me about something which
I felt God had shown me to be a sin in my life but he hadn’t shown
it to him and so he did this thing, he didn’t see it as a sin. It
was, you could say, an unconscious sin because it was still a lack of
conformity to God’s perfect standard but it wasn’t something that
he regarded or knew to be a sin. So your life will have involuntary
things that you do, that you’ve done them and as soon as you
realize you’re sorry, you have no sense of guilt from God, it’s
just, “Lord, I’m sorry I really apologize.” That’s it. But
there are these other things, unconscious sins that you do, you don’t
know about them. When God shows it then you have to take action.
There are also loved
ones, inexpedient acts in our lives. There are times when we really
talk harshly to someone. We don’t hate them, we don’t despise
them, we don’t intend to hurt them but we talk harshly. Or, we say
something to someone that just at that moment is like a dagger in
their dear heart, they don’t need that, they can’t bear that at
that moment. It’s not something that you know is wrong; indeed in
certain context it wouldn’t be wrong. It’s a raising of the
voice at the wrong moment, or it’s the making a joke at the wrong
moment, it’s something that isn’t appropriate and brings pain to
them, those inexpediencies. Now, do you see that certainly we should
not require to be in continual contrition for known sins? But you
can see there’s a fair volume of other things that we can be in
contrition about daily.
I would encourage
you to see that it is consistent with victory in your life to walk
with a contrite spirit. To walk with a spirit that is not caught up
in a, “I’m going to prove that I’m in victory. Can you show me
where I’ve sinned? No, not that wasn’t a sin that was an
inexpediency.” Don’t get yourself into that kind of defensive
stuff. God has said to us that there’s victory for us but he’s
said to us plainly that he dwells with people who are of a contrite
spirit. Walk with a contrite and a soft spirit before God and be
always open and willing to be sorry for anything that you did sin or
not, who cares. If it hurt somebody else be sorry for it, apologize
for it. But, walk with a contrite spirit don’t walk with a proud
spirit. Don’t walk with a spirit that is always trying to prove
its right. Don’t walk with a spirit that is carrying its theology
on its back and has to defend it at every moment. No, walk with a
contrite spirit that is soft towards God that is very ready to repent
of sin as soon as you see it. And walk with a humble spirit. God
dwells with a humble spirit, a person who is continually humble
before him.
You remember, it’s
said that Moses was a meek man. Above every man that was upon the
earth he was meek. And of course, you have to think, “Well meek?
Meek? The guy who threw the tablets of stone down and who rebuked
the children of Israel? That man was meek?” And of course, the
Bible makes it clear that it was meek towards God. He walked with a
meekness towards his Maker and a humility before his Maker that was
able to be humility before men when it was necessary but, at the same
time, was able to be confident, and stable, and righteous before men
when it was needed.
So loved ones, a
contrite and a humble spirit is not inconsistent with a life that on
the whole walks above sin, and I think we need to see that. And boy
we need to see it’s more important to be contrite in spirit than to
be trying to hold on to some doctrine of victory over sin that
prevents you being real and honest in your own life with God. So,
the Father says, “He dwells with a contrite and a humble spirit.”
Just one more loved
ones, that we could look at tonight because the time is going, Psalms
51:17. “The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a
broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” I could
tell you what put me off evangelical Christianity in Ireland and put
me off it here in America too. I’m sure the loved ones are doing
it their way, but it was that kind of Bible thumping evangelical that
had everything set out, you know. It was all hard, “I believe this
about Jimmy Carter (former president of the United States); I believe
this about Goldwater (American politician); I believe this about the
homosexuals; I believe this about abortion;” that hard, hard spirit
that came forth from them. I was more conscious of what they were
believing than of any lightness to the gentle spirit of Jesus.
I don’t know what
your spirit is like, but I think it’s very easy for us in our
tradition, even though our tradition is slightly different it’s
very easy for us to have a hard spirit in our tradition. I remember
the first time one guy giving a testimony in one of our fellowships
on a Wednesday night said, “Oh yeah, yeah, this girl came up to me
with that plastic Christian smile.” And that was the first time I
thought, “Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah, that’s true we can put on a
plastic smile.” And it ties up a wee bit again, in fact, with what
you were talking about earlier in the service because unless your
spirit is being broken and is in a state of brokenness, that is
unless you are coming into more and more revelation day-by-day before
God which stuns you, shatters you, and shows you that you have little
of God in your life, unless you are shattered by him pretty
continuously so that you have to grab for him and you have to just
throw yourself before him and say, “Lord Jesus, if you don’t live
your life in me nobody will ever see your life.” Unless you have
that kind of attitude loved ones, in fact, your spirit however soft
it may appear compared with that old Bible belt thing that I
instanced, your spirit will be just as hard and it will be just as
difficult for people to touch you.
I don’t know how
many conversations you’ve had at work, or how many conversations
you’ve had here even where you feel well, the person hasn’t
really touched you and you really haven’t touched them, you’ve
just passed some small talk, or you’ve passed on some neat little
gold nuggets from Oswald Chambers or Watchman Nee, but you haven’t
really touched each other. You haven’t really, if you’ll excuse
me saying, you haven’t really had intercourse with each other, your
spirits have not really meshed. And really the reason is, because
your spirit is hard it’s not a broken spirit. It’s a hard spirit
that is kind of confident in itself and that thinks it is everything
organized. And so you don’t walk around among your colleagues and
your friends at work as an approachable person, or as a person who
perhaps could think some new thoughts, or as a person who could
possibly understand where they’re coming from. You rather strike
them as somebody who has got it all together and just is pretty
compact and low to the ground. That’s it.
A broken spirit is
not like that. A broken spirit means that a person has magnificent
and as perfect as Jesus can make a tax gatherer like Zacchaeus feel
at home talking with him, can enable a woman who is caught in
adultery to actually look into his eyes. A broken spirit enables you
to be that approachable to others and of course, it’s the only
thing that enables you to transmit anything to other people. You
probably realize that.
I don’t know how
long it is since you led somebody to Jesus. How long is it since you
led somebody to Jesus? Well actually, it’s connected up not with
your witnessing technique which is probably pretty good but it’s
connected up with the brokenness of your spirit. When you’ve a
broken spirit that is always before God, always moving into new
light, always being shattered again by the revelation of his truth so
that you cry with Paul, “I am the greatest of sinners,” and you
grab for that person who came to save sinners, and you grab in the
process some of the fresh life of his spirit, when you do that then
your spirit speaks to other people. It’s incredible, but actually
if you could see the spiritual world you would see a big sign right
up, “Come, I can help you,” that sticks up from broken spirits.
Most spirits you
would see are like steel tanks that are absolutely unapproachable and
look unapproachable, and are unapproachable, and when anybody touches
them they kind of ring hard and solid and nobody can get into them.
So loved ones, it’s perhaps just good to see that it’s all
connected up with how really you are you. That’s it. How really
you are being you in Jesus. How really you are you with God. And
that’s what it’s all about, you know. It’s not all about this
conformity and all of us wearing the right badges, and saying the
right things, and shaking hands the right way. It’s not that stuff
at all. It’s a beautiful new freshness that is deep down.
“There’s the
greatest freshness deep down things.” Gerard Manley Hopkins said.
He was an English priest who wrote poetry, “There’s the dearest
freshness deep down things.” And it was his abbreviated language
that he invented in those years to express how fresh things are
underneath God’s good soil. “There’s the dearest freshness
deep down things. “ That’s what there is in you. There is.
There is. You’re not the hard old dried up shell that you think
you are. There’s the dearest freshness deep down in you if you
will just open yourself to your dear God and say, “Lord, it’s
time I found out who Bill is,” or, “Who Romaine is,” or, “Who
Ernest is.” “It’s time I found how who John is,” or, “Who
Sarah is.” “It’s time I found out who Becky is. It’s time I
found out who I am Lord. Will you help me to start being myself in
you as you made me?” And boy, I’ll tell you this will be an
exciting place really. Let us pray.
Dear Father, we
sense that you would not make all the daffodils different, all the
beach trees different, and all the little flies different in some way
without making us all different. We’re the crown of creation, the
dearest thing your heart conceived so Father, we know full well that
all of us are beautifully different and that there’s a beauty and
an interest that you put into each one of us that is to come forth to
enliven others and make them aware of what individual life can be.
Oh Father, I would
pray for my brothers and sisters and we would pray for each other,
and we would love each other and encourage each other to come out and
be the real selves that you’ve made us. We ask that this would
happen, because we know that then Jesus will be glorified. Not by a
lot of people bowing down before him in conformity to a pattern, but
by his coming alive in thousands of different beautiful
Lord, we know that
that is the real glory that will delight your heart. And oh we pray
that you will see the beauty of your son in each one of us, not just
this coming week, but throughout the rest of our lives.
And now the grace of
our Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with each one of us now and ever more. Amen.
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