Spiritual Life #69
True, Real Love
We’re discussing
our wills and we’re discussing the difference that Jesus’ Spirit
makes to the way your soul operates. The first part of the soul that
we’re dealing with during these weeks is our affections -- that
part of our emotional life which is involved with our affections.
One of the reasons that we talk about it first is that it’s
probably the most difficult part of your emotions to consecrate to
God, yet if you haven’t consecrated your affections, you haven’t
really consecrated anything at all, because your affections express
so much of where your heart is. Last Sunday particularly, we tried
to deal with the great deception that we are under in our society and
that deception is that the only place you find true love is in
marriage. So [the argument goes] if you want to experience true
love you have to get married, and with that goes the idea that anyone
who isn’t married cannot possibly experience true love, then with
that of course goes the idea that the person you’re married to is
someone you love more than anybody else in the whole world.
And of course that’s
what has led to all the perversion that has come into Christian
family life because, maybe you realize, there is a great perversion
in Christian family life. There is a great perversion that runs
through all of Christendom that suggests that if you emphasize a
family, you’re emphasizing God and if you emphasize marital love,
you’re emphasizing the love of Jesus, so the two are intertwined
and made synonymous. That’s how you miss the great, generous,
magnanimous love that is meant to be in the body of Jesus; because
instead of having that great, magnanimous, generous love you have
little family cells who exist on their own in the midst of a great
deal of purely human love. And then these family cells come together
in the so called “bodies of Christ”, but they never really
intermingle with each other, never at the level that they think they
intermingle with themselves.
So you get that
dreadful division between those who aren’t married and those who
are and of course it intensifies as they grow on in years, because
they feel more and more like they’re the spinsters or they’re the
bachelors. And you get more and more distinction between them and
these “lucky families” that seem to have such warm little glowing
cells -- and especially, of course, they glow at Christmas time. So
Christmas time is a great time in our churches because it’s “family
time.” The tragedy is that it’s not Christian family time; it’s
really pagan family time under the name of Jesus.
That’s why often
we have such trouble with the promise, “bring up a child in that
way that he should go, and when he grows old he will not depart from
it.” Often because the dear children are not brought up in the
great, open, magnanimous family of God where everybody loves each
other equally, but they’re brought up in a pseudo-Christian, but
really a pagan, family where the religion is actually the same as
that in a great deal of Japan. It’s actually the worship of our
relatives; it’s the worship of our ancestor’s.
And loved ones, that
all comes from this misconception that love is the cause of marriage.
It isn’t. The cause of a marriage is that God intends this man
and this woman to live together as one person to express his image to
the world; to do the work that he has for them to do, and to fulfill
his purpose of bringing the nation’s to himself. That’s the
cause of marriage. And if you say to me, “Oh, but isn’t it true
that two people who really fall in love are head over heels?” Yes,
God gives them a great sense that they’re involved in something
that is bigger than both of them, and they’ll actually use those
words. The tragedy is that they fail to see that it really is bigger
than both of them; that they have been picked by the Father-Creator
to live their lives together on this earth to express him to the
world and to grow into his likeness, and together to set forth an
image of him that is unique.
Instead of that,
they begin to think, “This thing that is bigger than both of us is
the fun we get out of each other. It’s the sense of recognition
that I get out of the other person, it’s the sense of attention
that I get out of him or her, and it’s even the sense of physical
and emotional gratification that I receive from them.” They turn
their eyes from the great God who joined them together and they turn
their eyes on each other and as a result, the beautiful marriage that
was meant by God to be a blessing to his world and to his body
becomes a self-centered, self-worshiping, self-engrossed little cell
that actually ends up stealing from Jesus’ body. I don’t know if
you’ve seen that, but have you ever watched the girls and the guys
that are all going for Jesus like mad until they get their guy or
they get their girl? Once they nail them, “Okay, let’s forget
all of that stuff, lets get down to the important stuff of having
children, building a home, and getting on with our own lives.”
Loved ones, it’s
sad when you see that, but I bet you’ve seen it, as I have often
seen it. It lays bare the weakness in so many lives that regard
themselves as committed to Jesus. In fact, marriage does not take
place because you love that person more than anybody else in the
world, it doesn’t. It takes place because it’s God’s will for
you to be married. And I think I could speak for the dear sister’s
here if they will allow me to, and say they will feel far more
stabilized and firm and solid with their man if they believe that
they’re together because God intended them to be together. I don’t
think if you guys say, “Oh, our sister’s will feel less secure
unless they think we love them more than we love everybody else in
the world.” I think they’re skeptical enough of our great
declaration of love! I think they’d rather base it on something
firmer, like the will of God written into the foundation of the
And oh, it is more
solid loved ones, it is. That’s the whole meaning of those vows,
“I Bill take thee Audrey to be my lawful wedded wife. For better,
for worse, for richer, for poorer, til death us do part. And there
to I give you my promise.” That’s the meaning of that vow. That
vow cannot be made just because you think you love this person more
than you love everybody else in the world. That vow can only be made
because God had made that marriage in heaven; he intended you two to
be together, and so you stay together whether you feel you’re in
love or whether you don’t feel you’re in love.
And of course you
know too, that that heresy that marriage takes place because you love
one person more than everybody else in the world is also the
explanation of the dreadful chaos in which marriage exists in our
society. I think all we guys know about the typical attitude of the
other men in our businesses who say, “I don’t seem to love her
anymore. I just don’t feel it anymore; I don’t feel that magic,
don’t feel that electricity.” And that’s cause enough for them
to begin to go around with another woman or to begin to take
friendships up with other people, because it seems to be that they
think marriage exists because you feel that electricity or you a feel
a feeling and once you cease to feel that feeling, then there’s no
longer any cause for the marriage. It’s foolishness, its
Marriage is there
forever because God intended you two to be together. Loved ones,
that means that it’s possible for us to obey the first and greatest
commandment and that commandment is, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
strength, and with all thy might.” [Deut. 6:5] It’s possible to
do that once you’ve settled that marriage is built on God’s will
for two people; it is not built on your love being greater for that
person than for anybody else in the world. Once you settle that, you
are able to begin to concentrate on setting your love on your Maker.
Loved ones, until
you’ve done that do you realize you can’t love anybody -- do you
realize that? Until you’ve finally settled that God is the one you
owe more to than anybody else in the world, that God gave you those
fingers, and he give you this face, and he give you that body that
you have, and he gave you those clothes, and he give you that job,
and he has given you the little insights you have in your mind and
then on top of that, he has taken the very dirtiest thoughts that you
have had, he has taken the very worst habits that you have formed in
your own personality, he has taken the most miserable and the most
poverty-stricken resentments that you have ever felt and he has taken
them into his own self on Cavalry and he has allowed the wrath of God
to burn those out inside him.
When you realize
that; that nobody else has done that for you and you begin to see
that you owe everything to your God, then you are able to begin the
big job of starting to love him above everything else. But you can’t
do that while you still think that you ought to divide your love up,
and that’s what some of us think, you see. Some of us think, “Oh
well, love is two ounces to my wife, one ounce to my child, half an
ounce to my dog, an eighth of an ounce to my pastor, a sixteenth of
an ounce to the rest of the people in the church.” We think that
love is something that you divide up. Do you realize there’s only
one person you love if you think that’s what love is? There’s
only one person you love if you think that’s what love is –
number one -- you’ll be loving number one; yourself, and you’re
actually just pretending to give affection to these other people.
Actually -- you’re the one that you love.
Love is not
something to be divided up. Love is the whole and complete and
absolute devotion of your whole life, that’s it. That’s it,
loved ones. That’s why you have to be careful on the second
commandment that Jesus mentioned in the New Testament. He said,
“Love the Lord your God with all your strength, and with all your
soul, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” And
some of us think, “You see? That’s it: you love God with so
much and then you love your neighbor with so much -- just equally as
much as you love yourself. So okay, I love God with seventy percent,
and I love my neighbor with, let me see, fifteen percent, now myself
fifteen percent. But, I can’t love my neighbor unless I really do
love myself, so okay, fifteen percent I love myself and then I’ll
start concentrating on my neighbor.”
We never get that
far -- we never get as far as the poor old neighbor. It’s a total
misconception of love; love is not that. Love is the total and
absolute devotion of your whole life to one person, and then that
person -- your dear God in heaven -- sheds abroad in your heart by
the Holy Spirit a love for him and for his love for others. You are
then able to love your friends at work in the right way, you love
your wife in the right way, you love your children in the right way,
and you love your colleagues in the right way. But that’s the way
it works loved ones and then you actually love yourself in the right
way too. But it comes, first, from devoting your whole love to God.
If that isn’t the explanation, you do see that you’re in real
difficulties with Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the Lord your God with all
your heart, and with all your soul, with all your strength, and all
your might.”
You can imagine your
wife grabbing at your coat and saying, “What! You’re gonna love
with all your heart; well is none of it for me? All your might,
there’s none of it for me? All your strength, then there’s none
of it for me.” It’s a real problem, a philosophical problem, a
domestic problem too if you say that love is something that you
divide up like that. It isn’t. Love is the whole and total and
absolute devotion of your whole being to the only person who deserves
it: your dear God who made you; your dear God who saved you and
redeemed you. It’s the same as that little guy who made a little
sailing boat and then went out and sailed it; it blew away and he
lost it. Later he was walking downtown and in a pawnshop he saw the
sailing boat again, so he went in and bought back his own sailing
boat and said, “It’s doubly mine because I made it and I bought
it back.” It’s the same with us; we are doubly the Savior’s,
because he made us, first of all, and then he bought us back from the
mess that we sold ourselves into.
So we owe him
everything, loved ones. You owe your God everything. And if you
give him all the attention and devotion of you heart, he will shed
abroad in your heart a love for your wife that will be love, real
love. So few of us men know anything about real love, and I suppose
you ladies are the same: we are a society that talks about love and
we know so little about love. That’s why I suggested that so many
of us marry and have this idea of marrying so that we won’t be
lonely in our old age. Or we marry because everybody else is
marrying, or we marry because we want protection. Or we guys marry
because we want excitement and exhilaration. It has nothing to do
with love, nothing to do with love at all.
Love is what Jesus
showed to the dear old leper with the withered flesh. There was no
desire to have that leper in bed with you; no desire to be close to
that leper. No feeling that that leper will do you any good. No
feeling that that leper would be anything but an unpleasant smell in
your presence. No feeling that you’d get anything from that leper,
but he put himself in the shoes of the leper and that’s how he
loved you and me. He put himself right in our shoes. He has
experienced you more than you have experienced you, do you know that?
Jesus knows you better than you know you. He has experienced depths
of your conscious mind that to you are subconscious or unconscious.
Jesus put himself
into the shoes of the leper and thought of himself as the leper and
did to the leper what he would want God to do to him. That’s a
little touch of what love is: love is putting yourself in the other
person’s shoes; it’s wanting the very best for the other person.
That’s the difference between human love and divine love. Human
love is either the Eros love, erotic; it just wants physical and
emotional satisfaction. Or its philia love, it’s a kind of
friendship, brotherly love, the love that you have for somebody
because you have something in common with them - you play games
together or you go fishing together, but it’s still a selfish
thing; you’re getting something from them. But agape love is the
love that Jesus has; a love that just flows out of his heart as a
result of his love for God; a love that puts itself in the other
person’s shoes. That’s the kind of love that our marriages need.
There isn’t a mum
or a dad here tonight, there isn’t a husband or wife who has not
turned around in bed at night and cried themselves to sleep, or just
sobbed quietly to sleep. Why -- because the other person doesn’t
understand them, and so often doesn’t want to understand them.
There are thousands, and maybe every husband and wife whoever
married, have experienced something of that; where the other person
does their best, but they somehow don’t get into my heart and know
what I’m thinking.
Loved ones, it’s
that love that makes a difference to marriage. Most of us husbands
and wives of course try to get that, and that’s why we’re always
saying, “What are you thinking? What are you thinking?” We’re
trying somehow to, in a way, get into the other person’s heart, but
so often we’re so filled with ourselves, and so full of our love of
ourselves that we can’t get ourselves into the other person’s
shoes. Loved ones, only the Holy Spirit can enable us to do that.
Love, real love, is putting yourself into the other person’s shoes
and thinking, “What would I feel like if I were them?”
That’s of course
God’s plan for his body [the church]. His plan for his body and
in fact for all people in the world is that everybody would feel far
more than the greatest husband and wife feel. That is, that
everybody would feel they were more than married. Everybody would
feel there are other people who care about me more than they care
about themselves. That’s God’s plan for this body here, and it’s
his plan for everybody on earth. It’s a maturity into which we
have to ask the Holy Spirit to bring us. Now I agree completely with
you; churches do not like that kind of thing, and churches don’t
practice that kind of thing. Churches make a very clear distinction
between the family unit and the rest; you ought to give something to
the rest, but not as much as you give to the family unit. Most
churches organize themselves on that basis that the body of Jesus is
not meant to be like that family unit.
The body of Jesus is
meant to be a place where everybody loves everybody equally as much
as they do themselves and where everybody puts themselves in the
other person’s shoes, and this is something God is trying to teach
us in our [church] houses. I don’t know if all of you know, but we
have houses; several frat houses on campus and several houses on
other parts of the campus where brothers and sisters live together in
Jesus’ love and purity. They live and eat and do the things
together that a family would do.
One of the things
that the Holy Spirit, I think, is trying to show us more and more is
that that love and that family love is different from camping out.
Some of us guys are used to camping out, really we are! I remember
at seminary we lived in our own room -- a bachelor’s existence in
the most hideous conditions; you know the way we can get our socks
all in the wrong places, and we lived -- not in a home condition at
all -- but just as we were ourselves and there’s nobody else to
bother about than us. Now one of the things that the Holy Spirit is
trying to teach us in our houses is love means treating everybody
else in the house as your wife or your husband. It means putting
yourself in the other person’s shoes. I was saying in London a
couple of weeks ago, it just does not happen in our (my wife and my)
house that I come in, nod quickly to my wife and say, “I’m going
to a movie tonight” and move out and then come back at ten o’clock
and say, “Boy, that was a good movie. What did you do tonight?”
Marriage doesn’t,
believe it or not, work that way! You talk over what you’re going
to do in the evening and you decide whether the other person is going
to enjoy what you’re planning -- that’s your first thought. Now,
the Holy Spirit is trying to show us that in our houses; that real
love is putting yourself in the other person’s shoes, it’s coming
down to the living room after supper and seeing somebody sitting
there and saying, “Oh, what are you going to do tonight?” That’s
the kind of love that God wants us to have for each other. It’s
the kind of love, of course, that will keep us from marrying the
wrong person -- do you see that?
Do you realize that
a lot of us, seems wild, but a lot of us marry because we’re always
left on our own at night. Nobody ever wants to know where we’re
going. Nobody is interested in whether we’re going to a movie or
not. You might think, “Oh no, a person couldn’t marry for that.”
Yes, they could. Night, after night, after night, you get a bit
fed up being alone and you’ll do anything to skip it so many of us
marry simply because we’re lonely, simply because we feel nobody
actually cares what we do. Nobody would notice if we were dead
tomorrow, nobody would care whether we got to work tomorrow or not.
Nobody cares how we feel. Loved ones, real love is putting yourself
in the other person’s shoes and being interested in what they’re
thinking and what they’re feeling.
Now, do you see
that’s his plan for us even here this evening? Because the tragedy
here this evening is we all have very limited, controlled
reservations about each other, we really do. Too often we come to a
service like this and we have set in our minds what our relationships
to each other will be. That’s why I think sometimes you’re hard
on the English when you talk about their class system, because I
think all of us have our little class systems. We have our inner
circle that we could go and have coffee with, we have our next circle
that we might have a three minute conversation with after the
benediction, and then we have our outer circle where we just say,
“Hi” and get out the door fast. That isn’t love, and it isn’t
freedom, and it isn’t liberty. I’m not saying, by any means,
that we can all spend all the night talking with each other; but our
hearts need to be open to that -- that’s what love is about.
That’s why Jesus
is so attractive to us: we really don’t feel that he had favorites
and we don’t feel for one moment that he looks after the guy or the
girl down the row from us and won’t care about us -- we don’t
feel that for a moment. We feel he loves us all the same way and has
done the same for all of us. That’s what love is and that’s the
kind of love that God wants to break us into here as a body. We have
so often shared that we’re here together for life. As long as
Jesus wants us together we’re here for life. Your children are my
children, and your responsibilities are my responsibilities, and your
wife, if you die, is my responsibility, and my wife, if I die, is
your responsibility. That’s what love is about and that’s what
being a family in Jesus is about.
But do you see it
can only come about if we die to these little home temples that we
have? These little closed cells that are really just pagan families
but we make believe that they are Christian families, and yet they
have walls as high as any pagan family around them. Loved ones, until
you give up completely that vision of love which is not love at all,
there is no hope of you beginning to give your whole love to God and
there is no hope of him being able to shed abroad in your heart a
love that will make the family of God what it’s meant to be.
That’s why you see so often how God points out the importance of
having things in the right relationship when you compare family life
with the life of his body. There are several plain places where you
see it, but you certainly get one in 1 Corinthians 7:32, “I want
you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about
the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord. But the married man
in anxious about worldly affairs, how to please his wife, and his
interests are divided. And the unmarried woman or girl is anxious
about the affairs of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit.
But the married woman is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please
her husband.”
Paul is outlining
what so often is the case. We should not attack him because he is
describing what the normal situation in the body of Jesus is so
often. It is not God’s will at all; the Father’s will is that a
husband and wife would love each other as much as they love everybody
else in the world and in the body of Jesus, and that they would
spread that love. So God’s will is that every husband and wife
that come into that place of quietness and contentment and rest with
each other, will spread that contentment and rest and that relaxation
with thousands of other people. But what Paul writes is true: that
once a husband gets his wife, once a wife gets her husband, all they
think about is each other and their little home, and getting the
furniture together, and setting up a little place where they can be
sure of attention.
Loved ones, it’s a
parody of what God wants. You can see the other way when the love is
an open love that is under the control of the Holy Spirit; then your
relationships are controlled by Jesus. Do you know how many girls
are heartbroken at a normal meeting in an evening because some guy
obviously preferred the other girl that seemed to be better looking?
Do you know? Do you know how many of us guys have that kind of
experience? It’s because our love is not under Jesus control at
all; our love is just a desire for our own pleasure and our own
satisfaction so we go for whoever seems to have the scintillating
personality, whoever seems to have the looks, whoever we like to be
with. Jesus chose the leper, and Jesus chose the little tax gatherer
that everybody hated.
You can see the
health that comes into a body when you have brothers and sisters who
love as Jesus Spirit guides them and directs them. You can see the
control that comes into their lives when they begin to sense if some
relationship is disturbing the peace in their hearts, so they begin
not to care quite as much about what God’s will is but rather how
to please this other person or how to impress them or look good in
their eyes. Immediately the Holy Spirit warns them that this is a
love that is becoming an illicit love because it is one that is not
under the control of Jesus. You can see, too, how the whole business
of the similarity in the sexes comes into a right place, where there
should be no difference, and no difference in feeling in our hearts
as to whether we’re with a man or whether we’re with a woman.
It should be the
same love that goes out to them from our hearts. It should be the
same Christ-like love that wants the best for them, and as soon as we
begin to feel something different depending on what sex we’re
talking to we need to watch: is this love that is under the control
of God’s Spirit? Some of us like to say, “Oh, no wait a minute
isn’t it different? How would you ever have intercourse if you
don’t have erotic love?” And of course the beauty of intercourse
is that when it’s under the direction of Jesus, when it’s an
unimportant incidental sideline, it’s like shaking hands or putting
your arms around a person -- it’s a detail. You’re filled with a
concern for them and a desire for them to be the best that they can
be and that’s what raises all kinds of sexual interaction into the
nth degree that makes it part of heaven. So, no loved ones, there
doesn’t have to be all this noise and thunder and lightening of
passions and physical emotions that overwhelm you and take you out of
any hope of being controlled by Jesus voice – no. It’s possible
to be controlled by Jesus’ voice and it’s possible for every love
to be under his control and yet for you to have a full, real sexual
relationship with your husband or your wife when you come to that
Anyway, most of us
know that that isn’t a problem; the problem is that so many
relationships which aren’t meant to come into marriage at all are
absolutely blown apart by us getting the physical and the emotional
side into the middle of it when it really is just a nuisance to the
relationship. What God has in mind for us is a love that is, as
Timothy says, its love out of a pure heart. Love out of a pure heart
will have a clean conscience and a sincere faith. That’s the kind
of love that God has in mind for us, but it only comes about when we
at last devote ourselves holy to our God and determine to love him
and Jesus with all our heart, with all our strength, and with all our
That love along
brings rest to us, do you know that? I think every husband and wife
would testify to that: when you love your dear one a little more or
a little wrongly, there comes a restlessness into your heart; you
find yourself getting into positions that really aren’t God’s
best for you, and you know they aren’t, but you’re drawn by
wanting to please the other person, into something. So when God’s
love is upper most in the heart, there’s rest and there’s peace
in every marital relationship and there’s rest and peace in every
boy-girl friendship. But when the love for the other person becomes
more important to you than God, there comes in that restlessness;
you feel yourself losing your peace and being drawn out into other
That’s why it’s
so foolish for us to mix up our love of God with love of a girl or a
guy. It’s death once you start loving God for the sake of the
other person. It’s death because it isn’t love for God at all,
it’s just pretend love: the love that dominates your life is
actually love for the other person. So it is interesting that, in a
way, you can only truly love a girl, you can only truly love a guy,
you only truly love a husband, or truly love a wife, and you can only
truly love a friend or a colleague when you love God above everybody
else. And then through the Holy Spirit, because of the consecration
of your affections, he gives you a gentle, kindly love that expresses
itself in exactly the right way for all the other people.
I would ask you if
you’ve come to that love of God. In fact I’d ask you what you do
love really. I mean we guys, what do we love -- what do we really
love? That is: what do we want more than everything else in the
world? Do you see how far we are from saying, “I want what God
wants more than anything else in the world?” How far are we from
saying that? What do we love? And you sister’s, what do you
really love -- truly? What do you really love most of all? What
could you least do without in this life? What’s the dearest thing
to you? Now that, loved ones, is what is stealing peace from your
heart and that is what is preventing you from loving everybody the
way Jesus loved us.
I have so much to
say -- but do you have any thoughts or do you have any comments or
questions or testimonies? To the guys I’d say we’re fools while
we keep saying this is idealism. Sooner or later we’ll come to
this. So often the girls have a little more control over things than
we have, but we’re idiots when we keep on thinking that you can
feed passion a few scraps and it’ll hold it and control it. Really
brothers; it doesn’t, you know it doesn’t. Whatever our society
says, we are meant to live in purity and we can live in purity, we
Should we pray.
Dear Lord Jesus, we
are so used to hearing that you love us, and Lord it’s only at
times we glimpse Cavalry and sense a little what lies behind Cavalry;
that you actually did in a sense go to hell for us, that we realize
how much you have given your whole self to us. Lord Jesus, we see
that that’s our first debt; that it is true what Saint Francis used
to say -- that we live in the middle of a great unpaid debt, and Lord
that debt is the first one for us to pay. Lord Jesus, we ask you by
your Holy Spirit to expose to us at this very moment any other loves
that exist in our hearts besides you.
Lord we see now that
no other love should exist, that it is a misconception of love to
think that other loves should exist. We see that we should not feel
guilty if we’re able to say no other loves exist. We see that love
means the devotion of our whole beings to you, the giving of our
whole lives to you, the declaring to you that you have first call
upon us. That whatever you want that’s the thing we will do first;
that we will give our time to you and our attention to you and our
thoughts to you. That we will consult you first everyday, and that
we will first see what you want us to do; that in every situation
that we meet we will look up to you and consider what you would like
us to do. Lord that is what love is. Then Lord Jesus as we do that,
we know that you will shed abroad in our hearts, not only a
supernatural love for you, but a love for other people; the love that
you have. Dear Lord we see that our dear wives and husbands and
friends, our boyfriend and our girlfriend, our colleagues at works,
our friends here in the body, deserve something better than the old,
selfish love that we so proudly offer them.
Lord, they deserve
the same love that you showed us.
Holy Spirit, we ask
you now to settle us once and for all; enable us to give our whole
selves to God, to love him first with all our heart, and soul, and
strength, and might. And then will you shed abroad in our hearts
that love for our dear friends. And oh Holy Spirit will you enable
us, in this body here, to live the way we were meant to live on
earth? Lord I pray especially for any dear soul here tonight who
feels they have nobody belonging to them. Lord will you enable some
of us tonight to so love them and so give them our attention and our
friendship that they will know we belong to them, and they belong to
Lord, we would ask
that you will baptize us as a family with love so that we will begin
to be practical in our concern for each other and our interest in
each other. We pray this Lord so that none of us may go away lonely
tonight or any night, but most of all we pray this so that Jesus may
be that first born among many brethren and that the world may see how
these Christian’s love one another for his glory.
Now the grace of our
Lord Jesus, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be
with us now and evermore. Amen.
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