Loved ones, so that you’ll remember when we start again in the
Fall, what we’ve been dealing with in these Sunday evenings is the
spiritual life. And we’ve been concentrating really during these
past eight months of this academic year on the spirit, our own human
spirit, and the functions that that spirit has. And we’ve talked
really of communion, and of intuition, and tonight really finishing
on what is the center of the whole spiritual personal life, the
function of conscience.
Now, you remember that in connection with these two we did spend a
lot of time talking about what it is to be born of the Spirit because
it seemed to me as God was leading us that many of us had difficulty
with communion and even with guidance because we were not really
settled in our New Birth experience. And so we spent a lot of time
talking about the New Birth in the Spirit, and then about being
baptized with the Spirit, and then the whole issue of walking in the
So that’s really what we’ve been talking about during these eight
months. Next fall we’ll begin probably in October and we continue
with the laws of the Spirit. And so we’ll talk more about our own
human spirits. Now, maybe if I could just zero in on that for a
moment and point out for you the centrality of it. I don’t know if
you have ever seen anything more paradoxical, or anything more
unbelievable, than the homosexual community in, I think it was San
Francisco, attacking the city offices because the judgment that had
been meted out to a person who had murdered two of the officials of
the city was too light and too mild.
It was like something out of “1984” [novel by George Orwell], it
really was. I think that loved ones who are homosexuals require our
love and often they’ve fallen into extravert homosexual practices
because of lack of love. But, homosexuality is plainly in scripture
wrong and yet here you found loved ones who are opposing God’s law
about sexual relationships on one side attacking the legal system
because they had given a manslaughter verdict on a person who had
murdered two of the city officials.
And it just seemed that we weren’t even waiting until 1984 to get
this double think going, it seems that already we’re in the middle
of it. And you know the same week you remember I saw the argument
over the execution of the murderers in Florida. And I don’t know
if you saw it but there was one dear one called Varden, a black guy
who was interviewed on national television and he had murdered
someone and he was on death row. And he said, “Well, I don’t
think that you should carry out the death punishment because it’s
wrong to take anybody’s life.”
And I just wondered, are we all talking the same language or are we
not? And loved ones, I don’t want to get into the argument about
whether it was right or wrong, it just seems to an ordinary logical
mind there’s something strange here and there’s something that
doesn’t make sense. And it really does bring home to you that in
the last days, men and women will cease to even know right from
wrong. They will call evil their good and good their evil.
And you know I’d test you yourselves because we all kind of laugh
at that and think, “I’m glad we’re settled on this.” Because
of course, we all know that if you want any kind of self respect you
do need the recognition and acknowledgment of your peers. Don’t we
know that? And it is just strange, isn’t it, how we slip it in,
“Well of course we need it.” And it is plain that if you need
any sense of security in your life, you have to have a job of some
kind and a reasonable regular salary don’t you? And we, “Well,
yeah.” And it is plain that if you want to be happy, you do need
circumstances that are fairly reasonably pleasant. Isn’t that
And the difficulty you’re all in as you hear me saying this is of
course no, it’s not true at all. Jesus had none of those things
and yet he was utterly happy in his own heart, and he felt utterly
secure with his Father taking care of him, and he felt completely
satisfied with his position and his self respect. But it is amazing
how we ourselves are becoming brainwashed with this stuff.
And when we share as we have over the past eight months, no you’ve
to die to what people think of you. If you’re at the mercy of the
recognition of your peers and the acknowledgment of your friends you
can be whipped to and fro with everyone who wants to criticize you.
No, it’s God’s opinion of you that alone counts. And no, if
you’re dependent for your happiness on favorable circumstances
you’re always going to have flats on the freeway, you’re always
going to lose your job, you’re always going to be coming up against
situations that aren’t pleasant and if your happiness depends on
what happens to you, you’re going to be continually sad.
And it’s the same with security. If your sense of security depends
on how much money you have then you could end up like Howard Hughes
[American billionaire] with apparently all the money in the world and
feeling so insecure and so scared that he died in the misery that he
died in, as we all know. And yet, it is a kind of subtle thing,
isn’t it, the way we’re encouraged to believe, “Well, yes you
do need the recognition of your friends for some sense of self worth,
and value, and importance. You do. And you do need some decent job
and reasonable salary for a sense of security. You do. And you do
need circumstances that are reasonably pleasant to be happy. You
do.” And yet, we sense that wasn’t the way Jesus lived.
So loved ones, do you see that even we ourselves have difficulty with
being absolutely sure about what is right and what is wrong. Now
loved ones, that’s why this is the key to all our relationship with
God. This conscience is the key to everything and it is our
conscience that will lead us safe home at the end, you know. “Tis
Jesus the first and the last, whose Spirit will lead us safe home.”
And finally, it’s our conscience that keeps us safe from spiritual
deception. And loved ones, it’s good that we’re ending this
academic year on this function of our spirits because the conscience
is the key to everything.
Now, I’ll show you of course why it is. When I mentioned to you
the old heresies or the old doubts that we have about what you need
for your sense of significance, and your sense of security, you know
how often we’ve talked about this kind of presentation of our inner
lives, or our personalities. You know how often we’ve said that
we’re meant to live like that [pointing to diagram of
body-soul-spirit] from the inside out. We’re meant to live from God
-- getting our security, and our significance, and our happiness from
him -- from our communion with him through the Holy Spirit. And how
we of course have refused to do that and we’ve begun to look to
things for our security, and to other people and their opinions of us
for our sense of significance and self esteem and self worth, and
looking at circumstances for our happiness. And we’ve begun to
live the other way completely.
Now loved ones it is amazing that even though because of that our
spirit has ceased to depend on God and therefore our spirit has
gradually decayed until it’s dead, even still the conscience is the
most alive part of our spirits even when we’re far from God. It’s
incredible but the conscience is like a gyrocompass. It’s as if
everything else is turned upside down, this whole thing is going the
wrong way, but the conscience somehow remains upright and keeps
getting to us and saying, “This isn’t the way to live. It isn’t
the way to live.”
And the conscience picks out the anger that we feel because somebody
is not giving us the sense of worth and value that we think they
ought to and the conscience witnesses to us that anger is wrong,
there’s something wrong with it. And even though we receive all
kinds of brainwashing saying, “No, anger is good. It’s good to
express your feelings.” Yet the dear conscience keeps pricking us
and saying, “No, not the anger is wrong.” And even though we
read books on how to win through intimidation and we’re encouraged
in our office to try to overcome other people by our own shrewdness,
and by our own power, and by our own forcefulness, yet the conscience
still seems to say inside us, “Yes, but it’s not right. Look
what you’re doing to that loved one. Look what you’re doing to
the person who has to obey you because you’re above them in the
And it’s incredible, loved ones, that even the deadest person in
the whole world has some sense of conscience inside and the
conscience is incredible in that it still seems to be the most alive
part of our spirits. I don’t know why it is. I suppose it has
something to do with the fact that we continue to be concerned about
right and wrong. You remember the fall in the Garden of Eden brought
us into a submission to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
So I suppose we still want to be right, we want to be right and so
we’re still concerned with what is right and wrong and somehow that
helped the conscience to stay alive. But the conscience, loved ones,
is the center of the whole personality. It’s the conscience that
links up the spirit with the soul and with the body. It’s the
conscience that makes the spirit sense it should dwell on God’s
power and live off his life. It’s the conscience that makes us
feel that our minds and emotions should obey our wills. It’s the
conscience that makes us sense we should be GIVING to the world
security, and significance, and happiness that we get from God rather
than draining that from the world and from other people.
So the conscience is a precious gift to us from God. And it’s the
conscience that is always the beginning of conversion in a person, do
you see that? What the Holy Spirit does is to get home to a person
that you’re not meant to be like this. Usually, the Holy Spirit
does it through bringing the word of God home to them. The Holy
Spirit brings a word of God to us about anger: “If you’re angry
with your brother you’re guilty of the judgment.” Or, the Holy
Spirit brings a word to us about purity in our lives, or about
adultery, or fornication. And the Holy Spirit brings to our
conscience a sense that we are doing those things and we ought not to
do them.
So the conscience often is the very beginning of real conviction of
sin in people’s lives and that’s what the Bible says. You
remember, if you look at John 16:8 Jesus explains that that’s how
the Holy Spirit first begins to make people aware that their lives
should not operate like this from the outside to the inside. John
16:8, “And when he comes, he will convince the world concerning sin
and righteousness and judgment.” And you see the “x” footnote
at the word “convince” and you look up the footnote because the
Greek verb is the verb “convict” and that’s what the King James
has, “And when the Holy Spirit comes he will convict the world
concerning sin.” And that’s what happens, loved ones.
The Holy Spirit at the beginning of a person’s desire for God
begins to enliven their conscience and make them aware that they are
doing things that God’s word says are wrong and that they should
not do. Now, at the beginning those are usually sins, they’re
outward things. They’re unkind words that you’re speaking to
somebody, or they’re unclean actions that you’re doing, or
they’re stealing, sarcasm, something obvious that is plain that you
can see. And the Holy Spirit first makes you aware of that and
that’s the beginning of the move towards regeneration.
Loved ones, do you see why the soft sell “charismania”
evangelistic type of thing is wrong? Do you see when you say to a
person, “Now, would you rather go to hell and have a miserable life
on earth or would you rather go to heaven and have a great time here
on earth?” Well, obviously you’re appealing to their mind and
emotions and they’re no fools. They say after a moment’s
thought, “I’d rather go to heaven and have a good time here.”
So every time you present that soft sell kind of Christian appeal
you’re not touching the spirit at all. Do you see that? You’re
not touching the spirit -- you’re just touching the mind and the
emotions. It’s the same whenever you deal with a loved one just on
the basis of Francis Schaeffer or Paul Little -- both of which are
great apologists and the truths that they present are excellent. But
if you deal only with the truthfulness of God then you’re only
dealing with their mind. And if you deal only with their desire to
be happy, and to be joyful, and to have an uplifting life then you’re
dealing only with their emotions.
But you only begin to touch the spirit or God only begins to be able
to touch the spirit when the appeal is made to the conscience. And
so that’s why it’s so important to deal with God’s good word of
the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the things that
describe the kind of life we should live if we’re depending on God.
The Holy Spirit first of all enlightens the conscience.
Now, it might be good, loved ones, to see how the conscience is
affected in regeneration. You’ll find it there in Hebrews 9:14:
“How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal
Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify your conscience
from dead works to serve the living God.” You see that? “How
much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit
offered himself without blemish to God, purify your conscience from
dead works to serve the living God.”
Now some loved ones think, “That’s it. You plead the blood of
Jesus on your conscience and the blood of Jesus sprinkles your
conscience clean.” Now those words, I want you to note, make no
sense at all. I mean they’re all imagery. You can make no sense
out of that at all. That is, how the blood of Jesus can sprinkle the
conscience and cleanse it. I’ll tell you what you get loved ones
doing, what I did myself, I prayed, “Lord, sprinkle your blood on
my conscience and cleanse it.” I didn’t bother with my sins, I
didn’t bother with repentance, I didn’t bother with changing my
life. I read that verse and I prayed, “Lord, sprinkle your blood
on my conscience so that it will be cleansed.”
I kept on doing the things that my conscience told me was wrong but I
felt that wasn’t the issue at all. I felt, “No, somehow
miraculously if I believe in Jesus the blood of Jesus is sprinkled on
my conscience and cleanses it.” Loved ones, I’d like to show you
the verse in 1 John that shows you how the conscience is affected and
how the blood of Jesus does cleanse us. 1 John 1:5, “This is the
message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light
and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with
him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not live according to
the truth.”
Then here’s the secret, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in
the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of
Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” In other words, our
conscience is enlivened by the Holy Spirit to see that we are doing
some things that God does not want us to do. We allow our conscience
to exert power and influence over our will, or in fact, we go back to
the way God meant us to operate. Our will obeys our conscience and
does what God has shown us that we should do. It directs our mind,
and our emotions, and our body to obey him.
And then we go before God and we suddenly find that we sense that the
death of Jesus has enabled us to be accepted by our Father. Why?
Because, we are walking in the victory that the death of Jesus has
brought. The death of Jesus has crossed out that inturned life and
made available this outgoing life. And because our will has obeyed
our conscience we are making real the victory that Jesus won for us
on the Cross and so suddenly we have no problem pleading the blood of
But I’ll tell you when you have absolute impossibility in pleading
the blood of Jesus. It’s when you’re shedding the blood of Jesus.
Now that’s true, loved ones, if you’re shedding the blood of
Jesus in your life, if you’re in some way disobeying the directions
of your conscience and you’re going before God and you’re trying
to plead the blood of Jesus over your conscience you’ll find it
impossible to do it. The Holy Spirit will not let you do it, he will
not sprinkle your conscience clean with the blood of Jesus because
you are not walking in the victory that that blood was shed to bring.
So loved ones, the only reason that the blood of Jesus sprinkles our
conscience clean is if we are obeying our conscience. But if you
retain an unclean conscience all the blood of Jesus that he shed can
never cleanse it. So it’s important to see that, because I think
some of us feel somehow miraculously by a little trick in our
thinking we plead the blood of Jesus and we kind of imagine that the
conscience is being cleansed as the blood flows through. And we get
very strange ideas. I never felt that was strange -- that idea of
the blood of Jesus -- until a loved one here from Catholic background
heard me saying, “Oh there’s a fountain filled with blood. It
flows from Emmanuel’s side.” You know William Cowper, an English
poet, wrote it.
And she said, “Ah, terrible, horrible.” And for the first time I
saw ,”Yeah, yeah. I have always thought it was beautiful but I can
see that there is a sense in which many evangelicals think that the
blood of Jesus kind of washes your conscience clean.” Well no, the
blood of Jesus stands for the death of Jesus and God allowed his son
to die so that our inturned personalities would be completely changed
and turned the other way and when we walk that way God says, “You’ve
accepted the death of my Son and you’ve walked into the victory
that he died to bring you. Come in and inherit the kingdom prepared
for you from the foundation of the world.”
But it’s in that sense that the blood of Jesus cleanses our
conscience. But loved ones, it cannot cleanse it in some magical
metaphorical way. It is applicable and it is something that is real
to you if your will obeys your conscience. That’s why there’s so
much emphasize on repentance in the New Birth. So it might help you
in some of your own prayer lives you know, to see that.
Now, if you look at Hebrews 10:22, God’s word explains that in
regard to prayer and intersession. Hebrews 10:22, and it explains
why many of us have problems getting through to God in prayer. “Let
us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our
hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed
with pure water.” Now, do you see that is the direction for
approaching God in prayer? “Let us draw near with a true heart in
full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil
You can’t have full assurance of faith unless your hearts are
sprinkled clean from an evil conscience. You can’t. You can’t
go before God and pray for a loved one who has cancer, or pray for
some guidance in your own life with full assurance of faith unless
your conscience is clean. You can’t. And you see, I think some of
us feel, “Oh, but as long as our conscience is sprinkled.” So we
can go before God, and you know we’ve done it, we’ve gone before
God and it’s not wrong to plead the blood of Jesus but to plead the
blood of Jesus while you’re shedding the blood of Jesus is mockery.
And some of us have gone into God’s presence and said, “Lord we
plead the blood of Jesus over our lives. We come to you in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ and in his name we ask you,” and somehow
we wonder why we can’t have full assurance of faith as we ask.
It’s because our conscience is not clear and clean. Now, a human
illustration would be if you go to a friend that you’ve criticized
behind his back and then you go to him to ask him for the loan of
something, or for some help. You know the flutter inside, I mean you
kind of feel dirty and you feel, “Oh, this isn’t right but I need
his help, and I can’t undo what I’ve done. And if I tell him
about it it’s going to spoil what friendship we have.” And so
you kind of ask him. But you can’t ask him with the full assurance
of an open relationship between you.
Now it’s the same with the Father; the conscience is our guide.
Loved ones, pay attention to your conscience. If your conscience is
speaking to you about tithing, then tithe. Tithe; you’ll have no
peace until you tithe. You’ll have no power or victory until you
tithe. If the conscience is speaking to you about your quiet time
and your prayer time each day, get up at four o’clock, three
o’clock and pray -- because you’ll have no peace, and you’ll
have no victory, and you’ll have no power with God until you get
that thing right because the truth is that as you move on in the
spiritual life the Holy Spirit draws your conscience more and more
towards himself.
You see that? You see a cannibal can eat people because his
conscience is far from the Holy Spirit and his mind is filled with
all kinds of information that’s wrong. So a person who is far from
the Holy Spirit has a conscience that is very coarse but the more you
walk with the Holy Spirit the more your conscience draws close to the
Holy Spirit. Now, you’ll see that clearly if you look at 1 Timothy
4:1-2. “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some
will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and
doctrines of demons, through the pretensions of liars whose
consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence
from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by
those who believe and know the truth.”
And Paul warns through God’s inspiration that in the last days
there will be liars whose consciences have become seared and yet who
in God’s name bring all kinds of legalism into personal life. Who,
“Forbid marriage and enjoy abstinence from foods which God created
to be received with thanksgiving.” Now loved ones you’ll find
that your conscience will often trouble you about things that you
were never troubled about before. And you ought to walk after that.
You ought to walk after your conscience.
The conscience gets closer and closer to the Holy Spirit and gets
finer and finer in its directions to you. And I would testify that
I’ve noticed that in my own life that God will often have a new
step for you to move onto. You know, a whole new place with himself
and you keep missing, you know, and you have another few shots at it
and you miss. And he has another whole place for you to move into, a
higher place, and yet you won’t step onto it because your
conscience is telling you something that is new to you, giving you
some new light, and you’re saying, “No, no I’ve always been
able to do that. I’ve always been able to do that and it hasn’t
done any harm to my relationship with God.”
But, the Holy Spirit is gently taking you deeper into Jesus and
bringing you into more and more sensitivity in regard to your
conscience. Now, Paul mentions the same if you look at it in Romans
9:1. And you can see it working in his life there the way he
expresses it. Romans 9:1, “I am speaking the truth in Christ, I am
not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I
have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.”
That’s interesting you see because we’re great saints you know,
big saints we are, and we have a tremendous burden for the world but
it’s interesting how Paul puts it, isn’t it? That, “My own
conscience testifies that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish
of my heart. I’m not just spewing out some rhetoric here to try to
get over to you Romans that I am concerned about you. It’s my
conscience; I believe that I cannot say this unless I mean it with
all my heart and unless it is real in my life and my conscience bears
witness that it’s real.” Now, that’s what happens.
The Holy Spirit so sensitizes your conscience that you become more
and more concerned with simple honesty. The simple honesty in your
words, the simple honesty in your actions, simple transparency in
your life, loved ones. And if you say to me, “Oh, well should we
not find out if somebody else is being led the same way?” Well
loved ones, there’s only room for two on the Calvary road, for you
and Jesus. Indeed, there’s only room for one and it’s him, and
you in him -- but there isn’t room for a whole army of you asking
each other how you should walk it.
It’s a personal walk that you carry on with Jesus your Savior and
he’s going to give you all kinds of personal commandments and
directions in your life you need to follow, and you need to follow in
confidence in him without having all kinds of committee meetings, and
all kinds of reinforcement societies to decide if you’re in a good
broad road. The broad road leads only to one place. The narrow road
is the place that leads to Calvary and it’s the place where your
conscience will be faithful to you if you obey it.
The more of course you respond to it, the more it will tell you. You
can see that. The more responsive you are to your conscience, the
more sensitive your conscience becomes and then the clearer and
easier guidance becomes. Now, there are good verses about our
attitude to our conscience in 1 John 3, and how we should treat it; 1
John 3:20. These are difficult verses, loved ones, and they’ve
been interpreted in exactly the opposite way but the commentators and
Watchman Nee, and Oswald Chambers, and men like that are clear about
1 John 3:19, “By this we shall know that we are of the truth, and
reassure our hearts before him.” “Heart” stands for
“conscience” there. “Whenever our hearts condemn us; for God
is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” Now, you see
the way that sentence runs, “By this we shall know that we are of
the truth, and reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts
condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows
everything. Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have
confidence before God; and we receive from him whatever we ask,
because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.”
Now loved ones, the only sense you can make of those verses is to see
the truth written in Verse 21, and then in the light of that to read
Verse 20, “Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have
confidence before God.” And that’s true, if your conscience
doesn’t condemn you, according to that verse you remember in
Hebrews 10, you can have full assurance of faith. And then do you
see Verse 20, “Whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater
than our hearts, and he knows everything.” So if your conscience
condemns you, you can be assured that that is a reliable witness, and
a reliable confirmation, and a reliable human monitor of what God’s
own attitude is.
So don’t go along this line, “Oh, we’re not just being kind
enough with ourselves. You know, God is kinder to us than we are.
So my old conscience is condemning me but oh, that conscience is far
too sensitive. God’s conscience isn’t half as sensitive as
that.” Well now, that’s not the case. Our conscience is God’s
human monitor inside us to let us know what he thinks about things.
And so if our conscience condemns us you can be assured that God
himself is displeased with what we’re doing.
So when you hear your conscience speaking, don’t rationalize it.
Don’t pretend, don’t say to yourself, “Oh, these aren’t
really sins.” Don’t rationalize like that, or don’t
rationalize and say, “Oh, no God doesn’t object to this.” If
your conscience is working, check up in scripture and see, “Is my
conscience saying something to me that is scriptural? If it is, I
better take notice of it.” Now loved ones, I’d just say one more
word about that old chestnut that is so popular in our day and this
is the “Me Generation” so remember that and it’s the old
chestnut of false condemnation.
Now, I really do plead with you, do you see the egotism, the
tremendous presumptive egotism, if I sense that something is not
right in my life and then I come to you and say, “But of course I
know it’s just false condemnation.” I’m obviously saying to
you, “I’m too saintly to have done anything wrong here. This is
obviously false condemnation. I know I’m right, I know I’m pure,
I know I never error, I never sin, and this thing that’s troubling
me is obviously false condemnation.”
Now loved ones, do you see the tremendous presumptive pride of that?
Now, I’m with you, you know, if you’re washing your hands 25
times a day and you feel condemned because you’re not washing them
30 times, well I’m with you -- I don’t think there’s anything
in scripture that backs that up and I think that could be false
condemnation -- though I suspect it’s more than that really. So I
can see extremes, excesses, where Satan gets in and deceives the
loved one, but brother and sisters it’s pretty easy to check out
those things, isn’t it? It’s pretty easy to check it out.
If you’re troubled about an attitude that you have to a certain
person as not being a loving attitude, you can check in scripture
where it says you’re to love everybody, and love is patient and
kind, and not jealous or boastful, and not irritable or resentful.
You can check up in scripture and see, “Well, is my conscience
saying something to me that scripture condemns?” If it is, then I
ought to condemn too. But let’s be slow to immediately jump into
this egotistic claim to saintliness when everything that we hear is
false condemnation.
Loved ones, I would testify again what I testified to you before,
that every time God’s Holy Spirit has convicted me I’ve said,
“Lord, you’re right and I’m wrong.” I’ve refused to say,
“Lord, you’re wrong and I’m right.” And I’ve refused to
say, “Oh, this is just false condemnation.” Or I’ve refused to
lay under it and say, “Oh, my poor self -- I’m being condemned.”
I’ve thanked God that he has not forsaken me and that he’s
continued to tell me and point out to me where I’m not in the
center of his will and loved ones, that’s the attitude that the
Father wants us to have to conscience.
There’s just one more verse that you might look at, in Titus 1:15,
and then we’ll just close. Titus 1:15, describes those who will be
apostate and those who will rebel against God in the last days.
Titus 1:15, “To the pure all things are pure, but to the corrupt
and unbelieving nothing is pure; their very minds and consciences are
corrupted.” And you remember there are other verses in Timothy
that talk about the last days and the terrible searing of conscience
that will take place where men will not even realize that they’re
doing things that are wrong because their consciences will have been
so sinned against.
Loved ones, I would urge you to see that the key to walking forward
in Jesus is obeying your conscience. It’s such a simple way. You
just make your will obey your conscience. That’s it. If you make
your will obey your conscience you’d find the Holy Spirit making
all of the promises of the Bible real to you. And I know there are
great numbers of you that wonder, “Oh this is such a difficult way
to walk, I don’t know how simple people walk this way.” Well,
that’s how they walk that way, you don’t need to be brilliant and
you don’t need three degrees, you just need to see that when your
conscience says you’re to do something your will should do it. And
if you do that the Holy Spirit opens the very gates of heaven to you.
And you know, as you want to walk into victory over not only outward
sins but you want to walk over into victory over conscious inward sin
-- over anger, and envy, and jealousy, and impatience, and
uncleanness -- as you want to walk into the crisis experience of
Jesus’ death -- obey your conscience. You don’t need all kinds
of complex directions from me or from somebody else, obey your
conscience. Keep moving after your conscience. Refuse to
rationalize away what your conscience is saying; keep moving that
And then as you come through the crisis experience of the cross, and
you begin to walk into the process experience of the cross walking in
the Spirit and your soul beginning to come under the control of your
spirit so that those human traits that are just inexpedient for the
ministry of Jesus’ live begin to fall away, it’s the same. Your
conscience will say, “Don’t you laugh at the wrong time?” Or,
your conscience will say, “Don’t you talk too much?” Or, your
conscience will say, “Aren’t you being over intellectual in this
In other words, your conscience is a faithful gyrocompass to you not
only in matters of outward sins like stealing, and fornication, and
adultery -- not only in matters of inward sin like anger, and envy,
and jealousy -- but also in matters of inexpedient things, human
traits that need to be changed so that people will be able to see
Jesus through you. So loved ones, it is good that we’re ending on
this simple note, because maybe that’s the most precious thing we
could share with each other if we were to die at this moment, obey
your conscience. If you obey your conscience then you’ll suddenly
find that the blood of Jesus does cleanse you from all the other sin
as well in your life and makes you feel clean before God.
Now loved ones, any questions on that?
Question: Is it uncorruptible?
Reply from Pastor O’Neill:
I think it isn’t brother. From what Titus says, you know, that
consciences are corrupted and it seems that your conscience can get
to the point where it is so seared that it seems in a person like
Hitler almost dead completely.
Question: How do you tell the difference between following your
conscience and following emotions? If you can’t use your mind to
verify if you’re going on feeling – both of them seem almost like
a premonition type of thing. How do you differentiate?
Could you give me an example there because I’m trying to think of
an example myself? I know situations where loved ones, I’ll talk
so you can get thinking, I know situations where loved ones have said
something to a person in a conversation and then they’ve got home
and they’ve thought, “I shouldn’t have said that.” And
they’re really not clear whether this is something that is just
emotional, maybe they’re being over sensitive to what this person
thought or felt, or maybe it’s something that the conscience is
troubling them about.
In that situation, which I have been in, I’ve confessed it before
God -- not argued whether it was sin or what it was -- but confessed
it before God and said, “Lord, I’m sorry that in that way I did
not let Jesus show himself to my friend and I apologize and I confess
it.” And then Dave, I’ve felt it possible for God to guide me
having done that, as to whether I should apologize to the person or
What I do think is a problem is when loved ones don’t get right
before God first and then they lack the guidance about what they
should do with the other person and they go around and make all kinds
of apologies that are just silly and aren’t appropriate. Is that
Question: I guess way in the back of my mind I still have this
Pastor O’Neill: Oh, about disregarding God’s word? By
disregarding God’s word.
Question: In the Jim Jones scandal [an immoral cult leader] didn’t
people get in to it kind of with a flow and an exuberance, following
emotions instead of conscience?
Response from Pastor O’Neill:
Well, I would repeat God’s word, brother. Jim Jones had so many
things in his life that were not consistent with Christian living.
If you think of the dear fella himself who actually had his secretary
line up ladies to have intercourse with him. I mean, that doesn’t
bear even thinking about and you have to admit that that sort of
thing is so plainly contrary to the laws about fornication, adultery,
purity in the priests of God. Everything that a loved one who was
prepared to compare Jones Town [cult community created by Jim Jones]
with scripture could not really excuse themselves on the ground of
Now, Dave you cannot tell the little ones that didn’t know that
kind of thing was going on and therefore we have no right to judge
the loved ones in Jones Town but you would have to say that if a
person was aware of those things, and surely there were other things
that they were aware of, that they would have to sear their own
conscience to take part in them. I would think brother, right?
Question: You know from where I sit I see it differently. And I
realize that you have to do that to drive across your point.
Pastor O’Neill: No, because Titus does.
Question: Okay, but that’s my point, is that it seems to me that
you don’t have to look any further than your own conscience to know
that your conscience is corrupted because your conscience is always
telling you different kinds of things. And you read in Titus, you
read 15 that their consciences are corrupted and I think you should
have read the last verse because it says, “They profess to know
God, but they deny him by their deeds; they are detestable,
disobedient, unfit for any good deed.” And those are cancelable
kinds of things and they’re intellectually discerned and so when
you listen to your conscience you look at it in terms of deeds
[inaudible 47:05] where the word conscience is coming from right or
Pastor O’Neill:
Well brother, that’s good. I think you’re saying the same thing
as I’m saying; that I’m with you completely that if you’re
disobedient to God’s word then it shows that your conscience has
either been seared or has been corrupted. Yeah, yeah, I’m
completely with you that the Holy Spirit lights up your conscience
and if you’re ever in difficulty or in doubt about whether your
conscience is telling you the right thing or not, the Holy Spirit
also wrote this dear word. Yes.
But brother I think maybe I’ve seen that one of the great dangers
of us as Christians is to fail to see that the conscience is part of
our spirit and is affected by the enlivening that the Holy Spirit
brings and the conscience is therefore an important instrument that
God uses to keep us in the right way. And I think that many of us
can wrest even scripture to our own purposes unless we see that there
is a monitor within us that will testify that yes, this is the right
way to go or no, this is the wrong way to go.
Yes, so I think maybe when you’ve been maybe as long as I have I
would dare to say, trying to help loved ones into Jesus, I think
you’ll begin to see how vital it is to respect conscience and to
lay emphasis on it. I would say that most of us here would not get
into trouble with Jesus if we would obey our conscience rather than
arguing, “Well, well, my conscience is not completely reliable.”
No, that’s why you have scripture to confirm it but your conscience
is more and more reliable as you walk under the guidance of the Holy
Question: It’s the question of how – be angry and sin not and
then if you’re angry with your brother you’re guilty of the
Pastor O’Neill:
It seems to me what we’ve often said was the wrath of God is an
anger that is controlled and is on behalf of His values, and His
beliefs, and His standards. And sinful anger is selfish uncontrolled
wrath. And so it seems that that is a pretty good distinction that
if our anger is selfish on behalf of ourselves and is uncontrolled,
is bad temper, then it is the anger that is sin -- but if it is a
controlled reaction against something that is opposing God’s will
then it is the kind of wrath that Jesus expressed in the temple with
the money lenders. But maybe it takes a fairly holy person to be
angry like that and we should be careful when we call a thing
“righteous indignation”.
Question: Should we be satisfied with merely following our
conscience? That sounds to me like a law oriented life where we
should go from there into a walk with – you have Jews in the attic
and we have Nazi’s at the door and Nazi’s are going to say, “Do
you have Jews in the attic?” And you know if you say, “Yes, I
do” the Nazis are going to shoot them. If you lie, then you’re
breaking God’s rule.
Pastor O’Neill:
Brother, let me not get into the philosophical stuff okay, because
there are no Jews in our attics and it’s too tricky to get involved
in things that we’re not facing. But, it seems brother that we
need to see that the conscience becomes part of the enlivened spirit
and it then becomes an instrument by which God can speak to us
through his Spirit. And it’s important for us to see that the Holy
Spirit does use the makeup that he has given us in creation and that
we do need to listen to our conscience and obey him.
Now, where your mind comes into the picture, your mind obviously
depends on the information it has because the conscience often acts
in the light of that and that’s where a renewed mind is important
and a mind that is really saturated with God’s word and God’s
values. So all this presupposes that this is a person who is living
under the control of Jesus’ Spirit and with a love for Jesus and a
desire to please him and obey him and a mind also that is being
filled day-by-day with scripture. I think what’s happening is some
of us are coming in in the middle here and you’re not aware of
maybe the buildup, you know.
Pastor O’Neill: Whether we’re born again or not, I’ll go with
that one. What I think brother is I could simplify it because the
blood you remember, in the Old Testament it said, “The life is in
the blood.” And when Jesus shared his blood he poured out his life
for us and that’s the important thing. It’s not argument about
which blood but rather that it was Jesus’ life poured out for us
and because that life was poured out for us and our life was poured
out in it and renewed in it, it’s possible for us to be born of
the Spirit.
Question: My own personal feelings I guess is I know within myself as
the scripture has told me, that God when his son came into my life,
placed his voice in me that tells me what I’m supposed to do. I
know within myself. I can’t say for my wife who sits next to me
what she’s supposed to do but I know within myself when I burn
somebody or when I’ve lifted them up, when I’ve done something
directly wrong, or by what I say, or by what I do and anybody around
me can probably –
Pastor O’Neill:
Brother is saying that the conscience is personal to each of us and
that it is God’s voice to us and that he explains different things
to different ones of us and we need to listen in that way. And it
isn’t in some sense the same standard necessarily at every time to
everyone which is what I tried to share when you remember, I said
that as we walk on in Jesus’ spirit so the conscience guides us
into finer and finer areas; places where we thought we could go
before, we can’t go now. And so it is a personal, alive and
dynamic thing.
I think what some of the brothers are having trouble with is a
philosophical idea of conscience that is not within the concept of
our discussion of spirit, soul, and body and that’s the difficulty.
But loved ones, when we talk about conscience we’re talking about
a function that everyone has but that is transformed and enlivened by
the Holy Spirit of God and becomes an instrument of his mind and his
will for us.
Question: I’d like to go back to one of the first questions of how
do you know if it’s your emotions or your conscience.
Pastor O’Neill:
Oh loved ones, do pay attention. I plead with you to pay attention.
Otherwise you will be in a Jones Town [followers of a Jim Jones type
cult] really. I mean the whole world will becomes a Jones Town,
won’t it? The whole world will become a “1984” [George Orwell
novel] where people don’t know right from wrong because they’ve
ceased to respect God’s word and they’ve ceased to obey it in
their own lives.
And I plead with you, don’t move into an emotionalism apart from
conscience. Obey our conscience and respect your conscience,
especially as you read God’s word and as you seek him daily, your
conscience becomes more and more a mirror and a window for the Spirit
to speak through to you. So do respect the conscience because it’s
so plain, the scripture is so full you know, of the declarations that
people will sear their consciences and will make shipwreck of their
faith because they refuse to obey the monitor within.
So don’t be deceived and don’t get into philosophical discussions
that allow you to ignore your conscience. No, don’t. Respect it.
Now, if you see yourself seeing some more light, if you don’t want
to call that conscience you want to call it say, “Conscience is
what stopped me stealing candy from the grocery store but the thing
that is now telling me that I ought to pray for an hour every day is
the spirit.” Okay, okay, it’s not really, it’s your
conscience. The Spirit is enlivening your conscience and giving you
that direction.
But call it anything but obey it. Obey it. You know, it’s still
true that the only way in Jesus is trust and obey for there’s no
other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. So do. And
through this summertime do what he tells you especially in regard to
these evening services. I would point out to you that it is a
remarkable opportunity for us to be used by God to bring two or three
thousand people like ourselves into the Mall of the University. But
I’ll tell you this, there are already spirits working in you to get
you interested in doing all kinds of other things this summer, or to
get you involved in purely philosophical discussions about what
Christianity is.
Satan hates to see loved ones being used by God’s Spirit and so I
ask you to realize that you will be targets for Satan’s deception.
He’ll want you to get out and do anything but be used to bring
people to Jesus this summer. But I really do plead with you to obey
God’s Spirit as he speaks to you and let’s look forward to this
summer being a time when Jesus will grow in people’s hearts that
have not known him up to this moment.
And there are thousands of little ones, you know high schoolers and
college people all around the Twin Cities who really this summer can
just waste another four months as they always do or can meet Jesus.
But, it will depend on some of us here taking leaflets around,
sticking them in windshield wipers, beginning to call at fraternity
houses and talk to people. It will depend on us. It will not happen
without us.
And I’d urge you this again: the final proof of a spiritual man is
the fruit of his life. And I’d ask you, what is the fruit of your
life like? Now, are you bringing people to Jesus or are you just
playing around with the deeper waters, as you call them, of the
spiritual life? But the key is, what is your life counting for
Jesus? And I do encourage you to think seriously about it this
The older people would testify what I would say at this moment, that
after all the talk and after all the endless discussion, and after
all the books that have been read, and after all the bright little
remarks, at the end of the day as the years pass you yearn for
somebody to live their life the way they say they believe. You do.
You just die not for bright little theologians, or bright little
preachers, or bright little philosophers, but as the year’s past by
you yearn more and more for people who live like Jesus. People who
prove by their lives that they care about Jesus and they care about
other people.
And I would plead with you, this summer again God will be watching
for your response and I would pray that it will be such that at the
end of the summer you’ll be able to see some souls saved, and be
able to thank God for them.
Let us pray.
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