Spiritual Life #101
What is
Well, what we were
talking about was sanctification. That's really, loved ones, what it
is. Sanctification is something that God does. It's not something
that we do. So often, we think, it's God that justifies me. He
justifies me through my faith in Jesus and God justifies those who
have faith in Jesus. He justifies the ungodly, we say. He counts
their faith in Christ as righteousness. None of us are in any doubt
that God does that.
But, then, so often,
we turn around and we say, yes, but now we've to become like Jesus
and now that's where our bit comes in. "And to him who does not
work but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted
as righteousness." [Romans 4:5] Yes, but now my bit comes in.
It's not to him who does not work but to him who works, God gives
That's, I think, the
error we make. That's where then we come up with our very crass, raw,
crude Christian do-gooders. We come up with all our legalism and all
our right ethics and our right views on this political question and
our right views on that ethical question and our right attendance at
church and our right view of doctrine and our right behavior, except
that there's very little sweetness or fragrance or life in it all
because it's something we produce ourselves.
Loved ones, the
truth is sanctification is as much the work of God in us as
justification has been. You weren't able to put yourself right with
God. It didn't matter how much you did for him. It didn't matter if
you gave your body to be burned and didn't matter how much Bible
study you did, you never felt right with God until you believed that
Christ had died for you.
In view of that, God
regarded you now as having been punished sufficiently for your sins
and as extending to you his forgiveness and his love. The moment you
believed that, the moment you were justified, the moment you felt I'm
right with God, I'm not perfect in myself, my life is still a mess in
many ways, but I know my Father has forgiven me. I know I've been
put right with God. I know I'm justified in being alive here on this
earth, even though all of us have sinned and fallen short of the
glory of God, and the wages of sin is death and I should be dead, I
know I'm justified in being alive because Christ has died for me. We
realize that that's something God had done.
Indeed, that was one
of the great certainties of it and the great confidences of it and
the great assurances that we realize this is something that God did.
It's not something that I've done. That's how we were put right with
God. Then we came into his family and we began to get a closer
glimpse of Jesus. We began to want to be like Jesus and want to be
like God. That's where we then fell into works.
So many of us, loved
ones, in this body and in all bodies, are trying to become like Jesus
by willpower and work. Maybe we've avoided salvation by works in our
justification, but in our sanctification, we're right in the middle
of salvation by works. So, we're tensing ourselves and exerting
ourselves and willing ourselves and our hearts are not like Jesus'
heart at all. We're not seeing things through Jesus' eyes. How many
of us here know in our office in the middle of the week we should see
this the way Jesus sees it? But, we feel something crude and raw
inside us. We feel a crassness inside us that we know isn't like
Jesus and we know we aren't Christ-like in our hearts.
Loved ones, it's
because we have not really accepted that only God can sanctify us.
That God is the one who put us right with himself and he's the one
who will make us right. He's the one who has enabled us to be born
of the Spirit and become his children and he's the one that's going
to make us like his children. He's going to take you and he's going
to make you like his Son.
That's what
sanctification is. It's “sanctus”, holy, and “theo”, to be
made, to be made holy, to be made like God. It's what God promised
in Ezekiel, “and I will take away their heart of stone” [hard and
crude and insensitive and unsympathetic] and “I will give them a
heart of flesh,” [a fragrant, gentle heart] like my Son Jesus'
heart. [Ezekiel 36:26] That's God's promise and we know it in so many
verses. We've quoted for years here in our evening services that
verse, “may the God of peace himself sanctify you holy and keep
your spirit, soul and body blameless at the coming of our Lord
We've quoted that
but do you see how it runs, “may the God of peace himself sanctify
you holy.” It's God who sanctifies you. That's why, of course, we
sometimes call part of that work “entire sanctification” because
it's in that verse, you see, “may God himself sanctify you holy.”
That kind of mirrors the first great commandment that he gave way
back in Deuteronomy where he said, “Thou shall love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy
strength and with all thy mind.” Not with a little bit of it. Not
with most of it but with all of it. So, it goes right through
The implication is
that there will come a time when we can be entirely holy in our
intentions and our desires. I suppose we'll never be absolutely
blameless, even before each other -- probably even maybe in our own
eyes, we'll never be absolutely blameless. We've minds that are just
so clumsy, so undisciplined. We have emotions that fly at times too
much in love, emotions that fly too much in indignation and
righteousness. So, I suppose we'll never be perfect in the world's
eyes, maybe never be perfect in our own eyes. But, God says, we've
to be perfect in our heart's intention. He says, I will make you
like that. I will sanctify you holy. I will make you holy.
Of course, he does
it through the dear person that has been mentioned here already this
evening. He does it through his Holy Spirit. There is within you
and me a Holy Spirit. It's him that began initial sanctification in
you when you first became aware you were a sinner. That was initial
sanctification. It was the beginning of being made holy or being
made pure inside. When you saw the first crude sin that you were
committing in your life and God's Spirit convicted you, right there
was the beginning of sanctification.
We should never
think of sanctification as something that just happens as a crisis or
just happens when we get to heaven. Sanctification began with most
of us here the first sin that we became aware we were committing and,
the first move we made to try to rectify it. The Holy Spirit was
right there making real in us the victory that God had wrought for us
in Jesus and giving us grace from we knew not where.
So, that the first
improvements we began to see in our life, that was initial
sanctification. The Holy Spirit is the one who brings conviction of
sin. Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes; he will convict the
world of sin. He is the one who brings repentance. We just go along
with it. That's it. We don't produce much good ourselves. We just
say, yes, to the Holy Spirit when he moves in us. So, when the Holy
Spirit moved in you in conviction and moved in you to repentance,
that was the beginning of sanctification.
You remember that
carried on for a while and then we talked about the crisis that comes
with most of us. We come to a dead stop. Most of us do in our
Christian lives. We come to a place where we just can't get any
further and we come to the place where we just feel there's a whole
something wrong inside me. There's something radically wrong with my
whole personality here. I don't do the good I want to do but the
evil I hate that's the very thing I do. I find there's another law
working inside me in my members. A law of sin that forces me to obey
this sin -- this sin that my Savior died to take away from me. Most
of us come to that sooner or later.
Of course, it's that
that we talk about as the crisis experience of sanctification.
Sanctification begins the moment even before we are born of God.
Certainly moves forward greatly after we've received the Spirit of
Jesus into us and we're born of God. Because we have many holy
desires to please our Father and many holy desires to witness to
other people.
But, then there
seems to come this, what most of us have come to talk about as a
crisis. We realize I'm not getting anywhere. I seem to be going
further back. I don't know that, well, I can't tell because I
haven't asked each one of you here but I doubt if there's one of us
who has been born of God for more than two years who has not sooner
or later come to a place where we realize this is not getting better.
This is getting worse. We begin to see that there is within us
something that we were not aware of at all. We knew our heart was
crude and crass but we didn't think there was a rebel inside us that
hated God and that didn't want his will and that would flare out in
temper and anger.
But it seems that
most of us come to a place in our Christian lives where that gets so
bad that we almost think we are going insane and we do just cry out,
"Who shall deliver me from this body of death?" [Romans
7:24] It's then that the Holy Spirit begins to explain to us why
Jesus really did die. Most of us are in the same boat. We didn't
really know why he died. We believed that he had died for our sins.
We believe that because of that God was willing to forgive us. Our
attitude was Lord, if you're ready, we're ready. We don't know why
you're ready but, if you're ready to forgive us, we're ready to be
forgiven and we sued for forgiveness and confessed and repented of
our sins.
Then, as we come to
this further crisis in our own behavior pattern, we begin to see why
Jesus really died for us. We've shared it often. We've shared the
great contradiction that there is in our lives. We're in the office
some morning, somebody swears off at somebody on something that is
utterly unjustified and we know in our hearts that what that person
needs is love at that moment and we need to just smooth right over
that and just cure them with a kindly and a tender word. But,
there's something inside us that just wipes out at them and tells
them where to get off for using that kind of language in our office.
It's there that we
discover that there's something in us that works against the movement
of Jesus' Spirit. It's then, of course, that we begin to realize
that there is this law at work in our members, the Bible calls it,
but it's our minds, our emotions and every part of us that works
against what Jesus' Spirit is trying to do. It's as if there's an
ANTI-sanctification spirit that moves against the sanctifying spirit
that is trying to move out. Of course, that's what causes the
conflict. We have a desire inside to move out and to express Jesus'
holy desires but there's something that is trying to move in.
Loved ones, I
suppose because I think we need to see how only Christ could do the
thing. Only Christ could make the change for us. I suppose that's
why I so often push you back to this. Even though we kind of smile at
this thing, it'll more and more become precious to you as you see
what the heart of sanctification is because here’s the picture,
that's the perfect picture of the battle that is within us.
[Body-Soul-Spirit picture] The red arrow is there. Are the
sanctifying influence and life of Jesus' Spirit within our spirits
trying to get through our conscience and out through our souls here
and out through our bodies into the world? That outward movement is
taking place.
Those red arrows,
the Holy Spirit of Jesus within us as born again people, is trying to
move out through our spirits and trying to move through our souls
here and trying to move out through our wills and our minds, and
emotions, and our bodies to the world. But, there is this movement
indicated by these green arrows, this whole movement of life that
governs our bodies and our souls. In other words, there's that whole
movement of the desire to get our security and our significance and
our happiness from the world and that's all moving back there.
Until you have it,
how it moves, the dirty joke is the very plain example. The dirty
joke is told in the office and we know that God loves us and we know
that our significance in this world depends on his love. Who cares
who else loves us or approves of us if he does. There's that spirit
of that assurance that moves out to comment that the dirty joke is
not the kind of thing that we should tell or that we should be
talking about.
Yet, there's this
other law in our personalities that still is concerned with the
significance or the approval that we can get from this old world.
So, we look at the other people and we think, well, what are they
going to think of us, they'll think we're square, they'll think we're
religious, they'll think we're do-gooders. So that whole movement of
what will they think moves up against us and the battle usually takes
place just there.
You remember the way
Galatians puts it, for the desires of the flesh are against the
Spirit; for these are opposed to each other." [Galatians 5:17]
The desire of the spirit is to move out and say, that's not the kind
of thing we should be talking about. The desire of the flesh for the
approval of man is moving against that and they meet just there.
Galatians says that is what prevents us from doing what we would.
That's exactly the crisis that most of us come into in our Christian
lives. It can almost paralyze your life completely. Indeed, that's
the mark of defeated Christians. They have many holy intentions in
here but they don't govern their lives. They are born of the Spirit
but they don't live in the Spirit. They live according to the flesh.
They are alive to the Spirit but they're also alive to the world.
They love God but they also love the world, too.
Of course, most of
us when we come to that place, we try to blast through again trying
to sanctify ourselves. That's the mistake we make. We realize the
problem is here in our wills. If I could only get my will to obey my
conscience, if I could only get my mind to obey my will, if I could
only get my emotions to obey my will, if I could only get my body to
obey, then I'll be sanctified.
Many of us go on
struggling like that until we die. We believe that it's our job to
sanctify ourselves. The fact is God has sanctified us. There's a
verse in scripture that says, "So Jesus suffered outside the
gate in order to sanctify the people." Hebrews 13:12] There’s
another verse that says, I sanctify myself, though it's really the
verb for consecrate, and it is in the RSV Jesus said, “I consecrate
myself that they may be sanctified.” That's right.
The key to the
breakthrough is Jesus' death. That's why he died. Our old self was
crucified with Christ. That's the crisis of sanctification. When a
person believes that and consecrates himself, then the Holy Spirit
sanctifies them. If you say, what actually happens? Do we become
instantly, completely mature and whole? No. I'll show you what
happens. Christ on the Cross took that old self of yours that worked
in a perverted way to death with him. So that now you have a self
that is again what it used to be when it was first created.
How does that come
about? You consecrate yourself. You say, Lord, here's the blockage.
I am willing to let your Spirit govern my whole life. You see,
that's what you're saying when you say you're willing to join the
conscience directly to the will. That's what consecration is. Lord,
I've been living from the outside in. I'm willing to live only one
way from the inside out. Then, the Holy Spirit goes to work on you
and this is where the beginning of his sanctifying work is. He says,
do you mean you're willing to have your will obey your conscience in
regard to your profession? And, you say, yes. He says, now, even if
it means, and then he chooses the area of your profession where
you're not really willing to live that life of self-crucified.
You remember, an old
man was asked, what is it like to be crucified? He said, well, when
you're on a cross, you're facing only one way. So, that's one thing
it means. It means to be facing only one way -- to be concerned only
with God's glory and no longer with your own, only with God's
satisfaction and no longer with your own, only with God's pleasure
and no longer with your own.
Secondly, when
you're on a cross crucified, you have no future. You have no future.
The Holy Spirit applies that to you and me, individually. We are
all different here. We are all original sinners. We all do it
differently. We all have wrong things that are different from each
other. The Holy Spirit tracks each one of those done and he asks you
to consecrate yourself completely to God and to Jesus' glory and to
set yourself apart from yourself, from the world and from other
people, and set yourself apart for God to do what he wants with you.
That's consecration, loved ones.
The Holy Spirit
says, are you willing to open the door there? You have a kind of a
check valve there. You have a check valve that unfortunately opens
like that. Unfortunately, it won't open that way. But it opens like
that. That's why so often you're disturbed, even in your spirit
because the soul lets these things through from the outside world.
The Holy Spirit says would you in every instance be willing to open
only that way? So that no longer can those things come in and begin
to dominate the central motivational headquarters in your life and
would you be willing to let Jesus out through you in every way, even
in marriage -- even in marriage.
There, loved ones,
the Holy Spirit asks you, will you consecrate yourself completely and
be willing to let all the life in here govern every issue of your
life? For most of us, it concerns our motives, our attitudes, our
intentions and our reactions. That's it. It's our inner being that
it concerns. It concerns your mode of life -- who you're really
living for -- whose glory and pleasure are you really living for?
Whose satisfaction? What are your real intentions in the things that
you do in your life? What do you really intend? What is your real
intention when you say certain things to certain people? What is
your attitude that none of us here can see?
But you know what it
is. What is your attitude? Is it an attitude filled with Jesus'
fragrant love? That's what the Holy Spirit deals with us about,
loved ones, when he asks for full consecration. There comes a time
when he has come to the end of his questionings and he witnesses to
you that you are fully consecrated and then he sanctifies you.
That's what he does when he sanctifies you. He works a miracle in
your personality whereby he makes your personality like the one that
was raised with Jesus after Calvary. He makes you miraculously like
That's why so many
of us testify about the crisis in sanctification that we suddenly
were changed, different. Everything was easier. That's what we
testify to. We don't testify that, yes, it was a further step on the
way of sanctification. We testify this was such a crisis, this was
such a breakthrough, this was such a deliverance, that it seemed as
if my heart was cleansed by faith. That's it. That's exactly the
words, you remember, they used in Acts 15:9, “God give the Holy
Spirit to them as he did to us and cleanse their hearts by faith.”
That's it, loved ones. It's a miraculous change. The Holy Spirit
makes by faith immediately real to us what has happened in Christ on
Now, if you say to
me, then it's all done. No, it's just begun. It's just begun.
Because, you see, now the thing starts working. Now, the flow starts
taking place. Now, this Holy Spirit begins to renew your mind. Now,
this Holy Spirit begins to reform your emotions. Now, the will
begins to work as it was meant to as a good partner to the
Then, the body
begins to be fulfilled by a contented spirit and a peaceful mind and
balanced emotions and the body begins to drain away its strain and
its tension and the muscles relax and the face begins to look
younger. I don't know if the gray hairs go. But, you begin to
change. Because the whole work of redeeming your personality at last
can begin. So, progressive sanctification then begins and presumably
carries on until we meet Jesus face to face. Now, loved ones, that's
it. That's what sanctification is.
The crisis of
sanctification is the miraculous opening of this gate. Then the
miraculous application of that great crucifixion, making it real,
blotting that out and raising you up in Jesus allows you to live in
that ascended place. That's why sanctification is such a precious
term. Because it's not what man does. It's utterly different from
man's and woman's poor attempts to read the right books and to work
on their own self-discipline.
It's something that
the Holy Spirit does as he applies the death and resurrection of
Christ to your personality. So, at last, the personality is turned
around and changed. At last, Mr. Hyde is put to death and Dr. Jekyll
alone lives. That's a miracle that God works. That's why you notice
any of us who testify to it, testify to it as the last of all
anything that we've achieved or obtained. It was what God did when
we gave up on ourselves. And when in despair, we came to him and
asked him to sanctify us.
Now, loved ones, it
is God's will. That's what I Thessalonians 4:3 says, “For this is
the will of God, your sanctification.” This is why God brought us
to himself. To make us like Himself. This is what was written into
the first chapters of Genesis. “Let us make man in our own image,
after our likeness.....So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God he created him.” [Genesis 1:26-27]
From the beginning
of the Bible to the end, that's always been God's desire for each one
of us here in this room. That we would see things through Jesus'
eyes. We can only do that if the Holy Spirit gives us Jesus' eyes
and takes away our own eyes, gives us Jesus' viewpoint and takes away
our own viewpoint. That's precious and I would encourage, especially
those of you who are worn out with trying -- especially those of you
who think I cannot do it. You're right. You cannot do it. But, God
has done it to you in Jesus, his Son, and the Holy Spirit will
witness your full consecration clearly.
Some people say,
"How will I know when I am fully consecrated?" The Holy
Spirit will make it clear to you. You'll be in no doubt. If you're
in doubt, you're not. But the Holy Spirit's task is to bring you
into the victory of Calvary.
So, the first step
for many of us is treating him as our counselor and as our friend, as
Jesus told us. He said, "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things."
[John 14:26] So, the Holy Spirit is in each one of us here.
Otherwise you wouldn't be here tonight. It's only the Holy Spirit
that has given you a hunger to be here tonight so he is within you
and he can lead you into that experience. I cannot. And, no man or
no woman here in this room can. But, the Holy Spirit can, loved
ones. The wonder of it all is he's anxious to, he wants to. He
wants to bring you into what God has wrought for you in his Son.
Let us pray.
Dear Holy Spirit, we
are more than ever convinced that there will be nothing but defeat in
our own lives and a failure in our responsibility to our friends
unless you act upon us and do something in us to change us. We
believe, dear Holy Spirit, that this is what our Father promised,
that in the last days, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. I
will give them a new spirit. I will put my Spirit within them and I
will write my laws on their inner hearts. Holy Spirit, we believe
that promise of our Father and we believe that Jesus suffered outside
the gate that he might sanctify us.
Holy Spirit, we come
to you now and we want to consecrate every part of our lives to
Jesus, for your glory, Lord Jesus. We have no existence apart from
you. We would be dead in hell were it not for you. So, Lord Jesus,
you alone are the meaning of our lives. We have no meaning outside
your life. Indeed, it was you that made us Lord. Without you there
was not one of us made that has been made. We know that we owe
everything to you.
Lord Jesus, we are
aware this evening that as the Holy Spirit brooded upon the waters
and brought order out of the formless mass, so now again, dear Holy
Spirit, you are willing to brood upon this new creation now and bring
out of the formless mess that we have made of it, you are willing to
bring a beautiful replica of what God had in mind when he made us at
the beginning.
Holy Spirit, we
would ask you now to counsel us. We would commit ourselves to
hungering and thirsting after this full righteousness until we see
things through Jesus' eyes, until we begin to live with his heart
inside us and until you have cleansed our hearts of all those
wretched feelings, of that resentment and that critical spirit and
that anger that surges up within us and that uncleanness that is
always there and that pride that is ready to stir up so fast.
Holy Spirit, we are
tired of putting up with it, we are tired of pretending that we're
good when it's all down there. We know that it's not natural for
God's children and we are no longer defending it as the normal
Christian life. Holy Spirit, it is not consistent with God's command
to love him with all our heart and soul and strength and mind if
we're still loving putting our neighbors down or loving building
ourselves up. Holy Spirit, we want to be pure and clean from the
inside out so that we can begin to be some kind of blessing to you
and to our Father and to our dear brothers and sisters here.
Lord, we want to
have the fragrance of Christ within us. So, we give ourselves to you
tonight and throughout as many of these coming weeks as is necessary
until we be sanctified and ready to begin that life of growth and
Christ likeness. So, Holy Spirit, we ask you to exterminate the
Devil in us so that at last Christ can grow in us.
Lord, I pray for my
brothers and sisters that those of them who can put up with it no
longer will enter in this very night because there is no delay where
you are concerned and therefore there may be no delay if we are
willing. Now, the grace of our Lord Jesus and the love of God and
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each one of us now and ever
more. Amen.
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