The Mind – A
[Audio starts
mid-sentence] that England ever experienced. And it was the same
time, you remember, as the French Revolution was taking place in 1789
and the conditions leading up to it. And so England was kind of set
for a French Revolution, because the people cared only for
themselves. The churches were absolutely empty, the Anglican clergy
were not simply absentee landlords as -- that was the situation with
all the property, but they were absentee clergy. They passed, not
only their summers but their springtime and winters on the French
Riviera, and their curates ran their churches for them. And the
result was the country was in the absolute depths of decadence.
The kind of thing
you’d see when you’d go down a street in London is 'Drunk for two
pence', 'Dead drunk for three pence, and straw to sleep it off free'.
And it was that kind of situation that filled the country. And
really even though we ourselves are not at all as obvious as that
here in America, yet we know that one of the problems we do have is
an incredible movement of religion among us, with an incredible high
rate of crime and immorality among us.
And really it’s
like the stagflation problem that we’re facing. We’re facing
certain factors that should never be found together in an economy.
And it seems as if we’re facing the same thing in religion and
morals. Never probably have more of us gone to church than go to
church now in America. And yet never has immorality been so rampant
or crime been so widespread. And it is strange that it is so like
the 18th Century.
What is really
amazing is that when Wesley started preaching in England in about
1740 that was the situation. And he faced people who were not
interested at all in what he was saying. And yet after about 10 or
15 years -- he used to preach outdoors because they wouldn’t let
him preach in the churches. He didn’t preach nicely enough for
them. And so he had to preach in the coal fields, and he had to
preach out in the moors, and in any natural amphitheater that he
could find. And that 10 or 15 years later you found thousands, and
thousands of the poorest people and the most immoral people listening
to him, and listening to him intently.
And then after
another 10 years you found that England had been transformed. And
this drunken, hopeless, immoral, rabble that filled England during
the first 20 or 30 years of the 18th Century were transformed into
some of the most saintly people that England has ever seen. And it
all came about of course, through the incredible truth that you were
not only forgiven through faith, but your life was changed through
faith. And that was it because these people had been told for years
by their parents, and by their own ministers, how they ought to live.
But they were not able to live that way. And they fell again, and
again into their drunkenness; and they fell again, and again into
their immorality and their prostitution, because inside their hearts
weren’t really changed.
And so every time
the temptation came from without their hearts that had never been
changed rose to it. And of course, what Wesley began to preach was
not only are your sins forgiven through your faith that Jesus has
died for you, but your heart is actually made clean through your
faith in the fact that that old heart was destroyed with Christ on
Calvary, and you could receive a new heart through the power of the
Holy Spirit.
And that’s
probably, you know, what we most need in our nation today. We most
need to be able to see that it’s not a matter of receiving
forgiveness of our sins through faith, and then trying to climb up
that weary hill of self-discipline and effort and attempting to make
ourselves what God wants us to be. But it’s seeing that all those
efforts are hopeless and that there’s only one way our heart will
ever become clean. And that is if God’s -- the Holy Spirit speaks
the second time into our lives and cleanses our heart by faith.
And unless you and I
are really moving into that kind of victory, what we share on Sunday
evenings so often just becomes another 'works righteousness' to us,
because it’s all built on the premise that your own heart is clean.
And your own heart only becomes clean when you are prepared for God
the Holy Spirit to fill every corner of it. And you’re only
prepared for that when you’re prepared to identify yourself
completely with Jesus.
And that’s what
prevents us coming into full victory. It’s not that we haven’t
read enough books. And it isn’t that we haven’t gone to enough
services. And it isn’t that we don’t understand enough. It’s
because we really have not seen that it’s only through faith that a
clean heart comes about in our lives.
And, loved ones,
that’s it. That’s the miracle of it, that your dear heart can
never be cleansed by all the books that you’ll ever read, or all
the discipline, or all the power of positive thinking that you’ll
ever engage in. God the Holy Spirit has to cleanse your heart. And
he’ll only cleanse it when you’re at last able to believe that he
will cleanse it.
And here’s the
strange thing. And I say from my own life, you’re only able to
believe that if you’re willing to bear a clean heart in your own
life. And that’s it. And you may say, “Oh brother, I want a
clean heart.” Loved ones, you’d have a clean heart tonight if
you wanted a clean heart. The moment you say, “Lord, will you make
me clean,” that moment Jesus comes through and he makes you clean.
And what you and I
need to decide in our own heart is how long can we go on with a
halfhearted kind of service to our God? And that’s what we do.
And really when you read hymns like that [referring to Charles
Wesley's "O for a Heart to Praise my God"] you realize
again what victory is all about. It is not a slogging it even with
Satan, “I lost my temper; I have to control my temper.” It’s
not that. It’s not that.
I’ve told you so
often, "A clean heart is a heart in which temper does not rise."
That’s it. That is our great privilege. That is the great
privilege that God has given us through Jesus’ death. Not through
our own efforts, not through trying hard, but through our faith in
Jesus’ death. It is possible to live with a heart in which temper
does not rise, in which anger does not rise.
And loved ones,
anything less than that is not salvation in the scriptural sense.
And really when God tells us, “You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your strength, and
all your mind,” he means that, with every bit of your heart you
love God. And out of this center -- you remember, Jesus said, “Out
of your belly, out of your inner most being will flow rivers of
living water.” And that’s salvation.
Salvation is not,
“Oh, if I’m in a state of recollection I can sense God’s
presence and I can feel a little love to him. But if I’m not in a
sense of recollection, if I’m not well prayed up, then I won’t be
able to feel it.” No, salvation is that out of your heart rises
the thoughts, and the feelings of Jesus’ own heart, because you’ve
allowed him to circumcise your heart. That is to cut it out and to
replace it with his own heart. And that is of course what Ezekiel
always promised us, “I will give you," God said, "A new
heart and I will write my laws in your heart.”
And oh, I’d just
remind you that that’s what God promises. And anything less than
that is torture. It is torture. And I don’t know about all the
business of, "Do you ever sin?" I’m sure you sin a
thousand times when you don’t know, and a thousand times when you
do know! But the center of it is that your heart is clean. And oh
you remember, that little story of the little girl who was blind and
was writing a letter to her dad, and wanted to write it the best she
possibly can. And so she got, you remember, her page and she
decided, “I’ll put strings across with thumbtacks. And I’ll
put a string there and a string there, and another one there, and
another one there, and then with my pen every time I hit the string
I’ll know that I should go up again. And I’ll get a letter that
is so well written that my dad will not believe that I do not have
And so she did that
laboriously. And after about 15 minutes she had the strings ready
and so she got down to it, you know. You can guess she often didn’t
feel the strings at all and so the letter, if you had seen it, was
chaotic. It was up and down everywhere but of course the mum told
the dad how it had been done. And of course, when he sensed the
intention of his daughter’s heart, he thought it was the most
beautiful letter he had ever received.
And that’s it!
It’s the intention of the heart. God looks at you, and he looks at
me and he says, not so much even, "Oh is your life a perfect
life?" I don’t know honestly that he’s all wrought up about
that. I mean, normally it’s probably the result of a clean heart,
but I don’t know that God’s all wrought up about that.
But he looks in to
see your heart, and is it a heart that is clean and that wants only
him? And if you say to me, “Oh well, no. I mean I want other
things at times.” Well loved ones, that’s where you deal with
God. Do you come to the place where you want God and him only, and
where you want his will and his will only? And that’s the only
thing that will ever enable him to do the mighty work in your heart.
And oh, that’s it! What we need is a work done in our hearts that
changes us and makes us supernaturally pure and clean.
When you gossip, ah!
It’s not that the gossip is the big deal. It certainly wreaks
havoc. It certainly destroys lives, and creates chaos in the
society. But actually the gossip is not the heart of it. It’s the
heart inside that produced the gossip. The heart inside that is so
lacking in fullness that it has time to talk about this person, or
that person. That’s it! It’s the same with criticism.
Criticizing other people, oh yeah it tears them apart. It brings
great sadness and pain to people. It destroys reputations. It
wreaks havoc in the society. But really it’s not the criticism
that is the heart of sin. It’s the heart that produced the
criticism. It’s a heart that lacks love. That’s it. And when
the Savior looks down with his heart of love bent towards you, and he
sees your heart not filled with his love for others. He sees your
heart not wanting the best for your friends. That’s what grieves
him. That’s what crucifies him afresh.
So it’s
interesting. It’s not so much actually even the positive evil.
It’s funny to say that! It’s not so much the positive evil that
you and I do. It’s the lack of that full love that God has for us.
It’s the lack of that in our hearts that grieves him beyond
anything else. And of course that will only come when the Holy
Spirit fills you and sheds abroad in your heart that love. So I
would encourage each one of you to day-after-day, to wait for that
and to expect it.
It was interesting
in those old meetings that they used to have in the Eighteenth
Century, they waited night-after-night. They expected! Each person
expected, “The Lord Jesus will touch me clean tonight.” And it
was. It’s interesting – it was interesting to me, to see how
some loved ones in the States here would get kind of worked up about
that, because it’s interesting in the old days people waited with
expectancy. It wasn’t a, “Oh, what am I doing wrong? What am I
doing wrong? It hasn’t come to me.” It was a complete
confidence that, “The Lord will touch me as he touched my brother.
And he will touch me when I am ready for that work to be done.”
And so it was always
a hopeful expectancy. And oh, I’d encourage you to that. And
that’s really what the body here, of Jesus, is meant to be. It’s
meant to be a place where all of us can 'window shop' as long as we
want. And I’ll tell you that now, "Window shop as long as you
want. Window shop!" I have 40 or 50 more years; you have 40 or
50 more years to window shop. You can keep window shopping. But
really, there comes a time when you yourself have to decide, “Alright
I’ve seen, I’ve seen what God wants for me, and now Lord, I’m
going to expect that every moment. Every service I’m going to
trust you to do this work in my heart.”
And I don’t know
how many of you got into the thing -- and I know others did, “Oh
well, I’m waiting for some big deal.” Well, maybe. Yes, I
suppose you are waiting for some big deal. I suppose there’s no
way around that. And some of us don’t like that, and we don’t
like the idea that there is a moment when God does a work. But it
was so with our new birth. There was a moment when we were dead, and
there was a moment when we were alive. And so yes, I suppose there
is a moment.
And I suppose you
can’t get around that. There’s a moment when you marry. You can
be engaged for years, but you have to marry sooner or later. There’s
a moment when you die. You’re probably a long time maybe dying,
varying on which disease you have. But there’s a moment you’re
dead. So really, life is full of its moments. And there is a moment
when God touches you clean through the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
And oh loved ones, we are meant to be a people who expect that every
moment. And only if you expect it 'now'! You remember, old Murray
[Andrew Murray, 1828-1917, was a South African writer, teacher, and
Christian pastor.] says, “Oh, you’re waiting for it are you?”
“Yes, I’m waiting for it." "When is it going to
happen?" Oh, it’s going to happen any time.” He said, “No,
no, unless you say, 'It’s going to happen now.' Unless you expect
it this moment, God can do nothing."
And faith is a
sense, “Lord, I’m on believing ground; I’m in a consecrated
place." "Satan, see is there anything in me that you have?
Is there anything in me that will not yield to God? Is there?”
And you say that with confidence because you know there is not. And
then Satan has no answer to give you. And at that moment God
witnesses that you’re fully consecrated. And the blessed Spirit of
God cleanses your heart by faith, and fills you with a fullness of
Jesus such as you’ve never experienced before.
And so loved ones, I
would I’d encourage you to go for that. Don’t go for anything
less. And really, expect it every moment. And that’s the heart of
victory. Otherwise, I’ll tell you what we produce. We produce a
horde of imitation Christians who are always trying to behave like
Christians but don’t feel like Christians inside in their hearts.
And so, it is real and true. And the words -- I didn’t know John
was particularly going to do that hymn -- but the words are true:
“A heart from sin
set free,
A heart that always
feels Thy blood
So freely spilt for
A heart resigned,
submissive, meek,
My great Redeemer’s
Where only Christ is
heard to speak,
Where Jesus reigns
I don’t know if
you’ve the trouble with guidance that I always had, but it is
because there are too many voices speaking inside your heart. And
when this takes place in your heart suddenly there is just one voice:
"Where only
Christ is heard to speak,
Where Jesus reigns
A humble, lowly,
contrite heart,
Believing, true, and
Which neither life
nor death can part
From Him that dwells
But loved ones, it
is possible. And it’s not popular stuff. We don’t like that
stuff too much. We like a kind of 'worldly' kind of goodness that
looks okay on the outside but lets you have what fun you want on the
inside where nobody can see. But really, it won’t 'cut it'. And
it will not move this religious movement into revival. The only
thing that will move this present religious movement, 'moral
majority', 'charismatic movement', 'church renewal' movement -- the
only thing that will move it into revival is if God can get hold of a
few people who are prepared to go right to the very deepest part of
their hearts and open that to him.
And that’s always
been the case. Wherever there has come revival, whether it’s in
Africa, or Britain, or here in America, it has always come when at
last God got hold of a group of people who wanted God and God only.
And that’s really what Jesus, I believe, is calling us to.
Actually it’s interesting. It doesn’t take a great number.
That’s the fallacy, as you probably realize, about the number game
in these days, where we’re all getting great numbers. "Let's
have vast churches." Actually, the great movements of God don’t
start with great numbers of people. They start with just a few
people who are prepared to give everything to have Jesus dwell in
their heart by faith.
And oh, some of you
-- I know the old business. We protest, and we'll hem and haw. And
we’ll rationalize, and we’ll say, “Well, do you mean this or do
you mean that?” Well, I suppose those that have ears to hear will
hear, and those that have eyes to see will see. But loved ones, if
you sense in your life that you think it is possible to come into a
place where you’re clean the whole way down, where if I sliced you
open you’d be clean the whole way, if you have any sense of that,
I’d encourage you to go for it with all your heart. And to go for
it as a definite work of God that will be done.
And you remember how
we've joked at times, if you could in fact take your heart out, and
your head, and your mind with all the feelings and thoughts that it
has now, and then we could project it all on that screen, would you
be embarrassed or would you be really happy? And of course you can
see what a transparent life is about, can’t you? You can see a
transparent life is a life where the heart can go on that screen.
And you can see that that brings a great trust in people, can’t
you? I mean, that brings tremendous trust in your friends. I mean,
suddenly they feel, “This guy,” “This girl is real. What they
say to me, that’s what they’re saying when I’m not with them.”
And boy, that brings a trust and a confidence that nothing else can.
So, it changes
society you see. It just transforms society when you have that. It
transforms husband/wife relationships. It transforms relationships
in the office. The big thing is, it takes the strain out of your
life. It’s so good you don’t have to be able to think, “Can I
show them this? No, I can’t show them that. Can I show them this?
Oh, I can’t show them… oh, I can show them this!” Oh, it’s
so good -- it’s so good to be able to be yourself. And you don’t
care because you know it’s clean the whole way through. And loved
ones, that’s what Jesus has called us to. And that’s what he’s
calling you to this evening really.
I should get to the
subject of the evening which is in fact in 'the mind'. Okay. Okay.
Loved ones, maybe you’ll take your Bible -- and we’re trying to
talk about 'the mind': 'a battlefield'. And maybe we can just get a
little done before the end of the time. Perhaps you could just turn
and keep your Bible open to Genesis 3. And it probably is good for
us all to realize that Satan’s original approach to men and women
was through the mind, and so it is actually, with you and me.
It is interesting,
the mind has to be kind of satisfied or at least it has to be duped
or deceived in a reasonably complicated way. The mind demands that
it be satisfied in some way. It’s willing to be lied to and
deceived but it does demand some kind of rationalization. And you’ve
probably seen that in your own temptations haven’t you? Or your
own sins, you’ve found, “Well, I need some good reason to do
this. I feel I ought to have a reason. Oh yeah, that’s the
reason. That’s the reason.” And, “Well, I’m going to speak
to this person about my other friend. Well, I know that’s wrong
but... Oh, here’s a good reason for it.”
And so once you get
a good reason you go right ahead. And it’s so even with – it’s
interesting, it’s so even with the most physical of sins whether
it’s drugs or whether it’s sex, it’s interesting that the mind
requires to be able to justify itself in some way. And so that gives
you a clue that Satan normally still approaches us through the mind.
And normally that’s where the trouble begins. And I think most of
us have found the sinful act is not the point of the problem or the
temptation at all. The battle was lost way back in here. [Points to
his head] The battle was lost way back in there.
And all we guys know
it with the old Penthouse pictures and that kind of thing. We know
the sin, the adultery, the fornication is committed in there.
[Continues to indicate his mind] That’s where the battle is.
Satan’s job of course is to persuade us, “No, no, the battle
isn’t there at all. You can think of this thing without pursuing
it at all.” But he knows if he can persuade us to get the mind
deviating at all then he can get us the rest of the way. And so it
is in every sin and every temptation, the battle is lost up here. [In
the mind] It’s not lost with these hands whether it’s stealing
or killing. It’s not lost with the feet. It’s not lost with the
body. It’s lost up here [in the mind] -- hours, maybe even days,
maybe even months, maybe even years, before the actual crime, or the
sin, or the immorality is done.
So you get that same
plain truth set forth there loved ones, if you look at the well-known
account of the fall in Genesis 3:1. "Now the serpent..."
And you remember, Satan was hidden in the form of the serpent. “Now
the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature...” And
you get that even in the idea of 'subtlety and the mind' coming in
right there, “That the LORD God had made. He said to the woman,
‘Did God say, “You shall not eat of any tree of the garden”?’”
And that is addressed to the mind, you see, and actually not much to
the memory because it was pretty easy to remember what God had said,
but it was addressed to the mind, “Is this what God said?” And
our mind is what keeps us aware of the things that not only God has
said to us in the past but the things that he is saying to us through
this book. [Holding the Bible]
So, Satan’s
attempt usually is to deal with us on this question of, “Does God’s
Word say this?” And if he can possibly rationalize that in some
way he’ll do it. Or, “Has God said to you in the past this?”
Usually that’s his approach. “Does God’s word say this?”
Oh, I know one well known one for me is Philippians. If you look at
it, it’s the key to worry, Philippians 4:6. And it is really the
key to a worry free, anxiety free life. This is the way to live,
this way. “Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made
known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding,
will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” And that’s
so plain and simple. And that’s the way we’re meant to walk.
And so we’re in a
situation in the office where there is just conflict. And we are in
the middle of it. And all kinds of people are criticizing us and
opposing us. And this word comes from us straight from God’s
heart, “Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by
prayer,” through prayer, “With Supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known to God.” “Let me know that you want
me to work in the office situation and clear it up.” “And the
peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts
and minds in Christ Jesus.”
But Satan gets in
and he says, “Well now, have no anxiety about anything that you
were not responsible for creating. I mean, that’s what that verse
means. But let’s face it. You took part in this mess in the
office.” Or, “You took part in this mess that you have in your
job;” or, “This mess in your personal relationship. Now, you
can’t have 'no anxiety' about that. I mean, that’s part of your
problem. You have to work and do something to put that right.”
And Satan has this
way of getting into God’s word and misinterpreting it to our hearts
so that we begin to read this, “Have no anxiety about anything."
Yeah well, that’s OK, anything we haven’t caused ourselves, any
mess that we have not ourselves created. But boy, I’ve created
this mess. It’s up to me to work myself out of it -- whether it’s
a financial mess, or a professional mess, or a personal relationship
mess. And Satan gets in there and takes a good promise of God’s
word and misinterprets it and twists it.
And loved ones,
that’s where often many of us lose the whole glorious assurance of
this verse which is so plain and so categorical, “Have no anxiety
about 'anything'!” "About anything!" Have no anxiety
about anything at all! Even if it’s something you’re going to
face tomorrow morning, “Have no anxiety about anything, but in
everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
request be made known to God.”
And then Satan often
gets in there and says, “Well, I mean, that means the old Reese
Howells business." [Rees Howells, 1879 - 1950, founder of The
Bible College of Wales, known for his intercessory prayer.] "That
means get down and slog through for all night prayer session. That’s
what that is. Really, 'In everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;' it means you
have to get down; you have to slog through until you come maybe in
the early dawn, just as dawn is breaking you come to an assurance
that God has heard you prayer.”
Well loved ones,
it’s interesting the Bible just says, you know, “Let your request
be made known to God.” But so often Satan comes in and takes a
good simple word of God and twists it and perverts it. Or, he comes
to you and he says, “Did God really tell you when you made that
resolution about getting up at five in the morning, did God really
said that to you? 'Hath God said?'” And you begin to think,
“Well, I don’t know. Well, you know, maybe I’ve just been
reading 'Power Through Prayer' by Bounds ["Edward McKendree
Bounds, 1835-1913, Methodist minister and devotional writer] and
that’s true. Maybe I thought of it myself. Maybe I did! And well,
well let me ignore it tomorrow anyway and I’ll see how it goes.”
And that’s what Satan does.
Or, I don’t know
if you’ve made vows to God. I don’t know if you’ve made a vow
to God, you know, “I commit myself Lord, to do this.” And God’s
word says of course, “Always pay your vows to God.” But Satan
gets in on you and says, “Did God ask you to make that vow to him?”
And then you begin to back off.
So loved ones, it’s
always our minds that Satan begins to approach. And he tries of
course, to deceive us into thinking, “Oh well, God didn’t really
say.” Now, maybe you’d go back to Genesis 3 and you'd just read
that question, “Did God say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree of
the garden?’” And then in Verse 2, “And the woman said to the
serpent, ‘We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but
God said, “You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in
the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.”’”
Now, do you see that
sentence, “You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in
the midst of the garden?” Now, that’s a lie. That’s not what
God said. Just look above in that column to Genesis 2:16, “And the
LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may freely eat of every
tree of the garden,’” so Eve was right there, “But of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day
that you eat of it you shall die.” That’s what God said. God
didn’t say, “You shall not eat,” as Eve says, “Of the fruit
of the tree which is in the midst of the garden.” He didn’t.
Look at what he said in 17, “Of the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil you shall not eat of it lest you die.” And that’s
Satan’s aim, to get you to just swing God’s word a little. Just
swing it a little.
Actually, you can
see how important the swing was, if you look back in Genesis 2:9,
“And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is
pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the
midst of the garden.” That was the very tree God wanted them to
eat of and it was, “In the midst of the garden, and the tree of
knowledge of good and evil.” There were two trees in the midst of
the garden and what Eve said was, “Oh, God said you shall not eat
of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither
shall you touch it less you die.”
And loved ones,
that’s Satan’s method with us. And we may think, “Ah, it’s
not important. It’s not important what our minds understand or
what they grasp of God’s word.” Loved ones, it is. And I don’t
know if you’ve read Nee [Watchman Nee, 1903-1972, a church leader
and Christian teacher in China and author of several books including
"The Normal Christian Life"] on that point but he says, “If
God gives you a revelation about something, cherish it. That will be
life to you. Cherish it and nourish it, and live upon it. Don’t
be careless about it.” And I do think a lot of us have made this
error of taking God’s word both in this Bible and especially his
“Rema”, his word to us in our hearts, we’ve taken it lightly.
And we have in fact, become careless with God’s commands to us.
And that’s why I
think, many of us find out lives flat and empty. And we wonder why
we’re losing the sense of God’s presence in our lives. And it
really is because we’re very careless in our minds about treasuring
every word that God gives us -- and not so with Jesus, you remember,
because he said, “You’ll not live by bread alone but by every
word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” And then you remember
that dear writer said, “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I may
not sin against thee.”
Now so often we say,
“Oh, that’s just memorizing scripture. We keep memorizing
scripture because it has a mental effect on our wills.” Well, that
is true, but the most precious meaning of that is, when God speaks a
word to you personally that is precious. And I don’t know how many
of us have had that, but I think you know there comes a moment when
it’s as if another person is speaking to you -- not maybe, even
vocally, but you just know, “That has come from somewhere other
than me.” Now, that’s a word from God and that’s to be hid in
your heart so that you may not sin against him.
Now, Satan’s
attempt is always to change that and twist it around. And then loved
ones, if you go back to Genesis 3:3 then, “But God said, ‘You
shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the
garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.” And then Verse
4, Satan takes another step, “But the serpent said to the woman,
‘You will not die.’” “You will not die, for God knows that
when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like
God, knowing good and evil.”
And that’s what
Satan does, if he can entice you forward a little to change God’s
word, and he can see that you’re not really treasuring the words
that God has given to you, once he can see that then he knows he has
begun to disentangle you from the Creator. And he comes through with
a direct contradiction, “You won’t die. You won’t die if you
do that.”
And I don’t know
how often he has said that to you, but certainly to me very often,
“You won’t die. You won’t die if you miss a day of prayer.
You won’t die. You won’t die if you miss the Bible study in the
morning. You won’t die.” And it’s incredible, if you think of
it, it’s incredible for how many months we will slide down the hill
of spiritual decadence ‘listening’ to that voice! And not
getting back to our Bible study! Not getting back to our prayer!
Not getting back to paying our vows to God! And Satan is still
saying, “You will not die.” And we’re even then beginning to
cry out, “Where is the blessedness I knew when first I saw the
Lord? Where is that soul refreshing view of Jesus’ word?”
“Where is that vivid sense of God, and his love, and his presence?”
And still it’s Satan saying, “You will not die.” And we
dumb-dumbs, we say, “Yeah, yeah, we will not die!” And we’re
half dead already! And we have no sense of God’s life in our
But Satan got us to
the point where we not only question God’s word, but we began to
treasure it less in our own hearts. And then we accepted his
complete contradiction of it. And of course it’s always a quid pro
quo. It’s always, “I’ll give you this, ’For God knows that
when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like
God.’” And Satan always gets into our minds on that level of,
“There’s another way to do this. Now let’s face it, there is
another way to do this. There is certainly -- God was right. That
is a way, but there is another way.”
I think all of us
have found our minds coming to that fatal position where they’re
beginning to side with Satan. And they’re beginning to say, “Yeah,
yeah, there is another way to do this. There’s an easier way.
There’s a way that isn’t quite so hard.” And it comes in all
forms, God tells you, “You have to say to this person in the
office, this. You have to. That’s the only way to bring my peace
and my life into that situation. You have to go and say that to
them.” Or, “You have to go to this friend or this relative and
you’ve to explain this to them. That’s it. That’s what you’ve
to do.” And then Satan gets into our minds and says, “Did God
tell you to do that? Now are you sure he told you to do that, or did
you think of that yourself?” “Well, maybe I did think of it
myself.” “Yeah, well you see, here’s another way to do this.
You don’t need to speak to that person, that’s kind of
embarrassing. You don’t need to go to them that way. Actually,
you just need to pray for them, you don’t need to say a thing.”
And so loved ones,
it’s that ‘slip’. I don’t know if you have that saying. But
we have in Ireland, “There’s often a slip between the cup and the
lip.” And it’s that ‘slip’. The cup comes but there’s a
slip before it gets to the mouth. And old T.S. Elliot says, “There’s
that gap between the thought and the action. And that’s where we
lose our souls.” And really there’s only one way to walk with
the Father in joy, and that is to obey him immediately, and fully,
and completely, and to reject Satan’s attacks on our minds by which
he gets us to try to rationalize the whole thing and see that there’s
a better way to do it.
So loved ones, there
is a delightful to walk. Really, there is. And it’s a way that is
free from all kinds of rationalization, and all kinds of questioning
God. It’s a way of instant obedience to his dear Word and refusing
to allow Satan to get in there. I know. I sympathize with you
because what we all think is, “It’s not Satan at all. It’s
just my own thoughts.” And don’t you see that’s the very heart
of Satan? He appears as a shepherd. He appears as an angel of
light. He appears as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He appears as the
normal action of your own human mind. That’s it. That’s his
joy, to speak to you in such a way that you conclude, “It’s just
my own thoughts.”
And if he can get
you to do that of course, you are doubly lost. Because after you get
away down that road, you begin to say to yourself, “But that was my
own idea.” And of course, it isn’t. It’s never your own idea.
Do you see that? Old Sauer [Eric Sauer, 1898-1959, born in Berlin,
Germany, wrote five books, one of which was “Dawn of World
Redemption”] you remember, says, “One of the reasons we are a
forgivable people is that sin was not our idea.” It wasn’t. Sin
started from Satan. And sin is his idea. And that’s one of the
reasons God is willing and able to forgive us, because we are a
people, in some sense, who were duped and then went after the
deception with all our hearts. So loved ones, No! Don’t accuse
yourself. Rather follow hard after God’s dear word to you when it
comes, and refuse to be deceived by Satan into rationalizing with
your mind.
What I’d like to
share next day is how God intended our minds to be used, and then
Satan’s rationalization about how he thought we should use it, and
of course, the chaos that has come to our own lives.
We’re going to
have a fellowship upstairs, so if you want to pray and seek God for
the fullness of the spirit then you should just stay here, or go into
the prayer room. But if you want to come up and get to know some of
us, do come up into the lounge.
And this week, well
how about just the simple life? Why complicate it? How about the
simple life? How about just doing what God tells you?
Let us pray. Dear
Lord, we thank you for that simple life. We thank you that it is
just, "Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be happy in
Jesus." And Lord, we see that so often Satan has used our own
minds against us. And Lord, we confess that to you, and especially
in this realm of subtly changing your directions to us. Lord, you
love each one of us here in this room with an individual love. And
you have given each one of us individual directions that nobody else
has received. And Lord, we are responsible for following those,
because those very laws that you give us personally are life for us.
Those will be life for us if we obey them.
So Lord, we thank
you that you do speak to each one of us personally and that Satan
will often come in and say, “But oh, he didn’t tell so and so
that.” But Lord, we see that doesn’t matter. You are dealing
with us individually. And so Lord, when you tell us to do a thing,
we intend to do it from this day on. And we intend to stop
rationalizing with our minds and destroying your life before it can
get to us. So Lord, we reject Satan and all his works. We renounce
him and all his works. And oh Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to
obeying you and the voice of the shepherd in every detail the moment
we hear it.
Now the grace of our
Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit, be with each one of us now and throughout this coming week
and forever more. Amen.
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