The Emotions
What Scott read
(today) was good where those dear Israelites said to Jeremiah (Jer.
43:2), “You are telling a lie. The Lord our God did not send you to
say, ‘Do not go to Egypt to live there.’” And I thought it
might be a good place to begin, to remind you all that we are engaged
in tricky stuff here on Sunday evenings -- you probably realize that.
I don’t want to be silly about the stuff, because I think
Gnosticism was the pride of knowledge and esoteric knowledge, and
it’s very easy to change the ground of your salvation from Jesus to
the particular corner on truth that you have.
So it’s very
important for us to see that even though what we discuss on Sunday
evenings is deep, its childishness compared with the final truth.
Nevertheless, it is good to see that it is tricky stuff that we’re
engaged in. It is very easy to come Sunday evening after Sunday
evening with a little notebook and you note down the things that you
have to do now, to be a spiritual person. You come Sunday night
after Sunday night and you take upon yourself more and more laws and
burdens. And if you do that this Sunday evening, the information
will just bring you into bondage -- it really will. I am repeatedly
assuming, (which is why I spent so long in the beginning of the year
talking about the Spirit filled life), I am assuming that you are at
the place where you see that all that you need is in Jesus, and
you’re ready to do whatever, to have that made real in you.
So I’m assuming
you’re in that spot and that you’re coming Sunday night after
Sunday night with an attitude, “Lord if there’s more that you
have done for me on the cross, will you reveal it to me tonight?”
So that when light comes to you, you immediately see that it’s me
saying, “What Jesus did for you? Well, forgave you your sins. And
then do you know what else he did for you? Oh -- and tonight I want
to tell you something he did for you.” That’s the spirit of
these evening sharing’s, and it’s up to you to take it in that
spirit and say, “Lord, I didn’t know that you did that for me.”
And then when you find that little thing inside you that says, “And
I would prefer that you didn’t do that for me,” then that’s
good. That’s good because God is lovingly putting a little point
of his knife into something that has to be circumcised just there.
That’s a good time, don’t be afraid of that.
But if you are in
fact a man or a woman who is under the law, and you don’t really
see that Jesus alone can live the Godly life through you, and you’re
trying to live it yourself, then these evenings are going to be very
hard on you. The only way you can bare the evening teachings is if
you really see that you cannot do it and you say, “Lord I can’t
do it. But Lord Jesus, if you did this for me, if you removed this
thing from me, and you give me this thing (that I’m hearing about)
then by your Holy Spirit I want to receive that and I want that made
real in me by hook or by crook.” So it’s good to have that
attitude to Sunday evenings, loved ones.
I think you have to
put up with me! I’ve said to you, “You’ve got me, and you have
to put up with me.” I think that today we live in a day of
men-pleasers, and you have two extremes of authority. You have the
Jim Jones type -- and it seems to me there are other groups like
that, where it’s a harsh kind of authoritarianism where you have
some man telling everybody else what they ought to do. Or on the
other hand, you have men-pleasers; people such as I used to be as a
minister -- where I had “itching ears”. That’s the mark of
false prophets; I had ears that were itching to hear what you, as a
congregation, wanted me to say, so that you’d like me. So it seems
there are those two extremes today, and this is a real crisis of
authority in the days that we’re living now.
Probably until the
Antichrist comes, there will be those two emphases: this harsh,
dictatorial domination of men on the one side, and on the other side,
these weak-kneed diluted preachers who are afraid to say anything
that will offend. Now loved ones, it’s up to us to help one
another and pray for one another and love one another down that
middle road. When something touches you, the first thing is to go to
God and say, “Lord, I don’t know whether Pastor is right or not,
but that came home to me. Now will you show me if there’s
something here that needs to be dealt with?” That’s the only
safe place, loved ones, it honestly is. The only safe place is one
of humility. And if you say to me, “Could you ever be wrong?”
Wrong? A thousand times -- I’m a dumb dumb; a poor miserable
idiot, who’s trying to read God’s heart. Sure, I could be wrong
a thousand times – but that isn’t the issue.
The issue is that
the Holy Spirit took something that some poor idiot said, and brought
it home to your conscience. That then ceases to be the voice of that
idiot, and that becomes the voice of God to you and that’s where we
dwell, loved ones. We don’t have infallible preaches -- we don’t,
and we’ve never had them -- the world has never had them. The
world has always had creatures that were sent by God to do his
bidding, and they said a lot of right things and a lot of wrong
things. But the big thing was, the Holy Spirit took some of their
words and made them real to certain consciences and hearts, and when
that happened, that was the word of God to that person and that’s
where we sit.
So all the time we
sit here, Sunday after Sunday, we are saying, “Holy Spirit, hold up
your umbrella to save me from the stuff I shouldn’t hear tonight,
and bring through to me the things that I should hear.” That’s
the only safe place loved ones, so I do encourage you to take that
I’d like to try to
talk a little about the emotions tonight, and maybe have a short time
for questions. I’ll take it a little at a time, Sunday evening by
Sunday evening; no big, long, presentation, but just a little, so
that the Holy Spirit can implant seeds in our hearts, and so that you
can ask me, where I’m able, to clarify what I’ve said.
The emotions are
obviously the part of us that register happiness, sadness, despair,
despondency, elation, joy, delight, melancholy, resentment, even
hatred. So when you think of the emotions, you begin to realize that
they cover the greater part of your psychological personality,
because the mind is the part of us that reasons and judges, and the
will is the part of us that decides and executes. So apart from
those functions that are performed by the mind and the will, the
emotions perform all the other functions. And you don’t need me to
tell you that any one of us here will say, “Boy, the emotions,
then, are about the biggest part of my personality.”
And actually that’s
true -- they are. They’re about the biggest part of most of our
personalities. It’s hard, even when you examine the life of an
Einstein who is a very intellectual person; you find that he also was
a very emotional person, and very sensitive in his emotions. So it’s
difficult, even when you get a very cerebral personality, that is --
a very intellectual personality -- it’s really hard to say that the
intellect in that person occupies more of their time, and their
reactions, and their responses than the emotions. In most of us, the
emotions occupy most of our life, and are the greater part of our
personality life.
Even those of us who
were born of very willful mums or dads -- the kind that just keep
on, and on, and on, like a tank -- even those of us who inherited
some of that willfulness, that stubbornness, that determination --
even in us, the emotions usually occupy a greater part of our
personality than the will. So really, when you talk about emotion,
you’re talking about the larger part of most peoples’ lives, and
you’re talking therefore about a great playground for Satan or a
beautiful place for Jesus to dwell.
Now what I would
suggest you do here at the beginning is to look at a perfect
personality. You remember Oswald Chambers said the study of
psychology should be the study of the perfect man rather than the
study of the imperfect man. But so much psychology is, I’m afraid,
the study of the diseased personalities that so many of us are at
different times. So it’s important to look at the perfect
personality and see how emotions were meant to operate.
So loved ones, would
you take a Bible and will you turn to John 17:1. The perfect
personality, of course, is God’s son Jesus. We begin reading where
it’s coming up to the time when Jesus is going to be arrested:
“When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven
and said, ‘Father, the hour has come; glorify thy Son that the Son
may glorify thee, since thou hast given him power over all flesh, to
give eternal life to all whom thou hast given him. And this is
eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ
whom thou hast sent. I glorified thee on earth, having accomplished
the work which thou gavest me to do; and now, Father, glorify thou me
in thy own presence with the glory which I had with thee before the
world was made.’” You can sense some of the warmth between Jesus
and his Father, and some of the enthusiasm as he looked forward to
returning into his Father’s immediate presence. You can sense a
whole life of the emotion there, between him and his Father.
Now then would you
look at Verse 25, “O righteous Father, the world has not known
thee, but I have known thee; and these know that thou hast sent me.
I made known to them thy name, and I will make it known, that the
love with which thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.”
And so there was a whole love relationship between Jesus and his
Father, and then he (Jesus) hits the circumstances (John 18:1):
“When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his
disciples across the Kidron valley, where there was a garden, which
he and his disciples entered. Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew
the place; for Jesus often met there with his disciples. So Judas,
procuring a band of soldiers and some officers from the chief priests
and the Pharisees, went there with lanterns and torches and weapons.
Then Jesus, knowing all that was to befall him, came forward and said
to them, ‘Whom do you seek?’ They answered him, ‘Jesus of
Nazareth.’ Jesus said to them, ‘I am he.’ Judas, who betrayed
him, was standing with them. When he said to them, “I am he,”
they drew back and fell to the ground. Again he asked them, ‘Whom
do you seek?’ And they said, ‘Jesus of Nazareth.’ Jesus
answered, ‘I told you that I am he; so, if you seek me, let these
men go.’ This was to fulfil the word which he had spoken, ‘Of
those whom thou gavest me I lost not one.’ Then Simon Peter,
having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s slave and cut
off his right ear. The slave’s name was Malchus. Jesus said to
Peter, “Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup
which the Father has given me?’”
That’s the way our
emotions are meant to operate: Jesus emotions were governed, first
and foremost, by the real life that he had with his Father. We would
call it the life we have in our quiet times or our prayer times, but
that’s what governed his emotions. So he came away from that
continual fellowship with his Father with a great quietness of
spirit. So when the lanterns swung in the darkness, and he heard the
clang of the swords, he wasn’t moved by it at all; he carried on
with the same peace of his emotions that he had when he and his
Father were on their own together. And then when he came to the time
when they were going to arrest him, it was almost him that had to
encourage them (his captors) to do something, “Listen I am Jesus of
Nazareth,” and they fell back at that in surprise and he said, “I
am Jesus -- what do you want?”
You notice the peace
he had in his heart as he said, “I’m the one you’re looking for
so let these men go.” He was at such peace that he wasn’t all
riled up about himself, but he was concerned about the others. He
had a real calmness in his heart and his emotions -- now loved ones,
that’s the normal way for the emotions to work. In other words,
the emotions are governed by your friendship and relationship with
your dear Father in heaven; that’s what governs everything. It’s
not the outside circumstances, it’s not the outside events, it’s
your relationship with God -- that’s the way we’re meant to
In communion with
God, Jesus knew what was going to happen because you see in John
18:4, “Then Jesus, knowing all that was to befall him, came forward
and said to them, ‘Whom do you seek?’” So in communion with
God he had a real peace and joy with his Father, the big thing was --
he was on his way to return to his Father. He was enjoying the love
that his Father had for him. He was filled with that, and he knew
through his communion with God, by intuition, what was going to
happen to him so he walked right into the midst of the circumstances,
was not shook by them at all, was not influenced by them or thrown
into panic by them, but continued on as if it was just him and his
Father. Now that’s the way our emotions are meant to operate.
Any of you who know
Latin know that “movere” is “to move” and becomes our English
word “move”. And “eH” is “ex” – “out of”.
“Emotions” actually means moving out. And that’s the normal way
the emotions are meant to operate; they’re meant to move out from
the center of our beings, from us as we really are with God, they’re
meant to move out and govern our bodies and govern our expressions to
other people. That’s the normal life of an ordinary man or woman
in God’s world. Now the abnormal life is there in Verse 10, “Then
Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s
slave and cut off his right ear.” That’s the abnormal life --
where the emotions are utterly overwhelmed and controlled by the
outward situation. So Peter sees the people coming towards him and
he sees the swords so he draws out his own sword and swings --that’s
the abnormal life of the emotion, emotions that are governed from the
Now you can see
that’s why your emotions or my emotions move so much from one side
to the other. Have you noticed that tremendous happiness is usually
followed by depression or melancholy? And a great time of feeling
outgoing and unselfish to others is often followed by complete
preoccupation with yourself? It’s because the emotions are
governed by the outside world which is always changing, and as the
outside world changes, so change your emotions. Now you may say,
“Well, why do the emotions change so quickly and the mind, for
instance, doesn’t? Or why doesn’t the will change quite as
quickly?” Well, because God has linked the emotions closely to the
body for a purpose.
The emotions are to
be the last chain, the last messenger that tells the body what to do.
That’s God’s plan. Therefore the emotions are very close to the
body; when you’re embarrassed, you blush. Immediately the
circulation of your blood is influenced by the emotion you feel,
because actually that’s the way God meant your body to work: that
you’d feel a thing in your emotions and then you’d express it
through your body. Of course the abnormal life works the other way
around and that’s why your emotions are so changeable, because
they’re so closely connected to your body and whatever your body is
experiencing that immediately stimulates the emotions.
And of course that’s
why so many of us have what we call spiritual lives. They’re not
spiritual lives at all but we say, “Oh, our spiritual life is up
and down.” Well, it’s not our spiritual life that is up and down
-- it’s nothing to do with our spirit. Our spirit at that time is
usually half asleep; it’s our emotional life that is up and down.
But many of us actually live in our emotions most of the time. It’s
very interesting that many of us think we’re living in our spirits
but we’re actually all the time living emotionally. That’s what
François Fenelon was trying to get at in that second paragraph that
was in today’s bulletin. He said, “The second step in coming
into victory is to cease to rest on the pleasures of inward
Now inward
sensibility, for him, means emotions. The struggle here is in
general more severe and prolonged. It is hard to die to those inward
tastes and relishes which make us feel so happy and which God usually
permits us to enjoy and to rest upon in our first experience. When
we lose our inward happiness we are very apt to think that we lose
God and that’s because many of us live in our emotions and not
really in our spirits. Our emotions are effected, very readily, by
the environment our body is in. So some of us actually read God’s
word, and if God’s word agrees with our emotions, we obey it; if
God’s word doesn’t agree with our emotions, we refuse it. It
gets back, actually, to that strong word of Jeremiah, “You lie to
us.” Have you ever found yourself reacting against some truth and
thinking, “No, no, that can’t be.” It’s because your
emotional life is so strong and is being guided from the outside,
rather than from the inside by your relationship with God.
Many of us, of
course, say in response to that, “Oh, then you mean a spiritual man
or a spiritual woman is one who is not emotional.” No -- if you
try to annihilate your emotions you’ll become as abnormal as a
person who uses their emotions the wrong way. You’ll become one of
those people who are cold and distant from others and who cannot love
the brothers and sisters (in the church), and cannot rejoice with
those who rejoice, or weep with those who weep. You know, whenever
you meet one of those old saints that know God, you don’t think of
a person who is emotionless. In fact, it seems that they’re freer
with their emotions than anybody else. So loved ones, the Spirit
filled life is not a life without emotion.
Jesus showed plenty
of emotion: he wept when he met Mary and Martha and they told him
about Lazareth’s dying. He showed great emotion when he showed
pity and sympathy for the woman caught in adultery. Jesus showed
emotion. So a spiritual life is not one that annihilates emotion; a
spiritual life is one where the emotions are moving out from within,
and that’s the difference between inspiration and emotion. Emotion
is where the outside circumstances and the outside events dictate
what you feel in your emotions. Inspiration is where God moves --
from within.
There is an example
of it, really a terrifying example, in Exodus. Would you look at it,
it’s Exodus 32 -- which certainly will banish any thought that the
Spirit-filled life is one without emotions. Moses of course, does it
very well -- but again, its emotions moving as God planned for them
to move. Exodus 32:7, “And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Go down; for
your people, whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt, have
corrupted themselves; they have turned aside quickly out of the way
which I commanded them; they have made for themselves a molten calf,
and have worshiped it and have sacrificed to it, and said, ‘These
are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of
Egypt!’ And the Lord said to Moses, ‘I have seen this people,
and behold, it is a stiff-necked people.’”
Now again; God gave
it to Moses inside, so in his fellowship with God, in his communion
with God, Moses sensed what God thought and what he felt. And then
you probably want to see the absolutely emotionless way in which he
expressed it! Verse 19, “And as soon as he came near the camp and
saw the calf and the dancing, Moses’ anger burned hot, and he threw
the tables out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the
mountain. And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it
with fire, and ground it to powder, and scattered it upon the water,
and made the people of Israel drink it.” Yes -- very emotionless!
So there’s a lot
of emotion in the close walk with Jesus. The distinction is not one
between emotion and no emotion, but between inspiration and emotion.
Between feelings that come as an expression of what you have in your
spirit from God, as opposed to emotion that comes from without. And
that’s the emotion that gives us trouble loved ones -- you know it,
you don’t need me to say it. You go into situations and they’re
boiling with tension and with hatred and before you know it your own
little soul is boiling away the same way and you just can’t hold it
down. Or any of us, even when we were children at home, you know
what happened when we all had to get going somewhere and we were
late; it’s impossible to keep calm, it’s just impossible. Every
dad is running around, mums are running around, grabbing that,
grabbing this, getting out into the car and everybody’s worked up
into a frenzy by the time they get into the car.
And it’s the same
whatever we’re doing. All our disease, our sickness, our ulcers,
our tension, our strain; they all come loved ones, from being
dominated by the outside world -- you know they do and I know they
do. You’re walking into the office on Monday morning; you’ve
really prayed up before you go in, and you walk into the office
determined you are going to be kind to that miserable, sarcastic brat
on the other side of the desk. You sit down, and she says one
sentence and that’s it -- the old emotions respond -- it’s a
reflex response. That’s why if you say to me, “Well brother
that’s right. How do I become normal?” You don’t -- if you’d
only see that once and for all. You can’t become normal. You
can’t take your personality that is, at the moment, twisted and
perverted and operating the wrong way, and make it work the right
way. You can’t.
That’s where all
the books that suggest that you can do it by your own self
discipline, or by practicing some little tricks of psychology you can
somehow begin to control your emotions. You can’t loved ones. And
I hate to bore you but you do have to find out that there is no way,
just no way in which you are going to reverse that situation. There
isn’t. There is only one who can, there is only one.
That is exactly what
happens if you follow those green arrows (Looking at a diagram that
shows green arrows pointing from the things of the world that so
often influence our emotions.) You go in to work with all the best
resolutions in the world: you’re going to be kind to that sarcastic
so-and-so on the other side of the desk, and you get in and she makes
one comment that comes in from the world, through your ears of your
body, and it hits your emotions. With most of us our mind isn’t
involved in the thing, our mind has no chance, the will is a poor
little henpecked husband because it can do nothing – it just hits
the emotions and it darts right out again -- that’s the level on
which many of our lives are lived. The only way to change that is if
God, in Jesus’ dear death, has utterly flooded out that personality
and has given us a new one.
And that’s why we
talk about this as the process experience of sanctification; because
bringing these emotions from getting joy back to expressing joy is an
experience that comes by accepting, “Lord I accept and I know that
you have taken these emotions of mine, and Lord Jesus as you bent
yours under your own will there in the garden when you were arrested,
so I know you took my emotions and you bent mine under your will
also. I know you’ve done that, and I know Lord that therefore I am
able to have that made real in me -- anything that you have done, I
am able to experience. Anything that you have not done, I am not
able to experience, with all my willpower. So Lord I know that has
happened. Now by your Holy Spirit, will you begin to work and make
that real in me?” And then the Holy Spirit lovingly begins to work
on your emotions, and begins, usually, to teach you how to listen to
him and how to spend more time with him.
And usually loved
ones, it comes not from concentrating on the emotions at all, but
concentrating on the Holy Spirit. That’s the meaning of that verse
in Romans 8:13, “for if you live according to the flesh you will
die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you
will live.” Now that’s it you see, “If by the Spirit you put
to death the deeds of the body.” In other words, there’s only
one way to get the reality of what Jesus has done for your emotions
on the cross into your own life; that is by the Holy Spirit taking
this and putting it inside me. That’s the only way – by a
That’s what we
mean, “If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body.”
If you try to do it by the flesh you’ll become an emotionless
person. You’ll say to yourself, “I have to get hold of these
emotions. I’m going to get hold of these emotions.” And so
you’ll go way over to one extreme, or you’ll become absolutely
insensitive to everybody. You’ll become some kind of a perverted
being in another way. The only way to have the emotions trained and
molded to be a fit servant of your spirit is the Holy Spirit doing
it. So it is by faith you see, it’s by faith.
So don’t get all
upset about yourself; the way through it is by realizing that God in
Jesus changed that and he has a pure, emotional personality that is
perfectly balanced that belongs to each one of us. There is perfect
emotional equipment that has been renewed and resurrected in Jesus,
and the Holy Spirit is able to make that real in you as you believe
that and as you submit to the Holy Spirit and trust him.
So it involves a lot
of going to the office and saying, “Holy Spirit, I am lost if that
dear soul on the other side of that desk speaks as she normally does.
I am lost, unless you somehow rescue me and save me.” And you go
in and she speaks and you whip right back and the Holy Spirit, after
you get quiet again, says, “Well, you were too busy with her. Next
time I want you not to preoccupy yourself with her, but to get down
to working at things on your desk.” The Holy Spirit will guide
you; he will guide you positively how to begin to live from within.
Loved ones that
really is the only way to begin to come into victory in your
emotional life. If you don’t do that you will become more and more
dominated by your circumstances and by other people and you in fact
become the play thing of Satan. That’s why many of us are tired so
often; none of us really are tired at all, but we feel tired but we
never make any distinction between bodily fatigue, which really does
require some rest, and emotional weariness because the emotions and
selfish emotion is very self favoring and it produces, really,
laziness. I don’t know if you find yourself at home at times
thinking, “Oh, am I just lazy?” And often it’s because we’re
emotionally drained and we feel, “I just have to back off for
awhile.” We’ll never be able to distinguish between real
physical fatigue and simply emotional weariness, or just laziness
that comes from fearfulness and a lack of faith, unless we begin to
come into this life where our emotions operate as they’re meant to
Maybe because this
dear fellow is so balanced, I just would like to read something very
short that (Watchman) Nee says about the emotional person and I think
we’ll probably see ourselves in it. “Anyone who acts from
emotion cares neither for principal nor for reason but only for his
feeling. Should he be happy or thrilled he may be tempted to
undertake what he ordinarily knows as unreasonable but when he feels
cold, melancholy, or despondent he will not so much as fulfill his
duty for his feeling fails to go along. If God’s children would
pay a little attention to their emotion they would note how
changeable it actually can be and how dangerous it is therefore to
walk by it.” And that’s true, when we’re governed by our
emotions, we can act when our emotions are enthusiastic, but if
they’re not enthusiastic we find ourselves in passivity. So they’re
not really our servant, they’re actually our master.
He says, “One
quality which characterizes a spiritual person is the great calm he
maintains under every circumstance. Whatever may happen around him
or however much he may be provoked, he accepts it all calmly and
exhibits an unmovable nature. He is one who is able to regulate his
every feeling because his emotion has been yielded to the cross and
his will and spirit are permeated with the power of the Holy Spirit.
No extreme provocation has the strength to unsettle him.” And
loved ones, that’s God’s will for us, and only when we do that do
we become useful for him, because while we’re at the mercy of our
emotions we’re actually at the mercy of the world and finally at
the mercy of Satan.
Now loved ones,
there are lots more things to be said, but does anyone want me to
clarify anything or anybody want to add anything that would be
helpful? It really gets back, as you can see, to where the heart of
your life is, doesn’t it? It really does. Because obviously when
you’re dependent on your friends then your emotions are under their
control you see. So it really probably gets back to -- where do you
get the heart of your life from, is it from your dear Father in
heaven? And if it is, then there comes from you the joy of that and
the peace of that and that overwhelms every other circumstance you
come into.
Have you ever
noticed there’s a difference between going into a situation filled
and going into a situation empty like a piece of blotting paper, just
ready to absorb anything that comes in? Maybe we actually if we go
into every situation filled with the spirit; filled with the joy and
delight in God, and then everything comes right and you interpret
things rightly. There’s a lot of Christianity today that is just
emotion, I think we all know that. The important thing is to
concentrate on God and see that we’re not involved in that.
Question from the
audience (inaudible)
I agree. There’s
a difference being under control of your emotions, but it seems to me
one important aspect of emotions is the [inaudible 40:17] and so
[inaudible 40:19] information comes into the senses and so that must
be an important aspect must be emotions [inaudible 40:30] and first
and most of the anger that way that anger will [inaudible
40:44-40:47], because they receive that through their senses.
David is saying that
are the emotions not used in the reception of the information that
comes from the world that brings about your response? And I suppose
the plan that the Father has for us Dave, is that we would actually
not read the world so much through our emotions as through our mind
directing our eyes, and the mind would be directed by the will, and
it would in turn be directed by the conscience and by our fellowship
with God so that it would see things as they really are. So I’m
sure it’s God’s plan that I would look at Dave as he comes in to
talk with me and I would observe things with my eyes and yet I would
be in a place of quietness with God where I’d also have the insight
of the Holy Spirit to read him rightly.
In other words,
certainly reading him physically, but realizing that even that was
limited. Most of all reading him intuitively by my spirit, and then
being free to express to him through balanced emotions what God
wanted. I think the tragedy is that many of us find our emotions
getting in the way of all that, like smoke. We come into a situation
-- especially an emotional situation -- and I think of funerals. It
seems funerals are a time when it’s a great blessing if you can
walk as God wants you to walk, because then your emotions are under
the control of your spirit so you are not insensitive and you can
weep with those that weep but is as not that weeping unto death that
so often is present at a funeral parlor. It is an emotion that is
right to express the love and the empathy that you feel for them, and
yet your emotions are not absolutely overwhelming you so that you do
have the presence of mind to speak and to do what is needed.
So I think Dave,
that I know what you’re saying, I thought of that myself; “Now
aren’t the emotions in some way part of the receiving equipment
that human beings have?” And I think probably, God’s will is
that we would receive mostly through an emotion that is under the
control of his Spirit. And so if there is some receiving through the
emotion, it’s receiving through an emotion that is controlled and
directed by the spirit.
Now I think you’d
agree that so often that’s where we fail to even read a situation
right, because our own emotions are contributing something to our
reading of it and so we don’t actually read it right. But I
certainly agree with you; I can’t say to Dave, “I perceive you
spiritually at this moment. Now I’m seeing you with my emotions.”
I’m sure that one can’t do that, so I agree with you. It seems
to me the key is that the emotions would be so under the control of
our fellowship with God that they would not be a smoke screen or
cloud the issue, but would be an aid to us in reading a situation
responding to it.
[Question Inaudible
Yes. That’s why I
thought it was good to read that bit by Moses where he hurled the
tablets of stone! And it seems to me there are times, as you can see
in Luther’s life and in the lives of others who protested against
real blasphemies against God, there are times when you speak out with
strength. I honestly would say that Jesus words to the true ones
“whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” -- if you’re
prepared to lose your natural life and give it over to him suddenly
you find it. You find that you’re more of a personality than you
ever were before.
Now it seems to me
that those who are delivered from that part of self and preoccupation
with self are freer to be themselves than anybody else. And they’re
freer from inhibitions because they’re freer from caring what
people think of them, or what the consequences of their doing certain
things might be, and therefore they’re freer personalities than
they were before. I would think that that’s what I have found;
that Jesus gives you greater freedom to be yourself than you ever had
before so, yeah I agree.
The issue isn’t -
actually I think some of you get a little twisted up on this, the
issue isn’t, “In this church we all have to pray real quiet, and
we don’t want any fast music, and we don’t want any loud song,
and we don’t want any wild clapping or dancing in the aisles.”
That’s dumb! You can have all of those if they come from within --
that’s the heart of it. Are they coming from our joy in our
Father’s presence, or are they coming because the guy beside us is
doing it, or because the rhythm is getting hold of our physical
emotions? That’s the heart of the thing you know. It’s not the
outward - it’s not that all spiritual Christian’s are very quiet,
or all spiritual Christian’s don’t show emotion, it’s that it
comes from within.
And joyously, it’s
not a conscious, posturing thing. It’s a delight in our Father’s
presence; it’s a delight in your Father. It’s actually putting
God first and loving him and everything else follows. So it is a
delightful thing. So don’t get the idea, “I don’t want to
spill the spirit out by rocking too much.” No, it’s a joyful
preoccupation with God as our dear Father who loves us, and then
letting everything come from that. What Augustine said, “Love God
and do what you like.” Really, that’s true.
[Question inaudible
Well I, I just know
Clyde that I was so glad when the time came in my life when I was
driving along in my car and found myself smiling to Jesus. That was
so good, you know, because then I wasn’t doing it because they
taught us in seminary how to smile when somebody is watching, but
just because I was delighted in Jesus and it seems that that’s the
heart of it; that it’s only possible to rejoice when it’s a
spontaneous thing that comes from within. But those of you who may
not have found that joy yet, loved ones; honestly, it’s only for
one reason; because God is not the dearest one to you. That’s
it, honestly.
Whenever you
eventually size things up and see that really in this world there is
not much beside God, and God becomes all in all to you, that’s when
joy overflows. I know it because I knew the old way, where God was
not all in all to me. Those people got on my nerves who said,
“Rejoice and again I say rejoice,” I thought, “Sure rejoice,
but we have to fight the good fight and we have to struggle against
temptation.” And that’s what life was for me you know. But it
just is different when I surrendered all, “All to Jesus I
surrender, I surrender all.” Oh, that’s a dear, a dear place to
Let’s pray.
Dear Jesus thou art
everything to me. And everything I own I give to thee. My world, my
all, but most of all dear Lord, I give myself to thee. Dear Lord, we
see that you are happy all the time. We see that there isn’t a
moment when you are not bursting with joy and happiness because
you’re right with our dear Father, your dear Father, in heaven.
And then suddenly it strikes us Lord, that that’s exactly where we
are; because those of us who are dead in our trespasses and sins, you
have raised up and made to sit with you in the heavenly places in
Christ Jesus. And that’s us, and that’s where we are tonight.
And oh Lord Jesus,
we would believe that tonight, we would accept that by faith, that
that’s where we are and Lord, we want to get to know this heaven.
We want to get to know its joys and delights. We want to get to know
the angels here, we want to get to know the others who are with you
here, we want to get to know what it’s like to see that dear old
world down below us from this position. And so Lord, we accept by
faith that we have been crucified and have been raised and made to
sit with you in heavenly places, and we thank you for that spot.
And dear Father, we
intend to spend more of our time with you here. We intend to enjoy
what we’ve called prayer times up to this moment; we intend to
enjoy those more. We intend to enjoy talking to you more, delighting
in the things that you’ve made, thanking you for leaves that we see
brown on the ground. Thanking you for rivers and water that we see.
Beginning to enjoy the world with you and tell you how much we enjoy
all the things that you’ve given us.
Lord, we intend to
begin to live as normal children of our heavenly Father and put you
first in our lives and fill our hearts with the joy and the peace
that you give. Then Lord, we know that all the rest will follow.
When we delight ourselves in the Lord, he will give us the desires of
our hearts. We will walk into this office tomorrow morning with such
a sense of delight and peace and joy, that that will touch everything
we touch and that will moderate and influence every circumstance and
situation, and that will filter out the evil from all the things that
are fed into us by our colleagues and by others.
Lord we thank you
for that, thank you that this is your will for us. So Father we
would come to you now and thank you that in Jesus you destroy those
old emotions and that old emotional equipment that was so tied to
circumstances and peoples comments. We thank you that you’ve given
us new emotions that are used to working outward from you and from
our friendship with you. And now Holy Spirit, we trust you to begin
to replace our emotions with our new and real ones, the ones that we
have from Jesus at the right hand of God. Lord, we give ourselves to
you for this purpose. Thank you that it’s possible to live above
the world and live free. Thank you Lord. Thank you.
The Grace of our
Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit be with each one of us now and throughout this coming week.
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