The Laws of the
Spirit No. 1
What I’d like to
share, or begin to share with you about tonight is our 'spirits'.
And your spirit is the 'real you'. That’s probably the best way to
put it. Your spirit is where you really are yourself. And it is
really important to know what your spirit is like, because that’s
what governs what you do to other people. It’s interesting, but
the 'real you' determines what effect your life has on other people.
And it just came home to me again today. You remember how God said,
“Let there be light,” and there was light. You remember how it
said in the Bible that he created us out of nothing, and he took the
things that were not and made them things that are. Well, really,
you will only be able to do that when that is your spirit attitude to
other people.
And I think most of
us here would admit that the difficulties we find in other people,
whether it’s our colleagues, or the people we meet at work, or the
people we meet at school, or the people here, our difficulty is they
aren’t what we think they should be. And usually, we do nothing to
help them. Usually, our spirits are standing off from them with a
whip in our hands, whipping them for not being what we want them to
be. Usually, that is the attitude of our spirits -- for all kinds of
reasons: sometimes we’re afraid of them, sometimes we’re
disappointed and depressed about ourselves, and it feels good to be
able to whip somebody else and to persuade yourself that you’re a
little better than them. But for whatever reason, often, whether
it’s our loved ones, or our friends, or our colleagues, our inner
spirits, the inner man inside us, is actually standing back and
whipping the people we work with, the people we live with, even the
people we worship with. And nothing will ever come about in their
lives while you and I have spirits that are doing that.
And you must admit,
nothing is going to happen in their lives unless some miraculous work
of creation takes place, unless God is able to somehow create in them
something that isn’t there at all: an insight into him, or a love
for other people, or the steadiness and stability in their emotions.
Unless that happens, they’re going to be forever people that will
be a blot in the world and will be a problem for us to get along
And yet, loved ones,
nothing is ever going to happen in the lives of your friends, or your
relatives, or my friends, or my colleagues, unless our spirits want
the very best for them. Unless our spirits are filled with that love
that Jesus has for us. Because, you must admit, you and I would be
nowhere if it hadn’t been for this dear Savior that kept believing
the best about us, and that would not put his eyes on our failures,
and would not whip us for our disappointments. But he kept on
believing the best about us, and having faith in us when nobody else
had faith. And our spirits will be used by God to create life in
others when our spirits are like that towards other people.
And so I’d just
share with you that it really isn’t at the level of our mind and
emotions; it’s at the level of our spirits. It’s deep down in
our innermost being, the part of us that is called our inner man in
the Bible. It’s there that love dwells. It’s there where you
are used by God to affect other people. And, I’d ask you to see it
as being as deep and pure as that. In a way, it’s nice to say to
other people I love you, but that’s just an outward physical
expression. In a way, it’s nice at times to feel an affection for
certain people, or a sympathy with certain people, or a sorrow for
certain people. But all that lacks any spirit power to create
anything in them. Only when you and I love them and want the best
for them from the very depths of our being, only then will 'spirit
life' be created in them.
And of course, what
I saw again today, was the tragedy with you and me is we don’t see
the disaster in our friends’ lives. We don’t see the disaster!
We don’t see that there’s nothing there! We’re so busy
comparing it with the great things we have in our life, or we’re so
busy persuading ourselves that we’re superior to them that we don’t
see the terrible, deadly disaster that is taking place in their
lives. And often it is because they’re managing quite well. They
seem to be traveling along quite well. They seem to be managing
their jobs, and managing their relationships. But if we could only
see the death that is at the center of their lives, if we could only
see the desperation that is at the center of their lives, if we could
only see the hopelessness that is at the center of their lives, we
would see that it requires every good wish that we can have for them
to get any life in them at all.
So loved ones, it is
important what your spirit is like and what my spirit is like. And,
sure, it’s important the words that we say and the actions we do.
But actually those physical actions and physical words, all they do
is glorify God. They don’t, of themselves, actually affect
anything in a person. And it is good to say the right words, and
point them to the right books, and say comforting things to them, and
things that will help them understand. That’s good, but actually
all that does is glorify God by your personality working together in
unity. It’s nice similarly, to weep with them at times, and to
laugh with them at times. It’s nice to sympathize with them and be
sorry for them. It’s good to be emotional in that way with them.
But all that does is glorify God by another personality and another
soul being possessed by the spirit. But what really changes them,
what really does something in the spirits of your friends and my
friends is our spirit deep down in purity, loving them, wanting the
very best for them -- even if it should mean our own death -- wanting
the very best for them. And really, when you begin to want that, God
will answer your prayers.
And here is the
tragedy, we get our prayers answered. We do! I know; I agree with
you; they have free wills. I agree with you that we could do the
very best for them and they could still turn against God. But many
of our colleagues, many of our friends, many of the people we work
with and study with, are as they are, because the deepest prayers of
our spirits have been answered. That’s right. And I think it’s
a psychologist that once said to a group of parents, “You get the
children you deserve and you have the children that you want.” And
maybe that has only something of truth in it. Maybe that’s only a
partial truth.
But loved ones, in
the spiritual realm that is really true; God answers prayer. His
spirit brings about in our friends what our spirits want. And
really, if you find yourselves surrounded with dear colleagues and
friends who are alive, and are moving in God, and are moving more
into his sweetness and his fragrance, that is, possibly, a reflection
of what your spirit is doing for them. But if you find yourself with
deadheads all around you -- they just don’t move. They don’t see
anything of God. They aren’t moving towards him at all. It is
possible that there is no creation of life in them, because your own
spirit doesn’t want the very best for them. Deep down where the
'real you' dwells, there isn’t Jesus’ love for them.
And oh it’ll be so
good, if we at our age -- at the age that most of us are at with a
lot of years still ahead of us, it would be so good if we could see
that. It’s so easy, you know, for a father when he’s 65 or 70,
to look at his son whose liver is destroyed by the alcoholism, and
the wreck of his marriage is lying there in children living away from
home and a wife that is far away -- it’s so easy for a father of 65
or 70, to look at that situation and to want so badly that it would
be different, and to have so much love that wants to create life in
that son. It’s so easy to see it then! But it’s usually too
late to see it then. And oh! It would be so good, if we here would
begin to get that kind of love and purity in our spirits where we
wanted the very best for our friends -- the very best for our
colleagues, where -- even if it meant that they got on better than we
did, even if it meant they took our job from us -- we wanted that
more than anything else.
Loved ones, I
honestly do think that if we could – if suddenly, by a miracle, we
could light up this air, and undoubtedly God is able to do it -- if
we could light up this air so that the emanation of all our spirits
could be seen clearly, it would just be interesting to see what the
emanation of your spirit and my spirit is. It would be interesting
to see how many of our spirits are wanting what Jesus wants for our
friends and for our dear ones.
And so, I just
mentioned to you that this question of what our spirits are like is
very important because that’s where the real power is. And so,
that’s what we’ll be talking about over these next weeks, our
spirits. And those of you, who maybe are here for the first time,
have gathered, by what I said, that obviously, your spirit is the
innermost part. It’s the real you and the 'soul' is just an
expression of that. 'Soul' is the mind and emotions. It’s just an
expression of what is in our spirit. And then, of course, our body
with the hands, and the face, and the eyes, and the tongue, simply
expresses what is in our soul. So the heart of the whole matter is
our spirits.
As some of you may
remember, one of the things we shared was the real difficulty we have
of affecting our spirits. Do you remember that? We likened our
spirits to the 'Holy of Holies' in the temple. And do you remember,
we said that in the outer court of the temple there was daylight?
And there all the people came and brought their sacrifices and
everything could be seen. And that we likened, you remember, to our
bodies. And so if you have a cut in your finger, if there something
happens in the outer court, you can put a bandage round it and you
can cure it. You can see what is wrong with your body, and you can
fix it. So, obviously, there’s no problem with affecting your
[Shows diagram here]
Similarly, to a
certain extent, in the holy place you can see. There is candlelight,
you remember, in the holy place -- in the old temple that Solomon
built. There is the light of the candles. It isn’t as clear as
daylight, but it is light. So you can see where the showbread is,
and you can see where the candles are, and where the laver is. So
with our minds and emotions -- with our souls -- you can see a little
there -- not as clearly as with your body, but you can. You can
think, “What is my mind thinking? What are my emotions feeling?
What is my will willing?” And when you see your mind beginning to
go in the wrong direction, you can change it. When you see your
emotions feeling a resentment that is wrong, you can change it. So,
even in the soul, you can in some way affect it.
Do you remember what
we said? Everything in the old temple, in the 'outer court' and in
the 'holy place', was carried on in response to what went on in the
'Holy of Holies'. And the Holy of Holies was absolutely dark,
because God himself was there. And there was no light needed because
of his presence. And he was working there by the faith of the people
in the outer court and the holy place. And what went on there, went
on by God’s activity, or the activity of the Spirit of God in
response to the faith that was exercised by the people out in the
outer court and in the holy place.
Now loved ones, you
remember, we said it was same with our spirits. You can’t actually
affect your spirit, because the soul is a lower form of life than
your spirit. Your spirit is a higher form of life; it’s deep; it’s
more inward. And your soul can’t affect your spirit. That’s
why, when we try to affect our spiritual health by the activity of
our mind and emotions, we’re trying something that is absolutely
impossible. It’s a lower form of life trying to affect a higher
form. And you know, we’ve joked about it: It’s like asking a
little dog, “Would you psychoanalyze me, and tell me what’s wrong
with me?” Well, the little fellow looks at you, and looks, and
really wants to help you. But he can’t, because he doesn’t
understand your mind. He doesn’t understand your emotions. You’re
a higher form of life to him. So it is with our spirits. We can’t
actually affect our spirits.
So, how then, do we
in fact deal with them? -- Because we must deal with them. You
remember the Bible says, “The spirit of a prophet is subject to the
prophet.” So that means that our spirits are, in some way, subject
to us. See, some of us say, “Oh, that’s good. I can’t do
anything about my spirit. Okay, it’s just the Lord. It’s
whatever the Lord wants to do my spirit, that’s what happens. I
have no control over my spirit. I hate you. I have no control over
it, it’s just my spirit. There, my spirit may feel differently
tomorrow, but at the moment I hate you.” Obviously, God’s word
says, “The spirit of a prophet is subject to the prophet himself.”
And so loved ones, our spirits are subject to us, and yet we can’t
affect them directly.
How do we affect
them? In the same way as the people affected what went on in the
Holy of Holies. The only person who can affect our spirits is the
Holy Spirit. That’s why, you remember, we read things like, "The
spirit himself," that’s the Holy Spirit, "bears witness
with our spirit that we are the children of God." And it’s
the Holy Spirit that makes our spirit alive. And it’s the Holy
Spirit that keeps our spirit clean.
Now, how then do we
get the Holy Spirit to do those things? Through our faith! Through
our faith! You can affect your spirit within you by exercising your
faith in the Holy Spirit doing certain things with your spirit. Now,
that’s true loved ones. You can actually affect your spirit by
exercising faith in the Holy Spirit, by believing him to do certain
things to your spirit, and by submitting to him in whatever way he
requires you to do -- Because faith is always belief plus obedience.
It’s always a promise plus a condition. You believe the Holy
Spirit to do something for you, and the Holy Spirit requires you --
in order that he can do that -- to submit to him in some new way.
And that’s the way your spirit is affected.
And so it will be
important, right at the beginning, that you understand that, because
a lot of what we’re going to talk about, concerns you having the
right attitude to your own spirit, and knowing what your spirit is to
be like. Because, you see, you can’t exercise faith unless you
have an object for that faith -- unless you have a purpose for that
faith. You remember, Jesus said, “Be it unto you according to your
faith.” Now, if you just pray, “Oh Holy Spirit, I believe that
you’ll make all things well with my spirit,” well, the Holy
Spirit can’t do anything with that kind of a vague belief --
because the belief has to be tied up with a submission and an
obedience. So it’s vital for us to know what we are to believe
about our spirits.
And what we’re
going to talk during these evenings is the 'laws of our spirit' --
the way our spirits are meant to be, so that we can actually exercise
faith in the Holy Spirit at the right moment, when we sense our
spirits are not like that. So loved ones, do you see the way our
spirits operate? -- That you can’t affect your spirit directly by
using your mind or your emotions. You understand what happens when
people do that? You get that happy-go-lucky, “Heavenly sunshine,
heavenly sunshine, flooding my soul with glory divine.” That’s –
I used to do that to try to get my spirit up. Well you see, what
you’re doing is you’re just raising your emotions. You’re just
raising your soul. You’re not affecting your spirit at all! And
if loved ones don’t understand that only the Holy Spirit can affect
their spirit, and if they don’t understand how to get the Holy
Spirit to do that through exercising their faith, then what they do
is they end up with these "rah-rah" kind of fests that they
run with their own souls, where they try to buoy themselves up
emotionally and mentally.
Now loved ones, the
answer is, the Holy Spirit can affect the depths of your being in
response to your faith. But therefore, you need to know the kind of
life that your spirit is meant to have. And so one of the first
facts I’d like to bring before you about your spirit is one that
you’ll find, if you’d like to look at it, in Hebrews 12:1. And
we may be able only to deal with this one tonight, loved ones,
because of the time we had to spend on introducing. “Therefore,
since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also
lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us
run with perseverance the race that is set before us.” And you see
the words, “Let us also lay aside every weight.”
Now often, Satan
will inflict, and God will allow him to inflict -- because one thing
we need to realize is Satan has no power to do anything that God will
not allow him to do. But often Satan will inflict and God will allow
him to inflict, weights on our spirits, weights on our spirits. And
there are many of us that think, “Oh, well, that’s a natural
thing.” And so many of us will sense a weight on our spirits, and
we’ll think to ourselves, “Well, it’s a burden from the Lord.
I should just bear it.” Or we’ll think, “Well, this is
possibly the 'dark night of the soul' that St. John of the Cross
talked about, which proves that I am a very deep saint, and that’s
why I’m experiencing this.” Or some will say, “Well, your
spirit does receive weights at times. You can’t help it, but
sooner or later the weight will lift, and I’ll be all right.”
Now loved ones, the
truth is a weight on your spirit is not God’s will for you.
God’s will for you
is the attitude of the spirit that is expressed so often in those
psalms of praise, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is
within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
forget not all its benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who
heals all your diseases.” That’s the normal attitude of the
spirit. That’s what Jesus’ Spirit is doing at this very moment.
Praising God! Loving him! Expressing joy to him! Delighting in his
presence! Delighting in the all power that he has over every other
power in the universe! And you and I are in Jesus, and the normal
activity of our spirit is one of praise, and rejoicing, and gladness.
And, loved ones, if
you ever lose that, your whole spirit loses its sense of discernment.
And that’s why many of us get into real problems at times.
Suddenly, we lose all sense of discernment of what is good and evil
in the spiritual life. We lose all sense of our direction, because
there’s a weight on our spirits so that our spirit is not doing
what it normally does when it’s dwelling in the presence of Jesus
at the right hand of God. And so often we get up in the morning and
there’ll be just a heaviness on our spirits. And this is, of
course, different from the heaviness that comes through false
accusation. The heaviness that comes from false accusation is dealt
with very simply, you simply confess any sins that you see, and you
accept God’s forgiveness. Then, if there’s still a weight, you
know it’s false accusation; you simply answer Satan with the blood
of Jesus. And you look to God, and see what the blood of Jesus means
to him and you thank him for accepting you. So it’s different from
the heaviness that comes through false accusation, which is dealt
with by simple confession of sin, and then taking our position behind
the blood of Jesus offered to God on our behalf.
But these weights of
the spirit are inexplicable heavinesses that come upon us. Now loved
ones, if you get up in the morning with that kind of heaviness, and
you regard it as natural, the tragedy is that you will not be fit for
what God has for you to do that day. And, indeed, you yourself will
be very vulnerable to other temptations. So it is God’s will for
you never to go out with a heaviness of spirit. If you do, really
the day will be just miserable for you, but worse than that, you will
miss many, many things that God has planned for you to minister to
others that day.
So it’s important,
first of all, for you to see weights on your spirit are to be laid
aside. That’s what God’s word says, “Let us lay aside every
weight.” You’re to lay aside weights from your spirit, and
you’re to go out with a spirit that is light, and that is flying
high, and that is glorifying God. And that is the normal, healthy
spirit of a person who dwells in Jesus.
Now loved ones, you
can see how far we often are from that. But loved ones, honestly
that’s God’s will for us, and we should never be satisfied with
anything less. We should immediately go to the Holy Spirit and say,
“Holy Spirit, will you reveal to me if I’ve done anything that
has yielded ground to Satan here? And will you show me if there’s
any ground that I have yielded that I need to take back? And then,
Holy Spirit, I trust you now to lift my spirit into God’s presence
and to make it light.” And then loved ones, it’s vital to bring
your will, and your mind, and your emotions into line with what
you’re believing the Holy Spirit to do in your spirit. You see
that? That’s the difference between the old emotional rah-rah
stuff and really bringing your soul into line with what you’re
believing the Holy Spirit is doing in your spirit. But you need to
do that.
That’s why there
is a place for praising God outwardly with your lips, because you’re
bringing your soul and your lips into line with what you’re
believing the Holy Spirit to do in your spirit. And at times it is
vital to do that. You know, at times, you’ll find it’s necessary
to even speak openly against Satan and to speak in Jesus’ name. At
times you’ll have to praise him aloud, because the faith that
you’re exercising for the Holy Spirit to operate requires
expression in your soul. And so, it is important when that comes
upon you, that you deal with it, and certainly not that you lie down
under it and let it burden you.
And you can see how
often you and I do that. How often we go out with spirits that are
heavy, spirits that are dead and dark. And you know what happens:
you go to the office and there’s just no rising of life within you.
You don’t sense any rising of life. And, in fact, there are times
when you wonder, “Am I a child of God at all? I don’t feel any
desire to help this person.” Well, that’s because you’ve
allowed your spirit to be burdened like that and to be weighted down.
But, loved ones, you need to resist it, and to resist it with all
your being.
Now, here’s the
way old Watchmen Nee talks about it in regard to the battle that you
have to engage in at that time. And it’s just good, I think, to
use his words, because often God can use him to speak to you in a way
that my words mightn’t. “It is also indispensable to deal with
the cause of such heaviness, because the oppressive load shall remain
as long as the cause goes unresolved.” And usually you see, the
heaviness that comes upon your spirit comes because you’ve yielded
some ground to Satan. Sometimes it is because God has wanted you to
cooperate with him in some way, and you have stepped back from it.
And so of course, he allows that heaviness to come upon you to make
you aware that you have missed something of his best for you.
So it is important
not simply to stand against Satan, not simply to believe the Holy
Spirit to raise your spirit but also to ask the Holy Spirit, “Holy
Spirit, is there any way in which I have failed to cooperate with God
today, or last night, or earlier yesterday afternoon? Is there any
way in which I have not cooperated with you and your movements in my
life?” And often the Holy Spirit will be able to explain to you
something fine and sensitive that, none of the rest of us would know
about. But you’ll recognize it immediately he tells you. And so
it is important, loved ones, to ask the Holy Spirit to uncover the
cause or the ground that you’ve yielded.
And then, of course,
what you do is take your position again, in Ephesians 2:6 at the
right hand of God. You take that position by faith. And you need to
learn that verse off, so that you can exercise your faith for it --
that God has raised us up and made us sit with him in the heavenly
places in Christ Jesus. And then thank the Holy Spirit, “Holy
Spirit, thank you that I am at God’s right hand and I’m in Jesus
there above any rule, and authority, and dominion, and power, and
certainly above any weight that Satan can put on my spirit. So Holy
Spirit, will you make my spirit’s condition meet and match that
position that I have now? And if there’s any way in which I’m
not dwelling there in my own will, will you reveal it to me?”
So loved ones, if I
could just maybe, leave it there with you tonight, that one of the
laws of your spirit is that it is as happy as the seagulls. That’s
right. When you look at the seagulls soaring in the sky, when you
look at the birds and listen to them on a spring morning, when you
even look at a happy little puppy running around on the grass, when
you look at a little baby laughing, that’s the Spirit of God. And
that’s the way the Spirit of God is moving in you. And if your
spirit is not moving like that, it’s because in some way Satan has
put a weight upon it. And it’s up to you to find out what way
you’ve yielded ground to him so that he’s been able to do that,
by asking the Holy Spirit to show that to you, and then by taking
your position by faith at God's right hand.
Now loved ones, are
there any questions anyone has? Because I think, maybe we should not
cover too much on these things because they are kind of heavy, and
that's not meant to be funny.
Question from
Is it possible that
when you go to bed everything’s okay and you waken up with that
Response from Pastor
I think it is,
because the thing we all know happens when we go to sleep is that you
-- your will is often not exercising itself. At times it can
actually, but usually it isn’t. And your will of course, is the
gate that bars the way to Satan touching your spirit. And often with
the spiritual world being so active and so evil in the world, and
often with many of us catching a little 'dirt on our feet' as we pass
through the day’s business, we can have something down there that
we aren’t even aware we’ve absorbed from someone else. And so of
course, often Satan can use the obvious – it’s virtually
passivity of our wills at that moment to bring things into us during
the night.
I think, in ways we
can guard against it, loved ones, because you can and you ought
always, I think it’s just good sense -- our dear mums and dads were
so good, with saying the Lord’s Prayer and then saying, “Gentle
Jesus, meek and mild,” and a few other little prayers at our
bedside before we went to bed, because that’s good. It’s good
practice that you should always pray before you go to sleep. And you
should usually have some verse of scripture that you’ve just taken
from your Bible at the bedside, and just memorize it as you go to
sleep because that is true that, "Thy word have I hid in my
heart that I may not sin against thee." There is a sense in
which you can hide God’s word in your mind. So the last thing that
you sense when you go to sleep is, Jesus blessing the children, or
the words of one of the verses of scripture in your heart and your
head. And that can often guard you through the night. But it is
possible even so, despite that to have Satan do things.
And of course, there
are – we still have these old personalities that have been used for
years to wrong habits. And so you have all that working against you
at times through the night. So yes, it is, it is possible that it
would come upon you through the night.
But I think often,
we just don’t help ourselves, loved ones. I just think you’re
asking -- I enjoy the late night shows as much as any of you. But I
think you’re just dumb. I think you’re just asking for trouble
if you watch the 'World at War' or something, and then you hit the
pillow immediately after the World at War, or the 'Streets of San
Francisco', or something else, and then you hit the pillow. Then you
actually expect that mind to suddenly stop. Now, it doesn’t. The
poor mind is just careering madly on. And you’ve programmed it and
brainwashed it by images that are very vivid -- both visual images
and oral images that are very vivid and are stirring up your soul.
They, of course, leave your spirit an almost insurmountable task to
begin to pacify the soul, because usually after that is -- your soul
goes absolutely dead. And really, it has no more action except what
has been imprinted upon it. So your spirit hasn’t affected it any
way. So it carries that into the subconscious sleep-life. And I
would advise you to be wise about the – if you watch those shows,
okay, then have a break. Then have 15 minutes break and then seek
God in prayer, or read a verse of scripture. But in some way quieten
your heart, and prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep.
I think we bring
sleeplessness upon ourselves, you know. I think we’re just stupid:
we go out of an argument or a battle, and we go right to bed. That’s
silly. And that’s why -- God’s word is so good, "Let not
the sun go down on your wrath." But many of us go to bed with
things unsettled, with apologies not made, with things not fixed
between ourselves and another person. And of course, we’re just
asking for Satan’s activity in us.
So it is important
when you go to bed to quieten your mind and your spirit by using a
verse of scripture or reading. I have "My Utmost for His
Highest" at my bedside, and every night I read something from
that. And you need to have some book that prepares your mind for a
quiet rest.
Question from
I want to understand
more clearly how my spirit affects other people’s spirits.
Response from Pastor
So would I. But God
has just shown me that boy, we need – we need to realize that this
is – this spiritual ministry is carried on by faith, and we do not
understand everything about it. It does seem to me that the Holy
Spirit not only affects our spirit but is affected and enabled to do
certain things through our spirits. It does seem to me too, that the
Holy Spirit -- you remember, we said, “When the Holy Spirit comes
he will convict the world of sin.” He in fact, convicts the world
of sin, not so much directly from heaven, striking down and saying to
someone, “You’re doing that wrong,” so much as he creates in
each of us a beauty of Jesus. That, then speaks to a person in our
office, or our home and exposes to them themselves, without our
knowing it, their own ugliness and their own un-Christlikeness.
It seems to me, that
that’s part of it, that the Holy Spirit deals with other people
through our spirits. And that there’s a deep sense in which –
that’s true, you know, the myth that we talk about, that Jesus went
back to heaven, and of course, Gabriel asked him, “What
arrangements have you made for carrying on your work?” And he
said, “I have chosen 12 men.” And Gabriel said, “What if they
fail?” and Jesus said, “I have made no other arrangements.”
And it does seem that the Holy Spirit, and the Lord Jesus, and our
Father have committed to us, here, the gospel. And unless we are
faithful, he cannot do any more than what he has done. Otherwise he
overrules the free will of mankind.
So loved ones, will
you begin – I would say begin to live like this. That’s it.
Begin to live like this. And for Jesus’ sake and for your own
sake, this is not something to get down about. You know, don’t
say, “Oh, I have to do this and if I don’t do it, I’m lost
forever.” We’ve dealt with salvation: salvation is wrought for
us with Jesus’ death for us on the cross. God has nothing more
against us. He’s worked out the wrath against our sin upon Jesus.
He doesn’t want to kill us! So let’s accept that and accept that
we’re God’s children.
Let’s not twist
these things up with salvation. These things concern the walk that
God’s children carry on in order to please their Father, and to be
used by the Father. So please, don’t start beating yourself over
the head about these things. These are great privileges that are
offered to us. These are not demands that God is putting upon us.
These are privileges of warfare, and successful warfare that we can
enter into. This is service that we can do our Lord. So, don’t
get back into that thing, “Oh, I’m not living this way every day
so I’m not saved.” We’re not talking about salvation here.
We’re talking about what willing hearts are able to do in order to
be used by Jesus in ministry. So it’s the motive of love that
governs all that we do.
So I would say to
you, if you really love Jesus, and if you really the love the
brothers and sisters that you work with, and you live with, and you
study with, then it is important for you to go out of your house
every day with a spirit that is living, and buoyant, and light, and
glorifying God, and praising him. And you’ll see of course, in
your own life, that temptations will be easy to deal with if your
spirits are in that state.
Let us pray. Lord
Jesus, we thank you for the things that you’ve set down in your
word. And we thank you for the Holy Spirit, who is able to make all
these things real to us. And so Holy Spirit, we thank you for the
good and the buoyant message that we are meant to have spirits that
will be light and lively. And that we are not meant to lie under
weights that Satan may put upon our spirits, and that it is not
normal to live in darkness and heaviness of spirit.
And we thank you
most of all, Holy Spirit, that we are able to do something about that
-- that we are able to exercise faith in you, and that we can ask
you to show us where we have yielded ground to Satan. And then we
are able to stand against that satanic power. And we are able to
take our position at God’s right hand, the position he has given
us. And we are able to dwell there by our belief and by our
obedience to you. And then you, out of your great grace, will lift
our spirits up and make them light, and airy, and praising God.
We thank you, Holy
Spirit. Thank you that that’s your will for us and that we can
live in that this day and every day of our lives. We trust you, Holy
Spirit, to be able to be the 'joyful Jesus' in us tomorrow morning
and throughout the days of this week.
And now the grace of
our Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit, be with each one of us now and throughout this week. Amen.
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