Laws of the Spirit 2
– Blockage & Poisoning
Loved ones, the
center of most of our beings probably looks like that. [On graphic
draws a circle with the word "life" inside but makes the
"I" in "life' large.] Before God’s Spirit deals
with us there is a great "I" there that governs everything
we do. And when God sends his Spirit into our spirits the Holy
Spirit begins to renew our spirits and we sense for the first time
something beautiful inside us.
And that’s really
what the new birth is. It is something different coming inside us
and we sense something that wasn’t there before, wanting to love
other people and wanting to do things that we never wanted to do
before. And where there was a deadness that was kind of dominated by
us being god, and wanting everything our way, suddenly there seems to
be something new inside us that is driving us out to other people.
But of course, for some time it has to fight this great "I"
that still remains there. And that’s why we often talk about the
need to have that "I" crucified so that it is finally
reduced to normal size and then only the Spirit of Jesus moves inside
It is interesting
that that finds several expressions in the Bible, but one of them is
in a verse in Revelation if you’d like to look at it. Revelation
3:20, a verse that we often use in connection with receiving Jesus as
our Savior. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one
hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with
him, and he with me.” And it helped me a lot when someone pointed
out that the first part of the promise is the new birth, “If any
one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat
with him.” That’s usually what happens.
Jesus comes in and
eats with the great "I" here. The "I" still
governs our life and we welcome Jesus in as a guest. He eats with us
and he wants to move some of the furniture around and change the
house but we are the hosts and we insist on the furniture remaining
as it is. And we accept advice from him and suggestions but still,
we are the principals in the whole covenant and we do only what we
really want to do. And then of course, the last part of the verse is
when we allow him to become the host, “I will come in to him and
eat with him, and he with me.” And eventually then he becomes the
host and I just eat with him. And Jesus is the chief person in the
house and he can do whatever he will.
And that is the free
Christian life. And I don’t know where you all stand in your own
lives, but it is a very free thing when you at last forget yourself.
And that is the real life that is planned for us by God. When Jesus’
Spirit governs everything we do, then you get true unselfishness.
Until that happens you get a kind of imitation of unselfishness. You
get people doing unselfish acts. But when Jesus’ Spirit takes you
over completely there’s a freedom, and joy, and unselfishness. And
I wonder if you’re at that place? And I would encourage you to see
that it is possible to come to it. It’s possible to come to the
place where you’re not always wondering how much this is going to
cost you not only financially but in reputation and in comfort.
And there comes a
time when you fly high above the earth’s atmosphere out there in
the stratosphere somewhere, and you’re able to be governed by this
free generous spirit of Jesus that has no thought for itself. Now,
it is possible loved ones, to live that kind of life. I agree with
you, it’s only possible if there is a dear God to take care of us,
because who would be looking after the store if we just leave the
store ourselves? And that’s normally most of our problems. We
say, “If we leave the store,” that is if we leave the business of
our bank account and getting it built up, and if we leave the
business of looking after our marriages, and our homes, and our
careers -- "If we leave the store, who’s going to look after
the store?"
And of course, if
there’s no God then you’re mad to leave the store. But, if there
is a dear God who has promised that, “If you seek first my kingdom,
all the other things I’ll add unto you; I’ll look after the
store,” then it is possible, finally, to burn your bridges behind
you and to live for this Jesus. Then it is possible to say, “Lord
Jesus, whatever you want to do that’s what I want to do. You’re
me from this moment on. I live; yet not I, but Christ lives within
me: and this life that I live, I live not by faith 'in' the son of
God, but I live this life by the faith 'of' the son of God,”
because, it’s Jesus taking the initiative.
So that’s why
people were called "Christ-ians", because they were people
who were born along by Christ and therefore they were just
"Christ-ian" people. They were people who were possessed
by Christ. Now, loved ones, that’s a great, and the eventual plan
that God has for our lives. So when you have that kind of spirit
moving inside you, you find that that Spirit is always trying to do
the same thing of course, as it was in Jesus, always trying to get
out -- always trying to get out to other people.
Now, it is
interesting, that if that Spirit doesn’t get out then that Spirit
will be grieved. So maybe it’s good for you to see that, that it’s
never a case of the Spirit dwelling there. The Spirit actually
doesn’t dwell. That’s part of what Jesus meant when he said,
“The Spirit is like the wind.” The wind doesn’t dwell in one
place. The remarkable thing about the wind is that it’s always
moving. If the wind isn’t moving there is no wind. And it is
interesting, if you think for a moment that the word for wind in
Hebrew is 'ru’ach'. And that is the word that means spirit -- wind,
or spirit, or breath.
And so there is a
great emphasis on the Holy Spirit being always a moving power. And
actually, there’s no such thing as the Spirit dwelling in you. We
talk about the Spirit dwelling in you, but the only way the Spirit
dwells in you is that he’s always passing through you. And so
there’s always some Spirit in you because once you get rid of some
of his Spirit there’s more Spirit that comes in to take his place.
So that’s how you talk about the Spirit dwelling in you. But it’s
really just like a windy corner and windy city in Chicago. Really,
there’s wind on that corner just because the wind is always passing
by that corner. And so it’s the same with us, the Spirit of Jesus
is always moving outward.
Now, if ever that
Spirit becomes blocked then the Spirit is grieved. And so one of the
things that we talked about in previous years -- and many of us were
such immature little souls that we really didn’t know what we were
talking about -- but it is the blockage of the spirit. And of
course, we’re talking about the laws of the spirit. And one of the
laws of the Spirit is that he’s always moving. And if the Spirit
is blocked in any way, then he’s grieved. And actually you sense
that grieving.
The Holy Spirit is
so good you see, because he will always witness that grieving and he
will witness it right there in your conscience. [He indicates the
conscience in the center of our being on a graphic of the
personality.] And the Holy Spirit will witness there that he is
grieved. So you’ll often sense a pang there in your conscience.
And the Spirit will witness that he’s grieved not only by sin, but
actually by this kind of action that we’re talking about -- which
is really sin, just it’s unconscious sin often. And so we tend to
call it the things that are inexpedient.
So loved ones, what
we want to share just a little about at the beginning of this
evening’s study, is the ways in which the spirit can be blocked.
And maybe it’s good to look at one of the obvious ways in Mark
14:38. And it’s that situation in the Garden of Gethsemane. And
you remember, Jesus had left the disciples while he went to pray, and
he told them to pray there. “'Watch and pray that you may not
enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is
week.’ And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words.
And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very
heavy; and they did not know what to answer him.”
Now it’s perhaps
good for all of us to see that, in that Verse 38, the meaning of
‘flesh’ there is the body itself, or the soul. So ‘the flesh’
in the New Testament means not only the selfish will that will not
obey, but even when that selfish will is at last placed on the cross,
then there is the inexpedient ‘soul’, or the undisciplined ‘soul’
-- and of course, often the weak body. And so when you are dealing
with the movement of the Holy Spirit, after you’ve dealt with that
massive “I” that is in the center of your being and the Spirit
has free flow, then he begins to find that this dear old ‘soul’
here, [He points to it on the graphic of the personality.] is not
actually a submissive servant of the Spirit at all, and that it has
many habits, and many practices that are not the habits and practices
of the Holy Spirit himself.
And of course, if
you don’t allow the Holy Spirit to make new ruts, or new channels
in your soul -- in the habits of your mind, the habits of your
emotions, the habits of your body -- then the Spirit will find
himself blocked. That’s where many of us get into real difficulty
if we have formed patterns of behavior that are very strong in us,
even if they’re habits of, “Well, I must get to sleep at this
hour. Then, I must rise at this hour.” And we won’t allow the
Holy Spirit either to extend those hours or to lessen them, or to
bring a flexibility into them.
It’s the same with
many of us in regard to our whole exercise life. Many of us, after
leaving school or graduating, knew very little of exercise, and we
just decided, “Well, we are no longer in a team of any kind and so
you just don’t exercise. Once you get to ordinary work there isn’t
time for that. Sometimes there’s time; sometimes there isn’t.”
And so gradually our bodies become heavier and heavier burdens. And
they actually become very unwilling, and indeed, eventually they
become utterly recalcitrant servants of the spirit. And so our
bodies lie heavily upon us.
And I would just
remind you of that verse. You remember it’s in 1 Timothy 4:8. And
it might be good just to look at it, because many of us use it as a
reason for ignoring the body. And yet really, it has implicit in it
God’s commendation. 1 Timothy 4:8, “For while bodily training is
of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds
promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” But
it is very interesting that Paul is saying to Timothy, “Bodily
training is of some value.” And it seems that many of us grieve
the Holy Spirit through incredible weariness, and tiredness that
comes upon us just somewhere between usually 2:30 and 4:30 in the
afternoon. And so we’re listening to someone as they’re talking
to us sharing their own hearts with us, and we’re saying, “Yeah,
yeah, yes…” [At that point he inhales with a sleepy, almost a
snore, breath.] And that’s what happens when actually our bodies
are not in good shape.
I used to take the
attitude, “Oh no, I’m tired because I’m getting far too much
exertion.” But actually the opposite is true; we’re tired
because our bodies are not getting exercise. And the blood flows
slowly through them, and the circulation seems to become more, and
more sluggish, and our brain gets less and less blood, and so we
generally slow up in our whole thinking processes. And then we go
home and have a sizeable meal. And then we sit down to rest because
we don’t know how we’ll manage through the evening and all the
television until we get to bed. And of course, it is a hideous life.
It is just a life that is serving Satan, because the body, which is
a very resilient gift that God has given us, is getting no workout at
all. And so the body lies heavily upon us.
And I would just --
without going to the length that we really should go this evening --
I would just ask you, “What shape is your body in and what is the
state of your own physical fitness at this present time?” And if
it isn’t good, I know you’re having troubles, because the mind
itself depends on a healthy body. And those dear Greeks were right,
that the secret was a healthy mind and a healthy body. And if the
body is not healthy, of course, the mind itself is sluggish in its
And so many of us
are not at all facing Satan, you know. And there we are ‘casting
him out’ with great ‘castings’. And it’s not Satan at all
that is the trouble. It’s just our bodies lie heavily upon us.
And therefore our minds are sluggish. Of course, you know how
connected your emotions are to your body. You realize that if I get
embarrassed, I blush. So you can see emotions tie right up with the
secretion of fluid and the circulation of blood in your body. And if
you get nervous then your mouth goes dry. And you can see that as
the emotions produce immediate results in the body, so of course, the
body is tightly connected with the emotions. And many of us share
all kinds of depression that isn’t spiritual at all in origin.
It’s simply physical in origin.
So I would encourage
you. I don’t know what kind of exercise format you have, but I
would point out to you that often you will block the Holy Spirit.
That is, often the Holy Spirit will want you to go to a prayer time,
and to be active, and vibrant in the prayer time. And you’ll get
your old head down there. [Again he inhales with a sleepy, snore
breath.] And you’ll be half sleeping and half praying. And then
of course all kinds of problems come in, because the will is not
controlling the mind, so Satan throws other thoughts into the mind.
Then you’re fighting wandering thoughts. Then you feel guilty.
Then you start casting away your faith. And then of course you lose
So it is amazing how
if the body is not in shape, it affects the ability of the mind and
emotions to obey the Spirit. Indeed, the interesting thing is this
that, if the body isn’t in shape the body dominates the spirit.
That’s true. If the body is in shape then the Spirit is able to
continue to have his way in your life. But if the body is heavy,
then it leans in upon the soul and it begins to crush the spirit.
And so many of us have all kinds of problems and we say, “Oh, I’m
fighting Satan in my prayer times.” And it’s not Satan we’re
fighting. I suppose originally it’s Satan we’re fighting, but
it’s a body that is not in shape at all.
So I would ask you,
do you exercise daily? And you don’t need to join the European
Health Spa to do that. And you don’t need to expend all kinds of
money. There are lots of exercises that a person can do in their own
bedroom in very little space every day. There are all kinds of
breathing exercises that can enhance your whole health and the
ability of your body to be a good servant to your spirit. And I
would encourage you to do it. And when the good weather comes, you
ought – everybody doesn’t have to run, you can walk. And you can
go out and spend time in God’s world getting the kind of body that
he can use, and that his Spirit can use.
So I would ask you
to remember that, both ladies and gentlemen. And it seems to me that
where Satan catches us is when we get old, or when we get older. I
was absolutely convinced that I had given up team sports and that
this was not the time to spend time exercising, until I found old
Stanley Jones -- a dear fellow he was – 87 years old. And he still
did his pushups – where ever he was. It didn’t matter where he
was traveling, which hotel he was in, and he was continually on the
move. He was six months in India and six months touring around the
States, and speaking every night. And he was far more alive, and
vibrant, than many, many people who were 60 years younger than him.
And he kept on with the old exercises right until – I think he died
about 90.
And so God can keep
us fit physically, if we commit ourselves to it. And I would
encourage you to think of it. And I would encourage you not to get
into all kinds of complicated explanations of the great warfare
you’re engaged in, when the only problem you have is the same as
the disciples. The body is just not in shape and so “the spirit is
willing but the flesh is weak.”
Now loved ones, the
same is true of our minds. Our minds can become actually a block and
a burden to the Spirit. And this can happen in all kinds of ways.
It is important to allow the Holy Spirit to govern your mind. Now,
he will do that in the same way exactly as he tells you when your
body is becoming a block. He will speak in your conscience. And
your mind will be going off on some book. Maybe you’re reading
fiction, or you’re reading some argumentative book on politics.
And for a while maybe the Holy Spirit will allow you to do it, and
maybe it will allow you to finish it. But, there comes a time when
the Spirit will check you on it and will say, “Okay, enough is
And maybe he’ll
let you finish it the next day, or two days later, or a week later,
or a month later. But the Holy Spirit will check you when your mind
is becoming over exercised in the wrong way. Or often some of us --
it seems to me especially in politics -- some of us can get over
enthusiastic. And we’re determined to think through where Carter
[US president at the time of this talk] is right, or where he is
wrong. And we’re determined to think through this whole Iranian
situation. [American Embassy taken over and staff taken hostage by
the new Iranian government. President Carter authorized a failed
mission to free them.] And often the Holy Spirit will see that the
mind is becoming far too engrossed in this, to the point that if the
Spirit wants to direct you in your mind to think something, or
explain something to someone else, the mind will not be free.
And so the Holy
Spirit will check you and say, “That’s enough. You’ve thought
enough along those lines.” Or, on the other hand, the Holy Spirit
will direct you to certain books that maybe you do not normally read.
And many of us do not find people like Andrew Murray, or even
Watchman Nee, or many of us do not find [Charles] Finney or [Louis]
Berkoff [author of “Systematic Theology” text book] -- depending
on what our background is -- certain books we don’t feel come
naturally to us. And the Holy Spirit will direct us to those books
in order to begin to balance our mind, because our mind in some way
is not fit to be used by him.
I think many of us
have not disciplined our minds in conceptual thought. That’s true.
I think many of us have not balanced, or trained our minds in
conceptual thinking. Some of us are far too good at it. Some of us
are philosophizing all the time and arguing this argument, and this
belief, and this theory against that theory. But some of us have not
trained our minds in conceptual thinking, and the Holy Spirit directs
us to do that. Yield to him, because the Holy Spirit will all the
time be working through your conscience to direct your mind into the
kind of exercise that will make your mind a good servant of your
Now loved ones, it’s
the same with your emotions, because the emotions are the other part
of the soul. And often your emotions can, through over exercise, or
through under exercise, end up being absolutely useless to your
spirit. And do you remember that Jesus was so good. He could weep
with those that weep, and he could rejoice with those that rejoiced.
You remember that verse in scripture -- the shortest one we always
learned at Sunday school -- “Jesus wept.” And it somehow brings
home to you that Jesus could sympathize with Mary and Martha. And he
had a spirit that was settled on God but was very sensitive to other
loved ones.
Now, many of us of
course, find that we have emotions that are very, very uptight. Very
hard! Very dry! And they are unable at times, to express freely
what Jesus’ Spirit wants us to express. Now, it’s interesting
but even if it’s just because you’re an old Swede or Norwegian,
[known for their lack of emotion] or because, if it were the other
case, if you were too wild in your emotions, an old Italian or
Spaniard, whatever it is, if your emotions are not really submissive
to the Spirit of Jesus, you will sense a kind of blockage. And
you’ll sense, “Well, I’m not involved in sin here. But, boy!
There’s some way in which I’m not really expressing the Spirit of
Jesus’ life to this person.”
And so the Holy
Spirit, through your conscience again, will often check you in your
emotional life. And I don’t mind too much crying up here. I feel
a bit stupid, a guy crying. But you have to – if you do it, you do
it -- but it seems that you do need to make sure that your emotions
are truly governed by the Spirit. So you can cry and cry. Sometimes
you can cry for all kinds of corny reasons that nobody else knows
about. It’s good if you cry, or you weep, with the Holy Spirit
guiding you.
Sometimes we can cry
for ourselves. Sometimes we can cry because of some sentimentality.
So there’s a very important level and balance in our emotions that
needs to be there for the Holy Spirit to use our emotions.
Similarly, some of us think, “Oh, unlimited and unrestricted
sympathy with someone who is in trouble is obviously Jesus’ will.”
Well, no! Jesus’ sympathy with a person is always controlled by
the Holy Spirit. Because there is a weeping, you remember, “That
is unto death,” and “there is a weeping that is not unto death.”
And often in funeral
situations you get there, a weeping, and a sorrow that is of Satan.
There is no hope in it! There is just despair and depression! And if
you go into a home of mourning at the time of a death, and you just
open yourself to that kind of sinful emotion, then of course your
emotions will be weighted with that and will be blocked, so that the
Holy Spirit will not be able to express that grief that has joy in it
and hope in it.
And similarly, I
think it’s true – I suppose I always think of it as you ladies
that do it, but I think many of us men do it, too, and maybe even
more so. Maybe you ladies have often far more control through your
mind than we men have. But often we will allow our emotions to be
absolutely caught up with some dear friend that has had a tragedy in
their life, or has come into deep trouble in their marriage, or has
come into deep trouble in their business life. And we will allow
ourselves to go absolutely head over heels in sympathy and empathy.
And before we know it, we’ll be absolutely lying on the ground,
absolutely dominated by our emotions, and with the Spirit of Jesus
completely grieved, so that he isn’t able to minister in that
situation at all.
Similarly, I think
-- you could take all sides of it but it is – I know this sounds
funny -- but it is important even at a [Minnesota] Twins [baseball]
game, or at a [Minnesota] Vikings [American football] game to realize
that you can open yourself to a kind of emotionalism that brings in
something of Satan. And that can unsteady you, so that if God maybe
brings you together with some person that needs the life of Jesus,
immediately after the game finishes, you’re in no state at all, or
no shape of balance to express that life to them. So not only
extreme depression and despair can unfit your emotions to express the
Spirit of Jesus but really unrestricted happiness and unrestricted
exhilaration can do the same thing.
So loved ones, it is
important, I think, to see that you can often get yourself into real
difficulty in the spirit simply because your soul, or your body, in
some way is blocking the Spirit coming out. Now, maybe I should just
pause for a minute and ask, does anyone want to ask anything about
that? Or, often the Holy Spirit will have to apply it to all of us,
because you can’t make rules about it. You can’t make rules
about the length of smile you should have if you’re spiritual.
I’d like to share
a little loved ones, I know I’m moving a little faster this
evening, but there are deep things that I think we should touch on.
And I would like to share them. So I’d like to talk just a little
then about another way in which Satan affects your spirit. And that
is in connection with the poisoning of your spirit. Now of course,
you can see, how important this area is because this is the source of
all the life of Jesus in you. [On the graphic of the personality he
circles the spirit.] So of course, if you can affect this at the
very well spring and source of your spiritual life then everything
else is useless.
And this is what
therefore, we’re talking about. Satan at times blocks the spirit
through soul and body that are not fitted for expressing the Spirit
of Jesus. And at times he – in fact, you can see the actual
picture that is used in Ephesians 6:16. It’s really very graphic.
And you’ll recognize it immediately you see it. “Besides all
these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the
flaming darts of the evil one.” So that’s what he does, shoots
flaming darts into your spirit.
Now many of us you
see, have the feeling, “Oh well no, he can’t touch your spirit.”
But Satan does move in the spiritual world, and he cannot touch your
spirit as long as your mind holds to your position in Christ Jesus.
And you remember, the position of victory is Ephesians 2:6, “And
God has raised us up and made us sit with him in the heavenly places
in Christ Jesus.” And that position you remember, is described in
Ephesians 1 as being, "far above every rule and authority and
power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in
this age but in that which is to come.”
And that is the
position of power, and while your mind is fixed on that, and your
will is submitted to the Holy Spirit, and while you yield no ground
to Satan he cannot get fiery darts into your spirit. But if you
yield any ground to him, Satan can shoot fiery darts into your
spirit. And he can bring a poisoning into your spirit. And of
course, without that there’s nothing but Jesus in your spirit. Do
you see that? That’s the beautiful thing, when you’ve at last
let the old self go to the cross and you live only for Jesus, and
that’s it, “Lord, whatever you want to do here we are, let’s
go.” Where you have that kind of an attitude, your spirit is
absolutely filled with the sweet and fragrant spirit of Jesus.
So the only way in
which anything dirty can occur from that spirit and can come out from
it to the rest of your life is if Satan fires darts into it and
poisons the spirit. Now loved ones, at times he can do that. He can
only do it if you fail to hold your position at the right hand of
God, or if you fail to submit your will to the Spirit in some area of
your life. So if a fiery dart comes into your spirit and you sense,
“Boy, there’s something unclean or something poisoned coming up
from in me. There is something other than the sweet love of Jesus
coming up from me. There’s something other than his joy, and his
peace.” Then you ought to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you
where you’ve given ground to Satan. Then you ought to deal with
that ground. And then you ought to resist Satan in Jesus’ name,
because you remember, James 4:7 says, “Resist the devil and he will
flee from you.” Actually, that’s all you need to do. No big
wrestling, no big fighting and all that kind of stuff, just resist
him in Jesus’ name and he will flee from you. And then, bring your
will back under the control of the Holy Spirit.
But what we might
talk about a little, is some of the poisons that he can bring into
your spirit. And really, they’re just examples loved ones. So
I’ll just mention some of them that others have found happen inside
them. Ephesians 4:15, is sometimes the way – often Satan uses
scripture and tries to justify certain poisons by scripture and this
is one of the famous ones. “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we
are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.”
And often we find our spirits becoming stiff and unyielding, or we
find them becoming selfish, and we find that we are abandoning our
love and our tender feeling for our neighbors. And often Satan uses
that verse, “Well you know, we have to speak the truth in love. I
mean, you have to love them but, boy! they need some of the truth
from time-to-time.”
And that’s good if
you’re speaking the truth freely directed by Jesus’ Spirit. But
it’s very interesting how Satan can often rationalize and persuade
us, “Well, you know you have your faith but you have to have your
faith, discipline, and all kinds of other things. And we have to see
them as they really are. And we have to size up the thing as it is,
and speak right to the point.” And often we can allow Satan’s
harshness to come into our spirits. And we lose that tenderhearted
feeling for our friends, or for our loved ones. And we find our
spirits becoming rather selfish, and rather stiff and unyielding.
And we will often say, “Well, you know we’re just standing our
ground. We have to stand our ground. You can’t move with every
wind that blows.”
But actually there
comes into us a kind of unyielding attitude and instead of being
flexible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we become stiff and
unyielding. And we plead of course, that it’s in order to hold our
own ground. But often it’s because we’ve yielded some other
ground to Satan, often in some obvious disobedience. And so we’ve
allowed a fiery dart from the wicked one to come in and actually make
our spirits stiff and unyielding. And then of course, he uses
scripture to kind of reinforce that and back us up in being that way.
Now loved ones, the
Holy Spirit usually doesn’t leave you without some guidance,
usually through your conscience. He gives you little pangs of
conscience. You’ll maybe say something to someone and you’ll
realize, “Oh, there was a hardness in that.” Or, someone will
ask you to do something and, “Oh no, no, I haven’t time. I mean,
I have my life laid out.” And the Holy Spirit will question you,
“Would Jesus be as stiff, and scheduled, and inflexible as that?”
And so usually, the Holy Spirit is so good, usually he will cause
you to question if your spirit is in some way being poisoned.
And when that
happens, I’d say again to you, what you need to do is thank the
Holy Spirit and then go to him, and go into deep counseling with him.
And ask him, “Holy Spirit, where did I yield ground?” And be
open to the fact that you might have yielded ground in some other
area of your life completely, because Satan often wants to put us off
track by actually taking advantage of some ground we’ve yielded
over here, but manifesting his poisoning in some area over here. So
the first thing is to ask the Holy Spirit to show you.
And then when he
shows you loved ones, then resist Satan right there. Often you will
have to do it audibly: “In Jesus’ name, I resist you in Jesus’
name. I know you have been destroyed and have no power over me.”
And then find out where your will has to be yielded and submitted to
the Holy Spirit to take back that ground. And then you simply walk
in praise of God, because that’s the only safe place where there is
the movement of the Holy Spirit through you, in loving God and
praising. That’s of course, another reason why, you see, it’s
important for your soul and body to be flexible, because if they
cannot express freely what the spirit wants, then you won’t have
health inside you.
So it’s important,
immediately you’ve determined where the poison came from, then it’s
important that you begin to praise God, and to love again, and to
live in an outgoing way. Many of us when, either our spirits are
blocked, or when they’re poisoned, we withdraw into ourselves. We
think, “Ah, I’m coming into a deeper place with Christ and with
the Holy Spirit. I’m discovering something new of myself.” And
we find we’re a little shier with other people, and we’re drawing
back from other people. And often, Satan bluffs us and says, “Ah,
you’re discovering something deeper in yourself.” Now often,
that simply is deception. And we’re not in fact discovering
something deeper; we’re just withdrawing back into self.
Now, that’s
different from the times when Jesus does begin to deepen us, and asks
us to go deeper with him, and maybe to be quiet for a while, and to
seek him. But that has a healthiness about it. But this other
drawing back has an unhealthiness and a kind of introspective quality
about it that immediately ceases to let us be used by Jesus’ Spirit
to bless other people. And often our friends and our colleagues who
were formerly blessed by our witness actually miss us. And that’s
how you know that in some way it’s an unhealthy thing, when the
Spirit of Jesus is no longer moving through you.
It may be good for
us to see again, that the Spirit of Jesus and the Spirit filled
person is -- and I have to use the word, I know it’s a no-no, but
it’s a good English word and they’re destroying it -- is a gay
person. He is a person who is happy and joyous, and delighted, and
spontaneous, and exhilarating. And he is an outgoing person, and a
person that is engrossed and involved in other people. That is the
Spirit filled person. The spirit filled person is not 'blinkers on'
and 'eyes to the ground' praising the Lord in private. No, the
Spirit of Jesus is always going out. So it’s good to see that
loved ones.
Now, what happens of
course, Satan is always trying to poison that spirit. Another way in
which he poisons it, he justifies by John 16:8. And it’s a famous
verse that we all know so well. But we often feel the Holy Spirit is
not up to this, and we ought to help him a little. “And when he
comes,” that is the Holy Spirit, “He will convince the world,”
or convict the world you remember, “Concerning sin and
righteousness and judgment.” And often Satan entices us to harbor
unforgiving and bitter feelings in our spirits -- to harbor a kind of
'fault finding' and hostile spirit in here. [He indicates the spirit
on the graphic of the personality.]
Now, that can happen
over all kinds of things. I mean, we can have disagreements with our
loved ones at home. We can have disagreements with somebody in
business. And Satan works up in you -- because it’s all filling
the office, or filling the school in which you are -- works up in you
a kind of fault finding spirit towards this person. And you don’t
realize that, though the dart came from Satan and not from yourself,
once you embrace and acquiesce in that dart, then that dart begins to
become a work of the flesh in you. And so you find yourself with a
spirit that is hostile or fault finding, a spirit that is kind of
criticizing the other person.
And then of course,
Satan says, “Well, well, when the Spirit comes he will convince the
world of sin. Maybe he’s doing it through you.” And you begin
to think, “Oh yeah, yeah, it’s important for me to see that
person as he really is. And it’s important for me to tell him
what’s wrong with him.” And of course we find ourselves usurping
the position of the Holy Spirit, because of course, the Holy Spirit
will convict others through us. But he will convict others through
the "Christ likeness" of our lives. They will be amazed at
the love that continues to come from us despite their attitude to us.
And then the Holy Spirit will use that to convict them of their own
ugliness. But that’s the way it works, but it doesn’t work
through us pointing the finger.
So if you find that
there’s coming out from you, a spirit that finds fault with other
people, or a spirit that criticizes other people, or if you find your
spirit inside filled with bitterness, and filled with an antagonism
and hostility towards others, loved ones realize immediately that
Satan has shot one of his fiery darts into your spirits. And you
need immediately to go to the Holy Spirit and say, “Holy Spirit, I
have even a fair idea where this dart came in, but I don’t really
know where I yielded ground to Satan, so will you show me?”
And it is
interesting, unless the Holy Spirit is your boss, of course you won’t
take that attitude to him. You’ll go to it with the psychological
books -- which are okay. But you’ll go to it with your own
psychology and your introspection and you’ll start trying to find
the ground. Well, only the Holy Spirit can give you the ground,
because the fact about yielding ground to Satan is it’s yielded in
deception. And you yielded it because you didn’t know, and so only
the Holy Spirit can show you what that ground was. So it’s vital
to go then to the Holy Spirit and ask him, “Where did I yield
ground to Satan?” And when he shows you, then you resist Satan in
Jesus’ name, and then submit your will to the Holy Spirit.
And then the
important thing is -- it doesn’t matter how you do it, and it
doesn’t matter if you go and kiss that guy, or kiss that girl --
but somehow you immediately get the spirit flowing the right way
again. And whether you write a letter to them and express your
regard for them, or your friendship, or you apologize for the feeling
you’ve had towards them, but you get the spirit going in the right
direction immediately. Because, that’s the way the spirit will
heal you and cleanse you.
So loved ones, it is
you can see, important to deal with these poisonings that come into
your spirit. And it is important to see, too, that the only place of
victory is in your position at God’s right hand. And it might be
good, you know, for me to write maybe those two verses down because
it’s Ephesians 2:6. That’s the position of victory. And I
suppose you could say Romans 6:11 is the condition that results from
that, which is a condition of submitting your will to the Holy
Spirit. And that is the place of victory in life, and is the only
position where your spirit can continually remain healthy and clean
for Jesus to use.
To Here 45:43 p. 12
And I think I should
stop there. There are other things I should share but the time is
going. Are there any questions loved ones? You can see the
importance of sin. If there’s sin in your life, of course, you
won’t want to do any of this. I mean, you’ll be the child of the
devil, and you’ll be his servant, and so you’ll be expressing
sin. But I’m assuming that we’ve received Jesus’ Spirit into
us and that good Spirit is wanting to express himself through us.
There are a thousand
verses here which maybe I can share some other evening, which of
course, show you how active the Christian life is. So always – you
don’t lie under these things; you don’t lie under them. You
don’t experience them for one hour and let them dwell in you. The
only way of victory is resist them and fight against them.
Question from
Audience: (inaudible)
Response from Pastor
It would be in this
way that the Spirit of Jesus is just always going out. And anything
that directs in upon yourself -- you just know it is Satan’s
approach. So I’m sure you’re right that an attitude that becomes
overwhelmed with criticizing yourself is part of the spirit of Satan.
Whereas, it seems to me, the Holy Spirit’s conviction says, “You
are not tithing. You are being dishonest in your business in this
area. You have a wrong attitude towards your brother or your
sister.” The Holy Spirit points out a definite thing. You either
accept that conviction and repent of the sin and have done with it,
and go to Jesus, or of course, you continue in it, in which case you
begin eventually to lose all voice of the Holy Spirit.
So you are right,
that when the Holy Spirit convicts, he convicts particular sin. And
it’s something you can deal with, and repent of, and go on your
way. But the self critical stuff is something that just beats you
over the head. It’s a kind of masochism that the self enjoys,
But what would be
good for us all to grasp is, that the normal state of our spirits is
Jesus. That’s it. The normal state of our spirits is that dear
Savior. And if it will make it clearer to some of you who have
difficulty understanding the Spirit of Jesus, it’s the Spirit of
Hawaii with the breakers rolling in upon the shore. That’s it,
clean and fresh, and glittering, and shinning, and bright. It’s
the Spirit of seagulls and swallows, soaring in the heavens. It’s
the Spirit of little animals chasing each other on a spring morning.
It’s that Spirit. The Spirit of Jesus is not hard to find because
it’s plain in everything he’s made. It’s a joyous, clean,
outgoing Spirit that expresses peace and joy all around. It’s a
Spirit that is not preoccupied with itself and is not sad and
So it’s not hard
to tell the Spirit of Jesus. The Spirit of Jesus is a joyous happy
Spirit that is always going out to lift others into that same place.
So really it is -- oh it is -- it’s a continual vacation to really
be governed by Jesus’ Spirit. That’s why you grow younger every
day, that’s why – oh yeah, that "the power that raised Jesus
from the dead gives life unto our mortal bodies" so that "they
that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." "They
shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
And "their youth will be renewed like the eagles."
So it is, it’s a
life that is more alive, and more rejoicing at the end of a hard day
than it was at the beginning. Of course, you ask, "Why?"
Well, because through the whole day this healthy Spirit of Jesus has
been blasting through you, and making you healthier all the time, as
he went through. So it is, it’s a beautiful life, really.
Let us pray. Dear
Lord, we thank you for your own clear example. Every time we look at
you Savior, the Lord of earth passing by. Every time we look at you,
we see joy, and life, and uplift and peace, and kindliness, and
tenderheartedness. Lord, we see a love that is always eager to
believe the best, that is always believing the best, that is not
looking at what is dark and sinful but at what is light and what is
beautiful. Lord, we thank you for that.
Thank you that we
need never doubt whether it’s your spirit or Satan’s spirit,
whether it’s your Spirit or our own selves. The difference is the
difference between night and day, the difference between life and
death. And oh we thank you for that. Thank you that the new birth,
that being filled with the Holy Spirit, are so plain and so obvious
that even the wayfaring man can perceive it. And oh we thank you for
that Lord.
We pray for our dear
friends, pray for our colleagues that we’ll meet at work this week.
We pray for our loved ones that live with us. We would look to you,
Lord Jesus, and praise you and glorify you each day. We would spend
not a moment in the midst of self, not a moment in the midst of our
own despair. Lord, we would live in you by faith in your fullness,
so that our loved ones and our dear colleagues will be lifted up by
us each time they meet us. So we look forward to this week.
And we thank you
Lord, for communion next Sunday. Thank you for a time of sharing
your life with each other and then receiving new orders from you for
the coming month. And Lord, we thank you for your own goodness, and
your own good truth, and for the dear saints of old that have
preserved it in their lives and in their writings.
And now the grace of
our Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit, be with each one of us now and throughout this coming week.
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