New Birth and
Baptism with Holy Spirit
Loved ones, one of
the things that you’ve probably noticed about Robin’s testimony
[given earlier] was the importance of taking definite steps. That
might be a good place to begin to share a few things about the New
Birth and the baptism with the Holy Spirit. For most of us here who
are born of God the New Birth was a definite step for us. Now, we
might only realize it when we look back on it, and we might not all
be able to put a date and a time and a place to the moment we were
born of God, but most of us know there was a time when we felt that
God was the Creator of the world, separate from us. And then there
was another time when we felt something like what Robin said; we felt
we were God’s child and we felt a Spirit within us crying, “Father”
so for most of us who are born of God here this evening, there was a
definite time.
John Wesley put it
strongly, he says, “There was a change from darkness into light; a
change from hell into heaven. It was a change from sadness and
depression into joy and peace.” Whether we all can say “Amen”
to all those things, we would agree that there was a definite moment
when we were born of God. I think for most of us here, it differed;
for some of us it was like bells ringing and it was a great sense
that our sins were forgiven and that we were on our way to heaven.
For many of us, it was just a quiet time when we said, “Lord, my
life is empty and I feel I don’t know where I’m going, and I
don’t know who I am. My life is filled with things that apparently
you regard as sins, and Lord, I do not know what to do. I do believe
that your son Jesus has done something for me, so Lord I want him in
my heart, and I want a relationship with you.”
Then most of us knew
that if we did confess our sins, he was faithful and just to forgive
us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So most of
us did what I certainly did; I knelt down at my bedside and confessed
my sins, one by one, as much as I could remember them. Then Jesus
said, “Except you repent, you will all likewise perish,” and I
repented and believed what they said; that repentance was not just
being sorry or feeling remorse, it was stopping the sins, stopping
them. I had sins in my life that I felt I couldn’t stop, but I felt
that what God was requiring of me at that moment was a determination
to stop them; to stop them at least that day, and he would give me
grace for tomorrow. So I turned from the things that I was doing
wrong and from living for my own selfish satisfaction and then I
asked Jesus to come into my heart, the same as Robin did.
I was a fairly
“good” kind of little boy in Ireland, but I certainly had real
troubles when I came to seventeen years old with the feeling that
there were things that were wrong in my life that I couldn’t
control, and they were things that were going to send me to hell
unless they were forgiven. So I had a very definite sense that God
had forgiven me my sins and that Jesus had come into my heart.
So for most of us
who are born of God, it was a definite step like that. So maybe I
could encourage you by asking, have you taken a definite step? It
doesn’t matter too much what feelings you have when you take that
step that is virtually unimportant. But the important thing is that
you take the step. And if you ask “Why”; because the best way of
showing faith in the car that I have is getting in and turning the
key and driving it. That’s finally your declaration that you trust
that thing; that’s why a step of faith is important. It’s
finally saying, “God, as far as I can see in history you’ve gone
out on a limb with your son’s death, which is written into history;
breaking history into BC and AD. You’ve done things for me, and
Lord God I will do things to show you that I believe that and I trust
you.” That’s about it. If you say, “Is it very important to
stop the sins?” Yes, just for that reason; it’s not just for the
sake of the effect it’ll have on your friends or your relatives, or
the kindliness that they’ll see, but it’s you putting your
actions and your money where your mouth is. It’s you declaring to
God, “I believe this and to prove it to you Lord, I’m doing this,
and this, and this.”
That’s why many of
us have actually been in that position where we’ve been at an altar
and we have not been able, somehow, to sense that God had forgiven us
and the Holy Spirit said to us, “Go and apologize to the person
that you insulted yesterday.” And we had to get up and go and
apologize and come back to the altar and then everything just flowed
through. And it wasn’t for the sake of that person; it was because
God required that if he acted to show his forgiveness of us, we would
act before we would be able to receive it.
So it is important
loved ones. I used to argue with those people who said, “Oh, you
must have a definite time.” And I thought, “No, I’ve always
been a Christian.” John Wesley says, “You know, there are those
who say, ‘I’ve always been a Christian. I’ve always loved God.
I’ve never known the need for such a change.’” Well, that was
my position for a long time until I saw that, no; God requires me to
exercise my faith and declare it by doing something. And that’s it
loved ones; you receive Jesus by faith, and faith is action.
I’d say once more,
before talking about the baptism with the Holy Spirit, if you are
sitting there and like me, you’re saying, “I believe all you’re
saying. I think all that’s true. I agree with it all -- why can’t
I sense that God has forgiven me?” It’s because you don’t
“think” your way into a relationship with God, you act your way
into a relationship with God. You do something. If you’re not
born of God this evening, I’d stay behind after service. I’d
come up to the stage and I’d kneel down and pray, or I’d sit in
my seat and pray, or I’d go to the prayer room, or I’d go
upstairs, but I would take a definite step tonight.
You notice that’s
what made a difference in Robin’s life; when you take a definite
Brothers and
sisters, you would not believe how important that is. Honestly, I
thought I was an academic sophisticate and thought, “That’s for
poor old coalmen in Ireland who didn’t go to university and didn’t
know anything.” But no, it’s for all of us. It’s for all us;
whether we think we’re clever or whether we think we’re not,
whether we think we’re dumb or we think we’re sophisticated.
There’s only one way into the New Birth, and that’s to put
yourself out on a limb say, “God, you put your hand there. I put
mine there.” And for most of us, it is an honest confession of our
sins, and an honest repentance, and an honest receiving of Jesus into
our hearts.
Many of us have done
that and have walked reasonably well for the first few months and
have been able to witness, read the Bible and pray, and have been
able to obey God in the things that he was telling us. And then it
varies, sometimes it’s after three months, sometimes it’s after
six months, sometimes it’s after a year to two years after you’re
born of God, this is what happens; you’re life goes up, then down,
up, then down; the old switchback life. You begin to find periods
when you go down in your awareness of God’s presence and times when
you go up. Easter services you go up and then you go down during the
summertime, and then you up again in the fall when everything gets
going. And then they get sharper and they don’t go with the
seasons but they go with the times you’re able to obey God, and the
times you’re not able to obey God and you begin to find that there
is within you something besides the voice of Jesus.
One of the beauties
of the New Birth is that you very quickly find a voice inside you
that makes you know what God wants you to do, and you find an urging
within you that makes you want to do it. Three months to two years
after you’re born of God, you begin to find a different voice and a
different urging within you; a voice that says, “No, no, that’s
not really important. It’s not really important to get up and read
the Bible every day. It’s not really important to pray every day.
No, it’s not a big thing that you didn’t speak up in that
discussion in the office, it doesn’t matter. No, it doesn’t
matter, really, if you’re tired, just ease back.” And gradually,
gradually, you begin to ease back from some of the commitments that
you made to God.
Now, the strange
thing is that along with that suggestion of rationalizing your
obedience, there comes within you a growing desire to have your own
way. And for most of us it is shocking because it is worse than what
we had before we were children of God; it is something that makes us
hate God, it seems, at times. It makes us want to rebel against him.
It makes us sick and tired of many of the people who say they’re
Christians, makes us sick and tired of many of the things we read in
the Bible. The Bible says, “I can do all things through Christ,
who strengtheneth me.” And we find, “No, no, I can’t do all
things through Christ who strengtheneth me. I resent that person and
I can’t help my resentment. I have a critical attitude to that
person and I can’t help it, I can’t do anything about it. So I
can’t do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
And then we begin to
read verses like, “Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin,”
and we begin to realize that the Bible says that anybody who knows
what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. So we go
home after work is over at night and we go in and lose our temper
with a roommate or with a loved one that we live with. We know it,
and we know it before we go in, but something happens and we lose our
temper. So we find that there is within us a hard knot of self that
we are increasingly unable to deal with. Now loved ones that’s the
defeated Christian life; that’s the carnal life.
Maybe you should
note that a person who isn’t born of God can’t live the carnal
life. A person who isn’t born of God is normally fairly happy and
has arranged enough drugs, or enough alcohol, or enough fun, or
enough excitement to make life reasonably bearable. It’s only a
person who is born of God, who has tasted of Jesus’ Spirit and has
something of his Spirit within them that experiences the exposure of
the self life, because until Jesus’ Spirit comes into you, that
carnal life cannot be exposed. But the longer you walk on in this
way, the worse it becomes.
That’s what
happened certainly, in my life; I tried to walk on in an outwardly
victorious, obedient life, and inwardly I had this problem with
inward sin, with a desire, increasingly, to have my own way. I had an
increasing desire to stand up for my own rights, a desire to be
impatient, resentful, irritable, and selfish, and all the things that
are listed as the works of the flesh. Loved ones, for many of us,
that has become the normal Christian life for us. It isn’t the
normal Christian life; its agony and its torture, because you’re
trying to keep up an outward appearance and all this stuff is inside.
It’s a bit like
Robin said, “You have to go to this meeting but you feel, ‘The
last place I want to be is that meeting.’” So you’re doing
Christian things, but you don’t feel Christian inside; you feel the
very opposite of Christian. Now that’s what many of us have
experienced who have not been baptized with the Spirit. And really
loved ones, there’s no mystery in the baptism of the spirit. The
meaning of the Greek word is “a good guide.” “Baptizo” in
Greek means to be immersed and that’s what being baptized with the
spirit is; it is to be immersed in the Holy Spirit, who already
dwells within you.
Now if you say,
“Well, why can’t you realize that you should be immersed at the
very beginning of your New Birth?” I don’t know. Maybe we don’t
know what it is. Maybe we don’t know enough about it to even
understand it. Maybe it’s like you bring a candle into a dark room
and it’s only then that you begin to see how dark the corners of
the room are. Before the candle comes in you don’t see the
darkness of the corners. But for some reason we are not able to
realize the depths of that self until the Holy Spirit comes into us
and then we realize that he is in us, but we are not immersed in him,
we are not baptized with him, and that’s actually what God is
beginning to try to bring home to us.
He’s saying to us,
“There is part of you that wants to do my will, but don’t you see
there’s a hard knot inside you that hates my will and that does not
want it. I want to tell you what my Son actually did for you on
Calvary.” And it’s then that God began to point to the truth
that Jesus had died for me and I had died with him and that the
reason I was not immersed with the Holy Spirit or baptized with the
Holy Spirit; the reason I was not filled with him completely was that
I actually was not willing to be crucified with Jesus, and I was not
willing to die with him. There were all kinds of things in my life
that I wanted for myself. I was willing to serve God with some of my
life but I wasn’t willing to serve him with all of it. I wasn’t
willing to be at his beck and call. I wasn’t willing to be made a
fool for his sake. I wasn’t willing to give up my job and go
somewhere abroad if he told me to. And actually that wasn’t the
worst; the worst was that I wasn’t even willing to get up out of a
chair when he told me, and walk over to a door and trust him to have
somebody there for me to speak to. I wasn’t willing to trust him
for even four steps, when it came to it.
I discovered that I
was very much in control of my own life and I remember reading those
words that I shared with you some time ago where Jesus said to Peter,
“When you were young you girded yourself and you walked where ever
you wanted, but there’s going to come a time when somebody else
will gird you and they will take you whither you do not want to go.”
Then it says in the next verse, “Jesus said this to show Peter the
death that he would die,” because it’s reckoned that Peter died
the same death as Jesus; on a cross. It was then that God’s Spirit
began to get through to me and say, “You’re not in that position,
are you? You’re not willing to go wherever I lead you. You only
want to go where you think it’s wise to go and if it hurts you or
if it destroys your pride, or destroys your reputation you don’t
want any part of it.” And I began to see that this was so.
Loved ones, for most
us there comes a time in our lives when we need to come to a new
consecration of ourselves to Jesus. I don’t fully know why it is,
maybe it’s that you see him first as your Savior and then he begins
to show that he has to be your Lord as well or you lose him even as
your Savior. Maybe it’s because he calls us to follow him and
brings us along some fairly easy paths at the beginning and then he
begins to show us what he wants us to do in this life for him.
Because it seems for many of us the crucial decision is are we going
to live our lives for ourselves or are we going to be utterly at his
disposal to do whatever he wants?
That’s what it was
for me, especially with career -- that was the issue: was I going to
continue to live my career the best way I could for my own
satisfaction, or was I going to be willing to do whatever he wanted
me to do? Then there came a time in my own life, it must be a
glorious fifteen years ago, when I came to the point where I said,
“Lord, even if you want me to be nothing for you, if you want me to
be a failure for you, that’s all I care about, Lord Jesus. To be
with you on the cross, is dearer to me than to be with anybody else
in heaven. So whatever you want Lord and wherever you want to take
me or whatever you want to do with me, that’s it.”
I can’t tell you
the simplicity that came into my life that Saturday morning because
at last I was listening to only one drummer and listening to only one
voice. Life became simple and clean and clear from that moment and
brought a great victory into my life and brought the external
blessing of the gifts of the Spirit and ministry. But loved ones, it
seems for most of us that there needs to come that time in our lives.
Now, if you say to me, “Well, did it happen that way in the New
Testament?” I think normally in the New Testament, as you would
say, “They got the whole ball of wax;” they entered into the
fullness of the Spirit. It seemed that that was the normal
Except that there
were two occasions that have been recorded in the New Testament and
presumably, there must be more that weren’t recorded, indeed three
if you think of Paul, but there were certainly two occasions; one
when Phillip’s converts and then Apollos’ converts were baptized,
and you should listen to this, they were baptized by John’s
Baptism. They were baptized into John’s baptism for the repentance
of sins. Peter points out that John’s baptism was a baptism into
the name of him who was to come -- Jesus. And neither of those
groups seemed to be filled with the Holy Spirit until Peter and John
came down and prayed for them.
And I wonder is that
some kind of clue? I wonder do many of us in these days and I know
you won’t like it, but I wonder do we in fact become “good Jews”
where we think we’ve been born of God but we’re really baptized
into John’s baptism for the remission of our sins. Because the
Jews were able to have their sins remitted, in the sense of covered;
their sins were not imputed to them. They were able to do that and
they knew baptism for the freedom from the guilt of their sins and I
wonder do many of us enter into that instead of entering into, as
Paul would explain to the people who are about to be baptized, “Don’t
you know that those of us who have been baptized into Jesus’ have
been baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by
baptism into death so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the
glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”
Are there any of us
here this evening perhaps, who have never actually been baptized into
Jesus’ death? I wonder are some of you like me? I was horrified
when I first thought of the idea. I thought, “Look, that was the
whole deal I entered into, that Jesus died for me so that I wouldn’t
have to die. Now, the Bible is telling me I have to die.” And I
wonder are any of us like that, where we feel, “Yeah, we’ve been
baptized into Jesus’ name for the remission of our sins and we know
our sin is forgiven, but certainly our lives are not victorious
lives.” In that case, I wonder; do we need to come the same way as
Apollos’ converts and Phillip’s converts, and actually enter into
the immersion with the Holy Spirit which, maybe I should point out,
has not anything to do necessarily with water. I don’t think the
water creates or causes anything internally in us, but the important
thing is that we would enter into identification with Jesus in his
death because that’s what Romans 6 says, “If we were buried with
him, we shall certainly rise with him.” And that’s the meaning
of the New Birth; that our old self is buried and destroyed and a new
self is born, a new creation is born; anybody in Christ is a new
Now, I don’t know
where you stand, but I think some of us might be in that same
position as some of the loved ones from the New Testament, even
though the norm was that you’d enter into the fullness of the Holy
Spirit at the same time as the New Birth. Yet even in those days,
there were those two groups, plus Paul himself who entered in in two
steps. If you say to me, “Well, what’s your definition of the
baptism of the Holy Spirit” Jesus gave us the final word when he
said, “The wind bloweth where it listeth. No one knows the sound
thereof, where it goes, or where it comes from. So is the Holy
I do believe that
each one of us here should see that the glory of our position is that
God has a separate arrangement with each one in this room. That’s
right. You are not the same as anybody else in this room and you are
not the same as anybody in the whole world. Your dear Father made
you and you’re unique, and he has a unique way to go with you and
it seems very dangerous to try to tar us all with the same brush.
Different ones have entered into the fullness of the Holy Spirit in
different ways. Some of us have had just great a sense of
cleanliness and victory. Some of us have had a great experience of a
sense of praise of God. Some have spoken with tongues. Some have
had no sense of emotion at all. It seems that we’ve come in in all
kind of ways. It seems the mode is not important. What is important
is that you determine yourself, what you have actually taken a stand
for in your own life. Are you born of God? Have you victory over
sin and have you a victorious witnessing life and a victorious life
at home? Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit and are you
going on into the depths of Jesus? It seems those are the questions
that we should be dealing with.
Now any questions,
loved ones, because it’s really that important that you ask and
that I try to answer in sensible ways that you will understand.
Question: Robin
leads the New Birth seminar, and he’s saying, is a real
understanding of the New Birth really the fullness of the Spirit?
Answer: The way God
has led me to preach on Sunday mornings is to go for everything that
the New Testament shows us. It does seem that because so many of us
have been brought up in what I would describe as perhaps less than
full gospel preaching, that many of us have entered into a New Birth
that may be very close to simply what the Jews experienced. So it
seems to me we do have to deal with that. I don’t think we should
ignore it all and say, “I think I’d have been in real trouble if
the person that told me about it had said, ‘Oh, no you’ve been
born of God, and then you have everything. That’s all you need.’”
It seems to me very important to recognize that a great number of us
have entered into something that is less than a full experience of
the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
I think it’s
possible also, that God does lead many of us through two steps. I
think it is possible that maybe, the old illustration about the
candle doesn’t prove anything because you can’t prove theology
from an illustration, but maybe the illustration is some indication
of the way God rules us with his Spirit so that the candle first, has
to come into the room before you can see the darkness round about.
And there’s no doubt there is some sense in which you can hardly be
aware of carnality until you’re aware of the Spirit of Jesus within
you, moving you towards God. So there does seem some wisdom, Robin,
in making a distinction especially, in the New Birth seminar, and
urging loved ones to at least take the first step with God.
There is a little
difference in this way, the New Birth is often a very selfish thing
and God probably allows it to be. It’s often very concerned with
our guilt, and our need of forgiveness, and our need of heaven,
whereas the baptism with the Spirit is essentially an unselfish
thing. It’s, “What can I do for Jesus and for his glory?” So
it does seem there is a difference of emphasis in the two experiences
that you can draw out. Often, the first experience is concerned with
the forgiveness of sins; the second experience is concerned with
cleansing from sin. The first experience is concerned with the guilt
of sin -- getting away from that; the second, with the freedom from
the power of sin. [John] Wesley would have said, “First is the
restoration of the favor of God; the second is the restoration of the
image of God.” So it does seem that one is concerned with our
relationship with God; the other is concerned almost with a
relationship with the world and a real change.
Question: It seems
to me that Jesus meets our need and pointing to our purposes, he
gives us a personal purpose, and then when you’re in that
relationship where we have some idea [inaudible 30:12] then we
realize that secondly, we shouldn’t even be in a position to
recognize it, really, and then we accept it.
I do tend to agree
Robin, with Clyde that it does seem that God woos us that way. It’s
as if we’re going in all directions and he has to at least get us
going down this road before he can get us into the middle of the
road. It seems almost as if he has to get our attention first. And
that’s why many of us would testify probably, to the first need
being a forgiveness of the guilt that we felt because of our sins.
That was my concern, it was my sins. Whereas my concern with the
baptism of the Holy Spirit was my sin, my inward independence of God,
which often didn’t show itself in outward sins, but it was there
all the time.
Question: Is it
possible Pastor that in John 1:12, where we’re told that receiving
Jesus gives us the power to become his child, and that second
experience that you referred to is beyond that to the point where
we’re now making a commitment for life which would be the bride to
the groom, the extension – the extending of the hand that Jesus
says, “Here is my engagement ring, will you accept it?” And the
bride says, “Yes.” If you can remember, the church is the bride
and the marriage hasn’t taken place yet but he still has that
engagement, which is a commitment over and beyond that childish
commitment that we had when we first received Jesus.
Yes, that’s right.
It does seem that there’s an abiding in Christ that begins at the
baptism of the Holy Spirit that is partial, perhaps, when we’re
born of God. And it’s interesting that you brought up the verse
because I think I could save you even from the exegesis that you
found difficulty with there, because the Greek word is not power it’s
“exousia” and it’s right too, as many as received him he then
gave you right to become the children of God. So you’re right;
that gives you the right to regard yourself as a member of the family
but the fullness of the Spirit gives you the power to be a member of
the family, so it is true.
Robin and I were
talking before we came in to service and he was saying, “It’s a
miserable thing being a weak Christian” and it is. You’d be
better way out in the world, knowing nothing of God than to be a
defeated Christian who is not baptized with the Holy Spirit. It is a
hideous position to be in; it is the most difficult and the saddest
position, it really is. It is far easier and far more joyful and
satisfying to surrender everything to Jesus and to go all the way
with him.
And loved ones,
could I put this to you -- there is no other way to go. I mean,
waken up! There is no other way to go. This is God; this is our God.
We who have got to the point of believing that there’s a God and
that he’s the Father of Jesus while the atheist may pretend, “No,
it’s not true, and therefore there is an alternative way to go,”
but we who once we took the first step of saying, “We believe in
God,” and then the second step that he’s the Father of Jesus,
what other way are you going to go? What way are you going to live
your life if it’s not wholly and totally for Jesus? Are you going
to live it for yourself and then get to heaven, which obviously if
you believe this much you believe there’s and heaven and hell, and
then you’re going to get to that gate and what are you going to
say? You can’t say, “Well, I went halfway with you” because
God will say, “But I went all the way for you. I gave everything
for you.”
Loved ones it’s
foolishness this talk about a half-converted life or a defeated
Christian life. Only insane people would try to run that kind of
controlled surrender. Now, I agree with you, I did the same as you
but we’re deceived; Satan deceives us into to thinking that this is
the best life and this is the right life. It’s no life. It’s no
life because “the good that I would I cannot do and the evil I
hate, that’s the very thing I do.”
So loved ones maybe
for most of us here this evening the first step is taking a stand
tonight. Maybe you can’t take a whole stand, but maybe you can
move a bit as Robin moved, you can take a stand tonight in the
quietness before God and say “Lord, I am not baptized with the Holy
Spirit. I do not have the fruit of the Spirit in my life. I often
feel dryness. I often feel I have to force myself to go to a prayer
meeting or to go to this church. I often find myself letting you
down with other people. So Lord, I need something. I don’t know
that it’s what those people in the Pentecostal church got or what
this Pastor says he got, I don’t know if it’s that But Lord I
need something and for want of a better name, I’m gonna call it I
need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. But Lord, I need that, so I
acknowledge that before you tonight.” That’s an important first
step, loved ones and God would honor that action because that’s
putting your money where your mouth is. That’s taking a stand in
faith, acknowledging what you feel, and for many of us here that
might be the right step to take.
Now there are others
of here who need to see that the glory is -- it’s all been done
--that’s the glory of it. The glory is that each one of us here
has already been remade. I know it boggles your mind if you haven’t
come into it, but that’s the truth. We all have been remade.
Christ has died and we have all died with him and we’ve been
remade, and there is a perfect you that can be made real this very
moment if you have faith.
There’s a faucet
on the wall and you say, “There’s water in that faucet,” and
you will get it as soon as you turn it on. I can sit here and say,
“Oh, I believe it, I believe it.” But only when I go over and
turn the faucet on will the water come out. It’s like that;
there’s a new you that the Holy Spirit can make alive this moment,
one who is able to obey God totally if you simply have faith in that
and act on that basis. That’s it; if you simply, from this moment
on, would act and speak and think as if your old, miserable, self had
been crucified with Christ and you had a new perfect creation that
was exactly like him, replacing it, then that’s what you’d
experience. That new creation would exist that very moment filled
with the Holy Spirit. I know it’s baffling, but it’s true.
Let us pray.
Dear God, we’re so
used to struggling, struggling, struggling, and we almost hate to
give up the struggle, and yet we see that the victory is not won by
struggling but that it is true; we have been crucified with Christ,
and if we’ve been buried with him we’ll certainly rise with him.
And that means that if he is already risen and now has been raised to
the right hand of God, then we also have been raised with him above
every rule and authority and dominion and power, and that’s where
we are this very moment. And the moment we believe that and act on
it, that moment all the powers of Jesus are available to us; the
powers to heal sicknesses, the powers to live joyously and
obediently. Lord, I for one intend to live that way and each of us
would say in quietness what we intend to do. We thank you, Lord.
Dear Lord, we’re
tired of living this half-life, tired of living by faith in
ourselves. Lord, we do believe that the way out is a glorious way
and not this miserable, trying, striving way that we’ve been at.
Lord, we will step out with you tonight. Lord Jesus, thank you that
you did destroy us with yourself on the cross, and thank you that we
have been made new in you and Lord, that there is a new me that is
taking place inside me at this very moment, as I believe. Thank you,
Lord Jesus that the victory is by faith and we can believe that now,
tonight, and act on that and Holy Spirit, you will direct our steps
and all we have to do is follow. We would do that now, tonight, so
that our lives will be your lives, Lord Jesus, led by your Spirit for
your glory.
Now the grace of our
Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit be with each one of us now and ever more. Amen.
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