The Spiritual Man #2
I would like to try
to talk tonight about the spiritual man. And you get that phrase,
loved ones, if you want to look at 1 Corinthians 2:15. “The
spiritual man judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no
one.” So it is the spiritual man or spiritual woman that we’ll
be talking about. Don’t you think there are many of us that have
come to Jesus because we needed help? It seems very popular today,
doesn’t it, to encourage people like ourselves to come to Jesus or
to come to God because we need help. And I am sure you’ve heard
that and I’ve certainly heard a lot of it and indeed you might hear
it in our prayers at time. You know, we often pray as if the main
reason we’ve come to Jesus is because we need help. We’re lonely
and we need friendship, or we feel weak and we need strength, or
we’re in trouble and we need saving out of the trouble.
And I’m sure it’s
a legitimate way to come first of all to an awareness that we need
God. But, do you see loved ones that if we remain at that stage we
are really not being the kind of people that God has made us to be.
In that the Father doesn’t want a bunch of mercenaries. Do you see
that? God does not want a bunch of mercenaries around him in heaven
who are with him just because he gives them what they need.
You can see that if
that’s why we’re all going to be in heaven we’re all going to
be there for selfish reasons and in reality it’s going to be hell
because there will be a whole lot of people there who are there for
selfish motives and who no doubt will continue to live just for
selfish motives. So it’s vital that sooner or later in your life
with God, your life is turned around. And by all means maybe you’re
like the leper, or maybe I’m like the blind man, or maybe you’re
like the person who was dead and you came for life, or I came for
sight, or you came for healing. And that was the reason we came to
Jesus at the beginning, perhaps that’s fair.
But, if we stay at
that stage we will never be at home in heaven because heaven is
filled with people who have been freed from all selfish motives.
Heaven is filled with people who love Jesus above themselves and who
are prepared to die for Jesus rather than have him die for them. So
part of the reason for these evening services is to try to encourage
one another and help one another to get out of that lamentably
selfish carnal so called Christian life that such a great part of
Christendom is living in and to get into the victorious New Testament
apostolic life that will change the world.
And I don’t think
you need any persuading about that because you know how many of us in
America are evangelical Christians, and yet you also know how many of
us are still in America and how few of the two and a half billion
people who don’t know Jesus are hearing about him in these days.
And that in itself of course, is some comment on our Christianity.
So loved ones, I
would encourage you to see that God will say new things to you in
these evening services. And I pray that you will see the truths that
we share as not a higher way while there is a lower way to get to
heaven. There isn’t, there is only one way to get to heaven and
that’s the way we’ll talk about in these evening services. There
is not a lower way; if you stay on the lower way you’ll stay with
the Corinthians to whom Paul said, “I see you are still in the
flesh for you behave like ordinary men. Because while there is strife
and jealousy among you, are you not behaving like ordinary men?”
Well loved ones, I
would encourage you not to hold on to your sins. You cannot drag
your sins into heaven, you can’t. It is just true that whosoever
is born of God does not commit sin and anyone who commits sin is of
the devil. And so there may be a transition stage between when you
are sinning and when you come free from sin. And during that
transition stage we should love each other and encourage each other
but we need to see that you cannot stay in your sins. You cannot
take self into heaven.
And that is the
heart of what a spiritual man or a spiritual woman is. A spiritual
man or a spiritual woman is a person who runs their life from their
spirits. Who is governed by their spirits. Now, the other way to be
governed is in Romans 8, if you want to look at it, and some of you
will know the verse. Romans 8:4, “In order that the just
requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not
according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” So a
spiritual man or woman is one who walks according to the spirit and
the opposite kind of person is a person who walks according to the
And a crude meaning
of the flesh is certainly the Greek “soma”, the body. And we
shared several weeks ago how the great bulk of the people in the
world live governed by their bodily needs. The most important thing
to them is the kind of food they eat and if they don’t get a meal
at the right time they will be very irritable and very discontent.
If they don’t have the right clothes they will be discontented. If
they get the clothes that make them look good they’ll feel happy,
and if everybody likes them and is admiring them they’ll be
pleased, much as a little dog is pleased when he’s groomed and his
master praises him.
And so the great
bulk of the people in the world live – I know this is hard -- but
they live like little animals. And I’m not saying that to be
offensive. They just live like little animals. When they look nice
in their bodies and they have nice coats, and nice shoes on, they
feel happy and people praise them and they feel important. And if
they get the right kind of food they feel happy, if they get the
wrong kind of food they feel unhappy. If they don’t get any food
they can’t stand anything. And they are governed mostly by what
comes into their body.
Or, you can expand
it a little, they’re governed by the things that they see through
their body, through their eyes. They see things, they see a nice
girl and that gives them a thrill and gives them a sense of
exhilaration and they’re emotionally stirred. Or, they see a nice
motorbike and they’re emotionally stirred. But, they’re governed
by what they see. They get up in the morning, it’s a sun shiny
day, they see it and they feel happy. So of course they’re utterly
at the mercy of either their body itself -- what they eat, or what
they put on, or what they drink -- or the things that they see, or
the things that they hear.
If they are walking
by a room and two friends are in that room and they make some
critical comment about them and that comes through their ears it
spoils their day. Their whole day is rotten. They just think, “Ah,
they don’t like me. They don’t like me and they were criticizing
me. I can never love them. Well, they’re not so good either.”
And criticism rises up in their hearts and so it’s either what they
see or what they hear that makes them happy or makes them sad. And so
that’s a person walking after the flesh.
And loved ones,
that’s the way the great bulk of the people of the world walk; they
walk after the flesh. And that’s because they have determined that
they are the most important people in the world and what they try to
do is gather friends around them that will make them feel important.
What they try to do is do things that they can do successfully so
that other people will praise them so that they’ll feel exalted and
happy. And most people live that way. They live for themselves and
they do it by the power of their own souls. That is, they use their
emotions to make them happy, they use their will to exert power over
other people and make them do what they want and make them like them.
They use their minds to manipulate things and to manipulate people
so that others regard them as important and make them feel good. And
the great bulk of the population live like that. That’s living
after the flesh.
Now, God’s plan
was that we would live according to the Spirit. That is, that we
would not live for ourselves at all. That we would be absolutely
free from ourselves and that we would come here to work, some of us
sent to be plumbers, some of us sent to be poets, some of us sent to
be painters, some of us sent to be gardeners. But all of us sent to
enjoy our dear Father’s friendship and to enjoy the sense of his
approval on our lives and to enjoy fellowship with him. And as we
did that, he would give us in our spirits a great sense of his love.
Our spirit is inside us, loved ones. You have your body and then you
have your soul -- that is the psychological part of you, your mind,
and emotions, and your will -- and then inside that again you have
your spirit that is able to communicate with your Maker.
And God intended
that we would receive through our spirits a great sense of his love.
A great sense of his approval in our lives, a great sense of his
friendship, a constant sense of his presence. And so we would
receive all that through our spirits. You can see that’s the other
end of us. One end of us is the body and the other end is the spirit
and God intended that we would live from our spirits inside and then
our spirits would pass on that joy to our emotions, and to our minds,
and through our wills and that would govern our bodies and we would
give that out to our world. That’s what a spiritual man or a
spiritual woman is and that is what real peace is.
If you would just
suffer my old diagram, I’ll just show it to you very simply. You
remember, we’ve talked often about the fact that we are a spirit, a
soul, and a body. The body you can see. The soul -- the mind, the
emotions, the will -- is the psychological part of us. That’s the
part that we think and judge with and reason with, that part that we
feel with, the part that we decide and make decisions with. And the
spirit is the inner part of us that is able to communicate with the
Holy Spirit that God has. And his plan you see, was that we would
operate like that.
That we would
receive all the love that we needed from him -- not from the world,
not from each other, but all the love we needed from him. That that
would come through our spirits, our conscience would be obeyed by our
will and our will would direct our mind which would understand what
God was saying to us and our emotions would express the joy of a
relationship with God. That was the Father’s plan. What in fact
we did was, we said, “No, we don’t want to live like that. We
want to live for ourselves, we want to be gods. We want to get what
we want from the world when we want it, not what you give us Lord.”
And so we began to operate the other way.
So you can see we
operated in the wrong direction and we began to operate by the wrong
power. We were meant to get everything in our spirits but we began
to get things by soulish power. We used our emotions to get joy from
each other, and from adventures, and excitement. We used our mind to
manipulate things to that we’d be secure -- and we used our will to
exercise power over other people. And so loved ones, we began to
operate in the wrong direction and we began to operate by the wrong
power. That’s why we so often cry “the good that I would I
cannot do”. That’s why you feel so helpless at times when you
lose your temper. That’s why you feel so helpless when you find a
critical spirit springing up inside you towards another person.
Loved ones, it’s
not just because you have a little failing, it isn’t. It’s not
just because you have a little weakness. Some of it is because
you’ve inherited a certain kind of soul from your mum and dad but
it isn’t just one little thing, you see. It’s because the whole
personality is perverted. The whole personality is running the wrong
way. So actually, if you do any good it’s almost chance, it’s
almost luck. And in fact, the little good that you do is so
dominated by self that really there’s very little purity in it.
Now loved ones, what
needs to be done is for that whole thing to be completely reversed
and completely changed. Now, oh I pray that you’ll get this truth.
That’s what happened to you in Jesus. That’s what happened to
you in Jesus. Not that’s what HAS TO HAPPEN to you, that’s WHAT
HAPPENED to you. You know when you try to get up in the morning and
it’s a rainy cloudy day and you try to whistle a little tune,
“Zippity do-dah, zippity ay.” And you make yourself feel happy.
Do you see you have to try to make yourself feel happy because it
isn’t natural. It isn’t natural to you because you look out at a
cloudy gloomy day and your whole personality is used to working that
You know when you
pass that room and two people are making a critical comment about
you? You see, you have a tendency to think, “Oh, I shouldn’t be
worried about that kind of thing.” And you know the way we try it,
“I mean, they’re not worth worrying about.” So we don’t do
it in a virtuous way, we try to use a trick of some kind to make
ourselves feel, “We shouldn’t be bothered about that.” But
yet, we are bothered about it and you see you’re bothered about it
not because that’s a little flaw in your personality but because
you’re used to living from the outside in and your whole soul, and
your whole mind, and emotions, and will are perverted, they’re in a
That’s why the
books are so popular that concentrate on trying to change your soul
--because we are subtle enough to know, “The problem is somewhere
in my mind. It’s somewhere with the way my mind is working. I
have to get my mind working positively. It’s something to do with
my erroneous zones. If I could deal with my erroneous zones I’d be
okay.” That’s why those books are so popular but actually
they’re doing the devil’s work. I don’t know if you realize
it, but they are, they’re doing the devil’s work because they
give an appearance of turning the personality around but no man can
turn the personality around. The remedy has to be as radical as the
perversion and the remedy is in Jesus. And the truth is that all of
us were placed by God into Jesus and were destroyed and remade.
Now, I know you have
a tendency at this moment as I had, to say, “You mean that can
happen to us?” No, that HAS happened to you. You say, “But I’m
not living that way.” “Yes, but that’s not because it hasn’t
happened to you, it’s because you don’t believe it has happened
to you.” Until you believe it and you live like that, it cannot be
real in you. So I can sit here paralyzed for years and Jesus can
come and say, “Be healed.” And he can say to me, “You’re
healed.” And I say, “But I’m still sitting here.” And he
says, “Yes, but you’re healed.” And the moment you stand up
you find out that you’re healed. And it’s so with all of us. It
is not that you have to be crucified with Christ, it is not that you
have to somehow get yourself into Jesus, God has put us all into
Jesus. It has been done.
Now loved ones, I’d
just point you to one of the many verses that state it very clearly
because some of us are sitting here and saying, “Well yeah, all you
people who have at least been born of God, it’s happened to you.”
No, it’s happened to more of us than that. It’s 2 Corinthians
5, and I really do wish you’d learn this verse off and memorize it.
2 Corinthians 5:14, “For the love of Christ controls us, because
we are convinced that one has died for all; therefore,” Paul says,
“All have died.” That’s all. That means even Brezhnev
[Soviet Leader from 1964-1982]. Brezhnev will not miss heaven because
his personality has not been reversed and turned around and
completely renewed in Jesus. Brezhnev will miss heaven because he
doesn’t believe that and therefore, he does not let the Holy Spirit
make that real in his life.
Loved ones, do you
see it? It’s not something you have to get into. You don’t have
to run after Noah’s Ark and jump into the Ark. God has put us all
into the Ark. He has already turned you around. There is a reverse
personality of yours that now operates the right way and is able to
be free from people’s criticism and free from being irritated by
people who gossip about you. There is a new personality available to
you at this moment and it is available this very night if you will
simply believe and are willing to be a spiritual man or a spiritual
woman. That is, willing to work from the inside out and to live for
God alone and no longer for yourself. But, it has already happened.
Now loved ones, it’s
all over the Bible but I’ll point you again to Ephesians. And it’s
so plain to all of us who know anything about English grammar and
recognize a past tense. Ephesians 2:1, “And you he made alive,
when you were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once
walked.” You he made alive. And then in Verse 6, “And raised us
up,” raised in the past tense. “Raised us up with him, and made
us sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” And that
in God’s eyes is where all of us are at this moment.
We have already been
crucified with Jesus and have been raised and made to sit with God in
the heavenly places and Jesus is in you at this moment. And all that
he has is yours and his great power of love, and his great power of
confidence and assurance of his Father’s approval is yours this
very moment if you will simply believe it. And the moment you
believe it, that moment the Spirit of Jesus rises up inside you and
begins to give you the same attitude towards his Father and towards
everything else in this world that Jesus himself has.
Loved ones, it’s
not something you have to bring about yourselves. It has already
happened. You have been crucified with Christ. That’s why that
verse says in Romans 6:6, “Our old self CAN be crucified with
Christ?” No, “Our old self WAS crucified with Christ.” And if
you say, “Well, why do I still have trouble with my temper and have
trouble with being preoccupied with the things that I see?” You
choose that. You choose to live that way and you live a lie. You
live as if you have not been changed in Jesus. So do you see it as
vital first of all to take your position in Christ?
Loved ones, there is
no possibility of becoming a spiritual man or a spiritual woman if
you will not first of all learn those verses off by heart and believe
them. And you know if you say to me, “Oh brother, do you mean auto
suggestion?” No, no. But first of all you have to set your mind
on the truth. The Holy Spirit can only make real in you the truth
that you believe. It will be unto you according to your faith. And
the first step is to establish that you are in Christ.
Loved ones, all
things that come to us from God come to us in Christ. If you say
tonight, “Well, I’m trying to get into Christ. I’m trying to
get into him. I’m trying to pray more, I’m trying to read the
Bible more. That’s why I’m coming to these services, I’m
trying to get into Christ. I know that somehow I can feel it,
somehow I’ll be able to make myself feel that I’m crucified. I
know it can be done. I’m trying to do it.” If you say that
you’ll never come in. You have to believe God’s dear word that
you have been changed. You have been crucified in Jesus and been
raised and completely renewed in him and you have a personality that
works the right way. Jesus’ death has become your death and his
resurrection has become your resurrection and his life is in you and
his attitude to his Father is in you and all you have to do is let
that come through and let that express itself.
First you establish
your position. Unless you stand on the work of the cross nothing
will happen in your life. Loved ones if you keep on trying to
crucify yourself, if you keep on reading these silly books about
erroneous zones and reading these books about how to get your mind
into positive thinking, you’re just turning your back on the work
that God has already done in your personality on the cross of Christ.
You must stand on the work of the cross.
Secondly, there is
only one dear Person who can reveal to you all the miraculous changes
that have come about on that cross, and all the changes that have
been made in you. Notice, HAVE BEEN made in you. There is only one
dear Person who can reveal that to you and that is no man, or no
woman, no preacher, no writer of books, there is only one dear
Person. That Person is mentioned, you remember, in John 16:13. “When
the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth,”
the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. “For he will not speak on his own
authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare
to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will
take what is mine and declare it to you.”
Now “declare” is
a Greek word that means “share”. Not just in the sense of a
verbal sharing but he will make the things real in you. So you see,
Jesus is saying, “When the Holy Spirit comes he will take of the
things that are mine and he will share them with you. And of course,
the agony that I suffered on the cross was not just my fear of death,
it wasn’t the pain that the Roman soldiers inflicted upon me, it
wasn’t the fear that my Father would reject me; it was the sense of
pain as my Father’s Holy Spirit burned out in me all of the self
and the reverse personality of you that was in me. And God, through
the Holy Spirit, will take all that that is in me, all that is mine,
that completely destroyed personality and renewed personality, and he
will share it with you.”
The Holy Spirit,
loved ones. The Holy Spirit alone is able to make real in you the
complete turning around of your personality that has taken place in
Jesus. And only he can do it. So do you see that we who are
children of God have to know first of all the position of the cross
and then the Holy Spirit makes our condition match our position? So
at the moment you may say, “Oh, but Pastor my condition is not what
my position is.” No, but you don’t give up your position
therefore, you keep your position on the basis of God’s word.
“Lord if you have not done anything with this miserable, jealous,
envious, angry, proud personality of mine, if you have not done
anything with it on the cross of Christ then I can never be free of
it because I’ve tried, I’ve tried, I’ve tried until I’m sick.
Lord, only if you have in fact destroyed it in Jesus can it ever be
changed in me. And now Holy Spirit will you reveal to me today what
changes God has made in me in Christ. And Holy Spirit I’ll listen
to you, I’ll submit to you.”
But loved ones,
those are the twin facts upon which a spiritual life is based. A
spiritual man or spiritual woman can only become such if they stand
on their position in the cross and then if they submit to the Holy
Spirit. And really it takes a sensitive leaning upon that dear Holy
Spirit and he has many things to show you. There are two great
changes that have to come about in your life in order to be a
spiritual man or spiritual woman. First of all, to stop living for
yourself and that comes from the moment you at last see, “I was
crucified with Christ. There is no good in me and the only thing God
could do with me is to destroy me. Thank you Lord that I have been
destroyed. Thank you that there is no longer a self to be exalted or
to be praised. There is no longer an Ernest O’Neill or a Leighton
Carlson or a Diane or a John. There is no longer a Bob to be praised
or glorified. That was crucified with Christ. Thank you Lord.”
And that is the
crisis experience of the cross. And then do you see you have a whole
personality that has been operating the wrong way for years and that
the Holy Spirit has to work upon gradually and that is what he does
with the daily cross. He begins to make real in you the death of
Jesus day-by-day. And there are several things that have to happen.
For one thing, your soul operates the wrong way. You often use the
powers of your soul to try to do God’s work.
You remember, Peter
did it himself. The men were attacking Jesus and he swept right
around and cut off the ear of one of them. And often that’s what
we do, we use our soulish powers to try to bring about the work of
God and that’s why we have so little satisfaction and so little
fruit in our ministry. And what the Holy Spirit has to do is to
break those great soulish powers of ours.
In other words,
there are two clear symptoms of a person who is not spiritual. One
is a carnal symptom; the other is a soulish symptom. Somebody at
home says something to you that’s critical and caustic to burn into
you and hurt you. If you’re a carnal Christian and have not
accepted your death in Christ you’re right back at them and
criticize them too. And that’s what a carnal Christian does; they
care for themselves so much that they cannot hold themselves back
from striking out when they’re struck at. But, if they’ve been
delivered from carnality a soulish Christian will often respond,
“Well, now you shouldn’t speak that way, you know, that isn’t
good.” Of course it does no good at all because the person is
controlled so by the earthquake, and the thunder, and the fire they
don’t care what you think. But a soulish Christian tends to say
that. A spiritual Christian looks up immediately to God and says,
“Lord thank you. I trust you for this loved one that you have
changed in Jesus. Lord, I trust you to rise up in her, rise up in
them and give them a sense of your approval at this moment and your
love for them.”
So loved ones, there
are two things that have to be dealt with in our lives in order to
become spiritual men and spiritual woman. The carnality which wants
to raise self up and exalt it -- and the soulishness that wants to
use the old powers of mind, and emotion, and will to do the work of
God. And you can see that one is dealt with in a crisis revelation
that we have been crucified in Christ -- and the other is brought
about gradually by the power of the Holy Spirit into our souls.
Another thing that
has to be changed is the situation that happens in a person who does
not know God at all; their soul becomes inextricably mixed with their
spirit. And so what has to happen is their soul has to be divided
from their spirit because of course when your soul is not divided
from your spirit whatever disturbance comes into your emotions goes
right through into your spirit and you lose peace completely. And
what the Holy Spirit begins to do, you remember, it says in Hebrew
4:12, “The word of God is sharper than a two edge sword piercing to
the division of soul and spirit.”
And what the Holy
Spirit does is to reveal to you the times when your soul is passing
on to your spirit immediately the disturbance that comes from the
outside world. And bit-by-bit the Holy Spirit works on that --
divides your soul from your spirit -- and then begins to get it going
the right way so that whatever comes in from the outside, the life is
always going outwards from the inside of your life.
So loved ones,
that’s part of what it means to be a spiritual man or spiritual
woman. And really you can see the kinds of princes and princesses of
God that we were meant to be. It is God’s will that we should be
able to bless when we are persecuted. Not in some pitiful down at
the mouth paranoid way, but to bless with a full, and a clean, and a
pure heart and a confident and joyful attitude. It is God’s will
that we should be able to do that. And not because we try hard, not
because we’ve read all the books, not because we discipline
ourselves strongly, but because we have stood in our position in the
cross of Christ and we have accepted that God has already changed us
and we said, “Lord I believe that. I believe that I have been
changed. I believe that I have been turned around. And Holy Spirit,
I know that you are able to bring about Jesus’ reaction in me at
this very moment.”
It’s all by faith
loved ones, do you see it? It’s not by striving and trying, and by
reading books, and by practicing. It’s by faith and it is possible
to come to that place. I’d just finish on this word: it is only
possible if you are really willing at last to give up self. It is
loved ones, I’ve seen that in my own life. It’s only possible to
be a spiritual man or spiritual woman, to move from the inside of
your life out, if you have really given up self. It really does
require an extermination of selfishness.
Now, don’t fiddle
around, don’t play with words about it. I don’t mean a
destruction in the personality, you see that, I mean the renewing of
the personality. I don’t mean that you are killed and made passive
and annihilated. But selfishness, living for yourself, self
centeredness, living for self exaltation, self gratification, self
pleasure -- only if you’re willing to die to that, only if you’re
willing not to live for self but to live for God who sent you here to
earth -- only then is all this possible.
And loved ones, do
you see there is no other sensible way to live? Why do you think you
were sent here to earth? And do you think you were honestly sent
here so that all of us could bow down and worship you? And yet
really that’s the way we live, isn’t it? But you know your mind
is made in the image of God and your mind tells you that’s not so.
Your mind actually tells you that you were sent here by your dear
Father to do something in his world, to bring it under his will and
that’s why he sent you here. And that is the only way to live.
But do you see the
first thing that is required is that we accept our place with Jesus
on the cross and we accept the extermination of that selfishness?
There’s one brother here that it really helped me a lot when he
said, “Are you looking for something for yourself?” That’s it.
That’s what destroys the work of the cross in you. That’s what
prevents the Holy Spirit bringing life to you, if you’re looking
for something for yourself. That’s it.
And I’d ask you
that tonight. Whatever you’re doing in your life, in your job, or
in your home, or in this place here, or in the body, or in God’s
work, are you looking for something for yourself? And I’d hammer
it home even to those of us who are unmarried and think, “Oh well,
he doesn’t mean that.” Oh yeah, yeah I do, yeah. I mean, that
spoils it as much as anything does, you know it. You know if we have
the old telescope out looking for the good looking girl, or looking
for the nice guy, we’re looking for something for ourselves just
the same, and it just spoils everything. It narrows our vision -- it
narrows our whole life. We haven’t time for other people -- we’re
so busy trying to get married. Yes, it applies to that as well as our
jobs, as well as people approving us and liking us.
It means loved ones,
are you looking for something for yourself? Well, do you see the
blessed Savior was not? Do you see that? And if God has placed you
into him then you cannot either and so to believe that you are in him
you have to be willing to stop looking for things for yourself. I
know, at first it seems just terrible. You think, “Oh, I can’t
live. Life will be so empty. If I don’t live to get something for
myself it’s going to be so boring. I live for the little bit of
excitement that I’m going to get tonight when I watch my favorite
TV program, I live for tomorrow for the person I’m going to see and
get a little happiness from them. Life would be empty without it.”
It’s amazing, life
suddenly fills, life at last begins to be full when you at last face
what you think is the unthinkable, the unimaginable -- living without
yourself in mind. But it’s incredible, when you at last take your
place with Jesus and say, “Lord Jesus thank you that this miserable
inturned personality you turned around in yourself on the cross and
Lord I embrace you. I take my place with you and I’m glad to
forget myself forever and to live for you only.” Suddenly you feel
a fullness in your life, it is miraculous loved ones.
It’s as if when
you create the vacuum God pours the Spirit of his son into that
vacuum and suddenly you begin to have direction from within. So it
works, but first of all you have to really settle no to self. And do
you know what brings the Savior pain? It’s as if he is here on
this stage every day we’re together and he’s on this dear cross
and looking down upon us and some of us are looking up at him with
all our hearts and all our love is towards him. And some of us are
looking up and then looking at a girl across the aisle, or looking at
a job in the newspaper, or looking at our bank book. And some of us
have no time for him at all, we’re just here because we want a
little insurance policy and we want to be with the right kind of
people and we’re utterly preoccupied with our bank book and our
car, and our girl, and our guy, and our home. That’s what causes
the Savior pain. That’s what causes him to bleed in you.
So do you see loved
ones, if you have any part in Jesus it must be everything. It must
be all or nothing and only that way will you come into the place of
being a spiritual man or spiritual woman. And the important thing is
not being a spiritual man or spiritual woman but living the way God
intended you to. At last living from the inside out, at last going
to work each morning filled. Filled whether anybody says anything
nice to you or not, whether the day goes well or not, you’re filled
with a joy that bubbles over and that goes out to other people.
You’re filled with a peace, you sense Jesus inside you loving
others through you and living with his Father through you. You sense
a fullness and a completeness in your life whatever way people treat
you. That’s the way God intends us to live.
And of course, I
needn’t say it’s imminently possible for every one of us in this
room at this moment because when one died for all, all of us here
died. And the only thing that divides you from the person that is
living that way at the moment is they believe it and you believe a
lie that you still are the old reversed personality depending on the
world and people. You can choose to believe the truth at this
moment, you can. You can choose to believe the truth at this moment
and that’s the first step towards becoming what God wants you to
be. Take your position on the cross and then begin to submit to the
dear Holy Spirit that will make your condition match your position.
So loved ones, if
you’ve heard God speaking tonight, will you take a definite stand
at this moment? Just a quiet definite stand, just on the basis of
Romans 6:6, 2 Corinthians 5:4, any of them, there are so many verses,
just choose one. One has died for all therefore all died. “Lord,
that means I died, that means I have been changed. That means I’m
a fool. I’ve been living a lie up to this moment. Lord, I accept
the new personality that you’ve given me. Holy Spirit, bring Jesus
to me now and make him real in my life.” You can do that now. I’d
encourage you to. I wouldn’t wait, I wouldn’t wait.
Satan will say to
you, “Maybe you should read a few more books.” Or, “Check up,
did he really mean that?” No, no, if God has got something to you,
you go on that. Don’t expect him to give you more. I think some of
us say, “Well, should I not wait for it to hit me?” No, no, no,
God doesn’t hit you -- evil spirits hit you. But God has done all
in Jesus that is needed.
Let us pray. Lord
Jesus thank you, thank you that all of us have been put in you,
crucified with you, resurrected with you, completely reversed and
changed and made new. Thank you Lord that there isn’t any need at
all for us to suffer the agonies of jealousy and pride, there isn’t
any need for us to be hurt when people criticize us. There isn’t
any need for us to be under the dominance of what comes from outside
from people, and things, and events. Lord, we’ve been completely
changed and renewed in you.
Lord Jesus, all that
is yours is ours and your present attitude to your Father is ours.
Lord, thank you. Thank you that we are saved because we’re part of
you. We don’t get into you once we get saved; we get into you and
we are saved. We’re in you now. Thank you Lord that you have
placed us into your son Jesus and you have destroyed us all there and
you have renewed us all there. Thank you that you have done it,
that’s what your word says. Thank you that we don’t need to do
it. You have done it Lord, you have put us into your Son and all
that you have done to him you have done to us and all that you are
giving to him now you are giving to us. And that includes the
blessed Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, will
you come now and bring about in us the responses and the attitude of
Jesus who is in us and in whom we are? Thank you, Lord. Thank you.
I trust you to live out through us tomorrow Lord Jesus. Be yourself
in us and through us for your glory. The grace of our Lord Jesus and
the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each
one of us now and evermore. Amen.
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