The Holy Spirit and
the Believer’s Spirit
Most of you know
that you have a spirit but some of you might be here for the first
time in these evening services and you don’t realize that your body
is one part of you that you can see plainly, and you feed, and you
give it drink, and you give it exercise. And inside you have another
part of you, the psychological part of you that psychologists deal
with and that you yourselves can deal with. And that psychological
part of you is the part you know as your mind -- that thinks about
things, that works out equations, that considers issues when you’re
buying a car, or when you’re voting for some politician. That’s
your mind.
And then you have
another part -- a psychological part also -- that is your emotions.
And those are the things that feel happiness, and they can sense
strong desire at times, and they can feel great affection for other
people at times and that’s part of your psychological being too.
And then inside your psychological part you have a third important
factor that is your will. And that’s the part of you that makes
decisions, that produces action in you.
And so most of us, I
think, know about those two parts and we’ve been taught often, “Oh
yes there’s an outer part in a human being and there’s an inner
part.” But, do you realize that that’s the tragedy with most of
us in Christendom? Most of us have been brought up thinking that
there are just two parts and this has led to all kinds of confusion
really because it is in the third part that is inside both of those
that God himself works in our lives. It’s in our spirits that God
But many of us who
are Christians learn nothing of our spirits. We’ve been brought up
to think we’re bodies, and if you don’t mind using the word
“soul” -- because that’s actually the word that the Bible uses
to designate the psychological part of us. It might interest those
of you who don’t know to realize the word “psychology” comes
from “psuche” which means “soul” in Greek and “logos”
which is a way of thinking of your soul. And that’s what the Bible
calls the psychological part of you.
In fact there’s
one famous verse that many of us just can say very easily backwards,
“May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly and keep your
spirit (the inside part of you) and your soul, (the psychological
part of you) and your body, whole and blameless at the coming of our
Lord Jesus.” And it’s that verse, in fact, that we base our
studies on in these evening services. It’s 1 Thessalonians 5:23
and it describes us as beings who exist on three different levels.
Now of course, many
of us have heard that but won’t really take it too seriously. And
so when it comes to things that God does through our spirits we
immediately attribute those to our souls and we get into incredible
trouble. Now, I’ll just show you one or two of these things loved
ones and you’ll see it. Maybe you would look at 1 Corinthians
2:11. “For what person knows a man’s thoughts except the spirit
of the man which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts
of God except the Spirit of God.”
Now, do you see
those different ways of spelling “spirit” in those two verses?
You see in Verse 11, “For what person knows a man’s thoughts
except the spirit,” with a small s and in Greek there is no article
there. That is, “the” does not appear in Greek. Then do you
see the last part of the Verse 11, “So also no one comprehends the
thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” And that’s a capital
S and in Greek that has the article. And the Bible always makes a
distinction between the Spirit of God and our spirits. And do you
see the Bible is saying that the only way a person can know what God
wants them to do in their life is that the Spirit of God inside him
knows what he wants and communicates that to our little spirits. And
that’s how we know whom we should marry, or what jobs we should
take, or where we should spend our lives.
And of course, many
of us don’t really take that too seriously. And we attribute
guidance not to our spirits but to our souls. And so we end up in
all kinds of contortions trying to find guidance of God through the
activity of our minds. And all of us here tonight know the
frustration that we come into as we try to listen to this missionary
and that missionary, this preacher and that preacher, and try to work
out with our minds -- what does God want us to do? Or, we read all
kinds of books and we try to weigh one thing that one books says God
would want us to do against another thing another book says he wants
us to do and we just come into confusion.
Now that’s because
loved ones, we often look for guidance from God to our souls instead
of realizing that the Holy Spirit gives that to our spirits. Now, we
do have to do something to get him to do it but it is not that
frustrating fanatic activity of our minds that we involve ourselves
in. It’s similar with another thing that God does for us, it’s
in Romans 8:13. It concerns the trouble we have keeping our temper,
the trouble we have being critical of other people, the trouble we
have with evil thoughts, that whole realm of “the good that I would
I cannot do”, that whole area.
Romans 8:13, “For
if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the
Spirit,” by God’s Spirit, “You put to death the deeds of the
body you will live.” Many of us read that but we don’t really
believe in the Spirit of God. We don’t really believe in the Holy
Spirit. And we know very little about our own spirits and so we
believe, “Well, what the Bible is saying is if you put to death the
things that are wrong in you, by your own will power.” And so many
of us involve ourselves in all kinds of repression in regard to evil
thoughts, in regard to unclean imaginations, in regard to criticizing
other people; we resort to repression and at times suppression in
order to get rid of these things. But do you see we’re exercising
the will, the soul.
In order to do
something that God’s dear word says, we can only do by the Spirit
of God. God’s Spirit alone can bring us victory in those things.
But many of us don’t take the Holy Spirit too seriously in our
lives and we don’t know much about the difference between our own
spirits and our souls and so we try to live in victory by the power
of our own wills, or by the power of our own minds. And you know how
many books even there are today in the book stores that talk about
renewing the mind and that’s the way to get victory over unclean
thoughts. There is a renewing of the mind to be done but that itself
is not the way into deliverance over unclean thoughts. The way into
deliverance is the Holy Spirit. He alone can keep your own spirit
clean and therefore will keep your mind and your emotions clean.
I’d just ask you
to look at one more loved ones, that is something we face who spend a
lot of time in the business world or in a secular realm of any kind
and it’s Ephesians 6:12. “For we are not contending against
flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers,
against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the
spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Now, that
is a description of spiritual warfare. But many of us know nothing
of trusting the Holy Spirit in our office and so our office is a
place with a lot of swearing, and a lot of criticism, and a lot of
But we know nothing
of trusting the Holy Spirit to work in the spirits of our colleagues
and so we see spiritual warfare as a mental gymnastics and we come in
and we think being prayed up is feeling you could just take the whole
office and throw it anywhere you want it. And it’s a feeling that
whatever they say I can say something better. And then somebody does
say something and we exercise not our spirits but our minds, we
exercise our minds against that person. “Lord, stop him saying
that, stop him saying that.” And it isn’t long after an hour or
two of that before we are absolutely worn out like wet rags; we are
washed out because we’re trying to fight spiritual warfare by the
exercise of our minds and emotions.
Now loved ones,
those are some of the things we get into if we don’t recognize the
difference between spirit -- our own spirit -- and our souls. And if
we don’t recognize the ability of the Holy Spirit of God to change
our spirits and to influence them and to strengthen them. And
really, that’s the secret of it all. The secret is that the Holy
Spirit alone can touch your spirit. You cannot touch your spirit,
all you can do is fulfill the conditions which will permit the Holy
Spirit to touch your spirit -- but you yourself cannot.
Many of us, because
we don’t recognize the difference between soul and spirit, we come
to meetings like this and we go home with loads, and loads, and loads
of notes both on paper and in our minds and we’re always trying to
apply what this speaker said and what that book said. And there’s
very little rest in our lives, very little relaxation in Jesus
because of course, we know little of the Holy Spirit working in our
spirits. Now loved ones, the truth is he is the only one who can do
it. The Holy Spirit alone can touch your spirit. Of course the
tragedy in the fall was that our spirits died, you know that. That’s
what happened; our spirits died.
One of the ways I
tried to see it in my own mind was, you know when you have a friend
and there’s a kind of conflict that comes up between you and it’s
never really settled and you feel resentment towards them. You know
that it effectively prevents you feeling any empathy with them. It’s
as if you can’t get through, it’s as if – even if it’s
husband and wife, or brother and brother, or brother and sister --
it’s as if this resentment has brought a blindness so you can’t
sense them anymore, you can’t feel what they’re feeling. It’s
as if there’s a great barrier between you.
Now, it seems as if
that’s what happened when we rebelled against God and determined to
live our own lives. It seems that there was an insensitivity to God
that came in that prevents us knowing him. I don’t know if you
have learned to appreciate anything in your life that you didn’t
appreciate before. I know that I had no time for classical music at
all until eventually I got used to the bit that Churchill also used
to play before his speeches and that was part of Beethoven’s Fifth.
And I kept on listening to Beethoven’s Fifth and then I liked the
quietness of old Chopin and his preludes and I got to understand that
a little. And then I got a little further into Opera and now there’s
a whole side of classical music that I really enjoy.
Now, I didn’t know
it before. It was as if it was all there but I couldn’t sense it,
or I couldn’t appreciate it, or I couldn’t understand it. I
don’t know if you have experiences like that, maybe it’s food
with you. I can think of some food that I just did not appreciate at
all before but gradually you develop a sensitivity to the thing and
you begin to understand it. Now, it seems that that’s what it’s
like with us. Our spirits, because we’re living independent of God,
are dead to him, they aren’t sensitive to him. They can’t
understand him.
Now, notice it’s
not that they’re dead to everything. When Wordsworth says, “I
have felt the presence that disturbs me with the joy of elevated
thoughts, a sense sublime of something far more deeply interfused,
whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, and the round ocean, and
the living air, and the blue sky, and in the mind of man.”
[Tintern Abbey] When he says that kind of thing in the midst of the
Lake District in England, his spirit is somehow contacting what the
Bible calls the elemental spirits of the universe. And you see,
there is a spirit behind the universe besides the Holy Spirit of God.
There are spirits that are connected with the evil spirit Satan who
rebelled against God and there are many spirits, human spirits that
are dead to God but are alive to these elemental spirits of the
I think that’s
what you’re contacting when you deal with a spiritualist, or a
fortune teller. In fact, that’s what you’re dealing with, I
think, when you meet loved ones in the Mormon Church who have really
submitted themselves utterly to it. You’re not dealing with
someone who is just misled mentally and intellectually; you’re
dealing with someone who has willfully followed an alternative to the
plain presentation to the way Jesus gives. And so with people like
that you’re contacting the elemental spirits of the universe. But
our spirits are dead to God’s Spirit. That is, they don’t sense
what he wants us to do.
Now loved ones,
that’s the situation when the Bible says we’re dead in our sins.
It means not that we’re physically dead, though we will eventually
be physically dead, but it means we’re dead towards God. It
doesn’t even mean that your spirit is absolutely destroyed. Your
spirit is in some sense alive because conscience is one function of
your spirit and most of us, however far we are from God, have some
awareness of conscience. So most of us have a little, little sense
of our spirits being alive inside but the majority of us, that’s
all we have.
We’re really
insensitive to God. That’s why we have such trouble sensing what
he wants us to do, you see. Because we have died in our
spirit-sensitivity to him and so we’re left with our souls and our
bodies and most of us live that way. Most of us live by the dictate
of our bodies actually. Most of us are just funny little animals,
just little dogs, and monkeys, and birds, and cows, that’s what we
are. We need more food so we get a better job so we can buy better
food, or we need better clothing for the winter so we’re dominated
by the need to get money for better clothing, or we have a nice home
but we’d like a better shelter to keep us out of the rain more
comfortably. And most people in the world run their lives by the
domination of their bodies, not by the spirits which are utterly
Some of us,
especially those of us who have been involved maybe in some
education, feel that we’re a little above that and we run our lives
according to whether we’re very mental intellectual people or
whether we’re very emotional people. And so some of us are utterly
dominated by our emotions, we are. We go places where we will enjoy
things and that’s the first question we ask ourselves, “Are we
going to enjoy this?” Well then we go. And if we’re not going
to enjoy it then we won’t go. And if we don’t enjoy it we don’t
think it’s good. And if we do enjoy it we think it’s great. And
many of us are utterly dominated by our emotions and we know that
because we’re up and down, up and down all the time according to
whether we’re in a happy situation or sad situation. And indeed,
let us think of one unpleasant thing that is going to come up
tomorrow and we just are down in despair. We’re just so utterly
dominated by our emotions.
Some of us are very
mental or intellectual people. We’re coldly intellectual and we
calculate everything according to what our mind thinks is wise to do
and we leave very little room for kindness or tenderness with other
people. And in fact, many of us are utterly repelled by the view we
get of ourselves because we find we’re always trying to manipulate
others with our minds. I don’t know if you’ve ever woken up some
day and realized, “Oh, how I manipulate people. How I’m always
trying to work things to my advantage. How every situation I go into
I try to ask myself, ‘What’s in this for me?’”
Well many of us, you
see, are utterly dominated by our bodies and our souls in some way.
Many of us are very strong willed people. We just enjoy willing, it
doesn’t matter what the result is, we just enjoy exercising our
will. And we spend most of our time getting our own way in
situations. We find it’s ridiculous of course because we’ll at
times oppose somebody and we’ll at times agree with somebody who
thought that same thing as that other person and we just exercise our
wills against one person and for another person just because we want
to exercise our wills. In fact, we object just because we want to be
And many of us are
dominated by our minds, or emotions, or our wills, or our bodies.
Now loved ones, that’s because our spirits are dead to God and the
only way for our spirits to come alive is if the Holy Spirit
sensitizes them again to God. Now, there’s no other way.
I think it’s
really important for you to grasp that. That there is no external
thing that can make your spirit alive to God, there isn’t, there
just isn’t. And there’s no external thing that can keep your
spirit alive to God, there isn’t. That’s one of the great
relaxing relieving things about becoming a child of God; it is all
God’s work. Only the Holy Spirit can make your spirit alive to
God, no one else can, only the Holy Spirit.
Now, it might be
good just to look at that because I think many of us accept it but
really it isn’t nailed into our hearts and our heads. And maybe
it’s good to look at it in the most obvious form in John 3:6.
“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born
of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You
must be born anew.’ The wind blows where it wills, and you hear
the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it
goes; so it is with every one who is born of the Spirit.”
And when you become
a child of God the Holy Spirit regenerates your own spirit. Now you
may say, “Well, when will he do that?” Well it’s a very
definite transaction, loved ones. I’ll just run through it very
quickly and then I think you’ll see it very plainly. That’s the
kind of outline that we’ve often shared, as you remember, about our
own psychological makeup. And of course the will of God was, you
see, that the Holy Spirit in him would come into us. And that’s
the way our whole personality would function.
The Holy Spirit
would come into us through the communion that we have with God, and
would tell us what to do through the intuition of our spirits. Our
conscience then would constrain our wills. In the light of what God
was showing us we should do in the intuition of our spirits. Our
conscience could restrain our wills to obey the conscience. And the
will would direct the mind that would then understand in mental
detail what God was saying, would give the right directions to the
body, and the emotions would express that joy, the joy of our
communion with God and that’s the way God wanted us to work.
We, of course, did
not want to operate that way. We rebelled against God and cut
ourselves off from his Spirit so that our spirit died. We in fact,
began to live as I was sharing a little earlier -- some of us by our
emotions, some of us by our minds. And above all the will, instead of
obeying the conscience and directing the mind and emotions, began to
obey the mind and emotions. So God would tell us, “I want you to
be a carpenter.” But the mind would look around and see, “Well,
no -- other people make more money than carpenters.” So the will
would be dominated by the mind. Or, the Holy Spirit would tell us,
“You ought to seek God this morning.” But the emotions would
feel depressed and say, “Oh, I can’t. I don’t feel like it.”
And so the will was utterly dominated by the mind and emotions
instead of being in its previous planned position where it would rule
those. And of course what happened was our spirits died and we were
cut off from God.
Now, the tragedy is
that our souls themselves are now in a state of perversion, you can
see that. You know it yourself when you try to get your mind just to
understand what God is telling you, you find your mind is doing the
old business of trying to manipulate. Have you found that? Have you
found yourself manipulating, the mind starts manipulating again?
You’re trying with all your heart to care most what God wants but
your old mind is manipulating again for your own advantage. And I
wonder how often you’ve found yourself in the spot I’ve found
myself. I want to give joy to other people and yet I find myself
wanting to enjoy -- to get joy.
And so the tragedy
is our souls now have become perverted and our whole personality
therefore is not working the way it was meant to at all. Many of us
tried to exercise our wills. We sense God wants us to do something,
we try to exercise our wills but the will won’t obey, it seems
utterly dominated by the mind, and the emotions, or utterly dominated
by the body at times. And so there’s this force coming from
outside and the force coming from inside to prevent us from doing
what we should. And it’s because of course, the soul is utterly
Now, what God did on
Calvary was to take your perverted soul and destroy it in Jesus.
That’s part of what that verse means: our old self, our old soul,
our old perverted personality was crucified with Christ. And in
order for God to come in and regenerate your spirit, you have to
accept that. That’s it. It’s really not very complicated. You
have to accept the new version of yourself that rose with Jesus on
the resurrection morning after Calvary, that’s it.
There is a new self
version of you that is waiting for you but it is the self that God
originally planned, the self that he raised up in his son Jesus. A
self that depends utterly on God, that depends utterly on God for
your security, and for your happiness, and for your significance.
And when you are willing to live that way, and for the old self --
that wants to depend on things for its security, and for people for
its significance, and on events for its happiness -- when you are
willing to let that old self be destroyed in Jesus on Calvary then
God is able to regenerate your spirit. That’s it. That’s it.
It’s not complex. Because you don’t even need all those words,
all it says is, “Are you willing to trust God as your loving Father
instead of rebelling against him and trying to do without him and
depending on people and circumstances and things?” If you are,
then God’s Holy Spirit begins to sensitize your spirit to God.
Now loved ones, I
can’t emphasize to you how vital it is for you to experience that
New Birth. It’s not enough for you to understand what we’ve just
shared. You actually have to come to a place where you bow your
whole life before God and you say, “Lord, this perverted soul of
mind is driving me insane. I cannot do the good that I know I should
do. I cannot do what you want me to do. My life is hell. Lord,
whatever is needed, I’ll do it if you will make me alive to you and
come into my life, and my heart, and my spirit.”
Now it takes such a
submission, loved ones, in order to be born of God’s Spirit. And
sometimes I have wondered, are there any of you who understand all
this and think you’re born of God’s Spirit because you understand
it all? I wonder is that ever the case? And loved ones,
understanding it is not enough. If I could share with you my own
experience, I was at the end of my rope and I was 17. I was at
university, I got my scholarship, my teaching scholarship. I wasn’t
at the end of my rope that I was even strung out on drugs, or drunk
every night, or in bed with somebody else every night, it wasn’t
that at all. But I was at the end of my rope with the whole business
of how you could make God real in your life. I could not understand
how to do it.
I knew the secret
was somewhere in Calvary and something to do with Jesus. I didn’t
know all this stuff about the old self being crucified and all that,
I just knew that the secret was somewhere in Jesus. And that’s why
I’d say to all of you tonight, you don’t need to know it all, you
don’t need to understand it all but you do need to have a
desperation. And I remember going to Jesus and saying, “Lord
Jesus, whatever, I’ll change anything in my life.” I didn’t
know this business, I had never seen a diagram with arrows on it, I
knew nothing about that but I knew that I had to say to Jesus, “Lord,
whatever you want me to do in my life I’ll do if you will send your
Spirit into me.”
I didn’t
understand that there was a new self, I didn’t find that out until
years later, but I did know at that early stage when I was 17 that I
needed God to do something that I could not do. And loved ones, if I
could share with you, I would have to confess to you it was not just
glibly praying to receive Jesus. You know, I say that lovingly to
you but it was not just glibly praying to receive Jesus. It was
heartfelt, broken-hearted praying. It was a night spent praying. And
I’ve often said to you before that I wasn’t Catholic so I didn’t
know the Stations of the Cross but I knew the secret was somewhere in
the death of Jesus. And so I didn’t know anything about that stuff
but I gave up my own prayer time for my parents and for everyone else
and I started to think about the death of Jesus.
Loved ones, I gave
hours to it. And I reminds me of old Pascal, in his “Pensées”
[“Thoughts”] where he says, “People say, ‘I’ve sought God.
I’ve sought him and he has not revealed himself to me when they
have read a book for an hour, or talked with a priest for 15
minutes.’” And I feel with Pascal. Pasqual says, “God has said
that he is a hidden God and he will only reveal himself to those who
seek him with all their hearts.” And loved ones, for me it was not
just a glib, “Lord Jesus come into my heart.” It was a seeking
and a hungering that he would send his Spirit into me. And, “Lord
I’ll do whatever. I’ll stop whatever sins you see in my life.
I’ll do whatever you want in order for you to come in.”
You can see what I
was doing. I didn’t know I was doing this, but in fact what I was
doing was admitting to God that I was living off the world and off
people and was not living off him and that I was willing to live off
him even though at that early stage I didn’t know all that that
meant. Now loved ones, that’s the secret of it. But it requires
real repentance, a real “metaneo” -- the word for repentance in
Greek -- and it means turning around, changing your whole mind,
changing your whole approach to life, changing your whole approach to
your future. It means turning right around and from then on seeking
only God’s will. Now, that’s what repentance is. It’s
changing your whole attitude to everything and it’s changing your
life, whatever way God requires, so that he will send his Spirit into
Now, I think that
what also happens to many of us is we receive his Spirit, we do
become born of the Spirit, but we’re foolish people. Because our
souls have been so active for so many years, instead of listening to
the spirit within us we begin to allow the soul to regain its
previous position of dominance. And I mention that because I think
some of you loved ones fail to respect the Holy Spirit. The blessed
Holy Spirit will lead you on into a full Christlikeness if you will
listen to him and if you will honor him and respect him.
But I do think
brothers and sisters, honestly, I think that maybe there are too many
books around and maybe there are too many preachers, and maybe there
are too many cassettes running around. And maybe it’s too easy for
us to be distracted into listening to all kinds of other human beings
instead of going to the Holy Spirit himself. Do you remember old
Watchman Nee says that in the first century Paul would go through the
cities Iconium, Lystra and Derbe, preaching. Converts would receive
Three weeks later,
at the most a month later, Paul would return to Iconium, Lystra and
Derbe. And at this time he would take the converts that were most
mature spiritually and he would appoint them as elders. Then he
would leave them, he wouldn’t see them again, maybe never see them
again. Then Nee makes the comment, “Thus they had to depend on the
Holy Spirit because they couldn’t depend on anyone else.” Now
loved ones, sometimes, and I say it lovingly to you, sometimes I
think many of you miss the Christ likeness that the Holy Spirit wants
to bring in you, the growing that he wants to bring about in you,
because you’ll ask anybody to get out of seeking the Holy Spirit
And I would
encourage you, I think it’s great that so many of you brothers and
sisters are mature and can counsel and help others, and I would sure
encourage you to seek help when you’re absolutely at a brick wall
but boy, oh boy, first of all go to that dear Holy Spirit who first
sensitized you to your God and your Creator, and first of all allow
him to teach you what he can about the situation because that’s the
way you’re going to grow into the life of Jesus, by honoring and
respecting the Holy Spirit.
And of course,
that’s the great difference between ourselves and the Old Testament
people. You know, the Old Testament knew something it seems of
having their spirit renewed. You remember, in fact, we sing that
song “create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within
me”. And they knew something of having their spirit renewed, they
knew nothing of the Holy Spirit coming and dwelling in them. That
was only possible after Jesus died and rose from the dead and went to
be with his Father. Then he sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in you.
And that’s what
the Holy Spirit does, he first regenerates you and sensitizes you to
God and then he comes in and dwells in your spirit. And that’s why
of course, we talk about assurance from that angle. Romans 8:16
says, “The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit that we are
the children of God.” There’s the Spirit of God and then there’s
our spirit.
Now, if you say to
me, “Well, brother how do you strengthen your own spirit?” Well
I say to you, “Only the Holy Spirit can do that.” And you say to
me, “Well, what condition must I fulfill to get the Holy Spirit to
do that since I myself cannot touch my own spirit?” Loved ones,
the Bible is clear in Acts 5:32, “God gives the Holy Spirit to
those who obey him.” You obey the Holy Spirit and that frees him
to strengthen your spirit and to enable you to be more aware of God
and his guidance in your life. You obey the Holy Spirit.
Brothers and
sisters, that is everything. That’s everything. Really, you’ll
never get further than that. If you obey the Holy Spirit in your
life, he will strengthen your spirit with himself so that you become
more and more sensitive to your dear Father in heaven and so that you
can feel the way he feels. That’s the key. That is the key. The
Holy Spirit has said a thousand times, “Get up at six.” You say,
“Yes, someday I will.” The Holy Spirit says, “Get up at six.”
You get up at six for one day and then you try the next day, then
you rest from trying the next day, and then you decide to pray at
night. That’s it. That’s the key.
That’s why we’re
sick. That’s why so many of us are sick. Why some of you actually
have virtually died as far as God is concerned because there are
little things that the Holy Spirit is telling you to do and you will
not do. If I could just say this one last thing, there are loved
ones here tonight who are having all kinds of trouble in their
personal lives and I’m going to go right out on a limb, it’s
because of disobedience. That’s it. It’s certainly not because
of something else that you can’t do. God doesn’t ask you to do
things that he will do. But the one thing that he does ask you to do
that you can do ever since Calvary and ever since God destroyed this
old intractable soul of yours, you can obey. You can do what God
tells you to do.
And I would just say
that to you; if there’s anyone here tonight who has confusion in
their lives, or anyone here tonight that has personal problems that
they cannot get hold of, the Holy Spirit will solve them and lead you
through them if you’ll obey, if you’ll obey. And if you say to
me, “Obey what?” I say, “Obey the last thing that your
conscience was troubled about. Obey the last thing your conscience
was troubled about.”
And loved ones,
honestly, I’ve stood on my head spiritually, I’ve wrinkled my
forehead spiritually, I’ve counseled with one eye closed and my
tongue between my molars, I’ve done everything to try to help those
of you who have said to me, “No, no obedience isn’t my problem.”
But loved ones, obedience is your problem. That’s it. Obey, God
gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey and who are willing to do
what God tells them. And if you lack an awareness of God in your
life, it’s because the Holy Spirit has not sensitized your spirit
to God and he has not been able to do that because you won’t obey
him. And the secret of the Holy Spirit’s relationship to the
believer’s spirit is our obedience.
I’ll keep quiet
and are there any questions? And I’ll tell you, this would be a
beautiful family if you were all listening to the Holy Spirit. You
wouldn’t find it oppressive at all and you wouldn’t fin d trouble
with being stereotyped if you just listened to the Holy Spirit. It
would be a beautiful family. There would be originality and
creativity springing up everywhere, really.
Question from
How can you
differentiate between the Holy Spirit and your soul and other
And brother there
are many ways in which I could answer the question but maybe the best
thing to say to you is that the most beautiful thing of all is that
men of old did not write by their own inclinations but as they were
moved by the Holy Spirit. And so, the Bible was written by the Holy
Spirit and I think that the first and plainest answer is that you’ll
find the Holy Spirit will always prompt you to do things that are in
accordance with what he revealed in this book and so I think that’s
one guideline.
I think when you
make the point, how do you distinguish between the Holy Spirit and
your own soul, I think that the Holy Spirit usually reveals things to
you in the light of the words in Acts 13:12, you remember, where you
read, “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy
Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to
which I have called them.’”
When you’re
preoccupied with Jesus, when you’re worshiping the Father, then the
Holy Spirit will speak to you. It’s very difficult for the Holy
Spirit to speak to us clearly when we’re worried and preoccupied
with the problem or the situation, or when we’re preoccupied with
men or events. So brother I would say at least those two ways -- but
there are other answers to the questions. But, one is, the Holy
Spirit always guides us as he guided the people in the Bible and
secondly, the Holy Spirit speaks when we’re preoccupied with Jesus
and with the Father and not with our own situation or our problems.
Well loved ones, I
know it would be freedom for you this week if you would start getting
to know the Holy Spirit. Really, you know.
Question from
If you get up in the
morning and ask the Holy Spirit to tell you what you should do that
day, then shouldn’t you be able to get up from your prayers and
trust that the things that are coming through your mind are of him?
And I would say,
yes, I think you should Emma, I think, as long as you are obeying the
inclinations and the directions that he’s giving you. For
instance, I think what some of us do is we leave our prayer time in
quietness like that but we get into the office, or into the work
situation and the Holy Spirit is saying to us, “Trust in the Lord
and don’t despair, he is a friend so true.” The Holy Spirit is
saying, “Keep your eyes on Jesus, do not look at the waves under
your feet. But we disobey him almost, it seems, unconsciously or
involuntarily and before you know it we’re all preoccupied with the
situation around us and we lose the dependence upon him that we had
in prayer. And then of course, all kinds of directions will flash at
us through our troubled mind.
But I agree with
you, as long as we stay with the Holy Spirit and obey the
inclinations that he gives us – we will. But I’ll tell you what I
think many of us do. The Holy Spirit often directs us but it’s
something that does not seem relevant to the situation we’re in and
we don’t obey him. We don’t see it as important. And I do think
that many of you, brothers and sisters on campus, I think you do
that. I think the Holy Spirit gives you some direction as you’re
crossing over from one room to the other and he tells you to look
somewhere, or think something and you don’t obey him because you
think, “Oh it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what way my
eyes go. It doesn’t matter what I think about.” And you ignore
his voice.
And I think many of
us ignore the Holy Spirit because we think, “That’s not
important.” But loved ones, if you will yearn for the Holy
Spirit’s guidance and lean heavily upon him, he will keep you safe.
Really, he will. Oh there’s nothing so needed in this live
Christendom in these days as a people that will listen to the Holy
Spirit more than they will listen to preachers’ directions or
books’ directions. Really.
The Holy Spirit has
a unique relationship that he wants to maintain with you alone. It’s
different from the one he has with me. It’s with you alone,
really. There’s a unique friendship that God has planned between
the Holy Spirit and you and the world will forever be at a loss
unless you allow that relationship to be strengthened. You see, too
many of you here tonight do not realize that God has a unique thing
to do through you, unique. Now, too many of you, you see, are all
conceited and we think, “Oh, he’s going to do some great thing.”
No, it’s not necessarily a great thing but there’s a unique
reason why you’re here on earth. There’s a unique thing the Holy
Spirit wants to do through you and if you will listen to him and
learn to know him, the Holy Spirit will do it. Really.
I’ll tell you one
of the problems I see as a guy who’s supposedly out there in front
leading. One of the things I see is there are far too many of you
who are camp followers and are “yes men” and are anxious to find
out what the leader things you should do. And I think what you
should do is listen to the dear Holy Spirit within you. And then
you’ll see a beautiful symphony being created. Not a unison, but
great harmony being created because the Holy Spirit will prompt you
to do something different, and me to do something different and then
-- miracle of miracles -- we’ll see them all coming together in a
unique way that we could never have imagined. But, it’s such an
exciting experience.
Instead of me
saying, “Okay you should do that, you should do that and we’ll
achieve this.” That’s the manmade way to do it. But, oh if you
would only listen to the dear Holy Spirit there are beautiful things
that he could do for you and through you to your husband, and to your
wife, and to your children if you’ll listen to him. He has a
unique portrait of Jesus to paint within the framework that is you.
That’s it. Each of us are frames, that’s all we are, empty
frames in which the Holy Spirit is intent on painting a portrait of
And what a
privilege. How exciting it is for you and me to go out of this room
tonight. The Holy Spirit wants to show you things about Jesus and
his desires for your life that only you can understand. That’s so
exciting. That makes you so unique. And, that’s true, that’s
Let us pray. Holy
Spirit, we thank you that you are the one who anointed Jesus at his
baptism. We thank you that you’re the one about whom he spoke when
he said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and he has anointed me
to preach the gospel to the poor.’ Holy Spirit, thank you that you
are that same dear person who wants to come into our lives and to
reproduce a unique expression of Jesus, the son of God in us. Holy
Spirit, will you begin this evening and we’ll listen to your voice,
and we’ll do what you tell us, and we’ll begin to obey even the
slightest thing so that our spirits may grow strong in you and may
get better at knowing your voice, and better at expressing your will.
We commit ourselves
to you for this evening, for an evening of quietness and peace and
rest in you and trust you for a good night’s sleep, Holy Spirit.
Will you keep away dreams that are not right for us and will you give
our spirits rest and peace and our bodies good relaxation. And then
in the morning will you raise us up with the joy and light of Jesus
and the joy of the day in our Father’s world in absolute security
that he has all things planned and will work all things well for us.
And the grace of our Lord Jesus and the love of God, and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each one of us now and
throughout this week. Amen.
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