Laws of the Mind No.
Loved ones, we’re
going to talk about the mind tonight, but maybe you’d turn in the
Bible to 2 Corinthians 5:17. And you’ve all heard it before and
know it by heart. “Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new
creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” And
most of us know that by faith. And most of us would probably say we
are children of God. And we do know that in some sense the new has
come. But I think many of us have walk with stooped shoulders
because the rest of the verse is not true, “The old has not passed
away.” And there’s still some of the old hanging on.
And loved ones, I’d
like to encourage you to see that when we talk about these things on
Sunday evenings, it’s really only for those of us who are willing
to let the "old pass away" completely. And I think some of
us are like a little guy with measles. And he’s willing to let the
spots go. And he’s just delighted the doc has taken the spots
away. Put powder over them so you don’t see them. “Ah, good I
can’t see the spots in the mirror. All my friends think I look
okay again. No red spots.” And he’s delighted.
And I think a lot of
us are like that, we’re delighted our sins are gone. Our outward
sins are gone, people can’t see our outward sins the way they could
before. We’ve changed! We’ve changed outwardly! Then the doc
comes along to the little guy and says, “Now, I want to really heal
you. I want to deal with the disease itself.” And the little guy
says, “No, no, I want to keep the disease. Then I can have the
spots whenever I want, or I can put the old cosmetic powder on
whenever I want.” And I think some of us are like that.
We don’t mind
getting rid of the sins but the sin! The self that produces the sin!
"No we don’t want you to touch that Lord!" Or you
remember, that fellow Martin put it a different way in the bulletin
this morning. He said, “Many of us are willing to give our lives
to Jesus, but then one year after that, or five years after that, we
begin to discover that Jesus wants our wills as well. And that’s
where we back off.” And loved ones, honestly there is no mystery
about the victorious life. There is not.
It is not technique.
It is not Oswald Chambers or Watchman Nee. It is not speaking in
tongues a certain way, or worshipping a certain way. It is none of
those things! Walking victoriously and with a light heart is simply
a matter of giving your will completely to God, and doing what he
wants you to do. And if you’re heavy tonight, really, if your life
is at all heavy, or you think, “Well, there is a bit of new
creation in me. But boy, the old is almost swamping me again and
carrying so much of what I used to be, and carrying it back into my
life,” then there’s only one place to look. And that’s at any
sin that is in your life. That’s right.
Not praying each
day. I know it sounds dumb, not praying each day, not having a quiet
time, that’s it. Or, not doing the Bible study each day, that’s
it. Or, easing back into some of the old sins that you parted from
when you first met Jesus, that’s it. It’s always sin in some
form that is bringing a weight back onto your shoulders. And it’s
no way to live. Indeed, you won’t live that way! You’ll
eventually end up in hell, if you keep trying to have little bit of
the new creation and hold onto the old. And the glory is that every
one of us here has passed away. That’s it.
It’s even the old
term we use, “Yeah, he passed away.” It’s that. Every one of
us here have passed away. That’s the glory of it. All that you
have been up to this very moment has passed away. There is delight
in that, and joy in that. And if you’re saying, “Oh well, I’m
trying to reach up to it. Say it again! Say it more joyfully, and I
think I’ll catch it.” If you’re at that, it’s because
there’s some way in which your will is tied to something that you
won’t let go of. That’s it! That’s it!
The only reason the
hot air balloon will not lift off is because there’s still one rope
tied to a stake in the ground. And the only reason your spirits will
not rise, as I say, “All of us have passed away and we’re new
creations, new babies today” -- I held Marty’s little girl before
service and she’s new. New! A new little baby, new and free! No
social security to worry about, no debts to worry about. She looked
really remarkably free from financial worries. No worries about
whether I thought she was great or not. She’s just there enjoying
herself. She doesn’t know that I am there. A little new baby is
new, and delightful, and happy. That’s the way we’re meant to
be. That’s the way a new creation is.
And, ah loved ones,
if I could just say this to you, even if you don’t get any further
than that, if you don’t feel like that, or you don’t live like
that, know that there’s something better. There’s something
better. It is possible to come to a place where you let everything
go. And you let it all go. And especially you let that little stake
that you’re holding onto with your will, you let that go. And as
you do that -- really it’s amazing -- the Spirit of Jesus is
already in you, and he’ll lift you. That’s it. The Spirit of
Jesus only knows one way to go and that’s up. Just up! And as
long as you don’t’ hold him down, he’ll go up, and he’ll take
you with him. That’s it.
That’s what it is
to be filled with the Spirit, to be crucified and raised with Christ!
That’s what it is to be sanctified. That’s what it is to be
delivered from inward sin. That’s what it is to be brought into
the victorious life. And oh, I encourage you, if your life is not
like that, see that that’s normal, and that will happen to you if
you simply let go of some of the old things that you’re hanging
You know that
business, "Have no anxiety about anything?" If you’re
anxious about something, there’s only one reason you’re anxious
about it. And that’s because you want it to go the way you want it
to go. That’s it, really. Because, if you’re a child of God you
know that God is able. You know that! And you know he’s carried
other things for you, and borne other burdens for you. So there’s
no problem really, with belief, you know that God is good. The only
reason you have trouble letting go of some anxiety about a job, or
about money, or about a friendship, or a relationship, or the
thousand other things that burden you down is because you’re not
willing to let it go whatever way God wants it to go. And that’s
because you’re very much still alive, in control of things.
So, I’d encourage
you. I’d invite you to come with me, and come into Jesus fully and
not only be a new creation, but let the old pass away. And by faith
accept that you, 'you old so and so', your old life was done 'away
with' in Jesus.
Now, that’s what
we mean when we talk about 'the desires of the flesh being against
the desires of the Spirit', you see. That’s the part of the flesh
that we talk about when we talk like that. When we talk about the
'selfish will' and letting that be crucified with Christ, we’re
talking about that part of the flesh that is concerned with our
selfish desire for 'our own way' and our feeling of 'right' that we
ought to control our lives as we want. That’s that part of the
Now, there’s
another part of the flesh that Jesus talked about in Matthew 26. And
maybe you’d look at it. Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray that you
may not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the
flesh is weak.” That’s a different part of the flesh, you see.
So our flesh, as the Bible uses the term, refers first of all to our
selfish will, our desire to be 'our own god', 'run things the way we
want'. Even if our sins are forgiven, we still want to do it our
way. That’s one part of the flesh. That’s the carnal selfish
The other part of
the flesh is this part that Jesus was speaking to. The dear guys
couldn’t keep awake. It was their human weakness. A human
weakness! Human weakness is not adultery or fornication. That is
sin. Human weakness is not anger or selfishness. That’s
carnality. Human weakness is the inexpedient traits of our soul, the
things in our soul that aren’t yet fitted to serve Jesus. Yet they
themselves are actually free from any kind of a negative 'willing'.
And that’s the part that Jesus was talking about here.
We’ve been talking
about one of those parts, our mind. The mind is so often not fitted
to be used by the Spirit of Christ that is in each of us. And we’ve
talked about how often it’s very unfitted by being passive at
times, and being filled with forgetfulness, bad memory, with lack of
concentration, with flashing pictures that come upon it at night in
the shape of dreams, or as imaginations during the day. We’ve
talked about that kind of a passive mind. And we’ve talked about
how to come into deliverance from that passive mind.
Now tonight, we’re
going to begin talking about what the mind is to be used for in
someone who is filled with Jesus’ Spirit. So do you see that? The
mind is the second part of the flesh that needs to be dealt with by
the 'daily application of Jesus’ death'. The carnal selfish will
has to be dealt with by our 'taking our position with Jesus on the
cross' and 'accepting our crucifixion with him'. But the mind that
is used by the flesh is to be dealt with by the 'daily bearing' of
Jesus’ death.
Now that’s what
we’re going to be talking about for a few evenings during these
next few weeks. 'What is the place of the mind in one who is
controlled and directed by Jesus’ Spirit?' Well you get it loved
ones -- and it will help – this will help you with guidance, this
dreadful business of, "How do I know what to do with my life?”
That whole thing! So it will help you with that, among other
If you want to see
the purpose of the mind loved ones, in a person who is filled with
Jesus’ Spirit you will see it in Luke 1:47. That’s the classic
verse that shows you the relationship between your spirit and your
mind and it is the last part of Verse 46. And it’s Mary's
Magnificat, you remember. And she says, you see the last part of –
in fact, look at Luke 1:46, “And Mary said, “My soul magnifies
the Lord.” Soul is “psuche”, you remember. And it’s the
mind. The mind is part of our soul. It’s part of the
psychological being. “My soul,” or my mind, “magnifies the
Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
Now if you look at
the Greek, the verb 'rejoices' is not the present tense. It’s the
past tense. The verb 'magnifies' is the present tense. It’s
right, “My soul magnifies the Lord,” but in Greek the second part
is, “And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” Now that’s
the relationship that is meant to exist between the spirit and the
mind of a person who is filled with Jesus’ Spirit. The spirit 'has
rejoiced.' First of all the experience occurs there, and then my
mind, as a result of that, magnifies the Lord.
Now do you see that?
The spirit experiences the joy first, and then the soul or the mind
magnifies the Lord. But first of all, the experience is in the
spirit. And I’d just remind those of you who may not have been
here before that our personality consists of our 'body', and inside
that our 'soul' or the psychological part of us: our mind, emotions,
and our will; and then inside that again, our spirits. And so that
is the way God intends us to operate. He gives the joy to our
spirits and then our mind takes the cue from our spirit.
That’s not the way
we operated before. Before the old body felt hungry, telegraphed the
mind, “Get food for me or...!” And the mind went to work, “How
can I get food? I’ll get a job with the best money I possibly can,
and I’ll go to the supermarket and fill my cart, and I’ll get
food. Okay buddy, are you satisfied?” “Yeah, yeah, but I’d
sure like clothes like that person across the way.” “Okay, okay
I’ll get you clothes!” And that’s the way the mind works. It
was an absolute slave of the body. That’s why it’s called the
'mind of the flesh'.
Now the 'mind of the
spirit' is a mind that is governed -- not by the body -- but governed
by the spirit. And that loved ones, is how we get our guidance from
God. We get our guidance from our spirits. God communicates to our
spirits first in communion with himself. Now, let’s look at that
verse first and then talk just a little bit about the necessity of
communion therefore. 1 Corinthians 2 shows you clearly how God
communicates to his children. 1 Corinthians 2:9-11, “But, as it is
written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man
conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him,’ God has
revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches
everything, even the depths of God. For what person knows a man’s
thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him? So also no
one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.”
God communicates to
you through your spirit. That’s why when you don’t have your
daily prayer time, you’re virtually without any direction from God.
That’s it. And that’s where we try to 'short circuit' the
thing, you see. Don’t you know that? We miss the prayer time, and
then we say to ourselves, “Oh well, our 'renewed mind' can guide us
this day.” And it’s interesting, Satan knows immediately that
there’s opportunity for him. And he gets into the 'renewed mind',
and he produces actions and decisions that seem to you, 'godly ones'.
But actually they’re not from God himself. And they’re not from
the 'loving friendship', and the relaxed, effortless sense of 'his
arms around you', that comes when you’re in communion with him.
It’s a kind of
slightly strained thing. And so you make decisions that day and you
make moves. And then the next day you miss your 'quiet time' and you
decide, “Well, yesterday was quite good. And I didn’t have time
today, so I’ll just trust my renewed mind.” And you go a little
further. And after a few days like that, you may as well have had an
'unrenewed mind', because Satan has managed to deceive you 'away' out
of God’s will!
Now loved ones, the
renewed mind won’t give you guidance, because that’s not the
purpose of the renewed mind. The purpose of the renewed mind is
this: The spirit sits in this chair and he talks to God. [Pastor goes
and sits in the chair on the left side of the platform and looks up,
as though to God.] And he gets from God what he wants. Then he tells
the mind over here, [Pastor walks over to the other side of the
platform and sits in that chair.] and the mind speaks to the body and
says, [Pastor looks over to the audience on that side of the platform
and gestures.] “Okay, do this, guys.” That’s how it works.
But that’s the job of the mind. He understands what comes to the
spirit intuitively. And he then expresses it in the right computer
language so that the body knows what to do. That’s the job of the
And you see, when
you put upon the mind the job of being the 'managing director' of the
company instead of being the secretary or the foreman that passes the
directions on to the shop floor, you’re asking him to do something
that he isn’t fitted for! That he hasn’t the ability to do!
That he hasn’t the understanding to do!
And so when you miss
communion with God, and you operate by your 'renewed mind,' really
what you’re doing -- it’s like saying to the boss’ secretary,
“Do you remember what decisions he made yesterday? Now, I know the
situation isn’t exactly the same, “But do you remember what he
did yesterday? Now, what do you think he’d do today?” And
that’s what you’re doing when you pass the responsibility onto
your 'renewed mind'. Because loved ones, the purpose of the mind is
to take the guidance and the directions that come through your
spirit, and to use them to guide the body.
Now there’s
another famous passage that might help you if you look at it, that
talks about these two different kinds of knowing that are necessary.
Ephesians 1:17, you remember it’s that great prayer of Paul’s.
“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may
give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of
him.” You see, that’s 'a spirit'. In your spirit God gives you
wisdom and revelation so that you know what he’s thinking. That
comes through your spirit. And then what you need is some factor
inside you that can take that guidance and can actually put it into
language and directions that the body will be able to follow.
And that’s why
Paul prayed in the next verse, “Having the eyes of your hearts
enlightened.” And obviously you can see by heart there he means
the mind. It’s the mind that is enlightened, "Having the eyes
of your mind or your understanding enlightened," “That you may
know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches
of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the
immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe.” But you
see, unless the mind is renewed in Jesus, you cannot understand those
So you have a lot of
children of God like that. You have children of God who do get some
light in their spirits, but their mind is utterly unrenewed. And
it’s not able to understand what is in the spirit. And so they’re
those kind of -- not only articulate people -- but they’re people
who are unable to pass it along or transmit it to others. And their
lives of course, are wandering around in as much vagueness as if
they’d never known Jesus. Then you get the other kind that have
their minds renewed, but they don’t maintain a daily prayer time
with God. And so they get hard.
And that’s what
happens. When you operate by your renewed mind, and your spirit is
losing its sensitivity in daily communion with God then you get hard,
and harsh. Your spirit actually is becoming harsh. Your mind seems
to make very spiritual, godly decisions, but there isn’t 'life' in
them. It’s just kind of a right decision but it hasn’t 'creative
life' in it. And that’s because the spirit is not being maintained
sensitively to God.
Maybe I should
mention to you that by a 'quiet time', I don’t mean that 10 minute
job! But [sings] "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew
their strength!” And if you wait upon the Lord, you’ll have
communion with him. It means spending time with the Father until the
atmosphere of his heart fills your heart. And then -- I don’t know
if you’ve experienced it -- everything seems easy. And everything
seems clear. And you come out from your closet and, No! You don’t
know everything you should do. But you’re absolutely confident.
You know the Father is there in your heart! You know that he has you
in his arms! You know that everything is organized! And you know
that the first decision you’ll have to make, you’ll know what to
do. And that’s it! You come out filled with the Spirit. Full of
faith and filled with the Spirit from your quiet time. That’s what
happens when you wait upon the Lord.
Now, do you know
that the importance of that is not so that you’ll do the right
thing? That’s the amazing part of it. The importance of having
that relationship with the Father in your spirit is not just so your
tricky, clever old mind will make the right decisions. It might
amaze us how little concerned God is -- in a sense -- with the little
decisions that are made day-by-day. No, the whole purpose of that is
that that’s why God called him to himself. He wanted a friend who
would understand him and who would share his heart with him! That’s
He wanted a friend
who would understand him and would share his heart. It’s simply a
byproduct of that, that you, therefore, know what to pass onto your
mind, and your mind knows and understands it and is able to pass it
onto your body. That’s a byproduct! The chief purpose of this
plan of God is so that he would have friends who would understand
Now you remember,
you get that in that verse that we’ve mentioned before at times,
Psalms 103:7. “He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the
people of Israel.” All he could do with the dear old children of
Israel was split the rock and pour the water out! Split the Red Sea
and let them walk through the middle! Bring manna down so that they
would be fed! That is all they were able to grasp. And it’s the
same kind of experience you would have if you had some little child
dependent upon you, who hadn’t a clue why you were doing things --
just knew you gave him food, or you fed him day-by-day.
But, “He made
known his ways to Moses.” Moses was his friend. And Moses spent
time with him, and he could explain how all these things were being
done by his own Son, who would be revealed in later days on the
earth. And he could talk over with Moses. Moses was the friend of
God. He could talk over with Moses 'why' he was doing things.
That’s loved ones, the whole purpose of receiving from God through
our spirits. Only in our spirits can we come to know God as our
You remember, Jesus
said the same thing. And it’s John 15. And again, these verses
you all know, I think. John 15:15, “No longer do I call you
servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but
I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I
have made known to you.” That’s the purpose of it all. And you
know it actually yourselves! You know it fine well! I certainly
know it in this operation that God has put us all into.
I remember in the
early days when I seemed the only guy who understood anything. And
all you could do was kind of 'do what I said', and it felt terrible.
I mean, it felt as if I was on the earth on my own! And what a
difference when some of you began to mature, and to grow, and to
understand why we were doing certain things! Then you began to enjoy
fellowship and friendship. Then you ceased to dwell alone. Then you
had brothers, and sisters, and hearts of your heart! And life took
on the very essence of what it’s about: friendship, and communion,
and heart understanding.
And loved ones, that
is what God is after with us. And you can see the last thing he’s
interested in is, “What are my orders for today? Thank you.”
That’s the last thing. He wants children who will sit on their
dad’s knee and will talk, and will talk with him, and ask him,
“Dad, why did you do that? Why do you do that? Lord, what’s
that look in your eye for? What are you thinking Father? What would
please you? What would you enjoy me doing?” That’s it!
He wants children
who will dwell with him a little, and understand his ways. And then
they direct this dear mind. But the dear mind, all it can do is
understand and explain it to the body. But the mind itself can’t
get it!
And so loved ones,
that was the change that took place -- do you realize -- as the
experience of the apostles progressed? You remember, in Old
Testament times, "Urim and Thummim" -- we guessed they
might have been dice, casting lots. Or, what in a way is just as
bad, "Balaam's Ass" [At first the angel is seen only by the
donkey Balaam is riding, which tries to avoid the otherwise invisible
angel]. Or maybe just a prophet telling you, “Do this.” That
was it.
It was no experience
of dear friends who understood their Father. It was a people who
just received guidance through dice being thrown, guided by the Holy
Spirit but really a mystery to them, or a prophet speaking, or an
animal speaking, or a voice out of a fiery cloud. But really it was
a distant thing for God. It was an unsatisfying thing for him. It
was some way of getting his will done in the world. It was the only
thing he could do when men were in their childhood. But it was less
than the best.
You got the
continuation of it a little, you remember, if you look at it you’ll
see the progress in Acts 8. This was the 'water shed' in God’s
dealings and guidings of men. This was the ’water shed'. just
around these weeks and months immediately after Jesus’ ascension.
And you got some of the Old Testament system of guidance still you
see. And so you get it there in Acts 8:26 with Philip. Not unlike
the Old Testament really, “But an angel of the Lord said to
Philip...” An angel, you see. Just the way an angel appeared to
Gideon. “An angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Rise and go
toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’
This is a desert road.” Just tell them that. Do that.
And then when he
gets to that spot in Verse 29, “And the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go
up and join this chariot.’” So he goes up. So it’s that kind
of thing. It’s, “Do this. Okay, you’re there. Now, do this.
Alright, you’re there. Now, do that.” That’s the kind of
guidance that was experienced in the Old Testament. Now, gradually
it progresses as the apostles move away from the manifestation of God
through angels, and through fire, and begins to move through his Holy
Spirit within them. Because, that was a big change you see, the Holy
Spirit came and dwelled with them. Inside them! 'Stayed with them',
that means! Became their friend and their guest! Became part of
them! And then the Holy Spirit began to guide from within.
And you see that in
Acts 16 if you just turn over a few pages. Acts 16:6-8, “And they
went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden
by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia.” You see, the Holy
Spirit within them. Nothing of a voice of even a man from Macedonia,
but just the Holy Spirit within. “And when they had come opposite
of Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus
did not allow them.” 'Spirit of Jesus' within them. “So,
passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas...” But then, you see,
it’s back. It’s a little half-and-half, “And a vision appeared
to Paul in the night,” that’s the Old Testament, “A man of
Macedonia was standing beseeching him and saying, ‘Come over to
Macedonia and help us.’ And when he had seen the vision,
immediately we sought to go on into Macedonia, concluding that God
had called us to preach the gospel to them.” But again, a little
uncertain! Being told, but a little uncertain why, and needing the
vision to help them out.
Then, getting on to
the kind of experience in Romans 1, there, that Paul expresses, and
the place that our Father wants us to come to ourselves: Romans 1:13,
where the mind begins to understand. “I want you to know, brethren,
that I have often intended to come to you (but thus far have been
prevented), in order that I may reap some harvest among you as well
as among the rest of the Gentiles.” That’s a great verse you
see, because it’s not, “I want you to know that the Lord wants me
to come to you!” Or, “The Lord told me last night that I was to
go to you!”
That’s a great
verse because he abides in Christ and Christ abides in him. He is in
the Spirit and the Spirit is in him. He’s come to that place where
"It is not I that live, but Christ that lives within me."
And so he’s able to say, “I want you to know, brethren, that 'I'
have often intended to come to you.” "'I', because I am
renewed. My mind is renewed. Christ is in me. It is his Spirit
that has taken full possession of me. He’s displaced the 'me'
completely, so I can say 'I' and it’s the same as saying 'Christ'."
"I want you to know that I have often intended to come to you
(but thus far have been prevented)." "And I know I have to
come,” “In order that I may reap some harvest among you as well
as among the rest of the Gentiles.”
That’s what the
Father wants: Children who not only know 'what' he wants them to do
but who understand with their minds how the Father works, and
understand what is happening. And loved ones, of course that’s
what is needed today. "Men’s hearts fail them for fear,"
because nobody knows what’s happening. Nobody understands what is
happening. Some are running to the mountains in survival groups, and
are stacking up their guns and their food. Others aren’t stacking
up guns, but are running to the hills to wait for Jesus to come.
Others are involved in trying to change the laws, so that this will
become more like the kingdom of God. Everybody is going in all
directions. And what the world wants is men and women who not only
know what God is guiding them to do, but who understand the Father’s
heart, and can bring calmness and stability into the society. That’s
why a renewed mind is so necessary.
Now loved ones, just
one little warning: Never get into the situation where you’re
depending on your renewed mind for guidance, you see. Don’t get
into that, because you can see an example of that in Acts 5, if you
are courageous enough to look at it. Acts 5 is two loved ones who
got into the place where they settled, “Well, it’s not so
essential to have the daily communion with God, and we kind of know
what all this is about. I see, they’re all selling their land and
they’re giving it so that they can feed the poor. Well, we’ll do
the same."
“But a man named
Ananias with his wife Sapphire sold a piece of property, and with his
wife’s knowledge he kept back some of the proceeds, and brought
only a part and laid it at the apostles’ feet. But Peter said,
‘Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy
Spirit.”” You see, the spirit was where they made their error,
or their sin, “And to keep back part of the proceeds of the land?
While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it
was sold, was it not at your disposal? How is it that you have
contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to
God.’ When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and died.”
And Ananias used his
old, what he thought was a 'renewed mind', you see. But he missed
the whole heart of what God was doing. And so you will loved ones,
if you try just to use the old renewed mind, because even the renewed
mind -- and we’ll talk a little more next week about what it
involves. Even the renewed mind can operate on its own. Do you see
that? And you can get surprisingly wise and clever with your mind.
You can get to know not only the 'language of Zion', but many of the
'thoughts of Zion'. And you can utter them, and it sounds very
spiritual. But actually the mind, the renewed mind, can still
operate independent of God’s Spirit. And the only way to really
know what God wants and to be able to understand his heart, is to be
in communion with him in your own spirit.
And that means that
there’ll be a great certainty about your life. Really! If you
have any doubt about it, if you’re saying, “Well, I think I know
what you mean, and I’m not sure if I’ve gone by my renewed mind.”
Well then, you have! You have! If you’re not sure then you have.
And you should make sure the prayer time is right. Make sure not
only it occurs, but make sure that it is long enough and deep enough
so that you can get in touch with your Father, and talk things over
with him, and know him as your dear dad.
That’s what “Abba”
means in Greek. It means 'Dad'! My dear, close Father whom I love
to be with! Whom I love to talk over the day with before I ever hit
that day! My dear Father whom I love more than my life itself! My
dear Father whom I want to be with more than to do the right thing!
"I want to be with you! Get to know you, Lord! Thank you for
all that you have given me! Understand the way you’re thinking!
Know what you’re feeling today!" That’s it! That’s the
only way loved ones, to have that 'rock-like' certainty as you go
through each day, that this is what the Father wants. And then as
the mind is renewed, it understands that and explains it to the body.
So that’s God’s
will for us. That’s something of the relationship that is meant to
exist between our minds and wherever our spirits are, which is
probably all around us. But that’s something of the relationship
that’s meant to exist. With that you’ll never be in any doubt.
You’ll walk up to closed doors, absolutely confident that the
Father has shown you in your spirit what to do, and your mind will
understand it when it needs to act. And so it’s a beautiful way to
I’d just – one
little warning against that business of – I remember Jessie Penn
Lewis was the first one I ever saw putting it down on paper, “Never
fall into the error as a child of God of trying to run your life by
your renewed mind instead of by your spirit. And running it by your
spirit always involves faith." Strange, running it by your
renewed mind does not. Running it by your renewed mind can involve
just a good memory. But running it by spirit means always going into
a bedroom and -- you poor dumb idiot, 'closing your eyes and
talking'? I don’t know how you can be so stupid! That’s faith
you see! That’s faith! And only by faith can your spirit get from
God what he has for you. So loved ones, never -- never stop having
that time of quiet communion with the Father which will keep you from
falling into heresy. And he’s always there! Always waiting!
Let us pray. Dear
Father, we see that that’s what heaven is about. We know that’s
what we’re looking forward to, to being with you. At times we
quake a little because we’re not mature enough to see how we could
just be with you forever. And yet Father, the dearest friendships
that we’ve had here on earth have been those that have had such
rest in them. Such a sense of honesty, and acceptance, and
relaxation that we could just be with the other person for days on
end and do nothing! And so we realize that even on a human level it
is possible to have a friendship that is more precious than the
guidance that you get out of the friendship. And so Lord, we see that
with you it is so much more possible. You, the infinite being in the
whole universe!
And Lord, as we look
forward to that in heaven, we see that it’s reasonable that we
should enjoy that preeminently here on earth. That our quiet time
each day is meant to be the very rock of our whole life! And if we
spend time waiting upon you, and talking to you as our dear Father,
and sitting on your knee, and looking at your eye, and watching if
there’s any sign of guidance in it, or any thought of what you want
us to do, then as we do that our Father, we come from the quiet time,
not with a whole list of commands, but with a great confidence within
us that our Father knows us and we know our Father and he will show
us what to do each moment.
And then we thank
you Lord, that these good minds of ours can become free and light,
and can get used to obeying the Spirit, and beginning to work out
what the Spirit is guiding us to do. And we thank you Lord, that by
that means you can come alive again in this earth and "the Word
can be made flesh," and touch the money, and the businesses, and
the people, and the bodies, and the clothes, and the cars! And can
touch them with gold as the sun touches the lake in the morning.
Lord, we thank you for that. Thank you that that’s our privileged
position as the princes and princesses of God. Thank you Lord.
Now the grace of our
Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit be with each one of us now and evermore. Amen.
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