Dreams, Insomnia
I’d like to be
talking about our subject of the mind because it is, oh, just
something to be thankful to God for, that with that dear brother
Bitterman, coming into Jesus’ presence this weekend, that Mark and
Sharon are going out, and thousands more of us. So that really, the
martyrs -- the blood of the martyrs -- is really the seed of the
church. And it will be loved ones, if we get ourselves into a
practical expression of Jesus to the world.
And that’s what
we’re talking about in these particular Sunday evenings. And I’ll
tell you what the danger is. The danger is that the great religious
movement that undoubtedly is taking place in the United States will
not get outside the United States. That’s the danger. And any of
us, who have any knowledge of church history, or any experience of
real revivals, know that "the proof of the pudding is in the
eating". And the proof as to whether this is a real movement of
God’s Spirit among us that has taken place since the Jesus movement
10 years ago, will be the outflow or the lack of outflow to the world
And I would just
point out to you that it isn’t terribly impressive at the moment.
It isn’t. And I think it has partly to do with this subject that
we’re discussing tonight. There seems a great danger that many of
us who believe in Jesus and love him, and who even have been filled
with his Holy Spirit, that we may settle down in Zion to enjoy his
presence, and that we may get caught up completely with the whole
inner experience of God’s Spirit. Really! And that that Spirit
will never reach certain loved ones in countries abroad, because many
of us children of God are imprisoning his Spirit within us.
And one of the ways
we’re doing it, honestly I believe is, due to the subject of
tonight’s study. Many of us have said, “Ah, there was the tree
of life and there was the tree of knowledge. That was the choice.
And we should have chosen life, but we chose knowledge. Now,
knowledge is wrong, wrong, wrong! And anything to do with knowledge
is wrong. And all you need is the life of the Holy Spirit.”
And then you
remember what we do, we take other verses in scripture such as that
one in Romans 8:7 which runs, “The mind of the flesh is enmity
against God. It is not subject to God’s law, neither indeed can it
be.” And we say, “There you see, anything to do with knowledge,
anything to do with using your mind, it’s of Satan; it’s hostile
to God. Even Paul said, 'I determined to know nothing about men’s
wisdom or the words of men’s wisdom.'” And there are great
numbers of us today in Christendom who are imprisoning the Spirit of
Christ within our own Spirits so that he cannot get out at all
because we have cut off the one method that he has of getting himself
abroad! And that is our precious minds!
And loved ones,
really the only way Mark and Sharon will ever get to Holland is by
actually using the old mind to get down to settling, “Well love, is
this what we should be doing with our lives? And if it is, are we
going to go now or are we going to wait?” And loved ones, too many
of us don’t do that. We say, “Well, let’s wait. Let’s wait
upon the Lord. And when the Lord moves us we will go.” And 30
years later we’re still sitting here waiting for the Lord to move
us, because we’re terribly afraid of using our minds.
And loved ones, the
only way to get abroad is to use your mind. They have to buy
tickets! They have to get onto a plane. However unspiritual it may
seem, however unholy it may seem, they have to get onto a plane! And
they have to go across there to Holland. And they have to live in
conditions that may not at all be heavenly, or may not be very
spiritual, or may not be very exciting. But, that is what is
involved in Jesus getting abroad inside of you. And really, the
stable was not very spiritual, was not very holy, was not very like a
cathedral. It was a very dirty smelly place. But Jesus came down
into that place and as a result you and I are able to live forever.
But loved ones, it
only comes about when you begin to use the old mind, really. And I
think enough of you have been involved in the Jesus movement as I
was, to know that one of the dreadful things that we came up against
in the Jesus movement was the whole benefit that we got first of all,
from the gifts, and then the whole misinterpretation that we indulged
in, in the gifts. And you remember, many of us would experience the
glory, and the praise -- and it’s a blessing to me in my private
prayers to experience the glory of tongues where the Holy Spirit
takes a hold of your spirit and lifts you up into the presence of
Jesus and you allow your spirit to pour out before him. And it is
edifying, it builds you up.
But many of us took
that experience and said, “That’s the norm. It’s really not
God’s will that anybody should know what we’re praising God for.
It’s not God’s will that anybody should be able to join in with
us. It’s just God’s will that we should experience this
continued ecstasy and express it in unknown language to God.”
Well you remember
what Paul says about that if you look at it in 1 Corinthians 14:9.
“So with yourselves; if you in a tongue utter speech that is not
intelligible, how will any one known what is said? For you will be
speaking into the air. There are doubtless many different languages
in the world, and none is without meaning; but if I do not know the
meaning of the language, I shall be a foreigner to the speaker and
the speaker a foreigner to me. So with yourselves; since you are
eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building
up the church. Therefore, he who speaks in a tongue should pray for
the power to interpret. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays
but my mind is unfruitful. What am I to do? I will pray with the
spirit and I will pray with the mind also; I will sing with the
spirit and I will sing with the mind also. Otherwise, if you bless
with the spirit, how can anyone in the position of an outsider say
the “Amen” to your thanksgiving when he does not know what you
are saying? For you may give thanks well enough, but the other man
is not edified. I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you
all; nevertheless in church I would rather speak five words with my
mind, in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a
Now loved ones, I
think the tragedy is not just in regards to tongues, because maybe
more of us need to speak in tongues and have the freedom of speaking
in tongues. But the tragedy is that we have carried that same
pattern of behavior into all the other gifts of the Spirit. So we
have heard about the gift of wisdom, and we have heard about the gift
of prophesy. And too many of us have determined, “That’s the
only way to go. That’s the only way to minister. Don’t use your
mind to prepare teachings, or presentations, or sermons. Just stand
up there and just, 'It’ll come and if it doesn’t come well, you
shouldn't be there any way.'”
And too many of us
therefore are not there any way. We’re sitting in our seats,
sitting on our bottoms doing nothing for Jesus because we’re
refusing to pass onto our minds what God gave us an experience of, in
our spirits. And so there are great numbers of us who are taking the
gifts of the Spirit and are using them as an excuse to put our souls
to sleep, to put our minds to sleep, and our emotions, and our wills.
And so what happens
next is our spirits fall asleep also. And loved ones, I would just
point out to you what I mentioned to you last Sunday that the only
way that God’s dear Spirit can get through from your spirit to the
rest of the world is through that dear soul of yours. That’s the
only way. And if you say to me, “Oh now brother, aren’t there
times when we sing in tongues and then of course, the mind is not
used and yet the Holy Spirit brings a oneness among us?” Yes! But
tell me this; was that the normal pattern for evangelism in the New
Testament church? And I’m for tongues, and I’m for the gifts,
but was that the normal pattern for Evangelism? It wasn’t.
God gave those gifts
at certain times when those gifts were necessary. He still gives
those gifts at certain times when they’re necessary. But loved
ones, that is no excuse for us sinking back into passivity of soul.
And that’s what many of us have done. Many of us have allowed our
minds to go absolutely to sleep and to become passive. And then we
wonder why we’re not being used by God.
Now loved ones,
there is no way in which you will be used by God unless you obey the
first commandment, “Thou shalt love thy Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all
thy mind.” And unless that mind is a precious thing that God has
given to you, and unless you use it -- it is the captain in a sense
of our soul -- it is your mind determines – loved ones, I can’t
open that book unless I use my mind. I can’t. I can’t tell you
what the word 'cosmos' means unless I use my mind. I can’t tell
you how to abide in Christ unless I use my mind to expound his dear
word so that you can understand it. Moreover, unless I use my mind I
cannot really communicate with you what is your need in Jesus. You
have to use your mind to minister God to others. And you have to use
your mind to get going for Jesus in the world.
And I submit to you
that many of you are not abroad at this moment, many of you are
sitting exactly where you were five years ago because you’re
waiting for something that will never come. You’re waiting for God
to sweep you, by his Spirit, off your feet and to overrule your free
will and mind and to move you abroad. He won’t.
He is committed to
you possessing your souls. That’s really it! That’s really it!
You remember, it’s that verse, “Posses your soul in patience.”
God is waiting for you to come into possession of your soul.
What we said last
day was the mind of the flesh, the mind that is controlled by the
body, the mind that manipulates the world to get security, that is
against God. But God wants you to possess that mind, and to possess
that soul, and to bring it unto the control of your spirit so that it
expresses your spirit. And only that way are we going to be used by
And so I would just
encourage those of you who are really concerned about the world to
begin to see that you have to work out in deductive detail in your
own life what love Jesus has put in your spirit for himself and for
others. If you don’t do that you’re going to be like poor Jud in
Oklahoma [The musical named Oklahoma]. You are! And "poor Jude
is dead," you remember, "A candle lights his head."
And then, you remember, how it goes, he loved everybody. He loved
the little birds. He loved every little creature. He loved all his
neighbors. But he never let on. He never showed it to anybody. Oh,
he loved them all, but he never let any of them know. And you’re
going to be like that, unless the mind comes into action.
What I wanted to
share tonight was some of the symptoms of a mind that is passive.
Some of the symptoms of a mind that is not being activated or used
and therefore has gone passive and is in fact beginning to be -- as
we shared last Sunday -- obsessed by evil spirits. And because the
facts are so vivid, and because so many of us will immediately rise
in our seats and say, “Yeah, that’s it. I want to read them in
Dreams. You
remember, Joseph had dreams. And so dreams are used by God to
communicate to us things that we could not otherwise receive from
him. So there are dreams that are sent by God. There are dreams
that are sent by eating too much turkey, or too much pudding. There
are just dreams that are prompted by your physiological or anatomical
structure and by its activity. Any other dream comes from the evil
one: dreams that fill our minds with hideous and grotesque things
that we ourselves never think of normally. And that’s the clue you
see. If you ever want to know, “Oh well is this coming from myself
or is this coming from Satan?” Ask yourself, “Do I normally
think of these things? Do I normally think these grotesque thoughts?
Do I normally have these dreadful pictures in my mind?” And loved
ones, when you experience that kind of thing in dreams at night, that
is the work of evil spirits.
And it’s not
actually the work of evil spirits that is made possible by an
overactive mind; it’s the work of evil spirits that occur because
of an inactive mind, because of a mind that is not being used as God
wants it to be. And so, whenever you have dreams that are not from
God and that you can’t track down to an eight o’clock feast --
when you have dreams that can’t be tracked to either of those
things, see that the dreams are from evil spirits and resist them in
Jesus’ name. And when you go to bed the next night, kneel down.
Kneel down at your bedside and learn and memorize Philippians 4. You
remember, “Whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are good
report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on
those things." And think on those things before you go to sleep.
But, realize that
you’re not meant to waken up in the morning worn out because of the
dreadful dreams. You know the effect it has. It makes you think
you’ve dreamt the whole night! That’s it! The dream probably
only takes a second or half a second, but you get the feeling that
you’ve been dreaming the whole night. And so you waken up just
worn out. You’ve worked harder at night than you did during the
day. And that isn’t God’s will for us. Our minds are meant to
continue at night -- apart from God’s own intervention --they’re
meant to continue at night in as peaceful a way as they continue
during the day. So, when dreams occur, it’s because you are
allowing somebody else to use your mind. That’s the most sensible
conclusion isn’t it? If your mind is producing things you don’t
want to think of yourself, well it must be somebody else that is
using your mind.
Insomnia: You put
your head on the pillow, but you mind as well be standing up
straight, because the mind doesn’t stop. It just rolls right on.
'Old man river,' just on! Nothing will stop it. It just carries
right on as if it’s continuing with the detective story that you
just saw on the television, or continue with the book you were just
reading, or most of all, connecting with the problem, continuing with
the problem that you were dealing with during the day at work. And
then you know what happens? It’s as if the mind has its own
momentum because you think, “Now, what could I do? What could I
do? What do I want to do in that situation? What could I do? What
should I do tomorrow? Yeah, I could do that. No, I can’t do that.
Alright, but let me think, oh yes I could do that.” And the mind
just goes on.
And if you’ve had
my experience of it, there comes a moment when you know fine well
that enough is enough. And you know that. And the conscience tells
you that. But you think, “Oh, I’ll just think another half
minute.” And about an hour later you realize that you aren’t
asleep. And for some of us it can be three o’clock in the morning
and we still realize we’re not asleep. Now loved ones, that’s the
evil one, you see. That’s the evil one getting his way, maybe by
deception, but very often not even deception. He has such control of
our thought processes that he just keeps them on turning as if it
wasn’t night time at all. That isn’t God’s will.
And of course, you
waken up with a heavy head, with a real sense of despondency, and a
real sense of depression, and with no sense of that refreshing that
obviously all the dear little birds feel in the morning when they
waken up bright, and breezy, and ready to go. But you waken up as if
you’ve just completed a night’s work. Now, it isn’t God’s
will. It isn’t God’s will for us not to sleep. Night time is
for sleeping. And it’s God’s will for us to sleep at night.
Now, I think some of
us come up against an issue that I think Joel mentioned to me last
Sunday. And he was saying, “You know, I’ve experienced sometimes
what you’ve said about the mind going on, and on, and on. And I’ll
tell you when I’ve experienced it. When I’ve been talking with
someone and I didn’t express things as I really should have and
then I go home and I think it over. And I think, ‘Oh, I shouldn’t
have said it that way. He's misunderstood me. I should have put it
this way.’” And he said, “My mind keeps on going and going and
I think, ‘How could I have done it differently?’” And then he
said to me, “You know what I discovered? I discovered that I
wasn’t able to stop my mind churning unless I continued to stand in
the center of the death with Jesus on the cross -- unless I stood on
Calvary ground.”
And what was the
Calvary ground? Oh, Jesus looked down from the cross and he saw them
jeering at him. And he saw them in another corner criticizing him.
And he saw the Roman soldiers regarding him as a political criminal.
And he saw even his disciples not understanding him. And he was at
peace. He was willing to be misunderstood by everybody. And he died
to the right to be understood by anybody. And what Joel said was,
“Until I died to my right to be understood, until I was willing to
accept my place on Calvary ground with Jesus, and was willing to
accept I 'was' misunderstood and I’m going to be misunderstood a
thousand more times through my life. But I’m willing to be
misunderstood.” Only then was he able to bend his mind after what
God wanted.
Now loved ones, it’s
the same with the insomnia. It is. Because we keep thinking over the
events that we’re going to face tomorrow. And God says to us,
“Have no anxiety about anything, but by prayer and supplication let
your request be mad e known to God.” And we will not, because we
want tomorrow to go the way we want it to go. And that’s why we
find it impossible to turn our minds off. In other words loved ones,
the only way you’ll be able to control your thoughts and bring
every thought into captivity of Christ Jesus, and to get to sleep is
if you say, “Lord Jesus, I was crucified with you. I’ve died. I
have no future. It’s not my future tomorrow. It’s yours. Lord,
whatever you want to do with it, that’s good for me. And if it
means pain for me I accept whatever you have for me. If it means
success, I accept it. If it means defeat, I accept it. Lord, it’s
in your hands. I take my place with you on the cross and I die to
any future that I might have.”
Loved ones, only
then, only when you’re ready to let tomorrow go with Jesus, will
you find yourself able to turn off the 'spigot' of those thoughts,
those pouring torrential thoughts. So it’s worth maybe remembering
that. It isn’t simply, you see, a case of the power of positive
thinking, or 'control your mind'. It certainly is exercising your
mind after Godliness, but only on the basis of Calvary. Only on the
basis of your death with Jesus and your readiness for whatever he
wants will you be able to do it.
Some of the other
things loved ones, that I’m sure you’ve had: The old business of
forgetfulness. Forgetting different things that you should bring
with you! Forgetting things in the middle of a sentence! Forgetting
things that you’ve been told! Forgetting things that you’ve read
in a book and you want desperately to remember! Loved ones, your
mind is the most complex computer that the universe will ever see.
And your mind was made to remember. And Jesus promised that the Holy
Spirit would bring all things back to your remembrance. And when the
Holy Spirit rules in your life, and you love him, and you obey him,
your mind can remember -- actually even non-Christian scientists say
it -- can remember everything that ever took place in your life.
And when
forgetfulness comes in, it is because there is some other power using
your mind and forcing it into an activity. Especially, those of us
who have normally good memories! There are many of us with good
memories, and yet we come to a certain situation, and it’s
important to remember the thing, and suddenly it goes out of our
mind. Now, that isn’t normal. You can see that. It isn’t a
normal pattern that follows from everything that has gone before in
your life. And it’s a clear indication that Satan is using the
passivity you have allowed your mind to sink into.
Reject it! Just
refuse it! Refuse it. Often it takes some acceptance of our death
with Christ because many of us use our forgetfulness as an excuse.
We use it as an excuse to be let off the hook on some things. Or we
use it as an excuse to explain us not acting or not doing something.
And so it is vital that we take our place with Jesus on the cross and
say, “Lord, whatever you want me to do I’ll do. Whenever you
want me to do it, I’ll do it. I don’t want any excuses, Lord. I
don’t want any excuse for not doing what you want.” And so, many
of us maybe, have to ask the Holy Spirit to show us certain ground
that we have to take with Jesus there.
But loved ones,
forgetfulness and bad memory is not what God has planned for you.
And actually, your memory can operate efficiently however old we are.
Because some of us, as we get older, think, “Oh yeah. Well that’s
alright when you’re young.” Now, you only have to look at those
dear geniuses that were used by God in old age, to see that the
memory does not need to fail. "As your years are so will your
strength be," is God's promise. And no, there’s no reason for
it to fail.
I think I told you
of the hold that Satan certainly had on me. "Well, you think
real deep, and good, and big thoughts, and so you can’t be expected
to remember that your shoe isn’t tied. I mean, you’re involved
in too many big things to remember little things like that."
And some of us like to think, “Oh well, I’m kind of an intuitive,
'poetic type', so okay, alright for my wife. I mean, she’s a
barbarian scientist! She ought to be able to remember. But me? No,
no, I ought to be just able to swing in and out, and sometimes
remember and sometimes I forget, but so do all geniuses.” And that
was it. The forgetful professor!
And Satan likes to
persuade us – or, I think David Johnson and I have talked about it
-- likes to persuade us who are artists or poetic in some way that,
“Oh yes, we’re justified in forgetting.” Loved ones, it’s a
lie of Satan. The memory is good, and the mind is able to remember
if we will simply exercise it. And it is important to exercise it.
You remember Nee talks somewhere of 'Holy Spirit memory', where the
Holy Spirit is well able to enable you to remember a revelation that
God has given you in exactly the way it was given.
And how many of us
have had trouble there? God has said something to us as we’ve gone
down a street, or he’s given something to us in Bible study, and
we’ve thought, “Oh, I need to remember that.” And then we get
halfway through the day and we can’t remember it and then a little
voice says, “Oh well, maybe you weren’t meant to remember it. I
mean, God just gave you that for the moment.”
And of course it’s
a lie of Satan. God gave you it so you would be able to remember it
and would be able to give it to somebody else at the right time. And
the Holy Spirit is able to give you the memory of it exactly as you
received it. And I really do think brothers and sisters, that many
of us are sinking into passivity willingly and knowingly in areas
like that. And we simply attribute it all to some strange way we
think the Spirit has of working. Really, that’s it!
And I think maybe
there’s pride in it. You remember, Malvolio is one of the
Shakespeare characters that says, “I’m not as other men are. I’m
not as other men are.” And I wonder how many of us think, “Oh
yeah, we’re filled with the Spirit so we’re not as other men are.
And the other poor souls have to work for what they’ve got, but
not us. We just moon around, and the Holy Spirit gives it to us.
Deep things, deeper than anybody else could have.” And I wonder
how much we’re losing just through, really what is just simple
pride. Loved ones, only if we’re using our mind with all of our
being, and with all of our strength will God give us in our spirits
what he wants us to have.
Lack of
concentration: I think that many of us fight it because we did not
concentrate at school. And we’re hyperkinetic, and never, never,
never settle down to even read one book from cover-to-cover. So
undoubtedly Satan has a festival time in many of our lives who have
never learned to concentrate.
But loved ones,
unfortunately there are those of us here who do know how to
concentrate, but we find that at certain times in a Bible study
group, or at certain times when we’re studying a certain book, or a
certain piece of scripture, or we’re listening to a sermon, or
we’re in a service, we find suddenly concentration just goes. And
you can almost guess who is doing that. There is only one person
that will benefit from you not getting something that God is giving
you through another book or through another person. There is only
one person that will benefit if a service has a spirit of dissipation
in it, because the minds are going in all directions. And of course,
it is the evil one. And so when you face an inability to concentrate,
realize that it’s absolutely opposite to Jesus’ command through
his servants, “Bring every thought into captivity of Christ Jesus.”
Loved ones, your
mind is given you to concentrate. Your mind can concentrate. But
many of us you see, even those of us who try to counsel other people
-- have you ever noticed this -- you’re trying to help somebody and
your mind is not able to follow on with what they’re saying? And
they’re saying something, and your mind is a way off 'wool
gathering'. And then you say to yourself, “Oh well, thank goodness
that God is keeping me from listening to all that garbage, because
he’s going to give me something straight from heaven for this
person.” And then it comes to the moment and we just pass off
something that again, Satan just pops into our mind, and so we give
it to them.
But we’re unable
to concentrate and to follow a person through in their conversation.
And of course, they know it themselves, because you know when a
person loves you, you can sense they’re right with you. You feel
that. You feel, “Oh they’re right with – yeah, he sees what I
understand – yeah, oh yeah.” So you’re encouraged yourself to
be more open with the person. But many of us are unable to
concentrate even when we’re doing the one thing we think we were
meant to do, explain Jesus to others, we’re unable to concentrate,
to listen to their conversation and their explanation.
Now loved ones, that
is not God’s will. God’s will is that your mind should be
absolutely sharp, and absolutely disciplined, and should be able to
follow every thought and bring every thought back. But huge numbers
of us are becoming useless to God, because our minds are not used at
all. Really, there are great numbers of Christians in the world who
are absolutely no use to God, because they can’t rub two thoughts
together for two seconds consecutively. They have no ability to hold
thoughts in their mind, or to arrange thoughts, or to examine
thoughts, or to analyze thoughts. That’s why heresies come. You
know that.
[Whitehead [Alfred
North Whitehead, 1861–1947, a British mathematician, logician and
philosopher] who worked with Einstein, talked about dead wood in
education. He talked about dead wood as ideas that are accepted into
the mind without being examined or compared with other ideas that are
already in the mind. I’m sure you must be amazed at the blank
contradictions in things like the trial you remember? Yeah, we think
the jury should be changed because they observed Shue attacking the
poor lady and cutting her, and that might prejudice them. And the
mind just boggles at that kind of logic. I mean, you think, "I’m
in Disneyland." But you can’t think, "I’m in a
civilized country."
And your mind must
often have been bewildered by the contradictions that we seem able to
endure in our minds today. But that’s how heresies come about in
Christianity, you see, because, loved ones are not able to store in
their minds the truth of scripture. And therefore another thought
pops in and they accept it without examining it, or without comparing
it with the thoughts that are already in their minds. And so many of
us are useless to God.
We find it so, of
course, when we started in the businesses you can guess. We had a
strong belief that if you made pea soup with so many peas -- this is
heresy I’m sure -- so many peas and -- I believe water, that would
be safe -- so many peas and so much water today, we didn’t have to
bother remembering how many peas we used or how much water, "Tomorrow
is a new day! The day of salvation! The Holy Spirit will tell us!"
Really! Really, it sounds wild. But at the beginning of our
operation about 10 years ago in Fish [Fish Enterprises with
restaurants, manufacturing, retail and wholesale outlets, was a
company formed by people in Campus Church], we were continually
plagued by that attitude in all of us, “Well, we don’t need to
use our minds. Running a Christian business – you see, the
difference between running a Christian business and running a
non-Christian business is that poor old non-Christians have to work
like crazy. They have to use their minds and think. And we
Christians, we don’t. We just --we're going for a sauce pan and I
say, 'Holy Spirit show me where the sauce pan is.'"
Except that the Holy
Spirit didn’t show us where the sauce pan was! And we had to start
learning to put the sauce pan or the kettle back in the place we got
it so that the other poor soul from the other restaurant would be
able to find it. And loved ones, honestly I think that many of us are
useless to God because we will not use our minds in our jobs and our
I don’t know how
many of you are involved in that in your business or your job. But I
think a great many of us are believing Satan’s lie, “I’m a
secretary. That has nothing to do with Christianity or with being a
missionary.” “I’m an architect. That has nothing to do...”
“I’m an accountant. That has nothing to do...” “I’m a
carpenter. That has nothing to do with it. So, boy I’ll just do
this job as quickly as I can, and get really to the 'important stuff'
at night when I attend the Bible studies.” Well, loved ones, all
the time --we’re of course making a pitiful witness for Jesus to
our fellow workers -- but all the time we’re getting our mind more
and more passive in our work. And our work itself is not bringing
God’s world into submission to his will. It is in fact, increasing
the anarchy and chaos.
And that’s what we
found happened. And eventually we saw that this would be bankruptcy
if we did not begin to use our minds in our businesses. And so our
Christian businesses work very much on the same lines as ordinary
businesses. We have lists of instructions for waiters and
waitresses. We have lists of instructions and directions for the
chefs. We have all kinds of directions for the manufacturing people
who produce the plaques. We have everything organized. We know what
our receivables are. We know what our receipts are for each day. We
know what our assets are. We know what we can use our assets against
in bank loans. You use your mind. Otherwise, if you don’t, you
will be the world’s victims and you will be, most of all, the
victim and the ploy of Satan. And so when you begin to use your
mind, do see that it’s the only way that God will ever be able to
get himself over to other people.
Well loved ones,
there are all kinds of things. It begins to assume dreadful states
when your mind begins to vacillate, “Today I’m doing this.
Tomorrow I’m doing that.” The mind can no longer stay in one
place because you see, passivity increases in intensity. It starts
off with forgetfulness, with lack of concentration, it starts off
with dreams, it starts off with pictures that flash upon your mind,
but as you continue to indulge in that the mind gets out of hand
completely. So that at times you are not able to pull it together at
all. And the mind will vacillate wildly. It will be way out in this
view at one time and way out in that view at another. So that more
and more you will sway from one extreme to the other.
In your
conversation: You will have no peace in your conversation. Many
people don’t want to gossip. They really don’t want to gossip.
Many children of God don’t want to gossip. But their mind is so
out of control that it is really just like a record that just runs,
and runs, and runs. And they can’t stop it. They hardly know it’s
going. They’re just babbling, babbling. Babbling just for the
sake of babbling! And they’re just involved in idle chatter that
is not up building at all. And of course, if Satan has any hand in
it, eventually it gets on to the old critical stuff about somebody
else. And eventually it becomes poisonous. But often, gossip starts
simply as talkativeness that comes from a mind that is passive.
And then of course
as that intensifies it begins to get into the kind of land that
borders on insanity. At least what the world calls insanity, because
insanity really is just a mind that has got out from under the
control of the person’s will completely and is being controlled by
Satan. And so many loved ones get to the point where their own mind
breaks away like that. And so they come to the point where they just
won’t listen to anybody. They get obstinate. And they go so much
by these impressions, or these thoughts, or these feelings that come
quickly into their being, and they have nothing to guard against with
a mind that examines them, that eventually they become the dupes of
these flashing thoughts.
And so they become
obstinate against anybody who would dissuade them from it. And so
many people who have passive minds, you’ll find are very obstinate
people. That’s why heresy usually results from a mind that has not
been used as God intends it, because the person becomes obstinate
against any opinions that anybody else expresses. And they simply
will not listen to them. Then of course, the mind eventually gets to
the place where everything is just too much. It’s just too much.
"I just -- life is just too much."
That’s what
happens. And some of us have a feel for it, you remember, at times
when anxiety or worry paralyzes you. But you see, when it gets to
its extreme it brings you into depression where the mind finds it
just too great a burden to make even one turn. And so a person gets
to the point where they just put the bed clothes over their heads,
and they just don’t want to get up. They just don’t want to get
up. And the incredible thing is, they think it’s because of the
impossible things that they have to face in their life. And yet each
one of us who have ever been in even a mild form of that situation
know that actually when we got ourselves together and got out and
dealt with the thing, the things weren’t so difficult any way. And
in fact, when we got to that point we realized they weren’t so
But many of us
think, “Yes, that’s what has me in depression.” Or, “That
poor soul that is now having treatment in the psyche ward, it is
because life is just too much for them.” You see, it isn’t. It
isn’t. It’s because their dear mind has got to such a point of
passivity and inactivity that they are not able to use it to tackle
the things that they could well tackle. And they are not able to
apply the strength and life that God is still feeding them in their
spirits to the actual situation that they’re facing at work. But
it’s not the impossibility of the task or the problem. It’s not.
It’s that the mind has ground to a halt.
Now loved ones,
that’s always the case with ourselves. It is really. And worry is
not a mystery. And anxiety is not a mystery because we’ve all been
involved in it. But the fact is that it’s just one step on the way
to total inability and immobility. And the only way to start
reclaiming your mind is to start tonight.
And it is
magnificent that however bad the shape may be of your body, if you
determine that you’re going to run even 200 yards tomorrow, even if
you determine you’re going to walk 400 yards tomorrow, if you will
just do that your body will in an amazing way begin to spring back.
And you know that. All of us who have gotten into bad shape
physically have been amazed at how resilient the body is and how it
responds to what? To the normal use that it was meant to have!
That’s an
illustration of the mind. All you have to do is not to worry, not to
be anxious, not to wring your hands tonight and say, “Evil spirits
have my mind!” Not to do that but simply to begin tonight to
think. That’s it. That’s it. It’s glorious. Just to begin
tonight to think. That’s why you have the dear guy you remember –
I should know his name, but who ran the big seminars -- Gothard, Bill
Gothard would say, “Learn scripture.” Well scripture is good to
learn, but actually if you’d exercise your mind in any way you’d
begin to see it coming back under your control. And actually, all
you have to do tonight is to begin to use your mind.
A lot of us here in
the body study Greek. And it’s not because we all love Greek. And
it’s not because we’re all going to be missionaries in Greece.
And it’s not because we all have a deep love of Socrates and Plato.
But learning a language forces you to memorize. And it forces you
to memorize. "Luo, luei, lueis." And that’s – well, I
should ask Hugh what it is, but it’s the conjugation of the verb
"Luo", "to lose." And it forces you to memorize
and to exercise your mind. And when you do that your mind begins to
come back into some of the resilient strength that it has inherently
from God. And so many of us learn Greek and learn other languages
because it forces us to memorize.
And loved ones, if
that were the only reason to encourage you to go to Christian Corps
training school I’d encourage you to go to classes. Begin! Begin
to commit yourself to some intellectual training of your own mind.
And you’ll begin to find that you’ll take it back under your own
control. And that is the meaning of God’s word, “Possess your
soul in patience.” Jesus says, “I’ve sent my Spirit into your
spirit. That’s your Garden of Eden. Now, outside the Garden of
Eden is a large park called 'Your Soul', and it contains your mind,
and emotions, and your will. Now, I want you to possess that soul of
yours. I want you to redeem it completely, and allow the order that
is in your spirit to pervade your soul, and in that way I will redeem
you completely.” And that is the whole purpose of our life here.
So loved ones,
really stand on Calvary ground, “Lord, I am not my own. I am
bought with a price. All that I used to be was destroyed with you.
I’m a new creation. Now Lord Jesus, in the strength of that I
intend to think, and love, and live, and act the way you yourself
did.” And it’s amazing! Old Luther was right, "One little
word will fell him." That’s it! One little word will fell
Satan. That’s it. All you have to do is say, “I belong to my
Lord. And my mind belongs to my will. And I can do what I want it
to do.” And the Bible says, “Resist Satan and he will flee from
So loved ones, I’d
encourage you to do it. And if you’re – we’re going to go
after the benediction to the lounge upstairs for kind of a fellowship
time. Boy, I would encourage you, even in fellowship times to use
them. Oh, don’t get into that lazy, easy going idle chatter, but
determine, “I’m going to get to know somebody. And I’m going
to talk to them about something that is sensible, or something that
means something. But I am going to have a conversation.” And
actually, those of us who are shy especially, it will help us.
Instead of going up there and thinking, “What do they think of me?
What do they think of me? Oh, I’m sure as they look at me, I know
what they’re thinking.”
Instead of that --
remember what the old models do as they walk down the Christian Dior
platform, and how on earth do they balance on those high heeled
shoes, and wear those costumes without realizing, “Everybody is
looking at me?” Do you know how they do it? They set their eyes
on one person at a certain part of the room. And they just watch
him, and they concentrate. And they don’t think of all the other
people who are watching them at all. They just concentrate on that
one person.
And that’s the key
to a lot of our fellowship. If you have a purpose in talking to
someone you won’t have time to remember yourself and to get worried
and self-conscious about yourself. So loved ones, let’s even in a
thing like a fellowship tonight after service, let’s even there
begin come into that redemption that God has for us.
Let us pray. Dear
Father, we do want to be used by you. We thank you for Mark and
Sharon. We thank you Lord, for the dear brother Bitterman who was
killed. Lord, we thank you for every servant of yours that has got
your love into their feet and into their hands. And Lord, we know it
is only through our minds that we are able to do that. So Lord, we
would – we would take our minds under the control of our wills as
you intended them to be and we will begin to think and to exercise
our minds after godliness, so that you may begin to transmit yourself
again to others in this world.
Lord Jesus, we do
not want to imprison you within us, and we do not want to sit forever
waiting for your spirit to move us. Lord, we want to be moving
ourselves. As you said, “When you move to the left hand or to the
right you will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way,
walk ye in it.’” And Lord, we intend to be in motion so that you
can guide us. We give ourselves to you for this evening. Trust you
to use our minds to stimulate each other in our love for you.
Now the grace of our
Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit be with each one of us now and ever more. Amen.
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