Crisis Experience of
the Cross
Loved ones, these
are the last two or three evenings of our studies in the Spiritual
Life during this fall, and winter, and spring time and tonight I’d
like to try to speak once more on the crisis experience of the cross
and then next Sunday on the process experience of the cross. And
they both deal with separate issues so let’s try to concentrate
tonight on the crisis experience of the cross.
And maybe if you’d
look to Matthew 6 you could see the issue expressed in words we
haven’t normally used in our own studies. And yet all through
scripture you get the same truth taught in different ways. Matthew
6:24, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the
one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise
the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” And then you can see
the kind of life described that many of us live who have not entered
into the crisis experience of the cross, in the few verses above.
Verse 22, “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is
sound, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is not
sound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light
in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”
And another
translation is, “If your eye be single your whole body is full of
light.” And normally the problem with those of us who have not
entered into the crisis experience of the cross is that our eyes are
not single and therefore our bodies are not filled with light and we
have a mixture of light and darkness in us. And it’s because we
have not accepted or experienced the crisis work of the cross in our
Really, I could
illustrate it like this. We have in the basement two very large
furnaces or boilers. Each one is almost the size of that whole stage
area both in height and in breadth and length, every way. Two very
large old furnaces and they were both used for coal burning and
that’s the way they heated this whole building in the past. What
has happened now is that one of them has been converted to a gas oil
burning furnace and that’s the one we depend on at the moment. And
the other one is sitting there still untouched, still in the form
that it was when they burned coal.
Now, many of us are
in this situation: we’re like the old burner or the old furnace
that has not been remodeled. It’s really manufactured and designed
to burn coal but we’re trying to burn oil in it. And it just isn’t
working because it wasn’t designed for oil. And we have received
the oil of the Holy Spirit. We have asked Jesus to send his Spirit
into our hearts and the very fact that we’re here this evening
proves that the Spirit of Jesus is within us. But, we’re now
involved in trying to burn the oil of the Holy Spirit in a furnace
that has not been remodeled and so it is just a mess.
The oil of the
Spirit is not burning satisfactorily in us and it is not giving any
heat, or any light, or any power to anyone else, it’s just lying
there inside us. And actually, we’re beginning to feel more and
more frustrated because of that. And the reason is loved ones, that
we have not accepted the once and for all irrevocable redesigning
that God did upon us in Jesus. Because the truth is that we once
were meant to burn oil. We were meant to live off the oil of God’s
And I know I’ve
said this so often before but loved ones, pray that the Holy Spirit
would bring it home to you in a real way. We were made to be utterly
satisfied with our God. Now, I know it’s so hard for us to hear
those words because we have so much strong teaching that we cannot do
without each other. And I know we’re precious to each other but
any of you – I know some brothers here who have lost dear wives who
were with them throughout their lives and they know full well that
finally you have to part with even the sweetest frame. You have to
part with the dearest human being that you’ve ever known.
And so there are
many of us here, even those of us who have lost dads and mums, we
know in our heart of hearts that human friendship will not last
simply because we are all temporary and transient. And yet it’s so
hard for us to face the fact that we were really made to live off of
God’s friendship and that alone. We really were, loved ones. And
I know you brothers and sisters who aren’t married, it’s so easy
for you to say, “Oh, but God can’t cuddle me, God can’t cuddle
me, and God can’t kiss me, and God can’t squeeze me.” Well
really, you know, it’s not the cuddling, and the kissing, and the
squeezing that finally matters as the years pass.
In fact, most of us
realize the cuddling, and the kissing, and the squeezing can mean
lots of other things besides love but it’s the love inside that
matters. And yes, God can love you, and God can give you the sense
of importance and a sense of preciousness far more than anybody else
actually can. And we were meant to live off God’s friendship, and
we were meant to get all our sense of importance from him, and all
our sense of enjoyment from him. And it is possible, if you read the
dear old saints that Jim was referring to early on, if you read them
in relationship to their prayer lives you will find that they –
well you know it from the Song of Solomon that in trying to describe
the joy and the exhilaration that they have in their prayer
relationship with God they lift into language that we would normally
regard as connected with a sexual relationship and connected with
human affection.
They always lift
into that realm, they begin to talk in terms that the love songs talk
in. And really it’s all the more indication that we were meant to
get our whole affection, and our whole exhilaration and our whole joy
of being known deeply and thoroughly, from our dear God and our
Father. And we were meant to get our whole sense of security from
him, and our whole sense of recognition, and acknowledgement, and
significance from him. And of course we’ve said so often what we
have done is we have given up that relationship and we’ve turned to
the world and other people for that.
And so instead of
being oil burners we’re now old coal burners and we’re trying to
get the sense of affection, and sense of significance by making
ourselves important in some boyfriend’s life, or some girlfriend’s
life, or anybody’s live, some roommate’s life, some peer group’s
life, anybody. We’ll go to anybody, we’ll go to a Lion’s Club
if they’ll give us a sense of importance and a sense of
significance – anybody. It’s strange, isn’t it -- we’ll
settle even for stuff that we know is cheap. We’ll settle for
recognition that is cheap and we know it means nothing.
We’ll even become
efficient at our secretarial work and our typing to see if somehow we
can make ourselves indispensable to the boss, or indispensible to
somebody and yet we know they are not loving us for ourselves. But
it’s strange -- we go to anybody to make up for this emptiness that
we feel as far as affection, and recognition, and importance is
concerned. And of course, we’ll go to the money and the jobs for
our sense of security. And so really instead of depending on God
himself inside for our sense of security, and significance, and
happiness -- instead of burning oil the way we were meant to -- we’ve
started to burn coal and we’ve got so dependent on people, and
things to give our sense of security, and our sense of significance,
and our sense of happiness that even though we’ve now received the
oil of the Holy Spirit within us, even though we know God loves us,
yet we still are the old coal burning type of furnace. We haven’t
allowed ourselves to be remodeled and that’s why we have such
God whispers to us,
“It doesn’t matter whether they think you’re slick or a
swinger. You don’t need to laugh at that dirty joke, you don’t
need to. It doesn’t matter what they think of you. I think you’re
the very apple of my eye. My love is all you need. It doesn’t
matter whether they think you’re a square or not, don’t laugh at
the joke.” But the old personality is so programmed, it is so
designed over years, and years -- not only of your life but of Adam’s
life, because we have inherited the image of the man of dust. We’ve
inherited a personality that works from the outside in, so that the
old smile is on our lips and we reckon, “Well, we won’t really
smile, we won’t really laugh at the joke, we’ll just smile so
they notice we’re not too different from the rest.” And of
course we smile at the dirty joke and we lose all the sense of the
glory of God that was coming upon us.
That’s what I
mean, loved ones. We have the Spirit of Jesus within us, we’re
bringing the oil in in gallons, but the furnace has not been
redesigned; it’s still a personality that works from the outside
in. It’s still a personality that lives from the body inwardly and
that’s, you remember, what God says in Ephesians if you would just
turn to it briefly. Ephesians 2, just to get the continuity of the
statement in Ephesians 2:1, “And you he made alive,” and many of
us you see have been made alive. We’ve come alive, we’ve
received the Spirit of Jesus. “When you were dead through the
trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of
this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit
that is now at work in the sons of disobedience. Among these we all
once lived in the passions of our flesh, following the desires of
body and mind, and so we were by nature children of wrath, like the
rest of mankind.” That’s what it means. We all lived in the
passions of our flesh.
We so often, you
see, eliminate that by thinking, “Oh, great sexual lust.” Well,
that’s not it; the passions of the flesh are all the desires to get
attention through our body because of our appearance, to get food and
satisfaction, and freedom from anxiety through our mouths and our
stomachs. It’s trying to get from the outside-in the security, and
significance, and happiness that we need. And we’ve been so used
to that for so long that now even though we have the Spirit of Jesus
within us we find that the spirit lusts against the flesh and the
flesh lusts against the spirit.
We don’t want to
laugh at the dirty joke but we’re so used to it for years, doing
that, that the personality drives us to and yet the Spirit of Jesus
within us is driving the other way and there’s a great conflict
that prevents us from doing what we would. And the only answer loved
ones, is to have a total redesigning of your personality, a total
remodeling and that’s what happened on the cross. It’s Romans 6,
that’s what happened on the cross, Romans 6.
It’s such a good
verse that we repeat it continuously and yet I’d have to say if
it’s real in your life your heart will rise to it because it will
be spirit and life to you however often you read it. Romans 6:6, “We
know that our old self,” our old personality, our old in turned
perverted personality that lived as a parasite of the world and of
people, and of things, that old self – “was crucified with him”.
It was done away with so that “the sinful body (which is really
the body of sin, you see) might be destroyed”. We use our bodies
to get freedom from anxiety -- that’s what we do. We either take
the pills, or we take the alcohol, or we eat a big meal, or anything
to get free from anxiety and worry. Or we use our bodies with others
to look well and to gain attention and to gain other people’s
recognition, “So that our old sinful body might be destroyed,”
and you remember what it means: “rendered inoperative, left
Our old self, our
old personality that worked from the outside in was crucified with
Christ to that the body might be left unemployed. It’s like we’d
be able to say to the body, “Body, we don’t need the security,
significance, and happiness you can give us anymore. We don’t need
it, we don’t need it. You’re out of work, that’s it. You’re
unemployed.” So that the body of sin might be unemployed, “And
we might no longer be enslaved to sin.” That is, the body of sin
which tries to get security, significance, and happiness from people
and things other than God.
Now, that’s what
we have to experience and that’s what we mean when we say the
crisis experience of the cross. It’s you saying, “Lord, I really
want that with all my heart.” And I know a lot of you are saying,
“I want it.” But do you see that there are two meanings that we
give to the English word want? One is, “I want more ice cream.”
And that is, I desire more ice cream and it’s obvious that if you
see the kind of life that can be lived through Jesus’ crucifixion
on the cross, of course we want it. So many of us mistake that and
we think, “I’m willing for it.” When we say, “I want that.”
But what you need to be able to say is, “I’m willing for that.”
And loved ones, that
is what is needed, a willingness to no longer serve two masters.
That’s really what it is. It’s a deep down willingness to deal
with all the areas in your life where you’re trying to get security
apart from God. Every one of them -- the job, other people, your own
talents, your own abilities, the economic system, the kind of future
and training that you’ve planned for yourself, it means a
willingness to die to that. Once and for all to die to it, to stop
serving that master. It means a willingness to be crucified with
Jesus as far as other people’s approbation is concerned.
And you know what it
must have meant for him to hang on the cross and see Mary, his
mother, looking up at him and thinking he was a failure. Now, I
remember coming to the time in my life when I know God was asking me
to die to what my relatives or my friends thought of me back home.
And that’s part of the crucifixion, being willing to die to the
significance, and the importance, and the attention that other people
give to you. It’s refusing to serve that master any longer.
That’s the master that produces jealousy, and envy, and pride
inside you.
And then as far as
happiness is concerned, you think how often we are the playthings of
happiness. You think of how often you have trouble deciding what to
do because it’s a choice between your happiness and God’s will.
It’s a choice between getting what you think will make you happy
and doing what you think will be enjoyable to do and doing God’s
will. And really it brings incredible unhappiness to you, that
striving and that splitting of your personality at that moment. And
being crucified with Christ means being willing to die to any
happiness but God alone.
Really, that’s a
very sacred place to come to loved ones, where you kneel down in the
darkness with your Lord and you say, “Lord God, if you don’t give
me happiness, I’m willing to do without happiness for the rest of
my life. No longer will I go after what I enjoy just for the sake of
enjoying it. From now on Lord, if you give me happiness that’s
what I want. Everything else I will count as refuse for the sake of
knowing your happiness and your enjoyment in my life.”
And so coming to
that place is what we mean by the crisis experience of the cross
because here’s the truth, you can’t change your own personality,
you can’t. You can’t change your own personality. And that’s
the fallacy of Christendom. The fallacy of Christendom is we receive
the Spirit of Jesus into us and then, with his help, we reroute our
personalities. You can’t, you can’t. That’s why you have such
continual sense of defeat, because you’re again and again trying to
reroute your own personality with the Holy Spirit’s help.
Now, the glorious
truth is that that is another miracle that God has worked in Christ.
He has crucified your old self, he has already done it. You and all
that you have been and all that you hope to be have been destroyed in
Jesus, finished once and for all. It’s already done and it’s not
something that you have to laboriously try to do. But you see, what
a lot of us are doing is we’re stepping back from the cross in fear
and we’re saying, “That is too radical a remedy but I shall work
on this.” And so we get the old knife and we try and cut off that
hand because it’s causing us trouble, and a little bit of pride so
we try and poke the old knife in and lift the pride out. And of
course the beauty of it all is we’re still in control of the knife
so we can only cut as much as we want. And we never get to the point
where we’re free from this old outdated perverted personality and
you can never do it.
The truth is God has
done it in Jesus and anything that God has done in Jesus can be done
in you in a moment. Because all that God has done is received into
our lives by faith and faith is simply believing that God has done it
and a willingness to have him do it. And I don’t know where the
problem is with you but I think for most of us it is a willingness.
For most of us it’s an unwillingness to have him do whatever he
wants to do. We all kind of feel, “Oh we don’t mind growing in
grace because that puts the growing under our control.” But we
don’t like the idea of putting ourselves on an operating table and
saying, “Go ahead Lord, whatever you want.” And that’s really
what being crucified with Christ is all about.
Now, what I’d just
like to share in the last few minutes is three misconceptions that I
think we have. The first one loved ones, you’ll find in Romans
6:11. Three misconceptions of how to enter into this crisis
experience of crucifixion with Christ. Romans 6:11, “So you also
must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ
Jesus.” Faith, not experience.
So some of us after
we receive Jesus’ spirit begin to see his Spirit exposing to us our
jealousy and our pride. Indeed, especially if we ask the Holy Spirit
to do this, he will allow us to fall even more heavily and more
repeatedly than we were before. And so we will see more and more the
poverty of our own life and we will see more and more what ridiculous
jealous proud gods we are. We will see more clearly how ugly we are.
And if you keep your eyes on your experience you will never enter
into the experience of dying with Jesus because once you put your
eyes on your experience it’s clear to God that you’re determined
to do this by human effort.
And the only way you
can ever have him work a miracle in you is by first believing his
word. And so the only way the Holy Spirit is ever going to bring you
into your crucifixion with Christ is if you believe his word and his
word says, “You’ve already been crucified with Christ.” Now,
you should be clear about this loved ones, it’s not a matter of
mental effort; it’s not that you think yourself into being
crucified with Christ. It’s not that you say, “I’m dead, I’m
dead, I’m dead.” And therefore that’s how death will be real
in you.
But the fact is that
unless you set your eyes on the simple fact that 1,900 years ago God
crucified you with Christ, unless you continually approach God from
the basis of his own word and you reckon yourself to be dead indeed
unto sin, unless you do that, God is withheld from making it real by
the power of his Holy Spirit. Now do you see that? It’s not that
through the very act of believing you somehow make it real by the
power of positive thinking. It is simply that by the act of
believing and setting your faith in God’s word you free God to
begin to make the thing real in your life.
So just remember
that you always have to approach your God on the basis of his word.
So God says our old self was crucified with Christ. Your anger and
your bad temper that you had yesterday said you weren’t; you have
to choose which you believe. You have to choose whether you walk by
sight or whether you walk by faith. You have to choose, is it true
that I have been crucified with Christ, that that is true? Maybe the
reality of it isn’t in my life, maybe I’m not even letting the
reality of it be true in my life -- but is it a fact that as far as
God is concerned, I’ve been destroyed with Jesus? And the fact is,
as far as God is concerned yes, that’s true.
That’s the only
reason he was willing to let us have the Holy Spirit, because he’s
already flooded it all out in a cosmic flood in Jesus and destroyed
us there and he’s already made us anew and that’s the only reason
he gives us the Holy Spirit. He knows it would be mockery to give
the Holy Spirit to a group of people who were still running in the
old un-redesigned, unremodeled personality that they had before. The
only reason God is willing to give his Holy Spirit to the world is
that he has destroyed us all in Jesus. And loved ones, the first
step is faith, not experience. It’s siding with God, it’s siding
with his word against yourself, it’s siding with the assurance of
his word against what you know, what you see.
And you know it’s
true -- Abraham did not consider his age, he did not consider the age
of Sarah, or of her womb. He did not consider that but he believed
God. He did not look on what his eyes could see but he believed what
God had said had already taken place. So it is with us. The only
possibility of entering into this experience is if you walk by faith.
And loved ones, don’t say to me, “Oh you’re not being real.”
Of course you’re being real, that’s the only way you’re
healed. You’re not healed because you see the arm will move, no.
You’re healed by faith that this arm has already been healed in
Jesus and then the symptom is expressed in your life.
So it’s true all
the way. God says to the people of Israel, “I have given Jericho
into your hands.” Well what if Joshua and all the others had
looked at Jericho and said, “No, you haven’t. There it is
standing firm -- the walls are stout and strong.” But he didn’t,
he said, “I accept that Lord, that you have already given Jericho
into our hands. I believe that and now we’re only walking around
these walls just because you tell us to. It has nothing to do with
the walls falling down. The walls are already down as far as you’re
concerned. We’re just obeying you to show that we trust you.”
So it is in this experience of crucifixion of Christ. The first step
is faith, not experience.
The second thing
that it would be good to look at loved ones is John 16:13. And it’s
in those words that Jesus speaks about the Holy Spirit and the things
that that dear Spirit will do. John 16:13, “When the Spirit of
truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” Revelation, not
introspection. So you take the position, “Father I believe that I
was crucified with Christ. Lord, I believe it. I believe it, I hold
to that with my mind. Now Lord I know you have more of this to make
real in my life, will you show me why you can’t? Will you show me?
Holy Spirit, you are the counselor that Jesus has sent to me. Will
you reveal to me in what deep, deep way I am not willing to die to
myself? Holy Spirit, will you show me in what way I am still serving
two masters? Show me deep, deep down, deep beyond even the level of
the pride, and the anger, and the jealousy, show me Lord. Show me it
so plainly that I will no longer be able to hold out against it.
Holy Spirit, will you show me?”
That’s so
different from introspection. I think a lot of us just proclaim our
sinfulness again and again because we say to ourselves, “Now, I
know I’ve been crucified with Christ, I know this whole self has
been completely renewed, I know the old creation has been blotted out
and everything is new but it’s not real in every part of my life so
I better start thinking, ‘Why is it not real?’ Now I see I had
jealousy yesterday, I see that.” And do you see that you’re
crucifying Christ afresh? You’re treating him as a person who
isn’t present. You’re grieving the Holy Spirit because you’re
virtually saying, “Now listen, get out of the way and let me get
down to this. Keep out of it, I know you have something to do but I
have to think this thing through.” And you’re really grieving
the dear Spirit and what you need to do is receive Jesus’ words and
say, “Holy Spirit you’re the counselor and you alone can show me.
You alone can bring me onto the cross.”
Loved ones, do you
realize you can’t bring yourself onto the cross? Just as those
loving hands lifted Jesus down from the cross, so the loving hands of
the Holy Spirit have to lift you onto the cross. And you, bless your
heart, however anxious you are to get there you have no idea how to
get there. The things you think are the problem are not the problem
at all. Only the Holy Spirit can lift you onto that cross and he can
only do it if you respect him and honor him.
So it’s no use
loved ones this attitude – I used to have this attitude, “Oh
well, I mean, I have to do the introspection and the Holy Spirit
kinds of sharpens up my introspection. He’s a help to me, he’s
an aid.” No, if you have that attitude you’re still King, you’re
still God even in your desire to cease to be God. It has to be an
attitude, “Holy Spirit, you alone can bring me to the understanding
that I need in order to come into my experience of crucifixion with
Christ. Holy Spirit will you reveal to me why you’re not able to
make this real in my life? Will you bring it by revelation?” And
the Holy Spirit is precious and he is honest, and he is faithful, and
if you ask him and you really want him with all your heart, the Holy
Spirit will be faithful. Loved ones, he will be faithful, he will
not let you down. He will do all that you are willing to let him do
and if there’s anything you aren’t willing to let him do he’ll
even convict you of that. But everything you are willing to do he
will make real in your life.
And the last really
encouragement I’d mention to you is Romans 8:13. “For if you live
according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to
death the deeds of the body you will live.” Submission to the Holy
Spirit -- not repression. Submission to the Holy Spirit -- not
repression. So a lot of us end up looking at our own experience and
trying to autosuggest ourselves into death. A lot of us introspect
to try to find out why we’re not in this death and then a lot of us
with no work done in our hearts end up trying to repress the
jealousy, and the anger, and the envy as it rises up.
Now, the beauty of
deliverance from self through the cross of Christ is that it’s an
effortless submission to the Holy Spirit. At least for me it was
virtually like this: I died to the guidance that I had in myself and
where could I go but to the Lord? I died to my own right to
determine what I should do or what I shouldn’t do. And after
you’ve died to that you have to go to someone, you have nobody
left. So it’s a loving, willing submission to the Holy Spirit
because you have no boss, you have no Lord, so you need one. And you
submit to him and you find that he gives you prior warning of
temptations. You find that he guides you round temptations and he
guides you away from sin. So it’s not a matter of suppressing sin,
it’s not a matter of repressing it -- which I believe is
unconscious suppression. So suppression is a conscious holding down,
repression is an unconscious holding down. It isn’t, it is a
deliverance from sin.
So this life is not
one of a more successful repressing of sin, it is a deliverance from
sin and it is not a matter of concentrating on the anger to repress
it or to hold it down, it is a submission to the Holy Spirit. So, I
just happened to remember one example that comes into my mind from
Leslie Weatherhood who was a psychologist and Methodist minister in
England and he wrote a book I believe called “The Mastery of Sex”.
And he said that he had trained his own mind that every time he
thought of something unclean the picture of Jesus came into his mind
and so it gave him some measure of victory. That’s not what we’re
talking about.
It’s not that kind
of training of the psychological personality so that by dint of
training and taming, and practice, you’re able to hold sin down in
your life. It is deliverance from sin. It is submission to the Holy
Spirit who leads you in holy ways so that you don’t have any sin to
repress. So it is submission not repression. So loved ones, if I
could just mention it again, it is faith not experience; not your own
experience to defeat it. It is faith in the fact that you’ve been
crucified in Christ. It is revelation from the Holy Spirit that you
do not need introspection. It is something that the Holy Spirit will
do in you and for you, it is not something you can do yourself. And
lastly, it is submission to the Holy Spirit, it is not repression.
And loved ones,
honestly, all you need to do is step forward and step in and God,
through the Holy Spirit, will make it all real to you. He will. And
if you want badly enough to be pure and clean, and to stop serving
two masters, then God has already brought your whole personality into
a singleness of mind. And it is strange if you could see it. Old
Plato was right in a way; you remember he used to think there were
perfect forms, there were perfect forms somewhere with the “one
true good” he called it – which was his idea of God.
There were perfect
forms of a table, and perfect forms of a chair up in some world that
he couldn’t define. And in a strange way he was right, you know.
Each one of us here has been crucified and buried in Christ and there
is a perfect Steve Knutson in God’s presence. There’s a perfect
John Spaulding in God’s presence. There is a perfect Brian McCay
in God’s presence. There is a perfect Ernest O’Neill in God’s
presence. And actually, what you and I are involved in is choosing
this old ugly creature and living by his dictates. And actually,
it’s just a matter of choosing. Will you choose to allow this to
be crucified with Christ and to accept that it has been crucified and
will you choose the new you that is already raised with Christ and
And you can actually
do that tonight. You can do it by an act of faith. I have not
stressed this too strongly because so many loved ones want to enter
in without a willingness to submit. But loved ones, you do this in a
moment, in a twinkling of an eye and maybe it is important to make it
clear to you that you will never enter in but by faith and sometime
you will have to exercise that faith. And whether I invite you to
come forward tonight and submit yourself and take a place in Jesus or
not, there’ll come a moment when you have to exercise faith. You
can do it in a moment. All that you are has been crucified with
Christ and has been destroyed.
Why do you think God
would let us continue to live here if he had not already found a
remedy? He wouldn’t dream of letting us go loose, but he has
already crucified us with Christ, that’s already done. You don’t
need to put up with that old personality that is so dependent on
other people’s approval, you don’t need to. You can let it go
this very moment. All you have to do is be willing to face the
consequences; that is, walk the way Jesus walked. Walk with, at
times, nobody approving of you. Walk with, at times, everybody
criticizing you. Walk, at times, with no sense of satisfaction
through somebody else’s love. Walk, at times, with a great sense
of God’s love.
But if you are
willing to walk the way Jesus walked, then tonight you can exercise
faith this moment and you can believe. And in a moment, God will do
the work in you, in a moment. But it is important to emphasize to
you that unless you exercise faith it will never happen. And
sometimes I wonder how many of you are in the business of walking
around. “Well, yes I’d certainly like that. I’d certainly
like to sit in that seat, boy. Yeah, that fella is sitting on it,
that’s pretty nice. Yeah, I really would, oh yeah. Yeah, boy I’m
going to sit on that seat someday, I really am. I wonder – could
you tell me again what it’s like to sit on it?” And we listen to
it and then we say, “Yeah, it feels pretty firm, yep. I think it
would hold. Yeah, well, certainly I’m going to do it someday. I
certainly am.”
And loved ones,
sooner or later you will never know the joy of sitting in that seat
until you sit in it. You’ll never know the power of Jesus’
crucifixion until you accept by faith that you’ve been crucified
and determine that you’re willing to accept all the consequences
and finally you sit on the seat. And oh, it feels so good and so
restful and it is the second rest that’s preserved for the people
of God and it is for you. You know, it’s for you tonight and it
can be yours this very moment.
And I would
emphasize to you that all the reading that I did, and all the
praying, and all the preparation had to finally come to a place where
I died to the world and died to what people would give to me of
security, and significance, and happiness and I declared to God with
my whole heart, “Lord, whatever you give, that’s enough for me.”
Only when you do that is he able to fill you with his Holy Spirit to
cleanse your heart and to deliver you from that old self. So it’s
a matter of an act of faith and it is good that it is in a moment.
So I’d ask you if you’re willing and ready, will you step out now
and will you step into it by faith just at this moment.
Let’s pray. Lord
Jesus I know you’re beckoning us to join you and assuring us that
it is not bad and that you will not give us anything on this dear
cross to bear that we can’t bear and that you love us with your
whole heart; you wouldn’t for worlds hurt us. That if we have to
do without husband, or wife, or friends, or children, if we even have
to die in loneliness that you will make it more magnificent than the
greatest party that we’ve ever been at. That Lord if we have to be
without money, or security, you will ensure that we have enough to
live on. You will not ask us to come through anything that you are
not willing to go through with us.
And Lord Jesus we
see that you are beckoning us to join you on the cross -- not to lie
on it alone -- but simply be in you as you lie upon it and as you die
to all your rights and all your own wishes. And Lord Jesus we know
that all it requires is one great “yes” from us. And immediately
the Holy Spirit becomes our Lord and our master, and the King of our
lives and does his cleansing work in our hearts. “Into my heart,
into my heart, come into my heart Lord Jesus. Come in today, come in
to stay, come into my heart Lord Jesus” and be Lord of all at last.
For too long we’ve
wanted all you could give us but have been prepared to give nothing
to you. Lord, we ask you to be Lord of all and to have your way in
our lives. “Have thine own way Lord, have thine own way. Thou art
the potter, I am the clay. Mould me and make me after thy will,
while I am waiting, yielded and still.” Lord Jesus I would ask you
to receive the yes that is spoken in different hearts tonight and I
would trust you Holy Spirit to answer their faith this moment, in a
twinkling of an eye, by making all that has happened to them in Jesus
on Calvary real this very moment.
And Lord we would
receive this work and this transaction now by faith and we would go
out tomorrow no longer as our own but bought with a price belonging
to you, yours to do what you want with from this day forward for your
glory. And now the grace of our Lord Jesus and the love of God and
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each one of us now and
evermore. Amen.
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