Spiritual Intuition
Well, loved ones,
for the next three months – March, April, and May -- we’ll be
concentrating on talking about our spirits, our spirits. And you
know that we’ve shared again, and again, how God has shown us that
we ourselves consist of the bodies and then inside these bodies we
have what the psychologists call the psychological part of us, what
the Bible calls our soul. The Greek word for soul is “psuche”
and becomes psychology in English.
And so inside our
bodies we have our souls, that is our minds, and our emotions, and
our wills and the secular world knows only those two you see, the
body and the soul. And so whenever you go to a psychologist or a
psychiatrist that is not a Christian they deal with you in terms of
those two entities. But what we’ve seen in God’s word is that
inside our soul again is another entity called our spirits. And our
spirits are invisible. And in fact, you must admit our minds are
invisible. I mean, part of the mind is the cortex of the brain and
that can be seen with the eye but the mind itself is invisible, the
emotions are really invisible. But, the spirit is absolutely
invisible but it is within us.
And so we consist of
those three entities. Our spirits inside us which wear our souls
like an overcoat and then our souls wear our bodies like an overcoat.
And we’ve often shared how it is God’s will that we should work
from the inside out and how our spirits are the part of us that
relates to God. And he wants us to relate to him first and then get
from him what we need in our spirits and then express that through
our souls and through our bodies to the world so that we would
actually contribute to the world.
So that we’d come
to a meeting like this and we’d give, we’d give. We wouldn’t
be empty, we wouldn’t be a vacuum trying to suck in inspiration, or
trying to suck in appreciation or love, but we’d be full inside.
We would feel full inside. We would have a joy inside that is real
and a positive peace, and a dynamic love. You see, that’s God’s
will. God’s will is never that we should kind of come washed out.
God’s will is always that we ourselves would be full. And so we
would go into office situations with a full rich life inside us that
meets the office situation, however miserable it was, and begins to
pour into it some of that life and that was the Father’s will.
And we’ve often
shared how the whole world of course have dead spirits. They have
spirits that are absolutely dead, that have no relationship with God
at all and most people live by the life of their bodies. They live
for what they can eat, or they live for what they can drink, or they
live for what they can put on their bodies to make themselves look
nice, or the exciting experiences or feelings that their bodies can
have. And so most people are living from the outside-in all the
And of course it’s
God’s will that we should live from the inside-out. And so you
remember we’ve often shared, and I’ll just show you it, that that
[pointing to a diagram of Body, Soul and Spirit] is really the
Father’s will for us. Not that we would live inside, from the
outside to the inside like that, but that we would live from the
inside out all the time. We would live from the inside out, from the
life that God gives us through his Holy Spirit.
And then just to
take you to another stage that we’ve already covered, you know that
what we saw was that the spirit has several functions, just the way
the soul has. The soul has a volitional function, an intellectual
function, and an emotional function. So has the spirit. Now loved
ones, that isn’t what that spirit is, that’s what the spirit
does. We in this present life cannot adequately define for each
other the substances of the spirit, we can’t. It is part of God
that he has put within us. We can’t describe the substance of the
spirit, we can only talk about the functions of the spirit and some
of the functions of the spirit are those there. (intuition, guidance,
And the one that I’d
like to begin to share with you about and ask you to think about
yourself is this function of intuition. That’s the function
whereby we know what God wants us to do. Intuition. It might be
good for you to see that we did, you remember, liken the personality
to the Old Testament temple. Do you remember that? We talked, you
remember, about the Old Testament temple being made up of a holy
place and a holy of holies. You remember it had an outer court, and
it had a holy place, and it had a holy of holies. You remember how
we shared that the holy of holies was the same as our spirits.
Now, in the holy of
holies, there was one article of furniture. That was the Ark of the
Covenant you remember. The Ark of the Covenant contained the
commandments of God. Now, do you remember that the Israelites moved
nowhere unless the Ark of the Covenant moved ahead of them. So they
moved across the Jordan behind the Ark of the Covenant, behind the
thing that was in the holy of holies in the temple. They moved round
Jericho to conquer it behind the Ark of the Covenant.
They treated the Ark
of the Covenant as their lead, as God’s leadership to them. They
treated it with immense care. You remember when Uzzah put out his
hand to steady it, put out a fleshly hand to touch what God had said
they should not touch, you remember, he was struck dead. Now loved
ones, that’s the way you and I are meant to live in regard to our
We’re meant to
walk after our spirit. We’re meant to follow the Spirit of God
dwelling in our spirit with immense care and respect. We’re meant
to walk always after our spirits. Now, it might be good just to look
at that. Romans 8:5, “For those who live according to the flesh
set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live
according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.”
And “according” really means “after” -- “those who live
after the Spirit” -- and you see it again in Verse 2, “For the
law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the
law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the
flesh, could not do: sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful
flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the
just requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not
after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” And so God intends us to
walk after our spirits and to treat it with respect.
Now loved ones every
time you walk after your spirit your life is filled with peace, and
joy, and confidence. Every time you walk after the flesh it’s
filled with confusion. And this is especially true in this realm of
intuition. There are two ways to know what to do. One way is to use
your mind to size up the situation and that’s often what God
intends us to do. You go on to a used car lot to buy a car, and God
intends you to use your eyes, and use your mind, and size up how much
rust is under that car. So often God intends you to use your mind to
sort out things.
You see how you do
it, you use your eyes to gather information to yourself, you use your
ears to listen to the things the guy is saying, and then you bring
all of that into your mind and you analyze it in your mind. And God
intends us to solve many issues like that. Many of us in our jobs
need to operate that way, that’s the way God planned. But, there
are other times -- particularly in regard to guidance in our lives,
and particularly in regard to actions which aren’t absolutely clear
to us by what we see and what we hear -- there are times when God
intends us to go by the intuition of our spirits.
That means you sense
from within what God wants you to do. You don’t know how you sense
it, you just sense it. By intuition you know, “Yes, this is what
I’m to do.” Often, you don’t understand why you’ve to do it
but you just know by intuition, “Yes, God wants me to do that,
there’s no doubt.” It’s not because you’ve gathered all
kinds of information, it’s not because your mind has analyzed the
whole situation, it’s often because, “No, I know this is the
thing to do.” Now, that’s intuition. That’s what we’re
talking about. We’re talking about God dealing with you directly
in your spirit and guiding you as to what you should do and that’s
the way the Father wants you to operate.
Loved ones, I would
say if you say, “Well, when do you do that and when do you not?”
I would say normally you should always approach God first on the
basis of the truth of intuition. In other words, if you’re sick,
it’s always right to go to God and say, “Lord, will you give me a
clear confidence about whether I should go to a doctor here or
whether I should just trust for direct healing through faith by
Calvary’s power?” Usually, it’s best to go immediately go God
and then he can guide you as to whether he’s going to do it this
way or that way.
There are other
situations that are dead obvious. If you look at the dishes in the
sink, you don’t need too much intuition to know that unless you’re
going to throw them out and buy new ones, you have to wash them.
It’s the same with stuff that the boss gives you to type. You don’t
have to look at it and say, “Lord, will you give me intuition as to
whether I should type this or not?” It’s obvious you should do
But, you know there
are many issues in regard to guidance and there are many other
decisions that you make about vacations, about purchasing a car,
about buying a home, about striking up a relationship or a
friendship, there are many issues like that that you’re not sure
of. And indeed, the more you analyze them the more confusing it
becomes. Usually loved ones, when you have confusion in your mind
about something it’s an indication that you’re tackling it by the
power of your soul instead of by the power of your spirit and
intuition. So that is some guidance.
When you’re in a
situation where, “Well, I don’t know whether I should buy this
one, or I don’t know whether I should buy that one. I don’t know
whether I should do this in regard to this person or do that in
regard to this person. I don’t know whether I should go here and
work or go there and work.” Usually, God is gently saying to you,
“Just stop, just stop. If you carry on in that chaos you’re
going to make a mistake. Just stop and do what the apostles did in
Acts 13.” And you’ll see it there, Acts 13, it’s a verse that
we’ve looked at before. They were faced with evangelizing a whole
world and you can see in Verse 2 what they did, “While they were
worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart
for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.
Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent
them off.’”
They didn’t get
down and worry about it. They didn’t have a big debate, “Now,
how are we going to evangelize this world? How are we going to deal
with all the continents? How are we going to deal with the Romans?”
They didn’t do that. They got before God, they in a sense forgot
the problem, and they concentrated on worshiping and praising God,
and on loving him and in coming into peace in their own hearts. And
then the Holy Spirit was able to speak to them.
Now loved ones,
that’s vital in order to begin to exercise your spirit and
intuition. That is, it’s vital to come into peace and to come into
separation from chaos. Now, you remember there’s an example that
is very vivid of that in the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11. And
it’s just a vivid illustration in a physical form that God so often
gives us in the Old Testament of really what is a spiritual
experience. 1 Kings 19, and you remember Verse 11, and Elijah of
course did not know what to do, “And he said, ‘Go forth, and
stand upon the mount before the LORD.’ And behold, the LORD passed
by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in
pieces the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind;
and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the
earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in
the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”
And however dear
that phrase of course is to all of us -- “a still small voice”
-- the truth is that the Hebrew means “a sound of gentle
stillness”, so after the fire a sound of gentle stillness. Now, in
order to begin to receive direction through the intuition of your
spirit, you have to come to the place where you’re dead to the
earthquakes, and dead to the winds, and dead to the fire, and you’ve
come before God in praise and love so that there comes inside you a
sound of gentle stillness.
God always guides
you through the intuition of your spirit when you’re quiet. Not
just quiet with this tongue, but quiet inside. When you’re no
longer filled with the passion that you feel for that girl; when
you’re no longer filled with all that excitement about, “How
great it will be to go on this vacation,” or, “How great it will
be to go across to Europe.” When you’re no longer filled with
all this excitement for, “Boy this will be a great job and I’d
rather have that job than that job,” when you come to absolute
peace and you come to the place which Paul was in when he said, “I
have learned in whatsoever state I am to be content; whether to be
full or to be empty.”
Now, could I just
say another word about that? It doesn’t mean you get down, and you
do a little bit of worshipping, and a little bit of praising, and
then you say, “Okay, I’m worshipping and praising the Lord. Now,
I wonder what he’ll do about that girl?” Or, “I wonder what
he’ll do about that job?” Do you see that worshipping and
praising the Lord is coming to the place where Thomas was when he
suddenly was presented with Jesus alive and saying, “Here, put your
finger into the hole in my hands, and into the hole in my sides,”
and Thomas was struck dumb and simply had to say, “My Lord and my
That’s when you’re
worshipping and praising the Lord, when you’re utterly preoccupied
with God, utterly taken up with Jesus. When you’re so taken up
with him that you’ve forgotten the problem, you’ve forgotten all
the issues that you have to decide, and then there comes a sound of
gentle stillness and out of that quietness of heart God guides you.
I could tell you from my own experience, and others could tell you
from their experience, that you move in God’s way always from a
quiet heart. Really, loved ones. You’ll never move in God’s way
from a noisy heart. The only way you’ll ever get God’s mind on
things, the only way you can ever be sure you’re moving according
to God’s direction, is if you’re moving from a quiet heart --
when you’ve come to a place of real peace in regard to him.
And of course, you
can see that means a place where you’re really baptized with the
Spirit. That’s what it means. It means a place where you’re
utterly given over to Jesus, where his will is the only will you care
about, where you’ve at last come to a place where you will not move
unless the Ark of the Covenant moves. Where you care more about
pleasing Jesus than about being married, you care more about pleasing
Jesus than having a good job, you care more about pleasing Jesus than
being happy and satisfied yourself.
Honestly loved ones,
unless you come to that place where you’re baptized with the Holy
Spirit and where your whole heart loves Jesus above everything else
and you’re utterly satisfied with him, you can never come to a
place in prayer of quietness; you can’t. I know it so well myself
because when you’re trying to get into quietness the fire of desire
for that person is burning you up, or the earthquake of what these
people are trying to do to you in your professional life is shaking
you to bits. You’re so taken up with the things that are coming in
from the outside that you cannot get peace. And you see the only way
to come into peace is where you have been crucified to the world and
the world has been crucified to you-- where in fact you have died to
the world.
And you know many of
us kind of smile a wee bit at the old Catholic monastics -- but
really, whether you go into a monastery and wall yourself off from
the world or not, you do have to come to the same place of separation
from what the world can do to you as they, many of them, have come
to. It is a real place of crucifixion to the world and the world
being crucified to you. Otherwise, you’ll never be free to hear
God’s voice.
I just remember, old
Pascal the French scientist who said, “God is a hidden God and
reveals himself only to those who seek him with all their heart.”
And I think many of us think, “Oh God will kind of blast in on me
if I give him a little bit of my time and if I give him some
respect.” No, he won’t. God will only give you his mind if you
cannot live without his mind, if you are utterly preoccupied with
him, and if he is really your Lord and your God. Then you can begin
to experience intuition in your spirit.
That is, of course,
the way the disciples themselves moved, you remember. If you look at
Acts 16, you see that that’s the way they carried out the
missionary journeys. It’s Acts 16:6, “And they went through the
region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy
Spirit to speak the word in Asia.” Not you see, because they
looked over at Asia and they thought, “No, that doesn’t look
good.” Not because they looked over and analyzed the situation
with their mind -- but the Holy Spirit forbade them in the intuition
of their own spirits. “And when they had come opposite Mysia, they
attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow
them.” So they didn’t look at Bithynia and say, “No, that
doesn’t look good.” The Spirit of Jesus within them directed
them not to move there.
Now, you and I often
find our lives lacking in prosperity, spiritually we find our
ministry having no fruit, because we’re moving all the time by the
judgment of our own minds. We’re all the time sizing a person up,
seeing he was at church four times so he’s probably quite
interested, he heard this, and this, and this, he’s read that book
and this book so I think I’ll go in on that angle. Now, that’s a
natural mess; you’re not dealing with the spirit at all. You’re
using your mind to try to work out things that your mind cannot touch
at all. God knows where that person is in his spirit and He, through
his Holy Spirit, can give you that knowledge and can give you that
direction through your intuition. But, He alone can do that.
I think so often of
marriage, it’s such a good example because it’s hard for those of
you who are not married to believe it, but those of us who are
married know it too well, that you have no idea what that person is
going to be like in 16 years. You haven’t. You haven’t a clue
what that person is going to be like, you just don’t know. And
many of us wish we had known but you don’t know, you just cannot
tell, loved ones. You can look at a girl, or look at a guy and you
can think you know them. I remember my wife and I thinking, oh we
knew each other so well. We always think we all know each other
better than anybody else does, don’t we? And that’s why we’re
sure our marriage is going to be better.
And we thought, “Oh,
we know each other so well.” And we use our minds, and we think,
and we analyze, “Oh we’re sure we know each other thoroughly.”
We hadn’t a clue about each other. We had no idea how we’d
develop in the future years. And I was really joking when I said,
“We wish we’d known.” Because we wished we’d known in the
sense that we didn’t realize there were precious things in each
other that were going to help us and there were other real obstinate
things that were going to drive us deeper into Jesus. But God knows
God alone knows
that. No computer knows that. No human mind knows that but, God
knows. And I don’t know about those of you that are married, but I
do thank God that he guided us by our intuition when we didn’t even
know the word. He guided us by our intuition to each other at a time
when we didn’t know how we’d end up or turn out at all. And so
loved ones, it’s the same with jobs. You have no idea what your
job will be like, you have no idea whether it’s suitable for you or
whether it will be suitable in the future, or whether it’s even
God’s will for you in the future. God alone knows those things.
The jobs often that
look the most unattractive and most unpleasant are often the best for
you. God knows that, he is after your heart, he is not after the
function that your hands can perform in this world. He is after your
heart and he knows the job that will prepare you for himself and only
through the intuition of your spirit can you ever know that. So
there comes a time for all of us when we really have to turn away
from ACT tests and all the other tests and we have to turn away from
all the things that the counselors say, and by all means it’s
useful information, but there comes a time when we have to just get
before God and come to the place where we want his will for our lives
more than anything else.
And maybe that’s
the heart of experiencing the intuition of your spirit. It’s a
matter of coming to the place where you care more about what God
wants for you than about what you want for yourself. And I know many
of you just think, “Oh, death to self.” Loved ones, to those of
us who have come through it’s a precious, precious salvation that
never grows old. I mean, you must admit it has never grown old for
me. I’m boring; I keep at it so often because it’s precious to
me, it’s dear. It’s the key to everything. Unless you die to
what you want for yourself you’ll never find God’s will. The
Bible is so strong about it: “the mind of the flesh is enmity
against God. It does not submit to God’s will, indeed, it cannot.”
The mind of the flesh can never know God’s will. Only the spirit,
controlled by his Holy Spirit, can know what God wants for you.
Now, you find that
in 1 Corinthians 2:10, “God has revealed to us through the Spirit.
For the Spirit,” capital S you see, “Searches everything, even
the depths of God. For what person knows a man’s thoughts except
the spirit,” small s, the human spirit, “of the man which is in
him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the
Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but
the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts
bestowed on us by God.” So you see, Verse 11B, “So also no one
comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” And
then, “Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the
Spirit which is from God.”
And the only way of
course to receive God’s Spirit is to obey him. God gives the Holy
Spirit to those who obey him. So only when you care more about
obeying God than about having your own way, only when you’ve died
to your own way completely will you ever be in a position to receive
direction from the Holy Spirit. I think this is what happens to many
of us. I think we come to a place of New Birth where we do honestly
repent of our sins. We know we don’t know God, and we know our
spirits are dead, and we know we’re going to hell and we truly
repent of our sins, and we give our lives to Jesus and ask him to
come into our lives and make us alive and make us children of God.
And the Holy Spirit
takes us at his word because of one vital principle: “be it unto
you according to your faith”. And so the Holy Spirit comes within
our spirits and makes us alive to God. And the Holy Spirit begins to
try to bring about intuition in our spirits. But we ourselves are
not prepared to live by that spirit, we’re not. We’re not
prepared to be dictated to by this Holy Spirit except when it suits
us. And so what we sink into is the old up and down life of the
defeated Christian who listens to the Holy Spirit when it’s
convenient for them but when he’s faced, as Peter was, with a
little maid saying in front of everybody, “Aren’t you one of the
Galileans?” And the Holy Spirit is saying, “Say yes, confess
your Lord before men and he will confess you before his Father in
heaven.” But Peter keeps his mouth shut.
And when she says
again, “You are one of the Galileans because you have the same
accent.” He says, “No, I’m not.” And so Peter finds himself
in the position that many of us do where we obey the Holy Spirit when
it’s convenient but when it’s inconvenient and it’s going to
cost us loss of image or reputation before our friends we keep quiet.
Similarly, we obey him when we feel like getting up in the morning
and obeying him. But when we feel tired, and lazy, we just don’t
obey him. When the Holy Spirit tells us to go and speak to somebody
and it’s convenient for us to do it we do it but, when he tells us
to speak to somebody and we’re rather involved in some other person
whose friendship we’re trying to cultivate, then we don’t do it.
So what happens is
we come into a double minded life. Then you can see the guidance
becomes very vague because at times the Holy Spirit gets through to
us but more and more he’s unable to get through to us and we listen
to our own spirits. At times we listen to evil spirits when we’re
disobeying God and so our life becomes a mixed life. And of course,
the only way out of that is to come to a place where you see not only
that Jesus died for you but that you died with Jesus. And were you
really willing to die with him? And you’re really willing to say,
“Lord I’m content to have no one else but you. I’m content to
receive no comfort but what God gave you. I’m prepared to see no
approbation but what God gave you. Lord Jesus, I come into you and
abide with you continually and forever and whatever you want me to do
that’s good enough for me.”
Then the Holy Spirit
fills your spirit. Displaces the self in your spirit and fills your
spirit with himself. Loved ones, only then are you able to begin to
receive some constant guidance from the Holy Spirit. Now, you may
say, “Well, how does he guide?” Well, the answer you’ll find
in 1 John 2:20 and we’ll just get started with the study this
evening loved ones, it’s going to take several evenings on
intuition because we ought to deal with that. 1 John 2:20, “But
you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all know.” And
Verse 27, “But the anointing which you received from him abides in
you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his
anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie,
just as it has taught you, abide in him.”
First of all it’s
because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Anointing means
applying ointment. You apply ointment to soothe your body, that’s
the way the Holy Spirit guides you. He soothes you into God’s
will. He does not act abruptly. Satan speaks suddenly. Satan
throws impulses into your mind or into your spirit suddenly that you
weren’t expecting; the Holy Spirit doesn’t. The Holy Spirit
anoints you, he applies ointment and he soothes you gently into God’s
will for you so that you move gently and consistently and your life
moves in a certain direction and opens out more and more as you move
on in that direction. The Holy Spirit does not guide you in that
direction, guide you in that other direction, guide you in yet
another direction. If he has you going in that direction and he
wants you in that other one, he gently guides you around, he gently
soothes you around.
So it’s important
for you first of all to see that being guided by intuition in your
spirit is not this sudden abrupt stuff. Usually, when you experience
inexplicable impulses within that you cannot understand, usually
those are from one person and it is not from God. Usually those are
either from Satan or from the strong urges of your own body and your
own emotions. But when the Holy Spirit guides you, it’s a gentle
consistent thing and I think you can see that in the life of anybody
that you trust. You see a consistency in their life. You don’t
see them moving this way, that way, that way; you see them moving in
a set direction and it opens out more and more as their lives go on.
So first of all, the
guidance of the Holy Spirit through intuition is a gentle soothing,
gradual, directing. Secondly, do you see the words that God uses in
Verse 27, “But the anointing which you received from him abides in
you,” stays with you, rests in you, “And you have no need that
any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about
everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you,
abide in him.” Only as long as you abide in Jesus. It’s only as
long, loved ones, as your eyes are filled with him, it really is.
When your eyes get
on to other people and other things and they become dearer to you
than Jesus you lose that anointing and you lose a sense of direction.
It doesn’t matter what it is. Many of us are involved in jobs
that occupy us fully and completely and we have to give our minds to
it at certain times absolutely, that’s good to be able to apply
your mind to a thing fully when it’s needed. But then it’s vital
to be able to withdraw from the job and to see the job is not
everything to me. When you’re obsessed by something other than
Jesus you’re in a position where you will not experience the
anointing of the Holy Spirit.
If you’re obsessed
with your job, or you’re obsessed with your financial problems, or
you’re obsessed with a personal relationship, you will hear nothing
of the Holy Spirit’s guidance. You won’t. The Holy Spirit can
only guide where there is real peace. You remember, there’s a song
that we sing about the dew on Mount Hermon. And really if you go
into the song further and into that Psalm that it comes from (Psalm
133:3), you’ll find that the dew on Mount Hermon is likened to the
Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is likened to dew. And dew of course
settles only on plants that are absolutely still. When there’s
absolute stillness then the dew comes down. When there is no wind
the dew comes down.
Now, that’s when
the Holy Spirit rests upon you. When there’s a quietness within
your heart. Now of course, you loved ones know, there can be no
quietness in your heart if your heart is going out after something.
You know that. I mean, we all know it. From the first boyfriend,
the first girlfriend we had, from the first motorbike we ever got,
from the first excitement we ever had in life, we all know that if
your heart is going out after something other than Jesus there’s no
stillness, there’s no quietness within, there’s no peace. And of
course, where there isn’t quietness, the Holy Spirit cannot dwell.
You know, I can’t
make you do these things but I can tell you that your life will be
chaotic and will have little order in it if you live other than by
the intuition of your spirits. I mean, when you look out on
Christendom, really loved ones you have to be honest, there are
thousands of us that are just involved in self justification, we are.
We’re not really giving to God alone, we don’t really care for
his will above everything else, we’re not really ready to go to
Africa if he wants us to. We really enjoy some of the comforts that
you get from believing in a God but we’re really not given over to
him completely and we don’t really have a deep confidence that our
life is going in God’s direction. We just say, “Oh yeah, yeah I
believe the Lord’s leading me in this. I’m glad that I can have
everything that I want while he leads me. But, I believe he is
leading me.”
And hundreds and
thousands of us in Christendom are involved in a great bluff, we’re
just justifying ourselves like mad. We have no inner assurance that,
“Sure, I know this is the way God wants me to go.” And of course
we help one another you know, and we comfort one another and we say,
“Well, you can’t know can you?” Well, you can’t know in your
mind, you can never know anything for certain in your mind. I don’t
know how to prove it mathematically but I believe you can’t even
know that one and one is two. I believe that isn’t even sure.
See, you can’t
know anything for certain in your mind, you can only know in your
spirit. It’s only in your spirit that you can know for sure. Your
mind understands but your spirit knows. The Spirit itself bears
witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. We know by
our spirits and it’s only in there that you can really and truly
know. Loved ones, if you don’t have that certainty, you’ll be
involved in that half and half so-called Christian life that is
primarily self justification and primarily concerned with trying to
grab at experiences and say, “Oh yeah, what you experienced I
experienced. Yeah well, not quite as fully as she did but you know,
kind of that thing.” And we’re always trying to prove to
ourselves that, “Yeah, that’s what we’re feeling.”
Well of course the
truth is when you let God be God and when you treat him as your real
God and treat him as the be all and end all of your life and as your
dear Father whom you would die for if necessary, then there comes a
quietness in your heart, and a peace, and a separation from all that
people can do to you from without and you begin to come to a place
where you can experience real intuition in your spirit.
Now, maybe I should
pause for a minute. Are there questions anybody? We will be
spending three or four Sundays on this subject -- so unless the
question is just bubbling out of you, there might be wisdom in
waiting. I’ll just give you a few verses then that you can look up
at home loved ones, or we can look at one of them now just to
clarify. It’s Mark 2:8, this is the intuition of our spirits, you
see. Mark 2:8, “And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit
that they thus questioned within themselves, said to them, ‘Why do
you question thus in your hearts?’” And next Sunday I’d like
to talk about the place this has in discerning where other people are
-- but that’s an example of intuition.
You see, “Jesus,
perceiving in his spirit”. You see you can rejoice in your
emotions, you can understand in your mind, you can will with your
will, but you can do all those things in your spirit. You can
rejoice in your spirit. You remember in the Magnificat it says, “My
spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior and my soul as a result of that
magnifies the Lord.” But it’s because my spirit has rejoiced.
So you can experience a whole life of rejoicing, and perception, and
knowing, and grieving in your spirit. And of course, that’s where
intuition takes place.
Question from
What if you’re
worried about some problem and it’s difficult to be quiet in your
mind? What can you do at that moment when you’re trying to pray?
Reply from Rev.
Well, I could share
John from my own experience that several times I have found myself
preoccupied in my mind. For example, the trade unions are picketing
the townhouses that we are building for the church. Now, sooner or
later I knew we’d have to fight the whole union movement but I was
hoping it would stay that way as long as possible. But, of course,
we aren’t union and we feel we ought not to put ourselves under a
world authority in that way. So things like that happen, they picket
the townhouses and there’s confrontation and some solution has to
be found. And so it is very easy for any of us to begin to wonder,
“Well, what should you do? What should you do?”
And I went to the
Father and said, “Lord, I know that you have a place of peace for
us in the midst of unsolved problems like this with which we just
have to live.” And there are going to be hundreds of them in our
life together as a body and in our individual lives. Often loved
ones, you’re going to have unsolved problems that you have to live
with. And I went before the Father and said, “Lord I know there is
a place of absolute peace where you want me to be.” And I think if
you do that John, if you go before God and you look to him and you
remember the things that he has said in scripture, it seems to me he
always comes through with an answer.
And of course he was
clear in his answer to me that satisfied me and may not satisfy
anybody else here, but it satisfied me, “That everything that comes
to you has been lovingly filtered through my fingers to strengthen
your trust and your confidence in me. And there isn’t a thing that
comes, particularly the things that you can’t understand or you
can’t tackle, that is not put there to strengthen your ability to
look away from those things and trust that I am in control and trust
that nobody can do anything to you that I will not let them do.”
And so it seems to
me again we have to look to the Father and come to a place where we
are able to turn from the situation. And so I was able to turn
absolutely from that situation and say, “Of course Lord. I thank
you that everything, particularly the things that are unpleasant that
come into my life are just arranged by you -- not created by you, but
arranged by you -- so that I will be given an opportunity to trust
your ability to work this according to your will and to hand the
whole thing over to you.” And so it seems John that you do have
to, by one means or another, come into a place where you acknowledge
that God is God and you acknowledge that there is nothing in this
world that is not just a pinprick to him.
There is nothing in
this world, even a tornado, or an earthquake, or a whole nation, or
the whole world itself that is not as small as the head of a pin to
him. And that he has absolute control to govern, and control, and
restrain, and to give you grace to face it in absolute peace. So
what I saw was it is God’s will for us to dwell in absolute peace
in every situation. And I remember, when I was in the same situation
as Scott was with his dad, and I remember because it was St.
Patrick’s Day when my dad died, and I remembered in that situation
when a dear one is breathing his last and there is that rattle in the
throat and all the sounds of pain, it is very vital that you are able
to dwell in peace and God in that moment. Not because of an
insensitivity to the dearest person in your life but because of your
confidence that God is working out his will in that situation and the
person is now in his hands and you’ve to leave it in his hands.
In other words I
think many of us want to be God. We will not, but we will not, but
we will not take our hands off the thing, we won’t. God is saying,
“Give me it. Give me it.” We’re saying, “No, no I want it.”
He’s saying, “Give me it. Give me it. I’ll take it.” We
say, “No, no, I know how to hold it. Yeah well you can hold that
bit of it. No, but no.” And really John, where Satan gets hold of
us is it’s not that we don’t believe God would take care of it,
it’s because we don’t believe he would take care of it the way we
want him to and that’s the heart of it. We want to be God. We
want it to work out the way we want it to work out.
When we come to the
place where we’re happy if the unions destroy us completely, where
we’re happy if this whole thing falls apart, “Lord there is
nothing precious that we absolutely need but you.” When you come
to that place loved ones, there’s peace. There’s peace because
you can lose your house, you can lose your money, you can lose your
job, you can lose your friends, you can lose your relatives, you can
lose your life but if you have God you have everything. When you
come to that place then there’s peace in every situation. I really
do believe John that that’s the only place where constant intuition
is possible. Otherwise, we’re always at the mercy of external
circumstances and external events.
So loved ones, there
is a place of quiet rest near to the heart of God. A place where sin
cannot molest near to the heart of God. And it is for each one of us
and apart from that place there is no certainty, there isn’t.
We’re a bundle of poor little birds on an ocean storm of life, you
know. But there is a cleft in the rock where it’s possible to
And it’s so good,
you remember that painter who was asked to paint a picture that would
show absolute peace. And you remember how he drew a kind of rural
scene with cows grazing and all that kind of thing and then tore it
up and did another one of a quiet placid lake with a mirror like
surface and tore it up. And then at last he produced one that he was
absolutely satisfied with and it was a picture of a tremendous storm
at sea and mighty cliffs on which the waves were breaking, and then
there was a little cleft in the rocks and there was a little bird
sitting quietly in the peace and quiet there. And that he said was
real peace, it was peace that existed even despite all the storms
around and the chaos. And that’s the only peace that really
We cannot pray to be
taken from this world but to be in this world knowing that God
finally is the only one we need. The interesting thing is that’s
the only One you have because each one of us here is going to come to
a place where we are finally alone. Loved ones, honestly I’ve
often been at death beds – I think I’ve been as close not only to
my own relatives but to others as a person could get to another
person dying and that’s lonely. There is no one with you on the
deathbed, no one. No one can be where you are. The dearest one who
kisses you and puts their arms around you at that moment of death is
miles away from where you are.
Everyone that dies
really dies alone even if they’re surrounded by family and friends.
There is only one person that can be with you at that moment. And
so it is true we brought nothing into this world and we’ll take
nothing out so at the end of the day you have only God and it’s
lies and deception when we spoil our lives by our dependence on all
kinds of other people and other things. And those are the very
things that prevent us getting clear guidance from God. And so I
pray that the Holy Spirit will show you these things because he alone
can do it really.
We can share with
each other and help each other but at the end of the day you have to
go to your dear Father, because he’s personally yours. He knows
you like nobody else and he will answer you if you go to him. He
will. He will explain these things to you in a way that you’ll
understand the same way that he explained them to me. He will. He’s
there in your bedroom tonight waiting for you. All he needs is
actually not lengthy prayer; he needs a single will, a person who
puts God first in his life.
Let us pray. Dear
Holy Spirit we would thank you that you are real and alive and that
you can show us these things at a level that is deeper than our minds
and our emotions and we would ask you to do that. We know that you
know the mind of God and Holy Spirit we know that you can reveal that
mind to any of us who are ready to let God be God in our lives. And
Holy Spirit we would ask you to lead us into a quiet heart where we
can sense the sound of gentle stillness and where our lives can begin
to take on the order that comes from being directed by the one
significant other in the universe even our dear Father. Now the
grace of our Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit be with each one of us now and throughout this coming
week. Amen.
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